A | B | C | D | |
1 | CopyBarcode | CallNumber | Title | Author |
2 | T 11703 | 001 BUR | The unsolved mystery of Bigfoot | Burgan, Michael. |
3 | T 11651 | LEVEL 5 | Beastly tales : yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster | Yorke, Malcolm. |
4 | T 11793 | 027 ROS | Thomas Jefferson builds a library | Rosenstock, Barbara. |
5 | 000004871 | 152 GRE | The blue day book : a lesson in cheering yourself up | Greive, Bradley Trevor. |
6 | 000004906 | 177 BEN | Caring counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
7 | 000004907 | 177 BEN | Honesty counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
8 | 000004909 | 177 BUR | You can count on me : learning about responsibility | Burch, Regina G. |
9 | 000004912 | 177 SCO | Friends | Scott, Elaine, 1940- |
10 | 000004913 | 177 THO | Honesty | Thoennes Keller, Kristin. |
11 | T 11107 | 177 THO | I'm telling the truth : a first look at honesty | Thomas, Pat, 1959- |
12 | 000004916 | 179 BEN | Fairness counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
13 | 000004917 | 179 BEN | Respect counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
14 | 000004918 | 179 BEN | Responsibility counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
15 | 000004919 | 179 RIE | Respect | Riehecky, Janet, 1953- |
16 | 000004920 | 179 THO | Responsibility | Thoennes Keller, Kristin. |
17 | 000004921 | 179 WAB | Courage | Waber, Bernard. |
18 | T 12093 | GN MAR | Mary Anne saves the day : a graphic novel | Telgemeier, Raina. |
19 | 000004948 | 303 STE | Peer pressure | Stewart, Gail, 1949- |
20 | 000009438 | 304 KEL | Not your typical book about the environment | Kelsey, Elin. |
21 | T 11309 | 304 LAN | Ellis Island | Landau, Elaine. |
22 | 000004952 | 305 JAC | Turn of the century | Jackson, Ellen B, 1943- |
23 | 000004951 | 305 LES | Let's talk about race | Lester, Julius. |
24 | 000004953 | 305 KIN | I have a dream | King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. |
25 | 000004957 | 306 GAR | Family pictures : Cuadros de familia | Garza, Carmen Lomas. |
26 | 000004962 | 323 EDW | The bus ride that changed history : the story of Rosa Parks | Edwards, Pamela Duncan. |
27 | 000004969 | 323 BEN | Good citizenship counts | Bender, Marie, 1968- |
28 | 000004970 | 323 RIE | Citizenship | Riehecky, Janet, 1953- |
29 | 000009151 | 324 BAM | Elections : choosing our leaders | Bamaton, Paul. |
30 | T 11350 | 324 STI | If I ran for president | Stier, Catherine. |
31 | 000004971 | 324 CHR | Vote | Christelow, Eileen. |
32 | 000004981 | 331 KAL | Chicken soup, boots | Kalman, Maira. |
33 | 000008988 | 332 HOU | Creating a budget | Houghton, Gillian. |
34 | 000004985 | 332 THO | The kids guide to money cents | Thomas, Keltie. |
35 | 000008989 | 332 HOU | How credit cards work | Houghton, Gillian. |
36 | 000004993 | 333 PET | Conservation | Petersen, Christine. |
37 | T 11532 | 333 GAZ | Managing green spaces : careers in wilderness and wildlife management | Gazlay, Suzy. |
38 | 000009196 | 333 SLA | What can we do about the energy crisis? | Slade, Suzanne. |
39 | T 11191 | 333 WOO | Energy | Woodford, Chris. |
40 | T 11634 | 333 DRU | Energy island : how one community harnessed the wind and changed their world | Drummond, Allan. |
41 | 000005006 | 342 BLO | The story of the Constitution | Bloom, Sol, 1870-1949. |
42 | 000005009 | 342 SPI | We the people : the Constitution of the United States of America | Spier, Peter. |
43 | T 11701 | 355 GOR | U.S. Army | Gordon, Nick. |
44 | 000009191 | 355 DOE | The U.S. Army | Doeden, Matt. |
45 | 000005016 | 355 BRY | The National Guard | Bryan, Nichol, 1958- |
46 | 000009142 | 356 ALV | Army Delta Force | Alvarez, Carlos, 1968- |
47 | T 11172 | 359 GAR | U.S. Navy alphabet book | Garnett, Sammie. |
48 | 000009056 | 359.9 DAV | United States Marine Corps | David, Jack, 1968- |
49 | 000009192 | 359 REE | The U.S. Marine Corps | Reed, Jennifer, 1967- |
50 | T 11137 | 363 FEL | My school bus : a book about school bus safety | Feldman, Heather. |
51 | T 11851 | 363 MUE | Lily : a true story of courage & the Joplin tornado | Mueller, Carolyn E. |
52 | 000009439 | 363 WAR | What happens to our trash | Ward, D. J (David John), 1966- |
53 | T 11195 | 363 GOR | An inconvenient truth : the crisis of global warming | Gore, Albert, 1948- |
54 | T 11452 | 363 LAN | Oil spill! : disaster in the Gulf of Mexico | Landau, Elaine. |
55 | 000009195 | 363 MET | What can we do about global warming? | Metz, Lorijo. |
56 | T 11415 | 371 MOR | Listen to the wind : the story of Dr. Greg and the three cups of tea | Mortenson, Greg. |
57 | 000009132 | 371 MOR | Listen to the wind : the story of Dr. Greg and the three cups of tea | Mortenson, Greg. |
58 | 000005067 | 371 RAA | Safety on the playground | Raatma, Lucia. |
59 | 000005068 | 371 RAA | Safety on the school bus | Raatma, Lucia. |
60 | T 11175 | 372 BER | What happened to Marion's book / Library lessons . | Berg, Brook. |
61 | T 11373 | 379 RAP | The school is not white! : a true story of the civil rights movement | Rappaport, Doreen. |
62 | T 11765 | 385 FLO | Locomotive | Floca, Brian. |
63 | T 11160 | 385 SIM | Seymour Simon's book of trains. | Simon, Seymour. |
64 | T 11136 | 393 PUT | Mummy | Putnam, James. |
65 | 000002743 | PB BRO | The scarecrow's hat | Brown, Ken (Ken James) |
66 | 000002753 | HOL HAL | Arthur's Halloween | Brown, Marc Tolon. |
67 | 000002765 | HOL HAL | The fierce yellow pumpkin | Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-1952. |
68 | 000002791 | HOL HAL | In the haunted house | Bunting, Eve, 1928- |
69 | 000002906 | HOL HAL | Pumpkin soup | Cooper, Helen (Helen F.) |
70 | 000003017 | HOL HAL | Dinosaurs' Halloween | Donnelly, Liza. |
71 | 000005126 | HOL HAL | Halloween | Gibbons, Gail. |
72 | 000006532 | HOL HAL | The pumpkin book | Gibbons, Gail. |
73 | 000003285 | HOL HAL | Hubknuckles | Herman, Emily. |
74 | 000003574 | HOL HAL | Pumpkin Jack | Hubbell, Will. |
75 | 000003647 | HOL HAL | The soup bone | Johnston, Tony, 1942- |
76 | 000003648 | HOL HAL | The vanishing pumpkin | Johnston, Tony, 1942- |
77 | T 11699 | HOL HAL | Trick or treat | Landry, Leo. |
78 | 000003800 | HOL HAL | This is the pumpkin | Levine, Abby. |
79 | 000003948 | PB MAR | The ghost-eye tree | Martin, Bill, 1916- |
80 | 000004006 | HOL HAL | Pumpkin heads | Minor, Wendell. |
81 | 000004081 | HOL HAL | The bake shop ghost | Ogburn, Jacqueline K. |
82 | 000004229 | HOL HAL | Brooms are for flying! | Rex, Michael. |
83 | T 11435 | HOL HAL | Brooms are for flying! | Rex, Michael. |
84 | 000004248 | HOL HAL | Pumpkin day, pumpkin night | Rockwell, Anne F. |
85 | 000004254 | HOL HAL | It hardly seems like Halloween | Rose, David S, 1947- |
86 | 000009323 | PB HAL | Scaredy-cat, Splat | Scotton, Rob. |
87 | 000004433 | HOL HAL | Big pumpkin | Silverman, Erica. |
88 | 000004483 | HOL HAL | That terrible Halloween night | Stevenson, James, 1929- |
89 | 000004533 | HOL HAL | What will you be for Halloween | Todd, Mark, 1970- |
90 | 000004616 | HOL HAL | A big, spooky house | Washington, Donna L, 1967- |
91 | 000009184 | 394 HAL | The library ghost | Weatherford, Carole Boston, 1956- |
92 | 000004666 | HOL HAL | The little old lady who was not afraid of anything | Williams, Linda, 1948- |
93 | 000004684 | HOL HAL | The best Halloween of all | Wojciechowski, Susan. |
94 | 000004700 | HOL HAL | Pumpkin fiesta | Yacowitz, Caryn. |
95 | 000005114 | HOL THA | Happy Thanksgiving | Barkin, Carol. |
96 | 000005127 | HOL STP | St. Patrick's Day | Gibbons, Gail. |
97 | 000005128 | HOL THA | Thanksgiving Day | Gibbons, Gail. |
98 | 000005129 | HOL VAL | Valentine's Day | Gibbons, Gail. |
99 | 000005134 | HOL CHR | Hold Christmas in your heart : African-American songs, poems, and stories for the holidays | compiled by Cheryl Willis Hudson. |
100 | 000005137 | HOL FOO | April Fools' Day | Kelley, Emily. |