2023-24 Living School Strategic Plan
MissionLiving School improves our lives, communities, and environment by providing an excellent holistic education.
VisionWe envision right relationship amongst all our relations: all children get what they need to live healthy, rewarding lives in equitable, peaceful communities, in biodiverse, thriving ecosystems.
Long-Term Goals
L1. Improved Individual Wellbeing
a. Physical Health (Engagement, & Safe Choices)
b. Mental, Emotional, & Social Health (Self-Efficacy & Connection)
c. Achievement (Resources & Accomplishments)
L2. Improved Community Wellbeing
a. Wealth (Employment & Wages)
b. Justice (Peace & Restoration)
c. Connections (Families & Diverse Relationship Networks)
L3. Improved Environmental Wellbeing
a. Elements (Air, Water, & Soil Health, Rights, & Use)
b. Biodiversity (Ecosystem Health)
c. Climate (Stability & Atmospheric Carbon)
Graduate Outcomes
O1. College Acceptance
a. 100% of Ss graduate (95% in 4 years or less)
b. 95% of Ss earn a 3.0 GPA or higher
c. 95% of Ss score a 24+ on the ACT by Senior Year
d. 95% of Ss complete dual-enrollment courses
O2. Living Wage Job Offer / Advanced Certification
a. 100% of Ss earn a living wage job offer
b. 100% of Ss earn an advanced trade certification
c. 100% of Ss complete an internship or job for 6+ mo.
O3. Habits of a Healthy Life
a. 100% of Ss improve their Physical Health (Engagement & Safe Choices)
b. 100% of Ss improve their MESH (Self-Efficacy & Connection)
c. 100% of Ss improve their Financial Health (Budget, Save, Manage, & Give)
d. 100% of Ss improve their Civic Health (Vote, Media Engagement, Organize)
2023-24 Strategic Priorities
23-24 PrioritiesP1. Quality Instruction & Intervention
a. Effective inclusion, sheltered instruction, & co-teaching
b. Rigorous Project-Based Learning
c. Teacher development
d. Diagnostic data, intervention plans, & MTSS
P2. Restorative Practices: Communication, Cooperation, Conflict, & Consequences
a. PBIS & Culture of Joy
b. Student Attendance
c. Dress Code, Timeliness, & Engagement in Class
d. Student-facing Restorative Cycle
P3. 5 year+ Strategic Projects
a. Facility (Location, Improvements & Beautification, Security, & Accessibility)
b. Leadership Development & Succession
c. Program Development & Growth
d. Fundraising
e. Improving staff & student retention
23-24 Goalsa. Student grade distribution across identity markers will be comparable
b. All Semester-long plans meet the Instructional Plan CFS
c. All meet their Staff Develeopment Goals & improve on SDR
d. All students meet Intervention Growth-to-Mastery targets
a. Host a student-organized PBIS event every month and experience every quarter
b. 90%+ daily attendance, fewer than 10% of students needing make-up
c. 80%+ of students maintain Full Trust
d. Fewer than 2% referred to NOLA-PS; Fewer than 5% of Ss earn Rest. Sep.
a. 5+ Year Facility Plan by January 2024, decision by March 2024
b. CEO & Directors Leadership Development plan by October 2023
c. Increased Work-Based Learning, Dual-Enrollment, & Certifications; Develop Portfolio-based crediting
d. $250k+ raised by June 30, 2024, Development infrastructure (grants & donors) built for sustained development
e. 90%+ staff & student retention
23-24 Action Plana. Monthly all-staff PD, Coach development, NOLA-PS Cohort
b. Coaching around new Instructitonal Plan CFS, increased Department Time
c. New SDR process including setting Development Goals by semester
d. Director of Data & Results will help us use state-wide G-t-M formula to set similar intervention goals with students
a. Culture maintaining a PBIS budget & calendar to focus celebrating all the great things that young people are doing daily
b. Director of Data will help manage attendance reporting so Culture Team can intervene earlier and more effectively
c. Tracking Trust Level criteria and tying them to privileges
d. Work with CRA and Incident Management protocols
a. Work w/ NSNO & Concordia to develop plan and analyze options
b. Work w/ Staff, Student, Family Councils & Board to update Leadership Development, Succession, & Emergency plans
c. Establish and improve partnerships to advance programming
d. Update Grants & Donors infrastructure to drive annual goals
e. Work w/ Staff, Student, & Family Councils to develop Retention Plans
2023-24 Public Policy Priorities
2023-24 Public Policy Priorities1. Universal Basic Income & Human Rights (healthcare, housing, etc.)
2. Alternative paths to graduation
3. Supportive, Holistic School Accountability
4. Permanent, inflation-adjusted increases to education funding
5. Performance Tasks as State & Local Accountability
1. Eradicating poverty (especially childhood poverty)
2. Reparations for Black & Indigenous peoples
3. Inflation-adjusuted Living Wages
4. Violence interruption & Restorative interventions to crime
5. Strong Mental Health continuum of services
1. Personhood & rights of all our Relations
2. Environmental Reparations, Restoration, & Investment
3. Climate stabilization (carbon sequestration & emissions regulations)
2023-24 Department Priorities
VisionThe vision for instruction at Living School is that all students receive rigorous instructional materials, teaching, and support which guides them in gaining a living wage, real life changing experiences, healthy habits, and the ability to flourish in any higher academic setting.

Living School promotes instructional growth and support in real world practice and application; as well as, healthy habits for Teachers that support their well being and educational development.
The ELL department embraces this mission through its teaching and testing initiatives which support LSNO students and the LSNO community at large. As a unit, we are dedicated to serving the multilingual student population who, because English is not their first language, often need support and additional English instruction prior to beginning their academic programs while promoting, advocating and leading an intercultural environment.The vision for LSNO Campus is one where everyone who enters the building feels welcomed and a part of a caring community. To create a space full of positive energy where students are inspired and excited to come, one that is a representation of the diversity of our communities and environment. Creating a safe and well-kept facility for everyone. An environment where all staff members are aware of, familiar with and comfortable with the Standard Operating Procedures that have been put in place. Making it easy for staff to order supplies needed for lessons, special projects, field trips, etc. The vision for LSNO Culture is to encourage students to "Bring Their A Game" to school each and every day. "A Game" being Academics, Attendance & Attitude. Culture will promote these three initiates by implementing a disciplinary structure that enables a student ample opportunities for adjustments to behavior, allowing them to remain in the classroom. Positivity and Joy will be a primary goal of the Culture Team in the planning of PBIS and merit-based activities increasing the overall positive attitude of the student. Positivity and structure will be instrumental in creating greater attendance rates among students. The talent department will function as a model of equity and inclusion for all staff at Living School while priortizing habits of health.
23-24 Goals1. 100% of students show growth in intervention and programming which leads to 5 - 10% growth in Star data.1. 100% of IEPs will be completed on time and 95% of meetings will be student-led.
2. 100% of MTSS referrals/requests by staff or families will be resolved with an intervention plan and 504 or evaluation when applicable.
3. 100% of seniors w/ IEPs graduate on time and have mission-aligned post-graduation plans.
4. 100% of juniors and seniors w/ IEPs will complete the referral process to Metropolitan (MHSD) and Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS).
5. 100% of SST staff members retained
Empower multilingual students to become full participants in and out of school community through excellent instruction in language, cultural awareness, and study skills;
Assist multilingual students with their academic and non-academic needs and connect them to other school and community resources;
Serve LSNO faculty and departments, helping them meet the needs of their multilingual students and contributing to a more inclusive community;
Provide quality programs for learners with specialized English needs and goals;
Develop and conduct high quality English language proficiency assessment;
Contribute to the advancement of and provide leadership for the teachers of the English profession.
The goal is start ensure that Ms. Kaylin is trained well so we have a strong presence at the front office. To have great communication with the janitorial and maintenance departments to ensure adequate functionality and cleanliness on campus. To present well @ Odysey to ensure new and returning employees are aware of current policies, to make forms and processes "user friendly" and to ensure that forms and information are readily available. Get periodic feedback on how systems are working and be open to making updates/changes. The goal of LSNO Culture is to reach every single student during the school year, learn their names, and get a greater understanding of who they are as individuals. Our aim is to bring positivity and joy and promote a place where students love to come and they're proud to say they attend. a. Support staff culture with efficient and effective restorative needs to ensure a safe enviornment to carry out role exceptionally.
b. Highlight exemplar performance regularly.
c. Provide high quality accountability that encourages and fosters development.
23-24 Action Plan1. Teachers all have strong plans that meet the Instructional Plan CFS
2. 9th & 10th Star Diagnostic testing
3. 11th & 12th Pre-ACT Diagnostic testing
4. Utilizing IXL, Khan, & ReadNaturally for interventions
5. Empowering Dept. Leads (Denise w/ Math, Rahn w/ Science)
6. Working w/ Support Dept to improve Co-Teaching & Inclusion
7. 9-12 Literacy Continuum (length, quality, rigor)
8. Launch Portfolio-based crediting
1. Weekly IEP status emails, first agenda item on weekly meeting with team, calendar invites with multiple reminders for upcoming meetings, KW/MP have a weekly meeting to review status of IEPs, IEPs are due in SER 2 days ahead of meeting date
2. MTSS Database up to date biweekly, MTSS meetings held monthly
3. Kristen/Alexandria include graduation status in monthly meetings, 50% of students have a post-grad plan by Q1 SLC, 100% of students have a post-grad plan by the end of S1, 100% have a plan and action steps by Q3 SLC
4. 50% of juniors/seniors complete LRS and MHSD paperwork during Orientation, 100% have paperwork completed by Q1 SLC
5. Continue building strong department culture and collaboration, quarterly check-ins with SST staff, support with graduate programming & PD
Teaching from bell-to-bell (account for every minute you have students), following your well-planned agenda & adjusting strategically. Students are the hardest working people in the room, their voices are heard the most
Power, purpose, & relationships: Students leave with lifelong connections to their power, purpose, and all our relations
Real world outcomes: Students do Real World Work that improves lives, communities, and/or environments
Opens opportunities: All students benefit by earning the credit with at least a B and documenting their work to open opportunities Help students become proficient in the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Provide research-based strategies and instructional practices that are designed to meet the unique needs of ELLs
Educate ELLs to meet the same challenging academic content and achievement that all children are expected to meet
Assist successful participation in classroom learning situations and other school activities while maintaining a positive attitude toward self, school, and community
-The plan is to restructure the front office space to be more efficient for staff and teacher use as well as being set-up to assist parents. Beautify by adding plants, in -Update files, pull, label and store outdated/unused files for students, staff and vendors. -Acquire storage equipment for teachers/classes, to help them organize supplies. -Create a system to keep track of supply orders by department. Place desktop computer in front office to assist families who may not have computer access at home. -Update paint list for classes and commons, replace carpet in commons, move some classes to maximize space and usage. -Work with supplier and printer to ensure shirts are ready (in grade-coded form) for orientation and throughout the year. -Meet with Finance Dept. to update prcesses and ensure invoices, bills and employee reimbursements are processed properly and timely. -Assist with coordinating school events, set up spaces for meeting and events. -Meet w/Stefin weekly to communicate needs and progress in the maintenance and functionality of the facility. Methodical and streamlined check ins(informally)
Monitor SDR's to check for alignment and trends
Efficient and effective communication with Coaches around Coachees performance and needs
Assist LSNO Board with CEO evaluations