Yellow - Pending
Green - Accepted
Blue - Finished
Orange - Sold
Name of the beyPlease describe the beyWhich series or "weight class" do you want?TypeSpin DirectionShape (determines number of contact points as well as the symmetry)Colors (primary, secondary, tertiary)Gimmicks ($5 for first, $10 for each after that)Unique Requests (may cost extra)CommentsName of the bey (Should be unique)Spin DirectionColors (primary, secondary, tertiary)Choose the bey to alterComments
8/14/2018 23:53:21Toxic deathstalker Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)BalanceLeftOvalBlack,purple,greenWhen the blades are far apart when it's spinning fast it's a attack type and when the beyblade starts to slow down the blades come closer together to change it to a defensive typeWhen the blades are far apart when it's spinning fast it's a attack type and when it starts to slow down they come closer together to change it to a defensive typeToxic deathstalker LeftBlack,purple,greenMore to be added soonCan my beyblade's avatar be a scorpion
8/14/2018 23:54:21Fire Tornado DragoonCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackLeftlike dragoon F & dragoon GT white, red, blue, green, no thank, i am goodFire Tornado DragoonLeftred, blue, green, and whiteDragon (Longinus)That what I like on this bey.
8/15/2018 0:27:47Dragoon Zen Storm Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackLeftFour Contact points shaped like previous versions of Dragoon and the metal to be in the same area as the metal on the Winning Valkyrie layer.White for the plastic and the metal is regular silverNo gimmicks JH49
8/15/2018 0:39:32Shaded strikerDual-Layer/God-LayerAttackRightCircleBlack yellowI sent you pics of what the base design could look like but you have full liberty of how you design itJH49
8/15/2018 0:45:12Push trident Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)StaminaRightCircleYellow orange blackSpring loaded layer that reveals spikes when another bey hits the layerJH49 and the bit beast is a trident Push trident RightYellow orange black More to be added soonWell a trident as said
8/15/2018 2:08:27Knuckle SeraphCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)DefenseLeftSquareBronze, Brown, Driger’s Gray colorSpinning layer (Wyvron D3), Mode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3)Have the Spinning Layer able to lock into place for attack possibilityI’d like a design similar to the Pokemon energy of Fighting type on the top of the layer with a metal outline.
8/15/2018 2:26:08Shinning dragaiHas a look similar to dark knight dragoon except with 2 dragon headsCho-X (heavy metal, metal contacts, may damage regular beys)AttackLeftCircleSilver blue goldMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3), Phase shift (Regulus R3, Khalazar K3, Balkesh B3)Dragon chipMore to be added soon
8/15/2018 3:47:00Phantom KuldrikTri-Wing, with a spiral-ish shape. The three wings would be claws/dragon heads (Depending really) with a metal head in the middle.Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)BalanceLeftTriangleRed, Black and maybe Green?I really liked how you put this together. Nice and professional like too :D
8/15/2018 4:28:28Cross DragonisCross Dragonis is a four headed dragon with just as much Tenacity or Determination to win.

Cross Dragonis' design:
Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)BalanceRightCircleBlack, BlueImpact dampener (Trident T3, Kerbeus K4)Dual rotation if posssibleThe Blue parts in the Layer Design Represent rubber for spin stealing
8/15/2018 4:50:39Acrimonius PantherAn intimidating black panther Beyblade, with the side view of a snarling panther’s head on the top(face) of the Beyblade. Sliding panther claws on the edge of its oval shaped layer, with metal inside them to make the gimmick much more effective than Doomscizor D3, also covering the side of the oval rather than just being on top like D3.Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackRightOvalPrimarily black, secondary purpleSliding blade (Doomscizor D3)The sliding claws to be weighted with metal and cover the whole edge of the 2 tips of the oval. Metal to make the bey unbalanced towards the two tips of the oval, with the sliding claws. After two clicks, the weight distribution lines up with the tips of the 2 disc. JH49
8/15/2018 9:59:21Piercing SirenSiren is like an evil mermaid and the beyblade should represent that creature as a strong left spin attack type.Cho-X (heavy metal, metal contacts, may damage regular beys)AttackLeftTriangleLight aqua blue and dark deep purpleMakes loud noise when spins
8/15/2018 11:01:57Sliding blade (Doomscizor D3) Bloodfall EligosRightprimary, secondaryDragon (Longinus)
8/15/2018 14:32:27Bladed DeathscytherBladed Deathscyther (or as i shall call him for the rest of this form: bD) is basically chouzetsu Deathscyther, it's shape is a mix between Dark Deathscyther and Killer Deathscyther, most of the metal is on the scythe (including the moving blade that Killer Deathscyther has) some of the metal is on the non scythe parts as well (so it can still spin of course) can you do your best to make it look like a chouzetsu Deathscyther (can you leave space for a level chip as well) the Grim Reaper motif (if i used the right word) is in the center part of the beyblade, and can you give it a gold or sliver plastic design (like Winning Valkyrie, Z Achilles, Bloody Longinus, Crash Ragnanuk and Emperor Fornius had) or probably don't have the gold design like those beyblades, maybe have a shiny plactic for the motif beast (like Hazard Kerbeus, Revive Phoenix, Hell Salamander and Shadow Ameaterios have) good luck :)Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackRightUsual Deathscyther shapeBlack Red PurpleSliding blade (Doomscizor D3)i don't know what to put here, all of the info you need is in the topI like Deathscyther, granted it's not my favorite beyblade (that would have to go to Xcalibur (mainly Sieg and Buster)) but i would like if there was a Chouzetsu version of Deathscyther, this custom beyblade was inspired by: Killer Deathscyther, Z Achilles, Crash Ragnanuk (for keeping the God layer's gimmick but making it metal) and maybe also Dark Deathscyther, again, gook luck :)
8/15/2018 16:15:08Void HydraA circular bey with a 3 sided design with 3 headsCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)StaminaRightCirclePurple, red, black Spinning layer (Wyvron D3)
8/15/2018 16:42:01Claw JaguarLike a circle, pretty much the design of Hazard Kerbeus, a Jaguar in the middle with a scar runiing down its left eye diagonally Dual-Layer/God-LayerDefenseLeftCircleJust blackClawed JaguarLeftBlack, GreyReaper (Doomscizor)
8/16/2018 11:10:38King Leone The bit beast is A Armoured Lion with a crown

i want the bey look like a lions head from the side. i want to see thew crown of the lion in the bey. The crown stands out a little bit from the rest of the bey. like Xcalibur. so its a good contact point . I want the bey to look very rough and powerful, Like the king of the animals. i want the bey look like a lion with big mane
Cho-X (heavy metal, metal contacts, may damage regular beys)AttackLeftoctagonalDark Green, Gold for the crown, and brownPhase shift (Regulus R3, Khalazar K3, Balkesh B3), Impact dampener (Trident T3, Kerbeus K4)if it is possible i would like the mane and the teeth of the lion come out the bey when it attacks i would like the bey look like the Beyblade burst Version of Rock/Fang Leone with a crown
8/16/2018 13:35:11Thunder L-dragoLike L-drago destroy but less metal and has a dragon head in the middle and a place to put a level chipCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackLeftTriangleGold, blue, light grayMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3), Rubber (spin steel)Could I have a frame or a driver with it?I live in the uk so is there any way to get give you the money and how much it will cost?LeftDragon (Longinus)
8/17/2018 15:59:52Primordial HydraDragon Heads are on the outer parts of the layer (similar to Luinor L3) But there are Three heads. Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)BalanceRightCircleTeal (Primary) White (Secondary)Mode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3), Rubber parts (not around dragon heads) For the gimmick of mode change, the dragon heads could be moved so it could stick out more, but can be altered so that the dragon heads can be pushed in the layer, to make a defensive stance.Was wondering if it could come with Parts? If so, could it come with 7, Unite?Primordial HydraRightTeal (Primary) White (SecondaryDragon (Longinus)
8/19/2018 8:20:10Orochinagi TsurugiBased on an evolved form of Japanese legendary 8 headed dragon-snake, "Yamato no orochi", having resurrected in the form of a bey"katana" (blade) after being slain by the legendary katana "Kusanagi no Tsurugi". Only this time, it is infused with the sword and has become truly invincible.Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)DefenseLeftOctagon (8 contact points)Black, red, whiteMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3)Would be cool to have the katana as some sort of mode change mechanism indicator where, if the sword seems completely inserted, it becomes balanced defense/stamina type with 8 contact points. If the katana is not inserted, it becomes imbalanced attack type with 4 contact points. Would love to hear your opinions on the same.
8/19/2018 19:48:03Arc NeosIt has 4 blades like Z Achilles with rubber in-between them like with Screw Trident. It has a face and 3 horns at the bottom of the bey like Winning Valkyrie. With an N and an upside down A below it a bit like Winning Valkyrie. The level chip slots should be angled. Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)BalanceRightCircleRed, Black ,and WhiteImpact dampener (Trident T3, Kerbeus K4)
8/21/2018 15:11:29Infinte IgnisterTwo dragon heads located on the north and south of the bey and wings almost like swords located on the east and west of the bey similar to the design of horuseus from the the metal fight seris execpt I would like to the wings to be biggerCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)AttackRightSquareBlue white and redWeight redistribution (Roktavor R3, Zeutron Z3)I made a previous request but I didn't want it to be all metal i meant for it to be cho-z so you can cancel the first one I made plus I felt the need to be more descriptive if how I want the bey to look once again thank you very much for making my childhood dream come true.
9/6/2018 0:56:02Toxic serpentI’m looking for a blue and white bey if possible as colors may be limited to you. I would like two snake heads on the bottom and top. In the middle another two snake heads kind of like its gonna go into each other. On the outside I want it to be like twin nemesis with the mode change gimmick except I don’t want it to go to far. If posible dual rotation if not then right spin (clockwise). Thank you greatly for your consideration!Dual-Layer/God-LayerBalanceRightTwo main contact points but not to blunt a little bit on a slantBlue, white, and a hint of green pleaseMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3)None
9/6/2018 13:17:53Epic RedPandamean looking red panda designCho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)DefenseLeftHexagonrust, white, blackMoving segment (Jinnius J3, Satomb S3), Weight redistribution (Roktavor R3, Zeutron Z3), Impact dampener (Trident T3, Kerbeus K4)mega OWD and teeth
9/8/2018 14:55:30Crush Sphinxthey will be a type of prymaid color and have a a sphinx head on both ides also with red markings on it on each contact point also it will have another layer but that will have metal claws on them and are able to line with the beys first layer
also i want it its center peice look like a sphinx head in the dessert
Cho-Z (some metal, all plastic contacts)DefenseRightHexagonprimary (like cho-z hercalues tan secondary red tretary also redMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3)i want the beys claws have the cho z metal parts along with the beys contact points
9/9/2018 1:12:00Symphonic FinaleThe middle is like maybe a black if thats possible? There are three contact points in the shape almost as victory valkyrie, except they look like eighth notes (look up if you dont know what they are). Make sure the tip of the eighth note is the contact point. Also, please see if you could somehow for the middle, make like 5 lines or grooves going around circularly. Could the middle have a sixteenth note (look up if dont know what that is) for the shape of an F for finale? Dual-Layer/God-Layer [$30]AttackRight3 contact points and a shape like winning valkyrie.Black, Gold, Dark Dark PurpleMode change (Cognite C3, Noctemis N3)A frame called Prelude that is Black with gold accents. i want it to be circular but there are quarter notes going around the edge of the frame so it would look like there are like say 4 quarter notes, it would be dot then line touching another dot then line etc. make the quarter notes gold please and make the contact points like on the dot sharp. Thanks!
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