Key ConceptsSC-CCRQ1Q2Q3Q4New Standards SC-CCRParent Friendly StandardsEssentials Rating
Reading: Literary TextsRL.4.2RL 4.2 Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, expression, intonation, and phrasing on successive readings.I can read third grade grade level poetry fluently, accurately, and with expression.
RL.5.1RL 5.1 Ask and answer literal and inferential questions to determine meaning; refer explicitly to the text to support inferences and conclusions.I can ask and answer questions to show what I understand and the stories that I am reading.
RL.6.1RL 6.1 Determine the theme by recalling key details that support the theme.I can tell the theme of the story using key details.
RL.7.1RL 7.1 Explain how illustrations contribute to create mood or emphasize aspects of character or setting.I can explain how the author uses illustrations to help the meaning of the story.
RL.7.2RL 7.2 Compare and contrast how an author uses characters to develop theme and plot in different texts within a series.I can compare and contrast stories written about similar characters in a series.
RL.8.1RL 8.1 Use text evidence to:
a. describe characters’ traits, motivations, and feelings and explain how their actions contribute to the development of the plot; and
b. explain the influence of cultural and historical context on characters, setting, and plot development.
I can describe characters and explain how their actions affect the story and how cultural and historical context affects the text.
RL.9.1RL.9.1 Identify and explain how the author uses idioms, metaphors, or personification to shape the meaning and style.I can understand and discuss figurative language.
RL.9.2RL 9.2 Explain how the author’s choice of words, illustrations, and conventions combine to create mood, contribute to meaning, and emphasize aspects of a character or setting.I can explain author's choices to create mood, contribute meaning that adds to characters and setting
RL.11.1RL.11.1 Explain the differences between the first and third person points of view.I can understand and describe different points of view.
RL.11.2RL 11.2 Compare and contrast the reader’s point of view to that of the narrator or a character.I can tell the difference between what I think and what the author or characters might think.
RL.12.1RL 12.1 Identify text structures of various genres using the terms paragraph, chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each part transitions.I can write and talk about fiction by using the words for the different parts (i.e. paragraph, chapter, scene, stanza).
RL.12.2RL.12.2 Identify crafted text structures such as a collection of photographs or poetry texts, texts with a series of short memoirs, an inanimate voice text, and a framing question text.I can identify a variety of text structures.
RL.13.1RL.13.1 Engage in whole and small group reading with purpose and understanding.I can participate in whole and small group reading.
RL.13.2RL.13.2 Read independently for sustained periods of time to build stamina.I can read for a long time by myself.
RL.13.3RL.13.3 Read and respond according to task and purpose to become self- directed, critical readers and thinkers.I can think deeply about the texts I read, and I can write or talk about my thinking.
Reading: Informational TextsRI 4.2RI 4.2 Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, expression, intonation, and phrasing on successive readings.I can read third grade level nonfiction and poetry fluently, accurately, and with expression.
RI.5.1RI 5.1 Ask and answer literal and inferential questions to determine meaning; refer explicitly to the text to support inferences and conclusions.I can ask and answer questions, using the text as support, to show that I understand the information that I am reading.
RI.6.1RI 6.1 Summarize multi-paragraph texts using key details to support the central idea.I can summarize and give key details of multi-paragraphs.
RI.7.1RI. 7.1 Compare and contrast diverse texts on the same topic, idea, or concept.I can compare and contrast different texts.
RI.8.1RI.8.1 Explain how the author uses words and phrases to inform, explain, or describe.I can explain how the author uses words and phrases.
RI.8.2RI 8.2 Use knowledge of appendices, timelines, maps, and charts to locate information and gain meaning; explain how these features contribute to a text.I can use text features to find information.
RI.10.1RI 10.1 State the author’s purpose; distinguish one’s own perspective from that of the author.I can tell the difference between what I think and what the author writes.
RI.11.1RI.11.1 Identify problem and solution, description, and question and answer structures to locate information and gain meaning.I can use text structures to locate information.
RI.11.2RI 11.2 Describe the structures an author uses to support specific points.I can describe how the sentences and paragraphs in nonfiction follow a logical sequence.
RI.12.1RI.12.1 Engage in whole and small group reading with purpose and understanding.I can participate in whole and small group reading.
RI.12.2RI.12.2 Read independently for sustained periods of time.I can read independently for a long period of time.
RI.12.3RI.12.3 Read and respond according to task and purpose to become self-directed, critical readers and thinkers.I can read and comprehend informational texts.
Reading: Phonics, Vocabulary, and SpellingRL 3.1, RI 3.1Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.I can read and understand words with common prefixes and suffixes.
RL.3.6, RI.3.6Read grade-appropriate irregularly-spelled words.I can read third grade words that do not follow spelling "rules."
RI.9.1RI.9.1 Use paragraph-level context to determine the meaning of words and phrases.I can use context clues to detemine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
RL.10.1RL.10.1 Use paragraph-level context to determine the meaning of words and phrases.I can use context clues to detemine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
RL.10.2, RI.9.2Determine the meaning of a word when an affix is added to a base word.I can determine the meanings of words when prefixes and suffixes are added to words I already know.
RL.10.5, RI.9.4Consult print and multimedia resources to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words or phrases.I can use books and electronic resources to help me find the meanings of new words.
RI.9.5 RL.10.6RI.9.5; RL 10.6 Acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases that signal spatial and temporal relationships; demonstrate an understanding of nuances.I use words and phrases that are specific to the subjects that I am learning.
Writing: OpinionW.1.1W 1.1 Write opinion pieces that:
a. introduce the topic or text, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that includes reasons;
b. use information from multiple print and multimedia sources;
c. organize supporting reasons logically;
d. use transitional words or phrases to connect opinions and reasons;
e. develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing building on personal ideas and the ideas of others;
f. use paraphrasing and original language to avoid plagiarism; and
g. provide a concluding statement or section.
I can write to share my opinion.
Writing: InformationalW.2.1W 2.1 Write informative/explanatory texts that:
a. introduce a topic and group related information together;
b. use information from multiple print and multimedia sources;
c. include illustrations to aid comprehension;
d. develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details;
e. develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing building on personal ideas and the ideas of others;
f. use paraphrasing and original language to avoid plagiarism;
g. use transition words and phrases to connect ideas within categories of information;
h. develop a style and tone authentic to the purpose; and
i. provide a concluding statement or section.
I can write to inform and explain ideas.
Writing: NarrativeW.3.1W 3.1 Gather ideas from texts, multimedia, and personal experience to write
narratives that:
a. develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences;
b. establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters;
c. organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally;
d. use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations;
e. develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing building on personal ideas and the ideas of others;
f. use temporal words and phrases to signal event order;
g. use imagery, precise words, and sensory details to develop characters and convey experiences and events; and
h. provide a sense of closure.
I can write to tell a story.
Writing: LanguageW.4.1W 4.1 When writing:
a. show knowledge of the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs;
b. form and use regular and irregular plural nouns; use abstract nouns;
c. form and use regular and irregular verbs;
d. form and use the simple verb tenses;
e. ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement;
f. form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified;
g. form and use prepositional phrases;
h. use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; and
i. produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
I can use standard English grammar.
W.5.1W 5.1 Capitalize appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product names, and special events.I can capitalize titles.
W.5.2W 5.2 Use:
a. apostrophes to form contractions and singular and plural possessives;
b. quotations marks to mark direct speech; and
c. commas in locations and addresses, to mark direct speech, and with coordinating adjectives.
I can use apostophes, commas, and quotations appropriately.
W.5.3W 5.3 Use conventional spelling for high- frequency words, previously studied words, and for adding suffixes to base words.I can correctly spell commonly used words and words with suffixes.
W.5.4W 5.4 Use spelling patterns and generalizations.I can use spelling patterns to write new words.
W.5.5W 5.5 Consult print and multimedia sources to check and correct spellings.I can use resources for spelling.
Writing: Independence and ProcessW.6.1W 6.1 Write routinely and persevere in writing tasks:
a. over short and extended time frames;
b. for a range of domain-specific tasks;
c. for a variety of purposes and audiences; and
d. by adjusting the writing process for the task, increasing the length and complexity.
I can write on a regular basis with stamina for different tasks, purposes, and audiences.
W.6.4Continue to develop effective keyboarding skills.I can type my stories.
W.6.5Connect upper-and lower-case letters efficiently and proportionately in cursive handwriting.I can write in cursive.
CommunicationC.1.1C 1.1 Explore and create meaning through conversation and interaction with peers and adults.I can ask questions to help me understand discussions and stay on topic.
C.1.2C 1.2 Participate in discussions; ask questions to acquire information concerning a topic, text, or issue.I can come to discussions prepared to share my ideas.
C.1.3C 1.3 Apply techniques of articulation, adequate volume, eye contact, facial expressions, posture, gestures, and space; take one’s own turn in a respectful way.I can follow appropriate rules for discussion, such as taking my turn.
C.1.4C1.4 Engage in focused conversation about grade appropriate topics and texts; build on ideas of others to clarify thinking and express new thoughts.I can follow appropriate rules for discussion, such as taking my turn.
C.1.5C 1.5 Explain personal ideas and build on the ideas of others by responding and relating to comments made in multiple exchanges.I can explain my own thinking and ideas after a discussion.
C.2.1C.2.1 Recall information from experiences and gather information from print and multimedia sources; take brief notes from sources, catatgorize and organize.I can take notes.
C.2.2C 2.2 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details.I can report on a topic or tell a story with correct and appropriate facts while speaking at a good pace.
C.2.4C 2.4 Speak clearly at an understandable pace, adapting speech to a variety of contexts and tasks; use standard English when indicated or appropriate.I can report on a topic or tell a story with correct and appropriate facts while speaking at a good pace.
C.3.1C.3.1 Compare how ideas and topics are depicted in a variety of media and formats.I can identify a variety of presentation formats.
C.3.2Create presentations using video, photos, and other multimedia elements to support communication and clarify ideas , thoughts, and feelings.I can create multimedia presentation.
C.4.1C.4.1 Identify the presentation style a speaker uses to present content.I can identify a variety of presentation formats.
C.4.2C.4.2 Determine if the presentation has a purposeful organizational strategy, with appropriate transitions.I can identify a variety of presentation formats.
C.4.3C.4.3 Identify why the speaker:
a. uses intonation and word stress;
b. includes media;
c. addresses the audience;
d. determines word choice; and
e. incorporates figurative language and literary devices.
I can identify a variety of presentation formats.
C.5.1C.5.1 Set a purpose and integrate craft techniques to create presentations.I can use different craft techniques and figurative language when presenting.
C.5.2C.5.2 Employ metaphor, imagery, personifiction, and hyperbole when appropriate to impact the audience.I can use different craft techniques and figurative language when presenting.
Number Sense Base Ten3.NBST.1X3.NBST.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.I can round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
3.NBST.2X3.NBST.2 Add and subtract whole numbers fluently to 1,000 using knowledge of place value and properties of operations.I can add and subtract numbers within 1000.
3.NBST.3X3.NSBT.3 Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90, using knowledge of place value and properties of operations.I can multiply any one digit number by 10.
3.NBST.4X3.NSBT.4 Read and write numbers through 999,999 in standard form and equations in expanded form.I can read and write numbers in standard and expanded form.
3.NBST.5X3.NSBT.5 Compare and order numbers through 999,999 and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or <.I can compare and order numbers using >, =, or <.
Number Sense and Operations with Fractions3.NSF.1 a3.NSF.1 Develop an understanding of fractions (denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) as numbers. a. A fraction 1/b (called a unit fraction) is the quantity formed by one part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts;I can show and understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole.
3.NSF.1 b3.NSF.1 b. A fraction a/b is the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b;I can show and understand that a fractional quantity is formed by multiple unit fractions.
3.NSF.1 c3.NSF.1 c. A fraction is a number that can be represented on a number line based on counts of a unit fraction;I can show fractions on a number line diagram.
3.NSF.1 d3.NSF.1 d. A fraction can be represented using set, area, and linear models.I can represent fractions using models.
3.NSF.2 a3.NSF.2 Explain fraction equivalence (denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) by demonstrating an understanding that:
a. two fractions are equal if they are the same size, based on the same whole, or at the same point on a number line;
I can compare fractions by reasoning about their size.
3.NSF.2 b3.NSF.2 b. fraction equivalence can be represented using set, area, and linear models;I can represent equivalent fractions using models.
3.NSF.2 c3.NSF.2 c. Whole numbers can be written as fractions (e.g., 4 = 4 and 1 = 4); 14I can show whole numbers as fractions.
3.NSF.2 d3.NSF.2 d. fractions with the same numerator or same denominator can be compared by reasoning about their size based on the same whole.I can compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator by reasoning about their size.
3.NSF.33.NSF.3 Develop an understanding of mixed numbers (denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) as iterations of unit fractions on a number line.I can understand and demonstrate how fractions are represented on a number line.
Algebraic Thinking and Operations3.ATO.13.ATO.1 Use concrete objects, drawings and symbols to represent multiplication facts of two single- digit whole numbers and explain the relationship between the factors (0-10) and the product.I can understand multiplication by thinking about groups of objects.
3.ATO.23.ATO.2 Use concrete objects, drawings and symbols to represent division without remainders and explain the relationship among the whole-number quotient (0-10), divisor (1-10), and dividend.I can understand division by thinking about how one group can be divided into smaller groups.
3.ATO.33.ATO.3 Solve real-world problems involving equal groups, area/array, and number line models using basic multiplication and related division facts. Represent the problem situation using an equation with a symbol for the unknown.

I can use what I know about multiplication and division to solve word problems. I can represent using an equation with a symbol for the unknown.
3.ATO.43.ATO.4 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers when the unknown is a missing factor, product, dividend, divisor, or quotient.I can find the missing number in a multiplication or division equation.
3.ATO.53.ATO.5 Apply properties of operations (Commutative Property of Multiplication, Associative Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property) as strategies to multiply and divide and explain the reasoning.I can use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties of multiplication.
3.ATO.63.ATO.6 Understand division as a missing factor problem.I can find the answer to a division problem by thinking of the missing factor in a multiplication problem. (I can figure out 32/8 because I know that 8x4=32.
3.ATO.73.ATO.7 Demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and related division facts of products and dividends through 100.I can multiply and divide within 100 easily and quickly because I know how multiplication and division are related.
3.ATO.81/23.ATO.8 Solve two-step real- world problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers and having whole number answers. Represent these problems using equations with a letter for the unknown quantity.I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division to solve all kinds of word problems.
3.ATO.91/23.ATO.9 Identify a rule for an arithmetic pattern (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table).I can find patterns in addition and multiplication tables.2nd
Geometry3.G.13.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (rhombus, rectangle, square, and other 4- sided shapes) may share attributes (4-sided figures) and the shared attributes can define a larger category (quadrilateral). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples
of quadrilaterals that do not
belong to any of these
I can place shapes into categories depending upon the attributes, recognize, and draw irregular and regular quadrilaterals such as rhombuses, rectangles and squares.
3.G.23.G.2 Partition two-dimensional shapes into 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 parts with equal areas and express the area of each part using the same unit fraction. Recognize that equal parts of identical wholes need not have the same shape.I can divide shapes into parts with equal areas and show those areas as fractions.
3.G.33.G.3 Use a right angle as a benchmark to identify and sketch acute and obtuse angles.I can use a right angle to classify and draw angles.
3.G.43.G.4 Identify a three-dimensional shape (right rectangular prism, right triangular prism, pyramid) based on a given two-dimensional net and explain the relationshipbetween the shape and the net.I can identify 3D shapes based on the 2D net.
Measurement and Data Analysis3.MDA.13.MDA.1 Use analog and digital clocks to determine and record time to the nearest minute, using a.m. and p.m.; measure time intervals in minutes; and solve problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals within 60 minutes.I can tell and write time and solve problems to the nearest minute.
3.MDA.23.MDA.2 Estimate and measure liquid volumes (capacity) in customary units (c., pt., qt., gal.) and metric units (mL, L) to the nearest whole unit.I can measure liquids with mililiters, liters, and with customary units in cups, pints, quarts and gallons.
3.MDA.33.MDA.3 Collect, organize, classify, and interpret data with multiple categories and draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent the data.I can create a picture or bar graph to show data and solve problems using the information from the graphs.
3.MDA.43.MDA.4 Generate data by measuring length to the nearest inch, half-inch and quarter-inchand organize the data in a line plot using a horizontal scale marked off in appropriate units.I can create a line plot from measurement data where the measured objects have been measured to the nearest whole number, 1/2, or 1/4.
3.MDA.5 a3.MDA.5 Understand the concept of area measurement.
a. Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures;
I can understand the area of plane shapes.
3.MDA.5 b3.MDA.5 b. Measure area by building arrays and counting standard unit squares;I can measure area in square units.
3.MDA.5 c3.MDA.5 c. Determine the area of a rectilinear polygon and relate to multiplication and addition.I can measure area by using what I know about multiplication and addition.
3.MDA.63.MDA.6 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.I can solve real world math problems using what I know about the perimeter of shapes.
Social Studies