A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Bean Stalk | Activities | PK-1 | https://beanstalk.co | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Prodigy | 1-8 | play.prodigygame.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Nomster Chef | Culinary and math connections! | 2-12 | https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Math Chimp | Fractions Practice | 3-12 | http://www.mathchimp.com/freddysfractions.php | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | ABC Mouse Adventure Academy | Free access - code: SCHOOL7771 | 3-8 | www.adventureacademy.com/redeem | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Fluency and Fitness | Brain breaks with learning | 4-8 | https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Houghlin Milton | Activities/videos with celebrities & real world! | 4-12 | https://www.hmhco.com/math-at-work | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Cryptoclub | Cryptography!!! | 4-12 | https://www.cryptoclub.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Can Figure It | Geometry | 9-12 | https://www.canfigureit.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 3 Act Math - Dan Meyers | Lessons with videos, activities (AWESOME) | 6-12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 3 Act Math - Andrew Stadel | Lessons with videos, activities (AWESOME) | 6-12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Ardor | Free Teacher Subscription for 7th & 8th | 7-8 | https://www.ardoreducation.com/#/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Manufacture Your Future | STEM related videos/articles | 7-12 | https://www.manufactureyourfuture.com/VirtualFieldTrip/US | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Boeing FutureU | Space/Nasa/Boeing/STEM | 7-12 | https://www.boeingfutureu.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | fiveable | AP STUDY RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!! | 9-12 | https://app.fiveable.me/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Delta Math | Lessons/practice up to Calculus | 7-12 | https://deltamath.com/overview | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Dragon Box | Algebra games!! | K-8 | https://www.dragonboxapp.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Hippo Campus | Learning/practice/activities | 7-12 | https://hippocampus.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Albert | Great AP resource!! As well as other core content! | 7-12 | https://www.albert.io | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Desmos Calculator | FREE GRAPHING CALCULATOR - Super easy to use!! | 7-12 | https://www.desmos.com/calculator | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Marco Learning | AP STUDY RESOURCE | 9-12 | https://marcolearning.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Next Gen Personal Finance | Personal Finance/Literacy | 9-12 | https://www.ngpf.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | A Plus Click | Math and logic problems | 5-Adult | https://www.aplusclick.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Carmen Sandiego | Learning/interactive/practice | ALL | https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Khan Academy | Math videos, practice, quizzes! | ALL | www.khanacademy.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Instructables | Coding/3D printing | ALL | https://www.instructables.com/…/EdgertonCent…/instructables/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Learn Concord | Activites and projects; learning | ALL | https://learn.concord.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Scratch | Beginning to Code (and fun too!!) | ALL | https://scratch.mit.edu/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Numberphile | Understanding math (& complex topics) | ALL | https://www.numberphile.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Zearn | Understanding math! | K-5 | https://www.zearn.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Teach Banzai | Financial Dilemmas and how to solve them | ALL | https://www.teachbanzai.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 3 Act Math | Lessons with videos, activities (AWESOME) | K-5 | https://gfletchy.com/3-act-lessons/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Code | Coding with Star Wars | ALL | https://code.org/starwars | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Boddle Learning | Learn/practice/activities | K-6 | https://boddlelearning.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Math Score | Practice/learn | K-10 | http://www.mathscore.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Math Playground | Games/activities | K-6 | https://www.mathplayground.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Breakout Edu | Quests/games/learning | K-12 | https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Math Visuals | Math Flip (printable flashcards) | K-6 | https://mathvisuals.wordpress.com/math-flips/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | CK-12 | Learn/activities | K-12 | https://www.ck12.org/student/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | DreamBox Learning | Free 90 trial (until 4/30) | K-8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | 3 Act Math - Kyle Pierce | Lessons with videos, activities (AWESOME) | K-12 | https://tapintoteenminds.com/3act-math/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Curriculum Associates | Curriuculm/lessons/activities/practice | K-8 | https://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-aw… | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | ABC Mouse Early Learning Academy | Free access - code: SCHOOL7771 | PK-2 | www.abcmouse.com/redeem | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Kodable | How to Code!! | PK-4 | https://www.kodable.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | PBS Kids | Learn/practice/explore | PK-6 | www.pbs.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Highlights Kids | read, games, science | PK-6 | www.highlightskids.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Bedtime Math | Learn/discover/practice | PK-6 | http://bedtimemath.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Fun Brain | Games/practice | PK-8 | www.funbrain.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | ABC Ya | Games/practice | www.abcya.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Math Score | Learn and practice! | PK-10 | http://www.mathscore.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Making Maths Add Up (Matr) | Math Activities/Games | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Teachers Pay Teachers (make a free account) | You need to make an account, BUT these following accounts are offering free activities because of Covid-19: Math with Ms. Yi, Math by the Mountain, 4 the Love of Math, 8th Grade Math Teacher, Math Stop, Lisa Davenport, Rise Over Run Math, Simply Acute Ideas, To the Square Inch | K-10 | https://www.teacherspayteachers.com - the resources from these accounts that are free include notes/activities/practice about a variety of math topics from all grade levels! Teachers Pay Teachers has ALL subjects and ALL levels!! | |||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Math Resources | List of various math resources (google doc) | K-12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Knomadix | Building number sense (familiarity and use of #s) | K-7 | https://www.knomadix.com/numbersense/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | BrainPop | Movies, games, learning, activities | 3-12 | https://www.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
58 | BrainPop Jr. | Movies, games, learning, activities (Junior!) | K-3 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
59 | College Board | SAT PRACTICE | 9-12 | https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/practice/daily-practice-app | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Xtra Math | Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division | K-4 | http://xtramath.org |
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1 | Event/Website | Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Mystery Doug | Science Videos (5 min-20min) | K-5 | mysterydoug.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | National Geographic | Videos, quizzes, games, etc. | K-6 | kids.nationalgeographic.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Switcheroo Zoo | Learn about animals | www.switcheroozoo.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | PBS Kids | Learn/practice/explore | PK-6 | www.pbs.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Highlights Kids | read, games, science | K-7 | www.highlightskids.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | San Diego Zoo | animals/wildlife | https://kids.sandiegozoo.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Discovery Education | Polar Bear Videos/Learning | https://www.discoveryeducation.com/learn/tundra-connections/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Manufacture Your Future | STEM related videos/articles | 7-12 | https://www.manufactureyourfuture.com/VirtualFieldTrip/US | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Boeing FutureU | Space/Nasa/Boeing/STEM | 7-12 | https://www.boeingfutureu.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Science Mom - YouTube Channel | Videos/discussions/activities | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Chem Matters | High School Chemistry | 9-12 | https://www.acs.org/…/hi…/chemmatters/articles-by-topic.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Biology Simulations | High School Biology | 9-12 | https://www.biologysimulations.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Club SciKidz | recipes/experiments | ALL | http://www.clubscikidzmd.com/blog/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Breakout Edu | Quests/games/learning | K-12 | https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Play Mada Games | Chemistry games/experiments | 9-12 | https://www.playmadagames.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | CK-12 | Learn/activities | K-12 | https://www.ck12.org/student/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Common Lit | Reading comprehension/games | 3-12 | https://www.commonlit.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Mystery Science | Hands on lessons/activities | K-5 | https://mysteryscience.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Everyday Earth | Labs, experiments, learning, activities | K-12 | https://www.everyday-earth.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | fiveable | AP STUDY RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!! | 9-12 | https://app.fiveable.me/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Khan Academy | Videos, practice, quizzes! | ALL | www.khanacademy.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Hippo Campus | Learning/practice/activities | 7-12 | https://hippocampus.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Instructables | Coding/3D printing | ALL | https://www.instructables.com/…/EdgertonCent…/instructables/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Carmen Sandiego | Learning/interactive/practice | ALL | https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Nomster Chef | Culinary and science connections! | 2-12 | https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Marco Learning | AP STUDY RESOURCE | 9-12 | https://marcolearning.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Elemental Science | Activities and experiements | K-6 | https://elementalscience.com/…/n…/80-free-science-activities | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Positive Physics | Physics practice and help! | 9-12 | https://www.positivephysics.org/home | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Learn Concord | Activites and projects; learning | ALL | https://learn.concord.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Science Spot | Projects and activities (can do offline) | K-6 | https://sciencespot.net/Pages/classhome.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Wonderopolis | Videos, readings, wonderings | ALL | http://wonderopolis.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Code Academy | Learn how to code!! | ALL | https://www.codecademy.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Earthquake | All about earthquakes!! | ALL | https://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Chemicool | All about the periodic table! | ALL | https://www.chemicool.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
37 | NASA | All about space and NASA | K-6 | https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | The Happy Scientist | Fun mixed with a little learning! | ALL | https://thehappyscientist.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Cells Alive | All about cells! | ALL | https://www.cellsalive.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Scratch | Beginning to Code (and fun too!!) | ALL | https://scratch.mit.edu/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Human Biodigital | Human Biology | 9-12 | https://human.biodigital.com/login?returnUrl=/dashboard | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Kodable | How to Code!! | PK-4 | https://www.kodable.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Weather Wiz Kids | All about weather!! | ALL | http://www.weatherwizkids.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Inner Body | All about the inner workings of the body! | ALL | https://www.innerbody.com/htm/body.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Medium | Science podcasts for you and the kids! | ALL | https://medium.com/…/19-great-science-podcasts-you-can-list… | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Code | Coding with Star Wars | ALL | https://code.org/starwars | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Albert | Great AP resource!! As well as other core content! | 7-12 | https://www.albert.io | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | BrainPop | Movies, games, learning, activities | 3-12 | https://www.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | BrainPop Jr. | Movies, games, learning, activities (Junior!) | K-3 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | |
1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Ben's Guide | Learning all about government! | 4-10 | https://bensguide.gpo.gov/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Country Report | Cultures and countries of the world | ALL | https://www.countryreports.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Hippo Campus | Learning/practice/activities | 7-12 | https://hippocampus.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Bunk History | Info/Learning/Timelines | ALL | https://www.bunkhistory.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Albert | Great AP resource!! As well as other core content! | 7-12 | https://www.albert.io | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | YoungZine | News for kids (from all subjects) | ALL | https://www.youngzine.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | fiveable | AP STUDY RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!! | 9-12 | https://app.fiveable.me/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | What was There | Geography, culture, history | ALL | http://www.whatwasthere.com// | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Marco Learning | AP STUDY RESOURCE | 9-12 | https://marcolearning.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | US Mint | Coin collecting | ALL | https://www.usmint.gov/learn/kids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Big History Project | Learn/discover/activities | ALL | https://school.bighistoryproject.com/bhplive | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Carmen Sandiego | Learning/interactive/practice | ALL | https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Mission US | History all over! | ALL | https://www.mission-us.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | GeoGuesser | Geography skills | ALL | https://www.geoguessr.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Khan Academy | Videos, practice, quizzes! | ALL | www.khanacademy.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | CK-12 | Learn/activities | K-12 | https://www.ck12.org/student/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | History for Kids | Interactive lessons/practice | PK-8 | www.historyforkids.net | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | BrainPop | Movies, games, learning, activities | 3-12 | https://www.brainpop.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | BrainPop Jr. | Movies, games, learning, activities (Junior!) | K-3 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Go Civil Air Patrol | Quests to discover history! | ALL | https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/ |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | ABC Mouse Early Learning Academy | Free access - code: SCHOOL7771 | PK-2 | www.abcmouse.com/redeem | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | ABC Mouse Reading IQ | Free access - code: SCHOOL7771 | PK-8 | www.readingIQ.com/redeem | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | ABC Mouse Adventure Academy | Free access - code: SCHOOL7771 | 3-8 | www.adventureacademy.com/redeem | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Squiggle Park | Reading practice; great for ELL | 5-8+ | www.squigglepark.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | DreamScape | Free for all - access any time | 8-15+ | https://www.squigglepark.com/dreamscape/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Storyline | Books read by authors/celebrities & activities! | K-5 | www.storylineonline.net/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Typing Club | FREE online typing class! | ALL ages | www.typingclub.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Into the Book | Games with books/reading strat. | K-6 | www.reading.ecb.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Suessville | Dr. Suess reading/games | K-6 | www.seussville.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | ABC Ya | Games/practice | www.abcya.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Fun Brain | Games/practice | www.funbrain.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | PBS Kids | Learn/practice/explore | K-6 | www.pbs.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Star Fall | Reading/phonics practice | www.starfall.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Highlights Kids | read, games, science | www.highlightskids.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Scholastic | reading/activities | PK-7 | https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Breakout Edu | Quests/games/learning | K-12 | https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Classroom Cereal | Grammar practice | 6-8 | https://www.classroomcereal.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Dog on a Log Books | games for reading (& pages for students with Dyslexia) | K-5 | https://dogonalogbooks.com/printables/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Curriculum Associates | Curriuculm/lessons/activities/practice | K-8 | https://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-aw… | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Facts 4 Me | username: read password: read | K-6 | https://www.facts4me.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | fiveable | AP STUDY RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!! | 9-12 | https://app.fiveable.me/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Fluency and Fitness | Brain breaks with learning | 4-8 | https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Hippo Campus | Learning/practice/activities | 7-12 | https://hippocampus.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Carmen Sandiego | Learning/interactive/practice | ALL | https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Khan Academy | Videos, practice, quizzes! | ALL | www.khanacademy.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Little Spark Company | Library (printables) | PK | https://www.littlesparkcompany.com/printables-library | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Nitro Type | Typing practice!! | ALL | https://www.nitrotype.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Marco Learning | AP STUDY RESOURCE | 9-12 | https://marcolearning.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Market Place - My Think Escape | Critical thinking and reading | ALL | https://marketplace.mythinkscape.com/store/redtkids | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Good and Beautiful | Grammar, phonics, spelling | K-5 | https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Typing Club | Typing practice!! | ALL | https://www.typingclub.com/ or https://www.typing.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Wonderopolis | Videos, readings, wonderings | ALL | http://wonderopolis.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Spelling Training | Spelling Practice | K-5 | https://www.spellingtraining.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Reading Eggs | Learning to read!! | K-4 | https://readingeggs.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Fun Fonix | Phonics Practice | K-6 | https://www.funfonix.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Magic Tree House | Games BASED ON THE BOOK SERIES!!! | K-5 | https://www.magictreehouse.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Grammaropolis | Parts of speech learning and practice | K-6 | https://www.grammaropolis.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Save with Stories | Celebrities Read Books Aloud on Instagram | K-7 | https://www.instagram.com/savewithstories/?igshid=bi6r94gxaorv | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | American Reading Company | Online Bookshelf - 6 free books | https://www.americanreadingathome.com/bookshelf/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Albert | Great AP resource!! As well as other core content! | 7-12 | https://www.albert.io | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Bean Stalk | Activities | PK-1 | https://beanstalk.co | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Lalilo | Learning to read!! | PK-4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Quill | Writing and grammar activities | K-12 | https://www.quill.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Biblionasium | Books and book club | 1-7 | https://www.biblionasium.com/#tab/content-winter-picks | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | BrainPop | Movies, games, learning, activities | 3-12 | https://www.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | BrainPop Jr. | Movies, games, learning, activities (Junior!) | K-3 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | CommonLit | Reading passages - free | 3-12 | https://www.commonlit.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | College Board | SAT PRACTICE | 9-12 | https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/practice/daily-practice-app | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Spelling City | Grammar, phonics, spelling practice | K-12 | http://www.spellingcity.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Website takes you to options | PK-2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Prodigies Music | Learn how to play instruments and music | ALL | https://prodigiesmusic.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Lunch Doodles with Mo Wilems | Daily at 1:00 ET | ALL | https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/mo-willems/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Coloring Therapy Pages | Need to make an account to download! | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | All Kids Network | Activities/Fun | ALL | https://www.allkidsnetwork.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | The Well World | Poetry and Music | ALL | https://www.thewell.world/mindful-mu…/mindful-poetry-moments | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Music Theory | Music Theory and Practice | ALL | https://www.musictheory.net/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Quaver Music | Learn about music! | ALL | https://www.quavermusic.com/info/at-home-resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Smart Music | All about music | ALL | https://www.smartmusic.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Illinois Edu | Gardening! | ALL | https://web.extension.illinois.edu/firstgarden/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | National Gallery of Art | Art history for kids (and beginners) | ALL | https://www.nga.gov/education/kids.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | The MET | Discover and utilize art! | ALL | https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features/metkids/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Artsology | Discovering different art platforms | ALL | https://artsology.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Virtual Musical Instruments | Play instruments online! | ALL | https://www.virtualmusicalinstruments.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Kids Think Design | Design of... LITERALLY EVERYTHING!! | ALL | http://www.kidsthinkdesign.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Trainer Theta Music | Ear training and music theory | ALL | https://trainer.thetamusic.com/en | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Funology | Crafts, activities, science, recipes | ALL | https://www.funology.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Jigsaw Explorer | Online jigsaw puzzles!! | ALL | https://www.jigsawexplorer.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Origami Fun | Instructions for origami (a variety of difficulties) | ALL | https://www.origami-fun.com/origami-online.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Songs for Teaching | Songs for learning! | PK-K | https://www.songsforteaching.com/preschoolkindergarten.htm | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Busy Kids Do Piano | Free Code: PIANOATHOME; piano lessons! | ALL | https://busykidsdopiano.com/membership/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Coloring Nature | Free printable nature coloring sheets | ALL | https://www.coloringnature.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Preschool Express | Crafts and activities | PK-3 | http://www.preschoolexpress.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | All Kids Network | Crafts, activities, creativity | PK-3 | https://www.allkidsnetwork.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Lindsay's Art Cart | 10:00am weekdays | PK-6 | Facebook - Lindsay's Art Cart | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | BrainPop | Movies, games, learning, activities | 3-12 | https://www.brainpop.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | BrainPop Jr. | Movies, games, learning, activities (Junior!) | K-3 | https://jr.brainpop.com/ |
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1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Ages | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Alaska Wildlife Department | Alaskan Wild Fires | ALL | http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=viewing.webcams | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Musée d’Orsay Museum in Paris | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Arts and Culture (Google) | National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-gallery-of-art-washington-dc?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Guggenheim Museum in New York | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Arts and Culture (Google) | National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-museum-of-modern-and-contemporary-art-korea?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Pergamon from Ancient Greece | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/pergamon/m05tcm?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Netherlands | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/van-gogh-museum?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Arts and Culture (Google) | J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-j-paul-getty-museum?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Arts and Culture (Google) | La Gallerie Degli Uffizi in Firenze, Italy | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/uffizi-gallery?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Arts and Culture (Google) | Museu de Arte de SĂ£o Paulo Assis Chateaubriand in San Paulo, Brazil | ALL | https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/masp?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Arts and Culture (Google) | The National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, Mexico | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Cincinnati Zoo | Virtual Tours with the Animals | ALL | http://cincinnatizoo.org/home-safari-resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Boeing FutureU | Space/Nasa/Boeing/STEM | ALL | https://www.boeingfutureu.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Georgia Aquarium | Live webcams of animals | ALL | https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/beluga-whale-webcam/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Boston Children's Museum | virtual tour of exhibits | ALL | https://www.bostonchildrensmuseum.org/museum-virtual-tour | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Houston Zoo | Live webcams of animals | ALL | https://www.houstonzoo.org/explore/webcams/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | British Museum | ALL | https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | LIST OF MANY TOURS | A TON OF TOURS | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Discovery Education | Polar Bear Videos/Learning | ALL | https://www.discoveryeducation.com/learn/tundra-connections/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Romper (all links located in article) | Disney Park Rides (through Romper webpage) | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Farm Food 360 | Farm animals and food! | ALL | https://www.farmfood360.ca | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | San Diego Zoo | Live webcams of animals | ALL | https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Monterey Bay Aquariums | Live webcams of animals | ALL | https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Smithsonian | Museum exhibits and learning galore! | ALL | https://www.si.edu/kids | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | The China Guide | Great Wall of China | ALL | https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Zoo Atlanta | Panda webcam | ALL | https://zooatlanta.org/panda-cam/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | The Lourve (France) | Museum exhibits | ALL | https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne |
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1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Nomster Chef | Culinary and recipes! | 2-12 | https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Fluency and Fitness | Brain breaks with learning | 4-8 | https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Carmen Sandiego | Learning/interactive/practice | ALL | https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | The Well World | Poetry and music | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Super Charged School | Videos, practice, learning, fun!! | ALL | https://www.superchargedschool.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sworkit | Workouts for kids! | ALL | https://app.sworkit.com/collections/kids-workouts | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | The Otto Toolbox | Moving and going activities | ALL | https://www.theottoolbox.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Overcoming Obstacles | LIFE SKILLS. | ALL | https://www.overcomingobstacles.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Illinois Edu | Gardening! | ALL | https://web.extension.illinois.edu/firstgarden/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Centervention | Social Emotional Learning | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Kids Think Design | Design of... LITERALLY EVERYTHING!! | ALL | http://www.kidsthinkdesign.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Little Twisters Yoga | Yoga!! | K-5 | https://littletwistersyoga.com/online-store/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Music Lab | Experiments/activities/lab | K-6 | https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Camp Kindness Counts | Life lessons, kindess | PK-5 | https://www.campkindnesscounts.org/kind-world | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Bean Stalk | Activities/Life Learning | PK-1 | https://beanstalk.co | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Soar with Wings | Videos/discussions/activities | PK-6 | https://www.soarwithwings.com/videos/virtual-field-trip | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Home Speech Home | Speech therapy for kiddos at home! | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Go Noodle | Movement breaks!! | PK-6 | https://www.gonoodle.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | YMCA | 60 free classes to get you moving! | ALL | https://ymca360.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Joe Wicks - Youtube Channel | Workouts for kids (p.e. teacher) | ALL |
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1 | Event/Website | Time/Details | Grades | Website | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | fiveable | AP STUDY RESOURCE FOR EXAMS!! | 9-12 | https://app.fiveable.me/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Memrise | Tons of languages to learn! | ALL | https://www.memrise.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Marco Learning | AP STUDY RESOURCE | 9-12 | https://marcolearning.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | DuoLingo - App | Learn/practice a langugage! | 7-Adult | App Store - Free | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Conjuguemos | Grammar from many languages | ALL | https://conjuguemos.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Rockalingua | Spanish (learning through music) | ALL | https://rockalingua.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Chalk Academy | Chinese | K-Adult | https://chalkacademy.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
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1 | These are ideas for you to do with your kids (mostly ages PK-4, but really anyone can build a pillow fort!) off of the computer or to take a break from academics!! (These have all been acquired from other lists, and I do not take credit for them!) | |||||||
2 | Paper Airplanes | Make a Bird Feeder | Make Cupcakes/Muffins | Would You Rather Game | ||||
3 | Salt Painting | Bird Feeder | Do Yoga | I Spy | ||||
4 | Suncatchers | Play in the Mud | Build an Obstacle Course | Simon Says | ||||
5 | Sponge Stamps | Sensory Bin | Make Dinner Together | Board Games | ||||
6 | Make Salt Dough | Build a Fort | Build with Legos | Hide and Seek | ||||
7 | Make Playdough | Pillow Fight | Use Dot Markers | Indoor Scavenger Hunt | ||||
8 | Cereal Box Aquarium | Make a Scrapbook | Build a Card Castle | Bingo | ||||
9 | Scratch Art | Paper Bag Puppets | Puppet Show | Card Games | ||||
10 | Pet Rocks | Button Art | Indoor Bowling | Do a Puzzle | ||||
11 | Paper Boats | Cardboard Castle | Treasure Hunt | Play Charades | ||||
12 | Make Recycled Crayons | TP Roll Butterfly Craft | Shamrock Hunt | Make Your Own Boardgame | ||||
13 | Friendship Bracelets | Chalk Ice | Learn to Draw | Freeze Dance | ||||
14 | Finger Paint | Self Portrait | Indoor Hopscotch | Hot Potato | ||||
15 | Handprint Art | Make a Superhero Comic | Family Chores (hehe) | Keep the Balloon Up Game | ||||
16 | Paint Leaves | Sensory Bag | Dance Party | Dominoes | ||||
17 | Thankful Jar | Write a Story | Tea Party | Hangman | ||||
18 | Decorate a T-shirt | Make Ice Cream! | Water in a Bin (sink/float) | Tic-Tac-Toe | ||||
19 | Coloring Book | Movie Day | Set up a Play Grocery Store | Origami | ||||
20 | Watercolors | Fashion Show | Write in a Journal | Sew/Knit | ||||
21 | Brain Teasers |