Admin Proof: LINK
Grab from player+-Remainder
Quick Calc540,610 RDS37,000 RDS0 RDS577,610 RDS
PlayerCurrent RDS BalanceBreeding ItemsCompanionsAP/SPTackHandler's GearPreparation ItemsHealth ItemsST Race EffectsMisc ItemsBONUSES
A - Templado421,500 RDS12 x Gold SPC [breeders]
19 x Gold SPC [standard]
49 x Silver SPCs
43 x Bronze SPCs

47 x Fertility Flasks Minor
12 x Fertility Flask Major
31 x Gender Determination Procedure (Minor)
3 x Gender Determination Procedure (Major)
1 x Wild Cards

1 x Shedu Pair Check

1 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
1 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
2 x Shedu Raven
9 x Shedu Tack Token

2 x Tack: Naboo Dressage
1 x Lightsaber: Darth Maul
1 x Silk Hair Brush
1 x Alaska Oil
1 x Claw Polish
1 x Elastic Band
1 x Touch Up Spray

3 x Kilimanjaro Volant
9 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
6 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
1 x Shedu Fish Treats

3 x Emergency First Aid Kid
6 x Safe Paint Kit

1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red Stripes
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red (Bant3)
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
A- Makoes12,493,900 RDS24 x Gold SPC [breeders]
26 x Gold SPC [Classic]
50 x Silver SPC
15 x Bronze SPC (3 PB)
24 x Fake Papers
19 x Perspective Beast

2 x Breeding Plan Advice
5 x Pair Check

6 x Major Gender Determination
52 x Minor Gender Determination
10 x Fertility Flask Major

3 x Lucky Charm

10 x Gene Transfer

7 x Breeding License


3 x Drop of Speciality
9 x Love Letter
1 x Ruby Heart
1 x White Sable antelope fawn
1 x Wild Sable antelope fawn
2 x Cobra companion
1 x Camel
1 x Fennec
4 x Red Panda
0 x Panda
1 x Bianca
1 x Dark Meerkat

2 x Lykoi
3 x Stray Kitten

4 x Shedu Flying Fox (Bat)
2 x Shedu Raven

1 x White hawk
1 x Hawk
2 x Owl

0 x Vulture
1 SP (stat point)
722 AP (unbound)

75 [prize] UAP

1 x Saddlery Crafter License AT II
2 x Tack Token
3 x Token: Decoration
2 x Token: Saddle Bags
1 x Token: Platinum (single use)

1 x Kirin Collar

1 x Basic Bridle
5 x Basic Saddle
5 x Basic Saddle Pad

5 x Basic muzzle
6 x Basic Paw Pads

2 x Hardys: Magnetic Rug
4 x Hardys: Magnetic hood
1 x Hardys: Leg Protection
1 x Hardys: Traveller Set

1x Official Racing Tack lvl 2
1 x Official Racing Tack lvl 3

2 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
2 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 1
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 2
2 x Winner Glass Bead

2 x Paint: Blue Cyber Crystal

3 x Trinket: Death Star
1 x Trinket: Tatooine Sand
1 x Decor: Fossil Tooth Trinket
2 x Decor: Blue Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1 x Decor: Yellow Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1 x Decor: Green Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1x Decor: Orange Kyber-Crystal Trinket

1 x Tack: Dark Side
1 x Djibb Rising T-Shirt
3 x Crop
3 x Gloves
3 x Helmet

1 x Darth Vader Gloves
1 x Darth Vader Mask

4 x Lightsaber: Anakin
1 x Lightsaber: Luke
2 x Lightsaber: Qui Gon-Jinn

3 x T-Shirt: Vader
1 x T-Shirt: Darth Maul
1 x T-Shirt: Kenobi

1 x Jigoku helmet
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

4 x Wax Melter
2 x Claw Polish
1 x Touch Up Spray
1 x Fly Spray
1 x Alaska Oil
8 x Pheromone Treats
2 x Silk Brush
1 x Elastic Band

13 x Kilimanjaro Volant
9 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
2 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
4 x Kilimanjaro Senior

2 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
6 x El Clasico Deft
10 x El Clasico Hardy
11 x El Classico Perfect Stride

1 x Med: Fatal Injury
4 x Med: Serious Damage
2 x Med: Moderate Damage
1 x Med: Minor Damage

4 x Antibiotic Ointment

3 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Basic First Aid Kit
4 x Emergency First Aid Kit
4 x Med: Field Medicine Kit
7 x Emergency First Aid Kit

1 x Vet Wrap and Anti Inflammatory Meds
2 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
2 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot

5x Vet Labor Assistance
1 x Mezza Hideout 1/5

4 x Acrobatics
7 x Block
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Elusion
1 x Getaway
5 x junk
3 x Punch
2 x Slick Oil
2 x Slide
1 x Spikes
2 x smoke
1 x Trip over
2 x Viscious bite
1 x Asian Breeder Pin
1 x Komainu Cavalry Badge

1 x Custom Tack Set KCSF Level 1 - Winter

23 x Cosmetic: Safe Paint Kit
7 x Cosmetic: Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

4 Ñ… Misc: Import Design Change Token

3x Shedu Novice Diploma (no cat, with trait)

3x Companion skin: Dog
1x Cosmetic: Companion Skin - Sci-Fi edition

7 x Cosmetic: Tattoo Kit

1x Gatos Locos Ticket

1x Cosmetic: Scissors
1x Cosmetic: Trimmers

A-Briar-Estates8,833,590 RDS23 x Gold SPC (Prize/ Breeders)
30 x Gold SPC (Classic)
49 x Silver SPC
40 x Bronze SPC
32 x Perspective Beast (PB)
28 x Fake Papers

50 x Season License License

4 x Breeding Plan Advice
1 x Pair Check

21 x Fertility Flask Major
42 x Fertility Flask Minor
59 x Minor Gender Determination
3 x Major Gender Determination
7 x Queen Care
16 x Wild Card
1 x Gene Storage

5 x Ruby Heart
7 x Drop of Speciality
8 x Love Letter
2 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
3 x PB
2 x Owl 2
1 x Owl 3
1 x Owl
1 x Black rat companion
1 x Agouti rat companion
1 x Panda
1 x Red Panda
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Hawk
1 x Stray Kitten
1 x Tiger Cub
2 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle

6 x Shedu Raven
6 x Flying Fox (Bat)
2 x Lykoi Kitten

1 x Asauchi Thoroughbred Horse RNG Import token

1x Companion Skin: Dog
Respect: 4
382 AP [UB]
5 x Tack Token
1x Platinum Tack Token

1 x Saddlery Crafter License AR I
1 x Saddlery Crafter License AR II

1 x Official Racing Tack LVL 1
1x Tack Set: Official Racing Level II

11 x Basic Paw Pads
17 x Basic Muzzle
2 x Basic Buzz Collar

4 x Hardys Transportation Magnetic Hood
2 x Hardys Transportation Magnetic Rug
3 x Hardy's Leg Protection

3 x Death Star Trinket
3 x Tatooine Sand

1 x Bant3 (red ribbon)
2 x Christmas ribbon with bell Swirly
1 x Decoration: Christmas Ribbon With Bell
1 x Decoration: Christmas Ribbon With Bell 2
1 x Decoration: Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red Stripes

1 x Mandalor Safe Paint

1 x Dark Side Survival/ Explr Tack
1 x Mandalorian Exploration Tack

1x Red Cyber Paint
1 x Smith & Wesson revolver

4 x Gloves
5 x Helmet
1 x Crop

2 x Luke Lightsaber
1 x Anakin Lightsaber

2 x Darth Maul T-Shirt
1 x Kenobi T-Shirt

1 x Darth Vader Boots
1 x Delicious B-day Cake

9 x El Clasico HARDY
7 x El Clasico Deft
3 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
10 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

18 x Kilimajaro Volant
5 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
9 x Kilimanjaro Senior
30 x Kilimanjaro Endurant

4 x Claw Polish
9 x Touch Up Spray
6 x Elastic Band
5 x Silk Hair Brush
14 x Wax Melter
1 x Sun Protection Cream
1 x Alaska Fish Oil
8 x Pheromone Treats
1 x Fly Spray
2 x Minor Damage/Minor Scars Badge
2 x Fatal Injury Token
1 x Trimmer
1 x Scissors
1 x Tattoo Kit

5 x Antibiotic Ointment
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
6 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
5 x Vet Wrap and Anti Inflamitory Meds
1 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
1 x Field Medicine Kit
6 x Acrobatics
1 x Bribe
2 x Block
1 x Block the Pass
1 x Counter Attack
2 x Drag them Down
2 x Elusion
1 x Flash
3 x Getaway
2 x Honor Race
2 x Jail Break
1 x Junk
11 x Punch
7 x Slide
9 x Slick Oil
5 x Spike
1 x Shortcut
1 x Support
5 x Trip Over
8 x Vicious bite
1 x Trait Token
1 x Ace in a Sleeve Trait

3 x Kilimanjaro Ticket
1 x Access to Hunting Grounds

8 x Safe Paint Kit
3 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit
2 x Import Change Token

1 x Komainu Cavalry Badge

Snowy Christmas BG Badge

1 x Banked SND
AcrylicFoxCreations809,000 RDS5 x Gold SPC [Breeders]
0 x Gold SPC
0 x Silver SPC
0 x Bronze SPC
2 x Fake Papers
3 x PB

16 x Season License

0 x GD Minor
3 x Major GD
1 x FF Major
1 x FF minor
0 x Wild Card
4 x Queen Care
1 x Gene Storage
4 x Breeding Plan Advice
5 x Pair Check

1 x Ruby Heart
0 x Drop of Speciality
0 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Tiger Cub
1 x Bactrian Camel
105 AP [Prize]
1 x Lvl 3 Tack License
1 x Platinum Tack Token
3 x Basic Paw Pads
2 x Basic Muzzle
13 x Tack Token
10 x Saddle Bag Tokens
1 x Shedu Tack Accessory Token

1 x O. Race LVL III
1 x O. Race LVL II

2 x Hardys: Legs

3 x Saddle Bag Tokens

x1 Gear: Basic Helmet
x1 Gear: Basic Gloves
x1 Gear: Basic Crop
1 x Kilimanjaro Volant
3 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
3 x Kilimanjaro Senior

2 x Wax Melter
2 x Elastic Band
1 x Mini First Aid Kit

2 x Antibiotic Ointment
4 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
1 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
2 x Ridgid Splint and Antibiotic shots
3 x Acrobatics
3 x Block
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Punch
3 x Slide
2 x Slick Oil
1 x Tack Sabotage
1 x Trip Over
2 x Vicious Bite
1 x Jail Break
1 x Elusion
1 x Spikes
1 x Scar Badge (Serious Damage)
1 x Companion Skin: dog
0 x SND (no cat)

9 x Import Change Token

1x Scissors
1x Trimmers
6 x Scissors & Trimmer

2 x Kilimanjaro Tickets

1 x BBS Tip-Off 1/3
1 x BBS Tip-Off 2/3
Newbie RNG-import: RC-29029

1 x 30 Token Ability (expires 01.17.2025)
USED (5/25/2024)

1 x 20 Token Ability (expires 03.28.2025)
AlyshaAbandomations369,500 RDS7 x Gold SPC [Breeder's]
1 x Gold SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
13 x Silver SPC
15 x Fake Papers
14 x BPC or 8 PBs
12 x PB

22 x Season License

8 x Minor GD
4 x Major GD
3 x FF Minor
0 x FF Major
0 x Wild Card
0 x Queen Care
0 x Gene Storage

4 x Ruby Heart
6 x Drop of Speciality
7 x Love Letter
2 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Halloween Shedu Flying Fox
9 x Wild Rat
1 x Hawk
40 [AP]

548 AP[unbound]
2 x Tack Token
1 x Tack Token - Decoration
1x Platinum Tack Token

2 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Muzzle

1 x Xmas Ribbon Bell Swirly
1x Tack: Official Racing LVL II

x1 Gear: Basic Helmet
x3 Gear: Basic Gloves
x1 Gear: Basic Crop
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

3 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Endurant

2 x El Clasico Deft
2 x El Clasico Hardy
4 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance

3 x Pheromone Treats
1 x Wax Melter
2 x Claw Polish
2 x Antibiotic Ointment
3 x Veterinary labor assistance: revival attempt
1 x Getaway
1 x Vicious Bite
1 x Minor Damage
2 x Design re-do token

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket
6 x Tattoo Kit
1 x SND (no cat)

1x Companion Skin - Dog

1x Cosmetic: Scissors
1x Cosmetic: Trimmers
1 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x 30 Token Ability (expires 4.26.2025)
arrancar54893,155,550 RDS10 x Gold SPC (breeders)
0 x GSPC ( Classic )
2 x Silver SPC
5 x Bronze SPC
10 x PB
3 x Fake Papers

4 x Major GD
6 x Minor GD
5 x FF Major
2 x FF Minor
0 x Wild Card
0 x Queen Care
2 x Gene Storage

18 x Season License

5 x Vet Labor Assistance (SSS item)

2 x Drop of Speciality
0 x Ruby hearts
0 x Love Letter
2 x Blueprint of perfection

5 x Vet Labor Assistance
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Camel
2 x German Shepherd Puppy
4 x Wild Rat
2x Przhevalsky Horse foal
4 x Meerkat
1 x Cobra
1 x Cobra
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Noamca the Lamb
Respect: 3

224 UBAP
1 x Level 1 Tack Shop License

2 x Tack Token
1 x Tack Token - Decoration
1 x Tack Token - Accessory
1 x Platinum Tack Token
1 x Diamond Collar

3 x Xmas ribbon bell Swirly
1 x Xmas ribbon bell Stripes
1 x Xmas ribbon bell Red Strips
1 x Xmas ribbon bell 2
1 x Xmas ribbon bell

1 x Basic Paw Pads

1 x Naboo Dressage Tack
1 x Stormtrooper Survivalist/ Explr

3 x Tatooine Sand
3 x Vader T-shirt
3 x Kenobi T-Shirt

2 x Kazumasa Helmet
2 x Jigoku Helmet

1 x Kenobi Lightsaber
1 x Darth Mauls Lightsaber
1 x Anakins Lightsaber
2 x Luke Lightsaber

1 x Vader Mask
1 x Vader Glove
1 x Vader Boots
1 x Delicious Bday Cake
3 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
2 x Antibiotic Ointmnt
1 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
4 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
1 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills

1 x Fatal Injury
1 x Counter Attack
1 x Getaway
1 x Junk
1 x Trip Over
1 x Vicious Bite
1 x Slick Oil
2 x Moonshine Badge

6 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

4 x Import Change Token
7 x Safe paint kit
1 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

1 x Trait token

1 x Bat Shedu Amulet
5 x Safe paint kit
3 x Import Change Token
5 x Shedu Novice Diploma (SSS item)
badazal925,055 RDS6 x Gold Level SPC (Prize)
5 x Gold SPC (Standard)
9 x Silver SPC
3 x Bronze SPC
5 x Fake Papers
8 x PB

1 x Pro Advice Premium
11 x Pair Check

12 x Queen Care
4 x Minor GD
3 x Major GD
3 x Fertility Flask Minor
0 x FF Major
4 x Wild Card
0 x gene storage

13 x Season breeding license
2 x Gene Transfer

0 x Ruby Heart
4 x Drop of Speciality
2 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Cheetah
8 x Flying Fox (Bat)
1 x Lykoi Kitten
2 x Meerkat
1 x Panda
1 x Widow Bird
0 x Wild Rat
1 x White Persian
1 x Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
2 x Bianca the Lamb
3 x African Crowned Eagle
2 x Raven
1 x White Hawk
0 x Cobra
1 x Bacterian Camel
672 AP
91 x Tack Token
3 x Tack Token - Decoration
0 x Tack Token - Accessory
1 x Platinum Tack Token

1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 3
3 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
2 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell
2 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 2
3 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red Stripes

1 x Kirin Collar
1 x Bat Shedu amulet [with raven particles]

1 x Standard Show Jumping Tack Set LVL 1
1 x Standard Dressage Tack Set LVL 1
1 x O.Racing Tack LVL 4
1 x Standard Cross Country Tack Set LVL 2

4 x Basic Muzzle
2 x Basic Paw Pads
2 x Blinker Hood
1 x H.T Magnetic Hood
1 x H.T Magnetic Rug

1 x Paint: Mandalorian

1 x Trinket: Death Star
1 x Trinket: Tatooine Sand

1 x Bucket of paint: red - allows you to paint your cat [tradable: 600 rds | trader 750 rds]
1 x Snowflake Pin
3 x Gloves
2 x Crop
2 x Helmet

1 x empty wallet [tradable] 100 rds| traider 120 rds
1 x Smith & Wesson revolver - + 5% of luck in hunting if your character also equipped with handgun bullets [tradable] - 4 500 rds | traider 5 000 rds
1 x Handgun bullets

1 x Lightsaber: Qui-Gon Jinn
1 x Lightsaber: Luke
19 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
33 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Senior

5 x El Clasico Deft
3 x El Clasico Hardy
1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
4 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

2 x Food Supplements III
1 x Food Supplements II

10 x Alaska Oil
2 x Clawpolish
12 x Fly Spray
11 x Pheromone Treats
5 x Sweeties Treats
2 x Touch Up Spray
6 x Wax Melter
1 x Delicious Birthday Cake
3 x Antibiotic Ointment
4 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x IV Fluids
2 x Pain Killer
1 x Revival attempt (Vet Labor Assistance)
1 x Fatal Injury
1 x Getaway

6 x Junk
1 x Komainu breeder`s PIN
2 x Additional breeding slot to your k-cat

5 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x Minor Injury
3 x Access to Hunting Grounds
2 x Djibb market

4 x Design Change Token
1 x Moonshine Badge

3 x Trait Token
1 x Shedu Novice Diploma (no cat, with trait)

5 x Tattoo Token
1 x Companion Skin: Dog - Token
2 x Kilimanjaro Tickets
5 x Gatos Locos Tickets
1 x SND (purchased)
Winter Background

2 x 30 token ability
1/2- (expires 04.10.2025)
2/2 - (expires 06.07.2025)
BM -Skystar2611,541,100 RDS1 x Shedu Pair Check
7 x Wild Card
0 x Fertility Flask Major
8 x Fertility Flasks Minor
12 x Gender Determination Minor
1 x Major Gender Determination
1 x Extra Care for the Queen

15 x Gold SPC (breeders)
9 x Silver SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
17 x Bronze SPC (or 18 PBs )
3 x PB
11 x Fake Papers

42 x Season License

7 x Ruby Heart
4 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
4 x Blueprint of perfection


3 Fake Papers
3 SPC (silver spc)
3 GSPC (Gold, breeders)
12 Breeding License
2 Gender Determination Minor
2 x Fertility Flasks Minor

4 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
3 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
2 x MGD
5 x PB
1 x Fennec mid
1 x Stray Kitten
1 x Raven
1 x Hawk
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle
205 AP
25 Prize AP
1 x Platinum tack token

3 x Basic Muzzle
1 x Death Star Trinket

1 x Shedu Tack Saddlebags Token

1 x Hardy's leg protection

2 x Christmas Ribbon Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon Bell Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon Bell Red Stripes
1x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II
2 x Kenobi T-Shirt
1 x Anakin's lightsaber
1 x Luke lightsaber
1 x Helmet
1 x Delicious Bday Cake

1 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior

1 x Pheromone Treats

1 x Wax Melter
1 x Silk Brush
2 x Fatal Injury Token

3 x Vet Wrap and Anti Inflammatory Meds
3 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
1 x Antibiotic Ointment

1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Standard First Aid Kit
1 x Acrobatics
1 x Vicious Bite
2 x Block
1 x Tack Sabotage
2 x Safe paint kit

2 Ñ… Design Change Token

2 x Import Change Token

1 x SND (no ca)
1 x companion skin: dog

1 x Scissors
1 x Trimmers
1 x Tattoo Kit
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

1 x 20 Token ability
(Expires 4.10.2025)
Dappled-Light (Lingo)2,712,500 RDS5 x Gold SPC [Prize / breeders]
1 x Gold SPC
4 x Silver SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
2 x PB
0 x Fake Papers

0 x Minor GD
0 x Major GD
0 x FF Major
1 x FF minor
0 x Wild Card
0 x Gene Storage

0 x Season Licence

0 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
2 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Owl
1 x Sable Antelope Fawn

1 x Stray Kitten
1 x Lykoi Kitten
1 x Shedu raven
1 x Flying fox
2 x Meerkat
2 x Sooty Sable Antelope Fawn
0 x Hawk
1 x Fennec
1 x Wild Rat
730 AP[UB]
50 Prize Ap
2 x Basic Muzzle
2 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Tack token platinum

4 x Tack Token: Decoration
1 x Tack Token: Accessory
1 x Shedu Tack Token
3 x Saddle bags tack token

1 x Tanoonie Sand

1 x Red Cyber Paint
1 x Safe Paint Kit

1 x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II
1x Hardy's Leg Protection
3 x Basic Gloves
1 x helmet
1 x crop
1 x Touch Up Spray
1 x Elasic Band
2 x Wax Melter

1 x El Clasico Hardy

1 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Emergency Fist Aid Kit
2 x Antiboitic Ointment
1 x Standard First Aid Kit
1 x Vet Wrap and Anti inflamatory Meds
1 x Field Medicine Kit

3 x Soft Splint and Antiboitic Pills
1 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot

1 x Minor Damage
2 x Veterinary labor assistance: revival attempt
3 x Slick Oil
1 x Bribe
2 x Acrobatics
1 x Elusion
2 x Slide
1 x Support
1 x Critical Hit/Slam
1 x Block the Pass
2 x Block
1 x Trait Token
4 x Kilimanjaro ticket
2 x Gatos Locos Tickets
1 x SND (no cat)
1 x Companion Skin: Dog

1 x Lion Skull Totem
1 x Zebra Skull
1 x Baboon Skull

1 x Trimmer
1 x Scissors

Access to Hunting Grounds

Access to Djibb Market
1 x 30 Token Ability (expires 3.2.2025)
USED (04/21/2024)

1x 20 Token ability (expires 06.15.2025)
DonPurrleone2,386,500 RDS9 x Gold SPC [Breeders/ Prize]
1 x Gold SPC
7 x SPC (silver spc)
8 x BPC
6 x Fake Papers
11 x PB

4 x Pair Check

3 x Wild Card
5 x GD
2 x MGD
4 x FF Minor

19 x Season License

6 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
3 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Fennec
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn

1 x Halloween Raven
1 x Wild Rat
651 AP [UB]
50 AP [Prize]
1 x Sadderly Crafter License AR II

7 x Tack Token
1 x Tack Token - Decoration
1 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token

1 x Tack: Official Racing LVL 1
1 x Tack: Official Racing LVL II

1 x Xmas Ribbon with bell swirly

2 x Basic Paw Pads
3 x Basic Muzzle

1 x Hardys Transportation Magnetic Hood
2 x Gloves
2 x Crop
2 x Helmet
1 x Birthday Cake

3 x El Clasico Deft
4 x El Clasico Hardy
5 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
7 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

5 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
6 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery

2 x Claw Polish
4 x Pheromone Treats
4 x Touch Up Spray
2 x Wax Melter
2 x Elastic Bands
2 x Minor Damage
1 x Scissors
1 x Trimmer
1 x Tattoo Kit

4 x Antibiotic Ointment
2 x Field Medicine Kit
2 x Emergency First Aid Kit
5 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Basic First Aid Kit
2 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
3 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
4 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
3 x Acrobatic
4 x Block
1 x Block the Pass
1 x Counter Attack
1 x Hideout Place
1 x Elusion
1 x Getaway
1 x Jail Break
2 x Slide
3 x Slick Oil
2 x Spikes
1 x Trip Over
1 x Punch
1 x Vicious Bite

1x Snowcat Trait

6 x Design Change Token

4 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x Fluro Safe Paint Kit

5 x Kilimanjaro Tickets

1 x Banked SND
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

EnderZone-36042,585,500 RDS6 x GSPC [Breeders]
3 x GSPC (Classic)
2x Silver SPC
1x Bronze SPC
3 x PB

1 x Drops of Specialty

4 x Minor GD

1x Drop of speciality
1x Wild Card


3 Fake Papers
3 SPC (silver spc)
3 GSPC (Gold, breeders)
10 Breeding License
2 Gender Determination Minor
2 x Fertility Flasks Minor

6 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
3 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
5 x PB
1 x Flying Fox (Bat)

1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x Wild Rat
156 AP [Unbound]
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell Red Stripes
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell Swirly

1x Official Racing lvl II

1x Platinum Tack Token
1x Helmet
1x Gloves
1x Crop
2 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Delicious Bday cake
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Painkiller
2 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills

1 x Fatal Injury
1 x Honor Race

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1x SND ( No cat)

1x Companion Skin - Dog

1x Tattoo Kit
1x Cosmetic: Scissors
1x Cosmetic: Trimmers
Newbie Shedu cat claimed
FlareAndIcicle1,085,650 RDS0 x Gold SPC (breeders/ prize)
10 x Silver SPC
1 x Bronze SPC (convertable to PB)
4 x Bronze SPC
12 x Fake Papers
13 x PBs

1 x Pro advice Premium - checks cat pairing
3 x Shedu Pair Check

13 x Season License

1 x GD Minor
5 x MGD
6 x FF Minor
5 x FF Major
1 x Gene Storage
2 x Queen Care
1 x Wild Card

2 x Drop of Speciality
1 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Ruby Heart
0 x Love Letter
1 x Red Panda
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Hawk
3 x Wild Rat
4x Halloween shedu flying fox
1 x Vulture
1 x Meerkat Dark
55 AP (unbound)
50 Prize Ap
7 x Tack Token
2 x Shedu Tack Token - Decoration
1 x Shedu Tack Token - Accessory
2 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token

1 x Basic Paw Pads
3 x Hardy's Traveler Set

1 x Standard Dressage Tack LVL 3
1 x Official Racing: Lvl 2

1x Mandalorian Tack
1x Dark Side Survivalist/Explorer Tack Set
3 x Crop
5 x Helmet

3x Darth Maul T-Shirt
1x Darth Mauls Lightsaber
1x Anakin's Lightsaber
2 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior

1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
1 x El Clasico Hardy

1 x Touch Up Spray
1 x Elastic Bands
1x Silky Brush

1 x Antibiotic Ointment

1 x Mini First Aid Kit
4 x Basic First Aid Kit
3 x Standard First Aid Kit
6 x Emergency First Aid Kit

1 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot
4 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills

1 x Painkiller
2 x Veterinary labor assistance: Revival Attempt
1 x Block
2 x Trip Over
1 x Slick Oil

1x Safe Paint kit
1x Paint Set: Red Cyber Crystal
4 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

4 x Kilimanjaro TICKET

1 x Design Change Token
5x Companion skin: Dog
2x Kilimanjaro ticket
1x Shedu novice diploma (no cat, with trait)
SAF Draw/Get a Cat
Heca-Bitch4Life146,750 RDS7 x GSPC (breeders)
0 x Gold SPC
6 x Silver SPC
7 x BPC or 3 PBs
12 x PB
16 x Fake Papers

1 x Matched Pair

3 x Gene Storage
9 x Fertility Flask Minor
20 x Fertility Flask Major
12 x GD
0 x MGD
4 x Wild Card
4 x Queen Care

34 x Season License

6 x Blueprint of Perfection
8 x Ruby heart
6 x Love Letter
8 x Drop of Speciality

5x Gene Transfer
2 x Halloween Flying Fox

145 AP [unbound]

1 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Saddle Pad

4 x Level 1 Tach Shop License
5 x Platinum Tack Token
1 x Shedu tack token
2 x Shedu tack token - decoration

1 x Custom Tack Design

1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell red Stripes
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell 2

1x Tack Set: Official Racing Level II

1 x Helmet
1 x Gloves
1 x Crop
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

8 x Kilimanjaro Volant
7 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
1 x Cat Foods El Clasico Perfect Balance
2 x CatFoods-El-Clasico-Deft
4 x CatFoods El Clasico HARDY
8 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

2 x Alaska Oil
2 x Fly Spray
1 x Wax Melter
2 x Shedu Fish Treats
4 x Sweeties Treats
3 x Pheromone Treats
3 x Touch-up Spray

7 x Fatal Injury Token
5x Serious Damage

3 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Minor injury \ Minor scars badge
2 x Antibiotic Ointment
5x Vet Labor Assistance

5 x Serious Damage Token
2 x Lucky charm
1 x Getaway

1 x Goblet
1 x Item Kit
1 x Ribbon
15 x Safe Paint Kit
2 x Import Change
11 x Tattoo kits
10x Safe Paints
21x Kilimanjaro Ticket
5 x Gatos Locos Tickets
1 x SND (no snd cat)

1 x Trimmer
1 x Scissors
1 x Companion Skin: Dog
Hlaorith2,952,300 RDS6 x Gold SPC (Classic)
8 x Gold SPC [Prize / breeders]
14 x Silver SPC
9 x Bronze SPC ( or 9 PBs )
8 x Fake Papers
10 x PB

1 x Pro Advice
7 x Pair Check
4 x Shedu Breeding Advice

114 x Season License
1 x Silver season license

6 x Gender determination
6 x Major Gender Determination
13 x Fertility Flask Minor
7 x Fertility Flask Major
5 x Wild Card
2 x Queen Care
0 x gene storage

5 x Drop of Speciality
8 x Ruby hearts
2 x Blueprint of perfection
6 x Love Letter
2 x African Crowned Eagle
2 x Agouti Rat Companion
1 x African Grey Parrot
1 x African Grey Parrot, Void Prophet
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x Bactrian camel
2 x Camel
2 x Cheeta Cub
3 x Cobra
1 x Fennec Dark
6 x Hawk
1 x Meerkat
11 x Owl
6 x Sable Antelope Fawn
5 x Stray Kitten
2 x Tiger Cub
2 x Widow Bird
1 x Zebra
1 x Panda
0 x Vulture
4 x Wild Rat companions

9 x Shedu Raven
6 x Fying Fox (Bat)
10 x Lykoi Kitten

1 x Black Persian Cat
25 AP [UB]
90 Prize Ap
2 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token
1 x Saddlery crafter license AR I
2 x Saddlery Crafter License AR II
5 x Level 1 Tack Shop License

50 x Tack Token
9 x Token: Decoration
4 x Token: Accessory
1 x Token: Platinum Tack
17 x Token: Saddlebag
1 x Tack: Platinum Tack [Dressage]

1 x H.T Set
2 x H.T Leg Protection
1 x H.T Magnetic Rug
3 x H.T Magnetic Hood

3 x Tack: Custom set AR 4

1 x Red Ribbon decor

14 x Basic Paw Pads
2 x Basic Buzz Collar
9 x Basic Muzzle
1 x O. Racing Tack Lvl 1
2 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 2
2 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 4

14 x Tatooine Sand
9 x Death Star Trinket

5 x Tack: Stormtrooper
3 x Tack: Naboo
2 x Tack: Sand Street Racing
1 x Tack: Mandalorian

1 x Red Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Xmas Ribbon bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon bell red stripes
2 x Xmas Ribbon bell Swirly

1 x Foo Dog Collar

8 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal
4 x Paint: Blue Cyber Crystal Old Jedi
2 x Paint: Stormtrooper
3 x Paint: Mandalorian
12 x Vader T-Shirt
6 x Kenobi T-Shirt
5 x Darth Maul T-Shirt

4 x Darth Maul Lightsaber
2 x Darth Vader Lightsaber
3 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber
6 x Luke Lightsaber
1 x Anakin's Lightsaber
2 x Kenobi Lightsaber

2 x Helmet
1 x Basic Gloves
1 x Kazumasa helmet
1 x Jigoku helmet

1 x Smith & Wesson Revolver

3 x Darth Vader Boots
1 x Vader Pants
1 x Vader Coat
1 x Vaders Mask
1 x Vaders Gloves
23 x El Clasico Deft
13 x El Clasico HARDY
29 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
9 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

12 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
15 x Kilimanjaro Volant
17 x Kilimanjaro Senior

2 x Sweeties
6 x Pheromone Treats
5 x Alaska Oil
17 x Wax Melter

3 x Claw Polish
8 x Elastic Band
3 x Silk Brush
20 x Touch up Spray
6x Fly Spray
7 x Minor injury \ Minor scars badge
2 x Fatal Injury

14 x Antibiotic Ointment

14 x Rigid Splint and Antibiotic Shot
11 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
10 x Vet Wrap and Anti Inflammatory Meds
2 x IV Fluids, Injectable Meds and Hospital care

8 x Mini First Aid Kit
9 x Field Medicine Kit
12 x Standard First Aid Kit
10 x Emergency First Aid Kit

3 x Painkiller

11 x Vet Labor Assistance
2 x Lucky Charm
10 x Acrobatics
4 x Block the Pass
10 x Block
3 x Bribe
1 x Critical Hit / Slam
3 x Counter Attack
8 x Elusion
1 x Getaway
1 x Jail Break
8 x Slide
11 x Spikes
11 x Slick Oil
3 x Support
12 x Trip Over
3 x Tack Sabotage
10 x Punch
11 x Vicious Bite
1 x Official Bribe

1 x Hideout Place
1 x Short Cut
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Komainu Breeder Pin

3 x Komainu Cavalry Badge

12 x Kilimanjaro TICKET

14 x Import Change Token

7 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit
16 x Safe Paint Kit

13 x Companion Skin: Dog

12 x Tattoo Kit

3 x Baboon Skull (+2 in fighting events)
2 x Voodoo Mask Amulet ( -2 others results )
3 x Widow-bird Feather
3 x Sun Protection Cream
2 x Eagle Feather
4 x Zebra Skull
4 x Lion skull
5 x Volture Feather
2 x Snake Skin
1 x Buffalo Skull

2 x Trait Token

5 x Gatos Locos Tickets

1 x Lykoi Feral: Proof

8 x Scissors
4 x Trimmer

1x BBS-TIP-OFF 1/3
1x BBS-TIP-OFF 2/3
1x BBS-TIP-OFF 3/3

10 x Gene Transfer
2 x Cheetah skull totem
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

1x 20 Token ability (expires 3.2.2025)
USED (05.26.2024)

1x 30 Token ability (expires 06.15.2025)
icy1583,000 RDS3 x Gold SPC [Breeders]
0 x Silver SPC
0 x Bronze SPC
1 x Fake Papers
4 x PB

4 x Gender Determination
0 x Majoer Gender Determination
0 x Fertility Flask Major
0 x Wild Card
0 x Extra Queen Care
1 x Gene Storage

4 x Season License


0 x Ruby Heart
2 x Drop of Speciality
2 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
2 x Bianca the Lamb

1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
655 AP [UB]1x Official Racing LVL 2

1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
1 x T-Shirt: Kenobi
1 x Elastic Bands

1 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
1 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot

1 x Fatal Injury Token
1x Spikes
2 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

3 x Import Change

1 x A Class Custom (note sent) USED

1 x 20 Token Ability (Expires 10.30.2024)

1 x 20 Token Ability (Expires 12.17.2024)
indwelt (ex TwiggyARPG , ThingARPG 5,100,550 RDS27 x GSPC (breeders)
19 x GSPC (classic)
15 x Silver SPC
6 x Bronze SPC
10 x Fake Papers
9 x PB

10 x Fertility Flask Minor
10 x Fertility Flask Major
10 x Minor Gender Determination
15 x Major Gender Determination
11 x Wild Card
10 x Queen Care
10 x Gene Storage

3 x Love Letter

32 x Season License

1 x Lucky Charm

1 x Access to the IFS stud board (IV lvl)
1 x Access to the IFS stud board (III lvl)


0 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
3 x Love Letter
2 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
5 x PB
4 x African Grey Parrot
1 x African Crowned Eagle
3 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x Camel
1 x Cheetah Cub
4 x Cobra
5 x Fennec
2 x Flying Fox (Bat)
2 x Hawk
8 x Lykoi
1 x Panda
13 x Raven
5 x Meerkat
2 x Owl
1 x Tiger
0 x Volture
1 x Widowbird
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Wild Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Zebra
6 x Wild Rat
942 AP [UB]
4 [UB Prize AP]
7 x Basic Muzzle
1 x Basic Buzz Collar
8 x Basic Paw Pads

79 x Tack Token
6 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token (SSS item)
6 x Tack Token - Saddlebags
6 x Tack Token - Accessory

2 x Tatooine Sand

4 x H.T Magnetic Hood
2 x Hardy's leg Protection

1 x O.Racing Tack LVL 1
1 x O.Racing Tack LVL 2

1 x Red Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell Red Stripes
0 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell
2 x Kenobi Lightsaber
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber

1 x Kenobi T-Shirt
1 x Vader T-Shirt
1 x Darth Maul T-Shirt

3 x Gloves
4 x Helmet
1 x Crop

2 x Darth Vader Boots
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

11 x KIlimanjaro Endurant
31 x KIlimanjaro Recovery
5 x Kilimanjaro Senior
7 x KIlimanjaro Volant

7 x El Classico Hardy
1 x El Classico Deft
1 x El Classico Perfect Balance
3 x El Classico Perfect Stride

6 x Elastic Band
3 x Silk Brush
35 x Wax Melter
2 x Fly Spray
1x Pheromone Treats

2 x Fatal Injury
2 x Minor Damage

11 x Antibotic Ointment
36 x Mini First Aid Kit
29 x Basic First Aid Kit
11 x Field Medicine Kit
16 x Standard First Aid Kit
16 x Emergency First Aid Kit

3 x IV Fluids, Injectable meds and Hospital care
11 x Rigid Split and Anibiotic Shot
18 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
9 x Vet Wraps & Anti-Inflammatory Meds

1 x Drug
7 x Painkiller

10 x Veterinary Labor Assistance: Revival Attempt
2x Lucky Charms
4 x Acrobatics
8 x Block
1 x Block the Pass
2 x Drag them Down
12 x Elusion
1 x Jail Break
3 x Punch
2 x Shortcut
2 x Slick Oil
4 x Slide
2 x Smoke
6 x Spikes
2 x Tack Sabotage
7 x Trip Over
6 x Vicious Bite
2 x Fluoro safe paint kit
3 x Safe paint kit

4 x Import Change Token

16 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

2 x Shedu Novice Diploma (catless)

2 x Lion Skull - totem
1 x Buffalo Skull
3 x Volture Feather
1 x Sun Protection
1 x Cheetah Skull

1 x Voodoo Mask Amulet

1 x Djibb Market Access

0 x Scissors
5x Gatos Locos Tickets

1 x Trait Tokens
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

1 x MGD [Halloween 2021]

1 x MGD [Halloween 2022]
Juliantic6,059,650 RDS23 x Gold SPC (Breeders)
2 x Gold SPC (standard)
21 x Bronze SPC (or 14 PBs)
15 x SPC (silver spc)
28 x Fake Papers
7 x PB

6 x Pair Check
1 x Gene Storage
7 x Fertility Flasks Minor
4 x Fertility Flask Major
17 x Gender Determination Minor
3 x Major Gender Determination
2 x Wild Card

51 x Season License

3 x Ruby heart
5 x Drop of Speciality
2 x Love Letters
2 x Blueprint of perfection


6 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
3 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
5 x PB
2 x Raven
5 x Lykoi
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Bianca the Lamb

1x Companion Skin - Dog
275 AP [unbound]6 x Shedu Tack Token
1 x Platinum Tack Token
2 x Saddlebags Token

3 x Basic Buzz Collar
3 x Basic Paw Pads
4 x Basic Muzzle

2 x Christmas ribbon with bell Red Stripes
3 x Red Xmas Ribbon w Bell 2 (bant3)
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell

2 x Hardy's Leg Protection

1x Official Racing LVL II

1x Death Star Trinket
3 x Helmet
3 x Gloves
1x Crop

1x Kenobi T-shirt
1 x Delicious Birthday Cake

13 x El Clasico HARDY
2 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
4 x El Clasico Deft
5 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

2 x Kilimanjaro Senior
6 x Kilimanjaro Volant
6 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery

3 x Pheromone Treats
5 x Elastic Band
3 x Silk Hair Brush
2 x Claw Polish
2 x Wax Melter
1x Silk Brush
3 x Antibiotic Ointment

2 x Mini First Aid Kit
2 x Basic First Aid Kit
2 x Standard First Aid Kit
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit

1 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
5 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot

1 x Fatal Injury
2 x Block
1 x Critical Hit/Slam
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Elusion
2 x Getaway
1 x Honor Race
1 x Hideout
1 x Jail Break
2 x Punch
1 x Slick Oil
1 x Slide
2 x Spikes
1 x Support
1 x Trip Over
2 x Vicious Bite

1x Trimmers
1x Scissors
1x Tattoo Kit
1 x Safe Paint Kit
2 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

9 x Import Change Token

Snowy Xmas BG

1x Banked SND

1x Tatooine Sand
Kami-O-Kami (Fischi)1,670,500 RDS6 x Gold SPC (Breeders)
3 x Gold SPC (Standard)
12 x Silver SPC
6 x Bronze SPC
20 x PB (12 convertable to BPC)
14 x Fake Papers

4 x MGD
8 x Minor GD
0 x Queen Care
2 x Wild Card
0 x Gene Storage
0 x FF Major
0 x FF Minor

1 x Ruby heart
3 x Drop of Specialty
6 x Love Letters
0 x Blueprint of perfection

17 x Season License

1 x Pair Check
1 x African Grey Parrot
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Fennec Mid
0 x Flying Fox (Bat)
2 x Lykoi Kitten
3 x Raven
1 x Tiger
1 x Meerkat
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
1 x Bianca the Lamb
200 AP [UB]

65 AP [Prize]
6 x Tack Token
2 x Platinum Tack Token
1 x Tack Accessory Token
1 x Tack Decoration Token
8 x Saddlebag Tack Token

3 x Basic Muzzle
5 x Basic Paw pads

3 x Hardy's Transport Magnet Hood
1 x Hardy's Leg Protection
1 x Transportation Rug

4 x Death Star Trinket
9 x Tatooine Sand
1 x Yellow Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1 x Blue Kyber-Crystal Trinket

2 x O.Racing Tack LVL 1
1 x O.Racing Tack LVL 3

1 x Red Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell Swirly
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell Red Stripe

3 x Stormtrooper Explore Tack
1 x Dark Side Survivalist
1 x Mandalorian Exploration tack

3 x Stormtrooper Paint Set
1 x Mandalor Paint Set
2 x Old Veteran Paint Set
1 x Darth Vader Lightsaber
2 x Luke Lightsaber
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber

1 x Darth Vader T-Shirt
1 x Kenobi T-Shirt

1x Helmet

1 x Kazumasa helmet
2 x Jigoku helmet

2 x Darth Vader Boots
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

6 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
3 x Kilimanjaro Senior
10 x Kilimanjaro Volant

6 x El Clasico Hardy

1 x Claw Polish
8 x Elastic Band
3 x Fly Spray
2 x Touch Up Spry
2 x Silky Brush
6 x Wax Melter
8 x Damage Token, Minor
2 x Damage Token, Moderate
7 x Damage Token, Serious
1 x Damage Token, Fatal

3 x Standard First Aid Kit
5 x Antibiotic Ointment
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Basic First Aid Kit
2 x Emergency First Aid Kit
2 x Field Medicine Kit
4 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotics
3 x Soft Splint & Antibiotics Pills
7 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
1 x Acrobatics
5 x Block
1 x Block the Pass
1 x Bribe
1 x Critical hit/ Slam
3 x Elusion
2 x Honor Race
1 x Hideout
1 x Jail Break
2 x Punch
3 x Slick Oil
5 x Slide
3 x Spike
2 x Smoke
1 x Support
4 x Trip Over
2 x Vicious Bite
1 x Drag Them Down
6 x Fluro Safe Paint
6 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x Import Change Token

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1 x Snow Cat Trait

Snowy Christmas BG Badge

7 x SND (no cats, traits are included)

2 x Cosmetic: Scissors

Companion Skin: Sci-Fi Edition
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

Kehndale85,000 RDS4 x Gold SPC [Breeders]
0 x Gold SPC
3 x Silver SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
1 x Fake Papers
4 x PB

3 x Shedu Pair Check
3 x Queen Care
0 x Wild Card
0 x FF Major
0 x FF Minor
0 x MGD
0 x Gene Storage

15 x Season License

0 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
0 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
1 x Wild Rat
1 x Raven
0 x Meerkat
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x African Grey Parrot
75 AP [UPAB]

65 Prize AP

1x Paw pads
3 x Basic Muzzle
1 x Platinum Tack Token
1 x Racing Tack LV 2

3x Saddlebag Tokens
9x Shedu Tack Token
1 x Red Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Decoration: Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red Stripes
1 x Decoration: Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly

1x Tack: Official Racing LVL II
1 x Tack: Ilum Survival/Exploration

2 x Trinket: Death Star
2 x Trinket: Tatooine Sand

1 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal
1 x Paint: Blue Cyber Crystal

1x Teal Kyber-Crystal Trinket
2x Red Kyber-Crystal Trinket
2 x Lightsaber: Anakin

2 x T-Shirt: Kenobi
1 x T-Shirt: Darth Maul
1x Helmet
1x Gloves
1x Crop
1 x Delicious Bday Cake

1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance

3 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1x Sweeties

1 x Silk Brush
1x Elastic Band
1 x Fatal Injury

1 x Basic First Aid Kit
1x Standard First Aid Kit
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Antibiotic Ointment

1 x Trimmer
1 x Tattoo Kit
1 x Scissors
2 x Block
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Elusion
1 x Slide
1 x Spikes
2 x Slick Oil
1 x Trip Over
1 x Critical Hit/Slam
1 x Honor Race

1x Serious Damage
1x Fatal Injury
1 x Snow Xmas BG
2 x Import Change
1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket
3x Safe paint kit
1x Fluro paint kit
0 x SND (no snd cat)
1 x Companion Skin: Dog

3x Scissors
3x Trimmers
1 x 30 Token Ability (expires 3.2.2025)

1x Breeding slot to one of the starters that were designed via event
M-ninjastarhate8,961,050 RDS43 x Gold SPC (Breeders)
2 x Gold SPC (Classic)
5 x Silver SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
5 x Fake Papers
1 x PB

8 x Pair Check
7 x Breeding Advice

19 x Wild Card
8 x Queen Care
0 x Fertility Flask Minor
1 x Fertility Flask Major
17 x Major Gender Determination
8 x Minor Gender Determination

97 x Season License

4 x Ruby Heart
4 x Blueprint of Perfection
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
11 x Shedu Raven
9 x Shedu Flying Fox (Bat)
13 x Lykoi Kitten

1 x Przhevalsky Foal
3 x Panda
1 x Tiger
3 x Bactrain Camel
2 x Camel
2 x Fennec Light
7 x Stray Kitten
1 x Bianca the Lamb
6 x Owl
1 x Cheetah Cub
1 x Hawk
1 x Red Panda
5 x Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Zebra
1 x African Grey Parrot
1 x Meerkat
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x Wild Rat
1 x African Crowned Eagle
Respect: 25

458 AP [unbound]
175 Prize AP
6 x O.Racing Tack lvl II
2 x O.Racing Tack Lvl I
4 x O.Racing Tack Lvl IV
3 x O.Racing Tack lvl III

3 x Basic Buzz Collar
10 x Basic Paw Pads
22 x Basic Muzzle

3 x H.T Magnetic Rug
4 x H.T Magnetic Hood
3 x H.T Leg Protection
1 x H.T Set

2 x Shedu Tack Token - Accessory
2 x Shedu Tack Token - Decoration
1 x Shedu Tack Token - Saddlebags
32 x Shedu Tack Token

4 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token
2 x Plat Tack Token [ dressage only ]

1x Saddelry License SC I
1 x Saddlery License AR I
1 x Saddlery License AR IV

5 x Custom Tack Set AR Level 4

2 x Xmas Ribbon w bell Swirly
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell Red Stripes

1 x Paint Set: Red Cyber Crystal
2 x Paint Set: Blue Cyber Crystal, Old Jedi

2 x Death Star Trinket
1 x Tatooine Sand
3 x Crop
4 x Gloves
3 x Helmet

1 x Anakins Lightsaber
1 x Darth Vader's Lightsaber

1 x Darth Maul T-Shirt

1 x Darth Vader Coat
1 x Vaders Boots
27 x El Clasico Deft
22 x El Clasico Hardy
30 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
39 x El Clasico Perfect Balance

14 x Kilimanjaro Volant
22 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
2 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
20 x Kilimanjaro Senior

11 x Food Supplements II
9 x Pheromone Treats
1 x Fish Treats
11 x Alaska Oil

9 x Silk brush
13 x Elastic Band
13 x Touch Up Spray
15 x Fly Spray
3 x Claw Polish
13 x Wax Melter

7 x Minor Damage
1 x Moderate Damage
7 x Serious Damage Token
2 x Fatal Injury Token

11 x Antibiotic Ointment
23 x Mini First Aid Kit
11 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Standard First Aid Kit
4 x Field Medicine Kit
18 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
20 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot
8 x Vet Wrap and Anti Inflammatory Meds
2 x IV Fluids, Injectable meds and Hospital
5 x Painkiller
5 x Vet Labor Assistance

2 x Mini First Aid Kit ( 3/4 used )
1 x Standard First Aid Kit ( 1/4 used )
1 x Hideout Place

21 x Acrobatics
15 x Block
3 x Block the pass
5 x Bribe
3 x Counter Attack
3 x Critical Hit Slam
3 x Drag them down
14 x Elusion
3 x Flash
1 x Getaway
2 x Hideout Place
1 x Honor Race
3 x Jail Break
12 x Punch
3 x Shortcut
16 x Slide
9 x Slick Oil
3 x Smoke
17 x Spike
2 x Support
1 x Tack Sabotage
21 x Trip over
18 x Vicious Bite
2 x Trait Token
6 x Kilimanjaro TICKET
1 x Feral Shedu Cat

12 x Import Change Token
6 x Safe Paint Kit
2 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

1 x Cheetah Skull
2 x Voodoo Mask Amulet
1 x Sun Protection Cream
1 x Baboon Skull
1 x Zebra Skull

3 x Eagle Feather
6 x Tattoo kit
1 x companion skin dog
1 x Trimmer
1x Scissors

1x SND (no cat)
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

5 /5 Minor Gender [2021 Pumpkin Trade In]

1 Breeding slot to one of the starters that were designed via this event (please, wait for an official announcement before claiming the slot)

2 x 30 Token Ability
( #1 expires 04.10.2025)
( #2 expires 06.15.2025)
Pikku-Peruna2,592,500 RDS1 x Fake Papers
12 x Gold SPC [Breeders/ Prize]
2 x Gold SPC
4 x Silver SPC
2 x Bronze SPC

6 x PB
0 x Fertility Flask Major
1 x MGD
1 x Queen Care
1 x Gene Storage
1 x Wild Card

9 x Season Breeding License

0 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
1 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection
2 x Halloween Flying Fox
1 x Lykoi Kitten
0x Meerkat

1 x Companion Skin: Dog
1 x Camel
109 AP [UB]

30 AP [Prize]
4 x Tack Token
3 x Saddlebag Token

1 x Safe Paint Kit
3 x Basic Muzzle
1 x Tack: Official Racing LVL II


1 x Vader's Mask
2 x Basic Gloves
1 x Basic Helmet
1 x Crop

1x Darth Maul T-shirt
1x Kenobi T-shirt
1 x Elastic Bands
1 x Claw Polish
1 x Alaska Oil
1 x Fly Spray

1 x Sweeties

1 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

2 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Endurant

1 x Wax Melter
1 x Mini First aid Kit
3 x Antibiotic Oinment
2 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflamitory Meds

2 x Rigid Splint and Antibiotic shot

1 x Lucky Charm
3 x Vet Labor assistance (SSS item)
1 x Elusion
1 x Hideout
1x Offensive Card : Trip Over
1 x Vicious Bite
1 x Acrobatics
1 x Honor Race
1 x Slick Oil
Snow Christmas BG Badge

2 x Import change token

1 x Junk
1 x Flouro safe paint kit

3 x Scissors & Trimmer
1 x Trimmer
1 x Scissors
1 x Tattoo Kit

1 x BBS Tipoff 1/3
1 x BBS Tipoff 2/3
1 x BBS Tipoff 3/3
1 x 20 Token Ability (expires 07.07.2025)

Permission to use Moonshine BG (dusk-red)
QueenHalloween QueenARPG
9,377,100 RDS30 x Gold SPC (breeders)
6 x Gold SPC (classic)
9 x Silver SPC
24 x Bronze SPC
14 x Fake Papers
13 x PB

7 x Ruby Heart
6 x Love letter
4 x Drop of Speciality
3 x Blueprint of Perfection

3 x FF Minor
2 x FF Major
9 x Minor GD
10 x Major GD
3 x Wild Card
5 x Queen Care
0 x Gene Storage

34 x Season License

1 x Breeding Advice
4 x Shedu Pair Check

1 x Cheetah Skull
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x Bianca the Lamb
3 x Cobra
1 x Flying Fox (Bat)
3 x Hawk
1 x Kitten
2 x Lykoi
4 x Meerkat
8 x Raven
4 x Stray Kitten
1 x Tiger Cub
1 x White Sable Antelop fawn
2 x Sooty Antelop fawn
2 x Wild Rat
1 x Vulture
1 x Fennec Mid
3 x Owl
1 x Widowbird
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Lykoi Kitten
1x Black Persian Cat

1x Companion Skin - Dog
557 AP [UB]
125 Prize AP
15 x Basic Muzzle
18 x Basic Paw Pads
2 x Basic Buzz Collar

3 x Platinum Tack Token (SSS item)
2 x Platinum Tack Token

7 x Tack Token

2 x Hardy: Transport Rug
1 x Hardy: Transport Hood
3 x Hardy: Transport Legs

1 x Death Star Trinket
4 x Tatooine Sand

1 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 1
2 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 2
3 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 3
1 x O.Racing Tack Lvl 4

6 x Red Cyber Crystal Paint
1 x Red Cyber Crystal II Paint
1 x Blue Cyber Crystal Old Jedi
1 x Mandalor Safe Paint
1 x Stormtrooper Safe Paing

1 x Mandalorian Explore/ Quest

1 x Christmas Ribbon With Bell, Red Stripes
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
3 x Anakin's Lightsaber
3 x Kenobi Lightsaber
2 x Darth Maul Lightsaber
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber
1 x Luke Lightsaber

1 x Vaders T-shirt
4 x Kenobi T-Shirt
3 x Darth Maul T-Shirt

4 x Vader Coat
1 x Vader Gloves
1 x Vader Mask
1 x Vader Cape
1 x Vader Pants
1 x Vader Boots

4 x Gloves
3 x Riding Crop
3 x Helmet

2 x Decor: Red Kyber-Crystal Trinket
2 x Decor: Orange Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1 x Decor: Teal Kyber-Crystal Trinket
1 x Decor: Fossil Tooth Trinket
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

13 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
18 x Kilimanjaro Senior
8 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Recovery

4 x El Clasico HARDY
1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
1 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
1 x El Clasico Deft

25 x Wax Melter
12 x Elastic Bands
6 x Fly Spray
5 x Silk Brush
1 x Pheromone Treats
2 x Touch Up Spray
3 x Sweeties

4 x Cosmetic: Scissors
1 x Cosmetic: Trimmer
12 x Antibiotic Ointment

10 x Mini First Aid Kit
5 x Basic First Aid Kit
4 x Standard First Aid Kit
6 x Emergency First Aid Kit
3 x Field Medicine Kit

15 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
10 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
11 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds
2 x IV Fluids, Injectable Meds & Hospital Care

3 x Painkiller

2 x Med: Minor Damage
1 x Med Moderate Damage
1x Med: Serious Damage
2 x Med: Fatal Injury
2 x Acrobatics
1 x Bribe
1 x Jail Break
2 x Punch
1 x Vicious Bite

1 x Honor Race

1 x Elusion
1 x Block
1 x Slick Oil

8 x MISC: Import Change
3 x COSMETIC: Fluoro Safe Paint Kit
12 x COSMETIC: Safe Paint Kit

7 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

4 x Baboon Skull ( +2 fighting )
2 x Voodoo Mask ( -2 others reults )
2 x Buffalo Skull
1 x Zebra Skull

2 x Widowbird Feather
1 x Eagle Feather

1 x Sunscreen

2x COSMETIC: Tattoo Kit
1x COSMETIC: Trimmer

4x Banked SND
1 x 20 Token Ability (Expires 5.19.2024)

1 x 20 Token Ability (Expires 5.19.2024)

1 x 30 Token Ability (Expires 3.2.2025)
USED (04/21/2024)

1 x 20 Token Ability (Expires 3.2.2025)
Rising-Star-Farm (micah)15,000 RDS2 x Gold SPC ( breeders)
1 x Gold SPC
0 x Silver SPC
0 x Bronze SPC
1 x Fake Papers
0 x PB

0 x MGD
0 x GD
0 x Fertility Flasks Minor
0 x FF Major
0 x Wild Card
0 x Gene Storage
0 x Queen Care

0 x Season License

0 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
0 x Love Letter
1 x Blueprint of perfection

1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x Bianca The Lamb
55 AP [Prize]
1 stat point

1 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Muzzle
1 x Basic Buzz Collar

4 x Tack Token
1 x Platinum Tack Token
3 x Saddle Bag Tokens

2 x Decor: Bant3 ( red ribbon with a bell )
1 x Decor: Red Xmas Ribbon w/ Stripes
1 x Decor: Christmas Ribbon with Bell
1 x Decor: Christmas Ribbon with Bell 2
1 x Decor: Christmas Ribbon with Bell Red Stripes
1 x Decor: Death Star Trinket
1 x Decor: Fossil Tooth Trinket
5 x Decor: Tattooine Sand

2 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal
1 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal II
1 x Paint: Stormtrooper
1x Paint: Dathomirian Paint Set

1x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II
2 x Helmet
1 x Crop
1 x Gloves

1 x Luke Lightsaber
2 x Anakin's Lightsaber
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber

1 x Darth Maul T-Shirt
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

4 x El Clasico Hardy
2 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
1 x El Clasico Deft
1 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

2 x Kilimanjaro Volant
2 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
3 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery

4 x Wax Melter
1 x Silk Brush

1 x Elastic Bands
2 x Touch Up Spray
1 x Med: Moderate Damage
3 x Med: Fatal Injury

2 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Mini First Aid Kit

2 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
2 x Ridgid Splint and Antibiotic Shot
1 x Vet Wrap & Anti Infalmmatory Meds
1 x Antibiotic Ointment
1 x Painkiller

2 x Acrobatics
2 x Block
1 x Counter Attack
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Punch
2 x Slide
2 x Slick Oil
2 x Trip Over
5 x Vicious Bite
1 x Spikes
1 x Cosmetic: Safe Paint Kit
2 x Cosmetic: Import Change
4 x Cosmetic: Scissors
4 x Cosmetic: Trimmers
1 x Cosmetic: Tattoo Kit

1 x Companion Skin: dog

1x BBS Tip Off 1/3
1x BBS Tip Off 2/3
1x BBS Tip Off 3/3
1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1 x 20 Token Ability
(expires 01.28.2025)
USED (04/21/2024)

1 x Breeding slot to one of the starters that were designed via this event

1 x 30 Token Ability (expires 3.21.2025)

1 x Snowy Xmas BG
RowanSorva1,782,050 RDS7 x Gold SPC [Prize / breeders]
2 x Gold SPC [Classic]
6 x Silver SPC
4 x Bronze SPC
1 x PB
6 x Fake Papers

12 x Season License

1 x Shedu Pair Check

1 x Access to the IFS stud board (III lvl)

1 x Fertility Flask Major
1 x Fertility Flask Minor
1 x Wild Card
3 x Gender Determination

4 x Gene Transfer

6 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
4 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
0 x MGD
5 x PB
2 x Tiger
1 x Bactrian Camel
1 x Camel
1 x Fennec Med
1 x Przhevalsky Horse foal
2 x Flying Fox (Bat)
2 x Lykoi Kitten
1 x Raven
1 x Owl
1 x Stray Kitten
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x Wild Rat
383 AP [unbound]
4 x Shedu Tack Token
2 x Death Star Trinket
2 x Shedu Tack Saddlebags Token
1 x Tatooine Sand
1 x Platinum tack token
3 x Tack Tokens

1 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Muzzle

1 x Bant3
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell Swirly
1 x Xmas Ribbon w Bell Red Stripes

1x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II
1 x Vader T-shirt
2 x Kenobi T-shirt
3 x Anakin's lightsaber
1 x Darth Vader boots
2 x Helmet
1 x Kazumasa helmet
1 x Jigoku Helmet
1 x crop
1 x gloves
1 x Delicious Bday Cake

2 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
2 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior

1 x El Clasicco Perfect Stride
1 x El Clasicco Hardy

3 x Alaska Oil
1 x Fly Spray
1 x Pheromone Treats

1 x Silk Brush
3 x Elastic Band
2 x Wax Melter
4 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
3 x Rigid Splint and Antibiotics

5 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Mini First Aid Kit (3/4)

1 x Field Medicine Kit

5 x Basic First Aid Kit
1 x Basic First Aid Kit (1/4)

1 x Standard First Aid Kit

1 x Fatal Injury Token
1 x Scissors
1 x Trimmers
1 x Tattoo Kit
2 x Support
2 x Acrobatics
1 x Punch
4 x Spikes
4 x Block
1 x Vicious Bite
2 x Slick Oil
6 x Elusion
4 x Slide
1 x Jail Break
3 x Trip Over
1 x Slick Oil
2 x Safe paint kit

2 x Trait Token

2 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

7 x Import Change Token
2 x Companion Skin: Dog
1 x SND (no cat)
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

ScunnyElse3,782,410 RDS1 x Gold SPC (Classic)
8 x Gold SPC (Prize/Breeder)
9 x Silver SPC
6 x Bronze SPC (3 convertable to PBs)
8 x Fake Papers
6 x PBs

5 x Major Gender Determination
6 x Gender Determination Minor
3 x Fertility Flask Major
10 x Fertility Flask Minor

6 x Pair Check
1 x Breeding Advice

4 x Blueprint of perfection
2 x Ruby Heart
2 x Drop of Specialty
1 x Wild Card

24 x Season License

3 x Lucky Charms


4 x Ruby Heart
3 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
3 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
5 x PB
1x Red Panda
2 x Owl
1 x Stray Kitten
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle
2 x Tiger Cub

2 x Flying Fox
8 x Lykoi Kitten
6 x Raven

3 x Meerkat

1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x Wild Rat

1x Black Persian Cat

1x Companion Skin - Dog
482 [unbound]
1 x Death Star Trinket

3 x Hardy's Transport Magnetic Hood
1 x Hardy's Transport Magnetic Rug

11 x Basic Muzzle
5 x Basic Paw Pads

2 x Official Racing Tack LVL 1
1x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II

1x Platinum Tack Token
7 x Tack Token
3 x Saddle Bags Token
2 x Decoration Tack Token
1x Accessory Tack Token

1 x Red Christmas Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon Red w/ Stripes

2 x Death Star Trinket

1 x Tack: Mandalorian

1 x Paint: Storm Trooper
1 x Paint: Mandalorian
5 x Kazumasa helmet
5 x Jigoku helmet

3 x Helmet
1x Gloves
1x Crop

1 x Darth Maul Lightsaber
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber
28 x Kilimanjaro Volant
9 x Kilimanjaro Senior
25 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
5 x Kilimanjaro Endurant

2 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
1 x El Clasico Hardy

11 x Elastic Band
2 x Touch-up Spray
5 x Silk Brush
30 x Wax Melter
1 x Fatal Injury Token
3 x Minor Damage

16 x Antibiotic Ointment

12 x Basic First Aid Kit
17 x Mini First Aid Kit
13 x Standard First Aid Kit
5 x Emergency First Aid Kit
4 x Field Medicine Kit

2 x IV Fluids, Injectable Meds & Hospital Care

14 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Shot
12 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
10 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds

3 x Painkillers
6 x Acrobatics
1 x Bribe
13 x Block
4 x Block the Pass
1 x Counter Attack
3 x Drag them Down
12 x Elusion
1 x Flash
1 x Getaway
2 x Honor Race
12 x Punch
3 x Short Cut
10 x Slick Oil
8 x Slide
5 x Spikes
1 x Tack Sabotage
11 x Trip Over
11 x Vicious Bite
2 x Moonshine Badge

4 x Import Change Token

2 x Safe Paint
2 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit
1x Tattoo Kit
1x Scissors
1x Trimmer

8 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1 x Feral Shedu (link)

2 x Trait Token

1x Shedu Novice Diploma (no cat)
Skelisteri1,222,500 RDS1 x Gold SPC (breeders)
4 x Gold SPC (standard)
2 x Silver SPC
3 x Bronze SPC
1 x PB
3 x Fake Papers

1 x Pair Check
0 x FF Major
3 x FF Minor
4 x Wild Card

1 x Lucky Charm

2 x Season License

1 x Ruby Heart
1 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of Perfection
1 x Bianca Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
2 x Halloween Shedu Raven
77 AP [UB]

1 x Shedu Tack Token
2 x Shedu Tack Token Decoration
1 x Platinum Tack Token
1 x Tack Set: Official Racing Lvl II

3 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell Swirly
1 x Red Xmas Ribbon (Bant 3)
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 2

2 x Basic Muzzle
2 x Gloves
1 x Crop
2 x Helmet
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday cake

2 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
3 x El Clasico Deft
4 x El Clasico Hardy
5 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

3 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
3 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Recover

3 x Pheromone Treats

2 x Claw Polish
1 x Silk Brush
2 x Wax Melter
1 x Minor Damage
2 x Fatal Injury
1 x Trifling Scratch

2 x Antibiotic Ointment

2 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot
1 x Mini First Said Kit
1 x Vet Labour Assistance
1 x Getaway
1 x Drag Them Down
1 x Slide
1 x Trip Over
3 x Design Change Token

1 x Moonshine Badge

Snowy Christmas BG Badge

1 x Import Change Token

1 x Tattoo Kit

1 x Trimmer
1 x Scissors

2 x SND (No Cat)

1 x Companion Skin - Dog
1 x 20 Token Ability
(expires: 01.28.2025)
TGreyhawk3,454,600 RDS5 x Gold SPC [B]
1 x Gold SPC
2 x Silver SPC
0 x Bronze SPC
11 x Perspective Beast
3 x Fake Papers

0 x Minor GD
0 x Major GD
2 x FF Minor
0 x FF Major
0 x Wild Card
0 x Queen Care
0 x Gene Storage

1 x Breeding Plan Advice

2 x Season License

1 x Drop of Speciality
3 x Ruby Hearts
1 x Blueprint of Perfection
1 x Love Letter
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
2 x African Crowned Eagle

0 x Meerkat
1 x Fennec
1 x Hawk
1 x Owl
1 x Owl 2
1 x Camel
1 x Zebra
1 x Lykoi Kitten
2 x Halloween Shedu Raven
0 x Black Persian Cat
1x Wild Rat Companion
0 x Flying Fox Companion
170 AP [UB]
110 AP [Prize]
3 x Basic Muzzle
1 x gloves

1 x Red Xmas Ribbon (Bant 3)
2 x Xmas Ribbon with bell Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell Red Stripes

2 x Red Cyber Crystal
1 x Red Cyber Crystal II

2 x Death Star Trinket
2 x Tatooine Sand

13 x Tack Token
15 x Saddlebag Token
1 x Platinum Tack Token

1 x Paint: Storm Trooper
1 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal II
2 x Paint: Blue Cyber Crystal

1 x Hardys: Hood
2 x Hardys: Leg Protection

1 x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II
1x Tack: Storm Trooper Survivalist/ Explorer

1x Crop
1x Gloves
1x Helmet

1 x Vader T-shirt
1 x Darth Maul T-shirt

4 x Lightsaber: Anakin
1 x Lightsaber: Kenobi
1 x Lightsaber: Qui-Gon Jinn
2 x Lightsaber: Luke

3 x Vader Boots
2 x Vaders Mask

1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

4 x Kilimanjaro Volant
3 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
7 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
1 x Sweeties

1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
2 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
2 x El Clasico Hardy
1 x El Clasico Deft

1 x Alaska Oil
2 x Wax Melter
1 x Fly Spray
2 x Silk Brush
2 x Elastic Bands
4 x Antibiotic Ointment
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Standar First Aid Kit

1 x Fatal Injury
1 x Minor Damage
6x Serious Damage Token
4 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot
1 x Soft Splint and Antibotic Pills

2 x Vet Labor Assistance
3 x Offensive Card : Punch
3 x Offensive Card : Spikes
1 x Defensive Card : Block
1 x Offensive Card : Trip Over
2 x Offensive Card : Vicious Bite
1 x Offensive Card : Flash
1 x Defensive Card : Slide
1 x Race Card: Jail Break
1 x Defensive Card : Elusion
5 x Safe Paint

4 x Import Change

1 x Hunting Grounds

2 x Zebra Skull
1 x Lion Skull
1 x Baboon Skull
1 x Voodoo Mask Amulet
1 x Sun Protection Cream
1 x Snakeskin Totem
1 x SND (no cat)

2x Companion Skin - Dog
1 x Junk

2x Kilimanjaro Ticket

0 x Scissors
1 x Trimmer
12 x Scissors and Trimmers
1 x Tattoo Kit

Token Year (2023)
2 x 20 Token Ability
(#1 expires : 12.19.2024)
#2 expires: 3.5.25
Token year (2024)
1 x 20 Token Ability
#1 expires: 5.13.25)

1 x 30 Token Ability
(#1 expires: 04.08.25)

Moonshine Backgrounds - Day & Night
Thaldryn577,610 RDS4 x GSPC [Breeder's]
7 x Silver SPC
2 x Gold SPC
1 x Bronze SPC
6 x Perspective Beast
0 x Fake Papers

2 x Minor GD
1 x Major GD
1 x FF Major
0 x FF Minor
0 x Gene Storage
0 x Wild Card
0 x Queen Care

1 x Access to the IFS stud board (IV lvl)
1 x Access to the IFS stud board (III lvl)

1 x Breeding Advice
1 x Pair Check

21 x Season License

0 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
2 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of perfection
3 x Lykoi Kitten
0 x Flying Fox
1 x Shedu Raven

2 x Camel
0 x Fennec
0 x Cobra

1 x Owl
1 x Sooty Sable Antelope
2 x White Sable Antelope
1 x African Crowned Eagle

1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Hawk
1 x Zebra
1 x Tiger Cub
1 x White Persian Cat
0 x Black Persian Cat
0 x Dark Meerkat
0 x Vulture
165 AP [UB]
67 Prize AP
1 Stat Point
40 x Tack Token
1 x Tack Token: Platinum
4 x Tack Token: Decoration
4 x Tack Token: Accessory
13 x Tack Token: Saddlebags

1 x Hardy's Leg Protection

5 x Paw Pads
5 x Muzzle

2 x Xmas Ribbon Bell Swirly
2 x Xmas Ribbon Bell 2
1 x Xmas Ribbon Bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon Bell Red Stripes

6 x Trinket: Death Star
11 x Trinket: Tatooine Sand

1 x Paint: Mandalor Safe
4 x Paint: Blue Cyber Crystal Old Jedi
4 x Paint: Red Cyber Crystal
2 x Paint: Stormtrooper
1 x Paint: Mandalorian

1 x Tack: Naboo Dressage
1 x Tack: Sand Street Racing

0 x Tack: Official Race L4
1 x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II

1 x Decor: Orange Kyber-Crystal Trinket
2 x Decor: Teal Kyber-Crystal Trinket
2 x Basic Gloves
1x Helmet
1x Crop

4 x T-Shirt: Darth Maul
3 x T-Shirt: Kenobi

4 x Lightsaber: Qui-Gon Jinn
1 x Lightsaber: Darth Maul
2 x Lightsaber: Anakin
2 x Lightsaber: Luke

1 x Vader Boots
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

1 x Silk Brush
8 x Elastic Band
5 x Wax Melter
1 x Touch Up Spray
2 x Sweeties
1 x Fly Spray

4 x Kilimanjaro Senior
4 x Kilimanjaro Edurant
2 x Kilimanjaro Volant

10 x El Clasico Hardy
9 x Med: Minor Damage
1 x Med: Moderate Damage
8 x Med: Serious Damage
5 x Med: Fatal Injury Token

7 x Antibiotic Ointment
7 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
8 x Rigid Split and Antibiotic Shot
6 x Vet Wrap & Anti-Inflammatory Meds
1 x IV Fluids, Injectable Meds & Hospital Care
1 x Painkillers

7 x Mini First Aid Kit
2 x Basic First Aid Kit
8 x Standard First Aid Kit
3 x Field Medicine Kit
7 x Emergency First Aid Kit

1 x Mini First Aid Kit (1/4)
1 x Basic First Aid Kit (2/4)

2 x Drugs
5 x Vet Labor Assistance
3 x Acrobatics
2 x Bribe
3 x Block
2 x Drag them Down
6 x Elusion
3 x Getaway
2 x Honor Race
3 x Jail Break
1 x Painkiller
5 x Punch
2 x Shortcut
9 x Slick Oil
4 x Slide
4 x Spikes
3 x Tack Sabotage
2 x Trip Over
7 x Vicious Bite
1 x Flash
1 x Critical Hit/Slam
15 x Cosmetic: Safe Paint Kit
2 x Cosmetic: Fluro paint Kit
5 x Cosmetic: Scissors
4 x Cosmetic: Trimmer
4 x Cosmetic: Tattoo Kit
1 x Companion skin: dog
6 x Design Change Token

7 x Kilimanjaro TICKETS

3 x Djibb Market Access

4 x Baboon Skull (+2 Fighting Events or 1,800 RDs)
2 x Sun Protection Cream (+1 Endurance)
2 x Voodoo Mask Amulet (Dock rivals results by -2)
2 x Lion Skull (+1 fighting or 700 RDs)
3 x Snake Skin (+1 end/xc or 500/600 RDs)
1 x Buffalo Skull (tack or Kirin potions)
1 x Zebra Skull (850 RDs / Trader ability 1150 RDs)
0 x Cheetah Skull

1 x Willow-Bird Feather
3 x Eagle Feather
1 x Vulture Feather
5x Gatos Locos Tickets

1x SND (No cat)

1 x Devil of Agility
0 x Natural Born Jumper
1 x Black Cat

1 x Matey trait
1x Breeding slot to event designed starter

1 x 30 Token Ability
(expires 03.28.2025)
USED (05.26.2024)
tunderspirit87,000 RDS10 x Gold SPC (breeders)
0 x Gold SPC
5 x Silver SPC
6 x Bronze SPC
4 x PB
4 x Fake Papers

0 x Ruby Heart
1 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of Perfection

3 x Gender Determination Minor
3 x Major Gender Determination
0 x Fertility Flask Minor

2 x Breeding License


6 x Ruby Heart
2 x Drop of Speciality
4 x Love Letter
3 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Breeding License
1 x MGD
5 x PB
1 x Flying Fox (Bat)
1 x Lykoi Kitten

0 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle

1 x Wild Rat
1 x Stray Kitten

1x Companion Skin - Dog
0 AP [UB]
0 Prize Ap
3 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token
6 x Shedu Tack Token
1 x Shedu Tack Token - Saddlebags

1 x Hardys Traveler Magnetic Rug

3 x Basic Muzzle
2 x Basic Paw Pads

1 x Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Christmas Ribbon w Bell
1 x Xmas Ribbon w/ Bell Red Stripes
1 x Xmas Ribbon w/ Bell Swirly
1 x Xmas Ribbon w/ Bell 2

3 x Official Race LVL 1
1x Tack Set: Official Racing LVL II

2 x Red Cyber-Crystal Paint II
1 x Stormtrooper Paint
1 x Blue Cyber-Crystal Old Jedi paint
1 x Safe Paint Kit
1 x Mandalor Safe Paint
1 x Kenobi T-Shirt
1 x Vader T-Shirt

1 x Kenobi Lightsaber

2x Helmet
1x Gloves
1x Crop
1 x Delicious Bday Cake

7 x Kilimanjaro Volant
3 x Kilimanjaro Senior
1 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
1 x Kilimanjaro Recover

1 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
1 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
1 x El Clasico Hardy
1 x El Clasico Deft

1 x Touch Up Spray
1 x Wax Melter
3 x Elastic Band
2 x Silk Brush
1 x Wax Melter
4 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
2 x Antibiotic Ointment
2 x Soft Splint & Antibiotic Pills
1 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
1 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds

2 x Trifiling Scratch
2 x Fatal Injury Token
2 x Minor Injury / Scar Badge
1 x Scissors
1 x Trimmers
1 x Tattoo Kit

4 x Veterinary labor assistance: Revival Attempt
2 x Lucky Charms
2 x Block
1 x Flash
6 x Punch
2 x Slide
1 x Spike
1 x Tack Sabotage
1 x Acrobatics
1 x Trip Over
5 x Design Change Token

3 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

0 x Trait Token

Snowy Christmas BG Badge

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1 x Imort Changer

1 x Banked SND
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

moonshine background day night and dusk
Unio-ARPG (Fantasia)
3,304,520 RDS5 x Gold SPC [breeder's]
1 x Gold SPC
3 x Silver SPC
4 x Bronze SPC
3 x Fake Papers
5 x PB
1 x Wild Card
1 x Pair Check

18 x Season license

3 x Minor GD
1 x MGD
0 x Fertility Flasks Minor

7 x Ruby Heart
4 x Love Letter
4 x Blueprint of Perfection
3 x Drop of Speciality
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x White Sable Antelope Fawn
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x Wild Rat
1 x Hawk
561 AP [UB]
50 Prize Ap
1 x Level 1 Tack License
1 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Muzzle

1x Platinum Tack Token
2 x Shedu Tack Token - Decoration
1 x Shedu Tack Token
1 x Shedu Tack Token - Saddlebags

1 x Red Xmas Ribbon Bant3
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon w/ Bell Red Stripes

1 x Hardy's Transport Hood

1x Tack Set Official Racing Level II
2x Helmet
1x Gloves
1x Crop
1 x Delicious Piece of Bday Cake

2 x El Clasico Perfect Balance
5 x El Clasico Perfect Stride
3 x El Clasico Deft
3 x El Clasico Hardy

3 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
4 x Kilimanjaro Volant
1 x Kilimanjaro Recovery
1 x Kilimanjaro Senior

4 x Pheromone Treats

3 x Silk Brush
1 x Wax Melter
2 x Claw Polish
1 x Moderate Damage
1 x Fatal Injury

2 x Antibiotic Ointment
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic
1 x Mini First Aid Kit
1 x Vicious Bite
2 x Fluoro Safe Paint Kit

2 x Import Change Token

Snowy Christmas BG Badge

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

1 x SND (no cat)

1 x Companion Skin - Dog

1 x Tattoo kit

1 x Cosmetic: Scissors
1 x Cosmetic: Trimmers
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

1 x 20 Token Ability (expires 1.27.2024)
Vojune3,648,500 RDS9 x Gold SPC (Breeders)
1 x GSPC ( Classic )
3 x Silver SPC
8 x Bronze SPC (Breeders)
1 x Fake Papers
7 x Perspective Beast (PB)

8 x Season License

1 x Shedu Pair Check
1 x Major Gender determination
0 x Gender Determination Minor
0 x Fertility Flasks Minor

1 x Ruby Heart
1 x Drop of Speciality
1 x Love Letter
0 x Blueprint of perfection
5 x Halloween Raven
5 x Halloween Flying Fox
3 x Cobra
4 x Lykoi Kitten
1 x Hawk
5 x Wild Rats
1 x Fennec (Dark) Companion
1 x Bianca the Lamb
1 x African Crowned Eagle
1 x Sable Antelope Fawn
720 AP [unbound]
101 AP [prize AP]
2 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell - Swirly
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell 2
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell
1 x Christmas Ribbon with Bell w Red Stripes
2 x Platinum Shedu Tack Token
6 x Shedu Tack Token
2 x Shedu Tack Token - Decoration
3 x Saddle Bag Tokens

2 x Official Racing Tack LVL 4
1 x Official Racing Tack lvl 3
1 x Official Racing Tack lvl 2
2 x Official Racing Tack LVL 1
1 x Standard Dressage Tack LVL 2

4 x Basic Muzzle
5 x Basic Paw Pads
1 x Basic Buzz Collar

1 x hardys leg protection

1 x Platinum Tack Token
26 x Tack Tokens
1 x Kenobi T-shirt
1 x Anakin's lightsaber
3 x Gloves
1 x Kazumasa helmet
1 x Jigoku Helmet
4 x El Clasico Perfect Stride

10 x Kilimanjaro Endurant
3 x Kilimanjaro Volant
4 x Kilimanjaro Senior

8 x Elastic Band
4 x Wax Melter
4 x Pheromone Treats
2 x Claw Polish
1 x Silk Brush
1 x Alaska Oil
4 x Antibiotic Ointment
5 x Mini First Aid Kit
3 x Basic First Aid Kit
1 x Basic First Aid Kit (2/4)
3 x Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot
8 x Soft Splint and Antibiotic Pills
1 x Emergency First Aid Kit
1 x Field Medicine Kit
1 x Standard First Aid Kit
2 x Vet Wrap & Anti Inflammatory Meds

2 x Minor Damage
1 x Fatal Injury

2 x Vet Labor assistance (SSS item)
5 x Acrobatics
2 x Hideout Place
5 x Block
2 x Bribe
1 x Block the Pass
1 x Elusion
1 x Flash
1 x Getaway
10 x Slide
2 x Slick Oil
1 x Smoke
1 x Support
1 x Tack Sabotage
6 x Trip Over
4 x Vicious Bite
2 x Punch
1 x Jail Break
1 x Spikes
1 x Drag Them Down
5 x Import Change Token

1 x Safe Paint Kit

1 x Trait Token

1 x Junk

1 x Kilimanjaro Ticket

5 x Dog Companion Skin

2 x Tattoo Kit

1x BBS Tip-Off 1/3
1x BBS Tip-Off 2/3
1x BBS Tip Off 3/3

2 x Gene Transfer
SAF Draw/Get a Cat

1/3 Tokens redeemed 2023