A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | ||
1 | WordPress in Higher Education | Created and monitored by | http://jaycollier.net | |||||||||||||||
2 | College or University name | Site name(s) | URL | Single, MS, BP, hosted | Number of sites in network instance | Number of official sites (home, depts) | Number of unofficial sites (personal, blogs) | Number of Plugins | Type: home, blogs, dept, courses, news, events, community | Size of target audience | Registered users in instance | Start date | Sponsor/funding division/unit | Contact person | Contact e-mail | Twitter handle | Description | |
3 | Total sites and subsites | 61,943 | 2,131 | 4,733 | ||||||||||||||
4 | Adams State Univeristy | various | http://blogs.adams.edu | MS | 53 | 53 | blogs,dept,events,community,newspaper | 133 | June 2009 | Communications | Mike Henderson | mhenderson@adams.edu | @mhendersonco | Multisite install to provide more flexability for other campus groups and custom applications. | ||||
5 | Albion College | http://blogs.albion.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
6 | Allegheny College | various | http://sites.allegheny.edu/admissions | MS | 183 | 183 | all public facing sites except for the home page itself (though that is powered by WP-housed content), | world | 146 | 2010 | Web Communications / Admissions | Jesse Lavery | jlavery@allegheny.edu | @jesselavery | All official, public-facing sites, as part of a Multisite network. | |||
7 | Aquinas Institute | http://ai.edu/blogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
8 | Baruch College of CUNY | Baruch Communications | http://blsciblogs.baruch.cuny.edu/ | Blogs | ||||||||||||||
9 | Bates College | Bates Home/Views | http://www.bates.edu | Single | Home, news | World | 10 | 9/10/2009 | Advancement | Jay Collier | jcollier@bates.edu | http://batesmedia.net/category/home-4/ | ||||||
10 | Bates College | Primary public website | http://www.bates.edu | WPMU | 170 | 134 | Home, blogs, office/department, news, events, etc. | World | 693 | 11/1/2011 | Communications | Nicholas O'Brien | nobrien@bates.edu | |||||
11 | Berkeley | http://blogs.ischool.berkeley.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
12 | Boston College | http://idesweb.bc.edu/wordpress/ | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Boston University | School of Management | http://management.bu.edu | MU | 1 | 1 | school/college | world | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | ||||||
14 | Boston University | staging networks | various (private) | MU | internal | Summer 2011 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | We have separate staging WP networks the correspond to all our public networks. Sites undergoing major content changes or redesigns are cloned to the staging servers for this work, and then re-launched to replace the original sites on the public networks. | ||||||||
15 | Boston University | various | http://developer.bu.edu | MU | 5 | 3 | 2 | developer docs, intranet, public pages for our WP plugins | world + internal mix | Fall 2011 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | ||||
16 | Boston University | various | various | MU | 10 | 10 | world | various | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | These sites have non-bu.edu URLs and are multi-institutional interdisciplinary sites and/or other related entities of the University. | ||||||
17 | Boston University | various | http://www.bu.edu/ | MU | 561 | 561 | majority of public sites (not BU homepage, though) | world | 6555 | Fall 2008 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | ||||
18 | Boston University | various | http://blogs.bu.edu/ | MU | 3416 | 3416 | personal and unofficial blogs | world | 4185 | Summer 2009 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | ||||
19 | Boston University | various | http://sites.bu.edu | MU | 36 | 36 | all sites (unofficial, dept. blogs, labs, etc.) | world | Winter 2011-12 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | |||||
20 | Boston University | various - medical campus | http://www.bumc.bu.edu | MU | 190 | 190 | all sites (academic + administrative) | world | 6585 | Fall 2008 | IS&T | Ron Yeany | ryeany@bu.edu | numbers current as of 6/28/2013 | ||||
21 | Bowling Green State University | https://blogs.bgsu.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
22 | Brown University | Brown Blogs | http://blogs.brown.edu | MS | 250 | blogs | 1200 | Tim Thorp | tthorp@brown.edu | @tthorp | ||||||||
23 | Bryn Mawr | Blogs at Bryn Mawr College | http://blogs.brynmawr.edu/ | MS | 548 | 35 | blogs, faculty sites, courses, events | thousands | 2462 | Summer 2007 | Information Services | Juliana Perry | jperry02@brynmawr.edu | julianabperry | online version of alumnae magazine, faculty websites, a few course websites, standalone websites for events or other functions, and personal blogs for community members, alumnae/i class/club sites | |||
24 | Cape Fear Community College | Foundation | http://cfcc.edu/blogs/foundation/ | MU | Blogs | Justin Floyd | jfloyd@cfcc.edu | |||||||||||
25 | Cape Fear Community College | faculty/staff websites | http://cfcc.edu/blogs/ | MU | Blogs | Justin Floyd | jfloyd@cfcc.edu | |||||||||||
26 | Cape Fear Community College | full public website | http://cfcc.edu | MU | entire public website | world | Fall 2013 | whole college | Justin Floyd | jfloyd@cfcc.edu | New website is entirely hosted in WP. | |||||||
27 | Capella University | http://blogs.capella.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
28 | City University of New York | CUNY Academic Commons | http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/ | MU,BP,BB, MediaWiki | ||||||||||||||
29 | College of Charleston Blogs | http://blogs.cofc.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
30 | College of Wooster | ScotBlogs | http://scotblogs.wooster.edu | MU | Blogs | 32 | 2/9/2009 | Persa Zula | pzula@wooster.edu | Blogs for students, faculty, and staff use | ||||||||
31 | College of Wooster | Voices | http://voices.wooster.edu | MU, BP | Blogs, courses, community | 98 | Blogs@Wooster (8/25/2005); relaunched 8/25/2009 as Voices | Instructional Technology | Jon Breitenbucher | jbreitenbuch@wooster.edu | ||||||||
32 | Colorado College | Bulletin | http://blog.coloradocollege.edu/bulletin/ | News | ||||||||||||||
33 | Colorado State Univsersity | BioWS | http://rydberg.biology.colostate.edu/sites | MU | Blogs, courses | Ross Madden | bioit@colostate.edu | @bioit | Sites for Labs, Faculty, Students etc. | |||||||||
34 | Columbia Law School | http://blogs.law.columbia.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
35 | Columbia University | Edblogs | http://edblogs.columbia.edu | MS, CampusPress | Course blogs | |||||||||||||
36 | Concordia University, Portland | http://blog.cu-portland.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
37 | Cornell | http://blogs.cce.cornell.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
38 | Deerfield Academy | All public sites. | http://deerfield.edu/ | MS | 5 | Whole Site | 20000 | ~1000 | 2010 | Communications | David Thiel | dthiel@deerfield.edu | @deerfield | A private preparatory school in Western Massachusetts, founded 1797. | ||||
39 | Drew University | http://www.drew.edu | MS | 122 | Whole Site | 2010 | Communications | Justin Jackson | jjackson@drew.edu | A private, liberal arts college in NJ. Our entire site is on WordPress. | ||||||||
40 | Duke University | Duke Academic Council | http://academiccouncil.duke.edu/ | Single | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for Academic Council at Duke University | |||||||||||
41 | Duke University | Duke Fertility Center | http://dukefertilitycenter.org | Single | Dept | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for Duke Fertility Center | ||||||||||
42 | Duke University | Duke University Diversity | http://diversity.duke.edu/ | Single | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website highlighting diversity initiatives at Duke. | |||||||||||
43 | Duke University | Duke Web Services/ Blackwell Interactive | http://blackwell.duke.edu | Single | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for Duke Web Services (formerly called Blackwell Interactive). We're in the middle of a name change; it's a long story. | |||||||||||
44 | Duke University | Human Resources | http://www.hr.duke.edu/makingadifference/ | Employee recognition | 33000 | Greg Whitaker | gregory.whitaker@duke.edu | Allows employees to recognize co-workers for their extraordinary efforts. | ||||||||||
45 | Duke University | Philosophy Department | http://philosophy.duke.edu | Single | Dept | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for Philosophy department | ||||||||||
46 | Duke University | Student/faculty/staff blogs | http://sites.duke.edu/ | MS | 7500 | blogs, courses, community | 15000 | Geoffrey Mock | geoffrey.mock@DUKE.EDU | |||||||||
47 | Duke University | Visual Studies Initiative | http://visualstudies.duke.edu/ | Single | Dept | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for Visual Studies Initiative | ||||||||||
48 | Duke University/others | Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes | http://chcinetwork.org/ | Single | Christina Dulude | christina.dulude@duke.edu | Website for the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes. Made up of many universities worldwide. Duke built/hosts the website. | |||||||||||
49 | Eastern Mennonite University | https://emu.edu/blog/ | ||||||||||||||||
50 | Eastern Washington University | EWU Blogs | http://blogs.ewu.edu | MU | Blogs | 10000 | Summer 2010 | IT | Kit Frantzich | kfrantzich@ewu.edu | Blogs for students, faculty, and staff use | |||||||
51 | Elmhurst | http://blog2.elmhurst.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||
52 | Emerson College | Word.emerson | word.emerson.edu | MU | 2115 | ~200, 8 must use | Blogs (course-related) | 4500 | January 2010 | Instructional Technology Group | Instructional Technology Group | itg@emerson.edu | Blogs related to teaching and learning at Emerson College. Our Web Services team also has a multisite installation for more forward facing blogs. | |||||
53 | Erikson Institute | Public site | http://www.erikson.edu | Single | 2 | 2 | 0 | Public site for whole school | Dec 2012 | Communications | Gordon Wright | webhelp@erikson.edu | @gwmusic | Graduate school and research center for child development and children 0-8 years old. | ||||
54 | FIU Engineering and Computing | http://www.cec.fiu.edu/ | CMS | Amado Gonzalez | Amado.Gonzalez@fiu.edu | College site | ||||||||||||
55 | Franklin and Marshall | Magazine | http://magazine.fandm.edu/ | Magazine | ||||||||||||||
56 | Georgetown University | Georgetown Digital Commons | https://digitalcommons.georgetown.edu/ | MU | Blogs, Courses | 6100 | Fall 2007 | CNDLS | Rob Pongsajapan | rap42@georgetown.edu | @CNDLS | Mostly course blogs, but some student/faculty eportfolios and department/program news blogs. | ||||||
57 | Georgia State University | All public sites | http://gsu.edu | MS, Hosted (CampusPress) | 244 | 244 | All | 205,000+ | June 2013 | Pres./MarComm | Cody Benson | cbenson8@gsu.edu | @codygsu | |||||
58 | Harvard | http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
59 | Harvard Law School | News site | http://today.law.harvard.edu/ | Single | News | January 2014 | Communications | Keith McCluskey | ||||||||||
60 | Harvard Law School | Main site | http://hls.harvard.edu | MS | Home | 2015 | Communications | Keith McCluskey | ||||||||||
61 | Harvard University | Harvard Gazette | http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/ | News | ||||||||||||||
62 | Harvard University | Harvard Public Affairs & Communications | http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/hpac/ | News | ||||||||||||||
63 | Illinois Institute of Technology | http://idesweb.bc.edu/wordpress/ | ||||||||||||||||
64 | Iowa State | Engineering news | http://news.engineering.iastate.edu/ | Single | News | |||||||||||||
65 | Ivy Tech | http://wwwb.bloomington.ivytech.edu/blogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
66 | Jackson State University | all sites | http://www.jsums.edu | MU | 250+ | Main, departments, blogs, etc. | 2013 | |||||||||||
67 | John Carroll University | Web site | http://sites.jcu.edu/125 | MU | Blog, CMS | November 2010 | Marketing | Mike Richwalsky | mrichwalsky@jcu.edu | @mrichwalsky | Website for our 125th Anniversary year of events/celebration | |||||||
68 | Johns Hopkins University | School of Arts & Sciences | http://krieger.jhu.edu | MS | 25 | 25 | 35 (12 Custom/Internal, 5 WPMU, 17 External) | School, departments, centers, and programs | May 2013 | Marketing & Communication | Cara Peckens | cpeckens@jhu.edu | School of Arts & Sciences. Migrating our 60+ sites from Site Executive to Wordpress | |||||
69 | Keene State College | Web blog | http://keeneweb.org/ | MU | Blogs | |||||||||||||
70 | Kutztown University | http://blog.kutztown.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||
71 | Lafayette College | Office, dept | https://forge.lafayette.edu | MS | 150+ | 150 | 0 | dept | Information Technology Services | Ken Newquist | newquisk@lafayette.edu | |||||||
72 | Lafayette College | Office, dept, proj, student org, course | https://sites.lafayette.edu | MS | 1200+ | 0 | 1200 | blogs, courses, community | Information Technology Services | Ken Newquist | newquisk@lafayette.edu | |||||||
73 | Lake Superior College | http://blog.lsc.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||
74 | Loyola University Chicago | http://blogs.luc.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
75 | Lupton Library | http://blog.lib.utc.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||
76 | Macaulay Honors College--CUNY | Eportfolios@Macaulay, Macaulay Community Sites, My Macaulay | http://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios http://macaulay.cuny.edu/community http://my.macaulay.cuny.edu | MS | 5000 | ~180 | Blogs, Eportfolios, news, events, community, student portal, department/program sites | 5000+ | Fall 2008 | Joseph Ugoretz | joseph.ugoretz@mhc.cuny.edu | @jugoretz | student eportfolios, class websites, course blogs, teaching eportfolios and blogs, sites for events and seminars. BuddyPress rolling out to all Freshmen 10/2009 | |||||
77 | Middlebury | http://blogs.middlebury.edu/middblogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
78 | Missouri State University | http://blogs.missouristate.edu | MU | Blogs, News | Brad Mitchell | bradmitchell@misouristate.edu | @emarg0ed | |||||||||||
79 | MIT | Edgerton Digital Collections | http://edgerton-digital-collections.org/ | Site | Suzana Lisanti | |||||||||||||
80 | MIT | http://dune.mit.edu/wordpress/ | ||||||||||||||||
81 | Mount Wachusett Community College | public site | http://mwcc.edu/ | MU | 50 | 88 | 2012 | Sarah McMaster | smcmaster@mwcc.mass.edu | @Sarah_Mc | Institutional website | |||||||
82 | NC State University | All websites | http://ncsu.edu | MU | All sites (home, departments, blogs) | 2014 | ||||||||||||
83 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | https://blogs.njit.edu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
84 | Nichols College | Nichols College Event Calendars and News | http://content.nichols.edu/calendars/ | Events | Claudia Snell | claudia.snell@nichols.edu | ||||||||||||
85 | Nichols College | Nichols College Graduate Catalog | http://content.nichols.edu/course_catalogs/gps/ | Catalog | Claudia Snell | claudia.snell@nichols.edu | ||||||||||||
86 | Northwest College | http://commons.nwc.hccs.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||
87 | Norwich University | Norwich Today | http://www.norwich.edu/about/news/index.html | Eric Hobart | ehobart@norwich.edu | |||||||||||||
88 | New York University | Web Publishing | https://wp.nyu.edu | MU | 9000+ | Course site, personal, department, Portfolios | 32000+ | Fall 2014 | IT | NYU Web Publishing Team | webpublishing@nyu.edu | |||||||
89 | NYU | http://itp.nyu.edu/blogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
90 | Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College | http://owatc.edu/blogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
91 | Ohio State | |||||||||||||||||
92 | Penn State University | Sites At Penn State | http://sites.psu.edu/ | Campuspress, MS | 40k+ | 250+ | 40K+ | Blogs, ePortfolios, Department Sites | 59K+ | Fall 2011 | Teaching & Learning With Technology | sites@psu.edu | ||||||
93 | Plymouth State University | http://blogs.plymouth.edu/ | Blogs | mmcglynn@risd.edu | ||||||||||||||
94 | Purdue University Calumet | http://purduecal.edu | Main Web platform | |||||||||||||||
95 | Reed College | Reed College Blogs | http://blogs.reed.edu/ | MS | 59 | 17 | Blogs, Department Sites | 390 | Fall 2012 | IT | Tony Moreno | tmoreno@reed.edu | @tmoreno17 | |||||
96 | Rhode Island School of Design | http://our.risd.edu,http://rbd.risd.edu,http://welcome.risd.edu | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
97 | Rutgers | http://blogs.camden.rutgers.edu/wpmu/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
98 | Rutgers University - New Brunswick - School of Comm and Info | SC&I Wordpress Network | http://wp.comminfo.rutgers.edu | MS | ~70 | Standardized web platform for all sites other than primary departmental site | 11/1/2013 | SC&I department IT Services | Ben Bakelaar | bakelaar@rutgers.edu | @benbyben | Our services supports Rutgers’ focus on research, instruction, faculty, and students. SC&I-affiliated faculty, staff, and doctoral students can request sites, as well as student organizations. | ||||||
99 | Saint Louis University | http://www.slu.edu/blogs/ | Blogs | |||||||||||||||
100 | Savannah College of Art and Design | http://blog.scad.edu/ |