Which FE3H route is your favorite?
Which FE3H lord is your favorite?
Which lord is your *LEAST* favorite?
How would you rank the lords, from favorite to least favorite? [Favorite]
How would you rank the lords, from favorite to least favorite? [2nd Favorite]
How would you rank the lords, from favorite to least favorite? [3rd Favorite]
How would you rank the lords, from favorite to least favorite? [Least Favorite]
Who is your favorite character overall?
What is your age range?What is your gender?What is your race?
What is your sexual orientation?
What is your current religion?
Were you raised religious?
If you answered yes, are you still religious?
How would you describe your political leaning?
Which quadrant would you position yourself in on this chart?
If you have any comments about why your favorite lord resonates with you or why you support them, please elaborate here:
4/22/2020 22:19:48
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaureRheaEdelgard25-29FemaleWhiteBisexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left(This is my own answer)
4/22/2020 22:19:53Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaureRheaEdelgardRaphael35-39MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 22:19:58Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaClaureAshe18-24MaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 22:20:28
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
I consider myself apolitical
Claude is a Meme lord, has a relatable backstory (being bullied for being slightly different), smartass, and is associated with the bow/riding wyverns.

He would be a fun guy to hang out with and he is rather unique amongst the other heroes of the series.
4/22/2020 22:20:51Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardHannemannunder 18MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 22:22:08
Silver Snow (Black Eagles - Church)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
4/22/2020 22:22:23
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaHubert18-24MalePrefer not to answerBisexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Right
4/22/2020 22:23:47
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
4/22/2020 22:29:35Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardDimitri25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesCenterOther/center
4/22/2020 22:30:00
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeNoneClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaClaude18-24FemaleWhiteBisexualChristian – CatholicYesYesLiberal/left of centerOther/center
Claude's just a really neat character to me both in the context of Fire Emblem as a whole and within the game. Like, lords tend to fall on the spectrum between noble jock to noble....well, noble in terms of personality, whereas Claude made a really strong early impression on me because of his lack of noble air and his general roguish personality. Outside of early impressions, I also really enjoy his route about like, discovering the ultimate truth of it all and tearing down walls and how it focuses on the bigger picture rather than the individual conflicts. I also really like the drama! But it's fun to kinda take a step back. I also really like his growth throughout VW, because you can really tell through the subtle things that he's learning to trust people and really comes to rely on Byleth and by the end he feels like a very capable leader but is also still very much Claude.

Also, he's hot. 'Nuff said.

I also really like all the lords, which feels like a bit of an unusual opinion sometimes! But my liking of Dimitri/Edelgard is extremely close and is basically a tie though that wasn't an option on this quiz. Rhea is more....complicated to say the least but that wasn't quite the question. Sorry for rambling :')
4/22/2020 22:30:04Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardDimitri25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesCenterOther/center
4/22/2020 22:32:42
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaDimitriClaude30-34Non-Binary/otherWhiteHomosexualPagan/WiccanNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
Claude is very protectable, A+ good boy
4/22/2020 22:32:42
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaPetra35-39MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:33:03Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardFerdinand18-24FemaleHispanicHeterosexualChristian - LutheranYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
Dimitri is the only lord who sees value in both the powers of crests and those who do not have crests and tries to change the system from within as opposed to burning the entire thing to the ground.
4/22/2020 22:34:02
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:36:17
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardNoneEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriByleth25-29MaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Leftcute
4/22/2020 22:36:22
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
DimitriNoneDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardSeteth18-24MaleHomosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 22:37:01
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:37:05
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24FemaleHispanicHomosexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
I like Edelgard because even with all the hardships, she allows herself to be open to those close to her
4/22/2020 22:37:31
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeNoneClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardClaude18-24MaleMixedHomosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 22:38:17
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
Gotta back the underdog. Edelgard was supposed to be #2, but I think the app screwed up.
4/22/2020 22:38:35
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardClaudeEdelgardDimitriRheaClaudeAnnette25-29MaleWhiteHomosexualChristian – MormonYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Authoritarian Right
4/22/2020 22:42:02
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardClaude30-34FemaleAsianOther/not labelledAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:42:43Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaFerdinandunder 18MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:44:01
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardMarianne18-24MaleAsianHeterosexualChristian – CatholicYesYes
As long as the world still turns for the better it's fine with me
Dimitri's ideals are similar to that of edelgards in regard that he wants to deconstruct the crest system and seeing the brightest and darkest ends of mankind himself, as well as already being a kind but strong person makes for a good leader and a promising future of Fodlan as well as depending and relying on others to help make choices like how he stands on equal terms with byleth in the end. I feel like Claude takes on a similar but different role, taking on the ideal to create bridges across nations and expel the isolationist nature of Fodlan. Edelgard on the other hand while her forefront ideals of deconstructing the crest and feudal system are noble ideas, her actions would only lead back in a cycle doomed to repeat itself once she passes as well as byleth since they don't have the powers of the progenitor god to oversee edelgards ideals continue. Along with the fact that her way of trying to instate democracy on merit is something that she didn't think to hard on since its merit is a very easily manipulated concept that can be twisted to favor to become obselete especially if an act of merit is a lie but people believe it to be true. Rhea is basically the source of this misconception but her results of peace despite the isolationist and feudal system rhea has made Fodlan now still works. She might be a bit crazy with the burden of all she's gone through and the big lie she's made but she still wishes for peace.

I watched too many discussion videos but I like all the Lords, I just think that Dimitri and Claude have better solutions towards the future and generally have more interesting and resonant personalities.
4/22/2020 22:44:26
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaPetra18-24MaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:46:10Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardHilda18-24MaleBlackHeterosexualChristian – Protestant
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
4/22/2020 22:48:31Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardDimitri18-24FemaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:49:27
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriSylvain18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:49:47Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaDimitriunder 18FemaleAsianBisexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:50:21
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriLysithea25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:55:55
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriEdelgard30-34MaleWhiteOther/not labelledChristian – ProtestantYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
CenterAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 22:56:39
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaPetra18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – CatholicYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 22:57:37
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard25-29MaleHispanicHeterosexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 22:58:49
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeEdelgardClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaClaude25-29MaleBlackHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 22:59:08Azure Moon (Blue Lions)EdelgardNoneEdelgardDimitriRheaClaudeMarianne18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesCenterLibertarian Left
While I don't like Edelgard's actions, I enjoy the narrative of the tragedy of her and Dimitri's backstories, and I think the character arc that stems from it is fantastic (though not as good as Dimitri's).
4/22/2020 22:59:32
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
I love all three of them (they are all my top 3).
4/22/2020 23:00:32
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24MaleBlackHomosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
How she handled her trauma is very relatable to how I treated my own.
4/22/2020 23:02:19
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardClaudeEdelgardRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgard25-29MaleAsianHeterosexualChristian – CatholicYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:02:20Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitri18-24FemaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:04:20
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I consider myself apolitical
Other/centerFear the deer!
4/22/2020 23:05:44Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriNoneDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaSylvainunder 18FemaleMixedBisexualAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Right
dimitri is a very interesting character, in my opinion. the game has an interesting way of writing him and i enjoyed watching his story unfold. truth be told, i like all the lords; they each have their interesting characteristics and it’s difficult to pick a favorite. but, in terms of character/character development, the crown goes to dimitri (pun fully intended).
4/22/2020 23:06:09
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard25-29FemaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
4/22/2020 23:06:46
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoFurther left than LiberalLibertarian Left
I agree with her noble goals to improve the world, and using her trauma to push her forward to bettering the world is incredibly inspiring, plus she's lowkey hilarious.
4/22/2020 23:10:46
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
ClaudeNoneClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaSetethunder 18FemaleAsianBisexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
4/22/2020 23:11:30Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardAshe18-24MaleWhiteBisexualAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:12:01
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriLysithea25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 23:12:25
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 23:16:06
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard40-49MaleWhiteBisexualPagan/WiccanYesNoCenterLibertarian Right
4/22/2020 23:16:49Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaClaude18-24MaleAsianBisexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:17:16
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriIngrid25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYes
Conservative/right of center
Libertarian Right
4/22/2020 23:19:20
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaHubert18-24MaleHispanicHeterosexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 23:19:22
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
4/22/2020 23:20:05
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaRheaEdelgard18-24FemaleHispanicOther/not labelledChristian – CatholicYesNoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
4/22/2020 23:25:24Azure Moon (Blue Lions)EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaMarianne18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
4/22/2020 23:25:35
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardunder 18FemaleWhiteHomosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 23:30:35
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgard18-24MaleHispanicHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
Edelgard is the only lord committed to liberation.
4/22/2020 23:31:11
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeRheaClaudeEdelgardDimitriRheaLysithea25-29MaleBlackHeterosexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:32:15
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardClaudeEdelgardDimitriRheaClaudeMercedes18-24MaleMixedBisexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
I'm tired of the moderate standpoint.
4/22/2020 23:33:53
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardClaudeEdelgardDimitriRheaClaudeEdelgard18-24MaleAsianHeterosexualChristian – CatholicYesYesLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
Conquerors and Unifiers are all looked back on more positively than the contemporaries they defeated.
4/22/2020 23:34:58Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardFelixunder 18FemaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoCenterOther/center
4/22/2020 23:35:12Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaFelixunder 18MaleWhiteBisexualAtheist/agnosticYesNo
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 23:37:35
Silver Snow (Black Eagles - Church)
RheaRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardLysithea30-34MaleWhiteHeterosexualJehovah's WitnessYesYes
I consider myself apolitical
Edelgard is least favorite because i disagree with her ideals. I do think she's a stronger character and way better written than Claude.
4/22/2020 23:37:50Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaHilda18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:38:06Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaRheaDedueunder 18MaleAsianHeterosexualBuddhist
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
CenterAuthoritarian Right
4/22/2020 23:38:58
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaClaude25-29MalePrefer not to answerHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:40:49Azure Moon (Blue Lions)EdelgardClaudeEdelgardDimitriRheaClaudeEdelgardunder 18MaleWhiteHeterosexualAgnostic JewYesYesSocial democratAuthoritarian Left
Edelgard is the catalyst to destroy the theocratic feudalist system ruling over Fodlan. Nobody else has the stones to actually do anything, nor does anyone else go as far as her.
4/22/2020 23:41:39
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:47:02
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriOther (Ashen Wolves)18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNo
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 23:49:31
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriEdelgard30-34MaleWhiteBisexualChristian – CatholicYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 23:50:06
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:50:21
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaHubert18-24FemaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerOther/center
4/22/2020 23:51:26
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaAshe18-24MaleWhiteBisexualChristian – ProtestantYesYesLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/22/2020 23:52:48
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24FemaleAsianBisexualChristian – CatholicYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/22/2020 23:53:22Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardDimitri18-24FemaleWhiteBisexualLutheran
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
I consider myself apolitical
I feel the need to take care of him
4/22/2020 23:53:49Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriNoneDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaFelix18-24FemaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNo
I consider myself apolitical
4/22/2020 23:59:16
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriHubertunder 18Non-Binary/otherWhiteBisexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLeft of “Left of Center”Libertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:06:42Azure Moon (Blue Lions)ClaudeRheaClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaClaude18-24MaleWhiteOther/not labelledAtheist/agnosticNoNo
I consider myself apolitical
4/23/2020 0:10:54
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardNoneEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriEdelgard18-24Non-Binary/otherHispanicOther/not labelledAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:14:04
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgardunder 18Non-Binary/otherWhiteOther/not labelledAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:15:08Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriRheaDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaAshe25-29FemaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:15:54
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
RheaNoneRheaClaudeDimitriEdelgardLysithea18-24FemaleWhiteBisexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian LeftRhea is a sexy dragon
4/23/2020 0:16:30
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeDimitriClaudeEdelgardRheaDimitriShamir18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticYesLiberal/left of center
4/23/2020 0:19:15
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgard25-29MaleAsianBisexualBuddhistNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:19:37
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24MalePrefer not to answerIslamYesYes
Showing the cruelty of a kind of world who people worship artificial things and Everyone’s ignorance to a very clear suffering of their surroundings And themselves and not using their divine nature hidden deep themselves for thinking of this false godhood and the cause of all of this is Rhea which is my most hated character in virtual world after Dimitri . Edelgard is really a good person and the reason of her using agarthans as ally is because her lack of trust to those with these traits and those who left her behind truly the most tragic character ever.
4/23/2020 0:23:14Azure Moon (Blue Lions)EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaSylvain25-29MaleWhiteHeterosexualJewishYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:24:59
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriAsheunder 18FemaleBlackHeterosexualunsureYes
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
not sureOther/center
4/23/2020 0:25:19
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
EdelgardRheaEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaDedueunder 18MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNo
4/23/2020 0:28:30
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardDimitriEdelgardRheaClaudeDimitriEdelgard18-24FemaleWhiteHomosexualAtheist/agnosticYesNoLiberal/left of centerAuthoritarian Left
4/23/2020 0:33:46
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard25-29MaleAsianHeterosexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:33:53Azure Moon (Blue Lions)ClaudeEdelgardClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaSylvain18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:33:58Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriEdelgardDimitriClaudeRheaEdelgardDimitri18-24FemaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:34:41
Haven't played all/don't have a favorite
ClaudeEdelgardClaudeRheaDimitriEdelgardSeteth18-24MaleWhiteHeterosexualChristian – Catholic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Conservative/right of center
4/23/2020 0:37:04
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
EdelgardRheaEdelgardClaudeDimitriRheaEdelgard18-24MaleAsianHeterosexualAtheist/agnosticNoNoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:37:32
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
ClaudeRheaClaudeDimitriEdelgardRheaMercedes25-29FemaleWhiteOther/not labelledAtheist/agnosticNoFar leftLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:37:51
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
NoLiberal/left of centerLibertarian Left
4/23/2020 0:41:38Azure Moon (Blue Lions)DimitriDimitriClaudeDimitri25-29FemaleMixedHeterosexualAtheist/agnostic
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
Conservative/right of center
4/23/2020 0:41:49
Verdant Wind (Golden Deer)
I was baptized/introduced to a religion but did not actively practice
Liberal/left of center
4/23/2020 0:44:04
Crimson Flower (Black Eagles - Edelgard)
I still belong to the religion but don't actively practice
Liberal/left of centerLibertarian Left