A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | Open Scholarship Grassroots Community Networks | Region | Discipline | Website | Topic | MainContact | MainContactAlt | SecondContact | SecondContactAlt | Comments | LogoUrl | ||||||||||||||
2 | 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication | ALL (based on University Utrecht) | ALL | https://101innovations.wordpress.com | tools, platforms, pratices, advocacy | b.m.r.kramer@uu.nl | @MsPhelps | j.bosman@uu.nl | @jeroenbosman | https://101innovations.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cropped-innoscholcomm_figure_jan2015_rising_sunuu1.png | |||||||||||||||
3 | Academic Data Science Alliance | ALL but mostly U.S. | ALL | http://academicdatascience.org | @AcademicDataSci | ALL | micaela@academicdatascience.org | steve@academicdatascience.org | We support communities of academic data scientists who are committed to open science | ||||||||||||||||
4 | Addgene | ALL | Life Sciences | https://www.addgene.org/ | @Addgene | https://www.facebook.com/addgene | Plasmid/Antibody repository, open access sequences, free protocols and curated resources | eric@addgene.org | @allostericsite | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Adelaide Open Research Network | Adelaide, Australia | ALL | https://osf.io/be7yt/ | @adelaideopenres | ALL | oren.griffiths@flinders.edu.au | @orengriffiths | rachel.searston@adelaide.edu.au | @searstonr | Part of the Australia & New Zealand Open Research Network (ANZORN) | ||||||||||||||
6 | Africa Open Science and Hardware | African regions | ALL | http://africaosh.com/ | @africaOSH | https://web.facebook.com/AfricaOSH/?ref=bookmarks | ALL | organisers@africaosh.com | @AfricaOSH | thomasmboa@gmail.com | @Mboathomas | http://africaosh.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Poster-1080X693.jpeg | |||||||||||||
7 | AfricArXiv | African regions | ALL | http://africarxiv.org | @AfricArxiv | https://www.facebook.com/africarxiv/ | Preprints and Postprints | info@africarxiv.org | @africarxiv | jo@africarxiv.org | @johave | https://osf.io/preprints/assets/osf-assets/files/preprints-assets/africarxiv/wide_color-275a276d9a8b63e5f392c997cdb3763070876453.png | |||||||||||||
8 | Agora Open Science Trust | ALL | Life Sciences, Social Sciences | Biomedical research, drug discovery, science policy | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | AgriXiv | ALL | Agricultural Sciences | https://agrixiv.org/ | @agrixiv | https://www.facebook.com/AgriXiv/ | Preprints and Postprints | gutam2000@gmail.com | @sridharGutam | Open Access India <openaccessindia.org> | https://agrixiv.org/assets/osf-assets/files/preprints-assets/agrixiv/wide_color-275a276d9a8b63e5f392c997cdb3763070876453.png | ||||||||||||||
10 | AmeliCA | http://amelica.org/index.php/en/home/ | @Ameli_CA | @ameli.conocimientoabierto | ameli.conocimientoabierto@gmail.com | https://arabixiv.org/assets/osf-assets/files/preprints-assets/arabixiv/wide_color-275a276d9a8b63e5f392c997cdb3763070876453.png | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Arabixiv | Arab regions and languages | ALL | https://arabixiv.org/ | @arabixiv | Preprints and Postprints | khaled.moustafa@arabixiv.org | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/ArXiv_web.svg/1200px-ArXiv_web.svg.png | |||||||||||||||||
12 | arXiv | ALL | physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics | http://arxiv.org | @arxiv | Preprints and Postprints | oyr1@cornell.edu | je277@cornell.edu | brp53@cornell.edu | https://asapbio.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ASAPbio-logo-200x50-1.png | |||||||||||||||
13 | ASAP -- Alexander (Sasha) Wait Zaranek, PhD. <awz@curii.com> Co-Founder, Harvard Personal Genome Project (PGP) Chief Innovation Officer, Curii Corporation. Founder https://arvados.org They/Thembio | ALL | Life Sciences | https://asapbio.org/ | @asapbio_ | Preprints, Peer Review | jessica.polka@asapbio.org | @jessicapolka | naomi.penfold@asapbio.org | @npscience | |||||||||||||||
14 | Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch and Open Science (AIMOS) | ALL, but mostly Australia and NZ | ALL | https://aimos.community/ | @aimos_inc | ALL, peer review, scientific publishing, meta-research, workshop | aimos.inc@gmail.com | @aimos_inc | fidlerfm@unimelb.edu.au | @fidlerfm | Next conference November 21 to 23 2023. Call for abstracts now open: http://aimosconference.com/ | http://www.apsoha.africa/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Logo-APSOHA-02.png | |||||||||||||
15 | Association pour la Promotion de la Science Ouverte en Haiti et en Afrique | Africa (French speaking) and Haiti | Scholarly Communication, Citizen Science | https://www.apsoha.africa | Advocacy, trainings, workshop | thomasmboa@gmail.com | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/761982772604964865/omohQ-j1_400x400.jpg | ||||||||||||||||||
16 | Astrophysics Source Code Library | ALL | Astrophysics/astronomy/planetary science | https://ascl.net/ | @asclnet | https://www.facebook.com/ASCLnet | Citable software registry/repository, preprints, open data | aallen@ascl.net | @asclnet | editor@ascl.net | Making astro research software discoverable for 20 years; we work with journals/orgs/others to have the community recognize software as a first-order research object | https://www.anzopenresearch.org/images/anz_web_small.png | |||||||||||||
17 | Australia and New Zealand Open Research Network | Australia and New Zealand | ALL | https://www.anzopenresearch.org/ | ALL | m.ling@deakin.edu.au | Aims to support local communities of practice, that support new adopters of open practices, normalise open research, and encourage direct interpersonal contact between open researchers and the broader research community. | https://datascienceeducation.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/cropped-adsei-logo-name.png?w=1086&h=1448 | |||||||||||||||||
18 | Australian Data Science Education Institute | ALL, but mostly Australia and NZ | Education, ALL | http://adsei.org | @dataSciAu | Open Data | linda@adsei.org | Charity which aims to provide teachers with training and resources to use data science and real datasets in their teaching, right across the curriculum. Advocate for Open Data. | https://www.bitss.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/bitss-55a55026v1_site_icon.png | ||||||||||||||||
19 | Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences | ALL, University Berkeley | Social Sciences | http://bitss.org | @ucbitss | https://www.facebook.com/CenterforEffectiveGlobalAction/ | Pre-registration, Open Data, Open Materials/Code, Evaluation, Community-building, Preprints and Postprints, Meta-Reviews, Peer Reviews | emiguel@berkeley.edu | khoeberling@berkeley.edu | abogdanoski@berkeley.edu | UC Berkeley-based initiative focused on meta-research, training, and institutional support; also with more distributed network of researchers and educators (Catalyst program) | https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/4/8/1/4/600_484638452.jpeg | |||||||||||||
20 | Berlin open science meetup | Berlin, Germany | ALL | https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Berlin-Open-Science-Meetup/ | NA | NA | ALL | julien.colomb@fu-berlin.de | In flesh meetings of open science interested folks in Berlin, meet about once a month. | https://www.biorxiv.org/sites/default/files/site_logo/bioRxiv_logo_homepage.png | |||||||||||||||
21 | bioRxiv | ALL | Life sciences | http://biorxiv.org/ | @biorxivpreprint | Preprints and Postprints | sever@cshl.edu | inglis@cshl.edu | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/706423090461466625/z2bj44hK_400x400.jpg | ||||||||||||||||
22 | Blue Obelisk | ALL | chemistry | https://blueobelisk.github.io/ | @blueobeliskx | Open Data, Open Source, Open Standards, Open Access | blueobelisk-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net | See https://jcheminf.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1758-2946-3-37 | https://bodoarxiv.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/cropped-BodoArXiv_logo-1.jpg | ||||||||||||||||
23 | bodoArXiv | ALL | Medieval studies | https://bodoarxiv.org/ | Preprints and Postprints | g.geltner@uva.nl | smail@fas.harvard.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
24 | Brazil: Fostering Transparency in Government Institutions & Higher Education | Brazil | Social Sciences | https://tinyurl.com/brazil-transparency | @polscireplicate | Replication, Transparent Workflows | nicolejanz@gmail.com | dalsonbritto@yahoo.com.br | https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3802fe_c99f173ab94b4c4c9dcf482cedad9c4a~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_300,h_281,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/3802fe_c99f173ab94b4c4c9dcf482cedad9c4a~mv2.webp | ||||||||||||||||
25 | Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative | Brazil | Biomedical Science | http://reprodutibilidade.bio.br | @BrRepInitiative | http://facebook.com/reprodutibilidade.bio.br | Replication | reprodutibilidade.br@gmail.com | olavo@bioqmed.ufrj.br | https://born.netlify.com/images/ferris-wheel-name.png | |||||||||||||||
26 | Brisbane Open Research Network | Brisbane, Australia | ALL | https://born.netlify.com/ | @brisopenres | ALL | r.panczak@uq.edu.au | @RPanczak | Part of the Australia & New Zealand Open Research Network (ANZORN) | ||||||||||||||||
27 | Bullied Into Bad Science | ALL | ALL | http://bulliedintobadscience.org/ | #BulliedIntoBadScience | ALL | corina_logan@eva.mpg.de | @LoganCorina | laurent.gatto@gmail.com | Leading individuals and institutions in adopting open practices to improve research rigour | https://conp.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/logo-2.png | ||||||||||||||
28 | Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) | Canada and its International Partners | Neuroscience | https://conp.ca/ | @neurolibre | FAIR, Open Data, Open Access, Training | nasermuja.phd@gmail.com | @nasermu | info@conp.ca | @neurolibre | https://cdn.cos.io/static/images/cos_logo.png | ||||||||||||||
29 | CBS Open Science, Leipzig | Germany, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig | Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences | https://www.cbs.mpg.de/en/cbs-open-science | @CBSOpenScience | We organize regular meetings and workshops for researchers at all career levels to foster open science in their daily work | paulm@cbs.mpg.de | openscience@cbs.mpg.de | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1092750334013902848/gzTBXUuw_400x400.jpg | ||||||||||||||||
30 | Center for Open Science | ALL | ALL | http://cos.io/ | @osframework | https://www.facebook.com/CenterForOpenScience/ | ALL, Preregistration, Preprints | support@cos.io | @osfsupport | nosek@cos.io | @briannosek | Maintains OSF (http://osf.io/), conducts metascience, and promotes policies, incentives, and norms to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research. | |||||||||||||
31 | Center for Reproducible Science UZH | University of Zurich, Switzerland | ALL | http://www.crs.uzh.ch | @crsuzh | ALL | crs@ebpi.uzh.ch | @crsuzh | eva.furrer@uzh.ch | @furrer_ebpi | Competence Center of the University of Zurich | https://corn.groups.politics.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Logo-Header.png | |||||||||||||
32 | Center for the Advancement of Special Education Research (CASPER) | ALL, University Virginia | Special Education | https://curry.virginia.edu/faculty-research/centers-labs-projects/research-labs/casper | @casperopensci | meta-research, Open research, Open Materials | bc3qu@virginia.edu | wjt2c@virginia.edu | http://www.chinaxiv.org/css/eprint/images/logo.png | ||||||||||||||||
33 | China Open Research Network (CORN) | ALL, based on University Toronto | https://corn.groups.politics.utoronto.ca/ | NA | Open research | asif.farooq@mail.utoronto.ca | scott.mcknight@mail.utoronto.ca | https://corn.groups.politics.utoronto.ca/?page_id=288 | |||||||||||||||||
34 | Chinaxiv | China | ALL | www.chinaxiv.org | Preprint | eprint@mail.las.ac.cn | https://discovery.closer.ac.uk/theme/closer/logo-closer.svg?v=1 | ||||||||||||||||||
35 | Chinese Open Science Network (COSN) | China | ALL | https://osf.io/9d7y4/ | @hcp4715 | Promoting Open Science among Young Chinese researchers | hcp4715@gmail.com | @hcp4715, @OpenScienceinC1 | pmsp96@gmail.com | @SauChin_Chen | mostly in Chinese, occasionally in English, OSF:https://osf.io/9d7y4/ | ||||||||||||||
36 | CLOSER Discovery | UK | Social Science, Biomedical, Population Health | discovery.closer.ac.uk | @CLOSER_UK | Longitudinal studies data, open data | jon.johnson@ucl.ac.uk | https://codeforscience.org/assets/Blue-logo-black-text-stacked.png | |||||||||||||||||
37 | COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) | ALL | ALL | https://www.coar-repositories.org | @COAR_eV | https://www.facebook.com/COAReV | Open repositories, open infrastruce, knowledge commons | office@coar-repositories.org | @COAR_eV | COAR is an international association with over 140 members and partners from around the world representing libraries, universities, research institutions, government funders and others. COAR brings together the repository community and major repository networks in order build capacity, align policies and practices, and act as a global voice for the repository community. | https://www.commonwl.org/CWL-Logo-Header.png | ||||||||||||||
38 | Code for Science & Society | US/ALL | https://codeforscience.org/ | @codeforsociety | Open Source, Open Material/Code | danielle@codeforscience.org | @daniellecrobins | joe@codeforscience.org | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1097563578314289152/HJFqj5bc_400x400.png | ||||||||||||||||
39 | Common Workflow Language project | ALL | ALL, started in life sciences | https://www.commonwl.org | @commonwl | specification for describing analysis workflows and tools, Open Materials | mrc@commonwl.org | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/535772880303190016/9mEBVfea_400x400.png | |||||||||||||||||
40 | Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) | ALL | Geosciences | https://csdms.colorado.edu/ | @CSDMS | Open source, open science, citable software registry/repository, model interoperability, teaching resources | CSDMS@colorado.edu | Also maintains a list of parameter Standard Names for model interoperability, as well as a framework (web, Python) for model coupling - including across grid types and languages | https://curatescience.org/sitestatic/icons/snail.svg | ||||||||||||||||
41 | CORE | ALL | ALL | https://core.ac.uk/ | @oacore | Open Access, Research Papers | theteam@core.ac.uk | petr.knoth@open.ac.uk | The world's largest collection of open access research papers | ||||||||||||||||
42 | Curate Science | ALL | Psychology/Social Sciences | https://curatescience.org/app/ | @curatescience | Curating transparency & replications | etienne.lebel@gmail.com | @eplebel | Curating (primary & secondary) transparency & replications of scientific articles. | ||||||||||||||||
43 | Digital Library Services, University of Cape Town Libraries | University of Cape Town, South Africa | ALL | http://www.digitalservices.lib.uct.ac.za/ | @DigitalUct | N/A | Open Scholarship, Open Data, Digitisation | niklas.zimmer@uct.ac.za | @NikasZimmer | sanjin.muftic@uct.ac.za | @sanjomuftic | Digital Library Services at UCT Libraries offer Digital Scholarship and Data Services to the research, teaching and learning community. | |||||||||||||
44 | EarthArXiv | ALL | Earth Sciences | http://eartharxiv.org | @eartharxiv | Preprints and Postprints | tnarock@ndm.edu | @tnarock | c.jackson@imperial.ac.uk | @seis_matters | Preprint and postprint repository for the Earth and Planetary Sciences | ||||||||||||||
45 | EcoEvoRxiv | ALL | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | https://ecoevorxiv.org/ | @ecoevorxiv | Preprints and Postprints | s.nakagawa@unsw.edu.au | Fidlerfm@unimelb.edu.au | |||||||||||||||||
46 | EdArXiv | ALL | Education | https://edarxiv.org/ | @edarxiv | Preprints and Postprints | makel@jhu.edu | @mattmakel | akmontoya@ucla.edu | ||||||||||||||||
47 | EFOSI | Germany, Erfurt | ALL (theoretically), Psychology and related disciplines (in its current form) | https://projekte.uni-erfurt.de/efosi/ | ALL | frank.renkewitz@uni-erfurt.de | judith.schweppe@uni-erfurt.de | ||||||||||||||||||
48 | eLife Innovation | Cambridge, UK | STM-only | https://elifesciences.org/about/innovation | @eLifeInnovation | Open Science, Reproducibility, Open Source, Open Data | innovation@elifesciences.org | Emmy Tsang, Innovation Community Manager, @emmy_ft | |||||||||||||||||
49 | European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) | Europe - Based in Brussels | ALL | http://eurodoc.net/ | @Eurodoc | https://www.facebook.com/eurodoc | Representing early-career researchers | oleksandr.berezko@eurodoc.net | eva.hnatkova@eurodoc.net | Eurodoc fully supports Open Science [https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/sil/impact/2018/00002018/00000006/art00024] and specifically Plan S for Open Access [http://eurodoc.net/news/2019/press-release-researchers-respond-to-revised-guidance-for-plan-s] and is currently training 30 Open Science Ambassadors to act as contact points for early-career researchers in their countries! | |||||||||||||||
50 | FAIRDOM and the FAIRDOM Hub | ALL | Life Sciences | http://fair-dom.org, http://fairdomhub.org | Training, public commons, software platform | carole.goble@manchester.ac.uk | <Wolfgang.Mueller@h-its.org> | ||||||||||||||||||
51 | FORCE11 | ALL | ALL | https://www.force11.org/ | @force11rescomm | Scholarly communication | admin@force11.org | ||||||||||||||||||
52 | FOSTER Open Science | EU | ALL | https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/ | @fosterscience | www.facebook.com/fosteropenscience/ | Open Science Advocacy and Training | elearning@fosteropenscience.eu | |||||||||||||||||
53 | Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT) | ALL | ALL | http://forrt.org/ | @forrtproject | ALL, pre-registration, open data, open materials, replication research | info@forrt.org | azevedo@forrt.org | FORRTproject@gmail.com | fa441@cam.ac.uk | The Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT; https://forrt.org/) is a community-driven, grassroots organisation for researchers and educators embedding open and reproducible scholarship into research and education. Our community addresses the societal challenge of advancing research transparency, reproducibility, and social justice through pedagogical reform. We champion the values of inclusive, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and accessible research in building pathways to support the adoption of open scholarship in teaching, training, and mentoring. | ||||||||||||||
54 | Frankfurt Open Science Initiative | Germany, Frankfurt am Main, University | ALL (theoretically), Psychology and related disciplines (in its current form) | https://frankfurt-osi.netlify.com/ | @OpenScienceFFM | ALL | beitner@psych.uni-frankfurt.de | @JuliaBeitner | fiebach@psych.uni-frankfurt.de | ||||||||||||||||
55 | Free Our Knowledge | ALL | ALL | http://www.freeourknowledge.org/ | @projectFOK | https://www.facebook.com/projectFOK/ | ALL | cooper.smout@gmail.com | @coopsmout | Collective action platform to accelerate uptake of open science practices in the research community | |||||||||||||||
56 | Freie Universität Berlin Open Science Working Group | Berlin, University Berlin | ALL | https://wikis.fu-berlin.de/display/oswg | TBD | N/A | ALL | open-science-working-group-fu@lists.fu-berlin.de | dirk.ostwald@fu-berlin.de | The Open Science Working Group of Freie Universität Belrin | |||||||||||||||
57 | frenxiv | French language | ALL | http://frenxiv.org | Preprints and Postprints | khaled.moustafa@arabixiv.org | |||||||||||||||||||
58 | Generation Research - GenR | Europe | ALL | https://genr.eu/ | @gen_r_ | N/A | ALL | simon@genr.eu | Editorial platform for Open Science and Scholarship in Europe aimed at researchers | ||||||||||||||||
59 | Global Young Academy - Open Science Working Group | Germany, Halle | https://globalyoungacademy.net/activities/open-science/ | ALL | srinjoy.mitra@ed.ac.uk | abel.polese@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||
60 | Goettingen Open Source and Science Initiative of Psychology (GOSSIP) | Göttingen, Germany | Psychology | https://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/gossip | Open Data, Open Source, Open Methodology, Open Access | gerlach@uni-goettingen.de | tanjamgerlach@googlemail.com | ||||||||||||||||||
61 | Graz Open Science Initiative (GOSI) | Austria | ALL | @grazopenscience | ALL | tross@know-center.at | gabriela.hofer@uni-graz.at | hilmar.brohmer@uni-graz.at | |||||||||||||||||
62 | Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) | ALL | ALL | http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap | N/A | N/A | Open access, broadly construed | peter_suber@harvard.edu | |||||||||||||||||
63 | Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office | Germany | ALL | https://os.helmholtz.de/de/open-science-in-der-helmholtz-gemeinschaft/akteure-und-ihre-rollen/arbeitskreis-open-science/ | @helmholtz_os | ALL | open-science@helmholtz.de | ||||||||||||||||||
64 | Humanities Commons | ALL | Humanities | @humcommons | Open Access, Open teaching materials | hello@hcommons.org | |||||||||||||||||||
65 | INA-Rxiv | Indonesia | ALL | https://osf.io/preprints/inarxiv/ | @INArxiv_id | Preprints and Postprints | dasaptaerwin3@gmail.com | @dasaptaerwin | |||||||||||||||||
66 | IndiaRxiv | India | ALL | https://indiarxiv.org/ | @IndiaRxiv | https://www.facebook.com/indiarxiv/ | Preprints and Postprints | gutam2000@gmail.com | @SridharGutam | Open Access India <openaccessindia.org> | |||||||||||||||
67 | Information and Communication Society of India (ICSI) | South Asia | Information Science; Communication; Library Services | http://icsi-in.blogspot.com | @indiaICSI | Open Science, Open Access, Open Research Data | umunshi@gmail.com, icsi.president@gmail.com | ANUP_CSP@JNU.AC.IN | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Innovations for Poverty Action | ALL | Economics | https://www.poverty-action.org/researchers/research-resources/research-transparency | Pre-registration, Data publication, Replications | hbadani@poverty-action.org | |||||||||||||||||||
69 | Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE) | ALL | ALL | https://igdore.org/ | @IGDOREInstitute | http://facebook.com/igdore | Open Academia, Open Science | rebecca.willen@igdore.org | info@igdore.org | ||||||||||||||||
70 | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) | ALL | Impact Evaluation; Systematic Reviews | https://www.3ieimpact.org/ | @3ieNews | Evaluation, Open Access, Open Data, Registry, replication and reproducibility | mgaarder@3ieimpact.org | skhatua@3ieimpact.org | skhatua@3ieimpact.org | ||||||||||||||||
71 | IOSSG - Italian Open Science Support Group | ITALY | ALL | https://sites.google.com/view/iossg | @openscienceit | ALL | iossg@googlegroups.com | ||||||||||||||||||
72 | J-PAL Global's research transparency initiative | ALL (but mostly J-PAL affiliated researchers) | Economics | https://www.povertyactionlab.org/rt | Pre-registration, Data publication, Replications | jturitto@povertyactionlab.org | keesler@mit.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
73 | Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (JROST) | ALL | ALL | https://jrost.org/ | @opensciroadmap | Open Infrastructure | info@jrost.org | ||||||||||||||||||
74 | Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS) | ALL (based in Europe) | Psychology (and neighbouring fields) | https://jeps.efpsa.org | @efpsa_jeps | https://fb.me/efpsa.jeps | Publishing Outlet for Students, educating about Open Science practices by doing (UG, graduate level) | journal@efpsa.org | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/723667033532018689/1461440646/1500x500 | ||||||||||||||||
75 | Journal of Open Research Software (JORS) | ALL | ALL | https://openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com/ | @up_jors | Software papers | N.ChueHong@software.ac.uk | @npch | support@ubiquitypress.com | Encourages open licensing and reuse of software for research | |||||||||||||||
76 | Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) | ALL | ALL | http://joss.theoj.org | @JOSS_TheOJ | Software papers | admin@theoj.org | Performs open peer review of short papers and open source software repositories, leading to open access publications | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1083715903156559873/KQj9ju2G_400x400.jpg | ||||||||||||||||
77 | Just One Giant Lab | ALL | ALL | https://jogl.io/ | @justonegiantlab | ALL | hello@jogl.io | https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/4/b/a/e/highres_482779374.jpeg | |||||||||||||||||
78 | King's Open Research Group Initiative (KORGI) | King's College London | ALL | ALL | samuel.westwood@kcl.ac.uk | ||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Knowledge Futures Group | ALL (based at MIT) | ALL | https://kfg.mit.edu | @knowledgefuture | Publishing, Research +Data infrastructure | sjklein@mit.edu | @metasj | Maintains PubPub, Underlay, + Patent Archive projects | ||||||||||||||||
80 | Läpinäkyvämpää tiedettä | Finland | ALL | https://www.facebook.com/groups/2143568059230565/ | ALL | kaisa.saurio@zoho.com | anton.kunnari@helsinki.fi | A grassroots network for peer support and advocating for open and transparent science. | |||||||||||||||||
81 | lawarxiv | ALL | Legal scholarship | http://lawarxiv.org/ | Preprints and Postprints | corie.dugas@nellco.org | ph424@cornell.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
82 | Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science | Germany | https://www.leibniz-openscience.de/ | @lfvopenscience | Research, Open Science, Open Materials, Open Methodes | g.scherp@zbw.eu | k.tochtermann@zbw.eu | ||||||||||||||||||
83 | LIBER Open Access Working Group | Europe | Library Information Sciences | https://libereurope.eu/strategy/innovative-scholarly-communication/openaccess/ | @LIBEReurope | Open Acces, Open Science | sofie.wennstrom@su.se | @SofieWennstrom | gtsak@upatras.gr | Giannis Tsakonas | A part of LIBER, with specific focus on Open Access (and Open Science) aiming to share knowledge among research libraries in Europe and beyond | ||||||||||||||
84 | LIS Scholarship Archive | ALL | Library Information Sciences | https://lissarchive.org/ | @lissaarchive | Open Research, Preprints and Postprints | vicky.steeves@nyu.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
85 | LMU Open Science Center | Germany, LMU Munich | ALL | https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/index.html | @lmu_osc | Open Data, Open Materials, Preregistration | felix.schoenbrodt@psy.lmu.de | ||||||||||||||||||
86 | M4K Pharma | ALL- but based in Canada | Drug Discovery and Development | https://m4kpharma.com/ | @M4KPharma | https://www.facebook.com/M4KPharma/ | Open and collaborative Drug Discovery for Children's diseases, Open Data | arij@m4kpharma.com | @tweetsfromArij | Open Science for Children's Health | Medicines4Kids: Developing an affordable cure for DIPG - a rare children's brain cancer | Open Source Drug Discovery | | |||||||||||||||
87 | Mannheim Open Science Meetup | Mannheim, Germany | https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/news/mannheim-open-science-meetup0/ | @MAOpenScience | |||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Marburg Psychology Open Science Initiative | Marburg, Germany | Psychology | https://osf.io/kup26/ | ALL | erik.mueller@uni-marburg.de | |||||||||||||||||||
89 | Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) | ALL - Based in Brussels | ALL | https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/ | @Mariecurie_alum | https://www.facebook.com/www.mariecuriealumniassociation/ | Representing MSCA researchers | mattias.bjoernmalm@gmail.com | policy@mariecuriealumni.eu | matthew.difranco@mariecuriealumni.eu | 34 geographical chapters on 5 continents. Nearly 14k registered members as of June 14, 2019 | ||||||||||||||
90 | Mass pre-reg replications of classic findings in JDM | Based in Hong Kong, serving ALL | Judgment and decision making | http://mgto.org/pre-registered-replications/ | @giladfeldman | Replications and mass mobilizing students to address crisis, Pre-Registration | giladfel@gmail.com | @giladfeldman | We're looking for JDM ECR to collaborate with. Join us. | ||||||||||||||||
91 | MediArXiv | ALL | Media studies | https://mediarxiv.org/ | @mediarxiv | Preprints and Postprints | mediarxiv@mediarxiv.com | jsondervan@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||
92 | medRxiv | ALL | Health sciences | https:medrxiv.org | @medrxivpreprint | Preprints | inglis@cshl.edu | sever@cshl.edu | |||||||||||||||||
93 | Melbourne Open Research Network | Melbourne, Australia | ALL | https://www.melbourneopenresearch.org/ | @melbopenres | ALL | m.ling@deakin.edu.au | Part of the Australia & New Zealand Open Research Network (ANZORN) | |||||||||||||||||
94 | Meta-Methods PH | Philippines | Psychology | https://www.facebook.com/groups/304948156872890/ | ALL | MiguelSilan@gmail.com | Meta-methods community in the Philippines, currently focusing on learning modules, methods pedagogy and local methods reform | ||||||||||||||||||
95 | Metadata 2020 | ALL | ALL | http://metadata2020.org | @metadata2020 | ALL | ghendricks@metadata2020.org | lpaglione@metadata2020.org | @GinnyLDN | Metadata 2020 is a collaboration that advocates richer, connected, and reusable, open metadata for all research outputs, which will advance scholarly pursuits for the benefit of society. | |||||||||||||||
96 | metarxiv | ALL | metaresearch | https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/ | Preprints and Postprints | emiguel@berkeley.edu | khoeberling@berkeley.edu | ||||||||||||||||||
97 | MMM | ALL | ALL | https://wikis.fu-berlin.de/display/mmm/The+MMM+project+wiki | ALL | ||||||||||||||||||||
98 | MMM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Mozilla Science | ALL | ALL | https://science.mozilla.org/ | @MozillaScience | fellowships, training | @shefw | ||||||||||||||||||
100 | Netzwerk der Open Science Initiativen (NOSI) | Germany | Psychology | https://osf.io/tbkzh/ | reproducibility, replication, promoting open science |