SessionWeightIssue #Issue TitleIssue DescriptionIssue FaciliatorEmail Discussion IWorking DocumentHomework OwnerIssue TypeIssue Status after 47th MeetingIssue StatusIssue Last UpdatecommentIssue InitiatorIssue SecondHomework StatusRelevant Model
CRM.48:1.25514Revision of the examples for E54 DimensionFollowing the changes in the scope note of E54(issue 450) that units and values are included in the examples, the sig decided to open a new issue to rework on the example of Christie’s hammer price for Van Gogh’s Sunflowers in a vase since it the only one that refers to the temporal extent of the measurement. Christian Emil OreIssue 514 wdSteven Steadopen23/0/2020This is assigned to SSReady
CRM.48:3.32513Replacement of the fictitious examples of P198RS should do the example needs to be remindedMartin DoerrIssue 513Robert Sanderson
512CRM Community Information for Website
511Measurements and Dimensions
510belief adoptioninf
CRM.48:2.1509Modifying art objectsPhysical things like buildings or paintings are often reworked, providing a new functional and/or artistic identity to an underlying structure little or not affected in its basic substance and form, such as a canvas, an etching plate, or a building initially being a church. In the CRM, we use to model these as series of things in their own right, connected via E81 Transformation, in order to document the material continuity. This poses however the question, how to reconcile the view of such a series as a whole itself. This suggests a notion of temporal parts of physical objects.Martin DoerrIssue 509 WDMartin Doerr
CRM.48:1.11508FOL for P170In First Order Logic:
P170(x,y) ⇒ E61(x) P170(x,y) ⇒ E52(y)
MD propose: P170(x,y) ⇒ P81(y,x) ˄ P82(y,x)
Meaning: the respective time-span is exactly ongoing and within the given time primitive.
George Bruseker 508 WBMartin Doerr3evote or simply accept as a FOL formalization?
This is simply a FOL formalization of the scope note: This property associates an instance of E61 Time Primitive with the instance of E52 Time-Span that constitutes the interpretation of the terms of the time primitive as an extent in absolute, real time.
CRM.48:1.12507reformulate the scope note for P164The scope note should be improved tohandle the declarative nature of the time span in question. Md to doMartin Doerr 507 WDMartin Doerr3Ready
CRM.48:3.21506Change the scope note of E11 Modificationa new issue about review the scope note of E11 Modification so that it can be applied in cases, where there are no traceable changes on the modified object as well. HW has been assigned to TV to include the border cases.Thanasis VeliosIssue 506 WDThanasis Veliosopen23/09/2020ReadyCRMbase
CRM.48:1.14505Winkelmann Graphics- a prototype for diagrams exemplifying STVs and reasoningThis issue is the question, if the graphics for the spacetime evolution of the Winckelmann example ican be published in the version 7.0. Several minor changes have been done. Further editing will require a new graphics designer to be found. It may be taken as prototype for diagrams exemplifying STVs and reasoning
Martin DoerrIssue 505 WDMartin Doerr423/09/2020Ready
504Formulate the philosophical underpinnings of crm and its relation to reality and the objectivity of observations.a new issue on how to formulate the philosophical underpinnings of crm and its relation to reality and the objectivity of observations, even though the SIG has already delved in that topic –as part of the changes made in the introduction (Reality, Knowledge Bases and CIDOC CRM). But it would be nice to explore some more, even if we don’t get concrete results.23/09/2020no HW assignment
CRM.48:1.24503new examples for E13 Attribute Assignment.TV will look up real examples for E13 from conservation studies –we need at least two. (HW)Thanasis Velios 503 WDThanasis Velios4Open18/10/2020HW sent to SIG listReadybase
502redraft the scope note of all primitive values that are isA E41 Appellation, to capture this factGiven that E61 isA E41 Appellation, that should also be reflected in the scope note; we open a new issue to redraft the scope note of all primitive values that are isA E41 Appellation, to capture this fact. Seconded by CEO and SS. 23/09/2020(no clear HW assignment)
CRM.48:1.35501examples for P81 & P82Upon discussing MD’s proposal to edit the scope notes for P81 and P82 (adding text to capture the integration of different sources documenting non-contradictory minimal AND maximal extents- issue 458), the SIG appointed him to produce examples for the integration of (i) non-contradictory minimal extents and (ii) non-contradictory maximal extents to illustrate P81 & P82, respectively. These have not yet been found, because it needs research into the history of archaeological chronology determinations for some particulars. But several new examples have been proposed.Martin DoerrIssue 501 WDMartin DoerrOpen23/09/2020HW; MD produces examples for the integration of (i) non-contradictory minimal extents and (ii) non-contradictory maximal extents to illustrate P81 & P82, respectively.
CRM.48:3.22500Revise examples for E33 Linguistic ObjectRevise examples for E33 Linguistic ObjectChristian Emil OreIssue 506 WDChristian Emil OreOpen23/09/2020The examples could include
Dialectal data – HW: CEO.
Ethnological data –maybe MR can help with that.
Examples pulled from P190 to make sure that there’s some sense of continuity
Instances of spoken text recorded and documented –maybe MR can help with that.
Online tutorial for CIDOC CRM (SdS in audio, but the transcripts are also available)
CRM.48:3.11496Types for p2 has typehow to make recommendations for the types we recommend in scope notes of the CIDOC CRM.Martin DoerrIssue 496Martin DoerrProposed25/6/2020
CRM.48:3.13495backwards incompatibility problemsProposal by Martin for addressing the incompatiblity problems like creating instructions from v6.2.8 to 7.0 Martin proposed to open an new issue for producing guidelines about addressing backwards incompatiblity problems derived from for CIDOC CRM v.7.0, such as migration instructions from v6.2.8 to 7.0 or how to represent Allen Operarators because of moving them to CRMarchaeoMartin DoerrIssue_4954Proposed22/6/2020The aim is to produce a document with guidelines in order to be uploaded to the CIDOC CRM siteMartinunassignedCIDOC CRM, CRMarchaeo
CRM.48:3.14494Scope note guidelinesThis is our first trial to provide guidelines for scope note writing, after reviewing the CRM and discussing shortcomings of existing scope notes.
Implicitly, this constitutes a theory what the "intension" of a class is about
Martin DoerrIssue 494Martin Doerropen23/6/2020Steve should review Martin's textMartinSteven Steadsemi - readyCIDOC CRM, FRBRoo, PRESSoo, CRMarchaeo, CRMba, CRMdig, CRMgeo, CRMinf, CRMsci, CRMtex, CRMsoc
CRM.48:3.12493example templatesThe ad-hoc CRM SIG Editorial Team of version 7.0, working on issue 484 preparation of missing examples, asked Thanasis to formulate some rules for example writtingThanasis VeliosIssue 493Thanasis Velios1open4/5/2020Thanasis have produced a definition document about template of the examples of the CRMbase and the CRM extensions.ReadyCIDOC CRM, FRBRoo, PRESSoo, CRMarchaeo, CRMba, CRMdig, CRMgeo, CRMinf, CRMsci, CRMtex, CRMsoc
492spatiotemporal-formalization-about-the-presence-of-partsthe properties P8, P12, P110, P111, P112, P113 may have an added spatiotemporal formalization about the presence of parts. This may lead to more extended logical reasoning with the CRM.MartinChristian Emil Oreopen
491Guidelines-for-submitting-a-modelling-issueStill authoring....MartinChristian Emil Oreopen
CRM.48:3.15490how-to-model-a-fileI have a file: a word doc, a jpg image, a powerpoint. I want to represent it in CIDOC CRM and connect it the semantic network and do so in a way that would be interoperable with all other well formed instances of CIDOC CRM. How do I do that? Martin DoerrIssue 490Martin DoerrOpenopen23/09/2020The issue is about the intuitions we have concerning the identity of a file we point to by a URI and not about the actual identity of the file in IT terms. The IT identity would be binary, but we’re thinking in terms of content, which is much more abstract. TV will add a paragraph about the implementation in rdf document and HW was assgined to MD & GB to work towards new property definition asking for advice by the Libraries communities.
CRM.47:1.2489Rename the P164 & P1674-p167P164 during (was time-span of)   to become  concerns (is concern of) 
P167 at (was place of) to become  was within (includes)
SteveIssue 489 WDMartinClosed

New issue on reformulating the scope not for P164
Closed2020-06-20Hw expected from Steve, Martin and GeorgeMartin Doerr
488Modelling an Actor carrying out an action at the Behest of AnotherGeorge BrusekerChristian Emil Ore3Open2020-06-15soc
487P79 beginning is qualified by; CRMbase OR CRMarcheo3Openno assignement;
CRM.48:2.31486Labels of O19, O21Since S19 is an “encounter” rather than a “find” or “discovery”, should also have properties labels expressing this encountering concept in terms of consistency.Athina KritsiotakiIssue 486 WDRobert Sanderson3Open29/4/2020proposal for property name change by Robertsci
485presence covered parts of3ClosedOpen29/4/2020hw by MD - closed with e-vote (Crm-sig <>
on behalf of George Bruseker <>
Fri 2020-06-12 16:49)
CIDOC CRM v 7.0 Presence Class New Property Proposal (introduction of, scope note, examples) -issue 485 - resolved
CRM.48:2.314847.0 preparation - missing examplesReview MD's lunchtime HW for St Titus example of P196

This issue seems mostly resolved but there may be a few examples yet uncorrected. CB will investigate what is left. Probably time primitives. CB will create a list of these missing examples for the next editorial team meeting. Week of sep 28 P174, P175, P176, P182,P184,P185, P196

by the next meeting: we should look at the list and come up with examples with said properties (2/10) SS P196, ET (Martin's example that was not well understood)
Christian Emil OreIssue 484 WDMartin Doerr4Open29/4/2020HW by group
CRM.47:2.314837.0 preparation - CRMbase review for inconsistenciesE4 Period about STV, P121, P122, text about transitivity, P102, E33 Linguistic Object, P139, P190, P165, About the logical expressions of the CIDOC CRMMartinP121, P122, E333ClosedClosed22/6/2020HW by MD, Ε4, P121-P122, transitivity, P102, E33, P139base
482CIDOC CRM interfacing risk assessment in conservation3Open4/28/2020HW assigned to CM, MA, DF, ML, TVgeneral
481scope notes for socP21 and socP223Open4/28/2020HW expected from MDsoc
480AP14 justified (is justification of)3Open4/28/2020HW expected from MDarchaeo
479policy for defining superproperties of family models' properties3Open4/27/2020no proposalgeneral
478Quantification of AP2 discarded into (was discarded by)3Open4/26/2020no assignement; possibly CEOarchaeo
CRM.48:1.13477scope note of P101 and proper definition of terms General and Specific Emil OreIssue 477 WDStephen Stead3Open29/4/2020HW expected from SSIn Progressbase
CRM.47:1.3476Pxx represents entity of typeThis issue proposes a new property with domain E36 and range E55 type. The semantic function of this property is to be able to document the kind of thing depicted in an image at a categorical level, when it is not of interest to refer to the real particular in the image. George Bruseker 476 WDRob Sanderson3Open
Homework for RS
Open23/09/2020Rob SandersonNicola CarboniReadyBase 7.0???
CRM.48:1.15475Transfer of Custody Scope Note ProblemThe transfer of custody scope note indicates both that it is about physical transfer of custody and that it is not specifically about physical transfer of custody but the kind of transfer can be documented using p2. The proposal is to modify the content of the scope note in order to eliminate this irregularity. E-vote has been proposed and this can eb resolved.George Bruseker 475 WDRobert Sanderson3Open
Homework for RS, done but no decission recorded
Open19/2/2020Rob SandersonGeorge BrusekerReadyBase 7.0???
474Editorial check of changes in CRMarcheo3Open28/4/2020HW SS(AP25-AP26), expected from MD(AP11), CEO (A8), [MD, AF(AP9)]archaeo
CRM.48:3.33473Normal Custodian OfGeorge BrusekerIssue 473Robert Sanderson3Open30/4/2020proposal by RS about Pxx permanent custodianbase
CRM.47:1.15471graphical examplesMartin proposes that the Winckelmann example in the introduction should be illustrated by a symbolic space-time diagram.George BrusekerIssue 471 WD4evote when the diagram is readyOpen30/4/2020postponed after 7.0 releaseMartin DoerrGeorge Brusekerbase 7.0
CRM.48:2.35469A phrase of every property of every extensionA phrase of every property of every extensionChristian Emil OreIssue 469 WDChristian Emil Ore3Open30/4/2020hW by CEO goes together with 365 see preparation/469GI
CRM.47:1.2468Broaden the scope note of P126How to model the use of cleaning substances that do not constitute a modification of an object. Discussed solution: modify scope note of P126 employed (was employed in). Why not broaden the sense of E11 Modification? (MD)Thanasis VeliosIssue 468 WDThanasis Velios3Closed

New issue on change the scopenote of E11 Modificaion
Closed30/4/2020HW by Thanasis about the scope note of P126,Thanasis VeliosMartin DoerrReadybase 7.0
CRM.47:2.1463Scope note of E37 MarkThe scope note of E37 Mark should make clear enough that it is a superclass of E34 Inscription. Any narrower distinction should be types of Marks or Inscriptions. The new scope note proposed by MD describes intentions as typical and not definitional. Martin Doerr 463 WD3ClosedClosed22/6/2020Martin Doerrbase 7.0
CRM.47:1.3462Is P181 has amount different from P90 has value?P181_has_amount seems to make no difference compared to its super-property of P90_has_value, because P180 has currency already specifies a unit specific to E97 Monetary Amount. depricate P180.Martin DoerrIssue 462 WD3ClosedClosed30/4/2020proposal by RS to deprecate P181Robert SandersonMartin Doerrbase 7.0
CRM.48:3.34461Attribute Assignment of .1 propertiesGeorge BrusekerIssue 461Robert Sanderson3Proposed30/4/2021proposal by RS about the use of P177base
460URI Management2Proposed30/4/2022initiated by Francesco, many opinionsgeneral
CRM.48:1.11459modelling principlesMake clear for IT experts the phrase "The CIDOC CRM is a formal ontology in the sense introduced by (N. Guarino 1998)" without causing overdetailing it for other experts from other domains. Solution: Use of footnotes. / In basic concepts about identityChristian Emil OreIssue 459 WDChristian Emil Ore4Closed

Lacoon example new issue
Closed29/4/2020HW by MD [Guarino definition];
HW expected by CEO;
HW ML & KN (I have not sent an email)
This issue has been discussed in the editorial meeting 11/5/2020 and the outcome is added to the current introduction to the CRMbase
Martin DoerrChristian Emil OreReadybase 7.0
CRM.47:1.13458Proofreading of scope notes of P79-P80-P81-P82Describe in natural language how inner and outer bounds intervals are combined in information integrationMartin Doerrissue 458 WDMartin Doerr3Closed

New issue for P79&P80
Closed29/4/2020HW by MD - P81-P82Martin DoerrSteven SteadReadybase 7.0
CRM.47:2.1457harmonization of graphical documentation about CRMThe SIG decided to propose a common graphical style for semantic "boxes and arrows" diagrams of parts of the ontology and representing instances. There may be need for a different style for publication texts (.doc, .pdf etc.), for a complete class hierarchy, and for didactic presentations.(MD) HW to determine the geometric style guide for representing the CRM diagrams: ML, MD, GB, CEO?George BrusekerThe SIG decided to propose a common graphical style for semantic "boxes and arrows" diagrams of parts of the ontology and representing instances. There may be need for a different style for publication texts (.doc, .pdf etc.), for a complete class hierarchy, and for didactic presentations.(MD) etc.4Open
Open23/09/2020postponed after 7.0 release - HW to determine the geometric style guide for representing the CRM diagrams: ML, MD, GB, CEO?Anais GuillemGeorge BrusekerReadybase 7.0
CRM.47:1.12456compatibility statementShould the compatibility statement be improved distinguishing comformance and compatibility? Since the current version is the compromise achieved with ISO in 2014, and no expert engaged, proposed to close the issue.Christian Emil OreIssue 456 WD Christian Emil Ore4ClosedClosed30/4/2020no HW expected, the issue is pending The issue will be left open for now, but will not be revisited in the context of version 7.0. It should be discussed again in the future (quoted from the issue)Martin DoerrRobert SandersonPostponedbase 7.0
455deprecate the property P54 has current permanent location (is current permanent location of)editorial meeting discussion discovers this was actually closed in Athens, so we will close on the site. If someone comes with a knock down argument proving it isn't used, they can make a new issue!3Closed30/4/2022base
CRM.47:2.1453declarative time-spansP170 and P4 need to reflect declarative versus phenomenal time-spans, and how time-spans can be sharedMartin DoerrIssue 453 WDMartin Doerr3ClosedClosed30/4/2020This issue is a continuation of issue 434. It already resolved the Issue 453 simultaneously. However, it gave wrong cardinalities. These must be updated also in the graphics in the introduction.

Martin DoerrReadybase 7.0
453declarative time-spansP170 and P4 need to reflect declarative versus phenomenal time-spans, and how time-spans can be sharedMartin DoerrIssue 453 WDMartin Doerr3Closed30/4/2020This issue is a continuation of issue 434. The working definition of P4 cited is the outcome of issue 434:

P4 has time-span (is time-span of)
Domain:              E2 Temporal Entity
Range:                E52 Time-Span

Quantification:    many to one, necessary, dependent (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:         This property associates an instance of E2 Temporal Entity
with the instance of E52 Time-Span during which it was on-going.  The associated instance of E52 Time-Span is understood as the real time-span during which the phenomena making up the
temporal entity instance were active.. More than one instance of E52 Temporal
Entity may share a common instance of E52 Time-Span only if they come into
being and end due to identical declarations or events.

Examples:           § the Yalta Conference (E7) has time-span Yalta Conference time-span (E52)

 P170 defines time (time is defined by)
Domain: E61Time Primitive
Range: E52 Time Span
Quantification: many to one (0,1:0,n)
Scope note: This property associates an instance of E61 Time Primitive with the instance of E52 Time-Span that constitutes the interpretation of the terms of the time primitive as an extent in absolute, real time.

Martin DoerrReadybase 7.0
CRM.47:2.21450Update the scope note of E54drop. error in minutes writing. (CB note: there is HW by MD on 16/6/2020)Martin DoerrIssue 450 WDMartin Doerr3ClosedClosed30/4/2020to be checkedMartin DoerrMartin DoerrUnknownbase 7.0
449How to write examples4Open30/4/2023no HW yet general
CRM.48:2.32448O17 isA O18O17 generated (was generated by) [D: S17 Physical Genesis, R: E18 Physical Thing] should be a subproperty of O18 altered (was altered by) [D: S18 Alteration, R: E18 Physical Thing]Athina KritsiotakiIssue 448 WD3Open30/4/2024to be discussedthe rationale and if it is accepted or not, see in discussion filesci
447A7 Embedding as a Physical Feature like entityMartin DoerrOpen30/4/2025see issue 469 if it is covered by thatarchaeo
446The nature of A1 Excavation Process Unit3Open30/4/2026archaeo
443Implementing the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model in RDFMartin DoerrOpen1/14/2020
CRM.48:3.35442Curated Holding vs Physical Thing as Aggregate vs SetThis Issue is on one side about the common confusion of aggregates with collections in the sense of the CRM. That may deserve an FAQ if not yet done. There is a quesion, if their must be a minimal time of existence for a Physical Thing. In a way, both neglect that the CRM is about properties. This may deserve a scope note change. Finally it is about holdings versus lists of things, which are information objects.Martin DoerrIssue 442Martin Doerr3Openopen23/09/2020Temporary Aggregates Presentation - no discussion on 47th sigGeorge BrusekerMartin DoerrUnassignedbase 7
CRM.48:3.36439Approximate DimensionsShould their be a property "approximates" between Dimensions? This is a question of meaning and a question of scope and relevance for CRMbase or CRMsci. It should be noted that symmetry in modelling may be a motivation, but not a reason above relevance.George BrusekerIssue 439Robert Sanderson3Open30/4/2020a proposal by Robert SandersonRobert SandersonMartin DoerrUnassignedgeneral
431make methodology clear4Open2/11/2020to verify that by adding the phrase of Carlo and MD' agreement the issue is closedmethodology
429P72 has Language3Proposed10/24/2019proposal and long discussionbase
CRM.47:1.2428the scope notes of E59 Primitive Value and E61 Time PrimitiveChristian Emil OreIssue 428 WD, Christian Emil Ore3ClosedClosed1/13/2020expected HW by CEO about the scope note of E61 - together with issue 390 Christian Emil OreMartin DoerrUnknownbase 7.0MD HW E59
CRM.47:2.32426Pxxx holds or supportsThis is about things being physically together but not part of either one. Martin DoerrIssue 426 WD3Closed
new issue
Closed23/09/2020new HW by Robert Sandersonbase 7.0??
425definition of Ixx Situation in CRMinf3Open1/22/2020example on I11 by TV, just to verify the approval see discussion fileinf
423F54 Utilized Information carrier3Open10/17/2019LRMoo
420Social transactions and bonds3Open1/16/2020Soc
419Activity plans3Open1/16/2020HW by Thanasis in preparation folder directory 419Soc
CRM.48:1.34417begin_of_the_begin /end_of_the_end is excluded from time range?This issue has been answered by recommending a rounding practice in the text "Implementing the CIDOC ConceptualReference Model in RDF" to the first and last time granule of the interval in question.Martin DoerrIssue 417Martin Doerr2Open2/20/2020HW by MDGeneral introduction base
413Pursuit and Name Use Activity to CRMsoc3Open10/17/2019FRBRoo & Soc
409CRMarcheo generalization of the properties AP12 confines and AP11 has physical relation3Open10/17/2019Pending: the sig appointed SS and CEO to write a FAQ document on that (HW). FAQ
408Rights Model Enriched3Open1/16/2020(base) & Soc
407Ordinal Property for E55 Type3Open10/17/2019HW expected by CEObase -> CRMsci.
CRM.48:3.31406Question about quantificaiotn transitivity and open worldVote on transitivity for translations is not conclusive. Issue to be discussed again in the last session of the 48th meeting.

CEO will check by Sep 28 week editorial meeting next week 5/10

Christian Emil OreIssue 406 WDChristian Emil Ore3Open10/17/2019discussionGeneral introduction base
CRM.48:1.23404Modification of scope notes and ranges for E81-P123-P124The overall issue is closed and decided. The examples have been revised and need approval.Martin Doerr 404 WDMartin Doerr3Open10/17/2019HW by Eleni & Athina in preparation directoryReadybase
402representing compound name strings3Open10/17/2019Posted by Richard Light on 30/11/2018


Thanks for this. The page you cite demonstrates graphically the wide variety of approaches to presenting personal names for indexing and browsing. In our SIG meeting earlier this week, we discussed this issue and agreed that what would interest us initially would be an analysis of the components of personal names. As you say, the logical way to use such an analysis would be to split the name into its component parts and record each separately.

I suggest that we park this useful discussion for future reference, and CLOSE this issue.
base & LRM
400CRMGeo: super classes of SP53Open1/22/2020geo
391Harmonizing Space Primitive1Open10/17/2019geo
389Label-free RDF classes3Open10/17/2019GI URI
CRM.48:2.33388Reference to the measurements of position of thingsA new class:“Position Measurement” and new properties was proposed by AK and MD in order to measure phenomenal places that have acquired their identity through some observation event. The problem is that the sig was inconclusive regarding the proposed new class Sxxx Position Measurement and its incoming/outcoming properties. It was mentioned that it is not clear how this class is a subclass of E13 Attribute Assignment/E16 Measurement and that MD should provide more information, including the intension of the class and its properties plus a number of relevant examples (HW)Athina KritsiotakiIssue 388 WDMartin Doerr3Open10/17/2019There is an exlanation by MD, we should discuss this -in DS filesci
387CRMinf examples4Open1/22/2020HW expected from steveinf
CRM.47:1.14386Functional identity of E24 Physical Man Made Thing Christian Emil OreIssue 386 WDChristian Emil Ore3Closed

New issue formulate the philo...
Closed1/17/2020HW expected from CEOChristian Emil OreMartin DoerrReadybase 7.0
384template-for-family-modelsit is re-openend, new proposal by Thanasis Thanasis Veliosfamily models templateThanasis Velios1Open22/6/2020HW by Thanasis Velios
CRM.47:2.22383New has content propertyThe initial issue was to have a way to connect an instance of E90 Symbolic Object to symbolic content stored in an information system which actually IS the content of that instance of E73 Information Object. It is hard to tell from the issue tracker, but to my recollection (GB) this property has been accepted into the standard. Martin had raised the issue of how to model a platonic or aristotelian text in parts, but no progress was made on this. It does not seem like it warrants holding the issue open, if the initial issue was to propose and accept a property that would enable the function described above. Of late a new discussion, caused by me, to talk about whether the binary of a file could go in the range of this property has 're opened' this issue. I would suggest not re-opening the issue, but closing it with the acceptance of the new property. George Bruseker 383 WD3ClosedClosed22/5/2018MD: Close it. I was just forgotten to be closed. P190 solved the Issue. Further discussions should have neen marked as a new issue. Look at 490. Look at updating E33 based on P190. Look at E90 in the light of updated E33.Rob SandersonGeorge BrusekerunassignedBase 7.0???
383New has content propertyThe initial issue was to have a way to connect an instance of E90 Symbolic Object to symbolic content stored in an information system which actually IS the content of that instance of E73 Information Object. It is hard to tell from the issue tracker, but to my recollection (GB) this property has been accepted into the standard. Martin had raised the issue of how to model a platonic or aristotelian text in parts, but no progress was made on this. It does not seem like it warrants holding the issue open, if the initial issue was to propose and accept a property that would enable the function described above. Of late a new discussion, caused by me, to talk about whether the binary of a file could go in the range of this property has 're opened' this issue. I would suggest not re-opening the issue, but closing it with the acceptance of the new property. George Bruseker 383 WD3Decision: everyone in agreement. Issue closed.closed22/5/2018Whereas I agree with the need for this property, I regard that the issue is not ready, because precise semantics and examples have not been declared. MDRob SandersonGeorge BrusekerunassignedBase 7.0???
CRM.48:1.31382where to stop documenting the provenanceSS will take a look at this issue for Sep 28 week editorial meeting and see if the HW still needs to be done or has been superceded by later events of editing!George BrusekerIssue 382 WDSteven Stead4Open1/16/2020HW expected by Steve about the comparison of the textsIn ProgressGI
381website improvements FAQ, model & resources section4Open10/17/2019
373Managing CRM and CRM extension versionsOpen10/17/2019admin-old
CRM.47:1.2367E13 Attribute AssignmentThis issue had to do with re-writing the scope note of E13 and adding a new property in order to indicate the property that one was asserting to hold between two things being reified by the statement. This work has been done and it would appear we simply have to check that the new property has been given a number so that it can go into CRM base.George BrusekerIssue 367 WD3Closed

New issue on the examples of E13 Attribute Assignment
Closed10/17/2019should be closedMartin DoerrRob SandersonReadyBase 7.0???
CRM.48:3.23365A top-level ontology on which CRM and all its extensions will be dependedChristian Emil Ore3Open10/17/2019top level ontology- 469GI
364Create Profile Markup Language/Schema / Ontology ProfilesOpen11/27/2019
360LRMoo3Open1/22/2020HW by Pat in the directory 360LRMoo
CRM.48:3.24354Management of issues and workflowprotocol for vote procedureGeorge BrusekerIssue 354George BrusekerOpen10/17/2019admin
351Modelling Principles4Open1/27/2020Meth
349Belief Values3Done2/24/2020There is an objection by Thanasis that by mistake the issue closed, also Martin agrees. See discussion fileinf
347Dimension and Data setsGB to find the issue that did the new scope note for dimension and verify that it closes this issue de facto. To report back sep 28 week ed board meeet - to be cheched if is the same with some other
The crm-sig agreed that there should be explicit guidelines to writing scope notes, maybe like newspaper articles.
HW: SS and GB were assigned with redrafting the scope note and to recast the parts that resemble guidelines as “best practices” instead.
345properties having domain or range deprecated classesIt is closed.3Closed10/17/2019we should close it - to be checkedbase
CRM.48:1.22339References to the examples of CRM textThis isue is NOT a stopper for 7.1 We should check before releasing 7.1 that the citations have been done consistently and according to ONE style and that if there is a citation that it appears in the biblioographic reference section. So there will be a check by Lida and Despoina or appropriate person to see the state of things. We will NOT wait for a total list of references for all things in order to proceed.Chryssoula Bekiariissue 339 WDChryssoula Bekiari4Open10/17/2019ReadyBase