No longer maintained!
This sheet is no longer maintained, see for latest stats. Reach out on our discord if you want to maintain this sheet
NameAgeCategoryProduced/Build byGenreClassATK Type/CDTypeRoleFWGSTotalTimePop.Garr.SpeedMoveHPHP/RMel.RgdFireATK# Att. TotalSpdDPSRg MaxRg MinIG MaxIG MinTypeAOERadiusIG Rad.BonusBonus AgainstTorchSpeedDPSLoSHoSAdditional InformationMilitary/Activable AbilitiesMisc/Passive AbilitiesText File ClassificationBonusFile DescriptionTo-Do / CommentCode NameUnique IDCredits, Notes, Legend
001ABCHDEFRHRMORUArcherIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage3050008015105,001,25700,8750005151,503,3320,000,005,000,00RangedNo+5vs Light Melee Infantry3610Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-2
002MOArcher (x2)IISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage305008016015205,001,25700,4380005151,503,3320,000,005,000,00RangedNo+5vs Light Melee Infantry3610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-2-ovooCredits
Made by MugenNoSora. Files decrypted thanks to /u/massrieen and his script.
003ABCHDEFRHRMORUArcherIIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage3050008015105,001,25801,0000007171,504,6720,000,005,000,00RangedNo+7vs Light Melee Infantry3610Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-3Notes
There are certainly errors or mistyped values, please report them in the reddit thread.
004FRArcher (Keep Influence)IIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage2440006415105,001,25801,2500007171,504,6720,000,005,000,00RangedNo+7vs Light Melee Infantry3610Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-3-keep-influence
Warning : You can't filter the doc if you access it via a "htmlview" URL and the doc layout/formatting may look weird.
005MOArcher (x2)IIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage305008016015205,001,25800,5000007171,504,6720,000,005,000,00RangedNo+7vs Light Melee Infantry3610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-3-ovoo
Use the original link -->
006ABCHDEFRHRMORUArcherIVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage3050008015105,001,25951,1880008181,505,3320,000,005,000,00RangedNo+8vs Light Melee Infantry3610Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-4Reddit
Reddit discussion thread.
007FRArcher (Keep Influence)IVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage2440006415105,001,25951,4840008181,505,3320,000,005,000,00RangedNo+8vs Light Melee Infantry3610Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-4-keep-influenceLatest Update
Feb 09, 2022 for Patch 11009.
008MOArcher (x2)IVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage305008016015205,001,25950,5940008181,505,3320,000,005,000,00RangedNo+8vs Light Melee Infantry3610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged InfantryCheap ranged infantry with good damage vs. unarmored targets.\r\n+ High rate of fire\r\n- Weak vs armored targetsarcher-4-ovoo
009ABBattering RamISharedInfantry UnitsLand UnitSiegeMeleeSiege WeaponDamage025000250801163,000,754201,680030020012005,0040,001,150,000,290,00TrueNo+100vs Wall3010Can only attack buildings. Can garrison units. 1 - Unload GarrisonSiegeDurable infantry transport effective against buildings and walls.\r\n+ High ranged armor\r\n+ High health\r\n- Can only attack buildings\r\n- Slow movement speedbattering-ram-1Misc
I tried to make everything as compact/logical as possible but it's not easy with so much data and special rules. Tried different layouts but this one seems to work best.
010CHDEENFRHRMORUBattering RamIISharedInfantry UnitsLand UnitSiegeMeleeSiege WeaponDamage025000250801163,000,754201,680030020012005,0040,001,150,000,290,00TrueNo+100vs Wall3010Can only attack buildings. Can garrison units. Unlocked by Siege Engineering.1 - Unload GarrisonSiegeDurable infantry transport effective against buildings and walls.\r\n+ High ranged armor\r\n+ High health\r\n- Can only attack buildings\r\n- Slow movement speedbattering-ram-2
I sorted everything out and numbered the lines as it makes more sense but you can sort out everything you want. Use the search function Ctrl+F!
011ABCHDEENHRMORUBombardIVSharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045302,500,632400,240030010011004,2523,5340,0015,0010,003,75TrueNo+410vs Building & Ship5610No AOE effect.1 - Attack GroundSiege, GunpowderIntimidating siege gun excellent against buildings or any stubborn targets.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- Must be set up to firebombard-4
Basic sorting is by Genre : Units first then Buildings, Technologies, Upgrades and the rest. Then in each genre I use hybrid sorting of names and Age to make it more logical.
012CHBombard (Clocktower)IVSharedAstronomical Clocktower ✪ ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045302,500,633600,360030010011004,2523,5340,0015,0010,003,75TrueNo+410vs Building & Ship5610No AOE effect.1 - Attack GroundSiege, GunpowderIntimidating siege gun excellent against buildings or any stubborn targets.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- Must be set up to firebombard-4-clocktower
Orange bright cells mean it's probably wrong, unverified or serve as a reminder for me. If the text is cut out click on a cell to read it or check the formula line on top.
013RUBombard (High Armory)IVSharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage0320480080045302,500,632400,300030010011004,2523,5340,0015,0010,003,75TrueNo+410vs Building & Ship5610No AOE effect.1 - Attack GroundSiege, GunpowderIntimidating siege gun excellent against buildings or any stubborn targets.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- Must be set up to firebombard-4-high-armory
014MOBombard (x2)IVSharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006001000200045602,500,632400,120030010011004,2523,5340,0015,0010,003,75TrueNo+410vs Building & Ship5610No AOE effect. Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 1 - Attack GroundSiege, GunpowderIntimidating siege gun excellent against buildings or any stubborn targets.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- Must be set up to firebombard-4-ovooAgeCategory
015ABHRCulverinIVUncommonSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045303,000,752200,2200200851854,2520,0048,005,0012,001,25RangedNo+100, +200vs Siege, vs Ship6410Siege, GunpowderLong-range cannon made for destroying siege equipment.\r\n+ Bonus damage to siege weapons\r\n+ Attacks without having to set up\r\n- Low damage to buildingsculverin-4IShared
Spearman, Horseman, etc.
All civs, or almost all, have the same unit. It's a core unit of the game.
016FRRoyal CulverinIVUncommonCollege of Artillery ✪Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045303,000,752200,220020010211024,2524,0048,005,0012,001,25RangedNo+120, +240vs Siege, vs Ship6410Does 20% more damage than the normal unit.Siege, GunpowderLong-range cannon made for destroying siege equipment.\r\n+ Bonus damage to siege weapons\r\n+ Attacks without having to set up\r\n- Low damage to buildingsroyal-culverin-4IIStandard
Attack ships, Monk, Imam, etc.
All civs, or almost all, have a similar unit but the name, skin, stats might slightly change.
017ABCHDEENHRMORUCrossbowmanIIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage80040012022104,501,13800,667000121122,155,5820,000,005,000,00RangedNo+9vs Heavy4010Light Ranged InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedcrossbowman-3IIIUncommon
Culverin, Ribauldequin
Only some civs have that unit, it's special, rare but not unique to one civ.
018MOCrossbowman (x2)IIISharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage8004012024022204,501,13800,333000121122,155,5820,000,005,000,00RangedNo+9vs Heavy4010Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedcrossbowman-3-ovooIVUnique
Prelate, Streltsy, Khan, etc.
Only one civ has the unit, it has a special icon displayed ingame.
019ABCHDEENHRMORUCrossbowmanIVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage80040012022104,501,13950,792000151152,156,9820,000,005,000,00RangedNo+11vs Heavy4010Light Ranged InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedcrossbowman-4
020MOCrossbowman (x2)IVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage8004012024022204,501,13950,396000151152,156,9820,000,005,000,00RangedNo+11vs Heavy4010Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedcrossbowman-4-ovooProduced/Build byGenreClassATK Type/CDTypeRoleF
How much food it costs. Bold value means it contains X food.
021ABCHDEENFRHRMOHandcannoneerIVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage1200120024035104,501,131300,542000351352,1516,2816,000,004,000,00RangedNo3210Light Ranged Gunpowder InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedhandcannoneer-4Already builtLand UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamageW
How much wood it costs. Bold value means it contains X wood.
022FRHandcannoneer (Keep Influence)IVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage96096019235104,501,131300,677000351352,1516,2816,000,004,000,00RangedNo3210Light Ranged Gunpowder InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speed
Archery Range ⚔HeavyRangedCavalrySupportG
How much gold it costs. Bold value means it contains X gold.
023MOHandcannoneer (x2)IVSharedArchery Range ⚔Land UnitLightRangedInfantryDamage120012024048035204,501,131300,271000351352,1516,2816,000,004,000,00RangedNo3210Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Ranged Gunpowder InfantryPowerful all-purpose ranged infantry.\r\n+ High damage\r\n- High cost\r\n- Slow movement speedhandcannoneer-4-ovooBarrack ⚔SiegeNoneSiege WeaponWorkerS
How much stone it costs. Bold value means it contains X stone.
024MOHorseman (Early)ISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012022107,501,881000,8330107171,754,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+7, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege10252810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-1Blacksmith 🛠ReligiousReligiousEconomyTotal
Total resource cost (F+W+G+S).
025MOHorseman (Early) (x2)ISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage10020012024022207,501,881000,4170107171,754,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+7, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege10252810Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-1-ovooDock ⚔EconomicOtherTime
Production or research time in seconds.
026ABCHDEENFRHRMORUHorsemanIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012022107,501,881251,0420209191,755,141,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+9, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege1326,52810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-2Hunting Cabin ★Water UnitEconomicMeleeShipDamagePop
How much population slots it takes. Bold and green value means it increases your population.
027FRHorsemanIISharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012018107,501,881251,0420209191,755,141,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+9, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege1326,52810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-2-school-of-cavalryInfantry UnitsTransport ShipRangedSupportGarr.
How many units can be garrisoned.
028MOHorseman (x2)IISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage10020012024022207,501,881250,5210209191,755,141,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+9, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege1326,52810Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-2-ovooKeepTrade ShipNoneWorkerSpeed
Speed value from the files.
029ABCHDEENFRHRMORUHorsemanIIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012022107,501,881551,292030111111,756,291,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+11, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege16282810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-3*Landmark ✪*Arrow ShipEconomyMove
Movement speed displayed ingame as it uses the Tiles system.
030FRHorsemanIIISharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012018107,501,881551,292030111111,756,291,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+11, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege16282810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-3-school-of-cavalryLumber Camp/Ger €Combat ShipHP
How much hitpoints it has initially.
031FRHorseman (Keep Influence)IIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage8016009618107,501,881551,615030111111,756,291,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+11, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege16282810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-3-keep-influenceMap Generation
Incendiary Ship
How much hitpoints per resource spend it has. Can be used to compare similar things.
032MOHorseman (x2)IIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage10020012024022207,501,881550,646030111111,756,291,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+11, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege16282810Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-3-ovooMarketWar ShipMel.
Initial Melee Armor value.
033ABCHDEENFRHRMORUHorsemanIVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012022107,501,881801,500040131131,757,431,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+13, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege202102810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-4Mill/Hunting Cabin/Ger €StructureBuildingMeleeMilitaryProductionRgd
Initial Ranged Armor value.
034FRHorsemanIVSharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage100200012018107,501,881801,500040131131,757,431,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+13, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege202102810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-4-school-of-cavalryMining Camp/Ovoo €RangedReligiousReligiousFire
Initial Fire Armor value.
035FRHorseman (Keep Influence)IVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage8016009618107,501,881801,875040131131,757,431,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+13, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege202102810Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-4-keep-influenceMonasteryNoneTechnologyTechnologyATK
How much an attack deals damage.
036MOHorseman (x2)IVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage10020012024022207,501,881800,750040131131,757,431,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+13, +10vs Ranged, vs Siege202102810Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Light Melee CavalryMobile cavalry effective at raiding and flanking.\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Weak vs melee unitshorseman-4-ovooMosqueDefenseDefense# Att.
Number of attacks the element uses to make his attack.
037ABImamIIIStandardMosqueLand UnitReligiousNoneReligiousSupport00150015030104,501,13900,600000None3010Can heal, pick up relics, convert.2 - Conversion, Heal2 - Drop Relic, Automatic HealingReligiousSupport unit with no combat capability. Can pick up Relics, convert enemy units, and capture Sacred Sites.\r\n+ Heals friendly units\r\n- Slow movement speedimam-3OutpostEconomyEconomyTotal
How much total damage an attack does.
038RUKnight (Early)IIStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage1400100024035106,501,631900,792330191191,5012,671,150,000,290,00MeleeNo1326,52810Charge attack does 29. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenknight-2Pack BuildingPopulationPopulationSpeed
Attack speed. The element attack every x second.
039ENHRRUKnightIIIStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage1400100024035106,501,632300,958440241241,5016,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo16282810Charge attack does 36. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenknight-3Siege Workshop ⚔LandmarkAge upDPS
Simplified formula to show how much damage per second an element does.
040ENHRRUKnightIVStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage1400100024035106,501,632701,125550291291,5019,331,150,000,290,00MeleeNo202102810Charge attack does 43. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenknight-4Stable ⚔WonderWinningRg Max
Maximum attack range value from the files.
041ABCHDEMOLancerIIIStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage1400100024035106,501,632300,958440241241,5016,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo16282810Charge attack does 36. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenlancer-3Town CenterTechnologyTechnologyNoneMilitaryRg Min
Minimum attack range value from the files.
042MOLancer (x2)IIIStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage140010024048035206,501,632300,479440241241,5016,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo16282810Charge attack does 36. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenlancer-3-ovooSiege Workshop ⚔LandmarkAge upDPS
Simplified formula to show how much damage per second an element does.
043ABCHDEMOLancerIVStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage1400100024035106,501,632701,125550291291,5019,331,150,000,290,00MeleeNo202102810Charge attack does 43. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenlancer-4University/Madrasa 🛠NavalIG Max
Maximum attack range value displayed ingame as it uses the Tiles system.
044MOLancer (x2)IVStandardStable ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeCavalryDamage140010024048035206,501,632700,563550291291,5019,331,150,000,290,00MeleeNo202102810Charge attack does 43. Knight and Lancer are the same, civs just call them differently.1 - ChargeHeavy Melee CavalryExpensive cavalry with a powerful charge.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n+ Strong in melee combat\r\n- Countered by Spearmen and Crossbowmenlancer-4-ovooUnitsReligiousIG Min
Minimum attack range value displayed ingame as it uses the Tiles system.
045ENMan-at-Arms (Vanguard)ISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012015104,501,131000,8333308181,385,821,180,000,300,00MeleeNo10253610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-1-englishVillagerSiege WeaponType
The type of damage included in the file : Melee, Ranged, True, Fire. None if there is no attack.
045ENMan-at-Arms (Early)IISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012015104,501,131201,000330101101,387,271,180,000,300,00MeleeNo10253610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-2-englishVillagerSiege WeaponType
The type of damage included in the file : Melee, Ranged, True, Fire. None if there is no attack.
045ENMan-at-ArmsIIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012015104,501,131551,292440121121,388,731,180,000,290,00MeleeNo10253610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-3-englishVillagerSiege WeaponType
The type of damage included in the file : Melee, Ranged, True, Fire. None if there is no attack.
045ENMan-at-ArmsIVSharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012015104,501,131801,500550141141,3810,181,180,000,290,00MeleeNo10253610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-4-englishVillagerSiege WeaponType
The type of damage included in the file : Melee, Ranged, True, Fire. None if there is no attack.
046HRMan-at-Arms (Early)IISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012022104,501,131201,000330101101,387,271,180,000,300,00MeleeNo10253610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-2+ a few special ones...StructureAOE
If the attack does Area of Effect or not.
047ABDEFRHRMORUMan-at-ArmsIIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012022104,501,131551,292440121121,388,731,180,000,290,00MeleeNo1326,53610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-3TradeRadius
Radius value of the AOE in the file.
048HRMan-at-Arms (5 Units)IIISharedBurgrave Palace ✪ ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage5000100060022504,501,131550,258440121121,388,731,180,000,290,00MeleeNo1326,53610Produces 5 units at the same time.Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-3-5-unitsGatheringIG Rad.
The radius distance ingame with the number of Tiles.
049MOMan-at-Arms (x2)IIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012022204,501,131551,292440121121,388,731,180,000,290,00MeleeNo1326,53610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-3-ovooEconomyBonus
Bonus damage added to the against some specific targets.
050ABDEFRHRMORUMan-at-ArmsIVSharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage100020012022104,501,131801,500550141141,3810,181,180,000,290,00MeleeNo16283610Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-4OtherBonus Against
The type of the target affected by the bonus damage.
051HRMan-at-Arms (5 Units)IVSharedBurgrave Palace ✪ ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage5000100060022504,501,131800,300550141141,3810,181,180,000,290,00MeleeNo16283610Produces 5 units at the same time.Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-4-5-unitsUpgradeUpgradeMeleeInfantryTorch
The specific torch damage a unit does against buildings.
052MOMan-at-Arms (x2)IVSharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitHeavyMeleeInfantryDamage10002012024022204,501,131800,750550141141,3810,181,180,000,290,00MeleeNo16283610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. Heavy Melee InfantryTough infantry with good damage.\r\n+ High armor\r\n- Slow movementman-at-arms-4-ovooRangedCavalrySpeed
Torch attack speed. The unit attack every x second.
053ABDEENFRHRMORUMangonelIIISharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage0400200060040303,000,751400,2330200123366,755,3336,0012,009,003,00SiegeYes30,75+24, +18
vs Building & Ship, vs Ranged
521012x3 Burst Attack AOE effect. Weapon area-of-effect shape is 360 degrees.1 - Attack GroundSiegeFires multiple projectiles dealing damage in an area.\r\n+ Effective against massed units\r\n- Must be set up to firemangonel-3NoneDPS
Simplified formula to show how much torch damage per second an element does.
055RUMangonel (High Armory)IIISharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage0320160048040303,000,751400,2920200123366,755,3336,0012,009,003,00SiegeYes30,75+24, +18
vs Building & Ship, vs Ranged
521012x3 Burst Attack AOE effect.1 - Attack GroundSiegeFires multiple projectiles dealing damage in an area.\r\n+ Effective against massed units\r\n- Must be set up to firemangonel-3-high-armoryRangedDefensiveProtectionActive Abilities
How many active abilities the unit has and their names.
056MOMangonel (x2)IIISharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage0400200600120040603,000,751400,1170200123366,755,3336,0012,009,003,00SiegeYes30,75+24, +18
vs Building & Ship, vs Ranged
521012x3 Burst Attack AOE effect.1 - Attack GroundSiegeFires multiple projectiles dealing damage in an area.\r\n+ Effective against massed units\r\n- Must be set up to firemangonel-3-ovooRangedDefensiveProtectionActive Abilities
How many active abilities the unit has and their names.
057CHENFRMonkIIIStandardMonasteryLand UnitReligiousNoneReligiousSupport00150015030104,501,13900,600000None3010Can heal, pick up relics, convert.2 - Conversion, Heal2 - Drop Relic, Automatic HealingReligiousSupport unit with no combat capability. Can pick up Relics, convert enemy units, and capture Sacred Sites.\r\n+ Heals friendly units\r\n- Slow movement speedmonk-3NoneVisionUtilitaryPassive Abilities
How many passive abilities the unit has and their names.
058ENFRRibauldequinIVUncommonSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045303,500,883500,35010004252105,4538,5315,000,003,750,00RangedYes41451042x12 Burst Attack. 2,5 radius, 4 length, 10 width aoe ??Siege, GunpowderFive-barreled gunpowder weapon effective against massed units. Deals little damage to buildings.\r\n+ Can hit multiple targets in a single volley\r\n- Short range\r\n- Low ranged armorribauldequin-4ProjectileProjectileRangedProjectileDamage
Text File Classification
The classification displayed as a text in game for the element.
059FRRoyal RibauldequinIVUncommonCollege of Artillery ✪Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage04006000100045303,500,883500,35010005052505,4545,8715,000,003,750,00RangedYes414510Does 20% more damage than the normal unit.Siege, GunpowderFive-barreled gunpowder weapon effective against massed units. Deals little damage to buildings.\r\n+ Can hit multiple targets in a single volley\r\n- Short range\r\n- Low ranged armorroyal-ribauldequin-4ResourceFoodMeleeAnimalDangerousBonus
The bonus value given by the tech, read the File Description next to it.
060ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout102541501Moves 35% slower while carrying an animal carcass. Contrary to the Khan, a normal scout does not gain more line of sight through the ages.2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-1WoodRangedPlantHuntedFile Description
The official description in the files. The weird %%1%2% represents the bonus value in the files.
061MOScout (x2)ISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout102541501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-1-ovooGoldNoneTreeHerdableTo-Do / Comment
Dont mind this, reminder to verify things or to do.
062MOScoutISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout102541501Moves 35% slower while carrying an animal carcass. Contrary to the Khan, a normal scout does not gain more line of sight through the ages.2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-1-stableStoneMineFishCode Name
Dont mind this, a way to help myself as some files names don't match the ingame names.
063MOScout (x2)ISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout102541501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-1-ovoo-stableWood
064RUScoutISharedHunting Cabin ★Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1025415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-1-hunting-cabinGold
065ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1326,5415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-2Stone
066MOScout (x2)IISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1326,541501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-2-ovooNone
067ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1326,5415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-2-stableAbilityActive# in secondsFrom UnitDamage
068MOScout (x2)IISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1326,541501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-2-ovoo-stableInfluencePassiveFrom BuildingDefense
069FRScoutIISharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007019106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1326,5415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-2-school-of-cavalryEnhancementToggleSupport
070ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIIISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1628415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3Economy
071MOScout (x2)IIISharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout162841501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3-ovoo
072ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1628415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3-stableType
073MOScout (x2)IIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout162841501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3-ovoo-stableRanged
074FRScoutIIISharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007019106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1628415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3-school-of-cavalryFire
075FRScout (Keep Influence)IIISharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage520005219106,501,631102,1150002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout1628415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-3-keep-influenceTrue
076ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIVSharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout20210415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4None
077MOScout (x2)IVSharedTown CenterLand UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout2021041501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4-ovoo
078ABCHDEENFRHRMORUScoutIVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007025106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout20210415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4-stable
079MOScout (x2)IVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage70007014025206,501,631100,7860002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout2021041501Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4-ovoo-stable
080FRScoutIVSharedSchool of Cavalry ✪Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage700007019106,501,631101,5710002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout20210415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4-school-of-cavalryTo-do, Questions, etc
Add "ATK 2" column because some units have another attack? Like Tusk damage from elephants or Spasskaya Tower comes with 3 weapons, or some ships....
081FRScout (Keep Influence)IVSharedStable ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeCavalryDamage520005219106,501,631102,1150002122,001,001,150,000,290,00MeleeNo+10vs Scout20210415012 - Herd Sheep to Building, Drop CarcassLight Melee CavalryLightly armed cavalry effective at exploring the world, hunting wildlife, and herding Sheep.\r\n+ Able to see into Stealth Forests\r\n+ High movement speed\r\n- Very weak in combatscout-4-keep-influence
How does AOE work? burst, scatter in file.
082ABSiege TowerISharedInfantry unitsLand UnitSiegeMeleeSiege WeaponDamage01250012545382,500,634803,840080None3610Can't attack. Can garrison and unload units onto Stone Wall. Unlocked by Siege Engineering.1 - Unload GarrisonSiegeTall infantry transport with no combat capability. Allows garrisoned infantry to be unloaded directly onto Stone Walls.\r\n+ High ranged armor\r\n- Cannot attack\r\n- Slow movement speedsiege-tower-1
Add a Charge column? Check Royal Knights info. How many units have a charge or special secondary attack?
083ABCHDEENFRHRMORUSiege TowerIISharedInfantry UnitsLand UnitSiegeMeleeSiege WeaponSupport01250012545382,500,634803,840080None3610Can't attack. Can garrison and unload units onto Stone Wall. Unlocked by Siege Engineering.1 - Unload GarrisonSiegeTall infantry transport with no combat capability. Allows garrisoned infantry to be unloaded directly onto Stone Walls.\r\n+ High ranged armor\r\n- Cannot attack\r\n- Slow movement speedsiege-tower-2
A Projectile line for each ship weapon attached? easier to track the changes?
084MOShamanIIIStandardPrayer TentLand UnitReligiousNoneReligiousSupport00150015030104,501,13900,600000None3010Can heal, pick up relics, convert.2 - Conversion, Heal2 - Drop Relic, Automatic HealingReligiousSupport unit with no combat capability. Can pick up Relics, convert enemy units, and capture Sacred Sites.\r\n+ Heals friendly units\r\n- Slow movement speedshaman-3
085MOShaman (x2)IIIStandardPrayer TentLand UnitReligiousNoneReligiousSupport0015015030030204,501,13900,300000None3010Can heal, pick up relics, convert. Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 2 - Conversion, Heal2 - Drop Relic, Automatic HealingReligiousSupport unit with no combat capability. Can pick up Relics, convert enemy units, and capture Sacred Sites.\r\n+ Heals friendly units\r\n- Slow movement speedshaman-3-ovoo
086ABCHDEFRHRMORUSpearmanISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage6020008015105,001,25700,8750006161,883,201,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+15vs Cavalry102536101 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-1
087MOSpearman (x2)ISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage602008016015205,001,25700,4380006161,883,201,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+15vs Cavalry10253610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-1-ovooReminder, Later
Add a "King" line if Regicide mode is released. In the files currently 200hp, 2,5 speed, 40 LoS, 10 HoS.
088ABCHDEENFRHRMORUSpearmanIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage6020008015105,001,25901,1250008181,884,271,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+20vs Cavalry1326,536101 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-2
089MOSpearman (x2)IISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage602008016015205,001,25900,5630008181,884,271,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+20vs Cavalry1326,53610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-2-ovoo
090ABCHDEENFRHRMORUSpearmanIIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage6020008015105,001,251101,3750009191,884,801,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+23vs Cavalry162836101 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-3
091HRSpearman (5 Units)IIISharedBurgrave Palace ✪ ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage3001000040015505,001,251100,2750009191,884,801,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+23vs Cavalry16283610Produces 5 units at the same time.1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-3-5-units
092MOSpearman (x2)IIISharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage602008016015205,001,251100,6880009191,884,801,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+23vs Cavalry16283610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-3-ovoo
093ABCHDEENFRHRMORUSpearmanIVSharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage6020008015105,001,251301,625000111111,885,871,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+28vs Cavalry2021036101 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-4
094HRSpearman (5 Units)IVSharedBurgrave Palace ✪ ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage3001000040015505,001,251300,325000111111,885,871,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+28vs Cavalry202103610Produces 5 units at the same time.1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-4-5-units
095MOSpearman (x2)IVSharedBarrack ⚔Land UnitLightMeleeInfantryDamage602008016015205,001,251300,813000111111,885,871,180,000,290,00MeleeNo+28vs Cavalry202103610Under Ovoo Influence you can produce 2 normal units at the same time but it also costs Stone. 1 - Spear Wall1 - Spear WallLight Melee InfantryInfantry best used against mounted units.\r\n+ Anti-cavalry specialist\r\n- Susceptible to light ranged attacks\r\n- Weak against armored infantryspearman-4-ovoo
096ABCHDEENFRHRMORUSpringaldIIISharedSiege Workshop ⚔Land UnitSiegeRangedSiege WeaponDamage0250250050030303,500,881250,2500200301304,007,5040,005,0010,001,25RangedNo+70vs Siege & Ship5610SiegeEffective at taking out high value targets at long range. Fires after quickly setting up.\r\n+ Long range\r\n+ Bonus damage vs siege engines\r\n- Trivial damage vs. buildingsspringald-3