The Raimdelle Codex Alces
The Raimdelle CodexDesigned by Frandelont Raimdelle centuries ago, the Raimdelle Codex is the natural history encyclopedia of Eorzean (even out-of-world, by SE, as a basis for lore in-world). It is built like a classical book of naturalism; think Pliny the Elder meets Carl Linnaeus. Fortunately for immersion but unfortunately for simplicity, the man was not infallible, and thus this system is not perfect. It is organic, top-down, and seemingly incapable of handling everything the world has to throw at it... Also, Eorzeans are often just plain mistaken. Like, a lot. Deliberate misinformation abounds.
AlcesA near-complete Raimdelle Codex (as of Patch 3.4) was included in the Encyclopædia Eorzea, but there is always more work to be done! Adventurers are encouraged to become naturalists themselves, looking for hints in the world lore that make Raimdelle work (or prove even where Eorzeans are wrong). The subtitle ALCES effectively forks the Codex, creating a discrete edition of the text. That's not to say it doesn't make every effort to be the real deal, it's just important to keep the disctinction, wouldn't you say?
AccuracyAt times, a mob genus or species name must be tentatively inferred or assumed based on what few examples we have. The chart will constantly be updated as more information comes in, and sites that utilize Codex Alces will be provided these changes. (If you're manually following it yourself, I keep a changelog sheet just for you!) Names with red icons are enemies I haven't confirmed existing (or having a name) in-game, as of yet.
"Who writes it?"Anwyll, known to the FFXIV community as Anonymoose. There is a larger, infinitely more chaotic private sheet from which this (and others) are generated.
"Who uses it?"Officially, Gamer Escape and the model viewer labels of FFXIV EXPLORER. Anyone and everyone is welcome to make use of it, however. I understand that options aren't exactly plentiful. Though, considering the countless hours across well over a year (so far) invested, if you do make use of it, a small shout-out would be kind.
"Can I help?"Dear sweet merciful Twelve, yes.
Help identify unknowns, help correct errors, help come up with ideas to polish the system, help pass the time because this is the tome that never ends (it goes on and on my friends).
Stop by this thread in the official lore forums, even just to chat.
The SheetsThe taxonomical system used internally by Square Enix consists of Regnum, Class, Genus, and Species. A list of regnums and classes can be found on one sheet, while every class will then have its own sheet containing a chart of genera and species within that class. There is also a sheet that lists judgement calls I've had to make; quirks and nuances that allow this fork of the bestiary to "duct tape" over certain mechanical problems encountered along the way. These judgement calls may be temporary or permanent, and are subject to eternal change as we find ways to polish the system. The final pages are for things I've yet to classify and a changelog.
NavigationScroll through the pages manually (bottom left; ◀ & ▶) or click the "All Sheets" button (bottom right; ≡) for a scrollable list.