UnitType SizeCountCostCombatCost/Combat RatioNotes / Unique AbilitySpellbooksMisc / Comments / Rumors / Additional Rules etc...
Black GoatFertility Cult (Ongoing):
You may Summon Monsters as an Unlimited Action.
• Have units in 4 areas
• Have units in 6 areas
• Have units in 8 areas
• As your Action for a Round, eliminate 2 of your Cultists
• Share Areas with all enemies (i.e., both you and the enemy have Units there). Gain 1 Power per enemy player.
• Awaken Shub-Niggurath
Starting Location:
Core Earth: West Africa (G'Harne)
6-8p Earth: West Africa [?]
Primeval: Hyperbhoria
Yuggoth: Spore Badlands
Dreamlands: Zura
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm610/11:0
Combat is 1 with Frenzy spellbookFrenzy (Ongoing):
Your Cultists have a Combat value of 1.
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath: (Ongoing)
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
Cost is 0 with Thousand Young spellbookNecrophagy (Post-Battle):
Move any or all Ghouls (who were not involved in Battle) from any Area to the Battle Area, even if you were not involved in a Battle. For each Ghoul so moved, both sides in the Battle suffer an additional Pain result.
Fungi from Yuggoth
Cost is 1 with Thousand Young spellbookGhroth (Action: Cost 2):
Roll 1 die. If the result is equal to or less than the number of Areas containing Fungi, your enemies must eliminate Cultists equal to the roll, between them. They have 1 minute to decide how many each should lose. If they cannot agree, you choose for them. If the die roll is a failure, instead place one Acolyte (of any faction) anywhere on the map.
Dark YoungMonster130mm33/223:2
Cost is 2 with Thousand Young spellbookThe Red Sign (Ongoing):
Your Dark Young can now Build Gates, Control Gates, earn 1 Power each during the Gather Power phase, and add +1 apiece to Shub-Niggurath's Combat. They do not act as Cultists with respect to any other purpose.
Shub-NiggurathGreat Old One110mm180-288:0

(28 achieved using High Priest, all Dark Young and 4 Brain Cylinders, all controlling gates; Core Set limit is 18)
How to Awaken Shub-Niggurath (Cost 8):
1) You must have a Controlled Gate, and at least 2 Cultists on the map (they can be in any Area(s)).
2) Pay 8 Power.
3) Remove your 2 Cultists, then place Shub-Niggurath at your Controlled Gate.

Combat: Equals the total of your Cultists plus your Controlled Gates. If you have The Red Sign, add +1 per Dark Young in play as well.

r (Action: Cost 1):
Choose an Area and a faction [you may choose your own faction]. Swap the location of Shub-Niggurath and a Monster or Cultist in the Area, chosen by the faction owner.
Blood Sacrifice (Ongoing):
If Shub-Niggurath is in play during the Doom Phase, you can choose to eliminate one of your Cultists (from anywhere on the map). If you do so, gain 1 Elder Sign.

The Thousand Young (Ongoing):
If Shub-Niggurath is in play, Ghouls, Fungi, and Dark Young cost 1 less Power each to summon.
Great CthulhuImmortal (Ongoing):
Once Cthulhu has Awakened, he costs only 4 Power each additional time he is Awakened. Whenever you Awaken any Great Old One, gain 1 Elder Sign.
• In the first Doom phase, receive this Spellbook. Also receive 1 Elder Sign
• In any Doom phase in which you have 5 faction Spellbooks, receive this Spellbook. Also receive 1 Elder Sign
• Kill and/or Devour an enemy Unit in a battle *
• Kill and/or Devour two enemy Units in a battle *
• Control three Gates in Ocean Areas OR four Gates exist in Ocean Areas
• Awaken Cthulhu

* You may earn both these Spellbooks in a single Battle, if you Kill and/or Devour 3 or more Units
Starting Location:
Core Earth: South Pacific (R'Lyeh)
6-8p Earth: South Pacific [?]
Primeval: Iapetus Ocean
Yuggoth: Nitrogen Sea
Dreamlands: Sea of Dawn
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0-Devolve (Ongoing):
At the end of any player's Action (even if it's not your turn), transform one or more of your Acolyte Cultists anywhere on the map into Deep Ones
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath: (Ongoing)
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
Deep OneMonster20mm4111:1Devolve (see Cultist note)
Sandy once told me that the link between Deep Ones and Cthulhu can be explained by the fact that, once Cthulhu rises from R'lyeh, he will no more be in the waters, permitting the Deep Ones to truly dominate the earth's oceans. It's an alliance of expediency, not fraternity.
ShoggothMonster50mm2221:1-Absorb (Pre-Battle):
If a Shoggoth is present, eliminate one or more of your Monsters or Cultists from the Area. For each Unit so removed, add 3 dice to the Shoggoth's Combat for that Battle.
StarspawnMonster60mm2331:1-Regenerate (Post-Battle):
Apply up to 2 Battle results to the same Starspawn when taking losses. If both results are Kills, the Starspawn dies. On any other combination of Kill or Pain results, the Starspawn retreats.
CthulhuGreat Old One180mm110/465:3
How to Awaken Cthulhu (Cost 10 for first awakening and 4 for any subsequent awakening):
1) There must be a Gate in Great Cthulhu's starting Area (Can be abandoned or enemy-controlled)
2) If this is the first Awakening: pay 10 Power. Otherwise pay 4 Power.
3) Cthulhu appears in the starting Area. (Remember to gain 1 Elder Sign).

Combat: 6

The enemy player eliminates one of his Monsters or Cultists in the area, his choice.
Submerge (Action: Cost 1):
If Cthulhu is in an Ocean or Sea Area, remove him from the Map and place him on your Faction card, along with any or all of your Units in the Area. Later, as a 0-cost Action, you may place Cthulhu, plus all accompanying Units, into any Area.

Y'ha Nthlei (Ongoing):
During Gather Power, if Cthulhu is in play, you gain 1 Power for each enemy-controlled Gate in an ocean Area.
From OS3 Kickstarter update at , "It no longer costs Power to Emerge after a Submerge."
Dreams (Action: Cost 2):
Choose an Area containing an enemy's Acolyte Cultist. Your enemy must Eliminate one of his Acolyte Cultists from that Area and replace it with one from your Pool.
From OS3 Kickstarter update at ,
"Dreams now costs 2 Power instead of 3".
Crawling ChaosFlight (Ongoing):
All your units can fly (even Cultists). When moved, they can travel 2 Areas. They can fly over Areas containing enemy Units.
• As your Action [for a Round], pay 4 Power *
• As your Action [for a Round], pay 6 Power *
• Control three Gates OR have 12 Power
• Control four Gates OR have 15 Power
• Capture an enemy Cultist
• Awaken Nyarlathotep

* You may earn both these Spellbooks in a single Action by paying 10 Power
Starting Location:
Core Earth: Asia (Leng)
6-8p Earth: Asia [?]
Primeval: Upper Mu
Yuggoth: Methane Sea
Dreamlands: Mount Ngranek
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0-
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath: (Ongoing)
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
NightgauntMonster40mm3101:0-Abduct (Pre-Battle):
Eliminate one or more Nightgaunts in the Battle Area. For each such Nightgaunt, your opponent must eliminate one of his own Monsters or Cultists (his choice) in the Area. After this, combat proceeds.
Flying PolypMonster50mm3212:1-Invisibility (Pre-Battle):
Select one Monster or Cultist (from either Faction) per Flying Polyp present and "exempt" it. The selected Unit takes no part in the rest of the Battle.
Hunting HorrorMonster50mm2323:2-Seek and Destroy (Pre-Battle):
Immediately move any or all Hunting Horrors from any Area to the Battle Area.
NyarlathotepGreat Old One120mm1101-1210:1
How to Awaken Nyarlathotep (Cost 10):
1) You must have a Controlled Gate.
2) Pay 10 Power. Nyarlathotep appears at the controlled Gate.

Combat: Equals the total of your own Faction Spellbooks plus the Faction Spellbooks of your opponent in the Battle.

The Harbinger
If Nyarlathotep is in a Battle in which one or more enemy Great Old Ones are Pained or Killed, you receive Power equal to half the cost to Awaken those Great Old Ones. Per enemy Great Old One, you may choose to receive 2 Elder Signs instead of Power. Harbringer takes effect even if Nyarlathotep is Killed or Pained in the Battle himself.
Emissary of the Outer Gods (Ongoing):
Unless an enemy Great Old One is involved in the Battle, any Kill inflicted on Nyarlathotep becomes a Pain.

The Thousand Forms (Once-Per-Action-Round: Cost 0):
If Nyarlathotep is in play, roll 1D6. Your foes must lose that much Power between them, they have 1 minute to decide how much each loses. If they cannot agree, you get the rolled number as Power added to your total. Flip this spellbook face-down to indicate it cannot be used again this turn. During Gather Power, flip it face up again.
Madness (Ongoing):
You get to choose to which adjacent Area enemy Units flee to on a Pain result. This happens even in Battles in which you do not participate.
Yellow SignFeast (Ongoing):
During Gather Power, you gain 1 Power for each Area containing both a Desecration Token and one or more of your units.
• Awaken the King in Yellow
• Place a Desecration Token in an Area marked with the Glyph Ͻ
• Place a Desecration Token in an Area marked with the Glyph Ʌ
• Place a Desecration Token in an Area marked with the Glyph װץװ
• As your Action [for a Round], select another player. That player gains three Doom points
• Awaken Hastur. Also receive 1 Elder Sign
Starting Location:
Core Earth: Europe (Dreieich)
6-8p Earth: Europe [?]
Primeval: Terra Australis
Yuggoth: Radiation Wastes
Dreamlands: Celephais
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0-Passion (Ongoing):
When one or more of your Cultists are Eliminated by an enemy (Killed, Captured, etc.), gain 1 Power.
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath: (Ongoing)
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
Combat: Roll 1 die less than the total Undead in the area. (i.e. 4 undead roll 3 dice in all)Zingaya (Action: Cost 1):
If Undead are in an area with enemy Acolyte Cultists, transform one such Acolyte Cultist into an Undead.
ByakheeMonster50mm422-5 (*8)1:2
Combat: Roll 1 die more than the total Byakhee in the area. (i.e. 4 Byakhee roll 5 dice in all)Shriek of the Byakhee (Action: Cost 1):
Move any or all Byakhee from their current Area(s) to one selected Area, regardless of distance.
King in YellowGreat Old One70mm1404:0How to Awaken The King In Yellow (Cost 4):
1) You must have a Unit in an Area lacking a Gate
2) Pay 4 Power. The King appears in that Area.

Combat: 0

Desecrate (Action: Cost 2):
If the King is in an Area with no Desecration Token, roll 1 die and compare to your total units in the Area (including the King). On a roll equal or less than your unit total, place a Desecration Token in the Area. If you succeed or fail, place a Monster or Cultist with a cost of 2 or less in the Area.
The Screaming Dead (Action: Cost 1):
Move the King in Yellow. Any Undead in the same Area can move with him for free. After this, immediately take a second, different, Action. You may not take He Who is Not to be Named as your second Action.
HasturGreat Old One110mm1103-1010:3 or 1:1How to Awaken Hastur (Cost 10):
1) You must have a Controlled Gate and the King in Yellow in the same area.
2) Pay 10 Power. Hastur appears in the King's Area.

Equals the current Cost of a Ritual of Annihilation.

If Hastur is involved in a Battle, choose which Combat results are applied to which enemy Unit (e.g. apply a Kill to a particular Great Old One).
He Who Must Not Be Named (Action: Cost 1):
Move Hastur to any area containing a Cultist of any Faction (the Cultist said his name, possibly by accident). After this, immediately take a second, different, Action. You may NOT take The Screaming Dead as your second action.

The Third Eye (Ongoing):
If Hastur is in play, the cost of Desecration is reduced to 1. If the Desecration succeeds, you also obtain 1 Elder Sign.
19378-20 (*23)37:8-37:20 (*37:23)
Opener of the WayThe Beyond One (Action: Cost 1):
Select your Unit with a Cost of 3+ in an Area with a Gate, but lacking an enemy Great Old One. Move your Unit to any Area on the map lacking a Gate. In doing so, your Unit takes the Gate with him, plus any controlling Unit.
• 8 Gates exist on the map
• 12 Gates exist on the map / In a 2-3 player game, only 10 Gates need to be on the Map
• You have Units in at least 2 Areas containing enemy-controlled Gates
• Lose one of your own Units in Battle
• Your Great Old One is in the same Area with an enemy Great Old One
• Awaken Yog-Sothoth
Starting Location:
Core Earth: player choice (any unoccupied area)
6-8p Earth: player choice (any unoccupied area)
Primeval: player choice (any unoccupied area)
Yuggoth: player choice (any unoccupied area, except the Laboratory or the Slime Overlook)
Dreamlands: player choice (any unoccupied area)
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath (Ongoing):
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
AbominationMonster50mm3323:2Dread Curse of Azathoth (Action: Cost 2):
Select an Area and roll 1 Combat die per Abomination and Spawn of Yog-Sothoth in play. Apply the die results as Kills and Pains to enemy Factions in the Area (you choose which Faction receives which results). No Battle-type abilities apply. You choose to which Area(s) Units are Pained.
Spawn of Yog-SothothMonster75mm2434:3
Yog-SothothGreat Old One115mm16*
6:0 or 1:6How to Awaken Yog-Sothoth (Cost 6):
1) You must have a Spawn of Yog-Sothoth on the map.
2) Pay 6 Power. Replace the Spawn with Yog-Sothoth.

Combat: Equals twice the number of enemy-controlled Faction Great Old Ones in play (i.e. Independent Great Old Ones do not count for this purpose).

The Key and the Gate
Yog-Sothoth counts as a Gate for every purpose, except for The Beyond One ability (Also he is not Controlled by a Cultist, and can exist in the same Area as another Gate).
The Million Favored Ones (Post-Battle):
After Pains and Kills are resolved, "promote" any or all surviving Acolytes to Mutants, Mutants to Abominations, and Abominations to Spawns of Yog-Sothoth. You can Promote a Spawn of Yog-Sothoth by transforming it into as many Mutants as are in your Pool.

They Break Through (Ongoing):
You can Summon Monsters at Enemy Controlled and Abandoned Gates. You do not need to have any Units present in the Area.

Dragon Ascending (Once Only):
Once during the game (at any time), set your Power to be equal to the current Power of one chosen enemy Faction. Flip this spellbook face-down after use to indicate you cannot use it again.

Dragon Descending (Once Only):
Once during the game when you perform a Ritual of Annihilation, you receive twice the normal Doom points. Flip this spellbook face down after use to indicate you cannot use it again.

Channel Power (Battle):
After rolling Combat dice, you may pay 1 Power to reroll all dice which "missed" (i.e., were not Kills or Pains).
WindwalkerHibernate (Action: Cost 0):
Add +1 Power to your total for each enemy Great Old One in play (but not more than your current Power). You can take no further Actions during this Action Phase. At the start of the next Gather Power Phase, do NOT lose your Power, but add it to your total.
• Awaken Rhan Tegoth
• A Gate exists in the area marked with the Windwalker Glyph in which you did not start
• You are the starting Player
• Another Faction has six Faction Spellbooks
• Take this spellbook at any time. For each enemy Faction with six Spellbooks, gain 1 Elder Sign, to a maximum of 3 Elder Signs
• Awaken Ithaqua
Starting Location:
Core Earth: Arctic Ocean (Lomar) or Antarctica
6-8p Earth: Arctic Ocean (Lomar) or Antarctica [?]
Primeval: Antartica or Poseidonis
Yuggoth: Polar Sea or Ammonia Sea
Dreamlands: Olathoe or Peaks of Throk
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath: (Ongoing)
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
WendigoMonster50mm4111:1Cannibalism (Post-Battle):
After a Battle in which one or more enemy Units were Killed, spawn a Wendigo or Acolyte in that Area, even if you were not involved in the Battle.

Howl (Pre-Battle):
Before Battle, if any Wendigos are present, you may force the enemy to Retreat one Unit (of their choice) out of the Area to an adjacent Area.
Gnoph KehMonster60mm4*
Cost: Equals the number of Gnoph Kehs in your Unit pool (i.e. if only one Gnoph Keh is in your pool, the Cost is 1).Berserkergang (Ongoing):
For each Gnoph Keh Killed in a Battle, the enemy must Eliminate one Monster or Cultist.
Rhan TegothGreat Old One80mm1632:1How to Awaken Rhan Tegoth (Cost 6):
1) Pay 6 Power.
2) Rhan Tegoth appears in an Area containing the Windwalker Glyph.

Combat: 3

Eternal (Post-Battle):
If Rhan Tegoth receives a Pain or a Kill, you may pay 1 Power to cancel its effect on him. He can only receive one Combat result per Battle.
IthaquaGreat Old One115mm16*
6:0 or 2:5How to Awaken Ithaqua (Cost 6):
1) Rhan Tegoth has been awakened (he need not be in play).
2) A Gate must exist in an Area marked with your Glyph. You need not control the Gate.
3) Pay 6 Power and replace the Gate with Ithaqua.

Combat: Equals half the Doom total of your opponent, rounded up.

While Ithaqua is in play, your Cultists cannot be captured by enemy Monsters. They are still vulnerable to enemy Great Old Ones.
Arctic Wind (Ongoing):
When Ithaqua moves, any or all of his Units in the Area can be moved with him for no additional cost.
Herald of the Outer Gods (Ongoing):
Pay 5 Power for Windwalker's Ritual of Annihilation, regardless of the position of the Ritual marker.

Ice Age (Action: Cost 1):
Place or move your Ice Age token to any Area. When an enemy Faction takes any Action ending in the Ice Age Area, they must pay +1 Power.
SleeperDeath From Below (Ongoing):
In the Doom phase, place your lowest cost Monster in an Area containing any of your Units.
• As your Action spend 3 Power. Each other player gains 1 Power
• As your Action spend 3 Power. Select another player. He gains 3 Power
• As your Action spend 3 Power. Each other player loses 1 Power
• Roll 6 or more combat dice in a single Battle
• Perform a Ritual of Annihilation
• Awaken Tsathoggua
Starting Location:
Core Earth: North America (N'Kai)
6-8p Earth: North America [?]
Primeval: Lower Mu
Yuggoth: Oxygen Sea
Dreamlands: Tower of Koth
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath (Ongoing):
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
WizardMonster40mm2101:0Energy Nexus (Ongoing):
Just before a Battle occurs in an Area containing a Wizard, you may take one Action that originates in the Area, for normal Power Cost. When you finish the Action, the Battle proceeds, starting with the Pre-Battle spellbooks and abilities.
Serpent ManMonster48mm3212:1Ancient Sorcery (Action: Cost 1):
Remove a Serpent Man from the map, and place him on an enemy Faction’s card. For the remainder of that turn, you have access to the enemy Faction's Unique Ability. During the Doom phase, gain 1 Power, and the Serpent Man returns to the map to an Area of your choice. If the Unique Ability mentions a Faction’s Great Old One, it is considered to also include Tsathoggua.
Formless SpawnMonster58mm431-53:1
Combat: Roll 1 die per Formless Spawn and Tsathoggua on the map (i.e. if you have 2 Formless Spawn in play, each roll 2 dice - If Tsathoggua were also in play, each would roll 3 dice).
TsathogguaGreat Old One88mm182-204:1
How to Awaken Tsathoggua (Cost 8):
1) You must have a Formless Spawn on the map.
2) Pay 8 Power. Place Tsathoggua in the Area with the Formless Spawn.

Combat: Equals the opponent's current Power or 2, whichever is greater.

(Action: Cost 0):
If Tsathoggua is in play, do nothing. This counts as an Action.
Demand Sacrifice (Pre-Battle):
If Tsathoggua is in play, your enemy chooses ONE of the following options before a Battle with you:
1) You gain an Elder Sign.
2) All their Kill results count as Pains on your Units in this Battle

Capture Monster (Action: Cost 1):
Tsathoggua can Capture Enemy Monsters in the same manner as Cultists are Captured. They are sacrificed for 1 Power in the next Gather Power Phase.
*Demand Sacrifice updated as of 9/27/16 (
Burrow (Ongoing):
After a Move Action in which you spend 2 or more Power moving Units, regain 1 Power.

Cursed Slumber (Action: Cost 1):
Remove your Controlled Gate and its Cultist from the map and place it on your Faction Card. This Gate and Cultist still provide Power and count normally for Doom points, but are immune to enemy action. As a Cost 1 Action, return the Gate and Cultist to any Area lacking a Gate. You may only have one Gate on your Faction Card at a time.
Tcho TchoSycophancy (Doom phase):
When an enemy player does a Ritual of Annihilation, either you gain 1 Doom, or he gains 1 fewer Doom, his choice.

• Another faction performs a Ritual of Annihilation or has 15 Doom
• Earn an Elder Sign
• Own 3 or more Elder Signs
• As an Action, remove your controlled Gate in your Start Area
• Any Great Old One is killed in battle
• Awaken Ubbo-Sathla

Starting Location:
After all other players have set up except Opener and Windwalker: 6 acolytes & a controlled Gate in an empty Area containing a faction Glyph. Set Ubbo-Sathla's Growth counter to 0 on the Doom track. If the High Priest expansion is in use, replace 1 Acolyte with a High Priest.
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0Soulless (Ongoing):
When Captured and Sacrificed, your Cultists provide 0 Power (instead of the normal 1 Power).
High PriestCultist35mm3303:0Unspeakable Oath (Ongoing):
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Martyrdom (Post-Battle):
If your High Priest is Killed, all other Kills inflicted on you in the Battle become Pains instead.

When you earn any Spellbook (including this one), immediately place a free High Priest at one of your Gates. If you have no High Priests in your Pool, instead advance Ubbo-Sathla’s Growth counter by 1.
If you are playing with the High priest expansion the Tcho Tchos may choose to start with 5 Acolyte Cultists and a High Priest instead of 6 Acolytes.

If you are using the Unique High Priests, the Tcho-Tchos can only exchange ONE of their High Priests for a Unique one. [S.Petersen 10/16 on BGG]

From the OS3 Kickstarter update at ,
"I have also changed the Hierophants spellbook. Now it states that when this spellbook is first received, EVERY faction with a high priest in the unit pool gets a free high priest. Thereafter, the Tcho Tchos (only) continue to get a free high priest with each subsequent spellbook.

"This means that while the Tcho Tchos still start with a slight advantage in a high priest game, this is quickly trumped when the other factions get their free high priest! Also it means that, sometimes, the Tcho Tchos may wish to NOT get Hierophants as their first spellbook, to keep their enemies at bay. After all, the normal Tcho Tcho start is to get a spellbook in the first Doom phase, then take Hierophants. Now if they do this, all the other factions get a high priest too! It's like giving them all 3 Power. Kind of scary"
Proto-ShoggothsMonster621Terror (Pre-Battle):Choose one:
1) Your enemy’s Combat total is reduced by 1 per Proto-Shoggoth in the Battle.
2) Your Combat total is increased by 1 per Proto-Shoggoth in the Battle.
Ubbo-SathlaGreat Old One10/60*

*Combat increases by 1D6 each Doom phase
0*:0-24How to Awaken Ubbo-Sathla (Cost 0 or 6):
1) you have a controlled Gate and a High Priest in play (he need not be with the Gate) during the Doom phase or the Action phase.
2) if it is the Doom phase, pay 0 Power; if it is the Action phase, pay 6 Power.
3) Eliminate the High Priest, then place Ubbo-Sathla at your controlled Gate.

Combat: Equals to Growth counter on the Doom track.

Hell's Banquet (Doom phase):
Once Ubbo-Sathla has been Awakened, starting with the following Doom phase, and whether or not Ubbo-Sathla is still in play, roll 1d6 and increase its Growth counter by the die roll.
Tablets of the Gods (Doom phase): When you perform a Ritual of Annihilation, you also receive 1 additional Elder Sign for each of your High Priests in play. Then, Eliminate those High Priests. This is not optional.

From OS3 Kickstarter update at ,
"The Tablets of the God spellbook now states that you earn 1 Elder Sign per Gated Area in which you have any high priests. You then lose all your high priests. This means you have to maintain and protect three gates to gain your 3 Elder Signs - no trivial matter for the combat-poor Tcho Tchos. Plus if you are forced into Martyrdom to protect a gate, you'll need to re-recruit him before the Doom phase.

"This still lets the Tcho Tchos turtle, a little. But not as much. There is a huge difference between 2 gates & 3 gates, plus the high priests have to be split up, too. It makes the Tcho Tchos far more interactive and forces them into confrontation, which is good.

"Enemies who want to meddle with the Tcho Tchos will find it much easier. A gate defended by a cultist, a high priest, and 2 proto-shoggoths is not a tough nut to crack. Remember you don't even have to kill the Tcho Tcho high priest - just get it away from the gate! Every faction has its own approach to this, which I will leave as an exercise for you players!"
16000Idolatry (Action: Cost 1):
Select an Area containing another Faction’s starting Glyph (even if that Faction is not in play). Move any or all of your Units in adjacent Areas into the selected Area.
The Leng Tribe
(Tcho-Tcho Tribe)
TribeSurprise! (Action: Cost 2):

Dark Rituals (Once per Turn):

Fulmination (One-Time Post Battle):
The Sarkomand Tribe
(Tcho-Tcho Tribe)
TribeOtherworld Alliances (Ongoing):

Doomsday (One-Time):

Inerrant (Ongoing):
The AncientsDematerialization (Doom phase):
Relocate any or all of your own Units from one Area to a single other Area, anywhere on the Map.
• A Cathedral is in an Area marked with this Glyph Ͻ
• A Cathedral is in an Area marked with this Glyph Ʌ
• A Cathedral is in an Area marked with this Glyph װץװ
• A Cathedral is in an Area without a Glyph
• As your Action, each enemy Summons their lowest cost Monster at their Controlled Gate for free
• As your Action, each enemy Summons their highest cost Monster at their Controlled Gate for free
Starting Location:
Set up after all factions other than Tcho-Tcho, Windwalker, and Opener; 8 Power, 6 Acolytes, and a Controlled Gate in any Area containing no game symbol (you may still place in an area containing one of Yellow Sign's three Speelbook Glyphs, if desired).
Acolyte CultistCultist40mm6101:0
High PriestCultist35mm1303:0Unspeakable Oath (Ongoing):
At the end of any player's Action (even if it is not your turn), sacrifice your High Priest (return him to your Pool) and add 2 to your Power. This may also be done during the Gather Power or the Doom phase.
Notes: The High Priest is a new type of Cultist. He is Recruited, like an Acolyte. He generates 1 Power during Gather Power, can Create and Control a Gate, and can be Captured. Each Faction has only a single High Priest available.

The High Priest is Recruited, rather than Summoned, so a Gate is not needed.

The High Priest benefits from all spellbooks or abilities that reference Cultists (but not Acolytes).
CathedralBuilding43/1Costs 3 (1 if not built adjacent to another Cathedral)

You may use the Create Gate Action to Create Cathedrals instead of Gates.

Special: If all 4 Cathedrals are in play, you may awaken an Independent Great Old One without your own Great Old One (when awakening Cthugha this way, just pay 6 Power).
Worship Services (Gather Power Phase):
Gain 1 Power for each Cathedral that shares an Area with an enemy Gate. Those enemies each gain 1 Power.

Consecration (Doom Phase):
When you perform a Ritual of Annihilation, gain 1 Elder Sign if at least one Cathedral is in play. If all four Cathedrals are in play, gain 2 Elder Signs instead.

Unholy Ground (Post-Battle):
If there is a Cathedral in the Battle Area, you may choose to remove a Cathedral from anywhere. If you do, an enemy Great Old One in the Battle must be eliminated by its owner.
Un-MenMonster?33/00Festival (Ongoing):
Un-Men now cost 0 Power to Summon. When you Summon an Un-Man, also select an enemy to gain 1 Power.
ReanimatedMonster?34/12Brainless (Ongoing):
Reanimated now cost 1 Power to Summon. They may only Move, Capture, or declare Battle if they share an Area with one or more of your non-Reanimated Units.
YothanTerror?36/37Extinction (Ongoing):
Yothans now cost 3 Power to Summon. When a Yothan is Killed or Eliminated, remove it permanently from the game.
2000No Faction Great Old One

"You may awaken a Neutral Great Old One without your own Great Old One if all four Cathedrals are in play. (When awakening Cthugha, pay 6 Power)."



"They are unusual in that their units get cheaper from specific spellbooks, but they also gain vulnerabilities.

The Yothans are high Combat Terrors and there are three of them(!)

The faction can tunnel in the Doom phase.

Because they have no GOO, they build Cathedrals that can give them Elder Signs, and can also be destroyed in defence of a space.

(I don't think that gives too much away, I hope!)

I found them quite tricky to play as you are balancing gaining spellbooks to win with a set of units that in some ways become weaker as the game progresses. Because of the tunneling ability, if you time it right you can pop-up anywhere for an attack."
–@hemulen on BGG - 7/11/17
BubastisLunacy (Ongoing):
Spellbooks and abilities that affect Cultists can target Earth Cats as if they are Acolytes. They cannot be Captured as Cultists nor can they Create or control Gates. This ability is not optional.
• As your Action, Pay 2 Power
• No Earth Cats are on the Moon
• A Cat is in every enemy Faction's Start Area; gain 1 Power per enemy Faction
• A Cat from Mars or Saturn is Killed or Eliminated
• A Cat from Uranus is Killed or Eliminated
• Awaken Bastet
Starting Location:
Start with 8 power. Place the Moon tile within reach. Place 6 Earth Cats on the Moon. In a game with High Priests, add 1 more Power each Gather Power Phase.
Moon TileGate1Notes:
The Moon counts as a Bubastis-Controlled Gate for all purposes, except that Control may not be seized by another Faction. No other Gate can be built or moved there, except for Yog-Sothoth via Catnapping.
Your Units can Move and be Pained freely between the Moon and any other Map Area. Other Factions may Move or be Pained from the Moon to another Map Area, but not the reverse.
Earth CatsMonster610Notes:
Generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase
Catabolism (Ongoing):
Earth Cats can Recruit monsters, as if the monsters were cultists, instead of needing to Summon them.
Cats from MarsMonster221Notes:
Generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase
Zagazig (Pre-Battle):
If a Cat from Mars is in the battle, all rolled Pains become Kills, and all rolled Kills become Pains.
Cats from SaturnMonster232Notes:
Generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase
Savagery (Pre-Battle):
Pay 1 Power in Pre-Battle to increase the combat of all Cats from Saturn by 4 for this battle.
Cats from UranusMonster243Notes:
Generates 1 Power during the Gather Power Phase
Predator (Post-Battle):
If a Cat from Uranus was in the battle, you can select one unit lost by the enemy. He must eliminate a second unit of that type anywhere on the map, if possible.
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