AlternativePublisherDateExtentIdentifierCreatorLanguageCoverageTypeAbstractAbstractGCED ThemeUNESCO ThesaurusFormatRightsIsPartOfBibliographic CitationRelationSourceNote수정비고사항
Title of resourceTitle of resourcePlace of publicationYear of publicationCollationISBN/ISSNURLAuthorCorporate authorResource languageRegionResource type (Renewal)SummarySummary2Theme (Renewal)KeywordLevel of educationFormatType of file
Title in the original languageTranslated title in EnglishCityTranslated title in EnglishWriters' namesTranslated title in EnglishCorporate names (e.g. UNESCO; APCEIU)Translated title in EnglishAfricaArab StatesAsia and the PacificEurope and North AmericaLatin America and the CaribbeanGlobalNot specifiedNormative instruments/ Policy and advocacy documents Research papers/ Journal articlesConference and programme reportsCurriculum/ Teaching-Learning materials and guidesMultimedia materialsOthersIn original languageIn EnglishCivic/ Citizenship/ Democracy/ Global CitizenshipDiversity/ Cultural Literacy/ InclusiveHuman RightsGlobalisation and Social justice/ International UnderstandingPeace/ Culture of peacePreventing violent extremism/ GenocideSustainable development/ SustainabilityMedia&Information literacy/ Digital CitizenshipTransformative initiatives/ Transformative pedagogiesOtherIn orginal languageIn EnglishEarly Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)Primary educationSecondary educationHigher educationLifelong learningTechnical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)Non-formal educationOtherText documentVideoAudioImagesOtherPDFDOCPPTJPGAVIOther파일명
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The Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: An ExplainerParis202414 p.
UNESCOEngxxxThis is an explainer brochure of the new UNESCO Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights, International Understanding, Cooperation, Fundamental Freedoms, Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development, which is commonly referred to as the Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development, about its purpose, history, content and potential to bring about necessary change. xxxxxPeace; human rights; education for international understanding; global citizenship; sustainable developmentxxxxxxxxxx© UNESCO 2024240001eng.pdf240123
21세기 대전환 시대 대학이 나아갈 길: 변혁 역량을 키워주는 세계시민교육서울2023230p.ISBN :979- 11- 87819- 95-0 03370강경희, 김윤철, 김형숙, 박순용, 장준호, 최윤정, 한경희유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 기획 및 엮음Korxx이 책은 대학에서 세계시민교육을 계획하거나 실행하고 있는 교수자가 참고할 만한 내용을 담고 있다. 전공 분야 별로 세계시민교육 수업을 어떻게 설계하고 진행할 수 있는지 등을 포함해 대학 세계시민교육의 방향과 내용에 관한 제안을 실천 사례를 바탕으로 제시하고 있다.

목차: 펴내는 글 / 1장. 대학 세계시민교육의 의의와 방향 / 2장. 교양대학의 세계시민교육 / 3장. 대학 사회과학분야의 세계시민교육 / 4장. 대학 공학분야의 세계시민교육 / 5장. 대학 미술분야의 세계시민교육
/ 6장. 초등 교사교육의 세계시민교육 / 7장. 중등 교사교육의 세계시민교육: 사회과를 중심으로 / 부록 / 참고문헌
xxxxxxx세계시민교육 강좌; 대학 교수법 ; 교양대학; 사회과학; 공학; 미술교육; 세계시민교육; 강좌 사례;초등교사교육; 중등교사교육xxx240002kor.pdf240123
Global Citizenship Education in a Digital Age: Teacher Guidelines
Paris202460 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100658-6 book is an essential resource for teachers seeking to understand the critical role that digital citizenship education plays in promoting a more informed, engaged, and responsible global citizenry. While digital technologies have opened up new opportunities for life-long learning, they have also given rise to emerging concerns, notably in relation to the rise of disinformation and hate speech online. Aimed at building the capacities of teachers to prepare learners to act ethically and responsibly in physical and digital environments, these guidelines stress the importance of considering how Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and related knowledge, values, skills and attitudes can be fostered for teaching, learning and engaging for a more sustainable, inclusive, just and peaceful world.XXXXCivic education; International education; Critical thinking; Information literacy; Media educationXXXXX© UNESCO 2024240003eng.pdf
2023 세계 교육 현황 보고서 요약본: 교육 분야에서의 기술; 누구를 위한 도구인가?Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2023: Technology in Education; A Tool on Whose Terms? 서울202335 p.ISBN 979-11-906154-6-4 (03370) (kor) Education Monitoring Report Team; UNESCO; 유네스코한국위원회(번역)KorXX교육 분야에서 기술의 역할은 오랫동안 격렬한 논쟁을 불러일으켜 왔다. 기술은 지식을 민주화할 것인가, 선택된 소수가 정보를 통제함으로써 민주주의를 위협할 것인가? 기술은 무한한 기회를 제공할 것인가, 돌이킬 수 없이 기술에 종속되는 미래로 이끌 것인가? 기술은 공평한 경쟁의 장을 제공할 것인가, 불평등을 악화시킬 것인가? 기술은 아이들을 가르치는 데 사용되어야 할 것인가, 아이들의 발달에 위험 요소가 될 것인가? 이러한 논쟁은 코로나19로 인한 휴교와 생성형 인공지능의 등장으로 더욱 고조되고 있다.

본 보고서는 적절하고 공평하며 측정가능하고 지속가능한 증거를 바탕으로 기술을 교육에 도입해야 한다고 권장하고 있다. 다시 말해 기술 사용은 학습자의 최선의 이익을 고려해야 하며, 교사와의 대면적 상호작용을 보완해야 한다. 기술은 이러한 조건에 따라 사용되는 도구로 인식되어야 한다. 2023년 『세계 교육 현황 보고서』는 중간 점검을 하면서 2030년 교육 목표에 도달하기까지 아직 남아 있는 문제를 평가하고 있다. 교육은 기술 진보의 목표 달성을 넘어, 다른 발전 목표들의 달성을 여는 열쇠다.
XXXXEducational technology;
Information technology;
Electronic learning;
Access to education;
Computer literacy;
Open educational resources;
Teaching methods;
Educational management information systems;
Digital divide
XXXXXXXX© 유네스코한국위원회 2023230052kor.pdf2403252023 메타데이터 #52 자료의 한국어 번역본 추가
2022 대한민국 SDG4 이행현황 보고서서울2023151 p.ISSN 2983-0915교육2030협의체; 유네스코한국위원회KorXXSDG4-교육20230 협의체가 공동집필한 보고서로서, 2022년도 SDG4(교육분야 지속가능발전목표) 관련 국내외 동향을 소개하고 SDG4 세부목표별 국내 이행현황 및 과제를 분석하고 있다. XXXXXXX지속가능발전목표, 모니터링
XXXXXXXXX© 유네스코한국위원회 2023
Revision Process of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Compilation of Member State CommentsParis2023384 p.; Fre; Spa; Ara (multilingual)XXAdopted in 1974, the Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms is considered a landmark legal instrument that brings together for the first time peace, international understanding, human rights, fundamental freedoms and education.

As per Circular letter 4401, the preliminary report and the first draft of the revised 1974 Recommendation were transmitted to Member States for their written comments and observations.
These written comments were taken into consideration by the Director-General when preparing the revised second draft of the Recommendation to be discussed at the Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting (Category II), in view of its submission to the 42nd session of the General Conference in November 2023 and eventual adoption.
XXXXXInternational education; Civic education; International understanding; Peace; Human rights educationXXXXXXXXX© UNESCO
Unmasking Racism: Guidelines for Educational MaterialsParis202482 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100659-3 Guidelines developed by UNESCO provide recommendations on how to combat racism in textbooks and to develop learning materials that are free of prejudice and bias and do not perpetuate stereotypes or legitimize unequal social structures. Through a comprehensive analysis of recent studies of textbooks and other educational materials, the guide also demonstrates how countries around the world address racism and racialization. It increases awareness and improves our understanding of how racism manifests in educational materials, and aims to support education stakeholders to promote just, peaceful and multicultural societies.XXXXXXRacism; Ethnic discrimination; Textbooks; StereotypesXXXXX© UNESCO 2024
The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024: Water for Prosperity and PeaceParis2024153 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100657-9 (eng) World Water Assessment ProgrammeEngXXDeveloping and maintaining a secure and equitable water future underpins prosperity and peace for all. The relationship also works in the opposite direction, as poverty and inequality, social tensions, and conflict can amplify water insecurity.

The 2024 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (UN WWDR) calls attention to the complex and interlinked relationships between water, prosperity and peace, describing how progress in one dimension can have positive, often essential, repercussions on the others.
XXWater resource management; Water security; Peacebuilding; Sustainable developmentXXX© UNESCO 2024240007eng.pdf240329
[Executive Summary] The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024: Water for Prosperity and PeaceParis202411 p. ConnorUNESCO World Water Assessment ProgrammeEngXXThis is the executive summary of the 2024 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (UN WWDR).
XXWater resource management; Water security; Peacebuilding; Sustainable developmentXXX© UNESCO 2024240008eng.pdf
[요약보고서] 2024년 유엔 세계물개발보고서: 번영과 평화를 위한 물Paris202411 p.리차드 코너UNESCO World Water Assessment ProgrammeKorXX누구나 안전하고 공평하게 물을 이용할 수 있도록 개발하고 관리하는 것은, 번영과 평화를 위한 초석이다. 그러나 빈곤과 불평등, 사회적 긴장과 갈등으로 인해 물 안보가 저해됨에 따라 번영과 평화가 약화되는 부작용이 초래되기도 한다.

본 보고서는 지속가능한 물 관리와 번영, 평화 간의 복잡한 상호관계에 주목하여, 어느 한 부문에서의 진보과정이 다른 부문들에게 어떻게 긍정적이고, 때로는 필수적인 영향을 미치는지에 대해 설명하고자 한다.
XX수자원 관리; 에너지 및 물 안보; 평화구축; 지속가능발전XXX© UNESCO and i-WSSM 2024240008kor.pdf240329240008eng의 한국어 번역본
Peace Education in the 21st Century: An Essential Strategy for Building Lasting PeaceParis202423 p. report provides an overview of the importance of peace education, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for using it in efforts to bring about lasting global peace. It reviews key research and is heavily inspired by the discussions held in the context of the revision process of the 1974 Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms. More specifically, this report draws from the following notes developed by UNESCO in 2022: “Current understandings, and threats to lasting peace”, “New understandings of education’s contributions to peace”, and “The role of non-state actors in the promotion of peace through education”.XXXXXGlobal citizenship education; Peace; Peace education; PeacebuildingXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2024240009eng.pdf
Human Rights Education: Key Success FactorsParis202359 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100647-0 study, commissioned by the UNESCO in cooperation with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), examines the impact of human rights education (HRE) pedagogies and good practices worldwide, with a specific focus on the primary and secondary levels in formal education. Using a data-driven approach that includes a literature review and surveys and interviews with informants, the study identifies key success factors for impactful HRE and provides recommendations for future research and practice.

The study finds that HRE can have a positive impact on learners’ knowledge and understanding of human rights, as well as their attitudes and behaviours related to human rights. It is an essential resource for education stakeholders looking to promote HRE at all levels of society and through a lifelong learning lens.
XXXXXHuman rights; Human rights educationXXXX© UNESCO 2023240010eng.pdf
Revision Process of the 1974 Recommendation
concerning Education for International
Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and
Education relating to Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms: Comments from Observers to the Plenary Meetings of the International Expert Group (IEG)
Paris202310 p. in 1974, the Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms is considered a landmark legal instrument that brings together for the first time peace, international understanding, human rights, fundamental freedoms and education.
In line with the Resolution adopted at UNESCO’s General Conference at its 41st Session in November 2021 (41C/Resolution 17), UNESCO launched the revision of the Recommendation and convened an International Expert Group (IEG) to advise the Organization on the changes. The work of the IEG took place between May and June 2022. Though the meetings of the IEG were technical in nature (category VI), in order to ensure an open and transparent process, the Permanent Delegations were invited to listen-in to the deliberations of the IEG online, as observers, along with a select number of non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and United Nations entities. At the end of each plenary meeting, observers to the IEG plenary meetings could submit written comments.

This document compiles the comments received from observers during this process and submitted to the IEG members for their consideration.
XXXXXXXInternational education; Civic education; International understanding; Peace; Human rights educationXXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2023240011eng.pdf
Arts for Transformative Education: A Guide for Teachers from the UNESCO Associated Schools NetworkParis; Ottawa202467 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100651-7 Bolden; Sean Corcoran; Tiina Kukkonen; Jeffrey Newberry; Nathan RickeyUNESCO; Canadian Commission for UNESCOEngXXUNESCO’s vision of transformative education involves building learners’ capacities and empowering them to take action for a more peaceful and sustainable world. The arts offer tremendous potential for supporting learning that transforms individuals and communities. To fully realize that potential, teachers need to structure and support educational experiences that optimize what students will take away from them.

This guide presents the research-informed Arts for Transformative Education model, a pioneering approach and thinking tool for teachers. The model was developed from data provided by over 600 teachers of the UNESCO Associated Schools network from 39 countries.

The publication presents Learning Experience Descriptions and Snapshots illustrating how the model functions in real-world projects from around the globe, as well as Guidelines for Teachers outlining a step-by-step process for activating arts learning to empower transformative education.
XXArt education; Cultural education; Transformative educationXXXXXX© UNESCO; Canadian Commission for UNESCO 2024240012eng.pdf
Report of the Global Conference on Promoting Literacy for a World in Transition: Building the Foundation for Sustainable and Peaceful SocietiesParis202430 p. report presents an overview of the global celebration of International Literacy Day (ILD) 2023 held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on 8 September 2023. Under the ILD 2023 theme of ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies’, the Global Conference explored how literacy and numeracy can be better promoted as part of lifelong learning to achieve more peaceful and sustainable societies as envisioned by the international community through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The global celebration also included the award ceremony of the 2023 edition of the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes with six outstanding laureates from Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Finland, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda.
XXLiteracy; Education for Sustainable Development; Peace; Lifelong learningXXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2023240013eng.pdf
Strengthening Social and Emotional
Learning in Hybrid Modes of Education:
Building Support for Students, Teachers,
Schools and Families
Geneva2024105 p. International Bureau of Education (IBE)EngXXThis Discussion Paper focuses on the essential role of social and emotional learning (SEL) in the global movement to transform education and amplify its social, economic, environmental and personal impacts in a rapidly changing world. It explores how the mainstreaming of SEL into educational policies and practices can contribute to realizing future visions of education that are flexible, reflective, innovative, and impactful. Specifically, the Paper focuses on six topics that, as a whole, reflect global experiences in integrating and implementing SEL in its various forms both during and in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its main objective is to animate discussion on how to integrate a SEL dimension in hybrid modes of teaching and learning. This introductory overview presents the overall purpose and scope of the Paper, defines its underlying concepts and introduces the topics brought to this forum through the lenses of a diverse group of educators from Africa, the Arab States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.XXXXSocial and emotional learning; Blended learning; Transformative educationXXXXXXX© UNESCO; IBE 2024240014eng.pdf
Global Report on Teachers: Addressing Teacher Shortages and Transforming the ProfessionParis2024185 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100655-5; International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030EngXXThe world faces a critical shortage of teachers, hindering the achievement of SDG 4 and the Education 2030 agenda. This first Global Report on Teachers stresses the urgency of this challenge and calls for immediate action. Exposing a projected deficit of 44 million primary and secondary education teachers by 2030, the report examines the complexity of the crisis, from sub-Saharan Africa’s need for 15 million more teachers to a decline in the attractiveness of the profession and subsequent retention challenges in higher-income countries. Filling a void in the field and grounded in new data, the report calls for international cooperation and increased education investment, offering a roadmap to empower teachers and to find policy solutions to ensure every learner is taught by a qualified, motivated and well-supported teachers.XXTeacher shortage; Teacher policy; Teacher conditions of employment; International cooperationXXX© UNESCO 2024240015eng.pdf
Research Report: A Comparative Study on Hybrid
Learning in Schools
Geneva2024226 p. International Bureau of Education (IBE)EngXXDuring the COVID-19 lockdown, policymakers and educators faced an unprecedented challenge disrupting all levels of education. The initial optimism about replacing physical classes with virtual lessons diminished as complex interconnected issues emerged. To address the need for continuous and sustainable learning, school systems implemented variations of hybrid learning during the pandemic, seeking to integrate physical and virtual classes. These approaches prompted this comparative study led by UNESCO-IBE.

The initial phase of this study involved collecting and analysing data on hybrid strategies from six countries. The research aimed to examine factors influencing hybrid learning implementation during the lockdown, with a subsequent focus on developing and validating a practical Hybrid Learning Framework for Schools. The cross-case analysis was designed not to rank or compare, but to understand and connect different scenarios and contexts. Phase I focuses on current hybrid learning practices and influencing factors, while Phases II and III will concentrate on using the information gathered to create and validate a Hybrid Learning Framework for Schools.

Aligned with UNESCO-IBE’s overarching vision of a comprehensive, personalized, and democratized curriculum accessible to all, hybrid learning facilitates inclusive education across diverse regions, overcoming geographical and temporal limitations. The approach aims to unlock the unique potential of every learner, fostering a more flexible educational environment.
XXXXBlended learning; Hybrid learning
Comparative education
XXXXXXXXX© UNESCO; IBE 2024240016eng.pdf
Fighting Racism and Discrimination: A UNESCO ToolkitParis202352 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100628-9, 1 in 5 people have experienced discrimination on at least one of the grounds prohibited under international human rights law. Despite action around the world to end hate and combat discrimination, our societies continue to struggle. Institutionalised and structural racism remains a significant challenge with societies only beginning to come to terms with the harsh realities of historical legacies of inequality.

Regardless of the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd and increased discussion, policies tackling the legacies of historical racism as well as contemporary racism remain limited. Arguments on the ethics of collecting racial and ethnicity data persist, making measurement of racism and discrimination all the more challenging and leading to difficulties in fully comprehending this issue. However, with impact ranging from education to housing to income to criminal justice, these issues cannot wait.

Recognising the magnitude of this challenge and responding to the urgent call for action – the Global Call against Racism – by our Member States, UNESCO has developed the UNESCO Anti-Racism Toolkit. Within the pages of this guide, you will find core concepts, good practices from around the world, practical exercises, and more. A tool designed to support policy-makers in developing anti-racist legislation, it is a first step to tackling the historical and structural racism within our societies.
XXXXXXEthnic discrimination; Discrimination; Anti-racismXXX© UNESCO 2023240017eng.pdf
Including Transformative Education in Pre-service Teacher Training: A Guide for Universities and Teacher Training Institutions in the Arab RegionBeirut202415 p. Al Abri; Marco PasqualiniUNESCO Office Beirut and Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab StatesEngXXTransformative Education (TE), which includes concepts such as Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), is an essential approach to provide learners with the tools to act for more just, peaceful and sustainable societies.

Between 2021 and 2023, the experts of the UNESCO Arab Transformative Education Network identified the creation of a course on Transformative Education for teachers’ pre-service training as a key step to (i) provide teachers with the needed skills to promote Transformative Education as part of the national curriculum as well as though their daily teaching practices, and (ii) to support the reform of pedagogies more broadly, by making them more interactive and focused on critical thinking, and thus positively contributing to improving learners’ overall learning outcomes.

This guidance document is addressed to all entities in charge of pre-service teacher training (e.g. departments of education within higher education institutions and teacher training institutions) in the Arab region interested in including Transformative Education as part of their programmes.

The guidance document particularly supports faculty deans and academia in defining the scope and the key parameters to consider while developing a course on Transformative Education, including defining course objectives, format, content, and pedagogy, as well as choosing the right facilitator(s) to deliver the course.

The document also provides useful references to other guides and tools which can further support the reflections around Transformative Education and how it can be concretely applied and promoted at the higher education level.
XXGlobal citizenship education; Civic education; Education for sustainable development; Transformative education; GCED; ESDXXX© UNESCO 2024240018eng.pdf
Being and Becoming Global Citizens: Measuring Progress toward SDG 4.7 (Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region)Camberwell; Seoul2023[71] p.ISBN 978-1-74286-718-2 Parker; Jennie Chainey; Payal Goundar; Sarah Richardson; Anna Dabrowski; Amy Berry; Claire ScoularAustralian Council for Educational Research (ACER); APCEIUEngXXSince 2022, APCEIU and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) have conducted a study to identify enhanced tools and resources for schools and systems in the Asia-Pacific region to monitor and evaluate GCED in line with SDG 4.7. The Report of the Research for Phase 1 is available in three forms: Full report; Summary; and Policy Brief.XGlobal citizenship; Global citizenship education readiness; SDG 4.7; MonitoringXXXXXXX© ACER; APCEIU 2023240019eng.pdf
[Summary] Being and Becoming Global Citizens: Measuring Progress toward SDG 4.7 (Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region)Camberwell; Seoul2023[13] p.ISBN 978-1-74286-721-2 Parker; Jennie Chainey; Payal Goundar; Sarah Richardson; Anna Dabrowski; Amy Berry; Claire ScoularAustralian Council for Educational Research (ACER); APCEIUEngXXThis is a summary report of the Being and Becoming Global Citizens: Measuring Progress toward SDG 4.7 (Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region), conducted by APCEIU and ACER in since 2022.XGlobal citizenship; Global citizenship education readiness; SDG 4.7; MonitoringXXXXXXX© ACER; APCEIU 2023240020eng.pdf
[Policy Brief] Monitoring and Evaluating Global Citizenship Education in the Asia-Pacific RegionCamberwell; Seoul2023[4] p. Goundar; Rachel ParkerAustralian Council for Educational Research (ACER); APCEIUEngXXXThis is a policy brief version of the reserach report, Being and Becoming Global Citizens: Measuring Progress toward SDG 4.7 (Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region), conducted by APCEIU and ACER in since 2022.XGlobal citizenship; Global citizenship education readiness; SDG 4.7; MonitoringXXXXXXX© ACER; APCEIU 2023240021eng.pdf
Global Citizenship Education: A Handbook for Parents, Community and Learners in Asia-PacificBangkok202371 p. K. Deardorff; Seek Ling TanUNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific; APCEIUEngXXThis handbook aspires to engage and involve parents, caregivers and the community to join the mission of developing every learner into a global citizen. To achieve this, parents, caregivers and the community will need to be empowered with the necessary GCED knowledge and skills too. In this handbook, GCED related concepts are introduced, alongside adaptable step-by-step action plans and best practices collected across the Asia-Pacific region to support parents and the community to take action in developing GCED competences in learners.XXXGlobal citizenship education; Global citizen; CitizenshipXXXXXXXX© UNESCO; APCEIU 2023240022eng.pdf
Reconciliation through Global Citizenship EducationParis
202321 p. document zeroes in on how concepts of GCED and reconciliation are addressed in current research and practice and aims to provide existing grounds and future considerations for policy-makers concerned with reconciliation through education.XXXXXGlobal citizenship education; Peace; Peacebuilding; ReconciliationXXXXXX© UNESCO 2023240023eng.pdf
3 Minutes To Understand Europe3 minutes pour comprendre l’EuropeParis2021-ongoing3:00(3 min) l’EuropeAll of EuropeFreXXYou are not a specialist of European issues ? But you want to have a first approach without confronting yourself with too much technical language ? Then this section is for you ! Because there is a thousand and one ways to talk about the European Union, Toute l’Europe has chosen to present Europe "in all simplicity" through short and easy-to-read articles. A serie of three-minutes episodes in which you will find the essentials to better understand Europe.XXXXXEuropean Union, Citizenship, Nationality, Civic education, Civil and political rightsXXXXXXXXXXToute l’Europe240024fre.png
Higher Education Facing the Challenge of Ecological TransitionL'enseignement supérieur face au défi de la transition écologiqueParis2023124 p.
Cour des Comptes
the Court of Auditors
FreXXHigher education institution occupy a specific place in the ecological transition. Representing nearly half of the state operators and catering to a diverse audience, they have a substantial environmental impact. Numerous initiatives have been undertaken in recent years, and policies within these institutions are beginning to take shae. However, they are still insufficient to achieve the stated objectives, notably lacking many tools to develop a rigorous, coherent and effective approach. Higher education has a crucial role to play, not only in reducing its own ecological footprint but also in generating, adapting, and disseminating th knowledge necessary for the success of the ecological transition.XXXSustainable development, Education for sustainable development, Environmental education,Environmental awarenessXXXXXX
Cour des comptes
Media Literacy, Information Education, and Digital Citizenship - Report on the 2022-2023 ExerciceL'éducation aux médias, à l'information et à la citoyenneté numérique - rapport sur l'exercice 2022-2023Paris202326 p.
Autorité de Régulation de la Communication audiovisuelle et numérique
Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication
FreXXXFor the third year in a row, Arcom is presenting a review reporting on actions undertaken by audivisual media, in the field of media education, information literacy, and digital citizenship, and highligthing innovative initiative on nationale and european scale.XXMedia education, Information media, Communication de masse, Social MediaXXXXXXXArcom240026fre.pdf
International Solidarity 2024 : The Next Big StepSolidarité Internationale 2024: Les grandes étapes à venirParis2023N/A 2030Focus 2030FreXX2024: End of Multilateralism or Renewal? Sustainable Development Goals in Limbo. The upcoming year will provide a regular platform for mobilizing the international community through numerous international summits and meetings, the outcomes of which have the potential to reshape the world.XXXXXXXXSustainable development, International solidarity, European Union, Citizenship,XXXXXXXFocus 2030240027fre.jpeg
Sustainibility Charter During Beligan Oresidency EU2024Charte durabilité pendant la présidence belge UE2024Brussels20236 p.
Présidence belge du Conseil de l’UE
Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU
FreXXSustanibility has a great importance for Belgium and so, it greated a sustainibility charter for Presidency EU2024. Moreover, Belgium wish to concetrate on essential tasks a rotating presidency and therefore deliberately opts for sobriety. This Charter reflects the commitment of federal and federated entities involved in Presidency EU2024 to work for an organisation as sustainable as possible during their events.XXXSustainable development, International solidarity, European Union, Citizenship,XXXXXX
Ville de Bruxelles
Planetary Boundaries: Three Question To François LaugierLes limites planétaires : trois question à François LaugierParis2024
06:44(6 min 44 sec) PubliquePublic LifeFreXXOut of the 9 planetary limitation defined, 6 are already reached. But what do we call "planetary limitations"? What happens when a limitation is crossed?XXSustainable development, International solidarityXXXXXXXXVie Publique240029fre.jpeg
Victims Of Climate Change: From Utopia to RealityLes victimes du dérèglement climatique : de l'utopie à la réalitéBrussels202344 p.
Rebecca Thissen
Rebecca Thissen
CND 11.11.11CND 11.11.11FreXX Why should we, in Pakistan, pay for catastrophic floods that we did not cause? That is the question posed by the Pakistani Minister of Environment ahead of the COP27, at a time when one-third of her country was submerged due to devastating floods. It took 30 years fo the issues of compensation for climate victims to progress in international negotiations: by the end of 2022, during the COP27, the United Nation decided to established a fund and specific financial arrangements. The study « Loss and Prejudices , from utopia to reality » aims at giving a more detailled comprehension of loss and prejudices, while placing them in their historical context, which helps understanding the dynamics at play and the outcome of the COP27 decision. It also aims at serving as a gateway to the consideration of financing losses and damages per se, outlining potential solutions to define its role, who should benefit from it, through which mechanism it should be channeled, and what funding sources would contribute to it.XSustainable development, International solidarityXXXXXXXCND 11.11.11240030fre.pdf
Clichés In Gaming, How To Get Rid Of Racism And Patriarchy In Video Games?Les clichés du gaming, comment chasser le racisme ou le patriarcat des jeux vidéos ?Paris202454:16(54 min 16 sec) InterFrance InterFreXXA flagship product of the cultural industry, video games have, like cinema, a political and social dimension. Some titles, like Resident Evil 5, have been deemed racist. So how do we decolonize video games?XXMedia education,Ethnic discrimination, Video gamesXXXXXXXXFranceinter240031fre.jpeg
Do you want to be a digital citizen?être citoyen numérique, ça te dit ?Paris2022N/A is very excited - he's been selected to take part in the best digital citizen competition! In fact, in the videos he's already made, he unknowingly respects the Charter for Education in Digital Culture and Citizenship. This is a great opportunity for Vinz to explain the concepts of the Charter and of digital citizenship.XXEnvironment, Social media, Internet, Media education, Digital platforms,XXXXXXXXXXTRALALERE240032fre.jpeg
Combating homophobia and transphobia at schoolLutter contre l’homophobie et la transphobie à l’écoleParis2023N/A briefing note presents the results of an unprecedented experiment that the OECD conducted in France (Paris region), from 2018 to 2022, with more than 10,000 pupils aged 13 to 18, to measure the impact of interventions by SOS homophobie, the leading French association fighting anti-LGBTI+ discrimination and violence.XXhomophobia, discrimination, Sexual minorities, Discrimination against sexual minorities

We made it, Amazonia: under the jungle, the oil«We made it», Amazonie: sous la jungle, le pétroleParis202323:00 (23 min) AusselN/A
Amnesty International
Amnesty International
FreXXXNoise pollution, air pollution, soil and water pollution... In Amazonia's Yasuní Park, the oil activities of major companies are undermining the natural balance and contaminating ecosystems. With twelve platforms and over 230 oil wells covering 80 hectares, the national company Petroecuador is particularly exposing indigenous peoples to contamination and the destruction of their habitat. A look back at their fight for climate justice in a podcast produced by Amnesty International.XXXWildlife conservation, Sustainable developement, Environmental conservation, Democracy, Rule of law, Human rightsXXXXXXXX
Amnesty International / Amnesty France
Human Rights Watch 2024 annual review of human rights around the worldBilan annuel 2024 de Human Rights Watch sur les droits humains dans le mondeParis2024N/A
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch
FreXXThe NGO Human Rights Watch has compiled a global report on human rights around the world, based on its observations in the field, to shed light on the abuses perpetrated throughout 2023 and the challenges it poses for the years to come. Tirana Hassan, the organization's Executive Director, expressed a few words to say about the current situation: "The resumption of armed conflict between Israel and Hamas, on the one hand, and in Sudan on the other, have caused considerable suffering, as have the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Myanmar, Ethiopia and the Sahel. Governments had to cope with the hottest year on record: a wave of forest fires, droughts and storms brought devastation to millions of people in Bangladesh, Libya and Canada. At the same time, political decisions have deepened inequalities around the world, angering millions of people forced to fight for survival. The rights of women and girls and of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have suffered severe setbacks in many countries, such as the gender-based persecution of the Taliban in Afghanistan".XXXXXHuman Rights, Human Rights violations, International law, Human security, International Politics, Nongovernmental organizationsXXXXXXX
Human Rights Watch
Climate quiz: how good are you at sorting out fact from fiction?Quizz climat: êtes-vous chaud pour démêler le vrai du faux?Paris2023N/A MondeLe MondeFreXXwhat is the world's most polluting energy source? When was the first climate conference held? With this test, Le Monde invites you to take stock of global warming and its impact on the planet. Learn more about major environmental issues with the "Mémorable" general knowledge application, designed by Le Monde's journalists to develop your knowledge and stimulate your memory in a pleasant and effective way. Each lesson, devoted to a given theme, features excerpts from articles in our archives dating back to 1944, infographics or videos, followed by questions. It's up to you to answer them, before benefiting from immediate, personalized corrections, in-depth articles and revision.XXXXSustainable development,Global public goods, Environmental conservation,XXXXXXXXLe Monde240036fre.jpeg
The Voice of the Yezidis: Survivors Speak ExhibitionExposition «La Voix des Yézidis: les survivants parlent»Paris2022N/A - in UnumYahad - in UnumFreXXHow did Daech perpetuate a real genocide against Iraq's little-known ethnic and religious minority, the Yezidis? This interactive audiovisual exhibition traces this tragic process from January 2014 onwards. Portrayals and testimonies of young Yezidi victims are available to help us better understand their story.XXXXHuman Rights, Human Rights violations, International law, Human security, International Politics, Nongovernmental organizationsXXXXXXXXYahad - in Unum240037fre.jpeg
Teaching How to TestifyEnseigner TémoignerParis2024N/A
Ligue de l'enseignement, Fédération de Paris & Ibuka France
Teaching League, Paris Fédération & Ibuka FranceFreXXIn 1994, around 1 million Tutsis were killed in Rwanda. The genocide perpetrated against the Tutsis in Rwanda is one of the major killings of the twentieth century. It was made possible by the actions of extremists who, for years, stirred up anti-Tutsi hatred among the Rwandan population by means of prejudice, false informations, mirror-image accusations, a strategy of manipulation and the conditioning of minds to fear, hatred and murderous violence.
With the recent inclusion of the subject in school curricula, more and more teachers are working with their pupils on this major event in the history of the 20th century. At the same time, survivors are feeling the need to share their stories with the younger generation and prevent the mechanisms that made this tragedy possible. Against this backdrop, Ibuka France and the Ligue de l'enseignement have joined forces to offer support in organising and managing a meeting with a survivor-witness in the classroom. The aim of this support is to create a framework that is both useful and reassuring for all those involved and affected by the testimonial in the classroom.
XXXXXGenocide, War crimes, Humanitarian law,Rwanda, Racial prejudice, Ethnic discrimination,XXXXXXXXLigue de l'enseignement, Fédération de Paris & Ibuka France240038fre.jpeg
CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action: Harnessing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning and EducationParis202216 p. Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)EngXXXThis Marrakech Framework for Action is an outcome of the the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII) held in Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, and online, from 15 to 17 June 2022. XXXXXXXAdult learning and education; Lifelong learningXXX© UNESCO; UIL 2022240039eng.pdf
(성인학습∙교육의 변혁적 힘을 활용하기 위한) 제7차 세계성인교육회의 마라케시 실행계획CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action: Harnessing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning and Education서울Seoul202212 p.유네스코평생학습원; 유네스코한국위원회; 국가평생교육진흥원KorXXX2022년 6월 15일부터 17일까지 모로코 마라케시에서 제7차 세계성인교육회의(CONFINTEA VII)가 개최되었다. 회의 결과문서인 '마라케시 실행계획(Marrakech Framework for Action)'은 성인학습·교육(ALE)이 평생학습의 핵심 요소이며, 성인학습·교육을 포함하여 교육이 기본적 인권이며 공공의 노력이자 공동재임을 확인하고 있다.XXXXXXX성인학습 및 교육; 평생학습XXX240039kor.pdf240416
CONFINTEA VII Seventh International Conference on Adult Education: Final Report; Adult learning and Education for Sustainable Development; A Transformative AgendaHamburg2023117 p.ISBN 978-92-820-1254-3 (eng) Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)EngXXThe International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) is a UNESCO intergovernmental conference for policy dialogue on adult learning and education (ALE) and related research and advo�cacy, which has taken place every 12 to 13 years since 1949.

This is a final report of the Seventh International Conference on Adult
Education (CONFINTEA VII) held in Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, and online, from 15 to 17 June 2022.
XXXXXXXAdult learning and education; Lifelong learning; Education for sustainable developmentXXX© UNESCO; UIL 2023240040eng.pdf
[요약본] 제5차 세계 성인학습∙교육 보고서: 시민성 교육; 변화를 위한 성인 역량 강화[Executive Summary] 5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: Citizenship Education; Empowering Adults for Change함부르크Hamburg202312 p.유네스코평생학습원; 유네스코한국위원회; 국가평생교육진흥원KorXX2009년에 처음 나온 세계 성인학습・교육 보고서(Global Report on Adult Learning and Education, GRALE)는 공공 정책을 지원하고 이에 필요한 정보를 포함한 국제 참고 데이터를 제공한다. 본 보고서는 회원국들이 유네스코에 협조를 요청했던 성인학습・교육에 관한 벨렘 실행계획 (Belém Framework for Action, BFA)이 지난 10년간 실제로 추진되었음을 보여준다. 본 문서는 2022년에 발간된 제5차 성인학습・교육 보고서(GRALE 5)의 요약본이다. XXXX 성인학습; 성인 교육; 시민성 교육; 평생학습XXXⓒ 국가평생교육진흥원; 유네스코한국
위원회 2023
220212kor.pdf2404162022 메타데이터 #212 자료의 한국어 번역본 추가
트래시핵(Trash Hack) 쓰레기 줄이기 비법 지속가능발전을 위한 실천 학습: 교사 안내서Trash Hack Action Learning for Sustainable Development: A Teacher's Guide서울Seoul202115 p.유네스코한국위원회KorXX이 책은 유네스코에서 발간한 'Trash Hack'의 국문판으로 쓰레기로 인한 환경오염에 대한 인포그래픽과 쓰레기를 줄이기 위한 9가지 활동을 담고 있다. 중학생을 대상으로 제작되었고, 내용와 활동은 연령대에 따라 조정될 수 있다.XX지속가능발전교육; 쓰레기 처리; 교수법 가이드
Education for sustainable development;
Waste treatment;
Teaching guides
XXX© UNESCO 2021210286kor.pdf2404162021 메타데이터 #286 자료의 한국어 번역본 추가
Youth PVE: Preventing Violent ExtremismParis202012 p.; United Nations Office of Counter-TerrorismEngXXViolent extremism threatens the security and fundamental rights of citizens all over the world, and undermines the attempts of many countries to achieve sustainable peace. Many violent extremist organizations work by recruiting disenfranchised youth and inciting them to commit acts of violence.
This project focuses on meaningful youth engagement because we believe that enhancing the resilience of young people will prevent their involvement in violent extremism and instead transform them into agents of positive change.
We provide a framework for action that mobilizes UNESCO at multiple levels to provide young people with opportunities, knowledge and capacities to foster dialogue and cooperation in furtherance of PVE.
XXViolent extremism; Youth participation; PeacebuildingXXXX© UNESCO; UNOCT 2020240041eng.pdf
Enhancing Youth Participation in Urban Governance through City Youth CouncilsParis202379 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100633-3
UNESCOEngXXCity youth councils offer a formalized arrangement for continuous dialogue with policymakers. They have played a key role in fostering the next generation of leaders and encouraging youth to be contributors and agents to social change and dialogue. UNESCO is publishing this report to ensure that the actions and solutions proposed by youth can be applied and scaled up worldwide. It encourages local governments to create spaces for youth to participate actively and genuinely in decision-making processes.XUrban planning; Governance; Youth participationXXX© UNESCO 2023240042eng.pdf
2022 세계시민교육 국내 모니터링 체제 구축 연구서울Seoul2022xiv, 144 p.ISBN 979-11-87819-65-3박환보; 박경희; 최원석; 길혜지; 조대훈; 엄정민유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원KorXX본 연구는 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원(이하 유네스코 아태교육원)이 지속가능발전목표4.7(SDG4.7) 의 국내 이행 노력을 효과적으로 모니터링하기 위해 다년간 실시해온 연구의 일환으로, 국내 모니터링 체제 구축 방안 모색을 목적으로 한다. 특히 본 연구에서는 SDG4.7 목표 이행과 모니터링의 초점을 세계시민교육을 통한 학습자의 변화와 성장에 두고, 세계시민교육 정책, 교사의 세계시민교육 역량, 학습자의 세계시민역량의 세 가지 측면에서 모니터링 방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위해 우선 유네스코 아태교육원이 본 모니터링 연구 의 연속선상에서 수행해 온 선행연구에서 제안한 세계시민교육 주제영역과 개념틀을 활용하여 시·도교육청의 세계시민교육 이행 실태와 변화 추이를 분석하고, 정책의 주류화라는 관점에서 모니터링 방안에 관해 논의하였다. 그리고 기존 투입 중심의 연구 한계를 극복하기 위해, 세계시민교육의 이행 과정과 산출이라는 관점에서 교사의 세계시민교육 역량과 학습자의 세계시민성 수준을 측정하기 위한 문항을 개발하였다.X세계시민교육 정책; 세계시민교육 역량; 세계시민성; 지속가능발전목표 4.7; 모니터링XXXX© 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 2022240043kor.pdf
Turismo, Patrimonio y Escuela: Un viaje por el patrimonio de nuestro paísTourism, Heritage and School: A Journey through the Heritage of Our CountryBuenos Aires2017111 p. de Turismo ArgentinaMinistry of Tourism ArgentinaSpaxxOrientado a estudiantes de los últimos años de nivel primario, este manual es una herramienta para el estudio y el aprendizaje de los sitios de patrimonio mundial en la Argentina y su relación con la actividad turística. Pensado y creado desde la Dirección de Formación en Turismo del Ministerio de Turismo de la Nación Argentina.Aimed at students in the final years of primary school, this manual is a tool for the study and learning of world heritage sites in Argentina and their relationship with tourist activity. Designed and created by the Tourism Training Directorate of the Ministry of Tourism of the Argentine Nation.xxTurismo; Patrimonio mundial; SostenibilidadTourism; World heritage; Sustainabilityxxxⓒ Ministerio de Turismo de la Nación240044spa.jpg; 240044spa.pdf240418Spa 6(1차)자료 번호 하나가 누락되어 스페인어 6번째 자료를 이곳에 넣었습니다.
2023 세계시민교육 국내 모니터링 체제 구축 연구서울Seoul2023xii, 127 p.ISBN 979-11-93573-05-1박환보; 박경희; 김영식; 김형렬; 엄정민유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원KorXX본 연구는 SDG 4.7 달성을 위한 국내 이행 노력의 효과적 모니터링을 위하여, 글로벌 지표(4.7.1)에 부합하면서 국내 맥락과 실효성이 반영된 국내 세계시민교육 이행 모니터링 체제 구축 방안을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 국제사회가 SDG 4.7 이행 상황을 구체적으로 어떠한 방식으로 모니터링하고 있는지를 추가 분석하는 한편, 기존 국내 모니터링 체계 구축 연구의 연장선상에서 시도교육청별 세계시민교육 정책 이행 실태를 전반적으로 파악하고, 이와 함께 서울시교육청을 중심으로 세계시민교육 정책 참여 학교 특성을 설명하는 요인을 실증적으로 분석하였다. XX세계시민교육 정책; 세계시민성; 지속가능발전목표 4.7; 모니터링XXXX© 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 2023240045kor.pdf
2022 다문화가정 대상국가와의 교육교류사업 성과분석: 포스트코로나 온라인 교육교류 추진방안 연구서울Seoul2022117 p.ISBN 979-11-87819-75-2박순용; 차보은유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원; 연세대학교 산학협력단KorXX이 연구는 ‘다문화가정 대상국가와의 온라인 교육교류사업’의 사업성과를 점검하고 미래지향 적인 교육교류사업으로의 재구조화와 방향성 제시를 위해 진행되었다. 연구의 주요 내용은 온라인 교육교류 현황을 분석하고, 온라인 교육교류에 참여한 국내·외 참여교사의 경험을 인터뷰한후 면밀히 분석하여 포스트-코로나-19 온라인 교육교류 추진방안을 위한 방향과 과제를 모색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 문헌연구와 더불어 다수의 국내·외 참가교사들에 대해 대면 초점집단면담 (FGI)과 비대면 1대1 온라인 심층면담을 진행하였고 온라인 교육교류사업의 보완과 개선에 대한 가감 없는 의견을 수집하였다. 수집된 질적 자료를 토대로 분석한 내용을 통해 향후 국제 교육교류사업이 소기의 목적을 달성하기 위해 적용이 권고되는 몇 가지 정책 제안을 하였다.XXX교육교류사업; 국제교육교류; 국제교사교류; 다문화XXXX© 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 2022240046kor.pdf
2022 다문화가정 대상국가와의 교육교류사업 성과분석: 성과분석 및 성과측정도구 타당화 연구서울Seoul2022vii, 121 p.박현정; 박민호; 신중휘유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원KorXX이 연구는 ‘다문화가정 대상국가와의 교육교류사업’성과평가를 위하여 개발된 ‘글로벌 역량’ 측정 도구를 타당화하고, 측정 도구를 활용하여 성과를 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 연구에 앞서 2020~2021년에 걸쳐 기존의 성과평가를 보다 효율적으로 운영할 수 있으며, 교육교류사업의 목적 및 성격이 잘 반영된 평가 지표를 개발하는 것을 목표로 먼저 문항을 개발하였 다.한편, 2020년에는 COVID-19 팬데믹으로 인하여 온라인 교류 사업만이 소규모로 진행되었고, 2021년 역시 COVID-19 팬데믹이 지속되어 교육교류사업이 온라인 교류 형태로 진행되었기에 온라인 교류의 맥락으로 성과측정 도구를 수정하였기 때문에 도구의 타당화는 제한 적인 상황이었다.따라서 2022년 연구에서는 온라인 교류에 참가한 교사 및 학생을 대상으로 지난 2년간 개발ˑ수정된 성과측정 도구를 최종적으로 타당화하고, 교육교류사업의 성과분석에 활용하였다.XX교육교류사업; 국제교육교류; 국제교사교류; 글로벌 역량; 문화다양성XXXXⓒ 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 2022240047kor.pdf
유네스코 미래담론 연구서울Seoul2023153 p.ISBN 979-11-90615-50-1전상인; 김두환; 박범순; 한준; 박남기; 백영연유네스코한국위원회KorXX이 보고서는 미래문해력 증진을 위한 기초연구이다. 한국의 미래가 주요 관심이나, 이는 인류 전체의 미래에 대한 통찰과도 무관하지 않을 것이다. 이 보고서에서는 미래를 ‘한 세대’에 해당하는 향후 30년 정도로 상정했다. 먼저 유관 전문가들이 교육과 문화, 과학 및 커뮤니케이션 영역에서 각각 어떤 변화를 예상하는지를 검토했다. 이를 바탕으로 보통의 한국인이 해당 영역의 미래를 어떻게 인식하고 있는지를 살펴보기 위해 전국적 설문조사가 필요하다고 판단하여, 이를 위한 설문조사 문항 초안을 제안했다. 만약 후속 연구로서 이와 같은 설문조사가 이루어진다면 미래문해에 대한 전문가와 일반인들의 공통점 및 차이점을 드러낼 수 있을 것이며, 경우에 따라 외국의 미래문해 현황과의 비교도 가능할 것이다. 궁극적으로는 한국사회의 미래문해력 증진을 위한 정책적 노력에도 일조하게 될 것이다.XX미래문해; 인공지능; 과학기술; 지속가능발전XXX© 유네스코한국위원회240048kor.pdf
Ciudadanía Global: Una visión plural y transformadora de la sociedad y de la escuela; Volumen ⅠGlobal Citizenship: A plural and Transformative Vision of Society and School; Volume ⅠMadrid[2020]284 p. Díaz-Salazar et al.Fundacion SMSM FoundationSpaxxEl objetivo de esta obra, que recoge las voces de grandes especialistas, reforzadas por la visión de la propia escuela, es impulsar y canalizar el debate sobre la ciudadanía global hacia una educación orientada al cuidado de la persona, de la sociedad y de la naturaleza. Entendida así, la educación para la ciudadanía global puede ayudarnos a formar a personas plenas, preparadas para intervenir positivamente en un mundo en continuo cambio, y capaces de adoptar un modo de vida sostenible para nosotros, los que nos rodean y los que nos sucederán.The objective of this work, which brings together the voices of great specialists, reinforced by the vision of the school itself, is to promote and channel the debate on global citizenship towards an education oriented to the care of the person, society and nature. Understood in this way, education for global citizenship can help us form fulfilled people, prepared to intervene positively in a world in continuous change, and capable of adopting a sustainable way of life for ourselves, those around us and those who will succeed us.xxCiudadanía global; Educación para la ciudadanía global; Migración; Conflictos; Feminismo; Medio ambienteGlobal citizenship; Global citizenship education; Migration; Conflicts; Feminism; Environmentxxxxx© Fundacion SM240049spa.jpg; 240049spa.pdf240417Spa 1(1차)
Científicas: pasado, presente y futuroWomen Scientists: Past, Present and FutureSevillaSeville2019[32] p.; [34] p.
Raquel Gu; Francisco Vega NarváezFundación ONCEONCE FoundationEng; SpaxxEste cómic es la Adaptación de la obra de teatro Científicas: pasado, presente y futuro, una Idea original de Francisco Vega Narváez con Guion original de Isabel Fernández Delgado, Clara Grima Ruiz, maría José Jiménez Rodríguez, Adela muñoz Páez, maría del Carmen Romero Ternero y Francisco Vega Narváez. Tanto en la obra como en el cómic se presentan referentes femeninos en el mundo de la ciencia para que las niñas no sientan que algo les es ajeno por el mero hecho de ser mujeres y también para que los niños tengan esos mismos referentes. Los logros en ciencia los hacen personas, da igual que sean mujeres u hombres, su edad, nacionalidad..This comic is the adaptation of the play Women scientists: past, present and future, an original idea by Francisco Vega Narváez with an original script by Isabel Fernández Delgado, Clara Grima Ruiz, maría José Jiménez Rodríguez, Adela muñoz Páez, maría del Carmen Romero Ternero and Francisco Vega Narváez. Both in the play and in the comic, female references are presented in the world of science so that girls do not feel that something is foreign to them simply because they are women and also so that boys have those same references. Achievements in science are made by people, it doesn't matter if they are women or men, their age, nationality...xxxIgualdad de género; Empoderamiento de las niñas; Feminismo; Inclusión ciencia y tecnologíaGender equality; Women empowerment; Feminism; Inclusion science and technologyxxx© Fundación ONCE240050eng.jpg; 240050eng.pdf; 240050spa.pdf240418Spa 2(1차)
Día Internacional de la mujer y la niña en la cienciaInternational Day of Women and Girls in ScienceBuenos Aires1 p.ía GlobalGlobal Citizenship, Buenos AiresSpaxxA propósito del día internacional de la mujer y la niña en la cencia, esta infografía presenta información relevante sobre las brechas de participación femenina en investigación y trabajos en temas científicos. Incluye vínculos a materiales de apoyo.Regarding the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, this infographic presents relevant information about the gaps in female participation in research and work on scientific topics. Includes links to support materials.xxxIgualdad de género; Empoderamiento de las niñas; Feminismo; Inclusión ciencia y tecnologíaGender equality; Women empowerment; Feminism; Inclusion science and technologyxxxx© Ciudadanía Global240051spa.jpg240418Spa 3(1차)파일저장 불가하여 링크로만 접속 가능
La Educación para la ciudadanía global: Una apuesta por la democraciaEducation for Global Citizenship: Promoting DemocracyMadrid2019p. 15-26ISSN 2254-3139 MesaUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid; RINACEAutonomous University of Madrid; RINACESpaxxEn este artículo se hace una reflexión sobre el papel de la educación en el actual contexto internacional, marcado por profundos cambios y por una situación de incertidumbre e inestabilidad y de retroceso en derechos. Se abordan los diversos marcos interpretativos que explican el mundo actual y que se articulan en torno al eje global-local y al eje identitario. En un mundo caracterizado por la complejidad y la rapidez de cambios es muy importante superar la compartimentalización del conocimiento en áreas estanco (matemáticas, sociales, lengua, etc.) para abordarlo de manera global. La educación como práctica transformadora no puede estar al margen de los grandes retos que enfrenta la humanidad en el ámbito nacional y multilateral. La Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible abre oportunidades para consolidar la educación para la ciudadanía global.This paper makes a reflection on the role of education in the current international context, marked by profound changes and by a situation of uncertainty and instability and reverse in rights. It discusses the various interpretative frameworks that explain the current world and that are articulated around the global-local axis and ethnic-national identities and multiple identities. In a world characterized by the complexity and speed of changes, it is very important to overcome the the compartmentalization of knowledge in areas such as mathematics, social, language, etc and look for global approaches. Education as a transformative practice cannot be outside of the major challenges facing humanity at the national and multilateral. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals gives opportunities for the consolidation of the Education for Global Citizenship.xxxxCiudadanía globlal; Democracia; Derechos humanos; Agenda 2030; Transformación socialGlobal citizenship; Democracy; Human rights; Agenda 2030; Social transformationxxxxⓒ Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia SocialRevista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2019, 8(1), 15-26.240052spa.jpg; 240052spa.pdf240418Spa 4(1차)
Lectura y escritura en la cultura digital: tendencias y educaciónReading and Writing in Digital Culture: Trends and EducationBuenos Aires202301:08:13 (1hr 8min 13sec); 43:37 (43min 47sec); 43:39 (43min 49sec) MagureguiEduc.arSpaxxxEste video presenta una charla expandida cuyo tema central o hilo narrativo, «Lectura y escritura en la cultura digital: tendencias y educación», da marco contextual a tres itinerarios posibles o expansiones: a.) La inteligencia artificial como asistente virtual para la escritura y otras producciones; b) Ecosistema de pantallas y plataformas, y c) El derecho a la desconexión digital.
Cada expansión —itinerario o charla— es autoconclusiva, tiene presentación, desarrollo y cierre. Sin embargo, las tres se complementan y, de algún modo, dialogan entre sí. Lo más importante es que brindan una visión de conjunto mucho más rica.
This video presents an expanded talk whose central theme or narrative thread, «Reading and writing in digital culture: trends and education», provides a contextual framework for three possible itineraries or expansions: a.) Artificial intelligence as a virtual assistant for writing and other productions; b) Ecosystem of screens and platforms, and c) The right to digital disconnection.
Each expansion—itinerary or talk—is self-contained, has a presentation, development and closure. However, the three complement each other and, in some way, dialogue with each other. The most important thing is that they provide a much richer overview.
xInteligencia artificial; Ciudadanía digital; Alfabetización digital; Educación digitalArtificial intelligence; Digital citizenship; Digital literacy; Digital education; AIxxxxxⓒ Educ.ar240053spa.jpg240418Spa 5(1차)
Ser y Saber: Perfil docente para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Ciudadanía GlobalBeing and Knowing: Teaching Profile for Sustainable Development and Global CitizenshipMadrid202343 p.ISBN 978-84-09-56254-1 de carácter pedagógico que describe qué características tiene el perfil docente necesario para educar en el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Ciudadanía Global. Identifica qué competencias necesarias para llevar a cabo una educación transformadora que dé respuesta a los retos globales conforme proponen movimientos sociales, ONG y sociedad civil. Esta publicación es el resultado de un trabajo colaborativo realizado durante los años 2022 y 2023 por un equipo del Movimiento 4.7 conformado con ese fin.Document of a pedagogical nature that describes the characteristics of the teaching profile necessary to educate in Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Identify what skills are necessary to carry out transformative education that responds to global challenges as proposed by social movements, NGOs and civil society. This publication is the result of collaborative work carried out during the years 2022 and 2023 by a Movement 4.7 team formed for this purpose.xxxxCiudadania global; Desarrollo sostenible; Educación transformadoraGlobal citizenship; Sustainable development; Transformative educationxxxxⓒ InteRed, AECID240054spa.jpg; 240054spa.pdf240418Spa 7(1차)
Desigualdades y violencias de género en América Latina y el CaribeInequalities and Gender Violence in Latin America and the CaribbeanBuenos Aires2023692 p.ISBN 978-987-813-648-6 BatthyányCLACSOSpaxxLos capítulos del presente libro son fruto de los potentes trabajos de investigación realizados en el marco de la convocatoria “Desigualdades y violencias de género en América Latina y el Caribe", promovida por CLACSO. Buscan, en su conjunto, esbozar respuestas a dichos interrogantes, mediante metodologías innovadoras que resignifican herramientas convencionales y dotan a los textos de gran singularidad. El punto de vista es, en todos los casos, novedoso y localizado: territorialmente, pero también en lo que a la teoría y a la epistemología se refiere. La lectura de este libro logra sumergir la mirada de la lectora o el lector a un acercamiento verdaderamente crítico a la realidad del continente.The chapters of this book are the result of the powerful research work carried out within the framework of the call “Inequalities and gender violence in Latin America and the Caribbean", promoted by CLACSO. They seek, as a whole, to outline answers to these questions, through innovative methodologies that redefine conventional tools and give the texts great singularity. The point of view is, in all cases, novel and localized: territorially, but also in terms of theory and epistemology. The reading of This book manages to immerse the reader's gaze in a truly critical approach to the reality of the continent.xxxDesigualdad; Violencias de género; FeminismoInequality; Gender violence; Feminismxxxⓒ CLACSO240055spa.jpg; 240055spa.pdf240420Spa 8(1차)
Educación popular y pedagogías críticas en América Latina y el Caribe: Corrientes emancipatorias para la educación pública del Siglo XXIPopular Education and Critical Pedagogies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Emancipatory Currents for Public Education in the 21st CenturyBuenos Aires2018255 p.ISBN 978-987-722-384-2 Quintar [et al.]CLACSOSpaxxEn las páginas y capítulos del libro se camina por los rincones de Bolivia con las voces y luchas indígenas, por un Chile y una Argentina que atraviesan historias, luchas y disputas por lo público en medio de contextos hostiles, por una Centroamérica (El Salvador, Costa Rica y México) que rescata un tremendo legado de procesos organizativos y revolucionarios, y por Colombia, que en su lucha por la paz, recoge las voces de jóvenes organizados. A su vez esta construcción retoma grandes pensadores/as y actores colectivos que han enriquecido los caminos de la Educación Popular y las Pedagogías Críticas.
Así, atravesados por nuestra historia latinoamericana, por los angustiantes desafíos y tensiones por los que hoy pasan las democracias en cada uno de nuestros territorios y contextos, por las restauraciones conservadoras que nos condicionan y rodean, las Pedagogías Críticas y la Educación Popular no pueden menos, de acuerdo a lo que venimos viendo, que trabajar en la defensa del derecho a la educación que parece licuarse en varios de nuestros países, no pueden menos que ponerse el atuendo de maestro para resistir desde la escuela pública estatal, el derecho a aprender de niños, niñas y jóvenes y el derecho a ser docente, a enseñar, de miles de maestros y profesores que parecen querer ser sustituidos por “líderes educativos” y programas tecnológicos enlatados, con muy buenos dividendos para sus importadores.
In the pages and chapters of the book you walk through the corners of Bolivia with indigenous voices and struggles, through a Chile and an Argentina that go through stories, struggles and disputes over public affairs in the midst of hostile contexts, through a Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica and Mexico) that rescues a tremendous legacy of organizational and revolutionary processes, and for Colombia, which in its fight for peace, collects the voices of organized youth. At the same time, this construction takes up great thinkers and collective actors who have enriched the paths of Popular Education and Critical Pedagogies. Thus, crossed by our Latin American history, by the distressing challenges and tensions that democracies go through today in each of our territories and contexts, by the conservative restorations that condition and surround us, Critical Pedagogies and Popular Education cannot but, according to what we have been seeing, that working in defense of the right to education that seems to be liquefying in several of our countries, they cannot help but put on the attire of a teacher to resist, from the state public school, the right to learn from children and young people and the right to be a teacher, to teach, of thousands of teachers who seem to want to be replaced by “educational leaders” and canned technological programs, with very good dividends for their importers.xxEducación popular; Pedagogías críticas; Emancipación; DecolonialidadPopular education; Critical pedagogies; Emancipation; Decolonialityxxxxxⓒ CLACSO240056spa.jpg; 240056spa.pdf240420Spa 9(1차)스페인어 1차 자료 총 9건 업로드 완료
7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED: Mentorship Programme Activity ReportSeoul2023[24] p. report summarizes 15 GCED projects implemented by the selected mentees/grantees of APCElU's 7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED in 2022. 15 GCED initiatives, including teacher training workshops, curriculum development, school-based activities, and community development projects, have been taken by educators, teachers, and practitioners in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The mentees/grantees first participated in the 7th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED in September 2022. After the completion of the Workshop, graduates submit the GCED proposals to be selected as the grantees/mentees. The selected 15 mentees/grantees are matched with expert mentors to be guided for their project development and implementation. This report describes the summary of 15 projects held in different corners of the world, along with its outputs.XGlobal citizenship education; GCEDXXXXXX ⓒ APCEIU240057eng.pdf;
미디어 속 학교폭력 양상 분석을 통한 학교폭력 예방 및 대응 방안 도출세종2023141 p.배상률한국청소년정책연구원KorXX정부 부처와 연구기관에서 발행한 학교폭력의 현황 및 추세를 살폈다. 관련 분야의 대표적인 조사로 교육부의 학교폭력 실태조사를 들 수 있다. 초등학교 4학년생부터 고등학교 3학년생을 대상으로 매년 2회에 걸쳐 이뤄지는 조사로 온오프라인에서 발생하는 학교폭력의 실태를 조사하고 있다. 방송통신위원회와 한국지능정보사회진흥원은 사이버폭력 실태조사를 통해 학교폭력 중 온라인상에서 이뤄지는 각종 폭력들의 추이를 파악하고 있다. 푸른나무재단(청소년폭력예방재단)이 매년 실시하는 ‘전국학교폭력실태조사’는 설문과 인터뷰를 통해 학교폭력의 실태뿐만 아니라 예방 및 대응 방안을 위한 청소년과 현장전문가의 의견을 수렴하는 시도를 하고 있다.

우리 사회와 언론은 청소년이 반사회적 행동을 할 때 종종 그 원인을 미디어에 돌리는 경향이 있다. 물론, 미디어가 이러한 문제에 일정 부분 영향을 미친다는 것은 부인할 수 없다. 하지만 관련 이론과 연구 결과들은 미디어의 영향이 일관되고 강력하며 즉시 나타나지 않는다는 것을 보여준다. 미디어 사용 패턴, 인구 사회학적 배경, 부모와 자녀 간의 관계 등 다양한 요인에 따라 미디어의 영향력은 다르게 나타난다. 본 보고서는 학교폭력 현황 및 추세 분석에 이어서, 수용자의 인지, 태도, 행동에 영향을 미치는 미디어 효과를 설명한 주요 이론을 고찰하고 미디어 폭력이 청소년에게 미치는 영향력을 측정한 선행연구를 살폈다.

중고등학생 연령대 청소년을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 하였다. 미디어가 전달하는 폭력적 콘텐츠의 소비 실태를 파악하고, 폭력적 콘텐츠 소비가 청소년의 폭력성 및 폭력 허용도에 미치는 영향력을 분석하였다. 본 연구가 학교폭력 감소와 청소년의 건강한 미디어 이용을 위한 정책 마련을 위한 기초자료와 시사점을 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

* 한국청소년정책연구원이 2023년 작성한 '미디어 속 학교폭력 양상 분석을 통한 학교폭력 예방 및 대응 방안 도출(작성자: 배상률)'은 "공공누리의 제 4유형" 출처표시-상업적 이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있으며, 해당 저작물은 '한국청소년정책연구원,'에서 무료로 다운받으실 수 있습니다.
XXX학교폭력; 사이버 폭력; 미디어 폭력; 미디어 리터러시 교육XXXX© 한국청소년정책연구원240058kor.pdf;
240423pdf 파일은 보관용. 업로드x
探讨适合中国的家庭友好社会政策: 研究报告Reimagining Social Policies to Support Families in China: A Research Report北京Beijing202345 p. ; 46 p.联合国儿童基金会驻华办事处UNICEF ChinaChi; EngXX近几十年来,中国的人口规模和结构以及社会发生了重大变化:出生率下降,人口老龄化;平均家庭户规模由2010年的一户3.1人降至2022年的一户2.8人[i];独生子女政策于2015年被取消,“三孩政策”从2021年开始实施;城镇化、农村人口向城镇地区迁移和灵活就业人员的增加改变了人们的生活和工作方式;与此同时,性别不平等现象依然存在,女性经常面临就业歧视和阻碍。上述一系列变化都影响着家庭政策——旨在支持父母等家庭成员养育儿童(18岁以下)、改善养育条件的相关法定政策及政府主导的项目。

There have been significant changes in the population and society in China over recent decades. The birth rate has declined, and the population has aged. The average family size shrank from 3.1 people in 2010 to 2.8 in 2022[i], and the one-child policy has been reversed. Urbanization, rural-urban migration and the growth of the informal sector have changed how people live and work. Gender inequality persists, with women frequently facing discrimination and barriers to employment. All these changes have implications for family policy – statutory policies and government-led programmes that aim to improve conditions for adult family members, particularly those caring for children up to the age of 18.

A new report, ‘Reimaging Social Policies to Support Families in China’ by UNICEF synthesizes the context and challenges of family policies in China and reviews over 180 evaluations of family policies worldwide. The report highlights case studies of policies that could be adapted and incorporated into family policy in China, and it identifies implications for designing and implementing innovative policy.
X儿童发展Children DevelopmentX© UNICEF 2023240059chi.pdf;
Korea-Japan Teacher's Network on GCED 2023: Final ReportSeoul202319 p. launched the Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED in 2021, and since then, participating teachers from Japan and Korea have engaged in varied activities, including collaborative lesson plan development, online seminars, joint classroom projects, and student exchanges. In 2023, the first in-person training workshop was held in the Republic of Korea. Designed to deepen the understanding of GCED/peace education of participants, strengthen their capacities to foster global citizenship through education, share good practices and cases, and plan for future collaboration, the Workshop was attended by 33 Korean and Japanese teachers who have actively engaged in Network activities, including teacher-student exchange.XXGlobal citizenship education; Teacher-student exchange; GCEDXXXXX© APCEIU240060eng.pdf;
7th Meeting of UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education: Meeting ReportSeoul202329 p. meeting report provides the summary of the 7th Meeting of UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education held on 7 November 2023 in Paris, France. It offers an overview of the presentations delivered by Category 2 Centres in Education, outlining their programmes and activities for the upcoming years, specifically for 2024.XXTransformative education; Sustainable development; SDGXXXXXXX© APCEIU240061eng.pdf;
2023 Youth Leaders' Mentorship & Local GCED Project: Activity ReportSeoul2023[12] p. report summarizes 10 GCED projects implemented in different parts of the world by the alumni of APCEIU’s Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED in 2023. Ranging from community advocacy for global citizenship to youth-led campaign projects, 10 GCED initiatives have been taken by 10 young leaders in their own communities in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

APCEIU offers GCED training programmes targeting youth leaders around the globe to encourage them to achieve the SDGs through global citizenship and GCED. Since 2015, the Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED has been held every year in the Republic of Korea, inviting 50 young global leaders to take part in an intensive training programme where they share their actions, deepen their knowledge on global/local issues, enhance their motivation to take actions for a change, and establish the young leaders’ network on GCED. Since 2021, it has been shifted to a comprehensive training programme composed of online training workshops, mentorship, and local project implementation.
XGlobal citizenship education; Youth leadership; Youth mentoring; GCEDXXXXXX© APCEIU240062eng.pdf;
5th Annual Meeting of the GCED Actors' Platform: Meeting ReportSeoul202327 p. meeting report provides the summary of the 5th Annual Meeting of the GCED Actors' Platform held on 20 October 2023. The report outlined the presentations from UNESCO, regional coordinators from 4 Regional GCED Networks (Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa), including their achievements in advancing GCED in their respective regions over the past year and discussion on potential ways to strengthen GCED implementation on both regional and global levels.XXGlobal citizenship education; Sustainable development; GCEDXXXXXXX© APCEIU240063eng.pdf;
Report on Roundtable for Advocating Global Citizenship Education and Climate Change EducationSeoul202330 p. report shares the overview of the Roundtable for Advocating Global Citizenship Education and Climate Change Education, held on Saturday, 11 November 2023. The event was co-organized by the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO, Office for Climate Education, Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) in partnership with the Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with GCED (Afghanistan, Armenia, Austria, Bangladesh, Canada, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Nigeria and Oman), in support of the Korean National Commission for UNESCO and the French National Commission for UNESCO. This report shares the summary of the event, particularly the presentations on GCED activities and Climate Change Education by experts from Uganda, the Republic of Korea, and France to promote the values and initiatives of GCED and CCE.XXGlobal citizenship education; Climate change; Climate change education; GCED; CCEXXXXXXXⒸ APCEIU240064eng.pdf;
아태지역 관점에서 세계시민역량 정의: 예비연구서울2023v, 129 p.ISBN 979-11-93573-07-5임현묵; 박선운; 이무성; 고석영유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원KorXX본 연구는 아태지역의 맥락과 관심에 비춰 세계시민역량을 해석하고 재개념화하는 작업을 준비하는 데에 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 세계시민역량에 관한 국내외 기존 문헌을 검토하면서, 재개념화 작업에 참여할 연구자를 파악하기 위해 아태지역의 연구 현황을 분석한다. 이와 함께 세계시민교육이 국제사회의 주요 의제로 포함된 2015년 이후 아태교육원이 지금까지 수행한 여러 세계시민교육 역량강화 프로그램의 주제와 내용을 분석하여 아태교육원이 추구하는 세계시민역량의 핵심을 밝히고자 한다.X세계시민역량; 글로벌역량; 세계시민성XXXXXXXⒸ 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원 2023240065kor.pdf;
United for SDG 4: The Global Education Coalition in ActionParis2024101 p. Global Education Coalition, launched by UNESCO, is a platform for collaboration and exchange to protect the right to education and serves as a transformative accelerator towards SDG 4.

This progress report of the Coalition builds on documents published in September 2020, March 2021, and March 2023 and covers activity between March 2023 and March 2024. Four years in and moving into its fifth, the Coalition works together to ensure all learners are empowered equally in and through education.
XXEducational cooperation;Educational innovations; Electronic learning; Educational finance; Public private partnershipsXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2024240066eng.pdf;
Common Curriculum Guide for Peace Education in Northeast Asia Seoul2023v, 147 p.ISBN 979-11-93573-06-8 Chen; Jeongmin Eom; Kevin KesterAPCEIUEngXXInspired by the recommendations from the study, Peace Education in Northeast Asia: A Situational Analysis (APCEIU, 2021), APCEIU coordinated a project to develop a common curriculum for peace education in Northeast Asia. This initiative was undertaken in partnership with UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia, UNESCO Chair on Peace Studies at Nanjing University, UNESCO Chair on Education for Peace, Social Justice and Global Citizenship at Kyushu University, Peace Education Commission of the Peace Studies Association of Japan, Japan Association for International Education, and Korean Society of Education for International Understanding.

This guide serves as a framework for supporting peace education in diverse communities across Northeast Asia. Its primary function is to aid in the design and development of peace education programs tailored to various contexts within the region.

It is our sincere hope that this guide will serve as a catalyst, encouraging and assisting more teachers and practitioners in the region to actively participate in our collective efforts to foster peace in and through education.
XPeace educationXXXXXX© APCEIU 2023240067eng.pdf;
الإطار المرجعي للتربية على المواطنةReference Framwork for Citizenship EducationلبنانLebanon202124NAلجنة التربية على المواطنة، لبنانCommission of Citizenship Education, Lebanonالمركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء، لبنانEducational center for Research and Development, LebanonArabicXXوضع المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء، بين أيدي الخبراء العاملين قي القطاع التربوي، إطارًا مرجعيًّا لمفهوم التربية على المواطنة للإسهام في تعزيز قيم التربية المدنية والديمقراطية والمساواة والعدالة والكرامة. ويهدف هذا الإطار إلى توفير خلفية نظرية فضلًا عن أفكار عملية للتنفيذ.The Educational Center for Reseach and Development has come up with this reference framework of Citizenship Education to contribute to promoting the values of civic education, democracy, equality, justice and dignity. This framework aims to provide theoritical background as well as practical ideas for implementation.Xالتربية على المواطنة، القيم، المشاركة، المساواة، والتربية المدنيةCitizenship education, values, participation, Equality, civicsXXXEducational Center for Research and Development240068ara.pdf
التربية على القيم دعامة أساسية في التنمية البشريةValue education is an essential pillar of human developmentوجدةOujda202116NAسعاد مريميSouad MRIMIجامعة محمد الأول بوجدةMohammed First University - OujdaArabicXXركز الميثاق الوطني للتربية والتكوين بالمغرب على أهمية ترسيخ منظومة القيم من أجل بناء الإنسان باعتباره اللبنة الأساس في بناء المجتمع، كما يعد ترسيخ القيم والتربية عليها إحدى الدعامات المهمة في الرؤية الاستراتيجية لإصلاح منظومة التربية والتكوين، خصوصا بعد التقرير الأخير الذي أصدره المجلس الأعلى للتربية والتكوين والبحث العلمي بالمغرب، حول التربية على القيم في منظومة التربية والتكوين، والذي كشف عن اختلالات كثيرة في جانب القيم، يتجلى أهمها في "ضعف الانسجام في تعامل المدرسة مع قضايا القيم والتربية عليهاThe National Charter for Education and Training in
Morocco had focused on the importance of consolidating the value
system to build the human being as one of the main element of
building society, and the consolidation of values and value education
is one of the important pillars in the strategic vision to reform the
system of education and training, especially after the recent report
issued by the Higher Council for Education,
Xالقيم ; التربية على القيم; التنمية البشريةvalues ; values education ; human developmentXXXXXX240069ara.pdf
استراتيجيات التعلم لتدريس مقرر نموذجي لمكافحة الفسادLearning Strategies to Teach Examplary Curricula to Fight CorruptionتبسةTebessa20227NAفضيلة بوطورةFadila Boutoraكلية العلوم االقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير
جامعة العربي التبسي، تبسة، الجزائر
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Sciences and Management Sciences, Larbi Tebessi University, Tebessa, AlgeriaArabicXXتعد جرائم الفساد من الجرائم التي تحولت إلى ظاهرة عالمية خطيرة تتفاوت خطورتها من دولة إلى دولة أخرى، مما جعل التصدي لها ليس بالأمر السهل، وأخذ في ذلك أشكالا متعددة تختلف من دولة إلى أخرى. حيث أن الاتفاقيات الدولية لمكافحة الفساد جعلت الوقاية منه آلية ذات أولوية، وعليه فتبني مناهج تعليمية لتدريس مقررات نموذجية لمكافحة الفساد تعتبر أيضا من آليات الوقاية من انتشار الفساد. خاصة وأن التدريس أداة من أدوات نهوض المجتمعات الإنسانية في كل المجلات.Corruption crimes are among the crimes that have turned into a serious global phenomenon, the severity of which varies from one state to another. Accordingly, adopting educational curricula to teach exemplary anti-corruption courses is also one of the mechanisms to prevent the spread of corruption. Especially since teaching is one of the tools for the advancement of human societies in all fields.Xكلية التربيةFaculty of EducationXXXCreative Commons240070ara.pdf
التربية على قيم حقوق الإنسان في المدرسة المغربية؛ الكتب المدرسية لمادة الفلسفة نموذجًاEducation on human right values in Moroccan school;Philosophy textbooks as a study caseفااسFes202223NAعبد الإله دوزAbdelilah Douzكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية، جامعة سيدي محمد بن عبد اللهFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah UniversityArabicXXهدفت الدراسة إلى إبراز المكانة التي تحتلها إشكالية التربية على القيم الحقوقية في المنظومة التعليمية المغربية، من خلال المقررات الحالية لمادة الفلسفة لسلك التعليم الثانوي التأهيلي، هذه الإشكالية التي أصبحت تعتبر هاجسا وانشغالا فرض نفسه في خضم التحولات المجتمعية التي عرفها المغرب منذ بداية الألفية الثالثة. حيث تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى محاولة البحث عن السبل الكفيلة لتعزيز قيم حقوق الإنسان داخل المدرسة المغربية.The study aims at highlighting the status occupied by problematic based education on human rights values in Moroccan education system through the present courses of philosophy in secondary school. This problematic is concerned as an interest that imposed itself in the societal changes since the beginning of the third decade. In the light of this, the study endeavers the ways to reinforce human rights in Moroccan schools.التعلم، استراتيجية التعلم، التدريس، مقرر مكافحة الفساد..course corruption-anti, teaching, strategy learning, LearningXXX240071ara.pdf
التربية على المواطنة السياسية في المملكة العربية السعوديةEducation on political citizenship in Saudi ArabiaالرياضRiyadh202040NAسارة بنت ثنيان بن محمد آل سعودSara Thonian bin Muhammad Al Saudكلية التربية، جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعودAl Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)ArabicXXهدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تسليط الضوء على المواطنة السياسية في المملكة العربية السعودية، وذلك عن طريق استخدام المنهجين الوثائقي والنوعي- طريقة النظرية المتجذرة. وتمثل مجتمع الدراسة في أمرين هما: الوثائق المتصلة بالمواطنة السياسية، وعينة من الخبراء والمتخصصين في المواطنة والدراسات الاجتماعية التربوية والجغرافيا السياسية والعلوم السياسية، وعددهم عشرة خبراء. واستخدمت الباحثة أسئلة المقابلة شبه المقننة أداة لرصد آرائهم، وتم التحقق من قيم الصدق والثبات اللازمة للأداة.The study under consideration analyses the political citizenship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by employing documentation and a qualitative methodology: the rooted theory method. Indeed, the survey utilizes documents on political citizenship and the surveys of a number of experts specialized in citizenship, educational social studies, geopolitics and politics (precisely 10 scholars).Xpolitical citizenshipالتربية على المواطنة، التنشئة السياسية، الدراسات الاجتماعيةCitizenship education, political socialization, social studiesXXX240072ara.pdf
تعليم الفتيات وتغيّر المناخ: الاستثمار في التعليم من أجل القدرة على التأقلمGirls’ Education and Climate Change: Investing in Education for ResilienceنيويوركNew York20216NAالشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئInter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئINEEArabicXXتم تطوير هذا الملّخص لدعم نشر الرسائل الرئيسية في إدراك الفجوة 2: البحث عن حلول آمنة ومستدامة لتعليم الفتيات في الأزمات. يقدم نظرة عامة على الأدلة والثغرات في العلاقة بين تعليم الفتيات وأزمات المناخ ، ويوصي باتخاذ إجراءات للتخفيف من آثار تغيّر المناخ على تعليم الفتيات وتعزيز المرونة.This brief was developed to support dissemination of key messages in Mind the Gap 2: Seeking Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girls’ Education in Crises. It provides an overview of evidence and gaps on the relationship between girls’ education and climate crises, and recommends actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on girls’ education and promote resilience.XXتغير المناخ، قضايا النوع الاجتماعيClimate Change, GenderXXXINEE240073ara.pdf
تعزيز الرعاية والتعليم للطفولة المبكرة للتجاوب مع التغيرات المناخية في حالات الطوارئPromoting Climate-Sensitive Early Childhood Care and Education in EmergenciesنيويوركNew York202337NA,%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B2%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%85%20%D9%84%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%81%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%B1%D8%A9%20%D9%84%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%A8%20%D9%85%D8%B9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AE%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%81%D9%8A,%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A7%20%D9%81%D9%8A%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A6.الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئInter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئInter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)Arabic, English, French, Spanish, PortugueseXXيتناول هذا الملخص فجوة في أدبيات تغير المناخ والتعليم: الأطفال الصغار المتأثرون بالأزمات. غالبًا ما تستبعد جهود التخفيف من آثار المناخ والتكيف معه رعاية الطفولة المبكرة والتعليم، لا سيما في الأزمات وحالات الطوارئ. لذلك، يحدد الملخص التدخلات متعددة القطاعات في مجال رعاية وتعليم الطفولة المبكرة التي يمكن أن تكون بمكانة حلول لأهداف أوسع للتخفيف من تغير المناخ والتكيف معه. يبحث هذا الملخص في الحلول طويلة الأجل التي تقلل تعرض الأطفال لأخطار تغير المناخ. ويهدف هذا بدوره إلى إنشاء طرق جديدة متكيفة مع المناخ للتفكير والوجود والعمل من خلال التركيز على الرعاية - لبعضنا البعض وللأرض -،ومن خلال ناءي المرونة المناخية بين الأطفال وأنظمة الرعاية الداعمة لهم.This brief addresses a gap in climate change and education literature: young children who are affected by crises. Climate mitigation and adaptation efforts often exclude early childhood care and education (ECCE), especially in crises and emergencies. Therefore, the brief outlines multisectoral ECCE interventions that can serve as solutions to broader climate change mitigation and adaptation goals. These interventions look at long-term solutions that reduce children’s exposure to climate change risks. The aim of these long-term solutions is to create new climate-adapted ways of thinking, being, and doing by focusing on care – for each other and for the earth – and by building climate resilience among children and their supporting care systems.Xتغير المناخ، مستويات التعلم – تنمية الطفولة المبكرةClimate Change, Levels of Learning - Early Childhood DevelopmentXXXINEE240074ara.pdf
الوصول إلى المهمشين – الممارسات الجيدة في تعلُّم وتعليم الكبار في الشرق الأوسط وجنوب شرق آسيا وجنوب آسياReaching the Marginalized - Good Practices in Adult Learning and Teaching in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South AsiaبونBonn202048978-3-942755-45-0يوهان هيلمان ونازاريت نازريتيانJohann Heilmann and Nazaret Nazaretyanالجمعية الالمانية لتعليم الكبارDVV InternationalArabicXXXتهدف هذه المطبوعة إلى إثراء الجانب النظري، والعملياتي في تعليم وتعلم الكبار. وتوفير مدخل للمعلومات، وقنوات التواصل، والتبادل، والتي ستخدم تعميق المعرفة، والخبرة، وزيادة التعاون في تعليم الكبار على المستوى الدولي.This publication aims to enrich the theoretical and practical aspects of adult teaching and learning. Providing access to information, communication channels, and exchange, which will serve to deepen knowledge, experience, and increase cooperation in adult education at the international level.Xتعليم الكبارAdult educationXXXDVV Internatioanl240075ara.pdf
مستقبل التربية والتعليم : تعلّم لتصبح الإنسان الذي تريد - تقرير توجهات مستقبل التعليم في المنطقة العربية – بناء المستقبل
2020 -2050
Futures of Education: learning to become - Report on the future of education in the Arab region - Building the future 2020-2050202064NAمعهد اليونسكو للتعلم مدى الحياةUNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learningمعهد اليونسكو للتعلم مدى الحياةUNESCO Institute for Lifelong LearningArabic, English, French, Korean SpanishXXتقرير يرصد أهم نتائج المشاورات الإقليمية والوطنية في المنطقة العربية، والتي أجرتها الحملة العربية للتعليم للجميع -آكيا وشركائها وأعضائها في الإئتلافات التربوية العربية حول في مستقبل التعليم، وهو يأتي كجزء من مساهمتهم جميعا في مبادرة مستقبل التربية والتعليم العالمية التي أطلقتها اليونيسكوA report that monitors the most important results of the regional and national consultations in the Arab region, which were conducted by the Arab Campaign for Education for All - IKEA and its partners and members in the Arab educational coalitions on the future of education. It comes as part of their contribution to the global Future of Education initiative launched by UNESCO.Xتعليم الكبار، للتعليم للجميعAdult education, education for allXXXArab Campaign for Education for All240076ara.pdf
التغيير التحويليّ من أجل العدالة الجندرية: التعلّم من الاستراتيجيات النسويةTransformative Change for Gender Equality Learning from Feminist StrategiesبيروتBeirout202232NAالحملة العربية للتعليم للجميعArab Campaign for Education for Allالحملة العربية للتعليم للجميعArab Campaign for Education for AllArabicXXوُلِــد هــذا الدليــل نتيجــةً لطلــب من مركــز العدالــة الجندرية في آســيا التابــع لمؤسســة فريدريش إيــبرت. ويكمن الهــدف منه تشــجيع مؤسســة فريدريش إيبرت والمنظمات الشريكة لها على التّفكير في أســاليب عملها، وتوفير المعلومات لأي منظمة أخرى أو فرد مهتم بمعرفة المزيد عن الاستراتيجيات النسوية للتغيير التحويلي مــن خــلال إلقــاء نظرة فاحصة على الاســتراتيجيات النسوية.This guide was born out of a request from the Center for Gender Justice in Asia of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Its aim is to encourage the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation and its partner organizations to reflect on their ways of working, and to provide information to any other organization or individual interested in learning more about feminist strategies for transformative change by taking a closer look at feminist strategies.Xالنوع الاجتماعيGenderXXXFriedrich Ebert Foundation240077ara.pdf
(Spa) [Informe de síntesis] Cambio climático y educación de las niñas: barreras, normas de género, y rutas hacia la resiliencia
(Fre) [Rapport de synthèse] Changement climatique et éducation des filles: entraves, normes sexistes et chemins vers la resilience
[Synthesis Report] Climate Change and Girls' Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to ResilienceWoking2023[30] p. InternationalEng; Fre; Spa XXXX(Spa) Esta investigación explora la relación entre el cambio climático y la educación de las niñas: ¿cuáles son los impactos directos e indirectos del cambio climático sobre el acceso de las niñas a la escuela y la finalización de su educación? ¿Cómo se cruzan estos impactos con las barreras de género existentes a la educación? ¿Y cómo ayuda su educación a las niñas a responder y adaptarse al cambio climático en sus comunidades? Se incluye un informe de síntesis y un resumen, junto con el informe técnico para más detalles sobre las conclusiones y la propia investigación.This research explores the relationship between climate change and girls' education: what are the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on girls' access to school and completion of their education? How do these impacts intersect with existing gender barriers to education? And how does your education help girls respond and adapt to climate change in their communities? A synthesis report and summary are also available, along with the technical report for more details on the conclusions and the research itself.XClimate change; Girls' educationXXXXX© Plan International240078eng.pdf; 240078spa.pdf; 240078fre.pdf; 240078eng.jpg240520
(Fre) [Rapport technique] Changement climatique et éducation des filles: entraves, normes sexistes et chemins vers la resilience
(Spa) [Reporte técnico] Cambio climático y educación de las niñas: barreras, normas de género, y rutas hacia la resiliencia
[Technical Report] Climate Change and Girls' Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to ResilienceWoking202395 p.; 108 p.; 104 p. InternationalEng; Fre; Spa XXXXThis is the technical report of the Climate Change and Girls' Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to Resilience for further detail on the findings and research itself.XClimate change; Girls' educationXXXXX© Plan International240079eng.pdf; 240079spa.pdf; 240079fre.pdf; 240079eng.jpg240520
(Spa) [Resumen Ejecutivo] Cambio climático y educación de las niñas: barreras, normas de género, y rutas hacia la resiliencia
(Fre) [Résumé analytique] Changement climatique et éducation des filles: entraves, normes sexistes et chemins vers la resilience
[Executive Summary] Climate Change and Girls' Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to ResilienceWoking202312 p. InternationalEng; Fre; Spa XXXXThis is the Executive Summary for the report: Climate Change and Girls’ Education: Barriers, Gender Norms and Pathways to Resilience. The full technical report and accompanying synthesis report are also available.XClimate change; Girls' educationXXXXX© Plan International240080eng.pdf; 240080spa.pdf; 240080fre.pdf; 240080eng.jpg240520
Global Education Monitoring Report 2023: Technology in Education; A Tool on Whose Terms?Paris2023xxv, 526 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100609-8; Global Education Monitoring Report TeamEngXXThis report recommends that technology should be introduced into education on the basis of evidence showing that it would be appropriate, equitable, scalable and sustainable. In other words, its use should be in learners’ best interests and should complement face-to-face interaction with teachers. It should be seen as a tool to be used on these terms.

Midway to the deadline, the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report assesses the distance still to go to reach the 2030 education targets. Education is the key to unlocking the achievement of other development objectives, not least the goal of technological progress.
XXXXEducational technology; Information technology; Electronic learning; Access to education; Computer literacy; Open educational resources; Teaching methods; Educational management information systems; Digital divideXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2023240081eng.pdf; 240081eng.jpeg240520
Re|shaping Policies for Creativity: Addressing Culture as a Global Public GoodParis2022328 p.ISBN 978-92-3-100503-9 (eng) EngXXThe Global Report series monitors the implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as progress towards achieving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, within and with the cultural and creative sectors.

Its 2022 edition revolves around two major questions: What is the state of the cultural and creative sectors? What policy changes to promote sustainable, human rights-based systems of governance for culture and equitable access to cultural opportunities and resources have resulted from stakeholders’ implementation and ownership of the Convention?

In line with the 2015 and 2018 editions, this third edition of the Report presents the latest policy developments to support creativity and sheds light on current and future challenges in areas such as the digital environment, media diversity, sustainable development, mobility of artists and cultural professionals, gender equality and artistic freedom.

The trends, innovative practices, gaps and recommendations that emerge from the 2022 edition provide valuable evidence to inform the policy dialogue leading up to the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022. With the mission to contribute to the 2030 Agenda, it feeds into a renewed vision of cultural policies based on a better understanding of what impacts the diversity of cultural expressions and the avenues for anchoring culture and creativity in the broader public policy spectrum.
XXXCultural diversity; Culture and development; Global public goods; Cultural policy; MonitoringXXX© UNESCO 2022240082eng.pdf; 240082eng.jpeg240522
문화정책의 (재)구성: 전지구적 공공재로서의 문화를 바라보다, 2022Re|shaping Policies for Creativity: Addressing Culture as a Global Public Good파리; 서울2023327 p.ISBN 978-92-3-000196-4 (kor)유네스코; 한국문화관광연구원KorXX글로벌 리포트 시리즈는 각 국의 <2005 문화적 표현의 다양성 보호와 증진에 관한 협약> 이행상황과 문화·창의분야가 <UN 2030 지속가능한 개발 어젠다>에 어떻게 기여하고 있는지 그 진행 상황을 모니터링 하고 있다.

2015년과 2018년 발간된 보고서와 같이, 이번 제3판은 창의적 활동을 지원하기 위한 최근의 정책 개발 상황을 소개하고, 디지털 환경, 미디어 다양성, 지속가능발전, 예술가와 문화 분야 종사자의 이동성, 양성 평등 및 예술의 자유와 같은 분야의 현재와 미래의 과제를 조명한다.

2022년 발간되는 본 보고서에 소개되는 트렌드, 우수 사례, 국가 간 격차, 그리고 권고사항은 유네스코의 <문화 정책과 지속가능한 개발에 관한 세계 회의(MONDIACULT 2022)>의 정책 토론에서 다룰만한 중요한 자료를 제공하고 있다. 본 보고서는 <2030 어젠다>에 기여하고자 하는 사명을 가지고, 문화적 표현의 다양성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하며, 공공정책 스펙트럼에서 더 넓게 문화와 창의성을 정착시킬 방안에 대해 더 나은 이해와 새로운 문화정책의 비전을 제시하고자 한다.
XXX문화다양성; 공공재; 문화정책XXX© 유네스코; 한국문화관광연구원240082kor.pdf240522240082eng의 한국어 번역본
International Trends of Lifelong Learning in Higher Education: Research ReportHamburg202365 p.ISBN 978-92-820-1252-9 Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL); Shanghai Open UniversityEngXXAgainst the background of a global education crisis and a growing recognition of the importance of lifelong learning, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the Shanghai Open University (SOU) conducted a comprehensive research project from 2020 to 2022 that included, among other components, an international survey on the contribution of higher education institutions to lifelong learning, the results of which are presented in this report. Based on the comprehensive sets of quantitative and qualitative data collected across all world regions, this research constitutes a major step forward in building an international knowledge base on the role of HEIs in establishing lifelong learning opportunities for all.XXXXLifelong learning; Higher education institutions; Education policiesXXXX© UNESCO; Shanghai Open University240083eng.pdf; 240083eng.jpeg240522
Empowering Minds: A Round Table on Generative AI and Education in Asia-PacificBangkok202348 p. Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the PacificEngXXThe emergence of generative AI, a recent groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) technology capable of producing sophisticated content from text and images to simulations and audiovisuals, has become a transformative force across multiple sectors. Popular applications like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude are prime examples of the rapidly expanding range of generative AI tools that are having an impact in education across the Asia-Pacific. These tools offer unprecedented opportunities for enabling personalized learning experiences at scale and expanding access to high-quality learning resources. However, as generative AI increasingly reshapes classrooms, critical questions remain unanswered, such as:
- How can generative AI be ethically and responsibly integrated into educational settings?
- What policies and safeguards are needed to address issues like misinformation, algorithmic bias and threats to academic integrity?
- What challenges do Asia-Pacific countries face in harnessing generative AI in education, given the region’s unique context?
- What are the strategies for Asia-Pacific countries to take up opportunities offered by generative AI, while mitigating the risks?

In response to these questions and emerging challenges in the region, the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok (UNESCO Bangkok), in collaboration with The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), organized the regional experts meeting on 7-9 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. This hybrid meeting, titled ‘Empowering Minds: A Round Table on Generative AI and Education in Asia-Pacific’, explored the implications of generative AI for teacher training and development. It served as an important platform to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks of generative AI in education across the Asia-Pacific region.
XXArtificial intelligence; Educational technology; Ethics of technology; Digital skillsXXXXXXXX© UNESCO 2023240084eng.pdf; 240084eng.jpeg240522
Over the Tipping Point: How Multiple, Overlapping Climate and Environmental Shocks and Hazards on Children in the East Asia and Pacific Region are Eroding their Coping Strategies, Exacerbating Inequality, and Forever Changing Their FuturesNew York202340 p. report unveils the intensifying frequency and compounding effects of climate-related hazards intertwined with non-climate shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic and socio-economic challenges. Given that children are already facing the impacts of climate change, adaptation and resilience measures are needed now to reduce the full force of impacts. This report recommends three areas to do so: Children have continued access to the key services they need: This requires investing in climate-smart and disaster-resilient education, health, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services for children, so that children can access these services despite the shocks they face; Child protection and social protection systems are in place and are climate-responsive; and There is understanding of what to expect and how to adjust as necessary, establishing and utilizing strong early warning, risk management and disaster preparedness systems. In all of this, children and young people must be at the forefront of our actions. Urgency demands that they take action themselves, leading the way with innovative solutions for both mitigation and adaptation. We must support their efforts, providing them with the necessary skills and resources to amplify their work. Above all, we owe them every opportunity for success as we work together to secure a better world for generations to come.XXCOVID-19; Climate change; Inequality; Disaster prevention; Child protectionXXX© UNICEF 2023240085eng.pdf; 240085eng.jpeg240522
Disinformation and Peacebuilding in Sub-saharan Africa: Security Implications of AI-Altered Information Environments; Research ReportNew York202439 p. Albrecht; Eleonore Fournier-Tombs; Rebecca BrubakerUN University; InterpeaceEngXXThis report aims to further explore the way in which AI technologies as they currently stand impact peace and conflict, and what methods might be used to mitigate their adverse effects - through the development of better tools and the inclusion of peace and conflict considerations in AI governance frameworks. The report proposes the following recommendations: 1. More funding and support should be provided to civil society organization efforts to expand media literacy and fact-checking initiatives using AI tools to enhance capabilities. 2. Governments need to work with civil society to develop and implement comprehensive, transparent legal frameworks combating disinformation. These legislative measures need to support digital and media literacy campaigns and fact-checking organizations. 3. Social media companies need to expand investment and research into understanding local information environments, so they can better identify and respond to instances of disinformation in all contexts in which they operate and enhance transparency. 4. Peacebuilding organizations need to carefully consider local media ecosystems and information environments when conducting conflict analyses, and factor these dynamics into their projects' frameworks.XXXArtificial intelligence; Disinformation; PeacebuildingXXX© United Nations University 2024240086eng.pdf; 240086eng.jpeg240522
How Digital is Transforming the Lives of Young People in Small Island Developing StatesNew York202466 p. Global SIDS TeamEngXXXXXYoung people represent a sizeable and vital population in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). For them, digital technologies are more than just tools; they are gateways to new horizons. Digital is creating fresh opportunities, opening doors to unconventional careers, and redefining how knowledge is acquired and shared. Young people are using digital to start new businesses, explore new opportunities, learn new knowledge and skills, and to build global connections. However, young people are also cautious about digital – and they recognise risks and issues posed by digital channels, tools, and technologies.

‘How Digital is Transforming the Lives of Young People in SIDS’ explores these opportunities and challenges by hearing from young people – in their own words. Through a bespoke survey chatbot, running on messaging platforms most used by young people living in SIDS, more than 5,000 respondents from over 30 countries discuss how they’re using digital to transform their lives and livelihoods. And the barriers and challenges that they are facing on their digital journeys.
XXDigitalization; Small island developing states; SIDS; YouthXXXXX© UNDP 2024240087eng.pdf; 240087eng.jpeg240522
Synergy Solutions for a World in Crisis: Tackling Climate and SDG Action TogetherNew York2023vii, 88 p.; UNFCCCEngXXXIn May 2023 UNDESA and UNFCCC Secretariat co-convened the Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy. The Group consists of 14 renowned experts from diverse thematic and geographic backgrounds who were given the task of developing the First Global Report on Climate and SDG Synergies.

This report demonstrates that aggressively acting on climate and development in an integrated and synergistic way is an important opportunity to achieve the course correction the UN Secretary- General has called for. It highlights some of the challenges but also the opportunities if the international community is seriously committed to enhancing these synergies and thereby addressing these challenges.

The report is designed to provide a broad overview of available data and evidence, insights from experts on the frontlines, and recommendations for enhancing synergistic action across the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. This first edition will form the basis for future iterations, which will entail a wider scope of sectors, and thematic areas and deep dives on specific issues pertaining to strengthening and operationalizing synergic climate and SDG actions at all levels.
XClimate action; Climate change; Sustainable Development Goals; SDGsXXX© UN 2023240088eng.pdf; 240088eng.jpeg240522
Words that Heal: The Role of Young People in Addressing Hate Speech (EPDF Policy Brief No. 2)Lisbon20248 p. the ‘post-truth era’, polarised opinions and knowledge fragmentation make it particularly challenging for young people to orient themselves and make sense of the world. Biased narratives and expressions of hate, exacerbated by echo chambers and artificial intelligence, significantly increase the risk that young social media users create or spread discriminatory content or become victims of hate speech. This can lead to long-lasting psychological and physical harm. Derogatory language often targets religious or ethnic communities, further inflamed by structural discrimination and boosted by the vicious spirals of algorithms.

Based on experiences across Europe, this policy brief reflects on how to prevent young people from becoming involved in hate speech, both as victims and perpetrators, thanks to renewed alliances between secular and religious actors. Policymakers and faith leaders are encouraged to resort to interreligious and intercultural dialogue as a powerful tool that promotes mutual understanding and appreciation over mistrust and harmful stereotypes.
XHate speech; Interreligious; InterculturalXXX© 2024 European Policy Dialogue Forum240089eng.pdf; 240089eng.jpeg240522
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special EditionNew York202376 p.ISBN 978-92-1-101460-0 DESAEngXXThe annual report, a joint effort of the global statistical community, was launched during the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development as leaders from governments and different sectors of society gathered to chart strategies and efforts to fully implement the SDGs. The report provides essential data that allows decision-makers to guide efforts toward a sustainable recovery.XSustainable Development Goals; SDGsXXX© UN DESA 2023240090eng.pdf; 240090eng.jpeg240522
2021 쌤컨퍼런스 결과보고서서울202188 p.유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원KorXX쌤 컨퍼런스(SSAEM Conference)는 「다문화가정 대상국가와의 교육교류사업」 종합 성과보고회로서, 교류국가 교육부 관계자를 비롯한 국내·외 사업 참가교사가 사업 참가 경험 및 활동을 소개하는 소통의 장이다. 현장과 온라인 동시에 진행되는 하이브리드 형식으로 개최된 2021 쌤 컨퍼런스에서는, 8개국 교육부 관계자의 사업 성과 공유 패널토론, 21년도 사업에 참가한 국내외 교사의 사례 발표 등이 진행되었다. 또한 2021 쌤 컨퍼런스를 통해 향후 사업에 대한 비전 수립 등이 이루어졌다. 유튜브게 게시된 컨퍼런스 영상은 누계 2000여명의 시청자 수를 기록하였다. XXX교육교류사업; 국제교육교류; 국제교사교류; 다문화XXXX© 유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원240091kor.pdf; 240091kor.jpg240524