
of short-term energy saving actions by local authorities in Europe
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Amsterdam (NL)Indoor temperature of public buildings reduced to 19°CStreet lighting are dimmed at night
Water temperature of public swimming pools reduced to 26°C
Bous (DE)/
Sulzbach (DE)
Administrative employees to switch to teleworking during the heating season.
Bari (IT)Old bulbs of street lighting replaced with LED.
Belluno (IT)Street lighting switched off between 2:30 and 5:00.
Berlin (DE)Indoor temperature reduced to 20°C in public buildings, in accordance with the minimum temperature of health and safety law.

Corridors temperature to be set at 16°C.

Further temperature reductions are to be pursued at night, during weekends and on holidays.

Exceptions for sensitive areas:
- Police and fire departmetns
- Schools
- Day cares
- Museums and cultural landmarks that need to be preserved.
LED conversion in public buildings accelerated with new municipal fundsInternal energy savings campaign
Approaches to lighting:
- Efficient use of daylight
- Only illuminate used rooms
- Motion detectors in toilets and stationery.

Approaches to IT:
- Energy saving mode by default, deactivate screen saver, adjust brightness
- Switch off the monitor when away
- Decouple IT systems from the power grid at night, on weekends and during holidays
- Convert to Switchable power strips
- Prefer centralised printers
- Servers' room temperature to 24°C.

Approaches to heating:
- Release operating radiators from obstructions
- Separate heated areas from corridors and stairwells (close doors)
- Recommended temperatures office (20-22°C), toilets, occasionally used rooms and corridors (16-18°C).

Approaches to hot water:
- Cold water for washing basins
- Boilers set at 60°C, switched off outside working hours
- Retrofit taps with aerators
Public electronic devices occasionally used to be switched off in between uses.
Temperature for sport halls and facilities set at 17°C. Exceptions apply to facilities with therapeutic and physiological purposes.Public buildings' corridors lighting to be dimmed
Hydraulic balancing of the heating systemOutdoor lighting of public buildings to be switched off if not linked to safety reasons
Heating and ventilation system operating times reduced to the minimum.

Each municipal department to be checking for ad hoc settings that do not compromise health and security.
Accelerated conversion of street lighting with LED. Priority to the most energy-intensive gas lanterns.
Hot water switched off in public buildings and wash basins in sport facilities.

Exceptions for shower and wash rooms in sport facilities and swimming pools.
Outdoor lighting in and around sport facilities that have overnight closure to be dimmed after 22:00.
Temperature flow of water reduced to minimum depending on facilities and contexts.Consultation with the police department on whether to switch off lighting in green areas that are not used during night.
Indoor pool temperature reduced to 26°C.
Outdoor pools' heaters to be switched off.
Bordeaux (FR)Indoor temperature of public buildings (including schools and museums) to be reduced to 19°C.Half of street lighting to be turned off between 01:00 and 05:00.
Outdoor lighting in public buildings reduced by 90%.
Bremen (DE)Indoor temperature is reduced to 19°C in public buildings. Exception on sensitive facilities.Outdoor lighting in cultural landmarks and the town hall is switched off at midnight.
Turned off warm water in public buildings.Accelerated switch to LED.
Street lighting to be dimmed by 50%.
Cesena (IT)Decreasing indoor temperature of public buildings to 19°C. Exceptions based on purpose and sensitivity of facilities.School:
- Creation of school contests on sustainability, energy savings and efficiency
- Organisation of webinars with teachers to increase awareness in the domain of sustainability
- Presenting energy efficiency interventions.
Stakeholder engagement to optimise heated spaces and spread energy saving practices across buildings' users.City administration Italian
Reduction of operating hours and periods of the heating plants.
Switching off heating system in schools and gyms during holidays and weekends.
Cologne (DE)Indoor temperature is reduced to 19°C in public buildings. Exception on sensitive facilities.Street lighting is dimmed by 50% after 23:00.Employees are made aware of energy-efficient behaviours and their contributions to the crisis.
Temperature parameters of storage rooms set to be frost-free.Street lighting turned on later and switched off earlier.
External lighting of cultural landmarks to be turned off at 23:00. At 22:00 from Autumn onward.
Dortmund (DE)Indoor temperature of public buildings lowered from 20°C to 19°C.Switched off lighting of cultural landmarks. In exploration for further reductions.Narrative of curtailing energy demand effectively without restricting citizens' habits.
Indoor swimming pools temperature reduced by 2°C. Room temperature reduced by 1°C.
Feldkirch (AT)Opened a digital platform to allow citizens to make suggestions on energy savings to be pursued by the municipality.
Florence (IT)Businesses forbade to keep their door open if cooling/heating is functioning.
Frankfurt am Main (DE)Room temperature in public buildings is reduced to max. 19°C in offices.Outdoor lighting on buildings of the city administration are switched off and only operated where safety-relevant.Energy saving campaign for citizens.Ban of portable electric heaters in the municipality.Energie sparen - TEAM FRANKFURT KLIMASCHUTZ (
Corridors and transit rooms in public buildings are not heated or decreased temperature to a minimum level.Lighting on representative buildings of the city (churches, theaters, opera) are switched off or lighting times are minimized.Awareness campaign for employees.City Adminstration
Hot water in toilets in municipal offices are switched off.Street lightning is dimmed and operated in economy mode, except where safety aspects or technical requirements prevent this.
The usual air and water temperatures in our swimming pools have been largely reduced by about 2°C.Exchange of gas-powered street lighting in to LED street lightning is accelerated.
The design illumination of the bridges will be switched off (technical realization under review). Traffic safety lighting remains switched on.
Freiburg (DE)Switched off hot water in City hall.Switched off of outdoor lighting of public buildings.Energy Savings at work (Uni of Freiburg):
-Switch off the monitor during breaks
- No standby for electronic devices
- Switch off unnecessary light (when is bright enough)
- Boiling coffee and pour it in thermoses (no stewing on hot plates)
- Fridges- temperature set at 8°C
- Uncover radiators.
Closure of saunas in indoor pools.
Municipal buildings temperature reduced by 1°C.Switched off outdoor lighting of public landmarks.
Water temperature in indoor pools reduced by 1°C.
Ghent (BE)Indoor temperature of public buildings reduced to 19°C. Exceptions apply for facilities hosting sensitive people.The administration organises information sessions for citizens looking for immediate and cheap ways to reduce energy consumption in their households and businesses.The administration deployed CO2 meters to minimise external aeration when the indoor temperature is set artificially.
Gratz (AT)Recommendation to keep indoor temperatures at maximum 20°C (does not apply to schools and childcare).Street lighting to be switched on 1 hour after dusk.

Switched off one hour earlier. Depending on the switching group (10pm - 0am).
Internal and external campaign on the subject of energy savings. Local staff to be trained.Reduction in the use of fridges.
Corridors and transit rooms temperature in public buildings to be heated only to the extent necessary to prevent damages (especially frost).Christmas lights:
- To be switched on two days before the 1st Sunday in Advent
- Operating times between 4pm to 10pm.
- Stand-by mode after one hour of inactivity
- Automatically switched off from 5pm to 6am
- Uniform setting two-sided black-and-white printing.
Heat infrequently used rooms (e.g. meeting rooms) minimally or not at all.Electronic advertisement in public spaces to be dimmed or switched off completely.Public wifi to be switched off at night examined.
Lowering temperature in toilets.Preparation to ban outdoor heaters in winter (street, gardens, courtyards). To be in place from 2023 onward when the agreement with restaurants will end.
Switch off boilers for hot water. Minimum operating settings to prevent frosts.Municipal departments are to engage their relevant stakeholders to explore further energy savings in their area of competence.
Ban portable heaters.
Water and air temperature in indoor public pools will be lowered by 1°C each.
Hannover (DE)Defining a heating period (office hours) out of which the heating is turned off.Switching off outdoor lighting of representative buildings.Raising employees awareness:
- Heating and ventilation + use of lights
- Temperature dispersion
- No devices in stand-by-mode
- Reduce the number of refrigerators.
Consideration on the number of electrical devices necessary.,0,6250.html
Room temperature in public buildings reduced to 19°C.Conversion to LED of interior and exterior lightings.Organisation of thematic webinars to curb energy consumption in different energy-intensive businesses.Ban on fans and portable heaters/conditioners.
Room temperature of public buildings in transit areas (corridors, technical, storage rooms etc...) reduced to 10-15°C depending on the functionReplacing permanent lighting with motion detectors in toilets, storage space, corridors and transitioning areasEnvisaged the extension of business closure between Christmas and New Year's eve.
Switch off hot water for sinks in public buildings.Banning of illuminated advertisements between 22:00 and 16:00. Permitted only 6 hours a day.Shut down of public fountains.
Schools to turn down heating temperature during holidays.Ban on businesses to keep doors and entrances open while heating is on.
Daycare centres temperature reduced to 20°C.
No heating in public bath if done with natural gas.
No hot water in showers of swimming pools (indoor, outdoor).
Sports hall and gyms temperature reduced to 15°C. No warm showers.
Museums' temperature reduced to minimum (considering the preservation of cultural assets)
Heidelberg (DE)Decreasing indoor temperature of public buildings to 18°C in all public buildings (schools included).
Helsinki (FI)The indoor temperature of city-owned buildings is reduced to 20°C. The premises include administrative offices, sports facilities, libraries, youth and cultural centres, and museums (excluding those with sensitive artworks).

General exceptions to lower temperature settings apply to facilities hosting sensitive people, such as those affected by disabilities and elderlies, where the temperature is set at 21-22°C.
Street lighting will be dimmed from November onward where remotely-controlled LED lamps are available. During peak hours, the brightness will be reduced further.

The dimming will be taking place in stages, as the implementation requires the adaptation of some parts of the lighting network.
The City's employees are provided training on energy savings in the workplace.The ventilation of city-owned buildings is adjusted to match operating hours while respecting local guidelines.

The ventilation of vacant or poorly attended public buildings is also adjusted to suit the need.
The operating time of thawing systems will be adapted to peak hours for targeted switch-off.

Heated steps for which there are alternative routes will be switched off and closed for the winter period
As of November, lighting in sports trail will be dimmed between 23:00 and 06:00Public electric vehicles are charged during night-time. The move reduces electricity consumption during peak hours and decreases the need for fossil fuels to balance the grid when renewable energy does not cover the demand.
The heating of artificial turf pitches is adapted to weather conditions. It will be switched off when temperatures drop below -5°C.Public-owned Christmas lights will be switched on exclusively during the Christmas period until the Epiphany.

Private households and businesses are free to choose.
Sea water pumps are deactivated in a bay (Töölönlahti).
In City's sports facilities, the number of simultaneously operating saunas is reduced.
The freezing of artificial ice rinks in the city will start when the average daily temperature is below 2°C, instead of 5°C.
Jena (DE)Dynamic street lighting system that adapts to weather and natural light.
Karlsruhe (DE)Disabled hot water in public buildings (washbasins). Exception showers for workers who need to shower during work. Exception kitchen.Outdoor municipal buildings no longer illuminated.
Banned portable cooling/heating devices in public buildings. Emphasis in large rooms.
Kirkel (DE)Public buildings categorised by priority.
Switch off of hot water accordingly in case of supply bottlenecks.
Leipzig (DE)Reduced room temperature to 19°C in public buildings.Multi-stage energy saving plan according to severity: focus is on securing and maintaining municipal operations.
Temperature settings for specific facilities:
- Daycares (21°C)
- Elementary and special schools (21°C)
- High and vocational schools (20°C)
- Sport facilities (17°C).
Switch off hot water in public buildings. Exceptions for sensitive facilities (e.g. daycares, elementary and special schools).
Switch off portable heaters.
Leuven (BE)Indoor temperature in public buildings to be lowered to 19°C. For sports facilities down to 18°C.

Exceptions apply for sensitive facilities (nurseries and day-cares).
Collaboration with the energy provider to assess in which districts light can be dimmed or switched off at night. Lighting in busier areas (such as the train station) are to be maintained.Public spaces, such as libraries and neighbourhood centres, to be prepared as heat shelters for people in need ahead of winter.
Outdoor lighting of cultural landmarks switched off
Liege (BE)Indoor temperature in operated public buildings reduced to 19°C.

- Schools (20°C) heating period restricted to school hours (deviations case-by-case)
- Nurseries (22°C)
- Daycare facilities.
Acceleration of LED rollout with the prioritisation of most energy-intensive heads.Internal campaign steered towards changing behaviour based on the function of public employees. Emphasis on the importance of collective action stemming from individual commitments. Awareness raising on the implications of the energy crisis.Designation of a referent for each public building to ensure energy saving practices are implemented and monitored.
Indoor temperature in unoperated public buildings (night, weekend, holidays) set at 13°C (instead of 14°C).Outdoor lighting of public buildings and infrastructures, as well as cultural landmarks to be switched off after 23:00 (instead of midnight). Elimination of the morning light period (06:00 - 08:00).Stakeholder engagement for appealing to businesses to save energy. Emphasis on lighting (outdoor, advertisements and display).Earlier shutdown of public fountains.
Acceleration of smart meters rollout. In the meantime, the City developed a software to monitor the energy consumption of public buildings.

Monitoring consumption allows the occupancy prioritisation of less efficient buildings during winter, as well as for the refurbishment of the most energy-intensive ones.
Reduction of festive lightings from 11 hours to 9 hours.
Regional reform: School holiday calendar shifted to have 2 weeks of additional holiday during the heating period. Lower heating demand for schools.
Indoor swimming pools temperature reduced to 26°C.
Lille (FR)Already for 14 years indoor temperature of municipal buildings has been set at 19°C.Switch off lighting outside public buildings.Switch off the two main fountains.
Museum heating set at 18°C. Exemptions for sensitive cultural heritage.Turn off ventilation in public buildings at night.
Gym temperatures set at 14°C.

Sports facilities set at 16°C.
Closure of relaxation areas (e.g. Saunas).
Pool temperature set at 26°C, room temperature set at 24°C. Baby swimming cancelled because it needs temperature of 30°C.Regrouping school holiday activities in the most energy-efficient school of the neighbourhood
Ban of portable heaters.Closure of ice skating facilities
Linz (AT)Switch off of lighting outside Public buildings and on bridges after 11:00.
Those integrated with LED are excluded.
Lviv (UA)The City launched a video campaign that encourages responsible energy use at home. The targeted audiences are schools and kindergartens, so that children can teach and convince their parents to adopt energy saving habits
Lyon (FR)Indoor temperature of public buildings set at 19°C.Reduction of outdoor lighting in cultural landmarks to 3 days a week.Decree banning heated terraces.
Decree regulating temperature settings of shops and energy waste (e.g. door open).
Mannheim (DE)Indoor pool temperature reduced to 26°C. Temperature difference with the air max 2°C.

Outdoor pool heaters to be switched off.
Street lighting reduced to the minimum to guaranteed road safety.Exploration of teleworking conditions to maximise working spaces.City administration German
District heating system temperature reduced to 20°C.Reducing or switching off outdoor lights of public buildings.
Marseille (FR)Indoor temperature of public buildings set at 19°C.Outdoor lighting of public buildings and cultural landmarks to be switched off after 10:30. Exception of the main cathedral.
Accelerated conversion of light bulbs with LED.
Mol (BE)Temperature reduction in intensively used public buildings reduced to maximum 19°C.Accelerated rollout of LED bulbs.Information campaign on public employees to reduce energy consumption in their daily working activities and routines.
Frugal use of space to avoid unnecessary heating:
- grouping of evening meetings and activities in single buildings
- concentrating employees into fewer offices during holidays
- restricted use and settings of public buildings after closing.
Outdoor lighting in cultural landmarks and the town hall is switched off.
Exploration to extinguish 2/3 of street lighting between 22:00 and 05:00. Exceptions on sensitive areas where lights will be on all night (e.g. intersections, station areas etc…).

Exploration on the delay of the general switch on.
Munich (DE)Indoor temperature of municipal buildings is set at 19°COutdoor lighting of public buildings and cultural landmarks switched offFifty-Fifty-Aktiv: Awareness raising campaign in schools and day-care communities to save as much electricity, heating energy, water and waste as possible through conscious, environmentally friendly behaviourMost fountains are turned off at night
Hot water in schools switched off during holidays, if no child-care services are offeredLighting in main streets dimmed after 22:00.Municipal employees are trained to save energy.
Hot water in municipal offices switched offHalf of the traffic lights are switched off outside of peak hours. Safety assessments are based on the average speed, the number of junctions and visibility of the crossroad.

All the traffic lights operate on energy saving settings.
Namur (BE)Indoor temperature of public buildings to be set at 19°C. Exceptions for nurseries and daycare facilities.Street lighting of suburb districts and villages to be switched off between midnight and 05:00Internal campaign of energy savings with public employeesDesignation of a referent for each public building to ensure energy saving practices are implemented and monitored
Operating period of the heating system to coincide with the opening hours.Outdoor lighting of cultural landmarks in the city centre to be switched off after 01:00.Stakeholder engagement for appealing to businesses to save energy. In search of the legal basis to impose saving measures on escaping the heat and energy-wasteful advertisement.Acceleration of building refurbishment:
- Analysis through the cadastre of the public buildings with windows still equipped with single glazing.
- Energy Auditing to identify the 30 worst energy-performing public buildings.
Ban of portable heaters.