DateRC #SourceTypeMLA CurrencyReliabilityAuthorityPurpose
8/27/201511ARTL (Article)"What is Litigation?" FreeAdvice. Advice Company, N.d. Web. 27 Aug 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The information provided concerns basic information and defines what litigation is. The website where the article is located in pertains to a company of legal counsel who provide information for those who seek legal advice in over 130 topics. They also try their best to make legal terminology understandable for the everyday average Joe. They have been working since 1995 until present.The article provides basic information on litigation, its different aspects, and how legal proceedings occur.
8/28/201512ARTL (Article)"How is civil procedure different from criminal procedure?" FreeAdvice. Advice Company, N.d. Web. 27 Aug 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article gives information on the differences between civil and criminal proceedings. The website where the article is located in pertains to a company of legal counsel who provide information for those who seek legal advice in over 130 topics. They also try their best to make legal terminology understandable for the everyday average Joe. They have been working since 1995 until present.The information provided helps the reader understand the difference between criminal and civil proceedings.
8/28/201513ARTL (Article)"What is mediation?" FreeAdvice. Advice Company, N.d. Web. 27 Aug 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article gives information on what mediation is, what might occur that will lead to a mediation, and the mediation process. The website where the article is located in pertains to a company of legal counsel who provide information for those who seek legal advice in over 130 topics. They also try their best to make legal terminology understandable for the everyday average Joe. They have been working since 1995 until present.The information provided gives the reader information on the basics, process, and other informaiton on mediation.
9/1/201534PDF FileStienstra, Donna and Thomas E. Willging. "Definition and Context" Alternatives to Litigation: Do They Have
a Place in the Federal District Courts?, Federal Judicial Center. 1995. PDF File. 1 Sep 2015. <$file/altlitig.pdf>
The pdf file was published in 1995. The information provided is up to date because not much has changed concerning information on alternatives to costly litigations. The pdf was published by the Federal Judicial Center and has been looked over by the senior researcher, who also is one of the authors of the pdf file. The pdf is written by two authors. One author, Donna Stienstra, is the senior researcher for the Federal Judicial Center. Thomas E. Willging is a self-employed consultant who graduated from Harvard Law School. They are very qualified individuals who are credible authors. The information provided gives the reader a definition of the alternatives and when they are applied.
9/1/201535ARTL (Article)Repa, Barbara Kate. "Arbitration Basics.", NOLO. N.d. Web. 1 Sep 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is written by an author who works for NOLO, one of the first sites to provide legal advise. Nolo Network is one of the web’s largest libraries of consumer-friendly legal information. The author, Barbara Kate Repa, has been working for NOLO since 1988. She is a licensed lawyer and journalist and specializes in estate planning and end-of-life issues.The article provides information on basic information in regards to one alternative of litigation, arbitration.
9/1/201536ARTL (Article)Pascoe, Lawerence S. "The Client and Lawyer Relationship.", Lawerence S. Pascoe. N.d. Web. 1 Sep 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located in a website that is owned by an attorney who deals with family law, wills, and estates-essentially, some forms of civil litigation. The author is unknown. It may be the owner of the website who is a licensed lawyer who specializes in family law, wills, and estates. The article was written to inform the public on how a client-lawyer relationship should function.
9/8/201547aBOOKBonner, Robert Johnson. "The Attic Orators." Lawyers and Litigants in Ancient Athens: The Genesis of the Legal Profession. New York: B. Blom, 1969. 1-25. Print.The book has been republished by Barnes and Noble. It was originally published in 1927, and was later published in 1969. It has been recently been republished in 2002. None of the material has been changed, just the outer look of the book itself. The book was published in 1969. Although this may seem to be an outdated source, the information is still current and has stayed unchanged. This book is still used as a credible source today. No other new editions have been published due to the fact that this book's information is accurate and relevant. The author has also written several books on material concerning Ancient Athens and its culture. The author, Robert J. Bonner, was well known for writing books about the Ancient Athens culture. He has published several books concerning Ancient Athenian culture. His books are highly regarded as credible and very useful texts. He was a legal historian and classical philologist. He studied law at the University of Toronto and later at the Ontario School of Law. He then attended the University of Chicago, where he received his doctorate in classicla philology. He was appointed President of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Bonner research focus were legal and court practice in ancient Greece.The chapter written is the first chapter of the book and serves to explain to the reader who the "Attic Orators" are and how they impacted Ancient Athens.
9/9/201548aBOOKBonner, Robert Johnson. "The Judiciary." Lawyers and Litigants in Ancient Athens: The Genesis of the Legal Profession. New York: B. Blom, 1969. 26-43. Print.The book has been republished by Barnes and Noble. It was originally published in 1927, and was later published in 1969. It has been recently been republished in 2002. None of the material has been changed, just the outer look of the book itself. The book was published in 1969. Although this may seem to be an outdated source, the information is still current and has stayed unchanged. This book is still used as a credible source today. No other new editions have been published due to the fact that this book's information is accurate and relevant. The author has also written several books on material concerning Ancient Athens and its culture. The author, Robert J. Bonner, was well known for writing books about the Ancient Athens culture. He has published several books concerning Ancient Athenian culture. His books are highly regarded as credible and very useful texts. He was a legal historian and classical philologist. He studied law at the University of Toronto and later at the Ontario School of Law. He then attended the University of Chicago, where he received his doctorate in classicla philology. He was appointed President of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Bonner research focus were legal and court practice in ancient Greece.This chapter gives the information on the court systems of Ancient Athens and compares it to the court systems of the United States, France, and Great Britain. Aside from this, the chapter also explains how judges were assigned to cases and how the cases were dealt with. Much of what happened in Ancient Athens has made a great influence on what is seen today in our United States court systems.
9/11/201549aBOOKBonner, Robert Johnson. "Practice and Procedure" Lawyers and Litigants in Ancient Athens: The Genesis of the Legal Profession. New York: B. Blom, 1969. 44-58. Print.The book has been republished by Barnes and Noble. It was originally published in 1927, and was later published in 1969. It has been recently been republished in 2002. None of the material has been changed, just the outer look of the book itself. The book was published in 1969. Although this may seem to be an outdated source, the information is still current and has stayed unchanged. This book is still used as a credible source today. No other new editions have been published due to the fact that this book's information is accurate and relevant. The author has also written several books on material concerning Ancient Athens and its culture. The author, Robert J. Bonner, was well known for writing books about the Ancient Athens culture. He has published several books concerning Ancient Athenian culture. His books are highly regarded as credible and very useful texts. He was a legal historian and classical philologist. He studied law at the University of Toronto and later at the Ontario School of Law. He then attended the University of Chicago, where he received his doctorate in classicla philology. He was appointed President of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Bonner research focus were legal and court practice in ancient Greece.This particular chapter in the book discussed information on how litiation procedures were carried out in Ancient Athens. There were many factors that is provided in the text that allowed the reader to understand that proceedings that were used in Ancient Athens were very unique in the way that they were carried out and the different individuals that participated.
9/13/2015510aBOOKBonner, Robert Johnson. "Tactics and Technicalities in Litigation" Lawyers and Litigants in Ancient Athens: The Genesis of the Legal Profession. New York: B. Blom, 1969. 175-199. Print.The book has been republished by Barnes and Noble. It was originally published in 1927, and was later published in 1969. It has been recently been republished in 2002. None of the material has been changed, just the outer look of the book itself. The book was published in 1969. Although this may seem to be an outdated source, the information is still current and has stayed unchanged. This book is still used as a credible source today. No other new editions have been published due to the fact that this book's information is accurate and relevant. The author has also written several books on material concerning Ancient Athens and its culture. The author, Robert J. Bonner, was well known for writing books about the Ancient Athens culture. He has published several books concerning Ancient Athenian culture. His books are highly regarded as credible and very useful texts. He was a legal historian and classical philologist. He studied law at the University of Toronto and later at the Ontario School of Law. He then attended the University of Chicago, where he received his doctorate in classicla philology. He was appointed President of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Bonner research focus were legal and court practice in ancient Greece.This chapter gave information on what types of tactics were used in courts during Ancient Athens and the technicalities, including hearsay and other adapted techniques used in courts today. There is a section in the chapter discussing the binding of rulings in courts and how it differs from what is done in America and Britain. Another section discusses how laws were made known in Ancient Athens and how one didn't need to know caselaw and how to apply it in a trial or hearing.
9/23/2015511Legal Documents (LD)"Evidence Code Section 1220-1228.1." Officila California Legislative Information, Legislative Counsel of California. N.d. Web. 23 Sept 2015. <>The legal document I read was online on an online legal document database. I was looking at a webpage from this website that contains all 1999-2008 Cumulative Statutory Records that are still used today for laws that dictate what can be used in civil and criminal litigaations. All legislations were updated at the close of 2014 with all the laws that would take effect on January 1, 2015. The information will always be updated to inform the public of the laws that are being changed.The website I researched is an online database filled with all the laws that are under California's jurisdiction, including several legal documents. This website lists all the laws in the state of California that are applied to all sorts of things. The specific webpage that I looked into discussed what could be classified as valid evidence in the state of California. The fact that the Legislative Counsel of California are the people that run this website makes it even more credible and reliable. The author of this website is California's very own Legislative Counsel, for they are the ones that write the laws for us. The website, as I said, is an online database filled with current California laws. It is essentially an online constitution. The California government is finally adapting to the technology age by making the laws accessible through the use of the internet. This specifc webpage that I was reading through stated the evidence code section 1220-1228.1. This evidence code outlines what can be admitted into court as evidence under the hearsay rule and what cannot. This can be applied to today's courts and I found it very useful for understanding what hearsay is. I went to the very source of what hearsay is defined as in the state of California.
9/29/2015512Pamphlet"Getting Evidence for Court." Sacramento, CA: California Courts, 2007, Print. <> This pamphlet was published in 2007, which seems to be int he last ten years. This pamphlet can still found on the website it was published and, therefore, is still being used nowadays. The pamphlet is located on a California Courts government website. This pamphlet was published in 2007 and contiues to be located on the California Courts website; therefore, the information on the pamphlet is still relevant and useful today. There was no specified author; however, the publisher is the California Courts official government website. The website editors are constantly adding changes to any new laws or rulings that are made. This pamphlet was meant to give legal advice to lay people (non-attorneys) on how to introduce, prepare, and gather evidence in cases. This pamphlet would only be useful for civil litigation processes including small claims or family court.
10/2/2015613ARTL (Article)"Civil Rights Attorney Job Description.", LawyerEDU.ORG, N.d. Web. 2 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. The author is not identified, however in the website's description, the editors of the website have experience on the law and are very knowledgeable about what it stated in their articles. The article was made to inform the public about what the job description of a civil rights attorney entails. It also includes recommendations on what to do to gain supplemental experience and what types of courses to take during college.
10/2/2015614PDF FileSalovaara, Isabel and Adam Augusiak-Boro. "Administrative Law" A Guide to Careers in Administrative Law., President and Fellows of Harvard College. 2011. PDF File. 2 Oct 2015. <>The pdf file was published in 2011 and the information given in the pdf file is still relevant to the administrative law that is used and apllied today. The pdf file was published by President and Fellows of Harvard College. The pdf file was edited by the associate director at Harvard's law School. The mere fact that it was published by esteems members from Harvard's Law School gives it a lot of credibility. Not to mention that it was published, not so long ago. One of the authors, Isabel Salovaara, has graduated with a major in history from Harvard University. She then traveled to India for a fellowship sponsored by a scholarship she attained which was supported by the Harvard Pforzheimer Fellowship. She is now working in education in India. The other author, Adam Augusiak-Boro, graduated from Cornell's Law School. He has previously worked at the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.This pdf file is geared towards helping people understand about careers in administrative law due to the fact that we do not have many people going into that field nowadays.
10/8/2015615ARTL (Article)Barnes, Harrison. "What Does It Mean To Work As An Antitrust Lawyer.", Employment Research Institute, N.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that was created to help those with legal experience find jobs. The article itself has had over a 1,000 views and on other articles, more than 5,000. The author, Harrison Barnes, "the founder and CEO of The Employment Research Institute, a company made up of more than 100 job search sites, recruiting firms, online employment news magazines, and several job search companies." He is received his bachelor’s in public policy studies and received my JD from the University of Virginia School. He was an editor of the Virginia Law Review and the Managing Editor of the Journal of Law and Politics. He was a litigation lawyer at three firms and worked for the United States Department of Justice and for a federal district judge for on clerkship. This article explains what antitrust is and what is provides. It also explains what mergers adn acquistions are and how they play a role in antitrust law. The article also explains where antitrust lawyers work and who their clients normally are.
10/9/2015716ARTL (Article)"Finance Lawyer: Job Description, Duties and Requirements.", Study. com, N.d. Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that tries to help the public get an education. It advertises education programs and tries to help reduce college costs. There was no identified author. There are no names attached to the entire website besides the website name, It has been accredited by the BBB as an accredited business. The purpose of the article is to inform the public, primarily those who want to study this field, the job description, duty, and requirements of a finance lawyer.
10/9/2015717ARTL (Article)"Bankruptcy Lawyer Careers.", LawyerEDU.ORG, N.d. Web. 9 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. The author is not identified, however in the website's description, the editors of the website have experience on the law and are very knowledgeable about what it stated in their articles. The article was made to inform the public about what the job description of a bankruptcy attorney entails. It also includes the educational requirements, job outlook, and skills required for this field.
10/14/2015718ARTL (Article) "Business and Corporate Lawyer.", LawyerEDU.ORG, N.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. The author is not identified, however in the website's description, the editors of the website have experience on the law and are very knowledgeable about what it stated in their articles. This article explains the job description of a business lawyer, also known as a corporate lawyer. It also gives information on who their clients are, what they do, and the article also recommends courses to take if you are interested in becoming a corporate lawyer.
10/16/2015819ARTL (Article)"Responsibilities of a Child Advocate Attorney.", Internet Brands, N.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that gives information on different types of lawyers as well as connects you to one near you. The author is not identified. Those working on this website are not professional lawyers, however their information is reviewed by attorneys. This article explains the rold of a child attorney advocate and what specialties they can work in.
10/16/2015820ARTL (Article)Barnes, Harrison. "Andrew Jaffe, Internet Law - Practicing The Law Of Cyberspace.", Employment Research Institute, N.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that was created to help those with legal experience find jobs. Other articles on this site have more than 5,000 views. The author, Harrison Barnes, "the founder and CEO of The Employment Research Institute, a company made up of more than 100 job search sites, recruiting firms, online employment news magazines, and several job search companies." He is received his bachelor’s in public policy studies and received my JD from the University of Virginia School. He was an editor of the Virginia Law Review and the Managing Editor of the Journal of Law and Politics. He was a litigation lawyer at three firms and worked for the United States Department of Justice and for a federal district judge for on clerkship. This article explains what internet law and how a specific lawyer practices internet, aka cyberspace, law.
10/19/2015821ARTL (Article)"What is the Role of a Social Security Disability Representative?.", Social Security Disability SSI Source Center, N.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that was created to inform the public about legal advice that would be helpful. This certain website deals with information on social security disability issues. The author is unknown, however, the Social Security Disability SSI Source Center is run by professionals who work on the topic of Social Security Disability. They are very familiar with the issues pertaining to this topic and provide legal aid to those who face said issues. The article explains the role of a social security disability representative, most likely a lawyer.
10/21/2015922ARTL (Article)"Family Lawyer: Career Information.",, N.d. Web. 21 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that tries to help the public get an education in law. It advertises education programs and tries to help reduce college costs. There was no identified author. There are no names attached to the entire website besides the website name, It has been accredited by the BBB as an accredited business. The purpose of the article is to inform the public, primarily those who want to study this field, the job description, duty, and requirements of a family lawyer.
10/21/2015923ARTL (Article)"Personal Injury Lawyer.",, N.d. Web. 21 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. The author is not identified, however in the website's description, the editors of the website have experience on the law and are very knowledgeable about what it stated in their articles. This article explains the job description of a personal injury lawyer. It also gives information on who their clients are, what they do, and the article also recommends courses to take if you are interested in becoming a family lawyer.
10/22/2015924ARTL (Article)"Civil Attorney: Job Description, Duties, and Requirements.",, N.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website that tries to help the public get an education in law. It advertises education programs and tries to help reduce college costs. There was no identified author. There are no names attached to the entire website besides the website name, It has been accredited by the BBB as an accredited business. This article is about the basic information needed to become a civil attorney such as the job description and education requirements, which is an attorney having to deal with any legal issue that is not criminal.
10/30/20151025ARTL (Article)"Estate Planning Attorney",, N.d. Web. 30 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. There was no identified author. There are no names attached to the entire website besides the website name, It has been accredited by the BBB as an accredited business. This article explains the job description of an estate planning lawyer. It also gives information on who their clients are, what they do, and the article also recommends courses to take if you are interested in becoming this kind of lawyer.
10/30/20151026ARTL (Article)"A Brief Overview of Tort Law.",, N.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2015<>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website whose purpose is to explain types of laws to, especially torts, to the public. This website advertises the following: " is a legal utility that brings legal innovation through technology." The website is constantly updating their information to ensure that the information given is valid and reliable. The author is not identified. Those working on this website are not professional lawyers, however their information is reviewed by attorneys. They also use other reliable sources that provide them with the information that is seen on their website. This article explains a brief overview of what tort is and what tort law is. This articles goes in depth on explaining the different types of tort laws including negligence, strict liability, and intentional torts.
10/30/20151027ARTL (Article)"Paralegal Career",, N.d. Web. 30 Oct 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website whose purpose is to promote law careers because they belive that nowadays, lawyers are a lot more essential than ever and that hopefully through the use of this site, more people will be encouraged to become lawyers. There was no identified author. There are no names attached to the entire website besides the website name, It has been accredited by the BBB as an accredited business. This article explains the job description of what a paralegal, the types of paralegals, skills, education requirements, salary, and career outlook.
12/4/20151128ARTL (Article)Johnson, Devan. "How to Prepare for Law School in the US.", Envisage International Corporation, N.d. Web. 4 December 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website strives to provide internaitonal students resources to help them investigate and pursue an international education, through relevant content, custom online tools, and websites that offer information on class products and services.Devan Johnson joined the Envisage International Corporation in 2013 after receiving her Bachelor’s degree in English from Brandeis University. Originally from Virginia, Devan has lived and studied all over the US, as well as Germany. She has also worked as a freelance writer, sales representative, and children’s bookseller. This article gives information on how t prepare for law school in the US and how to graduate law school. It also provides informaiton on how to prepare for the BAR exam.
12/4/20151129bPDF FileDelaney, Martha."Filing a Motion" Filing a Motion and Preparing for a Hearing in Family Court., Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Project, Inc., November 2005. Web. 4 December 2014. <>The pdf file was last updated in November 2005 and this information seems fairly old. In law, standard information doesn't tend to change as much and the information from this part of the pdf file is unchanging in most, if not all, circumstances. This pdf file was written by a person who is well aware of how the law works as she has already written severla articles concerning other aspects of law, especially those concerning pro bono cases. This pdf file was updated in November 2005 and this seems to be fairly old, however, most informaiton concerning basics in law are unchanging.I could not find a lot of information on Martha Delaney but what I could find was that the author has written several articles on law topics from pro bono cases and assisting clients that are sued by credit debtors to this pdf file concerning motions in a family law case concerning battered women. The portion of this pdf file gives information on how to file a motion and what a motion is. These motions that this portion of the pdf file talks about is in reagrds to motions within specific cases within faily law--domestic vioalence towards women, or battered women.
12/4/20151130bPDF FileDelaney, Martha."Preparing for the Hearing" Filing a Motion and Preparing for a Hearing in Family Court., Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Project, Inc., November 2005. Web. 4 December 2014. <>The pdf file was last updated in November 2005 and this information seems fairly recent. In law, standard information doesn't tend to change as much and the information from this part of the pdf file is unchanging in most, if not all, circumstances. This pdf file was written by a person who is well aware of how the law works as she has already written severla articles concerning other aspects of law, especially those concerning pro bono cases. This pdf file was updated in November 2005 and this seems to be fairly old, however, most informaiton concerning basics in law are unchanging.I could not find a lot of information on Martha Delaney but what I could find was that the author has written several articles on law topics from pro bono cases and assisting clients that are sued by credit debtors to this pdf file concerning motions in a family law case concerning battered women. The portion of this pdf file gives informaiton on how to prepare for cases concerning battered women, or domestic violence.
12/11/20151231PDF File“Chapter 6: The Civil Litigation Process.” Civil Litigation., Delmar, N.d. PDF File. 4 October 2015 <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This pdf file does have a lot of information that I have read in other articles. The website it is located on also advertises that "Since 1945, Delmar Cengage Learning has been serving the needs of lifelong learning customers from academic institutions to corporations, government, and individuals." This website does seem to have a lot of credilbility as it pulls research from credible sources.I could not identify who the author of this pdf file was. This pdf file was found on the website known as Delmar Cengage Learning and this website is known for giving their customers informaiton on many different material. This pdf file give an outline on notes of what a lawyer does during a trial.
12/11/20151232ARTL (Article)“Conservatorships and Adult Guardianships.”, NOLO, N.d. Web. 4 October 2015. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is owned by lawyers. The authors that make the articles are certified attorneys who have had experience in the field for some years. There is no identified author, however this article was located on a site that is made by lawyers for the public. This website shares information from resources, including lawyers themselves who are experienced. This article discusses what a conservatorship is and what its pros and cons are.
12/11/20151233ARTL (Article)Tannerbraum, Brian. “Strengthening the Attorney/Client Relationship.”, Breaking Media, Inc., 24 June 2013. Web. 4 October 2015. <>This article was last updated two years ago. This seesm to be fairly recent. Information about laws doesn't update as much as we would like them to, so information on such things remain the same for long periods of time. This article is located on a website meant for lawyers and law students and even the public to understand law and different components within learning law. The articles that are on this website are made by professional attorneys who have experience within different fields. The author is Brian Tannerbraum and according to website Lawyernomics by Avvo, Tannerbraum is considered the "lawyer that lawyers go to when they find themselves in hot water.” He was a President of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and has been a lawyer for about two decades. "Tannerbraum's clients are either lawyers trying to remain lawyers, law students trying to become lawyers or those facing state or federal criminal charges."This article discusses methods that can strengthen the relationships between an attorney and their client, namely the non legal matters clients tend to have.
1/14/20161334ARTL (Article)Wilson, Mark Esq. “5 Reasons to be Courteous to Opposing Counsel.” FindLaw Blogs, FindLaw, 12 Mar 2015. Web. 11 Jan 2016.<>This source was last updated March 12, 2015 which was almost a year ago. This is fairly recent. This article is located on a website meant to help lawyers understand how to be courteous to their opposing counsel. The author is Mark Wilson who is an attorney himself. A seasoned trial attorney and skilled negotiator, Mark B. Wilson has won nearly every case he has tried or arbitrated. In fact, he has lost only one jury trial and obtained a complete reversal in an appeal. Mr. Wilson represents clients in federal and state courts in a variety of matters, including business litigation, legal malpractice, real estate, trade secrets, unfair competition, copyright infringement, construction disputes, and commercial unlawful detainer.This article discusses 5 reasons why an attorney should be courteous to their opposing counsel.
1/14/20161335ARTL (Article)“8. The Relationship Between Opposing Counsel.”, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, N.d. Web. 11 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website for attorneys who specialize in matrimony. This is a website made by lawyers for lawyers. The author is unknown, but the authors of the site are credible attorneys. Th motto of the website is "Promoting professionalism and excellence in the practice of family law." This article informs the audience the importance of having an attorney who has a good relationship with their opposing counsel.
1/14/20161336ARTL (Article)"Litigation Paralegal.",, N.d. Web 11 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This website is located on a website to inform the public about paralegals and to educate paralegals on common information on the job of a paralegal.The author is unknown but the website is a credible one as it is written by professionals for the public. The website is considered to be a business of Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters Corp. provides integrated and intelligent information for businesses and professionals. It serves decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets. The company operates through four segments: Financial and Risk, Legal, Tax and Accounting, and Intellectual Property and Science. This article is about the job of a paralegal and what they do in a law firm.
1/21/20161437cPDF FileThe State Bar of California. "Chapter 1: Professional Integrity in General" California Rules of Professional Conduct., The State Bar of California. 2015. PDF File. 21 Jan 2016. <>This pdf file was last updated in 2015 as these rules took affect as of January 1, 2015. This pdf file is located on a California government website. This pdf file was made and published by the State Bar of California, a public corporation within the judicial branch of government that serves as a part of the California Supreme Court. This public corporation was founded in 1927 and has been working ever since. All members of the State Bar of California are officers of the court.The reason of this chapter is to inform attorneys or whoever it may concern, the rules of professional integrity demonstrated by the attorneys in court in general. There are subsections that will go into depth.
1/21/20161438cPDF FileThe State Bar of California. "Chapter 2: Relationship Among Members" California Rules of Professional Conduct., The State Bar of California. 2015. PDF File. 21 Jan 2016. <>This pdf file was last updated in 2015 as these rules took affect as of January 1, 2015. This pdf file is located on a California government website. This pdf file was made and published by the State Bar of California, a public corporation within the judicial branch of government that serves as a part of the California Supreme Court. This public corporation was founded in 1927 and has been working ever since. All members of the State Bar of California are officers of the court.This chapter will inform attorneys how to treat one another as they are members of the state bar as soon as they pass the BAR exam and become licensed attorneys.
1/21/20161439ARTL (Article)"A Paralegal's Job: Contact With Clients.",, N.d. Web. 21 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that has made it its goal to innovate and create a more accessible and technological based information site for anything pertaining to attorneys.There was no author identified however the article is located on a website run by professionals.This article informs the public on what paralegals should do when handling clients and how to deal with clients as paralegals can be in contact with clients on behalf of their attorneys.
1/22/20161540ARTL (Article)"Model Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility and Guidelines for Enforcement.", National Federation of Paralegal Associations, nd. Web. 22 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is owned by the National Federation of Paralegal Assoctioans. There is no author identified however this was located on a website owned by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, as the first national paralegal association. NFPA prides itself on the professionalism of its members and routinely monitors legislation, case law, proposed changes to the rules of responsibility and ethics opinions that affect the paralegal profession. This article informs primarily paralegals about the codes of ethics they must follow when working at a law firm for attorneys and clients.
1/22/20161541ARTL (Article)"What is Pro Bono?" Georgetown Law, Georgetown Law, nd. Web. 22 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a university website, and not just any university but the prestigeous, Ivy-League university of Georgetown (ie Georgetown Law). There is no identified author, however the article was published and located on a website for the prestigious university of Georgetown. This article's main purpose is to inform the audience information on what a pro bono is and how attorneys are obliged to engage in pro bonos based on the Rules of Professional Conduct by the American Bar Association.
1/28/20161542ARTL (Article)"Top Ten Reasons to Take Pro Bono Cases.", The Missouri Bar, N.d. Web. 28 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article was found on a website that is owned by the Missouri Bar Associaiton. This is a credible site as the owners of the site are an organization comprised of attorneys who are proffessionals in their field and also have experience in what they do. This article has no identified author; however, it was published by a state bar organization and therefore holds credibility. It was published the organizations website. This article's purpose is to inform attorneys for why they should take on pro bono cases.
1/28/20161543ARTL (Article)“9. Your Relationship to Third Parties.”, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, N.d. Web. 29 Jan 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website for attorneys who specialize in matrimony. This is a website made by lawyers for lawyers. The author is unknown, but the authors of the site are credible attorneys. Th motto of the website is "Promoting professionalism and excellence in the practice of family law." This article informs the audience the importance of having a good relationships with third parties including witnesses, judges, and others.
2/5/20161644ARTL (Article)"10. Confidentiality", American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website for attorneys who specialize in matrimony. This is a website made by lawyers for lawyers. The author is unknown, but the authors of the site are credible attorneys. Th motto of the website is "Promoting professionalism and excellence in the practice of family law." This article informs the audience about the importance of keeping information shared between an attorney and their client confidential.
2/5/20161645dPDF File"2. What is a Settlement?" How to-Guides., Law Help Ontario PBLO, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is directed by "Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO) [which] is the legal profession’s response to unmet civil legal needs. PBLO is a registered charity formed in 2001. PBLO creates and manages projects that make it easier for low-income Ontarian residents to get the legal help they need – free of charge – and for lawyers to give back to the community. PBLO does not get any funding from the government, and its lawyers are all volunteers."There was no identified author, however information on this website is not a substitute for legal advice on a particular situation, as mentioned int he disclaimer. This informaiton is simply general knowledge shared to attorneys. This article informs the public on settlements, when they occur, and how they are carried out.
2/5/20161646ARTL (Article)"Resolving Your Case Before Trial: Court Motions.", Thomson Reuters. N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website known to inform the public on legal matters and give legal advice on general topics that most people face. This website also serves as giving basic information a lawyer may already know. The author is unknown but the website is a credible one as it is written by professionals for the public. The website is considered to be a business of Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters Corp. provides integrated and intelligent information for businesses and professionals. It serves decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets. The company operates through four segments: Financial and Risk, Legal, Tax and Accounting, and Intellectual Property and Science. This article informs the public about pre-trial motions that may be useful to resolve a case before actually going to trial.
2/11/20161747ARTL (Article)Miles, Sharrolyn. "Winning at Mediation: The Strategies for Effective Dispute Resolution." americanbar.,org, American Bar Association, N.d. Web. 10 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website owned by the Amrican Bar Association. The American Bar Association is an organization that is well known and reliable for any sources. Miles is a Juvenile Justice Lead Prosecutor at Office of the District Attorney for 40th Judicial District. She deals with cases concerning Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Contracts & Agreements, and Family. This article informs the public about how an attonrye can win at a mediation effectively.
2/11/20161748dPDF File"3. Can I Make a Settlement Offer Under the Rules of Civil Procedure?" How to-Guides., Law Help Ontario PBLO, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is directed by "Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO) [which] is the legal profession’s response to unmet civil legal needs. PBLO is a registered charity formed in 2001. PBLO creates and manages projects that make it easier for low-income Ontarian residents to get the legal help they need – free of charge – and for lawyers to give back to the community. PBLO does not get any funding from the government, and its lawyers are all volunteers."There was no identified author, however information on this website is not a substitute for legal advice on a particular situation, as mentioned int he disclaimer. This informaiton is simply general knowledge shared to attorneys. This article informs the public on how settlements can be made under the Rules of Civil Procedure and what is Rule 49.
2/11/20161749dPDF File"4. Discontinuance and Withdrawal" How to-Guides., Law Help Ontario PBLO, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is directed by "Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO) [which] is the legal profession’s response to unmet civil legal needs. PBLO is a registered charity formed in 2001. PBLO creates and manages projects that make it easier for low-income Ontarian residents to get the legal help they need – free of charge – and for lawyers to give back to the community. PBLO does not get any funding from the government, and its lawyers are all volunteers."There was no identified author, however information on this website is not a substitute for legal advice on a particular situation, as mentioned int he disclaimer. This informaiton is simply general knowledge shared to attorneys. This article informs the public on what discontinuance and withdrawal are within the civil procedure.
2/19/20161850dPDF File"5. Default Proceedings" How to-Guides., Law Help Ontario PBLO, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is directed by "Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO) [which] is the legal profession’s response to unmet civil legal needs. PBLO is a registered charity formed in 2001. PBLO creates and manages projects that make it easier for low-income Ontarian residents to get the legal help they need – free of charge – and for lawyers to give back to the community. PBLO does not get any funding from the government, and its lawyers are all volunteers."There was no identified author, however information on this website is not a substitute for legal advice on a particular situation, as mentioned int he disclaimer. This informaiton is simply general knowledge shared to attorneys. This article informs the public on what default proceedings are and how they are carried out.
2/19/20161851dPDF File"6. Alternative Dispute Resolution" How to-Guides., Law Help Ontario PBLO, N.d. Web. 4 Feb 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website that is directed by "Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO) [which] is the legal profession’s response to unmet civil legal needs. PBLO is a registered charity formed in 2001. PBLO creates and manages projects that make it easier for low-income Ontarian residents to get the legal help they need – free of charge – and for lawyers to give back to the community. PBLO does not get any funding from the government, and its lawyers are all volunteers."There was no identified author, however information on this website is not a substitute for legal advice on a particular situation, as mentioned int he disclaimer. This informaiton is simply general knowledge shared to attorneys. This article informs the public on what alternative dispute resolutions are such as arbitration and mediation. it also explains how they are carried out.
2/19/20161852ARTL (Article)"Early Neutral Evaluation: Getting An Expert's Assesment.", American Arbitration Association, N.d. Web. 10 Feb 2016.<;jsessionid=947Mi0dXmetaBPes7D0pvkST5bRdWRQHcp4O-ZxaHv2aBWo7OeyD!-1795268325?_afrLoop=1268017536503687&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D1268017536503687%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dn5ahdod23_4>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website owned by the Amrican Arbitration Association (AAA). This organization's role in the dispute resolution process is to administer cases, from filing to closing. The AAA provides administrative services in the U.S., as well as abroad through its International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (ICDR). The AAA's and ICDR's administrative services include assisting in the appointment of mediators and arbitrators, setting hearings, and providing users with information on dispute resolution options, including settlement through mediation. There is no identified author however the American Arbitration Association (AAA) is a not-for-profit organization with offices throughout the U.S. AAA has a long history and experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution, providing services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court.This article informs the reader about early neutral evaluation, an alternative to trial, and how it is carried out within a court setting.
2/26/20161953ePDF FileThe National Court Rules Committee. "Title II – Commencing an Action; Service of Process; Pleadings, Motions, and Orders." Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016, 1 Dec 2015. PDF File. 24 Feb 2016. <>This source was last updted on the 1st of December in 2015. This PDF File is located on a website dedicated to this edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016. It gives information on the book and the committee that published this newest edition. The National Court Rules Committee is a committee under the Supreme Court and it is broken down into 7 different committees. Rules committees are made up of judges and attorneys appointed by the Supreme Court. They are not paid for their work and typically serve a three-year term with a maximum of two terms. Persons interested in serving on a committee can find more information here.This portion of this PDF File informs the reader about rules that are concerned with how one goes about commencing an action and the process of pleadings, motions and orders given by the court.
2/26/20161954ePDF FileThe National Court Rules Committee. "Title III. Pleadings and Motions." Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016, 1 Dec 2015. PDF File. 24 Feb 2016. <>This source was last updted on the 1st of December in 2015. This PDF File is located on a website dedicated to this edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016. It gives information on the book and the committee that published this newest edition. The National Court Rules Committee is a committee under the Supreme Court and it is broken down into 7 different committees. Rules committees are made up of judges and attorneys appointed by the Supreme Court. They are not paid for their work and typically serve a three-year term with a maximum of two terms. Persons interested in serving on a committee can find more information here.This portion of this PDF File gives the reader informaiton on rules concerning with specifically pleadings and motions.
2/26/20161955ePDF FileThe National Court Rules Committee. "Title IV. Parties." Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016, 1 Dec 2015. PDF File. 24 Feb 2016. <>This source was last updted on the 1st of December in 2015. This PDF File is located on a website dedicated to this edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016. It gives information on the book and the committee that published this newest edition. The National Court Rules Committee is a committee under the Supreme Court and it is broken down into 7 different committees. Rules committees are made up of judges and attorneys appointed by the Supreme Court. They are not paid for their work and typically serve a three-year term with a maximum of two terms. Persons interested in serving on a committee can find more information here.This portion of this PDF File informs the audience about rules concerning different parties within a dispute and how they should treat one another and how they go about treating one another.
3/4/20162056ARTL (Article)Akhbari, Kourosh. "Civil Pretrial Motion Lawyers.", Legal Match. N.d. Web.. 2 Mar 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article was found on a website that provides basic legal information to the public. LegalMatter believes that informed consumers know best when it comes to choosing the right lawyer for their needs.The author, Kourosh Akhbari, is a writer for LegalMatter. As a legal assistant, Kourosh assists attorneys in case management and the maintenance of case and document databases. Kourosh also assists in legal research in addition to preparing case briefs, pleadings, and investigation assignments. During law school, Kourosh worked as a law clerk at a workers’ compensation firm in San Jose and as a legal researcher at article gives basic information on pre-trial motions, what they are used for, how they're used in a civil suit, some types of pre-trial motions, etc.
3/4/20162057PDF File"Seven Habits for Effective Law & Motion Practice ." Legal Services Practice Manual: Skills N.d. PDF File. 2 Marc 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This source is a chapter within a pdf file that has to deal with a manual dealing with the skills learned to practice legal services. There is not author identified. This part of the PDF File deals with seven effective ways to execute a pre-trial motion, or a motion essentially.
3/4/20162058ARTL (Article)"Pre-Trial Procrdures in Civil Cases.", American Bar Association, N.d. Web. 2 Mar 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This source is located on a website by the American Bar Association which is a credible source as they are an organization that is well-known throughout the law community. There is not author identified. This article explains the procedure of pre-trial procedures in a civil case.
3/11/20162159ARTL (Article)"Pre-Trial Motions.", US Department of Justice, N.d. Web. 2 Mar 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a website from the US Department of Justice, which is a very reliable and credible source. There is not author identified. This article is about the different types of pre-trial motions an attorney may come across.
3/11/20162160ARTL (Article)"How Courts Work.", American Bar Association, N.d. Web. 4 Mar 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This source is located on a website by the American Bar Association which is a credible source as they are an organization that is well-known throughout the law community. There is not author identified. This article explained the steps and procedures of a civl case. It specifially talks about pleadings and they're importance in a civil case. I used it for my independent component 2.
3/11/20162161fLegal Documents (LD)"42 CFR 405.1821 - Prehearing discovery and other proceedings prior to the intermediary hearing.", Legal Information Institute, N.d. Web. 4 Apr 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The source is located on a website created by the law school of cornell to help enlighten others on facts concerning law studies such as the opic of civil procedures, pleadings, etc. There is not author identified. This protion discusses information onprehearing discovery, what is legal and what isn't allowed durng that time. My notebook was off therefore it has 60 sources however the source 61 was not in my notebook at the time. Sorry for the confusion.
4/14/20162262fLegal Documents (LD)"§ 405.1857 Subpoenas.", Legal Information Institute, N.d. Web. 4 Apr 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The source is located on a website created by the law school of cornell to help enlighten others on facts concerning law studies such as the opic of civil procedures, pleadings, etc. There is not author identified. This portion explains basic information on subpoenas and how they are important to trials and the civil litigation process. This is information I plan to use in my IC2.
4/14/20162263ARTL (Article)The National Court Rules Committee. "Title III. Pleadings and Motions." Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016, 1 Dec 2015. PDF File. 24 Feb 2016. <>This source was last updted on the 1st of December in 2015. This PDF File is located on a website dedicated to this edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Edition 2016. It gives information on the book and the committee that published this newest edition. The National Court Rules Committee is a committee under the Supreme Court and it is broken down into 7 different committees. Rules committees are made up of judges and attorneys appointed by the Supreme Court. They are not paid for their work and typically serve a three-year term with a maximum of two terms. Persons interested in serving on a committee can find more information here.This portion of this PDF File gives the reader informaiton on rules concerning with specifically pleadings and motions.
4/14/20162264ARTL (Article)Kelly, Alexis. "Motions for New Trial,", NOLO. N.d. Web. 14 Apr 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is written by an author who works for NOLO, one of the first sites to provide legal advise. Nolo Network is one of the web’s largest libraries of consumer-friendly legal information. Alexis Kelly is an attorney with a background in criminal defense. Her areas of interest include criminal law, post-conviction policy, and international human rights law. This article discusses information on motions and how they are applied to trials.
4/21/20162365ARTL (Article) McManus, Michael and Brianna Silverstein. "Brief History of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United States.", Cadmus. 1 Nov 2011. Web. 21 Apr 2016. <>This source was last updated on November 1, 2011.This article is in reference to a book written by the authors themselves. Michael McManus is a partner in Drinker Biddle & Reath's Commercial Litigation Practice Group and the former regional partner in charge of the Washington, DC offic. Brianna Silverstein ia an associate in the Drinker Biddle & Reath's Commercial Litigation Practice Group.The purpose of this article is to summarize some information on ADR from abook both authors worked together to write.
4/21/20162366PDF File"The Strategic Use of Pre-Trial Motions.." N.d. PDF File. 21 Apr 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. This article is located on a government website written in the public defender's section.No author is mentioned.The purpose of this article is to give the auience information on strategic uses of pre-trial motions.
4/21/20162367ARTL (Article)"Post-Trial Motions.", NPC, N.d. Web. 21 Apr 2016. <>There is no notification of when the article was last updated. The article is located on a website owned by the National Paralegal College (NPC). No author is mentioned.The purpose fo this article is to give information on post-trial motions.