This chart includes an overview of available state plans for reopening schools in the fall. Many of the plans released to-date include information on how school nutrition staff can structure meal service to accommodate social distancing and safety onsite, as well as how schools should provide meals when children are learning remotely. Plans that include strong considerations for meal service are highlighted. This tracker will be updated as plans are updated or published.
State School Reopening PlanDelayed Open/Start Date (Click for EDWeek Map)Suggested School Day ModelsGuidance on Meal Service
Nutrition InformationGuidance on Meals Service Includes Sample Schedules with Meal ServiceCommunication with Families about school mealsMentions Meals during school closures (either remote or closed)Meal Safety Considerations
ALRoadmap for Reopening SchoolsVaries by school districtThree possible modelsPage 44Provides list of considerations when talking with district stakeholders, including: location of meal service, hot vs cold meals, time of meal service, cafeteria configuration, packaging supplies needed, planning for cleaning, using advance payment systems to reduce handling money, how meal counting and claiming will be done. NoNoSays to consider the plan the school is employing - does not provide guidance on how to serve meals should schools be remote or blendedwater bottle fountains accessible, prepackaged foods/silverware, meals in classroom, longer meal times, grab and go/online ordering
AKSmart Start 2020Varies by school districtThree categories and three levels Page 9Separates meal information by risk level. If possible, consider keeping communal spaces such as cafeterias closed. Otherwise, stagger use and disinfect in between use. If a cafeteria is typically used, serve meals in classrooms instead. Serve individually plated meals and hold activities in separate classrooms. Stagger arrival and drop-off times or locations, or put in place other protocols to limit direct contact with parents as much as possible.NoNoNodisinfect, serve in classrooms, individually plated
AZRoadmap for Reopening SchoolsVaries by school districtSuggests three strategiesPage 18Suggests connecting with food service to plan for modifications, such as serving meals that are individually packaged or packed at home in classrooms. It suggests that schools have a plan to provide breakfast or lunch (if they partcipate in national lunch or breakfast programs) if schools are not in session or if students are learning virtually. Recommends the use of disposable utensils. Minimal information.NoNoYesindividually packaged, disposable utensils, suggests talking to food service about changes
ARReady for LearningNo/Aug 24 or Aug 26Suggests planning for a blended model, but does not provide guidancePage 7Stagger meal times to 1/3 or 1/2 capacity; serve in classroom; no self service; developing a system for exchange of money if students pay in line. Minimal information.NoNoNoindividually packaged items, serving in classrooms, staggered meal times
CAStronger Together No/Set by districtsProvides four modelsPage 43Schools should investigate options for both providing meals onsite and for distributing meals offsite. Assess whether meals should be served in the classroom, cafeteria, or outside; provide physical guides through tape or signage to promote social dstancing; consider increasing access points for meal service; mentions grab and go and ensuring families know about changes in meal service. NoYesYessuggests methods for encouraging social distancing in the cafeteria and sanitization of the cafeteria, mentions necessity of cleaning classrooms should meals be served there
COFramework (asking for feedback)Varies by school districtProvides four categories LinkNo considerations for cafeteria changes/school meals. Mentions waiver extension. Minimal information.NoNoNo
CTAdapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut's Plan to Learn and Grow TogetherVaries by school districtreopen in-personPage 13Overview of nutrition programs. Provides considerations for on-site meal service (cafeteria, pick-up, classroom delivery, hybrid delivery model) depending on space, staffing, student traffic; Mentions simultaneous operation of non-congregate/congregate; determine probability of increased costs and decreased revenue due to inability to do a la carte; mentions communication with families. NoYesMeals need to be distributed during school closuressocial distancing, increased cleaning
DEReopening ResourcesOnly hybrid/remote instruction allowedDon't have models, have recomendations based on spreadLinkSuggests Ensure a plan for nutrition services and student meals is in place. Draft recommendations include minimal information. NoNoprovide list of alternate meal plans, use buses to provide mealswork with cafeteria staff on necessary changes
DCPolicy Guidance for Reopening SchoolsState issued closure in effect/DCPS start Aug 31No models, just considerationsPage 13Allow students to eat lunch and breakfast in their classrooms rather than mixing in the cafeteria. If not possible, then stagger lunch by class and/or divide lunch and recess area by class. Enforce a “you touch it, you take it” policy in classrooms and the lunchroom. Prepackage lunches, including silverware, napkins, and seasonings, or serve meals individually plated. Minimal information.NoNoNoeat in classrooms, stagger lunch times, prepackage meals, serve individually plated meals
FLReopening Florida's SchoolsState ordered full in-person participation available full or part timeTraditionalpgs 51, 85Explore allowing students to eat meals in traditional classroom space or outdoors. Minimal information. NoNoYeshave students eat outside or in classrooms
GAGeorgia's Path to Recovery for k-12 schoolsVaries by school districtProvides three different considerations but not very detailed re: modelsPage 8Meal service divided into three categories: substantial spread, moderate, low. If schools are closed, recommends reducing contact with week deliveries; moderate - mark spaced line in cafeteria, serve meals in classroom, longer lunch periods for staggered delivery; low - standard operating with increased handwashing, face masks, and increased cleaning. Suggests including educational packets with meal delivery. NoNoYeslonger lunch periods, marked distancing in cafeteria, serve meals in classrooms, in remote learning - serve multiple meals at a time
HIReturn to LearnDelayed start, remote only/Aug 17first two weeks, students in-person for half the day, the other half is used to evaluate protocols etc.
models vary by school
LinkThe school food services branch will work with each school district to develop a meal plan that accounts for different learning models. Students will be able to eat on campus in cafeteria and other locations while observing social distancing. Encourages families to use online meal payment system. Minimal information.
IDIdaho Back to School Framework 2020Varies by school districtbased on level of spreadPage 29Planning for food service is divided by three catergories/transmission levels.
Level 1: standard operating procedures but increase cleaning/sanitation; determine max number of people per room; determine capacity for production
Level 2: Disposable materials; mark spaced lines in cafeteria; consider alternative serving models (classroom, gym); prepackaged
Level 3: Provide PPE, provide mieals in non-congregate option, weeks worth of meals, distribute instruction materials with food
NoNoYesIncreased sanitizaiton, look at alternative locations
ILStarting the 2020-2021 School YearVaries by school districtNo specific models, but does mention hybrid learningPage 40Consider the number of students and adults in the cafeteria so it does not exceed maximum per state guidance; alternate scheduling or add meal service times; stagger release of classrooms to cafeteria, consider meals in classrooms or outdoors; Cleanse and disenfect places where meals are eaten, add time for washing hands, encourage social distancing, deliver meals to classrooms, individually plate, clearly communication meal expectationsYesNoNoadd time for washing hands before/after meals, add extra time for lunch to encourage social distancing, deliver meals to classrooms, individually plate, clean/disenfect places where people eat
ININ-ClassVaries by school districtProvides a list of measures that the schools should take into considerationPage 16Meals should ideally be served in classrooms. Programs should not participate in family style meals and should practice social distancing during meal times. Static groups should be maintained during meal times. Bagged or boxed meals with all necessary utensils, condiments, napkins, etc. included would be the preferred method. Prior to any meal service, all children should utilize hand washing or sanitizing to ensure safe eating practices.Provides a list of recommendations for decreasing exposure in the cafeteria: install sneeze guards, no self-service, use tape to indicate proper social distancing guidelines, serve those who are at a higher risk in a separate location, etc. Does not provide guidelines about how to feed students if they are not on campus. NoNoNoserve in classrooms, practice social distancing, bagged/boxed meals, hand washing/sanitizing, install sneeze guards, serve at risk students in separate locations
IAIowa Return to Learn SupportState ordered full in-person participation available full or part time/varies by districtSchools should have plans for remote, hybrid, and in-person learningnoNA
KSNavigating ChangeVaries by school districtThree environmentsPage 1027Continuation and adaption of of meal service should be a priority. Details waivers and stresses schools should frequently inform parents about applying for school meals. Recommends school FNS staff meet with building admins at least two weeks before school starts. Adult should be at doorway to control traffic and social distancing; extend meal service periods; utilize shorter menu cycles - plan to revaluate frequently. Multiple service points and meal kiosks for online ordering for quick pick-up; includes guidance on physical distancing, a la carte, financial sustainability, technology considerations. Strong guidance.NoNoyessneeze guards, sinage, wipe down high touch locations,
KYCOVID-19 Considerations for Reopening SchoolsVaries by school district/Not before Sept. 28Three times for reopening, as well as various modelsIf school uses scheduled rotation model, breakfast and lunch should be served in the classroom and plans should be made for deep, intensive cleaning of all surfaces between rotations. Mentions staffing challenges with lunch periods. Minimal information.NoNoNoserve in classroom, plan for intensive cleaning
LALouisiana BelievesVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 11Meals should be served in classrooms if possible with disposable utensils; if use cafeteria, stagger meal times; utilize outside seating where appropriate; enforce hand sanitization and and washing. Minimal information. NoNoMentions waiver is needed serve in classrooms, use disposables, stagger meal times, increase hand sanitization
MEReturn to Classroom frameworkVaries by school districtSchools should have plans for in-person, remote, and hybrid instructionPart V, Letter CInvestigate alternative dining locations within the school or school grounds. Consider how meals will be offered to students not in attendance or half days; improve ventilation; remove self-serve. Minimal information. Yes - says student nutrition during remote learning is an expectation of schoolsTrained staff should monitor all sanitation procedures
MDMaryland Together Varies by school districtProvides five modelsPage 9,18, 39Highlights which partners should be included when creating nutrition plans and role of each. Suggests assessing current capacity; shift from cafeteria model to other models like breakfast in the classroom. NoNoYeslook at ways to provide food off-campus, serve meals in classrooms?, extra equipment to serve meals in classrooms?
MAInitial Fall School Reopening GuidanceVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 21Provide meals for students in classroom; stagger times, build in other breaks if using cafeteria; Minimize sharing utensilsNo NoYes - mentions meals for students participating in remote learningMinimize shared utensils, allow for social distancing, look for new locations to serve the meals in
MIMI Safe SchoolsVaries by school districtBased on reopening phasesPage 26, 42Meal service guidance is divided by phases of reopening. Recommends ensuring plan for nutriton services and to provide list of alternative meal options for families. Look at classrooms/outdoors as places to serve meals, stagger meal times if cafeteria is necessary, disposable items; utilize buses to provide delivery of food service and and instructional materials.NoYesYesalternative locations, staggered times, disposable utensils
MNGuidance for Minnesota Public SchoolsVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 10Divides meal service by scenario: in-person learning, hybrid learning with social distancing; distance learning only. Provides questions for consideration around physical distancing, alternative meal service locations, school nutrition budgets. Some key questions: will additional staff be needed, what additional technology is needed, will multiple menu systems be required (school vs remote learning), what point of service counting measures will be used? NoNoYesdiscontinue self service, implement contactless service (for delivery/pick-up), meals delivered to classrooms
MSConsiderations for Reopening Mississippi SchoolsVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 9Provides items for FNS staff to consider (pulled from CDC guidance): determine if modifications are needed for cafeteria to promote social distancing, contingency plan for closures. Use menu sheets for ordering in the morning and deliver to the classroomNoNoYessocial distancing, serve in classrooms?, form plan for closures
MOPandemic Recovery ConsiderationsState-ordered in-person instruction available part-time or full-time (at least 2 days a week)/must open by August 24Does not present specific models, instead lists considerationsPage 31No self-service; napkins/silverware provided by staff; serve high risk children separately; eat in classroom; place tape marks on floor to mark 6 feet; limit food sharing activities. Limited information. NoNoNoeliminate self-serve, install sneeze-guards, enforce cohorts, serve high-risk students elsewhere, promote social distancing
MTReopening Montana Schools GuidanceVaries by school districtFour scenariosPage 29Adopt classroom breakfast strategies for lunch; develop traffic patterns for cafeteria. Not a lot of information here but they do link to OPI's extensive guidance. NoNoYes - suggests grab and go serviceserve lunches in classrooms, have students eat with their cohorts
NETeaching and Learning NebraskaVaries by school districtThree modelsLinkEvaluate whether new food vendors will be necessary. Minimal information. NoNA
NVNevada's Path ForwardVaries by school districtA number of different suggestions for continuity of learning that can be used togetherPage 24Consider other locations where students can eat meals like library and gyms; pre-package/boxed meals instead of family style; grid off sections in cafeteria; consider CEP to limit payments; mentions waiversNoNoYesppe for nutrition staff, update cleaning protocols, pre-package/boxed meals,
NHNew Hampshire Grades K-12 Back to School GuidanceVaries by school districtThree considerationsPage 32Serve in classroom, individually packaged, stagger meals, maintain cohorts, distance, consult DOE on waivers to provide meals to students who aren't attending school in-personNoNoYesclassroom, individually packaged, stagger meals, maintain cohorts, distance
NJThe Road BackVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 30, 43Space students out if cafeterias are used, stagger meal times, eliminate self-serve, sanitize, hand washing, use pre packaged/disposable, look at using classrooms to serve mealsNoNoYesdecrease density of cafeterias, increase handwashing, use prepackaged/disposables, look at alternative locations to serve meals
NMReentry GuidanceState ordered closure in effect (no in person classes until after Sept. 8, districts can choose to open for remote learning otherwise)Phased reentryPage 15Meals must be provided to students during in-person and during remote learning, stagger meal times, use disposable plates/utensils, consider pre-packaged meals for in-classroom, clean high touch surfaces, if remote - serve multiple meals at a timeNoNoyesturn off water fountains - provide bottled water, pre-packaged meals, consider serving in classrooms,
NYRecover, Rebuild, RenewVaries by school districtplan should include in-person, remote, and hybridPage 6Food Service Directors should be included in conversations, operating procedures should be updated, all children should receive a meal. Minimal information. NoYesYesnone listed
NCLighting Our Way ForwardOnly hybrid/remote instruction allowedThree plansPage 55Discontinue any self-service food distribution; meals should be individually packaged; if social distancing is not possible in cafeteria, have meals delivered to classrooms or have students bring food from cafeteria back to their classrooms;
3 levels of meal distribution based on spread (p47)
NoNoYes - has a full plan for remote learning distributionno self-serve, pre-package, eat in classrooms?
NDSmart Restart GuidanceVaries by school districtLists 4 scenarios based on the number of cases in the schoolPage 14If a cafeteria or group dining room is typically used, serve meals in classrooms instead. Serve individually plated meals and hold activities in separate classrooms. Schools may consider temporarily limiting certain foods or foodservice processes they think may lead to enhanced germ distribution. Prohibit students sharing their food with each other, or a community share table. Considerations for district and state level.
NoNoNoserve in classrooms, individually plate, no sharing food, evaluate food preparation practices that might spread more germs
OHReset and RestartVaries by school districtSuggests considering ways to implement social distancing including marking the floor and alternate schedulesPage 24, 34Consider alternate approaches to breakfast/lunch service that provide for physical distancing and enhanced cleaning of surfaces between service times. assigned seating; provides questions for considerationNoNoYessocial distance, more cleaning
OKReturn to LearnPossible/
Set by school districts
Suggests a number of different strategiesPage 23Suggests that schools consider serving meals in classrooms and how to provide meals to students who are distance learning. One classroom through cafeteria at a time to pick-up; mentions partnering with groups if waivers are not extended to provide mealsNoNoYesmove meals to classrooms, longer lunch,
ORReady Schools Safe LearnersVaries by school district3 modelsPage 29Meal staff should be included in planning meetings; servers need face sheilds or face coverings; increase cleaning, stagger times, look for alternate locations; coordinate meal service with instruction delivery; non-cash payment.NoYesYesmaintain cohorts, serve meals in classrooms, face sheilds required for staff preparing/serving food
PAPreliminary GuidanceVaries by school districtColor coded reopening guidelinesPage 10Meals should be served in classrooms and sharing of food/utensils should be decreased. Minimal information. NoNoYes - says meal service should continue if schools are closedserve in classrooms, no sharing
RIReimagining RI EducationState ordered closure in effect/Delayed to Sept. 14In-person, hybridPage 26Meals should be served where class acticities are happening; recommends 14 ft of space between class groups; encourage outdoor dining; guidance divided by high school and elementary/middle schoolNoNoNo
SCAccelerateED Task Force (draft)Varies by school district3 modelsPage 26Schools should be prepared to distrbute meals (potentially a weeks worth of meals at a time). For a hybrid schedule, provide meals for the times when students will not be in-person. Mark social distancing lines in cafeteria; prepackaged meals; limit cash transactions.NoNoYessocial distancing, prepackaged, classrooms?
SDStarting Well Varies by school districtSchools should plan for hybrid learningRecommends adapting the school meal program to continue providing healthy meals daily (or feeding high risk students) and staggered lunch schedules. Minimal information. NoNoNoNA
TNReopening GuidanceVaries by school districtIncludes charts that include various options for reopening as well as the effects each option may have on students, teachers, etcNutrition ToolkitSeparate toolkit developed with checklist, considerations, sample schedules. Strong nutrition plan.YesYesYes - lists waivers and strategies (p21-22)Increased social distancing/hygine, no share table
TXPlanning GuidanceState-ordered in-person instruction available part-time or full-timeSuggests grouping teachers and studentsConsider serving in classrooms; individually plated; install dividers at cafeteria tables; use disposable food service items. Minimal information.NoNoNodividers, social distancing, individually plated
UTPlanning Requirements and RecommendationsVaries by school districtNo models Page 6Required: mark social distancing, remove self service, workers wear masks, enforce hand sanitizing, increase cleaning. Consider: staggering lunch times, alternate eating locations, assigning students to seats, decrease lunch times, prepackaged meals, students where masks, provide plastic cups/have students use personal water bottlesNoNoNoincrease social distancing, limit self service, enforce masks/sanitizing, pre packaged meals, look for alternate locations,
VTA Strong and Healthy StartState ordered closure in effect/Sept 8Three stepsPage 18Consider delivery and how to make it safer; consider staff working in shifts to limit transmission; meals in classroom or by picking up at kiosks in small groups; suggests unitized meals that can be preordered; assign seating in cafeteria by child; have staff enter pin on behalf of studentsNoYesYessocial distancing, no self-serve, classrooms?
VARecover, Redesign, RestartOnly hybrid/remote instruction allowedThree phasesPage 36Breaks down planning to now, before schools open, operating; provides questions to consider such as evaluating inventory, social distance scenarios, menu in event of food shortage. Sample split day schedule includes lunch can possibly be served before students leave or when they first come to school. Yes - for one scheduleNoYesSocial distancing, food shortage considerations, VirginiaVirginia
WAReopening Washington SchoolsVaries by school districtThree modelsPage 14, 19Limit mixing of students. Consider having students take their meals outside or in the classroom - accomplish this through meal delivery to classes, or through grab-and-go services. If using the cafeteria, have students sit with their class or group, and ensure physical distance between students and between groups. Minimal information.NoNoYesalternate locations, social distancing, cohorts
WVRentry and Recovery GuidanceState ordered closure in effect/tentatively Sept 8Three possible scenariosLinkSections divided by planning, rentry, and beyond. Look at serving meals in classroom, social distance in cafeteria, longer meal periods, increased cleaning, no family style, no share table, make sure students wash hands; point of service that does not rely on entering pin. NoNoYesalternate locations, social distancing, increased cleaning, no family style/share table
WIEducation ForwardVaries by school districtFour modelsSuggests using a pick-up/drop-off system for meals if remote; explore alternate spaces for meal service; if not available, make sure classrooms sit together; discourage open lunch policies. NoNoYesNA
WYSmart Start GuidanceVaries by school districtThree tiersPage 13Divides consideration by model - open, hybrid, closed. Enforce social distancing, increase cleaning, eliminate self-service, serve pre-packaged, provide water other than water fountains. Minimal information.NoNoYes - instructs districts to operate based on district's adapted learning plan. social distancing, cleaning, no self-service, pre-packaged meals, provide water