Total Points
Rubric [Content: Does the speaker have a deep understanding of the subject?]
Rubric [Eye Contact: Does the speaker spend more time making a connection with the audience than reading notes?]
Rubric [Body Language: Does the speaker demonstrate body language that does not distract from the speech?]
Rubric [Preparation: Does the speaker refrain from filler words due to obvious preparation?]
Rubric [Quality of Product: Does the product represent quality craftsmanship that augments the speech and is appealing to the eye?]
5/3/2016 14:08:56Anastasia M5445 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional3 - Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Never undersell your speech no matter who goes before you - if you let your audience know you don't believe in you, they won't believe in you
Body posture is cutting off the window part of the room - open yourself up to your audience so all members can be incorporated into your speech
Set up your videos before they start playing
Have some enthusiasm up there - your smile is infectious and can bring people in by you simply flashing it up there letting everyone know you're having a good time up there - even if you're not
5/3/2016 13:55:08Sofia T5505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good Voice!! Right out of the box in a hurry - kind of tripped up on your words at first but you recovered well
Great eye contact
Well rehearsed - you can tell you know the information quite well
Excellent job of describing the purpose of the video!
Excellent work all the way around!
5/3/2016 13:50:01Erica W5424 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
Little Nervous up there at first
Use of cards a bit but making pretty good eye contact
Have some enthusiasm up there - I know its difficult to be up there and vulnerable but when you
4/14/2016 14:01:28Reid J2445 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Bit of hand wringing
Kicking the legs
Pretty good eye contact but your fidgeting cuts off your contact with the audience
Set up your video - "In this video you will see....blah blah blah" - after tell us how the video supports your argument, or topic, or whatever you are giving a speech on
Well done with the dueling videos!!!!
Work on the wrap up...the conclusion of your speech is all important
4/12/2016 13:59:46Nathaniel H2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Nice heart warming reason why you chose it
Rough go with the more technical terms...just go slow as you did
reading a bit from the phone
Excellent natural speaking voice
Set up your video and what people will see
Good eye contact
Little stiff up there but it is due to nerves more than anything
4/12/2016 13:54:57Bridgitte A2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Good way to start out - personal interest
Good pace/good inflection
Eye Contact was pretty times you'd space out on the screen as you were thinking, but it was few and far between
You have a really deep understanding of the content (not surprising) and you also have an excellent command of a room -- an excellent combo
Good transitions between subjects - one area to work on is on the conclusion
4/7/2016 14:15:34Madison S2445 - Exceptional3 - Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
You are absolutely knowledgeable of the subject
Great voice and pace
Eye contact is the area to work on here - a bit too much reading of the screen and a reluctance to look around the room
4/6/2016 8:17:01Brooke S2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
I gave the feedback verbally
3/31/2016 10:08:04Isabella S2485 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Confidence! -- well prepared
Eye contact is excellent as you slowly pan around the room
Body posture is a bit on the stiff side - loosen up a little there
Good use of the product to go along with your speech
3/31/2016 9:51:01Garrett K2444 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Dynamic Personality: the blessing and the curse -- you have energy, are clever, and people laugh and smile at ya when you do whatever you do....however, a dynamic personality does not make a good speech and those with it feel like they might be able to get by on it -- you found out, preparation is key as you got tripped up early on
Leaning on the notes a bit
3/31/2016 9:39:06Christina C2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Nice pace at the start and inflection in your voice
Good eye contact when not using your notes
Handsy - use of hands for effect is good but make sure you're not over using the technique
Reading a bit more in the middle to last 1/3 of your speech
3/31/2016 9:32:12Travis P2445 - Exceptional3 - Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Looking at the screen and eye contact directed at me
Some screens have small text with pics, others larger text without text
You have an air of authority up there - when you talk, people will listen because you are brilliant....but slow
3/31/2016 9:23:49Jamie L2465 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Good a little tripped up, but recovered nicely
SLOW DOWN...breathe, be clear with what you are communicating
After the initial speed bump, you were back on track
Lots of filler words....I can tell you were prepared but the filler words came down to nerves
3/31/2016 9:06:53Anya S2485 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Starting with a story...good intro because it gives us a personal understanding of the disorder
Light use of notes with good eye contact
Good bringing in names (Maria, Harry) again it personalizes the presentation
Good pace throughout for the most part - when you get a bit nervous you tend to speed up however
Light rocking of the body...not too distracting though
Before your next speech, practice with as many people as you can pull together in order to have a big group listen in and give you feedback
3/30/2016 13:29:47Devon T5304 - Very Good1 - Poor4 - Very Good2 - Needs Improvement4 - Very Good
Good energy at the start
Reading a bit too much
When you read, the audience is not engaged, and you tend to rip through the information a little too fast and people can't really grasp what you're saying
I rated you low on preparation because you read so much
3/30/2016 13:15:28Kaydee R5404 - Very Good4 - Very Good3 - Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Project that voice of yours!
Also need to work on the flow of your speech...transitions between topics would allow for a better flow throughout the speech
Nerves got the better of you on this speech
Do that conclusions
3/30/2016 13:05:09Katrina W5465 - Exceptional3 - Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Right out the box with technical information - maybe warm up to the real technical information
Good flow
You have an air of authority up there - great handle of the material
Great analogy!!! you know your audience
Good videos
Eye contact: this area is the part that needs the most work - its an uncomfortable experience to have a ton of eyes staring at you, but that's your challenge in order to get a good connection with your audience
Work on the wrap up of your speech
3/30/2016 12:52:11Taryn C5464 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good eye contact at the start; good pace
Describe the difference between the different types of Aphasia
Use of notes heavier in the middle/end of the speech
3/30/2016 12:42:25Shelby L5424 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
Nice flow at the start
Set up your video! And tie in your video at the end
Reading a little from the notes for the more complex information
My advice is practice practice practice! Especially around the information that is most difficult
3/30/2016 12:37:02Hunter M5424 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Kind of choppy at the start - took a bit to find your feet
Video might have been better served a little later and you want to explain the purpose of the video (MJF vid)
Gotta set up the second vid
Little rocking back and forth, playing with notes
Ok eye contact
3/30/2016 8:36:51Rachael B2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Good energy
Bit of reading - for the more scientific terms but you do a good job of bringing it back to the crowd
Set up the video a little better
You tend to go a little fast at times with your pace - remember to slow yourself down allowing the audience to process information, especially with new and complex information
When not reading your eye contact is great
3/30/2016 8:20:27Rina W2445 - Exceptional3 - Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Waaaaay too fast at the start! - breathe, slow down, let us digest what you're saying up there
Use of notes and looking at the screen -- takes away from the eye contact
Another soft spoken presenter - project that voice
Good explanation of complex info
Little jittery up there at times from nerves
3/30/2016 8:14:59Ashlyn M2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Project that voice!
Info on the screen is a bit small - think about less info (where you talk about the info in your speech) and make it bigger
Eye contact needs to be dispersed a bit more
When you talk about your brother, the speech becomes powerful because you're speaking from the heart - that's the easy part, the hard part is communicating information where there is a lack of emotional connection....that's where preparation and confidence comes in
3/30/2016 7:56:34Devyn D2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good pace but it gets a little faster towards the end
Using hands for effect - good
Good inflection of your voice
Project that voice! - heater is blowing and you are soft spoken so you need to work on projecting the voice so all can hear
Light use of notes....good because it doesn't disrupt the flow of the speech
Very good explanation of the material
Great eye contact
3/30/2016 7:49:57Brooke H2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Not using notes much - good, shows preparedness
Kind of swaying a little with body language
Eye contact is focused on me but you seem to disperse it when I'm bot watching
Good set up of the video and the video is appropriately placed
Something to work on: enthusiasm! You seem like you'd rather be anywhere else
3/29/2016 11:24:15Camille F5505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Nice little joke at the start and personal connection to the material
Excellent visual component to your speech
You're a natural up there
Excellent work up there in all facets of the speech!
3/29/2016 11:18:45John F5363 - Good3 - Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
Asking the question at the start - questions are good starters, but there needs to be a purpose for the question and a connection
Project that voice! - room is kind of loud with the heater going so you need to compete by projecting that voice
Reading off the screen a little
Good job with the first video with set up and wrap up, not so much with the second one
3/29/2016 11:04:03JT Miller5505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Very good pace, good voice and inflection
work on you body language - kind of stiff at times with your hand movements
Well rehearsed speech and a great understanding of the disorder
Excellent set up to your video and wrap up to your video
Excellent job all the way around!
3/29/2016 10:50:27Asher F5445 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
Good pace and enthusiasm
Set up the video a bit better - talk about what they will see before, and let them know how the video is connected to the content
Some use of notes but you were good with getting back to the crowd
3/29/2016 10:42:47Indyia V5445 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Good pace at the start but you hit a wall...hardest thing to do is keep your cool; take a moment and look over your notes
Enthusaism!! you need to bring a bit more enthusiasm through the inflection of your voice
Talking about your Grandma, you made a greater connection with your audience - there was the enthusiasm that was lacking earlier
Work on transitions and conclusions
3/29/2016 10:33:08Danielle C5404 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
A little choppy start - nerves took over, slow down and breath
what is aphasia video - need to explain that a little bit more in detail what the purpose was and how it tied into your speech
Brain cell damage, but what else?
Use of notes at times but came to look at your audience
3/18/2016 12:34:23Cassie S5485 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good Pace to the information thus far
Good eye contact but staying in one general area
Getting stuck on words is tough but you handled it nicely
Well prepared and not using your notes much
Work on transitions between information -- weave the information together to make the different parts feel more like a whole
3/18/2016 12:24:52RedFalcon5364 - Very Good3 - Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good3 - Good
Pace - have some confidence up there and pick up the pace a bit
Use of notes -- started off very well but then slowed down a bit in the Causes section
Notes -- when using notes, don't do the paragraph style. Use something that can keep you on point and allow you the nimbleness of looking at it briefly and get back to speaking
KNOW WHAT IS ON YOUR VIDEO!! -- never use something that you don't understand or can't explain on your own
If you use images or elements in a presentation, you need to explain those and why you chose them for the presentation - or else it just looks like you're trying to meet minimum requirements
3/18/2016 12:14:58Ali M5465 - Exceptional3 - Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Right out the gate - going fast, nerves taking over a bit
Minimal use of notes
Eye contact primarily with me
Slow it down just a bit...especially with difficult new information that people may not know
Pausing between information and transitions
Maybe the video could have been better served earlier - work on organization of a speech leaving your strongest piece (your grandma in this case) for the end
Work on the wrap up
3/18/2016 12:07:56Lily M5485 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good use of video...maybe later after an explanation
Good pace
I can hear the nerves in your voice (kinda shaky) - remember to breathe up there
You're a physical person
Tough to talk about something as personal as this -- You did great!
3/18/2016 9:06:53Blake Mc2383 - Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional3 - Good4 - Very Good
Project that voice!! - kinda on the quiet side even when you were saying your name
You had the first part worked out well and started strong...
Middle part to later, not so much until you got to the people who have Parkinson's
Talking about your relative, the presentation picks up
Set up your video -- don't just start it right away
Choose your vids wisely - although interesting and informative, know your audience - I counted 6 people not paying attention and one was on their phone
Vid was too long and I would have put it earlier in the presentation
3/18/2016 8:56:45Aidan C2445 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
Leaning on the notes a little
Good eye contact later - but looking over at me a little too much
Good use of your hands for inflection/effect
Not a fan of all the pics but different strokes for different folks
3/18/2016 8:46:56Sydney W2485 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good enthusiasm
Pee Stance - be careful swaying, can be distracting
Nervous laughter - it happens, but don't allow it to take away from the content of your speech
Good set up to your vid, and good job tying it in with your speech - I'd say it was a bit long but it was important to our understanding
3/18/2016 8:40:50Connor H2404 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional3 - Good
Good Voice...a little fast but good strong voice
Don't get thrown off by you ums likes or uhs - you just need to forge ahead
Work on transitions between topics - thats the flow of the speech
3/17/2016 10:05:13Kami M2485 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good pace
Good handle of the material with minimal use of notes
Very good job! I would just recommend you use eye contact to your advantage a bit more by looking throughout the room despite how nervous you are
3/17/2016 9:59:42Jeff S2284 - Very Good2 - Needs Improvement2 - Needs Improvement3 - Good3 - Good
You got this man - you are a bright kid and I know when you're comfortable, you are a dynamic kid who others respond positively to; but this is a challenge for you that you'll need to face in the future
Best advice I can give: Practice before your next speech - just like in sports, practicing a skill is the only way you can perfect something. Also, know
3/17/2016 9:50:50Paige D2424 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional3 - Good
Bring some enthusiasm - even if you don't feel can get by with on charm alone sometimes even if you're not feeling it
Second part of the speech was better - more confident up there
Work on the flow of your speech - at times it seemed to stop and start at different times. Have transitions from topic to topic
3/17/2016 9:39:46David Ob2404 - Very Good2 - Needs Improvement5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Stumbled out the box - always breathe to recover
Set up the video before you play it
Eye contact is kind of all of the place looking at things rather than people
Notes on the phone - kind of tough sometimes to see what you need - if you have a tablet use it for future speeches
3/17/2016 9:24:47Dallen B2445 - Exceptional3 - Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good strong voice - very clear
A bit stiff up there in your posture and body language
Eye contact is for the most part centered on me - need to spread the love around the room more as hard as that may seem
Good use of video and explanation of it
3/17/2016 9:15:37Kaely R2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Project that voice
Good pace
Remember to breathe! - Can tell you are nervous up there as your voice shakes - take a little breath
Good physical movement using hands and voice inflection for effect
Good product - good balance of visuals and text
The only area to focus on: Confidence!
3/16/2016 13:40:02Bethany W5485 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good Pace/Good Voice
Good handle of the information
Product is very visual and appealing - the information should be a little bigger
Breathe! - Nerves produce a rush through need to breathe in order to communicate what you learned in an effective manner
Work on transitions between topics
3/16/2016 13:24:10Nate T5465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good Pace -
Crap - dont say that
Good body movement and posture
You're a hadsy kinda guy, be careful
Don't be "maybe completely wrong" - KNOW!
Good handle of the material
Work on your flow - talk to me about it
3/16/2016 13:09:22Nikki W5424 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional
Little choppy start - nerves
Before a video plays, tell us what we're going to see and then tie in the video to our understanding
Little reliance on notes - when you are confident on the material, you don't need your notes and the information comes across more clearly and people are more engaged
3/16/2016 12:57:40Valarie L5505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good pace -
Well prepared not really relying on notes
Good body language/good eye contact
Good inflection with your voice
Excellent description of some difficult concepts
Set up videos - don't just jump into it, let us know what we are going to see and then tie it in at the end of the vid to your overall speech (but in this case I walked all over the end of your video - sorry)
3/16/2016 12:40:18Joel R5505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Never good to start out saying crap - If you notice those filler words, move on
Good pace - not too fast/not too slow - but beware...longer speeches I can see your pace slowing down and that could create a lull in attention of the audience
Good understanding of the causes
Good intro of the video
Good handle of the effect of the brain
Excellent overall
3/16/2016 12:27:37Hannah R5404 - Very Good4 - Very Good4 - Very Good3 - Good5 - Exceptional
Bit nervous
Playing with the hair
Using the screen to help you along with your speech - good, but if you keep turning and looking at the screen you have a hard time not distracting the audience
Need to know the details of some of the technical terms and explain them
3/16/2016 8:50:51Dave Mastrella2465 - Exceptional3 - Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good personal connection to the subject
Majority of eye contact with me at first - comfort zone
a little fast on the pace -- force yourself to slow down a bit so people can keep along with the material

3/16/2016 8:33:39Cassidy J-K2465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Despite nerves, always include the audience and don't cut them off with your body movement
Good use of the video - very apropos
Notes on phone - its hard sometimes because of how small the screen is
3/16/2016 8:20:53Joey C2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good pace
Good job not being thrown off by distractions
Good voice - inflection was good and appropriate
Good use of the video - when you start a vid, you need a set up and you did, but when you end a vid, you need to explain how it all plays a role in an audiences understanding of your topic (explain the importance ans significance of the video to your audience)
3/16/2016 8:04:21Tristan W2465 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Good description of your learning process as you set up your presentation
Good use of video
Good description of the effects of the disorder
Good eye contact
Don't toss you notes...funny yes, distracting absolutely
Good job on your product...need to include more original information from you that you learned from your research on there
Also, need to include the personal stories on there
3/16/2016 7:47:02Tera N2505 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
No notes- Well done
Good handle of the material
Know the names of different groupings of disorders
Good video to use, but when you use video you want to set up the video before showing it
Great eye contact
Very good pace throughout your speech
3/15/2016 11:30:14David O5485 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good voice - strong, loud
Good handle on the material
3/15/2016 11:18:48Colt C5465 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good
Good Voice
Good handle of the information
good energy
3/15/2016 11:11:51Matt L5444 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good4 - Very Good
A little choppy at first
Your voice was a bit passive at first
good eye contact
Trick with notes on your phone -- use tablets if you have them
Talking about the personal stories you really hit your stride

3/15/2016 10:54:04Paige S5363 - Good3 - Good5 - Exceptional2 - Needs Improvement5 - Exceptional
Good Pace
Need to know what things are called and the causes
Smile up there! No one likes to give speeches but when you give one, you need to fake the enthusiasm
Clear voice - sometimes you trail off while talking
3/15/2016 10:41:58Isaiah C5485 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional4 - Very Good5 - Exceptional5 - Exceptional
Good Pace
Good Handle on the material
Voice - confident voice came later... quiet at first but dominant later -- dominant is good!!