Q1.1 How do you USUALLY access Reddit?
Q1.2 How often do you typically... [Visit/Browse]
Q1.2 How often do you typically... [Post/Comment]
Q1.3 How active would you consider yourself to be in the following subreddits? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q1.3 How active would you consider yourself to be in the following subreddits? [r/Cosmere]
Q1.3 How active would you consider yourself to be in the following subreddits? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q1.3 How active would you consider yourself to be in the following subreddits? [r/Mistborn]
Q1.4 How many years have you been active in the Sanderson fandom on Reddit?
Q1.5 How far into the books were you when you began participating in Sanderson subreddits?
Q2.1 Do you feel our spoiler policy is clear? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q2.1 Do you feel our spoiler policy is clear? [r/Cosmere]
Q2.1 Do you feel our spoiler policy is clear? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q2.1 Do you feel our spoiler policy is clear? [r/Mistborn]
Q2.2 How do you feel about our stringency in removing posts with spoilery titles? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q2.2 How do you feel about our stringency in removing posts with spoilery titles? [r/Cosmere]
Q2.2 How do you feel about our stringency in removing posts with spoilery titles? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q2.2 How do you feel about our stringency in removing posts with spoilery titles? [r/Mistborn]
Q2.3 How do you feel about our stringency in removing spoilers within posts or comments? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q2.3 How do you feel about our stringency in removing spoilers within posts or comments? [r/Cosmere]
Q2.3 How do you feel about our stringency in removing spoilers within posts or comments? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q2.3 How do you feel about our stringency in removing spoilers within posts or comments? [r/Mistborn]
Q2.4 How do you feel about our timeliness in removing spoilers? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q2.4 How do you feel about our timeliness in removing spoilers? [r/Cosmere]
Q2.4 How do you feel about our timeliness in removing spoilers? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q2.4 How do you feel about our timeliness in removing spoilers? [r/Mistborn]
Q2.5 Do you know how to cover spoilers in comments?
Q2.6 Do you know how to flair a post for spoilers?
Q2.7 If you've read most or all of the Cosmere, would you like to take a few moments to weigh in on a few additional questions about our policy on Cosmere spoilers?
Q2b.1How do you feel about our policy of strictly limiting discussion of Cosmere crossovers outside of tags for all books involved?
Q2b.2 How should we moderate minor spoilers in WoBs for content later revealed in books?
Q2b.3 Brandon occasionally shares information via WoB that many of people consider to be spoilery. How do you feel about our moderation on Words of Brandon in general?
Q2b.4 Should we keep r/Stormlight_Archive's "RoW/Warbreaker" flair? (multiple answers allowed)
Q2b.5 How do you feel about our spoiler policy with regard to unpublished, upcoming books?
Q3.1 Do you generally understand what Rule 9 entails?
Q3.2 In your opinion, should Rule 9 be enforced in each of these subreddits? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q3.2 In your opinion, should Rule 9 be enforced in each of these subreddits? [r/Cosmere]
Q3.2 In your opinion, should Rule 9 be enforced in each of these subreddits? [r/BrandonSanderson]
Q3.2 In your opinion, should Rule 9 be enforced in each of these subreddits? [r/Mistborn]
Q3.3 In the subreddits where Rule 9 is enforced, how do you feel about the rule's stringency? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q3.3 In the subreddits where Rule 9 is enforced, how do you feel about the rule's stringency? [r/Cosmere]
Q3.4 Would you like to take a few moments to weigh in on Rule 9 in greater detail?
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Simple things reminiscent of the books (storms, chasms, big horses, responsive plants, etc.) ]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Complex things reminiscent of the books (cymatics demonstrations, women's script analog, etc.)]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Pictures of merchandise]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Items with common symbols/quotes stamped, printed, burned, etc.]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Tattoos of common symbols/quotes]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Unique tattoos]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Quotes without much commentary]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Images of others' reactions (e.g. reactions shared via text message)]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Unexpected references online (including other subreddits)]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Unexpected references in real life]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Basic casting posts]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Pictures of children named after characters]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Pictures of pets named after characters]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Memes]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Text posts making a short joke or funny remark]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [News about sales, discounts, etc.]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Minor progress updates (<10% change)]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [General reading order requests]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Reading order requests under unique circumstances]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Requests for book recommendations]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Requests for recommendations on quotes, tattoos, names, etc.]
Q3b.1 How do you feel about these types of posts? [Poll posts]
Q3b.2 We've relied on various ways over the years to provide an outlet for posts restricted by Rule 9. What do you feel is the best way to do this? [r/Stormlight_Archive]
Q3b.2 We've relied on various ways over the years to provide an outlet for posts restricted by Rule 9. What do you feel is the best way to do this? [r/Cosmere]
Q4.1 How well do you feel that we moderate reposts?
Q4.2 Rule 5 restricts crossposts between r/Stormlight_Archive, r/Cosmere, r/BrandonSanderson, and r/Mistborn. What's your opinion on this rule?
Q4.3 How do you feel about our moderation of sensitive topics, like politics or religion?
Q4.4 Have you noticed any issues with trolling?
Q5.1 How are the moderators doing in these areas? [Moderators are friendly and welcoming.]
Q5.1 How are the moderators doing in these areas? [Moderators are prompt and responsive.]
Q5.1 How are the moderators doing in these areas? [Moderators communicate clearly.]
Q5.1 How are the moderators doing in these areas? [Moderators enforce the rules consistently.]
Q5.1 How are the moderators doing in these areas? [Moderators are fair and unbiased.]
Q6.1 Approximately when did you start reading Sanderson?
Q6.2 What book/series introduced you to Sanderson?
Q6.3 What is your favorite Sanderson story?
Q6.4 How do you USUALLY read Sanderson books?
Q6.5 What language(s) do you PRIMARILY read Sanderson books in?
Q6.6 What is your age?
Q6.7 What is your gender?
Q6.8 Where are you from?
Q6.9 If you could have any creature from one of Sanderson's books as a pet, what would it be?
6/6/2022 15:33:46
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official Android app
A few times per weekA few times per monthInactiveInactivePoster/CommenterInactive2Read a few books firstNot SureNot SureYesNot SureNot sureNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Not sure
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeNot SureAgree2019MistbornThe Hero of AgesPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleWestern Europea chicken
6/6/2022 15:36:59Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo Opinion
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2015MistbornRhythm of WarPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern EuropeA larkin
6/6/2022 15:44:08
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official Android app
DailyA few times per weekLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedNo OpinionRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionRestrictedNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo Opinion
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureAgreeAgreeAgreeNot Sure2013MistbornWords of RadianceEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canadaa kandra
6/6/2022 15:44:13Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive0
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureToo looseToo looseToo looseNot sureAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableNot sureNoYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoReposts are too commonNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeNot SureAgree2016The Stormlight ArchiveRhythm of War
Printed books, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 15:45:12Desktop siteA few times per weekA few times per monthLurkerInactivePoster/CommenterInactive5Read a few books firstYesNot SureNot SureNot SureJust rightNot sureToo looseNot sureJust rightNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesNo
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Not sureNot sureYesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo Rule 9No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureNot SureAgreeNot Sure2010MistbornThe RithmatistAudiobooksEnglish40-49MaleOtherTaynix
6/6/2022 15:45:23Official iOS appDailyDailyPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterLurkerPoster/Commenter1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesNot SureYesJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightGreatGreatNot sureGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
Not sureYes
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedNo OpinionRestrictedNo OpinionBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeNot SureAgreeAgree2020MistbornThe Bands of MourningEbooksEnglish19-22MaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 15:47:06
Desktop site, Official iOS app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesNot SureYesJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightGreatGreatNot sureGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2011The Stormlight ArchiveWords of RadiancePrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaDoomslug
6/6/2022 15:47:46Official Android appDailyRarelyInactiveInactiveLurkerInactive1Read a few books firstNot SureNot SureYesNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Not sure
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2016MistbornThe Emperor's SoulEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaChicken
6/6/2022 15:47:58
Desktop site, Mobile browser
DailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesNot SureToo looseToo looseToo looseNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureGreatGreatGreatNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedBannedNo OpinionRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedBanned
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
No Opinion
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2013The Wheel of TimeWarbreaker
Printed books, Audiobooks
English30-39MaleWestern EuropeSky eel
6/6/2022 15:48:44Desktop siteDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker9
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatAcceptableGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed), Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2009MistbornThe Emperor's Soul
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 15:49:15Official iOS appDailyA few times per monthPoster/CommenterPoster/Commenter4Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedNo OpinionBannedRestrictedRestrictedNo OpinionBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedNo OpinionAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeNot SureNot Sure2015MistbornThe Way of Kings
Printed books, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 15:49:19
Desktop site (old Reddit), Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2009The Wheel of TimeOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaSpren
6/6/2022 15:49:35
Desktop site, Other mobile app
DailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2019ElantrisThe Bands of MourningPrinted books, EbooksEnglish19-22MaleWestern EuropeNone
6/6/2022 15:50:08Desktop siteA few times per weekA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed books, EbooksEnglishOver 49MaleUS/CanadaDoom slug
6/6/2022 15:50:25Official iOS appA few times per monthRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
Yes. If information from a WoB is later revealed in the books, those WoBs should only be discussed in the context of books published after the in-book revelation.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
2017MistbornThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish15-18Non-binaryUS/Canada
6/6/2022 15:50:34Official Android appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveLurker3Read a few books firstYesYesNot SureYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureGreatGreatGreatGreatYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2017The Stormlight ArchiveWarbreakerEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 15:52:15Official iOS appDailyA few times per monthPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterInactiveInactive1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
NoReposts are too common
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2021MistbornThe Way of Kings
Printed books, Audiobooks
English15-18MaleUS/CanadaMist Wraith
6/6/2022 15:52:20
Desktop site, Mobile browser
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYesNoYes
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2012MistbornThe Way of Kings
Printed books, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 15:54:55Desktop site (old Reddit)DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesToo looseToo looseToo looseToo looseJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightSlowSlowSlowSlowYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
The dumb grass. Im not really an animal person.
6/6/2022 15:55:48Official iOS appA few times per weekA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Trolls have not been an issue
2007WarbreakerThe Emperor's SoulEbooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern EuropeLarkin
6/6/2022 15:56:47Desktop siteDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker7Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2010MistbornThe Way of KingsAudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern EuropeLarkin
6/6/2022 15:57:00Official Android appDailyA few times per monthLurkerPoster/CommenterLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedBanned
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2014MistbornThe Emperor's Soul
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks
English23-29MaleWestern Europe"chicken"
6/6/2022 15:57:07
Desktop site, Mobile browser
DailyA few times per weekPoster/CommenterInactivePoster/CommenterPoster/Commenter7
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightAcceptableNot sureAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
No OpinionYesRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedNo OpinionAlways PermittedAlways PermittedNo OpinionRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedNo Opinion
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Reposts are too common
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2014The Reckoners
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
Larkin, although an Aviar would be pretty cool too. Then again, if I could have Calamity as a pet or friend, I'd like that too...
6/6/2022 15:57:50Official iOS appA few times per monthLurker0Read a few books firstYesJust rightJust rightAcceptableNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
NoYesNo OpinionNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
6/6/2022 15:58:07Desktop siteA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive1
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeNot SureAgreeNot SureAgree2012The Stormlight ArchiveWords of RadiancePrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaRhyshadium
6/6/2022 15:58:09Official Android appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2009MistbornThe Emperor's SoulPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaLorkin
6/6/2022 15:58:28Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive7
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureYesNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
AgreeNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2012MistbornOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish23-29FemaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 16:01:34Desktop siteDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways Permitted
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeNot SureAgree2010MistbornRhythm of WarPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaChasmfiend
6/6/2022 16:01:42
Desktop site, Desktop site (old Reddit)
DailyA few times per weekInactivePoster/CommenterLurkerInactive0Read a few books firstNot SureYesNot SureNot SureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureGreatNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
NoNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed booksEnglish23-29MaleWestern EuropeLarkin
6/6/2022 16:02:14
Desktop site, Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Much too strict. ("It's stupid that we can't call Thaidakar by his real name. If you didn't read Mistborn before Rhythm of War that's on you.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestricted
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeNot SureNot SureNot Sure2010The Wheel of TimeThe Hero of Ages
I get them in every format then read once and listen for rereads.
A real life Soonie pup, boy oh boy!
6/6/2022 16:02:50Official Android appA few times per monthRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureNot SureAgreeAgree2016The ReckonersThe Well of AscensionPrinted books, EbooksEnglish15-18MaleUS/Canada
Aviar (most kinds are fine)
6/6/2022 16:03:18
Official Android app, Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways Permitted
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
No Opinion
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No Opinion2020MistbornWords of RadiancePrinted booksEspañol19-22MaleWestern EuropeChiri-chiri
6/6/2022 16:04:05
Desktop site, Official iOS app
A few times per weekRarelyLurkerInactiveInactiveLurker4Read a few books firstNot SureNot SureNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2017MistbornThe Bands of MourningEbooksEnglish19-22MaleWestern EuropeYour mum
6/6/2022 16:04:16Desktop siteA few times per weekA few times per monthPoster/CommenterLurkerInactiveInactive2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
Not sureYes
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
NoNo Opinion
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureAgreeNot SureAgreeAgree2017Mistborn
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell
EbooksEnglish19-22MaleUS/Canadasome form of Aviar
6/6/2022 16:06:54Official Android appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker7
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Mistborn: The Final Empire
AudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaA pig from Silence!
6/6/2022 16:07:15
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official Android app
A few times per weekRarelyInactiveLurkerLurkerLurker2Read a few books firstNot SureYesYesYesNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureGreatGreatGreatYesYesNoYes
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2020MistbornThe Alloy of LawPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:07:37Official Android appDailyA few times per weekLurkerPoster/CommenterInactivePoster/Commenter1Read a few books firstYesYesNot SureYesNot sureJust rightNot sureJust rightNot sureJust rightNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Mixed OpinionsMixed OpinionsYesRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
No Opinion
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
This is a tough question, because the creatures I would want to be real are Spren, but considering their sentience I don't know if I could ever consider one as a pet. Syl is adorable, but not in the same way a dog is. I don't really know- I wouldn't want a chull as a pet, and I don't feel comfortable calling any of the other unique creatures (Spren, Mistwraiths/Kandra, Koloss, Seons, etc) pets.
6/6/2022 16:08:40
Desktop site, Desktop site (old Reddit), Official iOS app
DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive4Read a few books firstYesYesNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
I feel that Words of Brandon are frequently spoilery, and I wish references too them were tagged far more often.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2018The Stormlight ArchiveOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:08:57
Desktop site, Mobile browser
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesToo looseToo looseNot sureNot sureToo looseToo looseNot sureNot sureSlowSlowNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestricted
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2019The Stormlight ArchiveWords of RadianceEbooks, AudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern Europe
This sort of question does not interest me.
6/6/2022 16:09:11Desktop site (old Reddit)A few times per monthA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker5
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
NoReposts are too common
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2007AlcatrazEbooksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:10:30Other mobile appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9No Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeAgreeAgree2019The Wheel of TimeOathbringerAudiobooksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:10:31Desktop siteDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere), Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated too strictly.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2019The Stormlight ArchiveOathbringerEbooksEnglish23-29Prefer not to sayUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:11:08
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official Android app, Other mobile app
DailyA few times per weekPoster/CommenterLurkerLurkerLurker5Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedBanned
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 16:11:24
Desktop site, Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2006Mistborn
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed books, EbooksEnglish40-49MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:12:18
Desktop site, Official iOS app
A few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive2Read a few books firstYesNot SureNot SureNot SureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeNot SureNot SureNot Sure2019The Stormlight ArchiveWords of RadiancePrinted booksEnglish19-22MaleUS/Canada
Spren? Not exactly a pet though
6/6/2022 16:12:38Other mobile appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker5Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2017The Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:12:54Official Android appDailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker0
Read most/all of the books first
YesNoNoYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedNo OpinionBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedNo Opinion
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2016Mistborn
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed booksEnglish, French19-22MaleWestern EuropeAviar
6/6/2022 16:12:58Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker8
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2011The Wheel of TimeThe Way of KingsEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaChicken
6/6/2022 16:12:59Official iOS appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2010MistbornWords of RadiancePrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 16:15:21Other mobile appDailyA few times per weekPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/Commenter8
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNot Sure2011MistbornThe Bands of MourningEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
Awakened doomslug plush
6/6/2022 16:16:15Mobile browserA few times per weekA few times per monthPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterInactiveInactive2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureGreatGreatNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2018The Stormlight ArchiveOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaTai-na
6/6/2022 16:17:52
Desktop site, Official iOS app
DailyA few times per monthPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/Commenter2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesNot SureYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNot Sure2020The Wheel of TimeRhythm of WarEbooks, AudiobooksEnglish30-39FemaleWestern EuropeKandra hound!
6/6/2022 16:19:44Official Android appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgreeNot SureAgreeAgree2014MistbornOathbringerEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaAviar
6/6/2022 16:20:19
Desktop site (old Reddit), Mobile browser
DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About rightNot sure.Not sureNot sureNot sure
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionNot SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2021The Stormlight ArchivePrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:20:34Other mobile appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker5
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
NoNo Opinion
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are not moderated strictly enough.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2008ElantrisWarbreakerPrinted booksEnglish40-49MaleUS/Canada
A chicken. Is this a trick? Is there any other answer? Good way to weed out the uninitiated!
6/6/2022 16:21:05
Desktop site, Other mobile app
DailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2009The Wheel of TimeWords of RadianceEbooks, AudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
Does a spren bond count?
6/6/2022 16:21:27
Official iOS app, Mobile browser
DailyRarelyInactiveInactiveLurkerInactive0Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYesNo
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeAgreeNot Sure2013The Reckoners
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaSpren
6/6/2022 16:21:53
Desktop site, Official Android app
A few times per monthRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2021The Stormlight ArchiveWords of RadiancePrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 16:21:58Official Android appDailyA few times per monthLurkerInactiveLurkerLurker7
Read most/all of the books first
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are), Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Repost moderation seems fine
Crossposts between these subreddits should NOT be restricted.
Trolls have not been an issue
2005ElantrisThe Alloy of LawPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:23:34Desktop siteA few times per weekInactivePoster/CommenterLurkerLurkerRead a few books firstNot SureYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYesNo2021The Wheel of TimeThe Hero of AgesAudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaProbably a cremling.
6/6/2022 16:25:42Other mobile appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker4Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
NoYesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeAgreeNot Sure2017MistbornThe RithmatistEbooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 16:26:22
Official Android app, Mobile browser
DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
Yes. If information from a WoB is later revealed in the books, those WoBs should only be discussed in the context of books published after the in-book revelation.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNoNo Opinion
Crossposts between these subreddits should NOT be restricted.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeAgreeAgree2020Mistborn
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Printed booksSpanish 19-22MaleWestern EuropeSpren :)
6/6/2022 16:26:36Desktop site (old Reddit)A few times per weekA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker5
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2008MistbornPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaSak
6/6/2022 16:29:10Other mobile appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive5
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightToo looseToo looseNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
I feel that Words of Brandon are frequently spoilery, and I wish references too them were tagged far more often.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2012MistbornThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:29:17Official iOS appDailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive0
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureToo strictJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9No OpinionMixed OpinionsRule 9 is too restrictiveYesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated too strictly.
No OpinionNot SureNot SureAgreeNot SureNot Sure2020SkywardOathbringerEbooksEnglishChiri-Chiri, obviously
6/6/2022 16:29:18Official Android appDailyA few times per monthLurkerPoster/CommenterLurkerInactive0
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Ebooks, AudiobooksEnglish30-39FemaleUS/CanadaChiri-chiri
6/6/2022 16:29:31Other mobile appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2017The Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of KingsEbooksEnglish23-29FemaleWestern EuropeChiri-Chiri
6/6/2022 16:29:53Desktop siteDailyRarelyLurkerInactiveInactiveInactive7
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionYesBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestricted
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Reposts are too common
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2016MistbornThe RithmatistPrinted books, EbooksRussian19-22FemaleEastern Europe/RussiaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:30:11Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestricted
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2020The Wheel of TimeWords of Radiance
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 16:33:34
Desktop site (old Reddit), Other mobile app
DailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerInactiveLurker1Read a few books firstYesYesNot SureYesJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightAcceptableAcceptableNot sureAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedNo OpinionBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Crossposts between these subreddits should NOT be restricted.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureAgreeAgreeNot SureAgree2021MistbornRhythm of War
Printed books, Audiobooks
English23-29MaleWestern Europe
Larkin (assuming I can't cheat and have a kandra)
6/6/2022 16:34:05Official iOS appDailyA few times per monthLurkerLurkerInactiveLurker2Read a few books firstYesYesNoYesJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed), Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgree2020The Wheel of TimeThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish30-39FemaleWestern EuropeChicken
6/6/2022 16:34:12Official Android appA few times per weekA few times per monthLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesToo looseToo looseToo looseToo looseJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are), Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2020The Stormlight ArchiveOathbringer
Printed books, Audiobooks
6/6/2022 16:34:48Official Android appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive1Read a few books firstYesYesYesNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are), Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2020MistbornOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
If I can say Spren I'd go for a Spren, Kandra if not and if not that either probably an axehound
6/6/2022 16:35:13
Desktop site (old Reddit), Other mobile app
A few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker5
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestricted
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Reposts are too common
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionNot SureNot SureAgreeAgreeAgree2013The Wheel of TimeThe Way of KingsPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39FemaleEastern Europe/Russia
If Seon counts then Seon, if not then Slug from Skyward
6/6/2022 16:35:21
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official Android app
A few times per monthLurker6Read a few books firstYesJust rightJust rightAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Not sure
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo Rule 9No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionRule 9 is too restrictiveYesRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedRestricted
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated too strictly.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2015MistbornElantrisPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaAviar
6/6/2022 16:36:20Official iOS appDailyDailyPoster/CommenterLurkerInactiveLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNoNo
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Mixed OpinionsMixed OpinionsYesAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
Allow this content all the time but require special flair.
No Opinion
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2012The Wheel of TimeThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:40:55
Desktop site, Official Android app
DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker1Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2021The Stormlight Archive
Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania
Printed booksEnglish19-22MaleWestern EuropeCremling
6/6/2022 16:41:05Official Android appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerInactiveInactive4Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (keep things exactly the way they are)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo Rule 9No Rule 9No Rule 9No Rule 9Rule 9 is too restrictiveRule 9 is too restrictiveNoNo OpinionNo Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2018The Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of Kings
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks
English23-29MaleWestern EuropeLarkin
6/6/2022 16:41:59Other mobile appA few times per weekLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeNot SureAgreeAgreeAgree2009The Wheel of TimeThe Emperor's SoulEbooksEnglish30-39FemaleWestern EuropeRhyshadium
6/6/2022 16:42:26
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official iOS app
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureYesNot SureNot SureNot sureToo looseNot sureNot sureNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureGreatNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedRestricted
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2013The Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:43:10
Desktop site, Official Android app
DailyA few times per monthPoster/CommenterLurkerLurkerLurker0
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
Not sureYes
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedNo OpinionAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestricted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
No Opinion
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2018MistbornWords of RadianceEbooks, AudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern Europe
If Adolin counts (because he's the human equivalent of a golden retriever), I'd like him. Other than that, I'm fine with the pets I have.
6/6/2022 16:44:56Mobile browserDailyDailyPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterLurkerLurker1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
YesRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedBannedBannedBannedBannedRestricted
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Require this content to be posted as comments in a weekly post.
Reposts are too common
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2020MistbornWarbreakerEbooks, AudiobooksSpanish30-39MaleWestern EuropeKandra
6/6/2022 16:45:02Official iOS appDailyInactiveLurkerInactiveLurker0Read a few books firstNot SureYesNot SureYesNot sureToo looseNot sureToo looseNot sureJust rightNot sureJust rightNot sureAcceptableNot sureAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
YesNo Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Opinion
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Opinion
Rule 9 should be more strict
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeNot Sure2021The Wheel of TimeThe RithmatistPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:45:34Desktop siteA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker3
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
2013MistbornOathbringerAudiobooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/CanadaRed and Blue Chicken
6/6/2022 16:45:49Desktop site (old Reddit)A few times per weekA few times per monthInactiveInactivePoster/CommenterInactive2Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYesNoYes
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2020MistbornThe Hero of AgesPrinted books, EbooksEnglish23-29MaleWestern Europe
A kandra would be really useful, but a spren like Syl would be pretty unique and interesting in its own right. Either of those.
6/6/2022 16:45:54
Official iOS app, Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
YesNo Rule 9No Rule 9No Rule 9No Rule 9
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Crossposts between these subreddits should NOT be restricted.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2010MistbornThe Way of KingsPrinted books, EbooksEnglish30-39MaleWestern EuropeAviar
6/6/2022 16:50:25
Desktop site, Official iOS app
DailyA few times per weekPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterInactiveLurker2
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be more strict
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Rule 9 should be enforced at all times. An outlet isn't needed.
Reposts are too commonNo Opinion
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2015MistbornThe Emperor's SoulEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:51:41Official Android appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2010The Wheel of TimeThe Way of KingsPrinted books, EbooksEnglish40-49FemaleUS/CanadaLarkin
6/6/2022 16:52:36Official Android appDailyA few times per monthPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterInactivePoster/Commenter1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureGreatNot sureNot sureNot sureYesNo
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About rightNot sure.Not sure
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionYesRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedNo OpinionRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedRestrictedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
No Opinion
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have been a minor issue
Not SureAgreeAgreeNot SureNot Sure2017The Emperor's SoulThe Bands of Mourning
Printed books, Audiobooks
English30-39Prefer not to sayUS/CanadaAviar
6/6/2022 16:52:47
Desktop site, Official Android app
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot sureJust rightNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNo
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
YesRestrictedAlways PermittedBannedRestrictedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedBannedRestrictedRestrictedBannedBannedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways PermittedAlways Permitted
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Don't enforce Rule 9 one day each week. (current method)
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2013WarbreakerThe Way of KingsPrinted booksEnglish19-22MaleUS/CanadaChasmfiend
6/6/2022 16:54:29
Desktop site (old Reddit), Other mobile app
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightGreatGreatGreatGreatYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
Not strict enough. ("I don't want to see any mentions of Nightblood in an Stormlight-tagged post because he hasn't been called that in Stormlight Archive yet.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2021MistbornThe Way of Kings
Printed books, Ebooks, Audiobooks, Graphic Audio
English19-22Non-binaryWestern EuropeAxehound
6/6/2022 16:54:54Other mobile appDailyA few times per monthLurkerPoster/CommenterInactiveInactive4
Read most/all of the books first
Not SureYesNot SureNot SureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureJust rightJust rightNot sureNot sureGreatGreatNot sureNot sureYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
About right
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2018The Stormlight ArchiveOathbringerPrinted booksEnglish19-22MaleWestern Europe
6/6/2022 16:54:58
Desktop site, Official Android app
DailyRarelyLurkerInactiveInactivePoster/Commenter1Read a few books firstNot SureNot SureNot SureYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightToo strictToo strictToo strictToo strictAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
No OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Crossposts between these subreddits should NOT be restricted.
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2021MistbornThe Well of AscensionPrinted books, EbooksEnglish, Spanish 19-22MaleLatin/South AmericaA dog
6/6/2022 16:55:08
Desktop site (old Reddit), Official iOS app
DailyA few times per weekPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterPoster/Commenter1
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightToo strictGreatGreatGreatGreatYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Words of Brandon have always been part of the conversation in the fandom, for better or worse, and we shouldn't put extra hurdles for these discussions.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific), No (it should be replaced with something more generic, like the "Mixed" flair in r/Cosmere)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (at all times)
No Rule 9
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated too strictly.
Trolls have not been an issue
Printed books, Audiobooks
English23-29MaleUS/Canadaa larkin
6/6/2022 16:55:27Official iOS appDailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker6
Read most/all of the books first
YesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
It depends on the WoB. (on how spoilery the info is, the nature of the in-book revelation, etc.)
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
No (people can use the "Cosmere" flair and edit the text if they want to be more specific)
The current policy should be more friendly to those avoiding pre-release content, with that content only allowed under tags that explicitly mention it. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere + SA5" tags but not in "Cosmere" tags.)
6/6/2022 16:57:17
Desktop site, Official iOS app
DailyRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerInactive3Read a few books firstYesYesYesNot SureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureJust rightJust rightJust rightNot sureGreatGreatGreatNot sureYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
NoYesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo Opinion
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
No OpinionAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2018MistbornThe Way of KingsEbooksEnglish30-39MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:57:36Official Android appA few times per weekA few times per weekPoster/CommenterPoster/CommenterLurkerPoster/Commenter2Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureNot sureYesYesNo
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
No OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
No Opinion
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2019The Wheel of TimeWarbreakerPrinted booksEnglish23-29MaleUS/Canada
6/6/2022 16:59:29Official Android appA few times per monthA few times per weekLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker0No books readYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYes
No, but I rarely/never post.
Not sure, but I rarely/never post.
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 enforced (except on Fridays)
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Rule 9 is good the way it is
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be restricted to only one of these subreddits by default. (current rule)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureNot SureNot SureNot SureNot Sure2022MistbornPrinted booksEnglish30-39MaleAustralia/Oceania
6/6/2022 17:00:59Official Android appA few times per weekRarelyLurkerLurkerLurkerLurker2Read a few books firstYesYesYesYesJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightJust rightAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableYesYes
Yes (Warning: Cosmere spoilers ahead!)
A little too strict. ("Well of Ascension isn't going to be ruined for anyone just because they saw an explanation of what Shards are and a list of Shard names that included Ruin.")
No. If Brandon didn't mind sharing the WoB at the time he did, then it's okay for people to continue discussing that WoB in the context of books that were published at the time.
Some Words of Brandon (such as the Sixth of the Dusk 2 reading, or a certain Taln WoB) are spoilery, and I think discussion of these things needs to be specially tagged.
Yes (and add a "RoW/Mistborn" flair as well, and other similar options if needed)
The current policy works just fine. People avoiding pre-release content are responsible for avoiding those spoilers. (SA5 spoilers are allowed in "Cosmere" tags but not in "Cosmere (No SA5)" tags.)
YesNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo OpinionNo
Repost moderation seems fine
Posts should be allowed in at least two subreddits by default. (if the content is on-topic)
Sensitive topics are moderated well.
Trolls have not been an issue
Not SureAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree2017MistbornThe Well of AscensionPrinted booksEnglish19-22MaleWestern EuropeA Ryshadium