FaQ: - Table of Contents
What is R.O.W.E.?R.O.W.E. is an acronym "Rayquaza's.Open.World.Emerald." and is an Open World Version of Pokémon Emerald (Gen 8, Following Pokémon, Costumes, Regional Forms, Daily Rematches and much, much more)Up to Date as of July 15 2023 Version is the Google Doc for R.O.W.E, it contains the all the current info for R.O.W.E.
What's a FaQ or what does it mean?FaQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". Its a feature on most Websites, containing Answers to common Questions that get asked a lot. This helps to reduce clutter and free up Staff's/Moderator's time.We Strongly Advise that you're playing on a Trashman Rom you Patched yourself. NEVER use a Pre-Patched version from a website like PokeHarbor or any other website. Instead please refer to the Guide
Is there/will Gen 9 be addded?No
What's the best Cheats for this Rom-Hack?None, Cheats have been shut off. Please refer to the FaQHyperlinked all the Tabs here to their respective Tabs.
What Legendaries are included?Check out the Legendary PokéMon List Tab here in the DocPlease Try and refer to this Doc or the FaQ on Discord before posting an Inquiry to Discord. If you can't seem to find the information. First "Scroll Out" or change the "Page Size/Zoom" and check if that sections has "Notes:" or if it's listed in that sections FaQ.
Why is there an 'Old STAB' mode?In the newer versions of the game, a new STAB system was developed by Rioluwott to give Monotype Pokemon some viability.
So then how does the new STAB work?
Check Pokémon R.O.W.E. Document
Doc IndexWhat Information it contains
Index PageThis Tells you where and what each section of The Doc covers.
ResourcesThis file links you to some resources that may help you with the game.
Freqently Asked QuestionsThis is a Copy of the FaQ from Discord
Known BugsThis file tells you the bugs that were found in the game and some workaround or reason for it if its known.
Different ModesThis file tells you what every mode does, it also includes the different difficult option so you know how you want to play before starting.
Important NPCsThis tells you where to find every Important NPC in the game and what it does.
Important Trainer Locations This file tells you where to find The Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Wally, Steven, and Red.
Important Trainer ListYou can see some information regarding the Gym Leader Teams here.
PokéMon LocationsThis file tells you where to find every PokéMon in the game and what you need, go here first if you want to know where to find any PokéMon and it will refer you to the correct area where you can find its location.
Legendary PokéMon ListThis file tells you where you can find every obtainable Legendary PokéMon in the game.
Special PokéMon ListThis file tells you what special PokéMon you can get from trade, in static encounters or as a gift and where to find them.
Wild Encounter TablesThis file tells you were every wild PokéMon is located and what method you need to find them.
Evolution DataYou can see here how to know the evolution method of all the PokéMon in the game.
Base Stats, Abilities , Held Items and More*Note 🚧 Under Construction 🚧, Mostly done need to tidy up, check agaisnt the latest version and add color to types
Signature Move ListThis file tells you all the changes that happen when an specific PokéMon use some specific moves, this may go from a simple bp change to something more radical like using the speed stat for the damage calculation.
PokéMon ChangesYou can see every change done to PokéMon stats, Abilities and Moves here, this can be disabled in Vanilla Mode (the move changes are kept in vanilla mode too) *Note 🚧 Under Construction 🚧, *Coming Soon* The info is still
avaliable via a link to a past version of the Doc
Important Items LocationsThis file tells you were to find some specific Items that may help a lot on your adventure, this includes key items and Mega Stones.
TMs LocationsThis file tells you were to find every Technical Machine in the game along with some information of that move.
New Ability/Item ListThis file tells you all the custom abilities/items added in R.O.W.E. and what they do.
Move/Ability/Item ModificationsThis file tells you what moves/abilities/items were changed and what they do now.
Exiolite InformationThis tells you what Exiolte is and how it functions.
GeographyInfo on all the Routes, Towns, Cities and Dungeons.
Achievement DataYou can see how to unlock all the achievements in the game here if you don't want to figure them out. [this was made by the users Ray the Gaming Squirrel#0844 on the Discord server with help of the community]