A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | |
1 | Project name | Project URL | |||||||||||||||||
2 | .softGlossary | https://softglossary.space/ | |||||||||||||||||
3 | (we)bsite | https://we-b.site/ | |||||||||||||||||
4 | / | https://noemata.net | |||||||||||||||||
5 | 💪🍩 | https://mightydonut.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
6 | 49travel | https://49travel.vercel.app/ | |||||||||||||||||
7 | A Friend Is Writing | https://a-friend-is-writing.bewe.me/ | |||||||||||||||||
8 | A London inheritance | https://alondoninheritance.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
9 | A Walking Poem | https://walk.javier.computer | |||||||||||||||||
10 | A weblog by Chase McCoy | chasem.co | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Absent music website | www.absentmusic.com | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Acronymy | https://acronymy.net/ | |||||||||||||||||
13 | Alpina | https://alpina.io | |||||||||||||||||
14 | amber.vision | https://amber.vision/ | |||||||||||||||||
15 | Ambiance Jeune | https://ambiancejeune.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Ambient Institute | https://ambient.institute/ | |||||||||||||||||
17 | America | https://4m3ric4.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
18 | an extra hour | extrahour.today | |||||||||||||||||
19 | Ana's Personal Website | https://ohhelloana.blog | |||||||||||||||||
20 | Another Dayu | https://anotherdayu.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
21 | appalerts.io | https://appalerts.io | |||||||||||||||||
22 | arbourtrary | https://www.arbourtrary.com | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Are you down or is it just me? | http://areyoudownorisitjustme.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Art Gallery and Presentation | https://kirtikumarar.com | |||||||||||||||||
25 | Ayzad - The guide for explorers of unusual sex | https://ayzad.com | |||||||||||||||||
26 | Bartosz Ciechanowski | https://ciechanow.ski/ | |||||||||||||||||
27 | Bead patterns | https://buegelperlenvorlagen.ch | |||||||||||||||||
28 | Beaks.live | https://beaks.live | |||||||||||||||||
29 | bearblog | bearblog.dev | |||||||||||||||||
30 | Beatroot News: Text-Only | https://news.tatooine.club/about/ | |||||||||||||||||
31 | beespace | https://lunabee.space | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Benjamin Lee’s Personal Website | benleejamin.com | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Billboard Astrology | https://bits.ashleyblewer.com/billboard-astrology/ | |||||||||||||||||
34 | Bird Game | https://birdga.me | |||||||||||||||||
35 | bl00m | https://bl00m.co.uk/ | |||||||||||||||||
36 | Blackout Poetry Generator | https://blackout-poetry-generator.vercel.app/ | |||||||||||||||||
37 | Bloggy Garden | bloggy.garden | |||||||||||||||||
38 | Brr.fyi | brr.fyi | |||||||||||||||||
39 | Bubbles | https://polaroids-tawny.vercel.app/ | |||||||||||||||||
40 | camille mormal | https://camillemormal.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
41 | Carinhas | https://museum.carinhas.online/en | |||||||||||||||||
42 | Cherry Picking | https://cherrypicking.digital/ | |||||||||||||||||
43 | Chickenbot | https://chickenbot.phiffer.org/ | |||||||||||||||||
44 | Cine2Nerdle | https://www.cinenerdle2.app/ | |||||||||||||||||
45 | Cloud Ring | https://ocias.com/works/cloud-ring/ | |||||||||||||||||
46 | Codeatlas - Codebase Visualisation | codeatlas.dev | |||||||||||||||||
47 | Color Orbs | https://dannyking.uk/artwork/colororbs | |||||||||||||||||
48 | copiona | https://copiona.com | |||||||||||||||||
49 | Copiona / Librenauta | https://copiona.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
50 | CORBAS | https://www.corbas.com | |||||||||||||||||
51 | Cosmic Chords | www.cosmicchords.com | |||||||||||||||||
52 | Crawlspace | https://crawlspace.cool/ | |||||||||||||||||
53 | creative-community.space | https://creative-community.space/ | |||||||||||||||||
54 | Creativity Church | church.super.site | |||||||||||||||||
55 | Creepyface | https://creepyface.io | |||||||||||||||||
56 | Crypto Chronology Research Collective | https://ccrc.space/ | |||||||||||||||||
57 | CSS Drawings | https://cssdrawings.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
58 | CSS Pattern | https://css-pattern.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
59 | cubic-bezier.com | https://cubic-bezier.com | |||||||||||||||||
60 | Dana Byerly's Digital Junk Drawer | https://danabyerly-junkdrawer.website/ | |||||||||||||||||
61 | Dave on Design | https://daveon.design/ | |||||||||||||||||
62 | Deceptive Interfaces Framework | https://interface.tools/ | |||||||||||||||||
63 | Derek Sivers’ personal website | https://sive.rs/ | |||||||||||||||||
64 | Design Calendar | www.designcalendar.io | |||||||||||||||||
65 | designevents.guide | https://designevents.guide | |||||||||||||||||
66 | Deuxfleurs | https://deuxfleurs.fr/ | |||||||||||||||||
67 | Deuxfleurs | https://deuxfleurs.fr | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Developer Tools | https://ray.run/tools | |||||||||||||||||
69 | Digital autonomy with Pihole Guardian | https://rhoenwurz.de/ | |||||||||||||||||
70 | Digital autonomy with Pihole Guardian against the Tracking and Marketing Horror | https://rhoenwurz.de/ | |||||||||||||||||
71 | Digital Skills Passport | https://www.digitalskillspassport.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
72 | disinfo.zone | https://disinfo.zone/ | |||||||||||||||||
73 | Diving Photography Gallery | https://diving.anardil.net | |||||||||||||||||
74 | Do I Need an Umbrella Today? | umbrellatoday.app | |||||||||||||||||
75 | Drama in a Snap | https://www.dramainasnap.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
76 | drink coffee before go? | https://bysusanlin.com/drink-coffee-before-go/ | |||||||||||||||||
77 | Edmundo Santos | https://edmundo.is | |||||||||||||||||
78 | Emoji Kitchen | https://emojikitchen.dev/ | |||||||||||||||||
79 | Emojinator | https://emojinator.fun/ | |||||||||||||||||
80 | epicycles | https://v21.io/epicycles/ | |||||||||||||||||
81 | f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9 | https://f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9.online/ | |||||||||||||||||
82 | face64 | https://face64.me | |||||||||||||||||
83 | Facing Life | https://www.facing.life/ | |||||||||||||||||
84 | Fedifinder | https://fedifinder.glitch.me | |||||||||||||||||
85 | FEMME: A Manifesto | https://crystalcryalot.itch.io/femme-a-manifesto | |||||||||||||||||
86 | FFAAQQ | ffaaqq.me | |||||||||||||||||
87 | Foresight Folk | https://foresightfolk.com | |||||||||||||||||
88 | Future Resources | https://lydiacaldana.com/futureresources | |||||||||||||||||
89 | glitch.gay | https://glitch.gay | |||||||||||||||||
90 | Grid World | https://alex.miller.garden/grid-world/ | |||||||||||||||||
91 | GRID WORLD by Alexander Miller | https://alex.miller.garden/grid-world/ | |||||||||||||||||
92 | Haley Park's personal website | https://haleypark.design | |||||||||||||||||
93 | Himmel über Karlsruhe | https://himmelueberkarlsruhe.de/ | |||||||||||||||||
94 | History0x | https://www.history0x.com/decades | |||||||||||||||||
95 | html energy | https://html.energy/ | |||||||||||||||||
96 | HTTP Response Cats | https://httpcat.us | |||||||||||||||||
97 | https://tomcritchlow.com/ | https://tomcritchlow.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
98 | Hypercode | http://www.hypercode.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
99 | I AM PLUK | iampl.uk | |||||||||||||||||
100 | I love it, ship it | https://iloveitshipit.com/ |