Deadline for completion is March 31st of each year. Please reach out to your Club Sports Staff to arrange the Annual Renewal Checklist Meeting before this date. This meeting will take approximately 1 hour, should include as many outgoing and incoming Executive as possible and will utilize this checklist to support the meeting's agenda. Templates specific to the Annual Renewal Checklist below can be found here. Annual Renewal Meetings should take place no later than April 30th of each year.
Club NameAnnual Renewal Meeting Updated By
Continuing through Spring/SummerAttendees
TaskTask DescriptionCompletePartially CompleteIncompleteNotes
1Club Sports Handbook→ Club knows where to access, and how to navigate, the Club Sports Handbook.
2Club Classification→ Club declares and meets the required criteria for their Club Classification.
→ Club Classification changes may be requested, but approval will be at the discretion of the Club Sports Program Coordinator.
3AGM→ Club has held their Annual General Meeting.
→ AGM Meeting Minutes have been stored in the club's Google Drive ~ Application/Renewal folder.
4Executive→ Club has democratically elected their new Student Executive Team.
→ All mandatory Executive Positions (or equivalents) are filled: President, Vice President, Risk Management, Treasurer, Communications.
→ All non-mandatory Executive Positions are filled.
→ Executives have reviewed their associated position descriptions in Section 2.3 of the Club Sports Handbook.
5Facility Bookings→ Club has requested Spring/Summer facility space, if necessary.
→ Club has requested Fall/Winter facility space.
→ Executives understand the following with regards to facilities:
1. Facility paperwork will always be stored in the "Facilities" folder of the Shared Google Drive.
2. All clubs receive a Facility Booking contract. The contract marked with "🟢" is the most up-to-date copy and should be reviewed by the Executives
frequently to confirm times, dates and locations.
3. Facility booking contracts do not show accurate pricing as all Club Sports receive *most facility spaces at a 95% discount (*exceptions apply). Accurate facility costs can be found in the Club Sports Handbook under Section 8.8
4. Facility allocation is based on the overall membership size of the club as determined by ActivityReg registration. Section 8.6 of the Club Sports Handbook includes the exact ratios.
6Certifications→ If club is operating in Spring/Summer, there is at least 1 Executive with current SFA & CPR-C training. This Executive's certification has been uploaded to the "Risk Management" folder of the Shared Google Drive.
→ Executives understand the following with regards to certifications:
1. At least 1 certified Standard First-Aid/CPR Level C/AED Executive must be present at any and all activities. The more certified Executives you have, the more options you have to distribute this responsibility fairly.
2. Certifications must be uploaded to the "Risk Management" folder of the Shared Google Drive.
3. The Club Sports Program offers two fully subsidized SFA & CPR-C courses for Executives. Training occurs on Saturdays and Sundays from 9AM - 5PM in September and January.
7Constitution→ Club has updated its Constitution.
1. Make a copy of the current Constitution and add updates; the previous Constitution must not be erased or written over.
2. This objective is not considered complete until the Program Coordinator has approved the revised Constitution.
3. Google Doc format required.
8Risk Management Plan→ Club has updated its Risk Management Plan.
1. Make a copy of the current Risk Management Plan and add updates; the previous Risk Management Plan must not be erased or written over.
2. This objective is not considered complete until the Program Coordinator has approved the revised Risk Management Plan.
3. Google Doc format required.
9TD Bank Signing Authority→ Signing authority for the club's TD Bank Account has been transferred to 2 returning/incoming Executives (traditionally the President & Treasurer).
→ Cheques and other banking materials have been handed over to the new Executive or stored in the club's locker until next year.
10Equipment and Supplies→ Club has returned all equipment and supplies to the Club Sports Storage Room (VVC 1-653).
1. Club's bins correctly labeled and stored safely.
2. All old equipment has been recycled or thrown away.
→ Club has inventoried and documented all equipment and supplies.
11Financial Tracking→ All financial transactions for the fiscal year (Apr 1 - Mar 31) are/will be completed before March 31 of this year.
1. Money owed to the Club Sport Program for Facility Fees or other purchases have been paid. Payments must be made in-person via cheque (made payable to the “University of Alberta”) or through appropriately allocated CREF funds
2. All reimbursements have been documented properly and distributed.
3.The Program Coordinator has been informed of any financial transactions that have/will occur after the March 31 deadline and the reasoning behind the decision.

→ All monthly bank statements (up to, and including, March) have been uploaded to the "Finances" folder of the Shared Google Drive.
→ This year's budget is complete in its entirety, accounts for all revenue and expenses listed on the bank statements, and is ready for reconciliation by the Program Coordinator.
12Budget Plan→ Next year's budget is prepared for the incoming Executive Team. The "Projected" column of the new budget includes the summary data of this year's budget.
1. The upcoming fiscal year (Apr 1 to Mar 31) should be forcasted with incoming revenue and outgoing expenses.
2. The Budget Plan confirms the club’s TD Bank Account balance as of Apr 1, 2024.
3. Confirm club’s membership fees.
13Schedule Plan→ Club has create a tentative schedule for the club (fiscal) year (Apr 1 to Mar 31).
1. Schedules should be a general overview including: regular activity, tournaments/special events, AGM dates, etc.
→ Use a Google Doc or Google Sheet on the club’s Google Drive under ~ Schedules folder.
14Club Details→ Club Details sheet has been updated.
1. Information required includes: Executive Details, Contractor Details, Club Communications, Club Finances, Club Certifications, etc.
2. Update all login details, handles, passwords, etc. including: Google Drive credentials, UAlberta Email credentials, Social Media credentials, etc.

→ Reach out to Club Sports Coordinator to provide CCR Club Sports website updates for the club.
15Executive Training→ Incoming Executive Team is aware of the required online training.
1. New and returning Executives are required to complete the online training program (takes approximately 30 minutes, includes a quiz with a pass percentage minimum).
2. All club Executives must complete a training module, even if they don't hold a "mandatory" Executive position.
3. Clubs inactive over the Spring/Summer must complete this training between the 1st August and the club’s first activity. Clubs running in the Spring/Summer must complete this training between the 1st of April and the club's first activity in the Spring/Summer term.
16Orientation→ Incoming Executives must receive a reasonable orientation from outgoing Executives.
1. Clubs must set aside time to orientate all new Executive Members.
→ If, for whatever reason, the outgoing Executives refuse to provide a proper orientation, they must provide the incoming Executives with the Club Sports Coordinator's contact information for support.
17Coach & Choreographer→ Contractor Agreements from the closing year are complete with all documentation stored securely in the club's Shared Drive.
→ Clubs running through the Spring/Summer term must renew all Contractor Agreements.
1. All contractors (e.g. coaches, choreographers, etc.) must review and complete the linked checklist requirements.
2. This must be completed and approved by club sports prior to a contractor’s first activity with the club.
18Annual Report→ Annual Report is complete and uploaded to club’s ~ Application/Renewal folder.
19Evaluation Form→ Club has notified its members to complete Evaluation
1. This is an anonymous evaluation of the Club Sports Program and its participating clubs. Executives, contractors and general members are permitted to complete the form.
2. If any pertinant feedback for the club comes through, the incoming Executives will be notified at next year's Start Up Meeting.
20Sanctioning Agreement→ Club will receive their Sanctioning Agreement after all the above tasks are completed.
1. The club may not host any club activities until they are sanctioned. This includes clubs running throughout the Spring/Summer term.
Please note the above criteria is specific only to the Annual Renewal Checklist and does not institute a full Club Renewal. Additional considerations may include the club abiding/meeting the criterium set forth in the Club Sports Handbook (e.g. club membership, code of conduct status, approval processes, behaviours towards staff members, etc.). Renewal Approval will take place after completion of Annual Renewal Meeting has concluded and the Sanctioning Agreement has been completed.