A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | |
1 | en | Card ID | Card | Pack | Rarity | First-third cards | Fourth card | Fifth card | Notes | # of cards | Ver 3.1.1 | 11/14/2024 | Description | ||
2 | A1 001 | Bulbasaur | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Rate by rarity | 1-3 | 4 | 5 | This is the odds for you to pull a card of a specific rarity across the 1st through 3rd cards, 4th card, and 5th card. The liklyhood to pull a specific card in columns G, H, and I pull from these rates, so they can be easily configured for future expansions | ||||
3 | A1 002 | Ivysaur | Mewtwo | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | ♢ | 100.000% | 0.000% | 0.000% | ||||
4 | A1 003 | Venusaur | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ♢♢ | 0.000% | 90.000% | 60.000% | ||||
5 | A1 004 | Venusaur ex | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | ♢♢♢ | 0.000% | 5.000% | 20.000% | ||||
6 | A1 005 | Caterpie | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.000% | 1.666% | 6.664% | |||||
7 | A1 006 | Metapod | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ☆ | 0.000% | 2.572% | 10.288% | |||||
8 | A1 007 | Butterfree | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ☆☆ | 0.000% | 0.500% | 2.000% | ||||
9 | A1 008 | Weedle | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ☆☆☆ | 0.000% | 0.222% | 0.888% | |||||
10 | A1 009 | Kakuna | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ♛ | 0.000% | 0.040% | 0.160% | |||||
11 | A1 010 | Beedrill | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | Collection Summary | This is a summary fo your collection as defined by pack. Basically, this shows you how many of a packs potential cards you own. For example, the Mewtwo row is taking into account all of the cards that are exclusive to the Mewtwo pack, and the cards that can be found in all packs. The Pack with the most missing cards section can be used to decide what pack to open if you want a quick, simple answer. For a more accurate result, see Chance to get a new card | ||||||
12 | A1 011 | Oddish | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
13 | A1 012 | Gloom | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | *These totals includes cards found across all packs | % Owned | % Missing | Fraction | ||||
14 | A1 013 | Vileplume | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | Total | 0.00% | 99.65% | 0/287 | ||||
15 | A1 014 | Paras | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Mewtwo | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/125 | |||||
16 | A1 015 | Parasect | Pikachu | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Pikachu | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/126 | ||||
17 | A1 016 | Venonat | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Charizard | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/126 | |||||
18 | A1 017 | Venomoth | Mewtwo | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Pack with most missing cards | Mewtwo | ||||||
19 | A1 018 | Bellsprout | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
20 | A1 019 | Weepinbell | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Advanced Filtering | This is the Advanced Filtering section. Here you can select what rarities the calculations will take into account. For example, if you only want to hunt rare cards, you can exclude the ♢ cards. Note that this only effects calculations in the dark blue box | ||||||
21 | A1 020 | Victreebel | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
22 | A1 021 | Exeggcute | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ♢ | ☆ | |||||||
23 | A1 022 | Exeggutor | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ♢♢ | ☆☆ | ||||||
24 | A1 023 | Exeggutor ex | Charizard | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | ♢♢♢ | ☆☆☆ | ||||||
25 | A1 024 | Tangela | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | ♢♢♢♢ | ♛ | |||||||
26 | A1 025 | Scyther | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Card Count | This section is very simmilar to the Collection Summary, with the key difference being that pack calculations do not include cards found acoss all packs, and that it is effected by Advanced Filtering | |||||||
27 | A1 026 | Pinsir | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | *These totals DON'T include cards found across all packs | % Owned | % Missing | Fraction | |||
28 | A1 027 | Cottonee | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Total | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/285 | ||||
29 | A1 028 | Whimsicott | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Mewtwo | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/79 | |||
30 | A1 029 | Petilil | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Pikachu | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/80 | ||||
31 | A1 030 | Lilligant | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Charizard | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/80 | |||
32 | A1 031 | Skiddo | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | All | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/46 | |||||
33 | A1 032 | Gogoat | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Pack with most missing cards | Mewtwo | |||||||
34 | A1 033 | Charmander | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
35 | A1 034 | Charmeleon | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Chance to get a new card | The Chance to get a new card section sums the odds of every card you do not own and displays them by card number. For example, if you are missing 3 ♢ cards in the Mewtwo collection, and each one has 2% chance to be pulled, then you would have a 6% chance to get one of them. Like Collection Summary, these calculations include cards found across all packs. | ||||||
36 | A1 035 | Charizard | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | *These totals includes cards found across all packs | First-third cards | Fourth card | Fifth card | ||||
37 | A1 036 | Charizard ex | Charizard | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | Mewtwo | 100.000% | 100.000% | 100.000% | ||||
38 | A1 037 | Vulpix | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Pikachu | 100.000% | 100.000% | 100.000% | |||||
39 | A1 038 | Ninetales | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Charizard | 100.000% | 100.000% | 100.000% | ||||
40 | A1 039 | Growlithe | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Best pack to open (% chance) | Mewtwo | Mewtwo | Mewtwo | |||||
41 | A1 040 | Arcanine | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
42 | A1 041 | Arcanine ex | Pikachu | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | Chance to get at least 1 new card across all 5 cards | This section calculates the odds for you to get at least 1 new card out of each pack, and tells you which pack has the highest chance to get you new cards. This is probably the pack you should always pick | ||||||
43 | A1 042 | Ponyta | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Mewtwo | 100.000% | Best pack to open (% chance, all cards) | |||||
44 | A1 043 | Rapidash | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Pikachu | 100.000% | Mewtwo | ||||
45 | A1 044 | Magmar | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Charizard | 100.000% | |||||||
46 | A1 045 | Flareon | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | Mew Tracker | This section is simmilar to Card Count except it only considers cards who's name matches one of the names in the M48 cell, so it only considers the first 150 Pokemon. By doing it this way, it can be easily configured into a Celebi tracker or something simmilar for future expansions The formulas are incredibly scuffed, but they work. I encourage you to try and improve them, but be warned, you should do extensive testing before deciding what you have made works | ||||||
47 | A1 046 | Moltres | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
48 | A1 047 | Moltres ex | Charizard | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | Required Cards | Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Caterpie Metapod Butterfree Weedle Kakuna Beedrill Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Rattata Raticate Spearow Fearow Ekans Arbok Pikachu Raichu Sandshrew Sandslash Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking Clefairy Clefable Vulpix Ninetales Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Zubat Golbat Oddish Gloom Vileplume Paras Parasect Venonat Venomoth Diglett Dugtrio Meowth Persian Psyduck Golduck Mankey Primeape Growlithe Arcanine Poliwag Poliwhirl Poliwrath Abra Kadabra Alakazam Machop Machoke Machamp Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel Tentacool Tentacruel Geodude Graveler Golem Ponyta Rapidash Slowpoke Slowbro Magnemite Magneton Farfetch'd Doduo Dodrio Seel Dewgong Grimer Muk Shellder Cloyster Gastly Haunter Gengar Onix Drowzee Hypno Krabby Kingler Voltorb Electrode Exeggcute Exeggutor Cubone Marowak Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Lickitung Koffing Weezing Rhyhorn Rhydon Chansey Tangela Kangaskhan Horsea Seadra Goldeen Seaking Staryu Starmie Mr. Mime Scyther Jynx Electabuzz Magmar Pinsir Tauros Magikarp Gyarados Lapras Ditto Eevee Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Porygon Omanyte Omastar Kabuto Kabutops Aerodactyl Snorlax Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Mewtwo | ||||||
49 | A1 048 | Heatmor | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | *There are cards in multiple packs. The totals won't add up | % Owned | % Missing | Fraction | ||||
50 | A1 049 | Salandit | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Total | 0.67% | 99.33% | 1/150 | |||||
51 | A1 050 | Salazzle | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Mewtwo | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/45 | |||||
52 | A1 051 | Sizzlipede | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Pikachu | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/50 | ||||
53 | A1 052 | Centiskorch | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Charizard | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/44 | |||
54 | A1 053 | Squirtle | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | All | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0/19 | |||||
55 | A1 054 | Wartortle | Pikachu | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Pack with most missing cards | Mewtwo | ||||||
56 | A1 055 | Blastoise | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
57 | A1 056 | Blastoise ex | Pikachu | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | Chance to get a new Mew card | Simmilar to Chance to get a new card, but only counting Mew cards in the same way that Mew Tracker does. Not very helpful, but necessary for the next section This used to be broken beyond repair, but the incredibly intiligent u/ratufdez solved it | ||||||
58 | A1 057 | Psyduck | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | *These totals includes cards found across all packs | First-third cards | Fourth card | Fifth card | ||||
59 | A1 058 | Golduck | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | Mewtwo | 58.00% | 60.60% | 70.98% | |||
60 | A1 059 | Poliwag | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Pikachu | 64.00% | 61.28% | 73.69% | |||||
61 | A1 060 | Poliwhirl | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Charizard | 52.00% | 57.99% | 69.11% | ||||
62 | A1 061 | Poliwrath | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | Best pack to open (% chance) | Pikachu | Pikachu | Pikachu | ||||
63 | A1 062 | Tentacool | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
64 | A1 063 | Tentacruel | Mewtwo | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Chance to get at least 1 Mew card across all 5 cards | If you are going for unlocking Mew, this should be the pack you pick | ||||||
65 | A1 064 | Seel | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Mewtwo | 99.153% | Best pack to open to unlock Mew | ||||||
66 | A1 065 | Dewgong | Pikachu | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Pikachu | 99.525% | Pikachu | |||||
67 | A1 066 | Shellder | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | Charizard | 98.565% | |||||||
68 | A1 067 | Cloyster | Mewtwo | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Instructions for on how to adapt this spreadsheet for future expansions | |||||||
69 | A1 068 | Krabby | Mewtwo | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
70 | A1 069 | Kingler | Mewtwo | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | One of the key points I had when making this spreadsheet was making sure it was as easy as possible to adapt for future expansions. I intend to keep updating this for a while, but there will come a time when my interest in the game has waned and someone else will have to pick up the slack | |||||||
71 | A1 070 | Horsea | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
72 | A1 071 | Seadra | Pikachu | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | ||||||||
73 | A1 072 | Goldeen | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
74 | A1 073 | Seaking | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
75 | A1 074 | Staryu | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
76 | A1 075 | Starmie | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | With that in mind, I crafted this spreadsheet so that there is as little manual labor required to update it as possible. Unless I forgot something, there should only be 2 steps: Conditioanl formatting and Data entry | |||||||
77 | A1 076 | Starmie ex | Charizard | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | ||||||||
78 | A1 077 | Magikarp | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
79 | A1 078 | Gyarados | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
80 | A1 079 | Lapras | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | Step 0: Purging | |||||||
81 | A1 080 | Vaporeon | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
82 | A1 081 | Omanyte | Pikachu | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Right off the bat I've broken my two step rule. Don't worry though, this one is easy. All you have to do is click the little arrow by the expansion name (Genetic Apex) and click duplicate. The we just have to delete everything in columns C, D, E, and F. Now just rename the new sheet with the same arrow as before, and you're done! | |||||||
83 | A1 082 | Omastar | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
84 | A1 083 | Articuno | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
85 | A1 084 | Articuno ex | Mewtwo | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | ||||||||
86 | A1 085 | Ducklett | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
87 | A1 086 | Swanna | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | ||||||||
88 | A1 087 | Froakie | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
89 | A1 088 | Frogadier | Charizard | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | 0 | Step 1: Conditional Formatting | |||||||
90 | A1 089 | Greninja | Charizard | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
91 | A1 090 | Pyukumuku | Charizard | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | You probably noticed that when you deleted the data, all of the rows turned white. This is because of Conditional Formatting, and it's the same thing that makes the boxes for number of cards turn green when you have 2 or more. We will be using this to automatically color code our whole spreadsheet | ||||||||
92 | A1 091 | Bruxish | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | |||||||
93 | A1 092 | Snom | All | ♢ | 2.000% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | ||||||||
94 | A1 093 | Frosmoth | All | ♢♢ | 2.571% | 1.714% | *Based on Mewtwo pack | 0 | |||||||
95 | A1 094 | Pikachu | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
96 | A1 095 | Raichu | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
97 | A1 096 | Pikachu ex | Pikachu | ♢♢♢♢ | 0.333% | 1.333% | 0 | The first thing we have to do is replace the remaining pack names still left on the spreadsheet with whatever the new packs are. For this example let's say the new packs are Mewthree, Pikablu, and MissingNo. All we have to do is press Ctrl + H to bring up the find and replace window. Then we simply replace each old pack with the new pack. In our example, we would Find Mewtwo, Replace with Mewthree and press Replace all. The we just repeat the process with Pikablu and MissingNo replacing Pikachu and Charizard respectively. | |||||||
98 | A1 097 | Magnemite | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 | |||||||||
99 | A1 098 | Magneton | Pikachu | ♢♢♢ | 0.357% | 1.429% | 0 | ||||||||
100 | A1 099 | Voltorb | Pikachu | ♢ | 2.000% | 0 |