A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | ||
1 | Name | Contact Info | A few podcasts you've worked on before | Style | Website/Portfolio | Recommended by | Rate (optional) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | First Name Last Name | example@example.com / website contact page | Name of Podcast 1, Name of Podcast 2 | minimalist horror collages, stop motion youtube animations etc | Link | (If you've worked with this artist before and think they did a great job, feel free to leave your name/company in this column) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | Hi everyone, The creators behind the artwork of our favourite shows are rarely credited in the show notes - making them hard to find and commission for new work. It's about time we had a resource to recommend those talented people and discover new artists to collaborate with. Please ask for permission before sharing an artist's contact info, or consider only sharing their public website contact page etc. Artists - please feel free to add/remove yourselves! Good luck! Meera Kumar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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8 | Adam Richardson | hello@mynameisad.co.uk | Films To Be Buried With, Distraction Pieces, Off The Beat & Track and more. Co-Founder & Former Editor of Pod Bible magazine. | Usually big and bold but most often led by the clients needs. | https://podcastcoverart.co.uk | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Adam Simpson | https://www.adsimpson.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Alexandra Francis | Sissy | colourful illustrations of people, animations | https://alexandrafrancis.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Allegra Lockstadt | bold colours, illustrations | https://allegralockstadt.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Andrew Rae | surreal colourful cartoons | https://www.instagram.com/andrewjrae/?hl=en | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Ania Przygoda | ania@aniaprzygoda.com | Tumanbay S1, Now Press Play, | Multiple style; sound eidtor for film, TV, podcast | https://www.aniaprzygoda.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Anja Bartelt | anjabartelt@gmx.de | bold, colorful forms | https://www.instagram.com/anja.bartelt | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Anna Chiarini | chiarinianna@hotmail.it | OK Galexa, The Lockdown Litens, Looselips Radio | I love working to a brief and move from a medium to another. My speciality ?Hand drawn, illustration, comics , drawing in general, painting. Usually hand drawn and then digitallised | podcast artwork portfolio, Anna C..pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Anthony Campbell | Kid Nation (CBC), Thrill Seekers (Love + Radio, CBC) | Textured, block colours, animated | https://www.instagram.com/acrookedmouth/?hl=en | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Ariana Martinez | Field Recordings podcast | https://www.arianamartinezstudio.com/ | Ariana did the logo for the Field Recordings podcast, Weird Noise zine and our new Falling Tree logo / website style - they were a dream to work with everytime. Inventive, responsive to notes and created work with such depth and heart - I'd thoroughly recommend people collaborate with them! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Ayomide Ayonaike | Ayonaike@gmail.com | It happened in Nigeria | Creative, playful sketches & illustrations | https://www.behance.net/Ayonaikeart | Mo Isu, producer of IHIN: Ayomide worked on the cover art for two seasons of our podcast and always delivered excellent designs. He understood the vision seemlessly and went above and beyond for us. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Ben Draws | benobriendraws@gmail.com | Monocle Magazine, | hand-drawn line illustration, cool characters, lifestyle, humour, wit and storytelling | https://bendraws.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Ben the Illustrator | bentheillustrator@gmail.com | Tongue + Groove, Triple Whale, Sleep School | Colourful, graphic, contemporary. Especially focused on architecture, music, travel and tourism, and healthcare. | https://www.bentheillustrator.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Benjamin Frisch | Decoder Ring, ICYMI | clean, geometric, mid-century retro, cartoon-y | https://benjaminfrisch.me/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Carson Ellis | Soft watercolour illustrations, kids illustrations | https://www.carsonellis.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Cat Finnie | catfinnie@gmail.com | Not podcasts, but illustrating articles for Longreads, Keepler, etc | Digital, clean shapes and texture | https://www.catfinnie.co.uk | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Chloe Isteed | info@chloeisteed.com | Painted paper collage, handmade, colourful, textured. Also do animation | chloeisteed.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Chris Visions | Love + Radio | https://www.chrisvisions.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Connie Noble | Contact available via website | scratchy hand-drawn textures and bold digital shapes to create colourful, contemporary artworks that celebrate food, wildlife and everything in-between | connienoble.co.uk | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Dan Delgado | dan@moviemaker.com | The Industry, Closing Night, Stories My Brother Used to Tell | Narrative, documentary | http://industrypodcast.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Edgy Katrina | Big, bold colours, simple minimal cartoon fruit/people/cars/animals etc | https://www.instagram.com/edgykatrina/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Eleanor Shakespeare | https://eleanorshakespeare.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Emer O'Leary | emer@emeroleary.com | Dear Phone, It's Not Me It's You | Hand drawn illustration, simple, bright, kind cartoony! | www.emeroleary.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | George Buchanan | georgedcleland@gmail.com | History Gap, Jimmy's Jobs of the Future | 3D, Contemporary, Experimental, Surreal, Graphical Shapes | georgebuchanan-design.cargo.site | TBI Media | |||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Georgie McAusland | hello@georgiemcausland.com | Hand-drawn, vibrant, friendly, whimsical | https://georgiemcausland.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Heather Horton | Ologies | Paintings | http://heatherhorton.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Heather Wilder | Weight For It | Carved pumpkins | https://www.instagram.com/heatherwilderart/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Henn Kim | info@hennkim.com | Black and white pared back illustrations | https://www.instagram.com/henn_kim | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Holly Farndell | farndellholly@gmail.com | Digital illustrations of characterful people, places and things that play with perspective, paired with funky colours and textures. | https://www.hollyfarndell.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Holly St Clair | hello@hollystclair.com | Take Your Shoes Off Podcast, Rick Glassman, Knowledge Fight | Simple line drawings, comics, characters, using humour. Bit wonky. | www.hollystclair.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Holly Stroud | See website | Child-friendly illustration style, great at faces and animals | http://www.hollystroud.co.uk | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Jack Hudson | https://www.jack-hudson.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | John Megahan | A field guide to gay animals | Science and nature illustrations | https://johnmegahan.com/about/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Jon McCormack | Twenty Thousand Hertz | Storytelling, atmosphere, and absurd humour | https://www.jmcillustration.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Jonny Wan | bold graphic shapes, patterns, texture and detail | https://centralillustration.com/illustration/jonny-wan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Jordan Metcalf | https://jordan-metcalf.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Judith P. Raynault | judithraynault@gmail.com | Remember Who Made Them, Beginner's Guide to Design Thinking | Flexible: illustrative and/or typographic. Simple and bold. | https://judithpraynault.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Julian Callos | https://juliancallos.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Kate Prior | Priooor@gmail.com | Midnight Chats | Bold, graphic, cheerful, colourful | https://www.kateprior.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Kiki Ljung | caterinaljung@gmail.com | Vector. Modern, friendly, playful | www.kikiljung.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Kim Elson | Stopping to Notice | Paper illustrations, collage | https://www.instagram.com/kimelsonart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Kristen Kenyon | kristen@kristencreates.co.uk | Flexible | https://kristencreates.co.uk | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Lauren Peters-Collaer | http://www.laurenpc.com/work | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Le.BLU | lebluecreative@gmail.com | GQ, NYT, FT | illustration, graphic design, 2D animation and art direction | https://leblue.net/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Liisa Chisholm | hello@liisachisholm.com | https://liisachisholm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Lindsay Fagan | lindsayjfagan@gmail.com | https://www.lindsayfagan.com/ | DMG Media | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Lisa Congdon | Manic Rambling Spiral | https://lisacongdon.com/pages/portfolio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Lizzie Lomax | lizzie_lomax@hotmail.com | Textures, collage, painting & drawing - playful! | https://www.lizzielomax.co.uk/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Lochlainn Harte | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Louise Whittaker | https://www.instagram.com/illustratedbyweezy/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Lucy Rose | Nature, animals | https://lucyroseillustration.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Lucy Sherston | hello@lucysherston.com | On Being | playful contemporary digital collage but conveying big feelings | https://www.lucysherston.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Maddie Stewart | Maddie.may.stewart@gmail.com | Cartoony, off-beat, surreal, hand-drawn | https://www.instagram.com/deadsatsuma/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Maëlle Doliveux | https://maelledoliveux.com/filter/all | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Mansi Katta | mansikatta99@gmail.com | Dish by Waitrose | Flexible, can be tailored to any brief | https://mansikatta.co.uk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Mark Weaver | IRL | https://www.mrkwvr.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Matt Rota | https://www.mattrotasart.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Matt Taylor | https://www.matttaylor.co.uk/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Megan Hill-Smith | megan.hillsmith@gmail.com | Life Sentence, Blended, I Am, Skin Deep, Stay and Thrive, Body Language + many more | Graphic/ digital artist specialising in artwork creation for key artwork for posters and events | https://www.meganhillsmith.co.uk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Melinda Beck | https://melindabeck.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Mike Lee-Graham | hello@mikeleegraham.com | The Evolution of Horror | Graphic novel horror | https://mikeleegraham.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Mike Miles-Boardman | F1 on the Edge | Sports illustrations | https://www.visuallyspeaking.studio/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Mira Malhotra | bold surreal | https://www.instagram.com/kokumkohla/?hl=en | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Nadine Carruthers | nadinecaruthers@msn.com | Weird girls, bright & simple lines | https://www.instagram.com/profanities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Natalie Byrne | https://www.instagram.com/nataliebyrne/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Nicole Ostrovan | nicolet.ostr@gmail.com | https://www.instagram.com/nicho.bicho/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Nishant Choksi | newspaper illustrations | https://www.nishantchoksi.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Oliver Jeffers | fine art and children's illustrations. painting, illustration, collage, performance, and sculpture | https://oliverjeffers.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Oluwa Ican | Oluwaican@gmail.com | The Wireless Gig (campaign for creative in the diaspora | Multiple style | https://thewirelessgig.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | Paul Johnson | paul@studionorthandsouth.com | Portraits, people and sport illustrations | https://www.studionorthandsouth.com/illustration-portfolio | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Pearl Thompson | My Own Garms | https://www.instagram.com/pearlthompsonstudio?igsh=aHppcHpvNjN2emR0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Ping Zhu | This American Life | Soft colourful | https://www.pingszoo.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Rahzzah | Afghan Star, hosted by John Legend. | Comic book artist | https://www.instagram.com/rahzzah/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Rhe Civitello | civitello.design@gmail.com | Rock That Doesn't Roll, Monumental | Hand-drawn comic book | https://www.rhecivitello.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Rich Kelly | https://www.rfkelly.com/contact | Elevated comic book, pencil, digital illustrations | https://www.rfkelly.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Rob Burrell | rob@mulestudio.co.uk | Peter York's House Party podcast, ESD Simulation podcast (Good Egg Productions) | Very flexible - designs to the brief | https://mulestudio.co.uk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Ryan Ho | hello@brazenstudios.xyz | Wonder, The Closer, Gateway, Fur and Loathing, The Professor, Night of Show, Spy Valley, Corinna and the King, Fat Leaonard, Crypto Kingpins, Ritually, Dynamite Doug, The Sound: Mystery of The Havana Syndrome, People Like Us, Kabul Falling, Resistance: Stories from Ukraine. | Going into multiple styles: Bold, Professiolnal, Classic, Surreal, Comic Book, Nature, Lifestyle, Mysticism, Edgy | https://brazen.fm/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Sam Comerford | See website for contact | Flexible. Fun, bold colours and illustration (see Play page) | https://samcomerford.co.uk/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Sâmara Alves | samiligia2@gmail.com | whimsical, colorful, styled, graphical work | www.artstation.com/samiligia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Sean O'Brien | See website for contact | Fun, playful and textured illustrations | seanrobobrien.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Stephanie Ross | https://sross.tumblr.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Steven Kelly | The Week | Magazine, surreal, collage-y | https://www.stephenkellyart.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Taaryn Brench | hello@taaryn.com | Fun, loose, colourful, naive | https://www.taaryn.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Tiffany Beucher | tiffany.beucher@gmail.com | clean design, vibrant colors, touch of humour | https://tiffanybeucher.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Tom Froese | https://www.tomfroese.com/work | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Tom Gauld | https://www.tomgauld.com/portfolio | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Trevor Price | trevor@tvtrevphotography.com | In The Travel Know, We Can Relate, Wellbeing Wire | https://www.tomgauld.com/portfolio | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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