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1 | Organization | Volunteer Opportunities | Days/Times | Contact | Phone | Classification | Link | Additional Notes | ||||||||||||||||||
2 | Alice Ferguson Foundation | Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative. Participate in a Cleanup, Host a Cleanup event, Participate in a workshop about waste reduction, Monitor a trash hotspot, Share litter prevention materials to create a Trash Free Community | Volunteer Coordinator | potomaccleanup@fergusonfoundation.org | 202-292-5665 | Environment | http://fergusonfoundation.org/ | For groups (including corporate groups) interested in volunteering, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/a/fergusonfoundation.org/forms/d/1fD4fGUCg0Lifa2l4C8WUgEAxgM6OwqrvN8wPzUf0_k8/edit | ||||||||||||||||||
3 | Anacostia Watershed Society | Our volunteers restore wetlands, plant native plants, collect seeds, and help with many other projects - often times pieces of larger plans that make a big impact on the river. All of our volunteer activities have an educational component and are an opportunity to learn about the watershed. | Joanna Fisher, Volunteer Program Manager | jfisher@anacostiaws.org | Environment | http://www.anacostiaws.org/ | Volunteer as an Individual or with a Small Group: If you would like to volunteer as an individual or with a group of fewer than eight participants, please check out events listed on our event calendar: http://www.anacostiaws.org/calendar Volunteer with a Large Group: If you have a group greater than eight participants and would like to volunteer as a group, please fill out our Volunteer Group Information Sheet here. We will follow-up with you and try to find an event that suits your needs: https://anacostiaws.salsalabs.org/volunteergroupinformationform/index.html | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Arlington Food Assistance Center | Cooking, Driving (food pick-ups), Food Distribution, Food Drives, Gardening (Plot Against Hunger), Gleaning (harvesting produce), Maintenance/Repairs, Office Work, Summer Teen Program (age 14-19), Warehouse, Young Professionals Cmt (age 21-40) | Laura Jackson, Director of Volunteer Services | volunteer4afac@afac.org | 703-845-8486 | Hunger | https://www.afac.org/ | Requires filling out Individual Volunteer Registration Groups can complete a Group Profile Form to get emails about volunteer events and see our Volunteer Calendar. http://www.afac.org/volunteer/forms/individual-volunteer-profile-form/ | ||||||||||||||||||
5 | Bread for the City | Free Farmers’ Markets, Clothing Program | Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@breadforthecity.org | 202-595-7865 | Hunger | http://www.breadforthecity.org/ | Volunteer calendar: http://breadforthecity.force.com/volunteers/GW_Volunteers__JobCalendar | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Capital Area Food Bank | DC Distribution Center, Garden Building, NOVA Distribution Center | volunteer@capitalareafoodbank.org | 202-644-9841 | Hunger | https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/volunteer-5/ | Volunteer calendar: https://volunteer.capitalareafoodbank.org/calendar | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Casey Trees | Tree Planting Volunteer, Tree Planting Registration Volunteer, Tree Care Volunteer, Citizen Scientist – Phenology Monitoring, Citizen Forester Team Leader, Tree Advocate | Erica Young , Volunteer Coordinator | eyoung@caseytrees.org | 202-349-1907 | Environment | http://caseytrees.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Catholic Charities | NY Ave Men's Shelter Clean Up; Bagging Food | Each Saturday | Volunteer | volunteer@cc-dc.org <volunteer@cc-dc.org>; | N/A | Homelessness; Hunger | https://www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/volunteer/ | From website: Depending on our program needs, our group opportunities are constantly changing. Examples include sprucing up program sites (i.e. painting, planting, cleaning), serving food in shelters, bagging breakfasts, planning and organizing special events for our clients, and providing professional development workshops/trainings. Please check our Volunteer Calendar for scheduled volunteer events. Unless otherwise noted, each opportunity can accommodate most groups. | |||||||||||||||||
9 | DC Central Kitchen | Meal Preparation (Main Kitchen or Nutrition Lab) ; Gleaning (Off-Site, Summer Opportunity) | Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@dccentralkitchen.org | Hunger | http://www.dccentralkitchen.org/volunteer/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Food and Friends | Meal & Grocery Deliveries, Food Preparation and Packaging, Special Events Assistance and Administrative Support. | Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@foodandfriends.org | 202-269-2277 | Nutrition | http://www.foodandfriends.org/site/pp.asp?c=ckLSI8NNIdJ2G&b=8486281 | The Food & Friends Service Learning Program provides students with the opportunity to relate classroom learning to real world experiences while instilling the value of community service. Through this program, students will gain valuable knowledge and see, first-hand, how their service impacts the lives of children and adults facing HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-challenging illnesses. Learn more about the program and get your students started today! Group volunteer information: https://foodandfriends.volunteerhub.com/lp/groupcoordinators/events | ||||||||||||||||||
11 | Food for All DC | We begin packing the food at 9:00am, and begin sending the drivers out for delivery around 9:30am. Most delivery routes take about 1-2 hours. Feel free to come with or without a car. | info@foodforalldc.org | Hunger | http://www.foodforalldc.org/ | There is no pre-registration – just show up and sign in on our waiver. Other Opportunities: If you have grant writing skills, we can use your help in finding and applying for additional funding Host a food drive or better still a fundraiser! If you have any fundraising experience, we would love to work with you to find additional opportunities. | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Free Minds | Provide positive feedback on the writing of juveniles incarcerated as adults | mail@freemindsbookclub.org | (202) 758-0829 | Youth Incarceration | http://freemindsbookclub.org/ | Takes place every other month in Takoma (February, April, June, September, November) and Foggy Bottom (January, March, May, July, October) http://freemindsbookclub.org/get-involved/attend-write-night Anyone can attend - no RSVP required | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Habitat for Humanity | Individual Construction , Office Volunteer Service , Environmental & Building Performance Committee , Family Support Committee | Paula Katrina (PK) Drago, Volunteer Services & Corporate Partnerships Manager | paulakatrina.drago@dchabitat.org | 202-882-4600 x 227 | Homelessness | http://www.dchabitat.org/ | Our sponsorship requirements are based on the size of your group and are listed below. If your group is a nonprofit, faith-based, school, government, military, or social group, please contact us to learn more about our nonprofit Team Build requirements. 10 Volunteers – $4,000/weekday or $5,500/Saturday; 15 Volunteers – $5,000/weekday or $6,500/Saturday; 20 Volunteers – $6,000/weekday or $7,500/Saturday; 25 Volunteers – $7,000/weekday or $8,500/Saturday; 30 Volunteers – $8,000/weekday or $9,500/Saturday | ||||||||||||||||||
14 | Hashtag Lunchbag | Assemble and distribute lunches | Last Sunday of every month | hashtaglunchbagwashdc@gmail.com | N/A | Hunger | https://www.facebook.com/pg/hashtaglunchbagwashdc/about/?ref=page_internal http://www.hashtaglunchbag.org/ | The organizers request that each volunteer contribute $10 toward the cost of food | ||||||||||||||||||
15 | Martha's Table | Food prep, Delivery, Shopping Assistance; Sort, hang, and fold clothing; Classroom support | volunteer@marthastable.org | Nutrition | http://marthastable.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | National Zoo | Safari Day Camp Class Aides assist camp teachers with supervising campers ages 5-12 as they explore the lives and habitats of animals and world-wide conservation efforts to protect them. Class Aides will help with science experiments, activities, crafts, zoo walks, and much more! We are looking for responsible, outgoing, and motivated teens to volunteer their time and talent to this program. | fonz_programs@si.edu | 202-633-3024 | Education | http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Support/Volunteer/Teens/default.cfm | Upon acceptance, all teen volunteers will be required to submit a medical history form and pay the Class Aide Orientation/Training fee of $30. This fee covers the cost of one new FONZ volunteer shirt, supplies for orientation training, a daily snack on the weeks that you work, and program administration. We understand that this fee may present a hardship for some, so please contact the Safari Day Camp office prior to the registration deadline to discuss available options. Group Horticulture Volunteer Opportunity: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/support/volunteer/group-horticulture | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Potomac Conservancy | Help clean up trash, remove invasive plants. and restore recreational and water access trails | Katie | blackman@potomac.org | 301.608.1188 x213 | Environment | https://potomac.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | Restore Shepherd Parkway | Clean up trash | Nathan Harrington | nbharrington@yahoo.com | 301-758-5892 | Environment | http://shepherdparkway.blogspot.com/ | We did a clean-up with them for Earth Day in 2016 | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | Rise Against Hunger | Prepare meals for shipment | Joe Gautier | jgautier@riseagainsthunger.org | (703) 348-2366 | Hunger | http://www.riseagainsthunger.org/locations/washington-d-c/ | The warehouse is located in Ashburn, VA | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | Rural Dog Rescue | Help at adoption event (i.e. dog handling) | volunteer@ruraldogrescue.com | Animal Welfare | http://www.ruraldogrescue.com/volunteer/ | Accepts groups | ||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Rock Creek Park Conservancy | trash cleanup or invasive plant removal, education, outreach, and advocacy opportunities, as well as office work | info@rockcreekconservancy.org | 301-579-3105 | Environment | http://www.rockcreekconservancy.org/ | Infrequent, limited events. Watch Calendar. http://www.rockcreekconservancy.org/what-we-do/upcoming-events | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Seabury Resources for Aging | Working one to one with residents helping with light clean up, organizing and errands. Serving as part of a group on a house cleaning and/or yard work project Organizing a special event or activity Bringing a musical, drama, slide show or other presentation to share | Aging | http://seaburyresources.org/srj/index.php/volunteer-give/volunteer | Age-In-Place Group Volunteer Opportunities: https://www.seaburyresources.org/volunteer-aip | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Smithsonian | Public Volunteers (intense training, engage with audiences, etc.), Non-Public Volunteers (administration), and Seasonal Volunteers | Education | http://www.si.edu/Volunteer | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Smithsonian Gardens | Garden Maintenance Volunteers , Garden Interpreters , Greenhouse Volunteers | gardenvolunteers@si.edu | Education | http://gardens.si.edu/get-involved/volunteers.html | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | So Others Might Eat (SOME) | provides a nourishing, hot breakfast and lunch every day of the year; tutoring and mentoring children | SOME Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@some.org | 202-797-8806 x 2109 | Hunger | http://some.org/ | Opportunities for youth 13+: http://some.org/volunteer/youth-opportunities/ | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | Thrive DC | Serve Breakfast to the Homeless; Serve Dinner to Homeless and Low-income Women; Assist Clients in the Computer Lab; Administrative | Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@thrivedc.org | 202-503-1533 | Homelessness | http://www.thrivedc.org/volunteer/ | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Tregaron Conservancy | Tree planting, invasives removal, etc. | info@tregaronconservancy.org | 202-810-5009 | Environment | http://www.tregaronconservancy.org/ | Infrequent, limited events. Watch Calendar. | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Turning the Page | Sort and shelve books, organize and alphabetize sections | Alie Mihuta | mail@turningthepage.org | 202-347-9841 | Literacy | http://turningthepage.org/ | Individual volunteers are welcome throughout the year on flexible schedules and volunteer groups are encouraged specifically in the spring. | ||||||||||||||||||
29 | We Are Family DC | Help with grocery delivery and limited tasks for seniors | Various | Tulin Ozdeger | tulino@wearefamilydc.org | (202) 487-8698 | Aging | http://www.wearefamilydc.org/get-involved/volunteer/ | If you have a group that would like to help, please get in touch! We will gladly work with you to maximize your time and impact. | |||||||||||||||||
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