Details on each project via Oakland DOT's major projects map here
Grant roundAward yearProject locationProject plans (as of 1/14/2024)StatusProject description from grant application
HSIP 72016Claremont Ave/Shattuck AveClick hereconstruction complete
HSIP 72016Market St/San Pablo AveClick hereconstruction complete
HSIP 72016Telegraph AveClick hereconstruction nearly complete (2025 estimate)
HSIP 82017Fruitvale Ave, Ashbrook Ct to E 10th StClick hereconstruction completeInstall new Class II bicycle lanes, enhanced safety features at pedestrian crossings, and a new protected left turn phase at Foothill Blvd.
HSIP 8201735th Ave, E 12th St to I-580Click hereconstruction completeConstruct crossing enhancements, a protected left turn phase at Foothill Blv, and Class II bicycle lanes between International Blvd and E 12th Street.
HSIP 82017Bancroft Ave, Havenscourt to 98th St Click hereconstruction completeInstall HAWKs and RRFBs at eleven locations along the corridor; install signal mast arms at three locations; and install a landscape at the northeast corner of Bancroft and 67th Street.
HSIP 82017High St, San Leandro St to I-580Click hereconstruction completeConstruct crossing enhancements, signal placement improvements, and new pedestrian signal countdown heads.
HSIP 82017Intersections in Downtown Oakland in the area bounded by Broadway, 9th St, Harrison St, and 7th St, and the intersection of 10th St and completeConstruct safety improvements at 13 intersections, including signal mast arms, vehicle/bicycle detection, accessible pedestrian signal upgrade, and other improvements.
HSIP 92019Foothill Blvd, Harrington to Cole; MacArthur Blvd, 69th to 96th AveClick hereconstruction underway 2023 - estimated completion winter 2024Construct bulbouts, pedestrian median refuge islands, crosswalk enhancements, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), signs and striping.
HSIP 920197th/Filbert, Oakland/Moss, 98th Ave/C StN/Adesign complete (construction estimate Winter 2024)Install flashing beacons, pavement markings and signs; construct a median island, curb ramps and bulb outs.
HSIP 102020Alcatraz/Dana, Shattuck/56th, 18th/E 15th, 23rd/E 20th, 55th/Holland, 69th/BrentfordN/Ain design phase (construction estimate Winter 2026)Install Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) and
Intersection Lighting.
HSIP 10202098th Ave, Pearmain to BirchN/Ain design phase (construction estimate Winter 2026)Install side street signal mast arms, leading pedestrian intervals, RRFBs, pedestrian refuge islands, and left-turn only phases.
HSIP 10202014th St, Mandela to AdelineN/Ain design phase (construction estimate Winter 2026)Install a combination of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons
(RRFBs), left-turn only signal phases, pedestrian countdown heads, and leading pedestrian indicators.
HSIP 11202351 signals citywideN/Ain planning phaseEnhance pedestrian safety and accessibility by adding leading pedestrian intervals, longer pedestrian clearance times and pedestrian countdown signal heads.
HSIP 1120239 non-signalized intersectionsN/Ain planning phase - includes flashing beacons, refuge islands, bulb-outs, curb ramps, and crosswalk upgradesNine non-signalized intersections at arterial and collector streets within Oakland’s priority equity neighborhoods.
HSIP 11202390th Ave at MacArthur Blvd and Bancroft AveN/Ain planning phaseEnhance pedestrian safety and accessibility by adding leading pedestrian intervals, pedestrian countdown heads, protected left turns, and other safety upgrades.