I can... statement
(know, understand, do)
71. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science1. Science is a way of knowing about the natural world and is characterized by empirical criteria, logical argument and skeptical review. that prior expectations can create bias when conducting scientific investigations. For example: Students often continue to think that air is not matter, even though they have contrary evidence from investigations.Yes1. I know that prior expectations can create bias when conducting scientific investigations.
2. I understand what bias is and can explain it..
Scientific Processes
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science1. Science is a way of knowing about the natural world and is characterized by empirical criteria, logical argument and skeptical review. that when similar investigations give different results, the challenge is to judge whether the differences are significant, and if further studies are required. For example: Use mean and range to analyze the reliability of experimental resultsYes1. I know that when similar investigations give different results, and I need to judge whether the differences are significant and if further studies are required. Scientific Processes
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science2. Scientific inquiry uses multiple interrelated processes to investigate questions and propose explanations about the natural world. and refine a variety of scientific questions and match them with appropriate methods of investigation, such as field studies, controlled experiments, review of existing work, and development of models.Yes1. I can generate and refine a variety of scientific questions and match them with appropriate methods of investigation.Scientific Processes
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science2. Scientific inquiry uses multiple interrelated processes to investigate questions and propose explanations about the natural world. and conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about a relationship between two variables, ensuring that one variable is systematically manipulated, the other is measured and recorded, and any other variables are kept the same (controlled). For example: The effect of various factors on the production of carbon dioxide by plants.Yes1.I know how to plan and conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about a relationship between two variables.
2. I can ensure that one variable is systematically manipulated, while the other is measured and recorded and any other variables are kept the same.
Scientific Processes
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science2. Scientific inquiry uses multiple interrelated processes to investigate questions and propose explanations about the natural world. a scientific conclusion from an investigation, clearly distinguishing between results (evidence) and conclusions (explanation).Yes1. I can generate a scientific conclusion from an investigation, clearly distinguishing between results (evidence) and conclusions (explanation).Scientific Processes
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering1. The Practice of Science2. Scientific inquiry uses multiple interrelated processes to investigate questions and propose explanations about the natural world. explanations proposed by others by examining and comparing evidence, identifying faulty reasoning, and suggesting alternative explanations.Yes1. I can evaluate explanations proposed by others by examining and comparing evidence, identifying faulty reasoning, and suggesting alternative explanations.
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering3. Interactions Among Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Society3. Current and emerging technologies have enabled humans to develop and use models to understand and communicate how natural and designed systems work and interact. maps, satellite images and other data sets to describe patterns and make predictions about natural systems in a life science context. For example: Use online data sets to compare wildlife populations or water quality in regions of Minnesota.Yes1. I know how to use maps, satellite images and other data sets to describe patterns and make predictions about natural systems in a life science context.
1. The Nature of Science and Engineering3. Interactions Among Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Society3. Current and emerging technologies have enabled humans to develop and use models to understand and communicate how natural and designed systems work and interact. and use appropriate safety procedures, tools, measurements, graphs and mathematical analyses to describe and investigate natural and designed systems in a life science context.Yes1. I can determine and use appropriate safety procedures, tools, measurements, graphs and mathematical analyses to describe and investigate natural and designed systems in a life science context.Scientific Processes
2. Physical Science1. Matter 1. The idea that matter is made up of atoms and molecules provides the basis for understanding the properties of matter. that all substances are composed of one or more of approximately one hundred elements and that the periodic table organizes the elements into groups with similar properties.Yes1. I understand that all substances are composed of one or more of approximately one hundred elements and that the periodic table organizes the elements into groups with similar properties.Matter
2. Physical Science1. Matter 1. The idea that matter is made up of atoms and molecules provides the basis for understanding the properties of matter. the differences between elements and compounds in terms of atoms and molecules.Yes1. I can describe the differences between elements and compounds in terms of atoms and moleculesMatter
2. Physical Science1. Matter 1. The idea that matter is made up of atoms and molecules provides the basis for understanding the properties of matter. that a chemical equation describes a reaction where pure substances change to produce one or more pure substances whose properties are different from the original substance(s). Yes1. I know that a chemical equation describes a reaction where pure substances change to produce one or more pure substances whose properties are different from the original substance(s).Matter
4. Life Science1. Structure and Function of Living Systems1. Tissues, organs and organ systems are composed of cells and function to serve the needs of all cells for food, air and waste removal. that all cells do not look alike and that specialized cells in multicellular organisms are organized into tissues and organs that perform specialized functions. For example: Nerve cells and skin cells do not look the same because they are part odifferent organs and have different functions.Yes1. I know that all cells do not look alike and that specialized cells in multicellular organisms are organized into tissues and organs that perform specialized functions. Cells
Body Systems
4. Life Science1. Structure and Function of Living Systems1. Tissues, organs and organ systems are composed of cells and function to serve the needs of all cells for food, air and waste removal. how the organs in the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skin and urinary systems interact to serve the needs of vertebrate organisms. Yes1. I can describe how the organs in the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skin and urinary systems interact to serve the needs of vertebrate organisms.Cells
Body Systems
4. Life Science1. Structure and Function of Living Systems2. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells which carry on the many functions needed to sustain life. that cells carry out life functions, and that these functions are carried out in a similar way in all organisms, including, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists. Yes1. I know that cells carry out life functions, and that these functions are carried out in a similar way in all organisms, including, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists.Cells
4. Life Science1. Structure and Function of Living Systems2. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells which carry on the many functions needed to sustain life. that cells repeatedly divide to make more cells for growth and repair.Yes1. I know that cells repeatedly divide to make more cells for growth and repairCells
4. Life Science1. Structure and Function of Living Systems2. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells which carry on the many functions needed to sustain life. the presence of the cell wall and chloroplasts to distinguish between plant and animal cells. For example: Compare microscopic views of plant cells and animal cells.Yes1. I can use the presence of the cell wall and chloroplasts to distinguish between plant and animal cells.Cells
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems1. Natural systems include a variety of organisms that interact with one another in several ways. a variety of populations and communities in an ecosystem and describe the relationships among the populations and communities in a stable ecosystem.Yes1. I can identify a variety of populations and communities in an ecosystem and describe the relationships among the populations and communities in a stable ecosystem.Ecology
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems1. Natural systems include a variety of organisms that interact with one another in several ways. and contrast the roles of organisms within the following relationships: predator/prey, parasite/host, and producer/consumer/decomposer.Yes1. I can compare and contrast the roles of organisms within the following relationships: predator/prey, parasite/host, and producer/consumer/decomposer.Ecology
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems1. Natural systems include a variety of organisms that interact with one another in several ways. how the number of populations an ecosystem can support depends on the biotic resources available as well as abiotic factors such as amount of light and water, temperature range and soil composition. Yes1. I can explain how the number of populations an ecosystem can support depends on the biotic resources available as well as abiotic factors such as amount of light and water, temperature range and soil composition. Ecology
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems2. The flow of energy and the recycling of matter are essential to a stable ecosystem. that producers use the energy from sunlight to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water through a process called photosynthesis. This food can be used immediately, stored for later use, or used by other organisms. Yes1. I understand that producers use the energy from sunlight to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water through a process called photosynthesis. This food can be used immediately, stored for later use, or used by other organisms. Ecology
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems2. The flow of energy and the recycling of matter are essential to a stable ecosystem. the roles and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in changing energy from one form to another in a food web within an ecosystem. Yes1. I know the roles and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in changing energy from one form to another in a food web within an ecosystem. Ecology
4. Life Science2. Interdepen-dence Among Living Systems2. The flow of energy and the recycling of matter are essential to a stable ecosystem. that the total amount of matter in an ecosystem remains the same as it is transferred between organisms and their physical environment, even though its form and location change. For example: Construct a food web to trace the flow of matter in an ecosystem.Yes1. I know that the total amount of matter in an ecosystem remains the same as it is transferred between organisms and their physical environment, even though its form and location change. Ecology
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems1. Reproduction is a characteristic of all organisms and is essential for the continuation of a species. Hereditary information is contained in genes which are inherited through asexual or sexual reproduction. that cells contain genes and that each gene carries a single unit of information that either alone, or with other genes, determines the inherited traits of an organism.Yes1. I know that cells contain genes and that each gene carries a single unit of information that either alone, or with other genes, determines the inherited traits of an organism.Heredity/Genetics
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems1. Reproduction is a characteristic of all organisms and is essential for the continuation of a species. Hereditary information is contained in genes which are inherited through asexual or sexual reproduction. that in asexually reproducing organisms all the genes come from a single parent, and that in sexually reproducing organisms about half of the genes come from each parent. Yes1. I know that in asexually reproducing organisms all the genes come from a single parent.
2. I know that in sexually reprodcuing organisms organisms about half the genes come from each parent.
Living Things/Cells
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems1. Reproduction is a characteristic of all organisms and is essential for the continuation of a species. Hereditary information is contained in genes which are inherited through asexual or sexual reproduction. between characteristics of organisms that are inherited and those acquired through environmental influences.Yes1. I can distinguish between characteristics of organisms that are inherited and those acquired through environmental influences.Heredity/Genetics
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems2. Individual organisms with certain traits in particular environments are more likely than others to survive and have offspring. how the fossil record documents the appearance, diversification and extinction of many life forms. Yes1. I can explain how the fossil record documents the appearance, diversification, and extinctions of many life forms.
2. I can use a fossil record to explain the appearance, diversification, and extinctions of life forms.
Change over Time
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems2. Individual organisms with certain traits in particular environments are more likely than others to survive and have offspring. internal and external anatomical structures to compare and infer relationships between living organisms as well as those in the fossil record. Yes1. I can use internal and external anatomical structures to comare and infer relationships between living organisms as well as those in the fossil record.Change over Time
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems2. Individual organisms with certain traits in particular environments are more likely than others to survive and have offspring. that variation exists in every population and describe how a variation can help or hinder an organism’s ability to survive.1. I understand that variation exists in every population.
2. I can describe how a variation can help or hinder an organism's ability to survive.
Change over Time
4. Life Science3. Evolution in Living Systems2. Individual organisms with certain traits in particular environments are more likely than others to survive and have offspring. that extinction is a common event and it can occur when the environment changes and a population's ability to adapt is insufficient to allow its survival. Yes1. I know that extinction is a common event and it can occur when the environment changes and a population's ability to adapt is insufficient to allow its survival.Change over Time
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems1. Human ativity can change living organisms and ecosystems. examples where selective breeding has resulted in new varieties of cultivated plants and particular traits in domesticated animals. Yes1. I can describe examples of where selective breeding has resulted in new varietites of cultivated palnts and particular traits in domesticated animals.Change over Time
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems1. Human ativity can change living organisms and ecosystems. ways that human activities can change the populations and communities in an ecosystem.Yes1. I can describe ways that human activties can change populations and communities in an ecosystem.Ecology
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems2. Human beings are constantly interacting with other organisms that cause disease. how viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites may infect the human body and interfere with normal body functions.Yes1. I can explain how viruses infect the body and interfere with normal body functions.
2. I can explain how bacteria infect the body and interfere with normal body functions.
3. I can explain how fungi infect the body and interfere with normal body functions.
4. I can explain how parasites infect the body and interfere with normal body functions.
Body Systems
Classification and Living Things
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems2. Human beings are constantly interacting with other organisms that cause disease. that a microorganism can cause specific diseases and that there are a variety of medicines available that can be used to combat a given microorganism.Yes1. I know that a microorganism can cause specific diseaseImmune System
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems2. Human beings are constantly interacting with other organisms that cause disease. that vaccines induce the body to build immunity to a disease without actually causing the disease itself.Yes1. I know that vaccines induce the body to build immunity to a disease without actually causing the disease itself.Immune System
4. Life Science4. Human Interactions with Living Systems2. Human beings are constantly interacting with other organisms that cause disease. that the human immune system protects against microscopic organisms and foreign substances that enter from outside the body and against some cancer cells that arise from within.Yes1. I know that the human immune system protects against microscopic organisms and foreigh substances that enter from outside the body and against some cancer cells that arise from within.Immune System