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1 | Timestamp | Name of organisation: | Type of organisation: | Contact details: | Contact Name: | Contact role: | Email: | Address: | Website: | Estimated total assets of your institution: | Estimated amount divested or to be divested from fossil fuels: | Type of divestment: | Please provide a link to your policy document confirming your institution’s divestment or public announcement | Have you gone public with the decision yet? | Other comments | Are you happy to be listed on the gofossilfree.org commitments page? | Country | Entry Notes | ||||||||||
2 | 1/28/2016 4:25:14 | New England Sustainable Divest | Other | Edgar Furtado | Organizer | hereisedgar@gmail.com | 40 Maple Street, # 3, Belmont, MA 02478 | 0 | 0 | Fossil Free | none | no | I am happy to share this publicly | From all of my research, relatively more than 80% of the World’s fossil fuel reserves are in an “unburnable” state. That’s a lot for Earth to meet its 2 degree goal!! Next to Big Data, Sustainable Divestment seems to be catching up post Paris COP21. For a better world, Divestment is now the new Dog Whistler of the 21st Century. Not only is Divestment on the forefront of every global economy, it's a movement that has all the bells and whistles for global corporate sustainability. Sustainable Divestment has breadth and it has “Global People Power”. Sustainable Divestment is the new social change movement. Divest now. Reinvest now. Divested capital builds strong healthy communities and along with these communities comes strong economies. Combining all of humanities influencing strategies is a new game changer for moving capital investments. For decades, fossil fuel companies have successfully blocked political action on climate change. These companies have five times more carbon in their reserves than can be burnt to stay below the politically agreed 2 degrees global warming. Humanity is in a doggone race. We don’t seem to be getting it. We are in a kind of civil war with Fossil Fuels. And with every institution and organization that stops funding fossil fuel companies bring us one step closer towards removing the industry's social acceptance and their political influence. This will not just be a win-win for Divestment this movement moves up a notch to a global public debate leading to a change in social norms. At the same time, fossil fuel industry leaders and their supporters have also started to fight back fiercely either dismissing fossil fuel movement and at the same time attacking divestment decisions. | Yes | United States | Ray emailed Edgar on Oct. 20, 2016 | |||||||||||
3 | 1/29/2016 23:50:17 | International Living Future Institute | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | Ally Stoneham | Executive Assistant | ally.stoneham@living-future.org | 1501 E Madison St, Suite 150 | living-future.org | unsure | unsure | Full | Unsure | unsure | I am happy to share this publicly | Hi! We voted in our recent board meeting that we would like to join this list. We are completely divested already. What else do we need to do to formally commit? | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | United States | Ray emailed Ally on Oct. 20, 2016 | |||||||||
4 | 2/8/2016 12:08:50 | Legambiente Reggio Emilia | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | Irene Macias Pavon | (+39)0522431166 | segreteria@legambientereggioemilia.it | via Mazzacurati 11 | www.legambientereggioemilia.it | www.legambientereggioemilia.it | no | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | Italy | Yossi Added on July 17, 2017 | ||||||||||||||
5 | 4/25/2016 21:31:20 | Fund for Santa Barbara, Inc. | Philanthropic Foundation | Nancy Weiss | Associate Director | nweiss@fundforsantabarbara.org | 26 W. Anapamu St. | www.fundforsantabarbara.org | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | Fossil Free | http://www.fundforsantabarbara.org/cmsAdmin/uploads/FSB_Public_Statement_on_Fossil_Fuel_Divestment_Final_-_adopted_6_15_15.pdf | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | see policystatement | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | US | Ray added entry to 2.0 on Oct. 20, 2016 | |||||||||
6 | 5/16/2016 18:15:27 | World Federation of Public Health Associations | Other | World Federation of Public Health Associations c/o Institute of Global Health University of Geneva Campus Biotech - G6 chemin des Mines 9 1202 Geneva Switzerland | Dr. Peter Orris | Co-Chair Environment Working Group | porris@uic.edu | World Federation of Public Health Associations | http://www.wfpha.org/ | Fossil Free | na | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Global | Ray emailed Dr. Peter Orris on Oct. 20, 2016 | |||||||||||
7 | 7/8/2016 22:59:29 | New Progressive Alliance | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | We are already listed, but the list does not have us as fossil free and does not have a reference to our homepage. We have been fossil fuel free since our founding in 2010. | Ed Griffith | liason | eh.griffith@yahoo.com | 1000 17th Ave. APT 107 Longview, WA 98632-2357 | http://www.newprogs.org/ | Fossil Free | http://www.newprogs.org/the_environment_under_the_democratic_republican_uniparty | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | USA | Ray updated entry in 2.0 on Oct. 20, 2016 | ||||||||||||
8 | 12/7/2016 13:31:27 | SOCIAL GOOD SUMMIT | Other | ASHISH SHRIVASTAVA | TOP MEMBER/CONTRIBUTOR | ashishzz_2k2@rediffmail.com | INDIA | http://plussocialgood.org/post/5847ed15d7a2b2f77e8b4596/divest-from-fossil-fuels-as-greatest-ben | We are thinking about divesting | Fossil Free | http://ashish-shrivastava17.place.xyz/post/5835957c582c72634b8b4586/100-renewable-energy-fossil-fuel-divestm | http://ashish-shrivastava17.place.xyz/post/5835957c582c72634b8b4586/100-renewable-energy-fossil-fuel-divestm | I am happy to share this publicly | ADDRESS http://plussocialgood.org/post/5847ed15d7a2b2f77e8b4596/divest-from-fossil-fuels-as-greatest-ben | Yes | India | ||||||||||||
9 | 1/13/2017 12:12:34 | Bayerische Vermögen AG | For Profit Corporation | Ben Betz | Investment Manager | b.betz@bv-vermoegen.de | Schulstr. 1 83308 Trostberg | www.bv-vermoegen.de | 1000000000 | 50000000 | We are thinking about divesting | Full | https://www.bv-vermoegen.de/privatkunden/vermoegensmanagement/bv-vermoegensdepot/verantwortung/ | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Dear All, I´m a Portfolio Manager in a Wealth Management Company. All the Assets i manage are fossil free for a year now. Assets of 50 Mio € are fossil free and i try to get the whole Company going to invest fossil free. It´s a hard work, but it is growing and necessary. All assets that come in our central portfoliomanagement will be invested fossil free. The Statement is in the link. I also talked about divestment at some organisations and have holed seminars at universities or non Profit organisations. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Germany | Yossi shared info with Tine to further conversation on July 17th, 2017 | ||||||||
10 | 3/21/2017 21:29:20 | Windsor University Faculty Association | Other | Stephen Pender | Vice President | spender@uwindsor.ca | Kerr House, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontairo, Canada N9B 3P4 | wufa.ca | $1.2million | $1.2million | Fossil Free | wufa.ca | Not as yet. | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi added on July, 17th, 2017 | ||||||||||
11 | 3/29/2017 22:58:34 | Unitarian Church of Montréal | Faith-based Organization | Cym Gomery | CUSJ member | jeanromberry@gmail.com | 5035 boul de Maisonneuve O. Montréal, QC H4A 1Y5, Canada | ucmtl.ca | 3 million | 200,000 | Fossil Free | http://cusj.org/news/unitarian-church-of-montreal-votes-to-divest-from-fossil-fuels/ | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Please see the link above. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi added on July, 17th, 2017 | |||||||||
12 | 4/6/2017 22:58:20 | National Peace Corps Association | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | Anne Baker | Vice President | vp@peacecorpsconnect.org | 1900 L Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036 | www.peacecorpsconnect.org | Fossil Free | https://www.peacecorpsconnect.org/cpages/legal-documents-reports | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Our board was encouraged to make this commitment at the urging of one of our affiliate groups, Returned Peace Corps Volunteers for Environmental Action. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | United States | Added to database | |||||||||||
13 | 5/16/2017 11:44:44 | BONGONEWS | Other | Andrew Chale | 255767076376 | andrewchale@gmail.com | Dar es Salaam | www.bongonews.co.tz | 2 | 1 | We are thinking about divesting | Full | http://bit.ly/2rhz01P | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | i love my country Tanzania, I love all people's in this World. | Yes | Tanzania | Yossi shared info with Ahmed to further conversation on July 17th, 2017 | |||||||||
14 | 6/13/2017 17:32:49 | The Welders | Other | Annalisa Dias | Producing Playwright | annalisa@thewelders.org | www.thewelders.org | $30,000 | Full | http://www.thewelders.org/committing-to-being-fossil-fund-free/ | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | The Welders is a small playwrights collective in Washington DC that gives artists primary authority over all decision-making in the organization. Given that one of our playwrights is working on a play about climate justice (to be produced in fall 2019), we decided as an organization to join the fossil free movement, not because we have assets to divest but as a signal to our peer arts institutions to examine the social permission to operate given to fossil fuel interests when arts institutions accept sponsorships. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | Yossi added on July, 17th, 2017 | |||||||||||
15 | 10/3/2017 20:08:19 | Fonds de solidarité FTQ | For Profit Corporation | Mario Tremblay | VP, Public and Corporate Affairs | mtremblay@fondsftq.com | www.fondsftq.com | C$13.1 billion | C$ 32 million | Coal only | http://www.fondsftq.com/en/salle-de-presse/liste-communiques-de-presse/communique.aspx?nom=20170930-Transition-energitique | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | The Fonds de solidarité FTQ is a labour-sponsored development capital investment fund that channels the savings of Quebecers into investments. As at May 31, 2017, the organization had $13.1 billion in net assets, and through its current portfolio of investments has helped create and protect 186,440 jobs. The Fonds is a partner in more than 2,700 companies and has 645,664 shareholder-savers. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi added on October, 30, 2017 | ||||||||||
16 | 10/18/2017 20:52:11 | Anglican Diocese of Nova scotia & prince edward island | Faith-based Organization | katie.rae@350.org | Full | https://drive.google.com/a/350.org/file/d/0B2FGwy1Ws9H1SVY3T2RNZGVxTWhNRzNzMXUtOTNLeF9qeU1z/view?usp=sharing | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi Added on October 24, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||
17 | 11/20/2017 3:52:56 | McGill Association of University Teachers | Educational Institution | gregory.mikkelson@mcgill.ca | http://www.mcgill.ca/maut | US$500,000 | Fossil Free | http://www.mcgill.ca/maut/files/maut/motion1fgm.pdf | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | Canada | Yossi added on March 14, 2018 | |||||||||||||||
18 | 3/15/2018 21:06:49 | McGill Association of University Teachers | Other | Alenoush Saroyan | President | alenoush.saroyan@mcgill.ca | www.mcgill.ca/maut | Fossil Free | http://click.mailsender05.com/m/1883/m/1816085/b61cb6b5d130d7e97ddffc71b787e3f6 | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Alenoush Saroyan (e-mail address given above), president of the McGill Association of University Teachers (MAUT), authorized me to submit this registration on behalf of the organization. -Gregory Mikkelson, gregory.mikkelson@mcgill.ca | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi added on March 14, 2018 | ||||||||||||
19 | 4/17/2018 17:35:48 | Change Finance | Other | Donna Morton | CEO co-founder | donna@change-finance.com | www.change-finance.com | 4 Million | 100% | Full | We are SEC approved as Fossil Fuel Free in our CHGX prospectus | Happy to do so, we were built to be 100% divested | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | Yossi added on May 14, 2018 | |||||||||||
20 | 5/16/2018 6:34:16 | New Zealand Nurses Organisation | Other | niamh@350.org.nz | https://www.nzno.org.nz | Full | https://www.nzno.org.nz/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=xXwH099e3p4%3d&portalid=0 | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | New Zealand | Yossi added August 13, 2018 | |||||||||||||||
21 | 8/4/2018 4:23:01 | the Alma Mater Society (AMS) of UBC Vancouver | Educational Institution | Kuol Akuechbeny and Michelle Marcus | AMS VP Finance and AMS AVP Sustainability | vpfinance@ams.ubc.ca and sustainability@ams.ubc.ca | 6133 University Blvd Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 | http://www.ams.ubc.ca/ | $ 16 million | Full | http://www.ams.ubc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/I-8-AMS-Investment-Policy-1-August-2018.pdf | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | In May 2018, the Alma Mater Society (AMS) began developing an investment policy to include a specific mandate of excluding fossil fuels and incorporating ESG principles. With the support of AMS fund managers RBC Phillips, Hager & North, the AMS through excellent consultation within its branches and other UBC groups developed a fully fossil fuel free portfolio. After passing the investment policy through AMS Council, the AMS is now a fully fossil fuel free institution. Climate change is a student issue, as current and future students will bear the burden of climate impacts that result from decisions made today. As part of the privileged global institution, the Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver has an obligation to take leadership for a better and sustainable future for humankind. The AMS council and its membership and friends are excited to join the worldwide movement for climate action and the transition to renewable energy. The effort to achieve sustainable investments began in 2012, when the student group known as UBCC350 launched a campaign for UBC to divest from fossil fuels and mobilized students in support of climate justice. In 2014, the group brought forward a referendum to the AMS asking the student body whether their society should urge the University to divest from fossil fuels. UBC students voted overwhelming for divestment with 77% voting YES. The AMS thus officially adopted the stance of urging the University to divest from fossil fuels and committed to take all other reasonable efforts to support this cause, including working to achieve its sustainable investment policy that the 2018 – 2019 AMS Council made fruitful on August 1st 2018. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Canada | Yossi added August 13, 2018 | ||||||||||
22 | 1/24/2019 1:52:05 | Community Environmental Council | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | ikelly@cecmail.org | cecsb.org | 3.2 Million | 100% | Fossil Free | https://www.cecsb.org/donate/investment-policy/ | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | United States | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | |||||||||||||
23 | 1/28/2019 12:32:40 | Pension Fund Bernische Lehrerversicherungskasse BLVK | Pension Fund | Sandro Leuenberger | Project Leader Climate and Finance | sandro.leuenberger@klima-allianz.ch | http://www.klima-allianz.ch/blog/pensionskassen | 7660 Mio CHF = 7660 Mio USD | 10 Mio USD (Coal) | Coal only | https://blvk.ch/anlagen/nachhaltigkeitsgrundsätze | yes | I am happy to share this publicly | The Bernische Lehrerversicherungskasse published its commitment to exclude firms "die einen Grossteil ihres Umsatzes mit Kohleprodukten generieren" - firms that generate the larger part of their turnover with coal products". | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Switzerland | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | ||||||||||
24 | 4/11/2019 11:09:09 | Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge | Educational Institution | Logan Malik | GSB Green Officer | ldm38@cam.ac.uk | Clare Hall, Herschel Road | https://www.clarehall.cam.ac.uk/ | 28,500,000 | 930,000 | Fossil Free | https://www.varsity.co.uk/news/17293 | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | United Kingdom | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | ||||||||||
25 | 4/24/2019 19:49:48 | Larry R. Williams, PLLC | For Profit Corporation | Jonathan Williams | larryrwilliamspllc@yahoo.com | https://www.lrwlawfirm.com/ | Full | https://www.lrwlawfirm.com/ | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | ||||||||||||||||
26 | 3/19/2019 17:49:44 | Swansea University | Educational Institution | Dr Heidi Smith | Head of Sustainability | h.smith@swansea.ac.uk | Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP | swansea.ac.uk | Full | https://www.swansea.ac.uk/sustainability/positive-procurement/ethical-investment/ | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | Wales | Added to database | ||||||||||||
27 | 5/21/2019 23:57:53 | Rachel's Network | NGO (Non-Government Organization) | Erica Flock | Communications Manager | erica@rachelsnetwork.org | 1200 18th St NW, Washington, DC, 20036 | www.rachelsnetwork.org | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 | Fossil Free | https://rachelsnetwork.org/fossil-free/ | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | “Fighting climate change will require trillions of dollars in sustainable investments,” said Rachel’s Network President Fern Shepard. “We hope that our example shows how simple it is to go fossil free. Whether you’re an individual investor or a large institution, now is the time to invest in climate solutions.” | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | US | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | |||||||||
28 | 6/25/2019 2:15:47 | University of Puget Sound | Educational Institution | Janet Hallman | Associate VP for Financial Planning & Analysis | jhallman@pugetsound.edu | 1500 North Warner Street #1083, Tacoma WA 98416-1083 | www.pugetsound.edu | $369,000,000 | $25,000,000 | Partial | https://www.pugetsound.edu/news-and-events/campus-news/details/1655/ | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Puget Sound has long demonstrated its commitment to principles of sustainability through its curriculum, faculty and student research, green building standards, campus operations, and community collaborations. The university’s board of trustees recognizes that climate change is global in its reach and existential in its threat. It first announced its position on divestment from hydrocarbon in May 2016, following a year of exploration with members of the campus community, donors, and financial advisors. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | United States of America | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | |||||||||
29 | 7/18/2019 15:31:05 | Greater Manchester Pension Fund | Pension Fund | Tom Harrington | Assistant Director | tom.harrington@gmpf.org.uk | www.gmpf.org.uk/ | £24,000,000,000 | £100,000,000 | Partial | https://tameside.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s47672/ITEM%204a%20-%20Advisory%20Panel%20minutes19.10.18.pdf | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | UK | Yossi Added July 24, 2019 | |||||||||||
30 | 8/29/2019 14:50:56 | ownagepranks | Government | own pranks | pranking | ownagepranks555@gmail.com | 1754 samao street | https://www.ownagepranks.com | 100886 | 1076 | We are thinking about divesting | Fossil Free | https://www.ownagepranks.com | public | I am happy to share this publicly | prank dial | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | united states | Looks weird | ||||||||
31 | 10/3/2019 16:52:52 | Reform Pension Board | Faith-based Organization | Michael Kimmel | Chief Executive Officer | mkimmel@rpb.org | Coal only | https://rpb.crudecode.com/investments#alignment-with-jewish-values | No | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | Yossi Added November 13, 2019 | |||||||||||||||
32 | 10/30/2019 14:43:43 | quick festivalonline | Pension Fund | quick festivalonline | quickfestivalonline@gmail.com | Delhi,india | https://www.quickfestival.com/jumtal-ul-bida/ | Partial | https://www.quickfestival.com/ | I am happy to share this publicly | Hi, I Like Your Post, thanks for share this blog, really wonderful blog, keep on share it, Thanks! | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | India | Yossi Added November 13, 2019 | |||||||||||||
33 | 5/4/2020 22:13:40 | Fine Law Firm | For Profit Corporation | David Fine | Attorney | finelaw19@gmail.com | 220 9th St NW | https://www.thefinelawfirm.com/ | https://www.thefinelawfirm.com/our-firm/ | Yes | United States | Yossi added, July 8th, 2020 | ||||||||||||||||
34 | 9/15/2020 15:49:41 | Gower Street | Philanthropic Foundation | Sophie Marple | Trustee | sophiemarple@gmail.com | 37 Downshire Hill, NW3 1NU | £8,000,000 | All | Full | We made the commitment internally - I don't have a policy document. | I am happy to share this publicly | Because stopping the extraction of fossil fuels is the only option we now have. Finance is central to that - cut off the money and the excavation projects will stop. | Yes | UK | Yossi Added on December 3rd, 2020 | ||||||||||||
35 | 4/8/2021 23:33:12 | Riverside UCC | Faith-based Organization | David Roth | Chair, Finance Board | Dave@FairPlanetAdvisors.com | Hood River, OR | https://riversideucc.com/ | 500,000-2,000,000 | all | Full | n/a | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Fair Planet Advisors provided screening tools to allow us to invest in our Values. | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | ||||||||||
36 | 10/26/2021 20:08:23 | City of Hollywood Florid | Government | Elaine Franklin | Environmental Sustainability Coordinator | efranklin@hollywoodfl.org | 2600 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33020 | http://www.hollywoodfl.org/ | Partial | hollywoodfl.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?M=F&ID=a6b357b2-ed33-4794-863c-e46d829e51c7.docx | Yes | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | We have made a formal commitment | USA | |||||||||||||
37 | 3/23/2023 19:15:44 | Labels Consignment LLC | For Profit Corporation | Nicole Iorio | Co-owner | iorionicole@gmail.com | 7220 Greenwood Ave N | www.labelsseattle.com | 10-20K | Partial | n/a | no | I am happy to share this publicly | Yes | Usa | |||||||||||||
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