Online Event / Extended Webinar
Important: Save a copy of this in order to use it. This is an example of an attendee journey for an online event or extended webinar. In order to use this attendee journey, you will have to create a copy (File - Create Copy). In this tab, you can find an example how an attendee journey can look. In the next tab, you will find an empty version that you can use for your own events. Please note that the progress bar fills up with every field that you fill in. Have fun and happy mapping!
ATTENDEE STATUSResearcherContactedRegisteredAttendeePost-EventCommunity Member
ResearchInvitationReminderRegistration PageConfirmation EmailPre-Event CommunicationJoin EventVirtual VenueSessions/ContentEngagementNetworkingClosingThank You EmailSurveyOn-demand contentCommunity InvitationCommunity Engagement
TOUCHPOINTSOnline research, goal: find events that match expectations (if applicable).Email invitation to contact database. Reminder email for all contacts who already have received an invitation. Clear, simple and visually interesting website including:
- Registration Form
- Agenda
- Speaker
- Sponsors/Partner
Confirmation email that is sent as soon as the registration form has been completed. Emails with links to pre-event surveys, Q&A options, video material (e.g. interviews with speakers), downloadable content (e.g. ebooks), further information on new speakers, and relevant changes to event schedule. Attendee enters the virtual event venue through a link in an email.An intuitive, but easy to use virtual event platform or a video conference tool (e.g. Zoom).Livestream or video conferencing sessions with single or multiple speakers.Tools that invite attendees to actively participate in the event.A virtual networking area with possibilities for group and single chats via video conferencing. Final words by host. Email sent at latest 24 hours after event. Satisfaction survey in order to improve the quality of future events (can be included in thank you email). Recordings and other content (e.g. presentations) from the event (can be included in thank you email). Email invitation to the event community (Slack, Discord, etc.) Access to community platform.
Find a regular, educational and free online event that will improve skills and knowledge and offer valuable content.
Learn something new, hear from topic influencers and industry leaders.
Receive a personalized email invitation that sticks out (e.g. captivating subject line and teaser text) including all relevant event data and a direct link to the event registration page. Clear directions on next steps e.g. the need to register to save a spot.
Receive an email reminder before the event has sold out, including further value propositions, all relevant event data and a link to the registration page. Register within 2 minutes, streamlined registration form, find all relevant information.

Summary of all event data and link to virtual venue (if already available).Engaging touchpoints, easy ways to submit questions to speakers, content that will improve understanding of the event's topics and subjects.Join the event with just one click.Find his/her way around easily with no friction or complications.Relevant and valuable talks, workshops, panel discussions, etc. Learn something new.Tools to answer polls, chat with other participants and ask questions during the event. A simple to use solution to find new contacts, speak directly to the speakers, get involved and actively ask follow-up questions. Learn about upcoming events, how to stay in touch/join the community and where to find the event recording. Short summary of the key findings, links to the recordings and speakers, information about the next event. Maximum 2 minute survey with on-point questions and explanation, why these questions are being asked. Easy to navigate on-demand page including all relevant recordings (possibly downloadable) and links to downloads. Understand the value of joining the community and what technical requirements are needed (e.g. registration or download of software). Receive exclusive community content and invitations to further events, find help when needed, engage with brand and/or product.
CHALLENGES• Too many similar events are offered
• SEO for event is substandard
• Researcher does not know what he/she is looking for
• The invitation is visually unappealing
• The value of the event is not clear
• The email is not compliant with all email systems
• The email is categorized as spam
• The text is too pushy
• The contact gets annoyed and unsubscribes from all further email communication (lost)
• Confusing information regarding the next steps (e.g. registration)
• The registration form is too long
• The registration page is not available or does not work in all browsers
• Too much content on the registration page
• Event start time is not shown in the correct time zone
• Ensuring copy is sufficiently different to previous event
• Event format is not communicated (Webinar, Summit, etc.)
• The email ends up in spam
• The title of the email is poorly written and attendees cannot find it later
• Missing "add to calendar" link, needs to be added manually
• No time-zones defined
• Too much communication, wants to unsubscribe
• The communication is only informative, but not engaging
• Too many engagement touchpoints, not enough useful information
• Preventing emails ending up in spam
• Participants have joined, but there is no countdown or host to make clear if the event has already started
• Livestream picture is functioning, but audio is not
• Difficulties connecting microphone
• Third party tools are not connected correctly
• Tools and navigation are not clear
• No technical support available
• It is unclear where to go to join the stream
• Too many options to choose from
• Create engaging sessions that add value for your attendees
• Find the right mix between speakers and topics
• Bring diversity into your speaker line-up
• Match sessions to the interests of your target group
• Keep participants engaged throughout the whole event• Getting the networking to kick-off
• Empty rooms and attendees becoming bored
• Attendees feel uncomfortable speaking to strangers
• Attendees want the linkedin profiles of others they talked to
• There was not enough time to get the most out of the networking session
• Attendees are not reminded where they can find the next event
• Only a few participants remain as many already dropped out
• The host forgets to mention where the recordings are saved
• Email is too long or important elements are missing
• The tone of the email does not fit to the tone of the event
• Questions are not relevant or too complicated
• Survey is too long
• Low response rate as no incentive is offered
• Recordings are low quality
• Additional material is faulty or not relevant
• Login to third-party platform is required
• The value of joining the community is not clear
• The barrier to joining the community is too high
• Keep community members engaged and activated
• Offer enough community benefits
• Create valuable community content
OPPORTUNITIES• Provide a lead magnet training to help your audience solve their pain point.
• Give your potential audiences something valuable for free to help them out, instead of selling your event at the first stage.
• By providing value first you will build trust with your potential audience and it will be easier to sell your event to them later.
• A catchy title, a bold statement that instantly creates interest.

At this stage it is important to identify your audience in some way, gathering leads so you can continue the conversation later.
• Segment lists instead of sending the same invitations to all your audience.
• Take a look at your audience and segment them by interests, in order to send dedicated invitations focusing on the content you know they may be interested in.
• Know the reason your audience usually attends events (ie. networking, education, looking for tech...), so you can focus the message on the benefits for them.
• Has your audience already attended an event of yours in the past or are they totally new to your events? New or returning audiences are not the same, and they should not be treated as such.
• Look at how you can split your audience and deliver personalised journeys focusing your messaging around what your audience is interested in and what will make them take action.
• Catch attention by including elements that are not only clickbait but also personal sounding
• Create colorful emails, with relevant links and videos elements.
• Continue to split and personalise the journey.
• Use data to learn how interested your audience may be in your event before you spam them and risk unsubscribes.
• Set up your reminders for different levels of interest, e.g. general reminders for people who may not have opened the previous email, or people who simply opened it but did not sign-up.
• Share a link to on-demand content of a previous event.

Focus on the people who are opening and interacting with your emails, but who are not registering, as they are clearly interested in the event, but you haven't yet sufficiently convinced them to get involved.
• Keep it short and simple, while beautiful and visually appealing
• Only ask for the most necessary information in the registration form.
• Get the best possible images for your speakers and make sure the bio reflects the event theme.
• Make the agenda sound relevant and valuable. Describe the benefits of joining each session.
• Show links to social profiles of speakers
• "Share this event with your colleagues" button
• Use different CTAs (Join Event, Join Community, etc.)
• The confirmation email is one of the most important emails for your audience to open. If you are tagged as non-spam, future event communication will arrive safely.
• Include an unexpected free gift or bonus such as a free content download, this will increase anticipation and excitement.
• Make sure the confirmation email already offers a link to the virtual venue, so attendees can look around and prepare accordingly.
• Give your attendees the ability to shape their own journey with your event.
• Add a Q&A option to ask the speakers questions before the event.
• Ask at what frequency they want to be contacted. You can do this e.g. in the confirmation email.

Your audience wants to be part of your event, they want to be considered, and especially, they want a unique and personalised journey. Allow them to define this with everything you do. Let your audience define their own journey and choose their own path.
• Integrate your attendee data with your virtual event platform to facilitate the joining process.
• Provide a tech support chat in case somebody gets lost or does not know how to continue.
• Play a introductory video when the event starts.
• Play some soft and quiet background music to add some life to your event while everyone's waiting.
• Choose the placeholder image wisely, as this will be the first thing your attendees will see.
• Make the most important information about the event highly visible (e.g. speakers, agenda, etc.)
• Keep the opening words short and sweet. A short overview of why everyone is here, a preview of the agenda and who to expect (speakers, guests).
• Do a dry-run before an online event, no matter how big or small the event.
• Provide a resource that covers the common technical issues that might appear (supported browsers, camera/mic problems, connection problems, etc.)
• If its a "new" platform, offer guided onboarding.
• Make sure to instruct the speaker on possible audio and video issues before the event.
• Check the sound is right before the event.
• Use a wired connection to have more stable internet access.
• Do a dry-run with the speaker, don't hesitate to give some advice on the presentation.
• Start with something valuable! That's not a 10 min introduction round. All your speaker Info is available online.
• Split the on-site work between team members. Make sure you have a moderator who mutes people if they are breaking into the talk or have noise in the background.
• Make sure to stick to timings. Ask a speaker to have a rehearsal and have a clock in front of them to track time.
• Always have a "Plan B": if it's a one-speaker event, make sure to have a backup tool to connect the speaker, or get their slides in advance to show to the audience while the speaker has only audio on.
• Set up a "backstage chat" with the speaker in advance so you can communicate during the event about timing, questions, etc.
• Divide between curated vs. spontaneous engagement
• Start with curated engagement and try to move the needle to spontaneous engagement.
• Gamification will increase engagement
• Create a Slack channel so event participants can connect during the event
• Give participants some guidance on what to do during networking: e.g., some ideas and tips on what to discuss.
• Make sure no one is alone in the room or if that's the case, send one of your team members to join them
• Give the participants enough time to talk, 1 minute per person is not enough.
• Encourage people to share their LinkedIn profiles throughout the event.
Introduce the next touch points:
• Where do you find the content?
• What will you hear next?
• Where can we keep the conversation going?
• Have someone from your team record the session as a backup. In case something is wrong with your recording, you will have another option.
• Make sure all the links are clickable and that viewing access is granted.
• Ask yourself, is the survey for you or for your audience?
• What's the benefit of completing the survey for your audience?
• Be transparent with the results, in order to show the progress.
• Make the feedback form short and don't make all questions required.
• Set up logical jumps throughout the form (if you use Typeform).
• Prepare a gift (a discount, downloadable checklist, etc.) for filling in the feedback form.
• Actively distribute the content in different channels.
• Make the content easily accessible
• Enrich the event content with relevant additional data/content that allows your attendees to deep dive into the event topic.
• Follow up from time to time and make sure that they can implement one or two things they have learned from your event. If they don't, ask them why not?
• The community shouldn't come as a surprise at this point, it should be mentioned at the start of the journey.
• Hype your audience about this community before the invitation so that when the invitation does land in their inbox, they are already excited
• Most people won't join a community the first time they hear about it unless they are actively looking to be part of a community, so make sure your speakers at your event are talking about the community in their talks, get people mentioning in the chat during the event, and get your audience wanting the invitation.
• Let your audience shape the community; understand what they really want to get out of being part of the community.
• Ask what format your audience wants to consume community content in, with what frequency they need to be involved to get value out of it.