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2018 Rails on Rails Community Survey Results
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Which one of the following applies to you?How big is the development team for your primary Rails applications?How many years have you been developing with Rails?How did you learn to code?How many Rails applications have you contributed to?What versions of Ruby are you using in your applications? (select all that apply)Which Ruby version manager are you using in production? (select all that apply)What versions of Rails are you using in your applications? (select all that apply)How many Rails applications do you keep updated to the most recent (Rails/Ruby) releases?If not all, why not? (select all that apply)How many of your apps are legacy apps, or code inherited from other developers?Where are your responsibilities in the stack? (select all that apply)Have you been to a conference (regional or bigger) for Ruby and/or Rails in the last year?Do you participate in local user groups?What is your favorite Ruby/Ruby on Rails blog? (please enter a single URL)Have you authored at least one gem?Which other languages/frameworks have you developed applications with? (select all that apply)What Javascript libraries are you using alongside Rails? (select all that apply)If you have deployed applications using other languages/frameworks, would you say that it has been easier or harder to deploy Rails applications?How often do you push releases of your Rails applications to production?How many Rails applications is your team currently responsible for?Of those apps how many have decent test coverage (80%)?What Rails testing frameworks are you using to write tests? (select all that apply)What Javascript testing frameworks are you using to write tests? (select all that apply)How many greenfield Rails apps have you deployed since 2016?For greenfield Rails projects what are you using to manage Javascript libraries?You are primarily buildingWhat payment gateways do your e-commerce applications use? (select all that apply)What third party service do your applications use for recurring payments? (select all that apply)How do you handle credit card transactions within your Rails applications? (select all that apply)What third party email services do your Rails integrate with? (select all that apply)Where is your source code hosted? (select all that apply)Which automated deployment tools do you use? (select all that apply)Which databases do you typically use in production? (select all that apply)Which database would you prefer to use in production? (some hosts donโ€™t offer many options besides MySQL)Which nosql databases do you use? (select all that apply)Which operating system do you primarily develop your applications on?What is your preferred editor?How many people have access/credentials to deploy your application(s)?What are you using for containerization? (select all that apply)Which Application Exception tracking tools do you use in production? (select all that apply)Which performance monitoring tools do you use in production? (select all that apply)Which uptime monitoring tools do you use in production? (select all that apply)Which web servers do you use in production? (select all that apply)Which Rails Servers are you using in production? (select all that apply)Which Continuous Integration (CI) servers do you use? (select all that apply)What CDN(s) do you use? (select all that apply)What code quality tools do you use? (select all that apply)Who uses your application/s?Which Active Job adapters do you use to use to process background jobs?I feel the Rails core team is shepherding the project in the right direction.I feel confident security vulnerabilities are being addressed in new Rails releases.Which Rubygems frustrate you the most?Which Rubygems do you love?Is Rails your server side framework of choice?Would you recommend developers learn and build Rails applications in 2018?If no, why not?Rails is still relevant in 2018.Country CodeCountry NameState
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Work for a product company8-154-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5NoneRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostBudget, Time, ManagementSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNo, JavaCReactEasierAlmost daily (a lot)6-14AllRspec, Test::Unit, Capybara, Minitest, CucumberMocha2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsSendgridGithubCapistrano, Continuous DeploymentMariaDBPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text5-14 peopleNoneNewRelicNew RelicPingdom, NewRelicApache, Nginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaJenkinsGoCDRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Active Job InlineMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeFRFranceUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!7-9 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.1MostManagement, Dependent on depreciated gemsNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesVue, StimulusA few times a month2-5HalfRspecMonolithsMailgunBitBucketCapistranoMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisLinux/Unix-variantSublime Text1 personNoneRollbarSkylightApache, NginxUnicorn, PumaCloudFlareRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeSISloveniaUnknown
Currently looking for workA team of one!7-9 yearsCS degree50+Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.0, Rails 3.1, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.0, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2, RailsEdgeAllDependent on depreciated gemsMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsYesYesYesJavaBashNoneEasierVery rarely15+HalfRspec, Test::Unit, Capybara, Minitest, Cucumbernone2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsnonenoneI don't knowMailgunBitBucket, GithubGitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XEmacs1 personNoneBugsnag, RollbarNonePingdomNginx, PumaPassenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, PumaTravis CI, Circle CInoneCode Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov, Rubycritic, CoverallsMostly Internal users onlyunknownTotally AgreeTotally AgreenokogiriYesYesN/ATotally AgreeUSUnited StatesGeorgia
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsCS degree15-49Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.2RVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.2NoneBudget, TimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoNoNoneNoneAbout the sameA few times a week6-14MostRspec, Capybara2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsSelf-hosted repositoryCapistrano, GitMySQLMySQLNoneLinux/Unix-variantSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneExceptionNotifier pluginNoneNoneApachePassenger (mod_rails)NoneRubocopMostly Internal users onlyDelayed JobMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!1-3 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4RVMRails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Back End, DesignNoYesNoNoneNoneEasierA few times a month2-5NoneBitBucket, GithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XAtom1 personNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMostly Internal users onlyTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesArizona
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 2.3.x, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1SomeTime, Dependent on depreciated gemsNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoYesNode.js, Elixir / PhoenixAbout the sameA few times a week2-5MostRspec, Test::UnitJasmine2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, PostmarkGithubCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleNoneHoneybadgerScout, Cloudwatch, LibratoPingdomHoneybadgerNginxUnicornCircle CI, CodeshipCloudFrontCode ClimateMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Sucker PunchTotally AgreeTotally AgreefakerYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesNew Jersey
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1MostThey are working well and the customer is so happy don't want to spend more money with it.Some legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsYesYesNo one in specialYesJava, PHP / LaravelNoneEasierA few times a week6-14MostTest::Unit, Capybara, Minitest6-14Asset pipelineMonolithsBitBucket, GithubGitTraquitanaPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneLinux/Unix-variantVim-based1 personNoneNoneNginxPassenger (mod_rails)NoneRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, ResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreedeviseminitestYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsOn the job15-49Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 3.0, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.2SomeBudget, Time, ManagementAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNo, Elixir / PhoenixPolymerAbout the sameA few times a month2-5SomeRspec, MinitestNone1Yarn/webpackMonolithsPaypalPagSeguroPagSeguroDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMailgunSelf-hosted repository, BitBucketCapistranoPostgreSQLMariaDBPostgreSQLCassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, RiakLinux/Unix-variantRubymine1 personNoneExceptionNotifier pluginTrying Elastic stackNew RelicMonitApache, NginxPassenger (mod_rails), PumaNoneRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Sucker PunchMostly AgreeTotally AgreeActiveAdminSlim, guard-rails, DeviseYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for a product company5-87-9 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.1, Rails 4.2MostTime, Management, Dependent on depreciated gemsAbout half and halfBack End, DevOps, DesignYesYes, Java, Go / RevelNoneAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)2-5MostRspecMocha1Asset pipelineMicroservicesStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridGithubContinuous Deployment, GitPostgreSQLMongoXXUnknownUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)5-810+ yearsSelf taught50+Ruby 1.8.6, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 2.3.x, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2SomeDependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newBack End, DevOpsNoNo daily (a lot)15+SomeRspec, MinitestMocha6-14Asset pipelineMonolithsBraintree, PaypalDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataSendgrid, MailgunSelf-hosted repository, GitlabGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMongoDB, RedisLinux/Unix-variantVim-based2-4 peopleNoneErrbit, ExceptionNotifier pluginNoneNagios (self-hosted/managed)ApachePassenger (mod_rails)GitlabRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Delayed JobMostly AgreeMostly AgreeglobalizedeviseYesYesMostly AgreeITItalyUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!4-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2SomeBudget, TimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoReact.js, PHP / LaravelReact, VueAbout the sameA few times a month2-5None2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsPostmarkGithubCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XAtom1 personNoneErrbit, ExceptionNotifier plugin, SentrySkylightUptime RobotNginx, PumaPassenger (mod_rails), UnicornA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeApartmentYesYesTotally AgreeCACanadaUnknown
Work for a product company25+4-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.1SomeBudget, Time, Management, Dependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYesYesBackbone.jsBackboneEasierA few times a month1NoneRspec, CapybaraJasmine1Asset pipelineMonolithsAmazon SESGithubCapistranoMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XRubyMine15+ peopleDockerAirbrakeNew RelicNewRelicNginxPassenger (mod_rails)JenkinsCloudFrontRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)ResqueNeutralTotally AgreeDevise,NokogiriOnmiAuthYesYesMostly AgreeUAUkraineUnknown
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsBootcamp6-14Ruby 2.5asdfRails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Back End, DevOpsYesNoNoElixir / PhoenixElm, StimulusEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, Capybara, Minitest2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsSendgrid, Mandrill (Mailchimp)GithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerHoneybadgerSkylightPumaPumaCircle CIRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Resque, Delayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreeNokogiriAdministrateYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesIllinois
Work for a product companyA team of one!1-3 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1, Rails 5.2AllBudget, TimeAbout half and halfBack End, DevOpsYesYesrubyonrails.orgYesBackbone.js, React.js, Django, Go / RevelReactAbout the sameA few times a month2-5MostRspec, Capybara, Minitest2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridGithubCapistrano, GitPostgreSQL, SQLitePostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerSentrySkylightNginxPumaGitlab, Travis CIRubocop, SimplecovSidekiq, QueMostly AgreeTotally Agreerspecweb-consoleYesYesTotally AgreeBGBulgariaUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!4-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3RVMRails 3.2, Rails 4.2NoneTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesElixir / PhoenixNoneEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5NoneRspec1Asset pipelineMonolithsShopify Billing APIDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsSendgridGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text1 personNoneNewRelicLogEntriesNew RelicNewRelicNginxUnicornNoneCloudFrontMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, ResqueMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeDKDenmarkUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!4-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.5asdfRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostManagementSome legacy apps but more newJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoNoAngular.jsVueHarderA few times a week1AllRspec2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, Amazon SESGithubNonePostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerRollbarNew RelicNoneNginxPumaJenkins, Circle CICloudFrontCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeRspec, pryYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!7-9 yearsCS degree50+Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignYesYeshttps://gorails.comNode.js, DjangoVue, StimulusAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)6-14SomeMinitestJest6-14Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, StripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridGithubCapistrano, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XVim-based1 personNoneErrbitPingdomNginxPassenger (mod_rails)CloudFrontA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesMissouri
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5NoneRails 5.0, Rails 5.1AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNo daily (a lot)2-5NoneRspec, Minitest2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsGithub, GitlabGitMySQLMySQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneNoneNoneNoneNginxUnicornNoneRubocopMostly Internal users onlyResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreeNokogiripryYesYesMostly AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!4-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesBackbone.js, Ember.js, Node.js, PHP / LaravelBackbone, StimulusAbout the sameA few times a month2-5AllCucumberMocha, Jest2-5Asset pipelineHybridsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiAmazon SES, Mandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunBeanstalk, GithubGitPostgreSQL, SQLitePostgreSQLCouchDB, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisMac OS XTextMate1 personNoneNoneNonePingdomApache, NginxPassenger (mod_rails)Travis CICloudFrontRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Totally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeSESwedenUnknown
Work for a product company16-257-9 yearsSelf taught50+Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4None, rbenv, RVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1AllSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignYesYesYesBackbone.js, Ember.js, Node.js, React.jsReact, BackboneEasierA few times a month15+AllRspec, Test::Unit, Capybara, Minitest, CucumberMocha, Jasmine15+Asset pipelineHybridsAmazon SESSelf-hosted repository, Github, GitlabGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLLinux/Unix-variantVim-based2-4 peopleDocker, KubernetesHoneybadger, NewRelicNew Relic, CloudwatchNewRelicApache, Nginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaCircle CICode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, ResqueMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeTRTurkeyUnknown
Work for a product company5-87-9 yearsSelf taught50+Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.1MostBudgetMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DesignYesYes, AngularEasierA few times a week6-14AllRspec, CucumberMocha, Jasmine2-5Yarn/, Stripe, PaypalDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsSendgridGithubtravisciPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearchMac OS XVim-based5-14 peopleNoneSentry, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicPumaPumaTravis CICloudFrontRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersDelayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesIowa
Work for an agency (client work)5-810+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1, Rails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesAngular.js, Node.js, Java, Elixir / Phoenix, Go / RevelAngularEasierAlmost daily (a lot)6-14AllTest::Unit, Capybara, Minitest, CucumberMocha, Jasmine2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripe, PaypalStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridMailjetBitBucket, GithubContinuous DeploymentAnsibleMySQL, PostgreSQLMongodbPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisLinux/Unix-variantAtom2-4 peopleDockerAirbrake, RaygunSkylightPingdomNginx, PumaPumaJenkins, Travis CICloudFrontCode Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov, CoverallsA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Resque, Active Job Async JobTotally AgreeMostly AgreeBrakemanYesYesTotally AgreeFRFranceUnknown
Work for a product company16-2510+ yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 1.x, Rails 3.2, Rails 5.2SomeBudget, TimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYesrubyflow.comNoReact.js, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelReactAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)2-5SomeRspecMocha, Jasmine1Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackHybridsPostmarkGithubCapistranoMySQLMySQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVS Code15+ peopleDocker, KubernetesAirbrakeNew RelicNagios (self-hosted/managed), PingdomApachePassenger (mod_rails)JenkinsCode Climate, RubocopMostly Internal users onlyResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesTexas
Work for a product company5-87-9 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4None, rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.0NoneTimeMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignYesYes, Node.js, React.js, PHP / LaravelReactEasierAlmost daily (a lot)1NoneRspec, Capybara2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsPaypalPOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, MailgunSelf-hosted repository, GithubContinuous Deployment, GitPostgreSQLMongoDBPostgreSQLMongoDB, RedisMac OS XAtom2-4 peopleNoneAppSignalCloudwatchNonePumaPassenger (mod_rails), PumaCircle CI, SemaphoreCloudFlareRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersDelayed JobMostly AgreeMostly Agreedelayed_job, capybararubocop, coveralls, rspec, wheneverYesYesTotally AgreeMXMexicoUnknown
Work for a product company2-44-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.2MostDependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newBack EndNoNoNoNoneNoneAlmost daily (a lot)1MostMinitest1Yarn/webpackMonolithsAmazon SESGithubCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneRollbar, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicNginxUnicorn, PumaCircle CIRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally Agreeinherited_resources, simple_form, active_admin, draper, rspec, slim, haml, sassrails, simplecov, minitestYesYesTotally AgreeUAUkraineUnknown
Work for a product company2-44-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4NoneRails 5.1MostXXUnknownUnknown
Work for a product company8-154-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newBack End, DevOpsNoYesNoDjango, Java, Go / Revel, Microsoft .NETReact, Vue, StimulusAbout the sameA few times a week2-5SomeRspecJest1Asset pipelineHybridsStripeStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsAmazon SES, MailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearchMac OS Xrubymine5-14 peopleDockerAppSignalSkylightPingdomPumaPumaJenkins, Travis CICloudFrontRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally Agreeactive recordsequelYesYesTotally AgreeDEGermanyUnknown
Work for a product company25+7-9 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5NoneRails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTime, Dependent on depreciated gemsAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Back End, DevOpsNoNoI don't have anyYesEmber.js, React.js, Java, Elixir / Phoenix, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelReact, Vue, Ember, StimulusEasierAlmost daily (a lot)6-14NoneRspec, CapybaraMocha, Jasmine2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalStripe, ChargifyDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, PostmarkGithubContinuous Deployment, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based5-14 peopleNoneSentry, NewRelicNew Relic, Scout, SkylightNewRelicPumaPumaCircle CI, SemaphoreCloudFront, CloudFlareRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeRubocopI feel no love for such thingsYesYesTotally AgreeCOColombiaUnknown
Work for a product company5-810+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsYesNoYesEmber.js, Node.js, Java, PHP / LaravelRustEmberAbout the sameA few times a week1MostRspec, CapybaraQUnitMonolithsStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridIntercomGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLCassandra, RedisMac OS XVSCode5-14 peopleNoneBugsnagSkylight, LibratoPingdomHerokuPumaTravis CICloudFrontCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqNeutralNeutralYesYesTotally AgreeXXUnknownUnknown
Work for a product company5-810+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5NoneRails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2, RailsEdgeSomeBudget, Time, ManagementAbout half and halfBack End, DevOpsYesYes, JavascriptEmberAbout the sameA few times a week2-5MostRspec, Capybara, Minitest1Asset pipelineMonolithsStripeStripeI don't knowSendgrid, MailgunVeroGithubCloud66PostgreSQLPostgreSQLCassandra, ElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based5-14 peopleDockerSentry, NewRelicNew Relic, Skylight, LibratoPingdomNginxUnicorn, PumaTravis CI, Circle CIRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeMostly Agreebundler, nokogiri, rspecactiverecord, puma, sidekiq, concurrent-ruby, pry, pry-byebugYesYesTotally AgreeAUAustraliaUnknown
Work for a product company5-84-6 yearsCS degree2-5Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 5.2MostTimeMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoYesNoAngular.js, React.js, Elixir / PhoenixAngularAbout the sameA few times a week1AllRspec, CapybaraJasmine2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceAmazon SES, Mandrill (Mailchimp)GithubContinuous DeploymentPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVs code2-4 peopleDockerNoneNew RelicNoneNginx, PumaUnicornCircle CICloudFrontCode Climate, RubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersResqueMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeIEIrelandUnknown
Work for a product company5-87-9 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2AllSome legacy apps but more newBack End, DevOpsYesYesrubyinside.comYesNoneNoneAbout the sameA few times a month2-5SomeRspec, Capybara, Cucumber2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsStripe, PaypalStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsMailgun, PostmarkSelf-hosted repository, Github, GitlabCapistrano, Continuous Deployment, GitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisLinux/Unix-variantRubyMine2-4 peopleDockerAirbrake, Errbit, ExceptionNotifier pluginNoneNoneNginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaGitlab, Travis CICode Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov, CoverallsA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Resque, Delayed JobSomewhat DisagreeMostly AgreePaperTrailTrailblazerYesYesMostly AgreeBYBelarusUnknown
Work for a product company2-44-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4None, RVMRails 5.1MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYesYesAngular.js, Backbone.js, Elixir / PhoenixVue, Backbone, AngularA few times a week2-5AllRspecMochaQUnitYarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMandrill (Mailchimp)Github, GitlabCapistrano, GitPostgreSQLMongoDBPostgreSQLMongoDB, RedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleDockerRollbarNoneNoneApache, Nginx, PumaPumaJenkinsMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeFRFranceUnknown
Work for a product company5-81-3 yearsBootcamp2-5Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.2AllMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYesYesEmber.jsEmberEasierA few times a week2-5MostRspec, CapybaraMocha1Asset pipelineMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLCassandra, RedisMac OS XAtom5-14 peopleNoneBugsnagSkylight, LibratoPingdomTravis CICloudFrontCode Climate, RubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, ResqueTotally AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesColorado
Work for a product company16-2510+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 4.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostBudgetNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYes, PHP / LaravelStimulusEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, Capybara1Yarn/webpackMonolithsPaymentwallEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataSparkpostGithubCapistrano, GitMySQLMySQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based15+ peopleDocker, KubernetesSentry, NewRelicNew Relic, CloudwatchUptime Robot, NewRelicDatadogNginxUnicornJenkins, Circle CICloudFrontFastlyRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Resque, Delayed Job, Active Job Async JobMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4NoneRails 5.2MostWait for stabilityNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Back EndYesNoDonโ€™t read programming blogs anymoreYesCrystalReactHarderAlmost daily (a lot)1HalfRspecMocha1Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment servicePostmarkGithubHerokuPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleHerokuSentryNonePingdomPumaPumaTravis CICloudFrontMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesNew Jersey
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.4RVMRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Back End, DevOpsNoNo, Go / RevelVueEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, Capybara2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackHybridsAmazon SESMailtopGitlabGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisWindowsVS Code2-4 peopleDockerSentryCloudwatchPrometheusNoneNginxPassenger (mod_rails)GitlabCloudFront, CloudFlareRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeNonerailsYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsOn the job50+Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4RVMRails 3.2, Rails 4.0, Rails 5.0SomeTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Back End, DevOpsYesYeshttps://blog.bigbinary.comYesNode.js, React.js, DjangoVue.jsReact, VueEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5NoneTest::Unit, Minitest, Cucumber2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsPaypalPay2goDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, MailgunBitBucket, GithubCapistrano, GitMySQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XTextMate2-4 peopleDockerAirbrake, RollbarNonePingdomNginxUnicorn, Rainbows!NoneCloudFront, CloudFlareMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqNeutralMostly AgreedevisecellsYesYesNeutralTWTaiwanUnknown
Work for a product company5-87-9 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2SomeTimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYesYesEmber.js, Elixir / PhoenixEmberd3About the sameAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, Capybara, Minitestqunit1HybridsStripeStripeI don't knowSendgrid, Mandrill (Mailchimp)Github, GitlabGitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLCassandra, RedisLinux/Unix-variantVim-based5-14 peopleDockerBugsnagSkylightPingdomNginx, PumaPassenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, PumaTravis CICode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqNeutralMostly Agreeactive_adminsidekiq, rspec, pryNoYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesColorado
Freelancer/Contractor25+10+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4NoneRails 4.2, Rails 5.0AllAbout half and halfBack EndYesYesNoNonejQueryAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, Capybara1Asset pipelineMonolithsStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSparkpostGithubCapistrano, GitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text15+ peopleNoneBugsnag, HoneybadgerNew RelicPingdomNginx, PumaPumaJenkins, Circle CICloudFrontCode Climate, RubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Delayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreedeviseYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)2-41-3 yearsCS degree15-49Ruby 2.5NoneRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2SomeBudgetNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoYesNode.js, React.js, Go / RevelReactAbout the sameA few times a week15+HalfRspec, Test::Unit, Minitest2-5Asset pipelineHybridsBraintree, StripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiBitBucket, Github, GitlabGitMySQLMySQLMongoDB, RedisMac OS XVisual Studio Code2-4 peopleNone, DockerNoneNoneUptime RobotNginxRubocop, RubycriticMostly Internal users onlySidekiq, Active Job Async JobNeutralTotally AgreeYesYesNeutralITItalyUnknown
Work for a product company5-84-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1SomeTimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Back EndYesYesNoElixir / PhoenixNoneAbout the sameA few times a month6-14HalfRspec, Capybara, Minitest2-5Yarn/webpackHybridsBitBucket, GithubContinuous Deployment, GitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisMac OS XAtom5-14 peopleDocker, KubernetesRollbarNginxPumaGo CICloudFrontRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersDelayed JobMostly AgreeMostly AgreepunditYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Work for a product company5-81-3 yearsBootcamp1Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.2AllMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoNoAngular.js, Ember.js, Django, PHP / LaravelEmberAbout the sameA few times a week1NoneRspec, CapybaraQUnitAsset pipelineMonolithsStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgridIntercomGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMongoDBMac OS XAtom5-14 peopleNoneBugsnagSkylightPingdomTravis CICode Climate, RubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqNeutralNeutralYesYesNeutralUSUnited StatesColorado
Work for a product company2-44-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4RVMRails 3.2, Rails 4.1, Rails 5.1MostTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesDjango, Java, PHP / LaravelVueEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5HalfwebdroneMonolithsSelf-hosted repositoryown scriptsPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XCode2-4 peopleNoneOwn simple solutionNoneNoneNginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaGitlabRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Delayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeCLChileUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)2-41-3 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.2SomeBudget, Time, ManagementSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DesignNoNoYesNode.js, React.jsReactEasierA few times a month2-5MostRspec, CapybaraJest2-5Asset, StripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgrid, Mandrill (Mailchimp), Mailgun, PostmarkGithubContinuous DeploymentMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleNoneAirbrake, NewRelicNew RelicUptime RobotPumaUnicorn, PumaCircle CICloudFlareRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesMaryland
Work for a product company16-251-3 yearsBootcamp2-5Ruby 2.2rbenvRails 4.2NoneTimeMajority legacy code but some newJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back, StimulusAbout the sameA few times a month1AllRspec, CapybaraJasmine1Asset pipelineHybridsSendgrid, MailgunBitBucket, GithubContinuous Deployment, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text15+ peopleNoneAirbrake, NewRelicNew RelicNagios (self-hosted/managed), NewRelicNginxJenkinsRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesNew York
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.4RVMRails 4.2SomeTime, ManagementAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoAngular.js, Backbone.js, React.js, Java, Elixir / PhoenixReact, AngularEasierA few times a month1NoneRspec, CapybaraJasmine2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsSalesforceSalesforceMailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneAirbrake, ExceptionNotifier pluginNew Relic, ScoutUptime Robot, NewRelicPumaPumaSemaphoreRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqNeutralTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for a product company5-84-6 yearsSelf taught1Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI)rbenvRails 3.1NoneTime, Dependent on depreciated gemsEverything I work on is a legacy appFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoNoCommon LispNoneHarderA few times a week2-5NoneRspecMonolithsStripeMandrill (Mailchimp)GithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XEmacs2-4 peopleNoneNoneNonezenossNginxPassenger (mod_rails)JenkinsMostly Internal users onlyTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesMissouri
Work for a product company16-257-9 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.0, Ruby 2.3rbenvRails 4.2SomeTime, Dependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoYesReact.jsReactAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)1SomeRspecJest1Yarn/webpackMonolithsRecurlyPOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceMandrill (Mailchimp)GithubCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVS Code2-4 peopleNoneSentry, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicNginxUnicornCircle CISimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)ResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeMXMexicoUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!7-9 yearsCS degree2-5Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.2SomeTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoBackbone.js, DjangoNone, BackboneEasierVery rarelyRspec, Test::Unit, CapybaraMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridBitBucketGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneLinux/Unix-variantKate1 personNoneNewRelicNew RelicPumaPumaNoneMostly consumer-only (public)Sucker PunchMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeFIFinlandUnknown
Work for a product company25+1-3 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1, Rails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYes, StimulusAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, CapybaraMonolithsStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgridGithub, GitlabGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XRubyMine15+ peopleDockerSentryNoneNonePumaPumaJenkins, Gitlab, Travis CI, Circle CICloudFlareCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, ResqueTotally AgreeTotally AgreeFactoryBot, ShouldaMatchers ...YesYesTotally AgreeFRFranceUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)2-47-9 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4RVMRails 5.1SomeBudget, Time, Dependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newBack EndYesYesYesEmber.js, React.js, Microsoft .NETReactHarderA few times a month2-5AllRspec, CapybaraJest2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgridGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVS Code2-4 peopleNoneBugsnag, RollbarNew Relic, ScoutNewRelicNginxPumaSemaphoreCloudFrontCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeRspec api docsYesYesTotally AgreeNZNew ZealandUnknown
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3rbenv, RVMRails 4.2NoneTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoNoneNoneA few times a week2-5AllRspec, Capybara1Asset pipelineMonolithsMailjetGithubContinuous Deployment, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneErrbit, NewRelicNew Relic, SkylightNewRelicPumaUnicornUnicornCircle CICloudFrontMostly Internal users onlySidekiq, Sucker PunchTotally AgreeTotally AgreeNokogiriApartmentYesYesTotally AgreeFRFranceUnknown
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1, Rails 5.2AllSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYesNoElixir / PhoenixStimulusA few times a month1SomeMinitest2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceMailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMac OS XSublime Text1 personNonePingdomPumaPumaCodeshipA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreedeviseYesYesbest productivity, fullstack frameworkTotally AgreeFIFinlandUnknown
Work for a product company5-84-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.2AllSome legacy apps but more newJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoYesJavajQueryAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)2-5HalfCapybara, Minitest2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsAdyenRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgridGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleNoneExceptionNotifier pluginNew RelicNonePumaPumaNoneRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqMostly AgreeNeutralYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)25+7-9 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 4.0, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostBudget, Time, ManagementAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYes, EmberEasierA few times a month6-14HalfTest::Unit, Minitest6-14Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsSendgrid, Mandrill (Mailchimp), Mailgun, PostmarkGithubCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerHoneybadger, SentryPumaPumaCircle CIMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Delayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesCalifornia
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 4.0, Rails 5.1MostManagementEverything I work on is a legacy appFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesYesNoPHP / LaravelNoneEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5MostMinitestMonolithsAuthorize.netChargifyRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiPostmarkGithubGitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleDockerBugsnagNew RelicNewRelicPumaPumaCircle CICode Climate, RubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesLouisiana
Work for a product company25+7-9 yearsSelf taught1Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3rbenv, RVMRails 3.0, Rails 3.1, Rails 4.1, Rails 5.0NoneTimeMicro services nightmareEverything I work on is a legacy appFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoNoBackbone.js, React.jsReact, BackboneEasierAlmost daily (a lot)15+SomeRspecJasmine1API onlyMicroservicesRecurlyI don't knowSendgridGithubMySQLMySQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XIntelliJ15+ peopleDocker, KubernetesHoneybadger, Rollbar, Sentry, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicPumaPumaJenkinsCloudFrontRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)NeutralTotally AgreeRSpecYesYesTotally AgreePLPolandUnknown
Work for a product company25+10+ yearsCS degree15-49Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4None, rbenvRails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostDependent on depreciated gemsAbout half and halfBack EndYesNoYesReact.jsReactEasierAlmost daily (a lot)1AllRspec, Minitest2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsBraintree,, StripeI don't knowMailgunGithubCapistrano, Continuous DeploymentMySQL, SQLiteMySQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XSublime Text15+ peopleDocker, KubernetesBugsnag, NewRelicNew RelicUptime Robot, Pingdom, NewRelicNginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaTravis CI, Circle CIBuildkiteRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Resque, Active Job InlineTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeCACanadaUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)2-410+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.2SomeTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Back End, DevOpsNoNoNoMicrosoft .NETNoneEasierVery rarely2-5NoneMonolithsStripeStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsMandrill (Mailchimp)GithubCapistrano, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVs Code2-4 peopleDockerDokkuNewRelicNew RelicPingdomNginxUnicorn, PumaNoneCloudFlareRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Delayed JobNeutralNeutralYesYesMostly AgreeSESwedenUnknown
Work for a product company5-84-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2SomeTimeMajority legacy code but some newBack End, DesignYesYesNoDjango, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelReactEasier6-14RspecYarn/webpackHybridsWe collect and store credit card dataSendgridBitBucket, Github, GitlabCapistrano, Continuous DeploymentMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLMongoDB, RedisMac OS XRubymine2-4 peopleDockerRollbarNoneNoneNginxUnicornGitlabRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqNeutralNeutralYesYesMostly AgreeESSpainUnknown
Work for a product company16-254-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostTimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoYeshttps://evilmartians.comNoAngular.js, React.js, Django, Elixir / PhoenixReactAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)6-14MostRspecJasmine, Jest6-14Yarn/webpackHybridsMailgunGithubMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS Xvscode15+ peopleKubernetesBugsnagNew RelicdatadogPingdomNginxUnicornCircle CICloudFrontRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally Agreeaasm, sidekiq, pry, lograge, factory_girl, annotateYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesDistrict Of Columbia
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsCS degree2-5Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 4.0, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1MostBudget, Time, Dependent on depreciated gemsAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoJava, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelFlaskNoneEasierA few times a week2-5SomeRspec, Capybara2-5Asset pipelineMonolithsStripe, PaypalStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneNoneNoneNoneNginxUnicorn, PumaNoneCloudFront, CloudFlareRubocopMostly Internal users onlySidekiq, Delayed JobMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesNew Jersey
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 1.8.6, Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.0, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, JRubyRVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.0, Rails 3.1, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.0, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0SomeBudget, Time, Management, Dependent on depreciated gemsAbout half and halfBack EndYesYesruby-weekly.comYesReact.js, Elixir / PhoenixNoneEasierA few times a month2-5HalfRspec, Capybara1Asset pipelineMicroservicesStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubCapistranoMySQL, PostgreSQLMySQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleDocker, Open Container InitiativeAirbrake, HoneybadgerNew RelicNewRelicNginxPassenger (mod_rails)JenkinsCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersDelayed JobMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesIllinois
Work for a product company8-1510+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5None, rbenvRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2, RailsEdgeSomeBudget, Time, Dependent on depreciated gemsNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsYesNoYesBackbone.js, Node.js, Java, Go / Revel, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelStimulusAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)15+AllTest::Unit, Capybara, MinitestJasmine2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintreeEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceGithubCapistranoMySQLMySQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based15+ peopleDocker, KubernetesSentryNagios (self-hosted/managed), PingdomNginxUnicorn, Rainbows!, PumaCircle CIBuildkiteCloudFront, AkamaiMostly consumer-only (public)Resque, Active Job Async Job, Active Job InlineTotally AgreeTotally AgreeBundlerBundlerYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesMichigan
Work for an agency (client work)5-810+ yearsSelf taught50+Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostTime, Management, Dependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newBack End, DevOpsNoNoRubytapas.comYesPHP / LaravelReact, Backbone, AngularEasierA few times a month15+MostRspec6-14Yarn/webpackMonolithsWorldpayGoCardlessDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiGmailGithubCapistranoMySQLMySQLNoneMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerBugsnag, RollbarNonePingdomApache, NginxPassenger (mod_rails), PumaTravis CI, SemaphoreCloudFrontRubocop, SimplecovCodacyMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Resque, Delayed JobTotally AgreeMostly AgreeDeviseFriendlyIdYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
A team of one!Less than 1 yearSelf taught1Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoise vs signalYesJava, Microsoft .NETStimulusEasierA few times a week1HalfTest::UnitMonolithsStripeStripePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMandrill (Mailchimp)BitBucketGitMySQLMySQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text1 personNoneAppSignalScoutUptime RobotPumaPumaBitbucket PipelinesCloudFrontCode ClimateMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeMostly AgreeStripeYesYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesGeorgia
Work for a product company2-44-6 yearsBootcamp6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.0SomeTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoYesNode.js, React.js, PHP / LaravelMagento!ReactLodash yoHarderA few times a week2-5AllRspec, Capybara1HybridsElavon!Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiAmazon SES, Mandrill (Mailchimp)BitBucketCapistranoMongodbMongodbMongoDBMac OS XRubymine2-4 peopleDockerSentry, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicNginxPassenger (mod_rails)Bitbucket PipelinesCloudFrontRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeCACanadaUnknown
Work for a product company5-810+ yearsOn the job6-14Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 4.2, Rails 5.0SomeBudget, Time, ManagementAbout half and halfJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNohttp://www.rubyflow.comYesEmber.js, Node.js, React.js, Go / RevelReact, EmberAbout the sameA few times a week2-5MostRspecJasmine1Asset pipelineHybridsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsSendgrid, Amazon SESBitBucket, GithubCapistrano, Continuous DeploymentMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleDockerRollbarCloudwatchPingdomNginxPumaCircle CICloudFront, CloudFlareRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeRspecYesYesMostly AgreeDEGermanyUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)5-84-6 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.0, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostBudget, TimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNohttp://www.rubyflow.comYesAngular.js, Node.js, React.js, Java, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelReact, Vue, AngularHarderAlmost daily (a lot)15+SomeRspec, CapybaraMocha, Jasmine6-14Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, StripeRecurly, StripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, We collect and store credit card dataPostmarkBitBucket, GithubContinuous DeploymentPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, Neo4j, RedisMac OS XAtom5-14 peopleNoneAirbrake, Honeybadger, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicPumaPumaCodeshipCloudFrontCloudinaryCode Climate, RubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Delayed JobMostly AgreeMostly AgreeDevise, BootstrapYesYesTotally AgreeSESwedenUnknown
Work for a product company8-1510+ yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4NoneRails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0SomeTimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesAngular.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, React.jsPythonReact, BackboneEasierA few times a month6-14MostRspec, Test::Unit2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackHybridsEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgridSelf-hosted repository, GitlabGitSpinnackerMySQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisMac OS XVim-based5-14 peopleDockerErrbit, NewRelicNew RelicPrometheus,Uptime Robot, Nagios (self-hosted/managed)Catchpoint, thousandeyesApache, Nginx, PumaPassenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, PumaJenkins, Gitlab, Travis CIAkamaiRubocop, RubycriticMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqNeutralMostly AgreeYesYesMostly AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!10+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.5RVMRails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1SomeBudgetSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYes, StimulusEasierA few times a week6-14SomeRspec, Minitest2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataSendgrid, MailgunBitBucket, GithubGitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XAtom1 personNoneAirbrake, BugsnagNew RelicPingabilityNginxPassenger (mod_rails)Heroku CIA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqTotally AgreeTotally Agreedeviseturbolinks 5, figaro, sidekiq + sidekiq-cron, httparty, sorcery, simple_form, kramdown, Jekyll, letter_opener, cloudinaryYesYesTotally AgreeXXUnknownUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!7-9 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoRubyonrails.orgNoAngular.js, Django, Java, PHP / LaravelNoneEasierA few times a week2-5HalfTest::Unit1Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeDiamondmindStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment servicePostmarkGithubCapistrano, GitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text1 personNoneRollbarNoneNoneNginxPassenger (mod_rails)NoneA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesColorado
Work for a product company2-47-9 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 5.2, RailsEdgeMostBudget, TimeAbout half and halfFront End (html, css), Back End, DesignNoNohttps://afreshcup.comYesBackbone.js, Node.js, Java, Go / Revel, Microsoft .NETRustNoneEasierA few times a month2-5HalfRspec, Minitest1Asset pipelineMonolithsStripeRecurly, Stripe, ChargifyDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, Mandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubGitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisFedoraMac OS XAtom1 personDockerRollbarSkylightNagios (self-hosted/managed)Apache, NginxPassenger (mod_rails)Travis CI, Circle CIRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeRspec, Rubocop, SimpleForm, Devisebetter_errorsYesYesTotally AgreeCACanadaUnknown
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4NoneRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.2MostTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DesignNoNoYesSwift / VaporVue, StimulusAbout the sameVery rarely2-5AllRspec, Capybara1Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsMandrill (Mailchimp)Self-hosted repository, GitlabCapistranoPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XAtom2-4 peopleNoneSome enterprise thingSome enterprise thingNagios (self-hosted/managed)NginxPassenger (mod_rails)Gitlab, Circle CIRubocop, SimplecovMostly Internal users onlySidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreesidekiqYesYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesGeorgia
Work for an agency (client work)5-84-6 yearsBootcamp6-14Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3rbenvDockerRails 3.2, Rails 4.2NoneManagementEverything I work on is a legacy appBack End, DevOpsNoYesNoReact.js, Elixir / PhoenixReactHarderA few times a week2-5HalfRspecJest1Asset pipelineHybridsStripe, PaypalStripeWe collect and store credit card dataSparkPostGithubAWS ElasticBeanstalkPostgreSQLPostgreSQLCouchDBSublime Text2-4 peopleDockerHoneybadgerNew Relic, CloudwatchHoneyBadgerNginxPassenger (mod_rails)Circle CICloudFrontCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesOregon
Work for a product company5-810+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 2.3.x, Rails 5.1MostDependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndNoNoweblog.rubyonrails.orgYesBackbone.js, Ember.js, Node.js, React.js, PHP / LaravelBackboneEasierAlmost daily (a lot)2-5AllRspec, CapybaraJasmine1Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalPOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceMailgun, PostmarkGithubCapistrano, Continuous Deployment, GitMySQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, Redis, RiakMac OS XSublime Text5-14 peopleDockerAirbrake, NewRelicNew RelicNagios (self-hosted/managed), Pingdom, NewRelicNginx, PumaPumaTravis CIFastlyCode Climate, Rubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeUSUnited StatesNew Jersey
Freelancer/Contractor2-410+ yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.0, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, JRubyrbenvRails 1.x, Rails 2.1.x, Rails 2.3.x, Rails 3.0, Rails 3.1, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.0, Rails 4.1, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1SomeBudgetAbout half and halfBack End, DevOpsNoYesNoEmber.js, Node.js, React.js, PHP / LaravelReact, Vue, EmberHarderA few times a week2-5MostRspec, Test::Unit, MinitestMocha, JasmineWTF is greenfield?MonolithsSelf-hosted repositoryCapistrano, GitMySQL, PostgreSQLMongoDBMySQLMongoDB, RedisWindowsAtom2-4 peopleNoneRaygun, SentryNew RelicNagios (self-hosted/managed)Apache, Nginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaNoneRubocop, SimplecovA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Resque, Delayed JobMostly AgreeTotally Agreeall that don't give a fuck about windowsYesNowindows support seems to get worse. not of rails, but of many ruby gems.Mostly AgreeDEGermanyUnknown
Work for a product company8-151-3 yearsBootcamp2-5Ruby 2.3RVMRails 5.1AllMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Back EndNoNoNoReact.jsReactAbout the sameA few times a week2-5AllRspec, CapybaraJasmine, Jest1Yarn/webpackHybridsStripe, PaypalDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataMandrill (Mailchimp)GithubContinuous DeploymentPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XAtom5-14 peopleDockerSentry, NewRelicNew RelicPingdom, NewRelicPumaPumaCodeshipFastlyRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeDeviseYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!1-3 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4rbenvRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignYesYesNoNode.js, PHP / LaravelStimulusHarderAlmost daily (a lot)1SomeRspec1Yarn/webpackHybridsMailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMongoDBMac OS XSublime Text1 personNoneNone, NewRelicNew RelicNewRelicRubocopTotally AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)16-251-3 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1MostBudget, Time, ManagementAbout half and halfBack EndYesYeshttps://robots.thoughtbot.comNoAngular.js, React.js, Go / RevelReact, AngularAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)2-5MostRspec, CapybaraJasmine, Jest2-5Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripeRails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubCapistrano, GitMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneBugsnag, SentryNew RelicNewRelicApache, Nginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaSemaphore, CodeshipCloudFrontRubocop, SimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, Resque, Active Job Async Job, Active Job InlineNeutralMostly AgreeDevisePundit, FactoryBot, Shrine,YesYesTotally AgreeNONorwayUnknown
Work for a product company2-410+ yearsCS degree2-5Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Back EndNoYesYesAngular.js, JavaVueJSVueEasierAlmost daily (a lot)1AllRspec1Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with paymentsMailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XRubyMine1 personNoneSentryScout, SkylightNonePumaPumaCodeshipCloudFlareRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally Agreedevise, mini_magickpundit, sidekiq, grapeYesYesTotally AgreeATAustriaUnknown
Work for a product company2-41-3 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3rbenv, RVMRails 5.0, Rails 5.2MostTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoYesThoughtbotYesAngular.js, Java, Microsoft .NET, PHP / LaravelAngular, StimulusHarderAlmost daily (a lot)2-5MostRspecJasmine1Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripeStripeGocardlessPOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgrid, Amazon SES, MailgunGithubGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLNoneMac OS XSublime Text2-4 peopleNoneHerokuHerokuUptime RobotPumaPumaNoneCloudFront, CloudFlareRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)Delayed JobTotally AgreeTotally AgreeDeviseYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)2-410+ yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 2.1, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenv, RVMRails 2.3.x, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.2, Rails 5.1SomeBudget, Time, Management, Dependent on depreciated gemsSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoYesBackbone.js, Ember.js, React.js, Elixir / Phoenix, PHP / LaravelReactHarderA few times a week15+SomeRspec, Capybara, CucumberJasmine, Jest2-5Yarn/webpackHybridsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalStripe, ChargebeePOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceMandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubCapistranoPostgreSQLMongoDBMac OS XVim-based2-4 peopleDockerHoneybadgerSkylightPingdomNginxPassenger (mod_rails)CodeshipCloudFrontRubocopA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersDelayed JobMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesMostly AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!1-3 yearsSelf taught1Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNorubytapas.comNoNoneStimulusAlmost daily (a lot)1NoneRspec1Yarn/webpackMonolithsSpreedlyDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataMailgunGitlabContinuous Deployment, GitNoneMongoDB, RedisMac OS XVS Code1 personDocker, KubernetesGoogle Cloud Error ReportingGoogle StackdriverGoogle StackdriverNginxPassenger (mod_rails)GitlabGoogle Cloud CDNRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreeYesYesTotally AgreeGBUnited KingdomUnknown
Freelancer/ContractorA team of one!1-3 yearsSelf taught1Ruby 2.5RVMRails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoNoNode.js, React.jsVueEasierA few times a week2-5NoneNoneNone2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackWebpacker gemMonolithsStripePagSeguroDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataSendgrid, MailgunGithub, GitlabGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLMac OS XRubyMine1 personNoneHerokuHerokuHerokuPumaPumaNoneMostly consumer-only (public)Active Job Async Job, Active Job InlineTotally AgreeTotally AgreePrawnYesYesTotally AgreeCACanadaUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)25+4-6 yearsCS degree6-14Ruby 2.3rbenv, RVMRails 4.2MostBudget, TimeSome legacy apps but more newJavascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back EndYesNoblog.bigbinary.comNoReact.js, DjangoFlight jsEasierA few times a week15+MostRspec, Capybara, MinitestMocha, Jasmine2-5Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalStripeDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, We collect and store credit card dataSendgrid, Amazon SES, Mandrill (Mailchimp)GithubContinuous Deployment, GitnomadMySQL, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisLinux/Unix-variantRubyMine5-14 peopleDockernomadBugsnag, HoneybadgerNew Relic, CloudwatchPingdom, NewRelicNginxUnicornCircle CICloudFront, CloudFlareRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)ResqueMostly AgreeTotally AgreeOnes without changelogsDevise, rails, resqueYesYesNeutralINIndiaUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)A team of one!7-9 yearsSelf taught15-49Ruby 2.4NoneRails 5.2AllNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoNoneYesAngular.js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Node.js, React.jsReact, VueAbout the sameA few times a month2-5MostTest::Unit, CapybaraMocha, Jest2-5Yarn/webpackHybridsDirect users to 3rd party service to deal with payments, Embed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment serviceSendgridGithubContinuous DeploymentPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XAtom2-4 peopleDockerRollbarNew RelicPumaPumaCircle CICloudFrontSimplecovMostly consumer-only (public)Sidekiq, ResqueTotally AgreeTotally Agreeweb-consoledeviseYesYesTotally AgreeBRBrazilUnknown
Work for an agency (client work)25+4-6 yearsCS degree50+Ruby 2.0, Ruby 2.2, Ruby 2.3, Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5, JRubyrbenv, RVMRails 4.2, Rails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2, RailsEdgeMostTimeMajority legacy code but some newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsYesYeshttps://blog.bigbinary.comYesAngular.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, React.jsReact, Vue, Backbone, AngularAbout the sameA few times a week15+AllRspec, Capybara, Minitest, CucumberJest6-14Yarn/webpackMonolithsBraintree, Stripe, PaypalRazorpayStripeEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card data, POST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiSendgrid, MailgunGithubCapistrano, Continuous Deployment, GitMSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQLPostgreSQLCassandra, CouchDB, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, RedisMac OS XRubymine2-4 peopleDocker, Open Container Initiative, KubernetesAppSignal, Bugsnag, ExceptionNotifier plugin, Honeybadger, Raygun, Rollbar, Sentry, NewRelicNew Relic, Skylight, CloudwatchPrometheus, DatadogPingdomNginx, PumaUnicorn, PumaJenkins, Gitlab, Circle CICloudFront, CloudFlareRubocop, Simplecov, RubycriticA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersSidekiq, Resque, Delayed Job, Active Job Async Job, Active Job InlineMostly AgreeMostly AgreeNonerailsYesYesNATotally AgreeINIndiaUnknown
Work for a product company8-154-6 yearsSelf taught2-5Ruby 2.3RVMRails 4.2SomeTimeSome legacy apps but more newBack EndNoNoYesBackbone.js, Node.jsReact, BackboneAbout the sameAlmost daily (a lot)1MostRspec1Asset pipelineMicroservicesStripe, PaypalStripeEmbed an iframe from a 3rd party server to collect card dataMandrill (Mailchimp), MailgunGithubCapistranoCouchDBCouchDBCouchDB, ElasticSearch, RedisMac OS XVim-based15+ peopleDockerRollbar, NewRelicNew RelicPingdom, NewRelicNginxPassenger (mod_rails)Travis CICloudFlareCode ClimateMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeMostly AgreeYesYesMostly AgreeESSpainUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!7-9 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5None, rbenvRails 5.0, Rails 5.1, Rails 5.2MostTimeNone. I build all my apps from scratch.Front End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, DesignNoNoYesAngular.js, Node.js, React.js, Elixir / PhoenixNone, ReactAbout the sameA few times a week2-5AllRspecAva6-14Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpackMonolithsStripe, PaypalPOST data via Javascript directly to a 3rd party payment service, Rails collects card data but does not store it. Sends it off to a direct payment apiMailgunSelf-hosted repository, GithubCapistrano, Continuous Deployment, GitDokkuPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XVim-based1 personDockerElastic APMSkylightElastic APMNginx, PumaPassenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, PumaCircle CIRubocopMostly consumer-only (public)SidekiqMostly AgreeTotally AgreepasswordlessYesYesTotally AgreeDKDenmarkUnknown
Work for a product companyA team of one!4-6 yearsSelf taught6-14Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.5rbenvRails 5.1SomeTimeSome legacy apps but more newFront End (html, css), Javascript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOpsNoNoNoNode.js, React.js, PHP / LaraveljQueryAbout the sameA few times a week2-5None6-14Yarn/webpackMonolithsI don't knowMailgunSelf-hosted repository, BitBucketGitPostgreSQLPostgreSQLRedisMac OS XSublime Text1 personDockerNewRelicNew Relic, LibratoNewRelicPumaPumaNoneCloudFrontA balanced mix of consumers and internals usersResqueTotally AgreeMostly Agreeturbolinks, pundit, cancancandotenv-rails, annotate, httparty, typhoeus, pry-railsYesYesMostly AgreeUSUnited StatesCalifornia