A | B | C | D | E | |
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2 | 2021 NCHBC Western District The PHHacility- Phoenix, AZ | ||||
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4 | — The PHHacility (2 Courts)- 4600 E Cotton Gin Loop, Phoenix, AZ 85040 | ||||
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7 | Please Note: We will do our best to note (in the brackets) any changes that are made after brackets have been made final. Also if any changes are made less than 24 hours before the game, we will do our best to contact coaches involved in the change. That being said, it is still your responsibility to double check brackets online before heading to a gym. | ||||
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9 | Tournament Directors On Site: | ||||
10 | Laseanda Wesson | ||||
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12 | Head Coaches & Athletic Directors can contact zackstargell.nchc@gmail.com at NCHBC home base with any questions or urgent needs. | ||||
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16 | Feedback Form: http://bit.ly/3po72PD | ||||
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18 | The Head Coaches District Award Voting is Live. HC we ask you to wait until after you conclude your last game to vote. https://forms.gle/VpxoKjgMXzn6xrTD6 | ||||
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20 | Important Links: | ||||
21 | Event Tickets | ||||
22 | Required for attendance: 2021 COVID-19 Liability Release | ||||
23 | 2021 COVID-19 Restrictions | ||||
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25 | NCHC Bracket Page | ||||
26 | NCHBC Twitter | ||||
27 | NCHBC Facebook | ||||
28 | NCHBC Instagram | ||||
29 | NCHBC District Tournament Page | ||||
30 | List of Registered Coaches | ||||
31 | List of Registered Players | ||||
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33 | Specific COVID-19 Facility Restrictions (list below, link above) | ||||
34 | 1. Do NOT enter the facility or attend the event if you are sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 2. Masks are required by EVERYONE except players on the Court. Staff will escort those not wearing masks out of the building. 3. Everyone will need to supply their own water or Gatorade. We will not have refills or a water/Gatorade station available 4. Once a game has concluded. All fans and players from that organization must leave the facility. Teams are allowed to re-enter the facility to play their game 5. There is no limit on spectators but everyone MUST BE MASKED AT ALL TIMES, except players on the court 6. There will be people taking temperature checks at the door. 7. Courts will be cleaned after every game 8. There will only be 2 people allowed on the score table. The scoreboard operator and the official bookkeeper. Each representative from each team must sit on the end of the table where their team's bench is. | ||||
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37 | Gate Info: Program Only Pre-Order Tickets: Entry will not be permitted without a ticket. | ||||
38 | Tickets must be purchased ahead of time and be verified before entry will be allowed. | ||||
39 | Program Leaders, to purchase a ticket for your fans, use the link below: | ||||
40 | Event Tickets | ||||
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42 | Score Reporting | ||||
43 | A KEY part of NCHBC is our immediate score updates to brackets. In order for this to happen coaches (or whomever they appoint) MUST report the game scores right after the game is over. | ||||
44 | REPORT SCORES by Text to (405) 254-8345 (this is an online text number & cannot receive calls) | ||||
45 | PLEASE you this format when Texting scores: | ||||
46 | 1. List the District Location (Houston, Red River, etc.) | ||||
47 | 2. Gender w/ Age and then BRACKET Title (ex. Boys 16u D1 3A) | ||||
48 | 3. Team name w/ score vs Team name w/ score | ||||
49 | Example: Houston District Boys16u D1 3A San Juan Rams 66 vs HECHA 59 | ||||
50 | Everyday we have 150-170 games playing, so the bracket title (think of it as your street address) is KEY. | ||||
51 | It makes finding your game and recording the scores quickly possible. | ||||
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53 | As soon as your game is over: 1. Text scores 2. Clear the scoreboard 3. Set 6 minutes on the clock for the next team's warm up. | ||||
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55 | Home Team--Top of the bracket or is listed first Wears a light color uniforms Provides the game ball Responsible for the official book Text in scores after game | ||||
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57 | Away Team -- Bottom of the bracket or is listed second Wears a dark color uniforms Responsible for the official clock/scoreboard Text in scores after game | ||||
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59 | Both teams - Responsible for providing your own warm-up basketballs. Bring both uniforms in the event that your opponent has an unforeseen issue. | ||||
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61 | Officials/Refs: Their rulings during a game are final. The NCHBC will not overrule an official decision during or after a game. Coaches, players, fans, parents are not to approach refs after the game. | ||||
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64 | Game Length: 10u, 12u, 14u– Six (6) minute Quarters w/ four (4) minute Half Time & three (3) minute OTs 16u - Seven (7) minute Quarters w/ four (4) minute Half Time & three (3) minute OTs 18u – Eight (8) minute Quarters w/ four (4) minute Half Time & four (4) minute OTs Time Outs: Five (5) per game – (three full & two :30) and one (1) Additional per overtime period | ||||
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66 | Half Time: Four (4) Minutes Teams may shoot during halftime of the game before their game IF their team is in uniform and the teams playing are not using the court. Under no circumstances should fans or children be shooting at half time. | ||||
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68 | Basketball Size: | ||||
69 | Boys 12u -18u use boys' basketballs. Boy’s 10u and all Girls use a 28.5 size basketball. 12u Full court pressing is permitted until there is a 20-point lead 10u pressing is permitted until there is a 15-point lead. All age groups play on 10 foot goals. | ||||
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71 | Special 12u/10u Rules: 12u Full court pressing is permitted until there is a 20-point lead 10u pressing is permitted until there is a 15-point lead. | ||||
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73 | Running Clock Rule: If a lead is greater than 30 points in the 4th quarter then a running clock will be used until the lead is under 30. Teams are highly discouraged from full court pressing with a 30 point lead. | ||||
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75 | NCHC Ejection Policy: | ||||
76 | If a coach, player or fan is ejected* from a game by an official or NCHBC tournament staff, the following three things must happen: | ||||
77 | 1. The ejected person must leave the facility immediately NOT just the gym but the facility. | ||||
78 | 2. Notify your Program Director (AD) | ||||
79 | 3. Within 2 hours the Head Coach or Program Director is to notify NCHBC headquarters by emailing rob@flattmail.com about the ejection. | ||||
80 | 4. The person ejected is ineligible to attend the next game for that specific team. No exceptions. | ||||
81 | Failure to comply will result in potential additional penalties to individual, team, and program that could extend into future seasons. | ||||
82 | *This includes but is not limited to: receiving two technical fouls. | ||||
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84 | PREGAME Prayer-- Adjusted for 2021 | ||||
85 | We ask that the two teams meet on the court before the match for a prayer, which the home team’s coach will lead. Due to the desire to reduce contact, there will be no-huddle or circle together during the prayer before each game; instead, each team will stay on their side of the court. After prayer, please have your starters immediately get ready to begin play. | ||||
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87 | Required for attendance: 2021 COVID-19 Liability Release | ||||
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