A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Recent DRK-12 Publications (2023-24) Information provided by project members. To see additional materials, visit cadrek12.org. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | DRK-12 Project | PI(s) | Title | Citation | Links | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Advancing, Supporting, and Sustaining Equity Among Elementary Teachers of Science | Elizabeth Davis | Moving Beyond Equity-as-Access: Expanding What Counts as Science in the Elementary Classroom | Gunckel, K., Davis, E. A., & Bautista, J. (2024). Moving beyond equity-as-access: Expanding what counts as science in the elementary classroom. Science and Children, 61(1), 32-37. DOI: 10.1080/00368148.2023.2292392. | https://www.nsta.org/science-and-children/science-and-children-januaryfebruary-2024/moving-beyond-equity-access | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM | Kirsten Daehler | Centering Educators’ Voices in the Development of Professional Learning for Data-Rich, Place-Based Science Instruction | Wong, N., Elsayed, R., Nilsen, K., Perez, L. R., & Daehler, K. R. (2024). Centering educators’ voices in the development of professional learning for data-rich, place-based science instruction. Education Sciences, 14(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14040356 | https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/14/4/356 | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM | Kirsten Daehler | Opening the Door to Data Science in STEM Classrooms | Perez , L. & Lionberger, K. (2023, May 3). Opening the door to data science in STEM classrooms. NextGenScience. | https://ngs.wested.org/doortodatascience/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Building a Teacher Knowledge Base for the Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Resources Through the Collaborative Investigation of Video Cases (Collaborative Research: DiNapoli) | Joseph DiNapoli | Characterizing Mathematics Teacher Learning Patterns Through Collegial Conversation in a Community of Practice | DiNapoli, J., Daniel, A., Leonard, H. S., Kim, Y., Bonaccorso, V. D., & Murray, E. (2023). Characterizing mathematics teacher learning patterns through collegial conversation in a community of practice. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 24(2), 25-47. | https://www.mathedleadership.org/docs/resources/journals/NCSMJournalVol24Num2.pdf#page=25 | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues (Collaborative Research) | Mathew Felton; Eva Thanheiser | Building Critical Community Through Identity Sharing | Robinson, M., Thanheiser, E., Koestler, C., Sugimoto, A., Han, S. B., Felton-Koestler, M., Thompson, J., Wolfe, L., & Bartels, H. (accepted, expected Summer 2024). Building critical community through identity sharing. In Koestler & Thanheiser’s (Eds). Building community to center equity and justice in mathematics teacher education: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators professional book series. IAP. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues (Collaborative Research) | Mathew Felton; Eva Thanheiser | Construct It! What’s in a Name? Collecting, Organizing, and Representing Data | Thanheiser, E., Koestler, C., Sugimoto, A. T., & Felton-Koestler, M. D. (2023). Construct it! What’s in a name? Collecting, organizing, and representing data. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 116(10), 746-752. | https://pubs.nctm.org/view/journals/mtlt/116/10/article-p746.xml | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues (Collaborative Research) | Mathew Felton; Eva Thanheiser | Core Practices Central to Connecting Mathematics to Social and Political Issues When Designing and Implementing Tasks in Elementary Classrooms | Koestler, C., Felton-Koestler, M., Thanheiser, E., & Sugimoto, A. (accepted). Core practices central to connecting mathematics to social and political issues when designing and implementing tasks in elementary classrooms. Proceedings of the 15th annual meeting of the International Congress on Mathematical Education. Sydney, Australia. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues (Collaborative Research) | Mathew Felton; Eva Thanheiser | Real World Critical Mathematics Lesson: A Way to Leverage Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Sociopolitical Awareness | Han, S. & Thanheiser, E. (2023). Real world critical mathematics lesson: A way to leverage students’ conceptual understanding and sociopolitical awareness. In Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, NV Vol 1 (pp. 583-592) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Contextualizing Data Education via Project-based Learning | Chad Dorsey | A Search for Data Offers a New Friendship and Answers to 8th Graders’ Questions | Roderick, S. (July 6, 2023). A search for data offers a new friendship and answers to 8th graders’ questions. The Concord Consortium. | https://concord.org/blog/a-search-for-data-offers-a-new-friendship-and-answers-to-8th-graders-questions/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Contextualizing Data Education via Project-based Learning | Chad Dorsey | Data Stories and Interdisciplinary Project-based Learning | Polman, J., Tran, T., & Miller, K. (2023). Data stories and interdisciplinary project-based learning. @Concord, 27(2), 12–13. | https://concord.org/newsletter/2023-fall/data-stories-and-interdisciplinary-project-based-learning/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Contextualizing Data Education via Project-based Learning | Chad Dorsey | Teacher Innovator Interview: Rachel Folger | The Concord Consortium (2023). Teacher innovator interview: Rachel Folger. @Concord, 27(1), 15. | https://concord.org/newsletter/2023-spring/teacher-innovator-interview-rachel-folger/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | COVID Connects Us: Nurturing Novice Teachers' Justice Science Teaching Identities | April Luehmann | A Core Set of Practices for Justice-Centered Ambitious Science | Luehmann, A., Merliss, Gena, Campbell, T, Zhang, Y, Cooke, H. & Scipio, D. (2024). A core set of practices for justice-centered ambitious science. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Buffalo, NY, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | COVID Connects Us: Nurturing Novice Teachers' Justice Science Teaching Identities | April Luehmann | Shaping Ambitious Science Teaching to Be Culturally Sustaining and Productive in a Rural Context: Toward a Justice-Centered Ambitious Science Teaching Framework | Luehmann, A., Zhang, Y., Tulbert, E., Boyle, H., Merliss, E., & Sullivan, K. (2023). Shaping ambitious science teaching to be culturally sustaining and productive in a rural context: Toward a justice-centered ambitious science teaching framework. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/tea.21917 | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Creating a Model for Sustainable Ambitious Mathematics Programs in High-Need Settings: A Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration | Jeffrey Choppin | Demands, Tensions, and Resources When Implementing Ambitious Mathematics | Choppin, J., Green, C., & Zahner, W. (2024). Demands, tensions, and resources when implementing ambitious mathematics. Education Policy Analysis Archives. | https://epaa.asu.edu/index.php/epaa/article/view/8098 | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol (Collaborative Research) | Emily Dare; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen; Gillian Roehrig | Investigating the Presence of Mathematics and the Levels of Cognitively Demanding Mathematical Tasks in Integrated STEM Units | Forde, E. N., Robinson, L., Ellis, J., & Dare, E. A. (2023). Investigating the presence of mathematics and the levels of cognitively demanding mathematical tasks in integrated STEM units. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 5(3), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-022-00070-1 | https://diser.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s43031-022-00070-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol (Collaborative Research) | Emily Dare; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen; Gillian Roehrig | The Rise of STEM Education: STEM Curriculum Development and Implementation | Roehrig, G. H., Dare, E. A., Wieselmann, J. R., & Ring-Whalen, E. A. (2023). The rise of STEM education: STEM curriculum development and implementation. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Education (pp. 153-163). Elsevier. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.13056-8 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128186305130568?via%3Dihub | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Deep Learning-based Student Learning Behavior Understanding Framework in Real Classroom Scene | Yang, Y., Ren, Z., Lenart, C., Corsello, A., Kosko, K., Su, S., & Guan, Q. (2023). Deep learning-based student learning behavior understanding framework in real classroom scene. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Evaluating How Extended Reality Delivery Device and Preservice Teacher Major Impact Presence in Immersive Learning Environments | Gandolfi, E., Ferdig, R. E., & Kosko, K. W. (2024). Evaluating how extended reality delivery device and preservice teacher major impact presence in immersive learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. http://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13446 | https://bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjet.13446 | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Exploring Teacher Knowledge and Noticing with Eye Tracking and 360 Video | Kosko, K. W., Austin, C. K., & Zolfaghari, M. (2023). Exploring teacher knowledge and noticing with eye tracking and 360 video. In G. Cobbs & D. Kombe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 50th annual meeting of the Research Council of Mathematics Learning (pp. 37-45), Las Vegas, NV: RCML. | https://www.rcml-math.org/assets/Proceedings/RCML%202023_Final_Proceedings.pdf#page=37 | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Exploring the Relationships Between Teacher Noticing, Ambisonic Audio, and Variance in Focus When Viewing 360 Video | Ferdig, R. E., Kosko, K. W., & Gandolfi, E. (2023). Exploring the relationships between teacher noticing, ambisonic audio, and variance in focus when viewing 360 video. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 71, 881-899. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-023-10215-2 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11423-023-10215-2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Gaze Analysis System for Immersive 360 Video for Preservice Teacher Education | Lenart, C., Ahadian, P., Yang, Y., Suo, S., Corsello, A., Kosko, K., & Guan, Q. (2023). Gaze analysis system for immersive 360 video for preservice teacher education. In A. El Saddik, T. Mei, R. Cucchiara (Eds.), Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (pp. 8608-8616). Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3581783.3613908 | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3581783.3613908 | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Innovative Research Approaches to Mathematics Teacher Noticing | Kaiser, G., Scheiner, T., Ayalon, M., Kosko, K. W., Kersting, N. B., Ferandez, C., Superfine, A. C., Walkoe, J., Bastian, A., Hoth, J., Lorrain, M., Yang, X., & Choy, B. H. (2023). Innovative research approaches to mathematics teacher noticing. In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel, & M. Tabach (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 103–133). PME. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372420404_Innovative_research_approaches_to_mathematics_teacher_noticing | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Mathematics and Science Teacher Educators’ Use of Representations of Practice: A Mixed Methods Study | Austin, C. K., Kosko, K. W., & Hiesler, J. L. (2023). Mathematics and science teacher educators’ use of representations of practice: A mixed methods study. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 123(1), 14-25. http://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12563 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssm.12563 | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Relationships Between Prospective Teachers’ Heart Rate Variation and Noticing of Children’s Mathematics | Kosko, K. W., & Ferdig, R. E. (2023). Relationships between prospective teachers’ heart rate variation and noticing of children’s mathematics. In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel, & M. Tabach (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 203–210). PME. | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372457753_Kosko_Ferdig_2023_PME | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Teachers’ Knowledge and Use of Visual Fraction Representations | Kosko, K. W., Austin, C. K., & Zolfaghari, M. (2023). Teachers’ knowledge and use of visual fraction representations. In T. Lamberg & D. Moss (Eds.), Proceeding of the 45rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. I, pp. 79-84). Reno, NV. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice | Karl Kosko | Using Fitbits and Heart Rate Variance (HRVa) to Understand Preservice Teacher Experiences in Extended Reality | Ferdig, R., Kosko, K., & Gandolfi, E. (2023). Using Fitbits and heart rate variance (HRVa) to understand preservice teacher experiences in extended reality. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1173-1179). New Orleans, LA: SITE. | https://www.learntechlib.org/p/221982/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Design Research on the Teaching and Learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | Ellen Yezierski | Applying the VisChem Approach in High School Classrooms: Chemical Learning Outcomes and Limitations | Magnone, K. Q. & Yezierski, E. J. (2024). Applying the VisChem Approach in high school classrooms: Chemical learning outcomes and limitations. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(3), 727–740. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00827 | https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00827 | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Design Research on the Teaching and Learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | Ellen Yezierski | Beyond Convenience: A Case and Method for Purposive Sampling in Chemistry Teacher Professional Development Research | Magnone, K. Q. & Yezierski, E. J. (2024). Beyond convenience: A case and method for purposive sampling in chemistry teacher professional development research. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(3), 718–726. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00217 | https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00217 | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Design Research on the Teaching and Learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | Ellen Yezierski | Generating an Evidence-based Guide to Scaffolding Sodium Chloride Dissolution Using the VisChem Approach | Magnone, K. Q. & Yezierski, E. J. (2024). Generating an evidence-based guide to scaffolding sodium chloride dissolution using the VisChem Approach. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(4), 1416–1424. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00989 | https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00989 | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Design Research on the Teaching and Learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | Ellen Yezierski | Investigating Teacher–Teacher Feedback: Uncovering Useful Socio-pedagogical Norms for Reform-based Chemistry Instruction | Wu, M-Y M., & Yezierski, E. (2023). Investigating teacher-teacher feedback: Uncovering useful socio-pedagogical norms for reform-based chemistry instruction. Journal of Chemical Education, 100(11), 4224-4236. | https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00409 | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Design Research on the Teaching and Learning of Conceptual Understanding in High School Chemistry Though the Use of Dynamic Visualizations of Physical and Chemical Changes | Ellen Yezierski | Investigating the Mangle of Teaching Oxidation–Reduction with the VisChem Approach: Problematising Symbolic Traditions that Undermine Chemistry Concept Development | Wu, M-Y M., & Yezierski, E. (2023). Investigating the mangle of teaching oxidation-reduction with the VisChem approach: Problematising symbolic traditions that undermine chemistry concept development. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24, 807-827. | https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/rp/d2rp00321j | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Design Talks: Building Community with Elementary Engineering (Collaborative Research) | Chelsea Andrews; Jessica Watkins | Design Talks: Fostering Whole-Class Conversations During Engineering Design Units | Wendell, K., Watkins, J., Andrews, C., DeLucca, N., Pangan, T., Woodcock, R., Gor, V., Malinowski, M., & Sood, N. (2024). Design talks: Fostering whole-class conversations during engineering design units. Science and Children. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00368148.2023.2292391 | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Design Talks: Building Community with Elementary Engineering (Collaborative Research) | Chelsea Andrews; Jessica Watkins | The Role of Whole-Class Conversations in Supporting Early Elementary Students’ Engineering Design Sense-Making | Wendell, K., Andrews, C., & Watkins, J., & Malinowski, M. (2023). The role of whole-class conversations in supporting early elementary students’ engineering design sense-making. Presented at 2023 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Montreal, June 2023. | https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/10134 | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Designing Computational Modeling Curricula Across Science Subjects to Study How Repeated Engagement Impacts Student Learning Throughout High School | Luke Conlin | A Framework to Integrate Computational Modeling Practices with Three-Dimensional NGSS Learning | Wagh, A., Conlin, L., Wendel, D., Anderson, E. & Schoenfeld, I. (2024). A framework to integrate computational modeling practices with three-dimensional NGSS learning. To be published in the Proceedings of the International Society of Learning Sciences. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Designing Computational Modeling Curricula Across Science Subjects to Study How Repeated Engagement Impacts Student Learning Throughout High School | Luke Conlin | Exploring the Affective Dimension of Integrating Computational Modeling with Science Learning | Conlin, L., Mesiner, E. & Wagh, A. (2024). Exploring the affective dimension of integrating computational modeling with science learning. To be published in the Proceedings of the International Society of Learning Sciences. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Developing a Generalized Storyline that Organizes the Supports for Evidence-based Modeling of Long-Term Impacts of Disturbances in Complex Systems | Steven McGee | Designing Educative Tools for Scientific Argumentation: A Case Study of DBR Before and During the Pandemic | Easley, K. M., McGee, S., & McGee-Tekula, R., Britt, M.A., Rupp, K., & Higgs, K. (2023). Designing educative tools for scientific argumentation: A case study of DBR before and during the pandemic. In Spector, M. J., Lockee, B. B., Childress, M.D. (eds) Learning, Design, and Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-17727-4_178-1 | https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-17727-4_178-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Developing a Generalized Storyline that Organizes the Supports for Evidence-based Modeling of Long-Term Impacts of Disturbances in Complex Systems | Steven McGee | Scientific Communities of Practice: K–12 Outreach Model Around Organism Responses to Repeated Hurricane Disturbances | Easley, K. M., Zimmerman, J. K., McGee, S., & McGee-Tekula, R. (2023). Scientific communities of practice: K12 outreach model around organism responses to repeated hurricane disturbances. Ecosphere, 14(7): e4624. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4624 | https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecs2.4624 | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Developing a Multi-Disciplinary STEM Education Model for Multilingual Learners that Meets Societal Challenges | Okhee Lee | Justice-Centered STEM Education with Multilingual Learners to Address Societal Challenges | Lee, O., & Grapin, S. E. (in press). Justice-centered STEM education with multilingual learners to address societal challenges. Educational Leadership. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Developing a Multi-Disciplinary STEM Education Model for Multilingual Learners that Meets Societal Challenges | Okhee Lee | Justice-Centered STEM Education with Multilingual Learners: Conceptual Framework and Initial Inquiry into Pre-service Teachers’ Sense-Making | Grapin, S. E., Haas, A., McCoy, N., & Lee, O. (2023). Justice-centered STEM education with multilingual learners: Conceptual framework and initial inquiry into pre-service teachers’ sense-making. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 34(5), 522-543. | https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2022.2130254 | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Developing a Suite of Standards-based Instructionally Supportive Tools for Middle School Computer Science | Satabdi Basu | Designing Standards-aligned Formative Assessments to Explore Middle School Students’ Understanding of Algorithms | Basu, S., Rutstein, D., Rachmatullah, A., Tate, C., Yang, H., & Ortiz, C. (2023, April) Designing standards-aligned formative assessments to explore middle school students’ understanding of algorithms. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago. | https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera23/index.php?program_focus=view_paper&selected_paper_id=2017404&cmd=online_program_direct_link&sub_action=online_program#selected_tag | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Developing a Suite of Standards-based Instructionally Supportive Tools for Middle School Computer Science | Satabdi Basu | Exploring Middle School Students’ Understanding of Algorithms Using Standards‐aligned Formative Assessments: Teacher and Researcher Perspectives | Basu, S., Rutstein, D., Tate, C., Rachmatullah, A., Yang, H. & Ortiz, C. (2023). Exploring middle school students’ understanding of algorithms using standards‐aligned formative assessments: Teacher and researcher perspectives. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Montreal, Canada. | https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/9863 | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Developing a Suite of Standards-based Instructionally Supportive Tools for Middle School Computer Science | Satabdi Basu | Uncovering Middle School CS Students’ Understanding of Variables and Control Structures: A Cognitive Think-Aloud Approach | Yang, H., Basu, S., Rutstein, D., Rachmatullah, A., Tate, C., Ortiz, C., & Rulifson. (2023) Uncovering middle school CS students’ understanding of variables and control structures: A cognitive think-aloud approach. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Montreal, Canada. | https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/10201 | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences (Collaborative Research) | Ryan Baker; David Gagnon; Shari Metcalf | Open Game Data: A Technical Infrastructure for Open Science with Educational Games | Gagnon, D. & Swanson, L. (2023). Open game data: A technical infrastructure for open science with educational games. In: Haahr, M., Rojas-Salazar, A., Göbel, S. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14309. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_1 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences (Collaborative Research) | Ryan Baker; David Gagnon; Shari Metcalf | Shifts in Student Attitudes and Beliefs About Science Through Extended Play in an Immersive Science Game | Metcalf, S. J., Gagnon, D., & Slater, S. (2024). Shifts in student attitudes and beliefs about science through extended play in an immersive science game. In: Bourguet, M. L., Krüger, J. M., Pedrosa, D., Dengel, A., Peña-Rios, A., & Richter, J. (eds) Immersive Learning Research Network. iLRN 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1904. Springer, Cham. | https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/10.1007/978-3-031-47328-9_25 | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Developing an Online Game to Teach Middle School Students Science Research Practices in the Life Sciences (Collaborative Research) | Ryan Baker; David Gagnon; Shari Metcalf | Struggling to Detect Struggle in Students Playing a Science Exploration Game | Liu, X., Slater, S., Andres, J., Swanson, L., Scianna, J., Gagnon, D., & Baker, R. S. (2023). Struggling to detect struggle in students playing a science exploration game. CHI PLAY Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. https://doi.org/10.1145/3573382.3616080 | https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3573382.3616080 | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Developing and Evaluating Assessments of Problem-Solving in Computer Adaptive Testing Environments (Collaborative Research) | Jonathan Bostic; Toni May-Sondergeld | Engaging Hearts and Minds in Assessment and Validation Research | Bostic, J. (2023). Engaging hearts and minds in assessment research. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 123(6), 217-219. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12621 | https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12621 | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Developing and Evaluating Assessments of Problem-Solving in Computer Adaptive Testing Environments (Collaborative Research) | Jonathan Bostic; Toni May-Sondergeld | Examining How Using Dichotomous and Partial Credit Scoring Models Influence Sixth-Grade Mathematical Problem-Solving Assessment Outcomes | May, T. A., Koskey, K. L. K., Bostic, J. D., Stone, G. E., Kruse, Lance M., & Matney, G. (2023). Examining how using dichotomous and partial credit scoring models influence sixth-grade mathematical problem-solving assessment outcomes. School Science and Mathematics. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12570 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssm.12570 | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Developing and Testing a Learning Progression for Middle School Physical Science Incorporating Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts | Peng He | Applying Rasch Measurement to Assess Knowledge-in-Use in Science Education | He, P., Zhai, X., Shin, N., Krajcik, J. (2023). Applying Rasch measurement to assess knowledge-in-use in science education. In: Liu, X., Boone, W.J. (eds) Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education. Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education, vol 57. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28776-3_13. | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-28776-3_13 | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Developing and Testing a Learning Progression for Middle School Physical Science Incorporating Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts | Peng He | Developing Three-Dimensional Learning Progressions of Energy, Interaction, and Matter at Middle School Level: A Design-based Research | He, P., Shin, N., & Krajcik, J. (in press). Developing three-dimensional learning progressions of energy, interaction, and matter at middle school level: A design-based research. In Jin, H., Yan, D., & Krajcik, J. Handbook of Research in Science Learning Progressions. Routledge. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Developing and Testing a Learning Progression for Middle School Physical Science Incorporating Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts | Peng He | Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Learning Progression-based Learning Systems to Support Student Knowledge-in-Use: Opportunities and Challenges | He, P. Shin, N. Kaldaras L., & Krajcik, J. (in press). Integrating artificial intelligence into learning progression-based learning systems to support student knowledge-in-use: Opportunities and challenges. In Jin, H., Yan, D., & Krajcik, J. Handbook of Research in Science Learning Progressions. Routledge. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Developing and Validating Assessments to Measure and Build Elementary Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions Within Teacher Education Settings (Collaborative Research: Hanuscin) | Deborah Hanuscin | Designing Educative Curriculum Materials for Teacher Educators: Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions | Hanuscin, D., Borda, E., Melton, J., & Mikeska, J. N. (2024). Designing educative curriculum materials for teacher educators: Supporting preservice elementary teachers’ content knowledge for teaching about matter and its interactions. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-024-10453-7 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10763-024-10453-7 | |||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Developing and Validating Assessments to Measure and Build Elementary Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions Within Teacher Education Settings (Collaborative Research: Hanuscin) | Deborah Hanuscin | Elementary Science Teacher Educators Learning Together: Catalyzing Change With Educative Curriculum Materials and Vignette Writing | Asim, S., Davis, J., Kinskey, M., Lavender, H., Murray, J., Obery, A., Sherwood, C.-A., & Voss, S. (2023). Elementary Science Teacher Educators Learning Together: Catalyzing Change With Educative Curriculum Materials and Vignette Writing. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 8(3). | https://innovations.theaste.org/elementary-science-teacher-educators-learning-together-catalyzing-change-with-educative-curriculum-materials-and-vignette-writing/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Developing and Validating Assessments to Measure and Build Elementary Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions Within Teacher Education Settings (Collaborative Research: Mikeska) | Jamie Mikeska | Designing Educative Curriculum Materials for Teacher Educators: Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions | Hanuscin, D., Borda, E., Melton, J., & Mikeska, J. N. (2024). Designing educative curriculum materials for teacher educators: Supporting preservice elementary teachers’ content knowledge for teaching about matter and its interactions. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-024-10453-7 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10763-024-10453-7 | |||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Developing and Validating Assessments to Measure and Build Elementary Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its Interactions Within Teacher Education Settings (Collaborative Research: Mikeska) | Jamie Mikeska | Developing and Using a Scalable Assessment to Measure Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ccontent Knowledge for Teaching About Matter | Castellano, K. E., & Mikeska, J. N. (2023). Developing and using a scalable assessment to measure preservice elementary teachers’ content knowledge for teaching about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21894 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/tea.21894 | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | A Case Study of K-8 Mathematics Teachers’ Agency and Learning Within a Research-Practice Partnership | Han, A. (2023, in progress). A case study of K-8 mathematics teachers’ agency and learning within a research-practice partnership (Publication Number, not yet assigned) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Research Practice Partnership | Akgul, E. S. & Castro Superfine, A. (2023, June). Analyzing teacher learning in a research practice partnership. Paper presented at the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. | https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/10323 | |||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Building a Scalable Model for Effective Networked Improvement Across Schools: The Case of District Math Leadership Teams | De Voto, C., Pitvorec, K., & Castro Superfine, A. (in press). Building a scalable model for effective networked improvement across schools: The case of district math leadership teams. In J. Eckert & B. Carpenter (Eds.), Catalytic improvement communities. Information Age. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | District Leaders as Brokers or Barriers to Scaling Up K-12 Continuous Improvement Communities | De Voto, C., Pitvorec, K., & Cosner, S. (2023, Nov.). District leaders as brokers or barriers to scaling up K-12 continuous improvement communities. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | How Research-Practice Partnerships Learn to Develop Goals for Math and Identify Local Problems of Practice | Superfine, B. M., De Voto, C., Castro Superfine, A., Cosner, S., & Han, A. (in press). How research-practice partnerships learn to develop goals for math and identify local problems of practice. In E. Reynolds & S. Hayes (Eds.), Continuous improvement: A leadership process for school improvement (pp. 315-335). Information Age. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | K-12 Leader Responses and Organizational Preparedness During COVID-19 | De Voto, C., & Superfine, B. M. (2023, April). K-12 leader responses and organizational Preparedness during COVID-19. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Measuring the Impact of Research-Practice Partnerships: Lessons from the CASPIR Math Project | Castro Superfine, A., & Superfine, B. (2023, June). Measuring the impact of research-practice partnerships: Lessons from the CASPIR Math project. Paper presented at the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Navigating Policy and Local Context in Times of Crisis: District and School Leader Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic | De Voto, C., Superfine, B. M., DeWitt, M. (2023). Navigating policy and local context in times of crisis: District and school administrator responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Administration Quarterly, 59(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X231163870 | https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0013161X231163870 | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Research-Practice Partnerships and Network Effectiveness | Superfine, B. M., De Voto, C., Siciliano, M., & Castro Superfine, A. (under review). Research-practice partnerships and network effectiveness. American Educational Research Journal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | Results from Research-Practice Partnership Focused on Organizational and Individual Capacity-Building to Improve Mathematics Instruction | Castro Superfine, A., Superfine, B. M., De Voto, C., Dewit, M., Han, A., Akgul, E., Yin, Y. (2023, April). Results from research-practice partnership focused on organizational and individual capacity-building to improve mathematics instruction. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | The Crisis You Can’t Plan For: K-12 Leader Responses and Organisational Preparedness During COVID-19 | De Voto, C., & Superfine, B. M. (2023). The crisis you can’t plan for: K-12 leader responses and organisational preparedness during COVID-19 (special issue). School Leadership & Management, 43(4), 369-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/13632434.2023.2171003 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13632434.2023.2171003 | |||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Alison Castro Superfine | The Crisis You Can’t Plan For: K-12 Leader Responses and Organisational Preparedness During COVID-19 | De Voto, C., & Superfine, B. M. (2023, April). The crisis you can’t plan for: K-12 leader responses and organisational preparedness during COVID-19. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Developing Teacher Noticing in Engineering in an Online Professional Development Program | Merredith Portsmore | Examining Interactions Between Dominant Discourses and Engineering Educational Concepts in Teachers' Pedagogical Reasoning | De Lucca, N., Watkins, J., Swanson, R. D., & Portsmore, M. (2023). Examining interactions between dominant discourses and engineering educational concepts in teachers' pedagogical reasoning. Journal of Engineering Education, 113(1), 30–52. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20563 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jee.20563 | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Developing Teacher Noticing in Engineering in an Online Professional Development Program | Merredith Portsmore | “That is Still STEM”: Appropriating the Engineering Design Process to Challenge Dominant Narratives of Engineering and STEM | Watkins, J. (2023). “That is still STEM”: Appropriating the engineering design process to challenge dominant narratives of engineering and STEM. Cognition and Instruction, 41(4), 405-435. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2022.2156512 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07370008.2022.2156512 | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Developing the Pedagogical Skills and Science Expertise of Teachers in Underserved Rural Settings | Rebecca Sansom | Technology-Mediated Lesson Study: A Step-by-Step Guide | Hudson, M., Leary, H., Longhurst, M., Stowers, J., Poulsen, T., Smith, C., & Sansom, R. L. (2024). Technology-mediated lesson study: A step-by-step guide. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies. | https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJLLS-07-2023-0094/full/html | |||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Empowering Students with Choice Through Equitable and Interactive Mathematical Modeling (EIM2) | Hyunyi Jung | Engineering Connections in Culturally-Responsive Mathematical Modeling Problems | Brady, C., Jung, H., de Alejandro, J., Coleman-King, C., de Araujo, Z., & Sutcliffe, K. (2023). Engineering connections in culturally-responsive mathematical modeling problems. American Society for Engineering Education. Baltimore Convention Center, MD. | https://peer.asee.org/board-268-engineering-connections-in-culturally-responsive-mathematical-modeling-problems | |||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Enhancing Energy Literacy Through Place-based Learning: Using the School Building to Link Energy Use with Earth Systems | Laura Zangori | Development of a Socio-ecological Learning Performance for Middle School Students’ Ideas About Energy Flow | Zangori, L., Snyder, R., Cole, L., Otto, S., Fallahhosseini, S., (2024, April 11 – 14). Development of a socio-ecological learning performance for middle school students’ ideas about energy flow. [Poster Session]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Enhancing Energy Literacy Through Place-based Learning: Using the School Building to Link Energy Use with Earth Systems | Laura Zangori | Energy and Your Environment (EYE): Place-based Curriculum Unit to Foster Students’ Energy Literacy | Zangori, L., Otto, S., Cole, L., Snyder, R., Oertli, R. T., & Fallahhosseini, S. (2024). Energy and your environment (EYE): Place-based curriculum unit to empower students’ energy literacy and conservation. In X. Fazio (Ed). Science Curricula for The Anthropocene: Curriculum Models for Our Collective Future – Volume II, Palgrave/Springer Nature. | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-37391-6 | |||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Environmental Innovation Challenges: Teaching and Learning Science Practices in the Context of Complex Earth Systems | Gillian Puttick | Innovate to Mitigate: Teacher Role in a Student Competition | Puttick, G., Drayton, B., & Gasca, S. (2023). Innovate to Mitigate: Teacher role in a student competition. Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Conference, June 2023, 1817-1818. | https://repository.isls.org/bitstream/1/10035/1/ICLS2023_1817-1818.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Environmental Innovation Challenges: Teaching and Learning Science Practices in the Context of Complex Earth Systems | Gillian Puttick | Open Innovation Challenge to Mitigate Global Warming | Puttick, G., Drayton, B., & Gasca, S. (2023). Open innovation challenge to mitigate global warming. Connected Science Learning, 5(5). | https://www.nsta.org/connected-science-learning/connected-science-learning-september-october-2023/open-innovation | |||||||||||||||||||||
77 | Geological Construction of Rock Arrangements from Tectonics: Systems Modeling Across Scales | Amy Pallant | Thinking Outside the Box of Rocks | Lord, T., & Pallant, A. (2023). Thinking outside the box of rocks. The Earth Scientist, XL(3), 25–32. | https://concord.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/thinking-outside-the-box-of-rocks.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
78 | How Multi-digit Number Names Guide Attention, Memory, and Place Value Learning in Early Elementary Mathematics | Lei Yuan | Language Systematizes Attention: How Relational Language Enhances Relational Representation by Guiding Attention | Yuan, L., Novack, M., Uttal, D., & Franconeri, S. (2023). Language systematizes attention: How relational language enhances relational representation by guiding attention. Cognition, 243. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105671. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010027723003050?via%3Dihub | |||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Incorporating Professional Science Writing into High School STEM Research Projects | Sarah Fankhauser | Increasing Student Confidence in Writing: Integrating Authentic Manuscript Writing into an Online 8-Week Research Program | Kim, C., Preston Jr., K., Braga, A., Fankhauser, S.C. Increasing Student Confidence in Writing: Integrating Authentic Manuscript Writing into an Online 8-Week Research Program. 2023. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 24(1), e00199-22. https://doi.org/10.1128/jmbe.00199-22 | https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jmbe.00199-22 | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Invigorating Statistics Teacher Education Through Professional Online Learning (InSTEP) | Hollylynne Lee | Engagement in the InSTEP Professional Learning Platform: Developing Expertise to Teach Data and Statistics | Mojica, G. F., Thrasher, E., Kuhlman, A., Graham, B., Lee, H. S., & Pace, M. (2023). Engagement in the instep professional learning platform: Developing expertise to teach data and statistics. Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, 560-569. | http://www.pmena.org/pmenaproceedings/PMENA%2045%202023%20Proceedings%20Vol%202.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Invigorating Statistics Teacher Education Through Professional Online Learning (InSTEP) | Hollylynne Lee | Online Teacher Professional Learning: An Approach to Foster Personalized Pathways | Lee, H.S.,Thrasher, E., Grossman, M., Mojica,G.F., Graham, B., & Kuhlman, A. (2023). Online teacher professional learning: An approach to foster personalized pathways. Research report presented at the Annual Research Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, October, Washington, DC. | https://www.k12dive.com/news/from-public-health-to-personal-finance-statisticalliteracy-is-essential-f/618614/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Learning About Viral Epidemics Through Engagement with Different Types of Models | Troy Sadler | Exploring System Dynamics of Complex Societal Issues Through Socio-scientific Models | Ke, L., Kirk, E., Lesnefsky, R., & Sadler, T. D. (2023). Exploring system dynamics of complex societal issues through socio-scientific models. Frontiers in Education, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1219224 | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2023.1219224/full | |||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Learning About Viral Epidemics Through Engagement with Different Types of Models | Troy Sadler | Socioscientific Modeling as an Approach Towards Justice-Centred Science Pedagogy | Lesnefsky, R. R., Kirk, E., Yeldell, J., Sadler, T. D., & Ke, L. (2023). Socioscientific modeling as an approach towards justice-centred science pedagogy. London Review of Education, 21(1), 1-15. DOI: 10.14324/LRE.21.1.30. | https://uclpress.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14324/LRE.21.1.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Learning About Viral Epidemics Through Engagement with Different Types of Models | Troy Sadler | Socioscientific Modeling: Helping Students See Systems and Understand Messy Issues | Kirk, E. A., Sadler, T. D., Xu, Z., Elsner, J. N., Lesnefsky, R. R., & Ke, L. (2024). Socioscientific modeling: Helping students see systems and understand messy issues. Science Scope. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08872376.2024.2314698 | |||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Life Right Here and Everywhere: Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings | Nancy Songer | How Do We Design Curricula to Foster Innovation, Motivation and Interest in STEM Learning? | Calabrese, J. E., Songer, N. B., Cordner, H., & Aina, D. K., Jr. (2023). How do we design curricula to foster innovation, motivation and interest in STEM learning? Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-06-2023-0064 | https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JRIT-06-2023-0064/full/html | |||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Life Right Here and Everywhere: Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings | Nancy Songer | Inspiring STEM Education Focused on Solutions | Songer, N. B. (2023). Inspiring STEM education focused on solutions. Open Access Government July 2023, pp.322-323. https://doi.org/10.56367/OAG-039-10836 | https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/article/inspiring-stem-education-focused-on-solutions/162342/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Life Right Here and Everywhere: Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings | Nancy Songer | Why Is Engineering Design Important for All Learners? | Songer, N. B. (2023). Why is engineering design important for all learners?. Open Access Government April 2023, pp.300-301. https://doi.org/10.56367/OAG-038-10193 | https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/article/engineering-design-important-leaners-stem/155374/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Life Right Here and Everywhere: Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings | Nancy Songer | Youth as Essential Problem-Solvers of Our Futures | Songer, N. B. (2023). Youth as essential problem-solvers of our futures. Open Access Government October 2023, pp. 312-313. https://doi.org/10.56367/OAG-040-10836 | https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/article/youth-as-essential-problem-solvers-of-our-futures/167916/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Life Right Here and Everywhere: Case Studies of a Suite of Next Generation Science Instructional, Assessment, and Professional Development Materials in Diverse Middle School Settings | Nancy Songer | Youths’ Solutions to Local Invasive Species | Calabrese, J.E., Songer, N.B. (2024) Youths’ solutions to local invasive species. Open Access Government January 2024. | https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/article/youths-solutions-to-local-invasive-species/172602/#:~:text=By%20encouraging%20students%20to%20build,requiring%20specialised%20equipment%20or%20training.&text=In%20addition%20to%20designing%20and,outside%20their%20schools%20or%20homes | |||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Locally Adaptable Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Design for Place-based Elementary Science | Katahdin Cook Whitt | How it All Happened: Cause and Effect as a Lens and Thinking Tool to Observe and Make Sense of Two Puzzling Phenomena | Mohan, L., Harris, E., & Guy-Gaytan, C. (2023). How it all happened: Cause and effect as a lens and thinking tool to observe and make sense of two puzzling phenomena. Science and Children, 60(7). | https://www.nsta.org/science-and-children/science-and-children-fall-2023/how-it-all-happened | |||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Locally Adaptable Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Design for Place-based Elementary Science | Katahdin Cook Whitt | Related Paper Set: Designing, Supporting, and Enacting Elementary Science Units for Teacher Phenomenon Adaptation | Cook Whitt, K., Harris, E., Kenyon, L., Kenyon, F.L., Hanson, A., Tate, R., Mohan, L., & Guy-Gatan, C. (2023a, April). Related Paper Set: Designing, supporting, and enacting elementary science units for teacher phenomenon adaptation. Related paper set presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | https://sites.google.com/mmsa.org/pebles2/our-work?authuser=0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning | Leanne Ketterlin Geller | Connecting Classroom Assessment with Learning Goals and Instruction Through Theories of Learning | Ketterlin-Geller, L. R. & Harris, C. J. (2023). Connecting classroom assessment with learning goals and instruction through theories of learning. In C. Harris, E. Wiebe, S. Grover, & J.W. Pellegrino (Eds.). Classroom-based STEM Assessment: A Synthesis Report (pp. 83-94). Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE). Education Development Center, Inc. | https://cadrek12.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/Classroom-Based%20STEM%20Assessment%20FULL%20REPORT.pdf#page=21 | |||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning | Leanne Ketterlin Geller | Designing Classroom Assessments With the End User in Mind | Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., McMurrer, J., & Barton, T. (in press). Designing classroom assessments with the end user in mind. International Journal of Testing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning | Leanne Ketterlin Geller | Iterative Cognitive Interview Design to Uncover Children’s Spatial Reasoning | Thomas, E. R., Pinilla, R. K., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., & Hatfield, C. (2023). Iterative cognitive interview design to uncover children’s spatial reasoning. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 28(1), Article 12. https://doi.org/10.7275/pare.1918 | https://scholarworks.umass.edu/pare/vol28/iss1/12 | |||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning | Leanne Ketterlin Geller | The Development and Validation of a Survey Measuring Opportunity to Learn Spatial Reasoning Skills at Home | Wellberg, S., Sparks, A., & Ketterlin-Geller, L. R. (2023). The development and validation of a survey measuring opportunity to learn spatial reasoning skills at home. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.7275/pare.1885 | https://openpublishing.library.umass.edu/pare/article/id/1885/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Measuring the Effectiveness of Middle School STEM-Innovation and Engineering Design Curricula | Meltem Alemdar | Scaling STEM-ID—Research Strategies to Inform Initial Scaling of Middle School Engineering Curricula | Baptiste Porter, D., Gale, J., Alemdar, M., Newton, S., Rehmat, A., Choi, J., Capozzoli, T., & Rosen, J. (2023). Scaling STEM-ID—Research strategies to inform initial scaling of middle school engineering curricula. Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) 2023. | https://peer.asee.org/board-186-work-in-progress-scaling-stem-id-research-strategies-to-inform-initial-scaling-of-middle-school-engineering-curricula | |||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Mobilizing Physics Teachers to Promote Inclusive and Communal Classroom Cultures Through Everyday Actions (Collaborative Research) | Beth Cunningham; Claudia Fracchiolla; Zahra Hazari | Examining the Effect of Counternarratives About Physics on Women’s Physics Career Intentions | Potvin, G., Hazari, Z., Khatri, R., Cheng, H., Head, T. B., Lock, R. M., Kornahrens, A.F., Woodle, K.S., Vieyra, R.E., Cunningham, B.A., Kramer, L., & Hodapp, T. (2023). Examining the effect of counternarratives about physics on women’s physics career intentions. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19(1), 010126. | https://journals.aps.org/prper/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.19.010126 | |||||||||||||||||||||
98 | Mobilizing Physics Teachers to Promote Inclusive and Communal Classroom Cultures Through Everyday Actions (Collaborative Research) | Beth Cunningham; Claudia Fracchiolla; Zahra Hazari | STEP UP: Supporting Teachers in Having Difficult Conversations | Dreyfuss, B. B. (2023). STEP UP: Supporting teachers in having difficult conversations. The Physics Teacher, 61(9), 812-813. https://doi.org/10.1119/5.0185564 | https://pubs.aip.org/aapt/pte/article-abstract/61/9/812/2923542/STEP-UP-Supporting-teachers-in-having-difficult?redirectedFrom=fulltext | |||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Modeling Assessment to Enhance Teaching and Learning (Collaborative Research: Lehrer) | Richard Lehrer | Measuring and Visualizing Space in Elementary Mathematics Learning | Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (2023). Measuring and visualizing space in elementary mathematics learning. New York & London: Routledge. | https://www.routledge.com/Measuring-and-Visualizing-Space-in-Elementary-Mathematics-Learning/Lehrer-Schauble/p/book/9781032262727 | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Moving Beyond Pedagogy: Developing Elementary Teachers' Adaptive Expertise in Using the Epistemic Complexity of Science | Brian Hand | Anchoring Phenomena and Summary Writing Working Together to Improve Student Learning | Hart, A., Dursun, J., Suh, J., Hand, B., & Fulmer, G. (2023). Anchoring phenomena and summary writing working together to improve student learning. Science Activities, 60(2). https://doi.org/10.1080/00368121.2023.2168242 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00368121.2023.2168242 |