Ultimate Challenger Jax OTP Matchup Guide
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Lethal tempo Grasp
Gives insane scaling DPS
Gives better sustain and damage in short trades
Default page | Ranged matchups
Only good secondary page with Grasp
Gives great skirmishing strength
Low CC comps High CC comps Better scaling Better lane sustain
Best damage rune
Pair with conditioning High cc comps
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MythicsDivine: The best general mythic for Jax, with damage, healing and all around amazing stats. You will be building this 99% of games in the current meta
Triforce: This is only good for low elo snowballing if youre already 30x better than the enemy laner, usually you want to build Bork > Triforce > Hullbreaker/BC > MR/ARMOR tank item > Steraks
Second itemBork: The high damage, in addition to the slow makes this item a complete beast in the sidelane, or for blowing up squishies in the backlane. Easily Jax's best secondary in most comps. Don't fall into the trap of bork first though, since you need survivability before you can full utilize the item.
Wits end: Build this if they have multiple AP threats. The damage scales very well into the game late, but at the sametime, stops you from getting bursted by champs like kennen/gragas
Third itemShojin: Really great for sticking on to people in the sidelane, or getting extra spell rotations in teamfights. The crazy amount of AH, AD and HP just makes this item incredible for Jax
Frozen Heart: Build when they are heavy AD damage
Black Clever: Only build this when you are facing scaling armor like Poppy/K'sante/Malphite
HullBreaker: Since the nerfs the item became really situational. Consider building this when you have completely doomed teamfights, AND you have a good sidelane matchup. Otherwise just opt into something more team focused.
4/5 item > adapt to compDamage/HP
Steraks: is an amazing late-game item since it gives AD based on your level, and a massive shield.
Titanic Hydra: Gives a crazy amount of stats but has a really shite build path, so I wouldn't recommend buying this unless you have 3K on a single back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor:
Frozen Heart: Into heavy auto champs like Irelia/Quinn/Rengar
Hourglass: In addition to the armor and AP, you can use stasis to avoid important CC or spells. The stasis also gives you the freedom to become the initial engage, which Jax can't ordinarily achieve without being crazy ahead. This is probably my favorite item right now, and I would highly recommend trying it out! Randuin's Omen: When they have 2+ crit champs
Gargoyle Stoneplate: Good dual resistances plus bonus 25% increase in bonus resists(5% per enemy champ) on top of a shield thats scales with bonus HP
Deaths Dance: This item kind of sucks right now, but you can build when they have heavy burst AD damage Guardian Angel: Decent 6th item if they are heavy ad -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Magic Resistance

Maw: Only decent if you need instant MR by sitting on the hexdrinker
Force of Nature: Build this when they only have flat pen
Abyssal Mask: Decent MR item if your team is AP heavy and you need MR.

Anathema's chains: Good if there is only one different damage type threat on the enemy team or only one member of the enemy team is fed. 
QSS: Useful into champions like Mordekaiser, Malzahar, and Skarner if you are the only threat on your team and you need to have full presence in teamfights and can't afford to be suppressed/stunned for a long time.
BootsIonian: Super cheap for granting +12 SSH, and 20 AH. I would recommend building these 90% of games
Mercs: Great into hard matchups like kennen/gragas, or if they have hard CC like liss
Steelcaps: Basically never buy these, unless you are boot rushing into Quinn/Urgot/Renekton

GENERAL ITEM ADVICEAlways build optimally, so you are the absolute strongest you possibly can be. For instance, if you are leaving base right before a big fight, prioritize something like a stopwatch rather than more AD/HP since SW can potentially win the whole fight. Evaluate the biggest damage threats in the game and adapt accordingly, while still matching the strength of the enemy toplaner.
Very Hard
Very Easy
- Cheese tribush
- Abuse his weak level 1, you win extended trades very hard
- Abuse his high CDs after he uses his 3rd Q
- Hold E until he empowed autos you
- Q out of his W
- Track his flash timer, so you are prepared for the Q3 flash
- Go for solo kills when he is on your side of the lane
- Let him land outer empowered Q's
- Watch out for his Q1 > E forward
- If you space incorrectly, he can E to dodge your stun
- Don't ever Q onto him near his tower
- If you miss time your Leap, his W will pull you back
- Avoid fighting him at level 4 and 9
- Aatrox powerspikes on levels very hard. His level 4 and level 9 are the most important to remember
- Bork is incredibly good in this matchup
- You will hard outscale him at level 13
- If you can space / dodge his Q the matchup will become very easy
- If you have flash advantage, you can engage with Q and flash the short side of his W to force an all in
Start: Long sword refillable
Rush: Warhammer > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Play safe for the first few waves, she has really strong poke
- Block her empowered passive autos
- Abuse her long W/E CDs
- Wiggle in lane to bait her Q's
- Go for a trade when she's low on energy
- At level 6, look to all in when she is 60% HP
- Rush mercs/sheem
- Getting poked out early
- Tanking empowered autos
- Jumping on her when she has full CDs
- You will struggle up until divine
- Just play safe and try not to let her snowball on you
- Maybe just dodge
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Mercs > Sheen
Core: Divine > Wits end > hourglass
Summoners: always
- Play safe early few level's, his kit is super strong and he can one shot you easily, especially level 2 when he gets E
- stand behind minions, he will try to throw his Q through the minions to reach you but you can side step and dodge it, this forces the wave to push into you
- play safe and give up cs early to maintain HP
- Take short trades after level 3 ( Q > E > AA > W > AA > awalk away ) if he E's after you, you can just all in him
- Walk up far in lane without E/Q, he can swing and burst you really hard
- Getting chunked for no reason
- Fighting him without E
- His Ult pellets can be blocked by minions/monsters/towers(targetable) and your teammates, you can use them as a meat shield if you have to, to survive
- His E dash can be cancelled by standing on top of him, and if you Q/flash onto him
- He won't be able to play the game after 1 item
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > FH > Shojin
Summoners: always
- Cheese tribush
- Block her passive auto with E
- Abuse her if she walks into the center of the lane
- Stun her as soon as the hook connects to the wall to cancel her E
- Dodge the W, it heals her
- Go for solo kills when she is on your side of the lane
- Camille will stand next to the walls to counter E
- She can ULT your E to cancel it, this will happen if she hasn't used it and you are low
- Wave Managment, if she can't be next to the wave, she will perma w it to farm/push
- Always keep vision up, since she has great gank setup
- The matchup is easy unless you constantly Q when shes near a wall
- Post-6 she has some of the best gank setup with E > R, so keep vision and conserve HP when the wave is pushing to you
- Once you hit 2 items you shouldn't have any trouble 1v1ing her
- If you time stun
- Be cautious of her roaming power
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Hullbreaker
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Wait in her close bush without leveling an ability. If she plays passive, you can Q onto her and take a 3-4 auto trade. But if she walks up to auto minions, level E and
take a more extended trade.
- Free up space in the lane by trading heavily level 1-2.
- Avoid her Q's. If she does hit you, instantly Q away or she'll chunk you with the increased E damaged
- Play safe post 3-5
- Faker sidestep her ult. If you can do this, you can solo kill her
- All in when she doesn't have W
- Getting E > Q chunked out
- Don't jump on her when has all CDs
- This matchup is one of the hardest laning phases for Jax, but you can relieve some of the pressure with aggressive trading when you dodge the correct spells
- Constantly wiggle in lane to dodge her Q's
- Honestly there is not much to say. Just dodge her shit.
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Mercs > Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > if shes solo AP go chains, othersise build Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Cheese tribush
- Trade everytime you have E
- Play safe until sheen
- If you are confident in your ability to wiggle well in lane and bait out + dodge his Q's then do it a lot, if you do it well which you should
be able to after some practice then the lane becomes a lot easier as you can start to win trades
- At 6 if you can dodge atleast 2 of his Q's you can all in him at about 70% HP
- Trading when you don't have E
- Getting his by his Q's for free
- Watchout for the E cast through wave
- Just be patient and scale to 2 items. You will only lose after that point, if you are behind 1.5k+
- You can cast your spells through his silence if you buffer them in time
- His knockup cancels your jump
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine > Mercs
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: always
- Walk inside him when he uses his Q or jump onto him
- Take short trades, then Q away
- Block his W with E
- if he wastes E / misses outer Q you can all in and kill
- Ignite him below 50% HP to reduce his Q healing
- Good Darius players will use his E CC to land his outer Q on you winning him the trade
- Taking long trades is bad because he wins and runs you down with Ghost
- Pulled into tower
- Having your Leap cancelled by his E
- Darius Q gives increased 13% − 39% healing based on missing heal
- Be careful of his cheese in the toplane bushes after leashing
- You outscale him so it's not a problem if you dont try to fight him
- If you can't space his Q with pure movement, just use Leap to dive into the center. This reduces the healing and damage.
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Warhammar/Sheen
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: always
Dr. Mundo
- Lvl 1 ( AA > E > AA >> AA ) Trade
- Take short E trades poke him down, and pop his passive. When he is around 65% HP, look to all in him
- Abuse his long passive cooldown earlygame
- Wiggle in lane to bait his Q's, otherwise just stay behind minions.
- Tank his empowered AAs / letting him push minions into you with E
- Getting poked by Q's
- Fighting without E
- Letting him free farm / scale
- Pretty free matchup if you don't get hit by his cleavers. Just make sure to farm as much as possible and try to roam if he is hugging tower.
- similar to nasus, he outscales you at one point and then you cant fight him anymore, look to perma roam and help your team so they can take him down with you later on.
- If he lands more then 2 Q's he will win most early game fights, so the key to this matchup is dodging his Q obviously
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Warhammar/Sheen
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: always
- E trade early
- Pay attention to her vitals, if you get a bad early vital, you can walk out of range to reset. This is really important for early trading
- If you have a good vital spot, you can stand next to your melees, so she feels pressure while CSing
- Use W everytime she walks up
- Bait out her W before comitting to an all in
- When she ulted you try to hug a wall to block her from proccing her vitals
- Disengage if she ults and u are both full hp
- Trying to fight after getting hit by her W attack speed slow/stun
- Using W into her parry, it is really important you get full sheen damage while trading
- Getting poked down by her sheen Q's
- Letting her proc easy vitals
- Trading when the wave is crashing
- She will try to space your E with her Q
- If Fiora misses Q, the cooldown is increased to 16 seconds at level 1 so fight her.
- Her vitals have a spawn pattern
- Always play perpendicular to her vitals i.e you have a bottom/top vital you want to be to her left/right and if it's left/right vital you want to be above or below her
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Take control of the top bush, so he can't set up barrels
- Trade heavily lvl 1 before he can stack grasp
- Block his passive auto with Counterstrike
- Dodge his barrels with Q
- Abuse him when he runs out of barrels
- Use stun as his barrel is ticking to 1, to ensure you get the first auto
- Ignite early to cut his W healing
- Walking up without E/Q
- Tanking his passive true damage
- Being close to bushes, there might be a barrel inside
- Getting poked for free - Walking up without reason
- Fight in his R
- Practice with the barrel timing, the lane will become a lot easier. If you ever break more then 1 barrel in a fight, you will hard win
- His barrels last 20s and you can all in / trade when its is about to run out
- You will out scale him at 2-3 items
- Always assume he is in bush with E until you see otherwise
- Later in the game, cheese bushes. If GP uses barrels on the wave, you can look for an all in
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Take short E trade when he has E ( AA > W > pop E > AA > Q/walk away )
- Reactively counterstrike his Q.
- W harass when he walks up for CS
- Abuse his long W cooldown earlygame
- When trading stay in your minion wave since his E will deal less dmg
- Look for an all in when he doesn't have W, and he's 70%
- Trading when he uses his shield (his W)
- Going for trades without E, since his Q does a lot of damage
- Tanking full Judgment ( E ) damage
- Fighting if you're below half HP, and he has R
- His Passive will heal him up if you dont poke him
- You will outscale him by 1-4 items, but he beats you late game. So after that point, just never fight him anymore, and look to roam and help your team
- Your winning condition is poking him down to 60% HP and going for an all in when he doesn't have W
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: always
- You can trade with Q-grasp auto when he goes to CS
- If you hit level 2 first, you can look for massive damage / kill
- He is very squishy early, so just poke him down to 60% hp, then you can go for an all in
- Look to trade when he doesn't have minions behind him for the double jump
- Block his third passive auto
- Try to bait out his Mega Gnar W by fake walking up to CS / him
- Fighting him in Mega Gnar unless you manage to dodge his spells
- All inning him next to a minion wave or he will just escape
- Getting poked by Q / autos for free
- This matchup will be very hard if you don't abuse his weak level 1-3.
- Practice dodging his Mega Gnar Q/W's, and you will win a lot more fights
- He has a short AA range so you can just walk up to him
- His mega gnar Q have a large hitbox, which can hit you behind minions
- His mega gnar W has a 8 second cooldown
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: always
- Use E to farm the first 3 minions
- Stand inside the wave, so he has to walk up farther to E you
- Look for a longer trade at level 2 - Check info
- Block his W with Counterstrike
- Q away from his barrel if you need to
- Position yourself near a while to reduce his R knockback
- Play extremely safe when he gets Lost Chapter
- Trying to short trade without E and Q
- Being impatient, and getting chunked for nothing
- Tanking Q's for no reason
- Getting his by his W splash damage
- Not respecting his kill potential near his own tower
- You will lose all short trades if you don't have sheen. Because of this, you will have to change you're approach to the lane. Be patient and only trade when you have CDs.
- Your level 2 trading depends on if he takes W or E second
- If he takes W, you will need to E early to block it. If he reacts with bodyslam, you can follow with Q after the stun duration
- If he takes Q second, you will need to start wiggling/fake CSing to dodge. If he walks up, hold E and try to auto him, and then Q/E if he bodyslams you
- His Q has an animation, just change direction the second you see it. If you can practice dodging his Q's, the lane will become much easier
- Rush mercs/sheen
- Be careful of his E > flash combo. Most of the time it'll be very obvious, since he will E from outside of range.
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Mercs
Core: Divine > Wits end > hourglass
Summoners: always
- Cheese top bush
- Use E to trade and damage wave 1. If you get level 2 advantage, try to chunk him, with ( Q > AA > E > AA > E recast > AA > away )
- Take short trades early game since she is really strong with conquer
- Dodge her Q sweetspot damage by using movement, or flash if its life or death
- Abuse her when she doesn't have Q stacks
- Rush sheen for better short trading
- Respect her full stacked Q>E
- Trading without E and Q
- Tanking full sweetspot damage
- Fight her when his R is active
- She will try to full stack Q > E you, if you can dodge this by standing just outside her range, you will be able to all in with ignite
- If you are fully committed in a fight, and she is about to full stack Q you. Prepare by standing on top of her, then once she casts Q, walk on the other side of her to dodge the damage
- Hold Q until she tries to space your stun with her dash
- Post-6 she is really strong, so be cautious when trading with low HP
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Wits/bork > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Clear her early tentacles
- Abuse her weak early game
- E trade with her early
- Focus on dodging her abilites before / while trading
- It is winnable at lvl 6 but get her down to 60-70% first
- Run away if she lands E / Uses R unless you can kill her
- Trading after getting hit by her E
- Being hit by her empowered AA
- Letting her push you in
- This matchup is basically a minigame of sidestepping. You get hit you lose
- Take ignite to cut her healing
- Use minions to block the E
- Keep the wave in the center of the lane until level 3, then if she ever misses an E you can look to all in
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Warhammer/Sheen
Core: Divine > Bork > FH/Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Cheese / top bush, you win level 1 incredibly hard
- You can chunk 50% HP if she walks up for any CS from 1-3
- Do not use all your spells on her W
- Be careful when she pushing a wave since she will have full passive stacks. This is literally the only way you die
- Hold Q when fighting to guarantee your stun
- Do not fight her when you don't have E
- Fighting when she has full passive stacks
- Look for the LOWHP minions, you can telegraph where Irelia is going to go by that
- Watch out with fighting in minion wave with E, she can dash out of it
- Her W can block alot of damage, so be mindful of that when towerdiving
- This matchup is about abusing her levels 1-3, then chilling until you get 1-2 items
- Just don't let her snowball
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Play around bushes
- Level 1 you can take short Q trades anytime grasp is up
- After level 1 just chill and soak EXP until level 3. Then once he uses abilities on the wave, you can look to take an extended trade
- Block his empowered W auto with E
- If you are confident, you can fake walk forward to bait his Q out. Otherwise just stand behind the minions
- Hold E for a second then jump onto him to instantly stun
- Position yourself so that his E knockback pushes you into a wall, this will let you be in range to Q after the stun duration
- Getting chunked early for no reason
- Don't Q on to him when he has full CDs
- This matchup is about playing around his form switches. His R has a 6 second cooldown at all ranks, so look to abuse him if you have CDs
- His range form Q-E has a big ass AOE
- Jayce players literally never back, you can sometimes cheese kills by sitting in bushes
- Try to hold E for his empowered W autos
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH/Shojin
Summoners: TP grasp D1+
- Sidestep his Q's
- You will win an extended level 1 trade very hard, but just make sure to dodge Q3
- Block his empowered autos with E
- W him when he walks up for CS / after level 6, look to stack passive auto + W
- Look for to all in when you have a long lane and he's around 60% hp
- Practice dodging his Q's while chasing him
- Rush sheen
- Fighting him near his tower
- Tanking any empowered autos / Q3
- Chasing when you have 0 kill pressure and he has all CDs
- If he E's towards a minion/ally he can space your E
- Using all your damage on his W
- You need to be very cautious by his turrent, if he prepares Q3 he can quick E > W ( which stuns you ) into Q3 > R into tower )
- This matchup will be very difficult up until sheen/divine
- It's really important to kite away from walls while fighting him
- Keep in mind that his W makes him stun immune + damage reduction
- His Q stacks through your Counterstrike
- He can R you right before he gets stunned, which basically removes the stun
- His Q3/W quick cast will displace your jump
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: Always
- Whenever she walks up you punish her
- Early dives with jungler
- Freeze when possible
- Buy an early Bork
- brainlessly pushing
- trading without E, especially when she has lethal tempo and dblade
- generally this matchup is pretty easy, just focus on closing the game out quickly since she does outscale you
- later on in the game, buy a hourglass. This will help you dodge her R damage
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > adapt
Summoners: Always
- Play around bushes
- Level 1 you can take short Q trades anytime grasp is up
- Just chill and farm until level 3. Then once he uses abilities on the wave, you can look to take a short trade
- Block his empowered W auto with E
- If you are confident, you can fake walk forward to bait his Q out. Otherwise just stand behind the minions
- Hold E for a second then jump onto him to instantly stun
- Buy early mercs/shen
- Getting poked for free
- Jumping on him when he has full CDs
- His passive W auto + E will chunk you pretty hard
- Your main opening is when he uses Q, since he needs Q to instantly proc his passive
- Be patient and chill until you have mercs + sheen. From this point onward the matchup will become much easier
- You win every trade if he misses his Q
- If he has all CDs and you Q onto him, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME to auto reset before getting stunned. In this case just use W mid air, or the second you land you ensure maximum damage
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Mercs > Sheen
Core: Divine > Wits > Zhonyas
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Trade with E level 1, you win even if he hits Q
- If you are confident in your ability to wiggle well in lane and bait out + dodge his E/Q then do it a lot, if you do it well which you should
be able to after some practice then the lane becomes a lot easier as you can start to win trades
- Block his empowered W autos with E ( especially when he's knocked off Skaarl )
- You win every trade if he misses his Q
- Save your CD's before fighting his mini form
- Hold Q until he dashes
- Taking his second Q damage / Hit by E
- ( in mini-form ) Fighting without E when his W attack speed steroid is ready
- Walking up without a way to escape his Q unless you can tank it or and or kill him before he fucks u
- Stunning him right before he demounts ( his dismount removes all CC )
- Knocking him off Skaarl without having actual kill pressure

- Kleds win condition is him hitting his Q
- His sword lights up when his W is off CD
- If he hits you with E, he can recast ONLY on the target first hit
- Remember his roam power, and ping your team accordingly
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Abuse his weak early game
- You can chunk him out if he walks up for early CS
- W him anytime he walks up, then wait for cooldowns and go for a trade while his shield is down
- Constantly harass him to prevent his passive from regenerating
- Take your time when auto resetting after he E's you
- Go for a trade if he wastes abilities on wave
- Block his W damage with Counterstrike
- Freeze when possible. You have an easy time chasing malphite in a long lane
- Be careful of his level 6, you can easily die to jungle if he R's you
- Tank his empowered AA's
- Tanking Q for no reason (especially if he has comet)
- Don't let him space you with Q movement speed
- If he takes comet, just play safe until level 2, then you can aggressively trade onto him.
- Most malphites will Q you the second you jump on him, to stop him from spacing you.
You will need to walk with him for a second, then after you land stun you can start autoing him
- If you aren't able to kill him, you can push wave and look for plays with your jungle.
- Buy a sheen as soon as possible
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Be patient and only trade when you have E
- Block his passive by using E
- Never Q onto him directly, since he can displace you with Q. You should be looking to trade with W when he walks up for CS,
then if he knocks you back you can follow with Q/E
- Look to freeze when possible
- All in at 6 when he is around 70% HP if he doesn't have CDs
- Be careful of his level 6, since he has incredible gank setup
- Letting him empower AA you
- Tanking saplings for no reason
- He can displace your jump
- The matchup can be pretty annoying, since you can't really jump on him when he has CDs
- If he times it correctly, he can dodge your stun with his W
- You can Q right before his ULT and still complete the full jump since its a root
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: Always
- Tribush cheese
- Abuse his weak level 1. You will win any extended trade level 1.
- If you are confident in your ability to wiggle well in lane and bait out + dodge his Q/E then do it a lot, if you do it well which you should
be able to after some practice then the lane becomes a lot easier as you can start to win trades and look to snowball
- Block his passive by using E early in the trades
- All in at 6 when he is around 70% HP if he doesn't key CDs like E/W
- Letting him push you in early game
- Fighting him when he lands E on you
- All inning him when his W is fully charged
- Getting hit by Q's for no reason
- Letting him land isolated Q's, these do over double damage
- Using R before he R's
- He beats you when his passive is proc'd and his W shield can be massive so dont get baited
- This matchup is similar to Illaoi, since its a minigame of sidestepping
- You win every trade if you manage to dodge well.
- Jax doesn't have a good kit to dodge spells, so take advantage of the fact that Morde Q is thin at base. Because of that, you can walk on top of him, to make it a lot easier to dodge
- When you Leap on to him, most Mordekaisers will cast a short pull back. Focus on dodging this ability the second you land
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > adapt
Summoners: Always
- Tribush cheese
- Abuse his weak early game
- Freeze if possible
- Punish him every time he walks up
- Early dives with jungler
- Pre-6 if you block his Q you will win any fight
- Trying to use AAs when withered. Q away unless you think you can kill him
- Tank his E explode dmg unnecessarily
- Fight him when his R is active
- This matchup is about abusing him before he outscales you. The moment you cannot fight him anymore you should go and group and try to force fights.
- Post-6 if you are in a long lane, and you E his small form Q. He can just ghost run you down, so from this point onwards you will need to be more cautious while trading
- Some nasus's will use comet E max. if you see this, just start dorans shield and try not to tank any unnecessary E's. This version of nasus is even weaker in a 1v1 dual, so make sure to abuse him any chance you get
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: Always
- Try to chill until you have a few levels
- Take short trades ( AA > W > E > A > Q away )
- Dodge his Q's by baiting and sidestepping
- Ignite once he's half HP, this will cut his passive healing
- Start taking longer trades once you have long sword or sheen
- Hold E to block his W attack speed steroid
- Fight him without ignite
- Fight him without E, he will run you down with ghost
- Get hit by Axes Early, the key to this matchup is DODGE AXES
- Let him E you without trading any damage back
- He gets more Attack speed and Lifesteal as he gets lower
- When you all in him, if the fight is close flash atleast one axe
- Abuse him if he long range Q's. Olaf will be much weaker with his Q on cooldown
- You outscale him at 1-4 items, but he will actually destroy you late game
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Abuse his weak 1-3
- E trade early but look to dodge his Q while doing so
- Dodge his Q's early
- block his empowered W with Counterstrike
- Kite away from walls / his pillars when fighting him
- Stun him right before his Q2 R
- Walking near him without E/Q, especially once he gets 6 as his full combo with R can often kill you from
around 60/70%HP
- Standing next to a wall or his pillar
- Letting him brittle auto you
- His brittle which he can proc 3x in a fight does very high % max hp damage
- He can hide his E animation if he casts it during W so keep this in mind if there is terrain near you
- His W only applies brittle at the last second, so try to Q/walk out if possible
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Cheese topbush. If he walks up for CS, you can take an extended trade.
- Trades when you have E, otherwise playsafe
- Avoid / dodge his empowered Q poke as it hurts a lot
- E his W so he can't get his 3 autos off from passive
- Get too close without E
- Don't Q on to him when he has full CDs since he can tap W walk away
- Stay in lane low, he can one shot with his execute Q
- Remember to ping your mid when he hits level 6
- Using all your damage on his E
- Rush steelcaps/sheen
- His Q can easily be sidestepped
- Play safe until first item
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Steelcaps > Sheen
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Control top bush, you need it to drop vision due to her passive
- Fake walk up to her / CS to bait out her Q. The lane will become much easier if you can consistently do this
- Trade with E when she has Q on cooldown
- Step on her passive when possible
- Always kite away from walls when fighting her
- She has incredible dive, so try not to trade when your wave is about to crash
- At level 6, you can look to all in when she is 50% HP
- Stand close to your own tower or walls
- Tanking Q's for no reason
- Jumping on her when she has full CDs
- Letting her passive auto you
- When she casts Q, she won't be able to cast her E for .5 seconds. Use that window to jump on her if you think you win, or while in an extended fight
- She can dodge your stun with her E, but if you Q while she is mid animation, she won't be able to cast E
- Her W has a 20s CD and should be punished when she wastes it
- If you are about to kill her, she will try to ult you away, which takes .5 seconds to charge up
- If you are teamfighting / fighting, first use flash to gap close her E, and then use Q after
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: Always
- Play Safe until level 2/3. once you hit level 2, try for a quick ( Q > E > A > away ) This is literally the only way you win early trades
- Ward the bush so she can't drop minion aggro
- Use E to block her passive autos while you farm
- Get what farm you can but just play safe and wait until lvl 6
- Once you are level 6, auto the wave to stack passive/ult, and then try to time ( Q > E > AA > W > walk away )
- You can look for solo kills when she is around 60% HP
- Walking up for CS with E/Q
- Getting chunked out of lane for no reason
- Having your Q cancelled by her Vault
- Watch out for her Q splash damage

- Rush steelcaps and sheen
- Really strong early, play safe and give up cs to maintain HP
- She has really good roaming, so ping your mid/bot everytime she resets
- Cast your E .5 seconds before you jump, and then stun before she can knock you back
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Steelcaps > Sheen
Core: Divine > FH > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Cheese tribush
- Avoid fighting him in near your waves so he doesn't heal as much up from Q
- Try and bait his Q by walking near and away from him, it his biggest trading tool
- Hold jump until he uses E
- E when he jumps on you to prevent him from comboing and chunking you
- All in when he is 60% HP and you have ignite
- Getting too close when he is full fury
- Let him get fury for free early levels
- stay low under tower, he can easily dive with how tanky he can be / with junglers
- He gets more fury when he is low
- A lot stronger when he has Red Bar ( fury )
- Dont let his HP bar bait you, his R+Q with fury can heal him up to 700 in a fight
- You can rush tabis in this matchup very early and sheen, this makes it so he cant one shot you with his combo and you can run him down the lane
- Only Counterstrike when he has more then 50% fury
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Play safe early, give up CS to not get chunked in lane
- Take ignite to cut his W healing
- If he uses his fury bar on wave, you can go all in and kill
- When he leaps onto a minion to CS, you can take a short E trade (AA > W > E and Q away if needed)
- Rengar is very easy to dive if he has 0 stacks
- Fighting when he has full fury
- Walking up without E
- Letting him dodge your stun with minion jumps
- Contesting the bushes
- Try not to ward the bushes since he can instantly kill + can use them as a free jump
- Rush tabi's if you're struggling, otherwise just rush divine and bork
- You can Q away right before bola hits and you will contiune the jump
- Rengar is much stronger in bushes, so unless you are ahead, try to bring the fights in open space
- If you don't let him snowball, you will absolutely destroy him at 2 items
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Cheese Tribush/top bush, because you will win any level 1 fight, if you block her passive autos
- Space in a way that forces her to use 1/2 Q's or her E to trade, this way she loses damage from her combo, and she won't have an ecape from your E
- You are much stronger level 1, you should be able to gain full lane control
- Level 2 depends on what she levels - check info
- Crash third wave and reset
- If shes looking to trade, position a bit farther back so you can extend the trade after she uses CDs
- All in if she wastes her W, she is very easy to kill without it
- Avoid fighting her when she uses ult if you can unless you can kill her
- Don't be scared level 1
- Trading when the wave is pushing to you - Check info
- Jumping on her when she has full CDs, since she can just stun you mid air and E away
- Letting her poke with W for free
- She can cancel your autos with her 3rd Q / W
- First few levels its jax favoured but from level 3-9/11~ she has a window to kill you and snowball, this is usually before you complete divine/bork, but once you have divine completed then it becomes much easier to fight her
- Her damage comes from her passive and Q auto resets. If you take a short trade, and then decide to follow with Q when she still has passive stacks, you will most likely lose that fight. Especially if she saves Q3 to displace your jump.
- If she levels W second, she can ( Q1 > W > AA > walk away ). How to counter: If she postures for a trade,
take a step back, this forces her to commit Q2, which will let you easily win the trade.
- With E second, you can actually start the trade with her, just make sure to hold Q till the last second since she will try to use E to space the stun.
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: Always
- Cheese top bush.
- Take short E trade, if he uses flamespitter on wave
- Play safe, avoid his harass and look to solo kill at level 6-9
- Dodge his harpoons by standing behind minions
- Look to punish him if he uses overheat on wave
- At 6 oneshottable at 60% HP
- Trade him when his bar is orange, his abilities have bonus effects
- Stay in his Q/R the damage stacks up
- Getting chunked by his poke for nothing
- Getting hit by 2 harpoons ( they reduce MR )
- Good Rumble players will give you a hard time
- Look to cs rather than trading since his W ( Shield ) has low CD
- Rush mercs/sheen/warhammer if you can afford it. If you are really struggling, rushing Hexdrinker isn't a bad option.
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork/Wits > adapt
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Abuse ryzes weak level 1. You should be able to get level 2 first
- Chunk him if he ever wastes W
- If he doesnt have phase rush or wastes it, you can just run him down the lane and kill him
- Stand far away from lane to avoid his E-Q splash damage
- Let him chunk you level 3-9
- Avoid letting him push you in early
- Stand near minions that have his E mark
- You will get demolished if you don't play aggressively early
- If has phase rush, you won't have very high kill pressure in the sidelane
- Honestly not a bad dodge if you know its ryze top
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Mercs > Sheen
Core: Divine > Wits > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Play to slow push the first 3 waves
- After the first 3 waves, look to play safe and take short trades with W/E
- Hold E until she uses Q
- Use Counterstrike to block her E from stacking
- Sidestep her W's
- Be careful post 6 when she has ignite, since she can burst you are 60% HP
- Play sidelane after second item
- Getting poked by W for nothing
- Letting her kite you out with her Q
- Don't play aggressive post-3
- If you can work on dodging her W's the lane will become much easier
- Play safe and scale to 2 items
- She has similar gank with Malphite setup post-6
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC/Hull
Summoners: Always
- You can play aggressively level 1 - check info
- Counterstrike if his E is about to hit you, then take a short trade ( E > AA > W > A > Q away )
- Bait out his E by standing at the edge of his hitbox if you are confident in your movement
- Use Q to dodge his W damage
- you can hard trade or even kill if he wastes E/W on wave to shove
- Letting him land W true damage
- Having Q cancelled by Facebreaker
- Getting hit by empowered autos
- Going near him without E/Q
- Fighting near his tower / trying to tower dive him
- Hard matchup due to his sustain, but the key to this matchup is good spacing and patience to not let him chunk you for free
- You can tell what ability he staarted by looking at his grit bar ( white bar ). He doesn't gain grit without W
- W start: ( AA > E his second passive auto > AA > recast E > walk away while dodging his W true damage )
- E start: Wait until he E's you, then ( block his passive auto with E > AA > AA > recast E > AA > walk away )
- He has kill pressure when you are below 50% HP
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- You can chunk him out early if you block his 3 empowered autos
- Push him undertower once he hits level 6
- You win extended trades since you have lower CDs
- Kite back so that shen can't E through you, then Q after he dashes away
- When he uses his W just wait it out before using W
- Letting him drag dagger through you
- Trading close to his turret, he will taunt you
- Using empowered auto into his W
- Letting Shen hitting level 2 first
- Freezing post 6
- Stay in lane to prevent him from having early dagger position
- When shen drags Q or E through you, you get slowed and his passive gets its CD reduced. preventing
this will make the matchup significantly easier
- Always position yourself in a way he cannot drag blade through you
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Protect the proxy
- Aggressively trade / zone him from first wave
- Look to all in at level 2 when he's 65% HP or less. Level 2 trade pattern: Let him walk up to you but try to avoid his poison ( AA > E > Q when he flips you > AA > recast E > kill/walk away )
- W him when he walks up for CS
- Rush mercs/sheen
- Trade near tower if he can flash > fling you
- Chasing without CDs
- Letting him proxy for free
- Being passive in the early levels
- Trying to 1v1 him once he has 3+ items
- His W can stun if he flings you into it
- Every time he walks up for a last hit you can punish him with a short E > W trade
- You will outscale at 1-3 items but you will lose after that point
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Wits > Shojin
Summoners: Always
- Cheese tri/top bush
- E trade early but dont walk into his Q for free
- Freeze when possible
- Use stun to cancel his Q charge
- After getting hit by his E, instantly jump away or he gets a guaranteed hit on his Q cuz of the slow + dmg reduction makes him hurt even more
- Use Leap to dodge his Q
- Walk up close to bushes without knowing where he is
- Staying too close to him without spells to escape/dodge his Q
- Jumping into him as he can R and cc chain you which can lead to your death especially under tower
- He will scale infinitely with HP, if you think your going to side a lot vs him then you can second item bork
- his Q resets to 2 seconds CD if it gets interrupted by CC, keep this in mind when you cancel it with E
- If you destroy his shield, he cant pop it for damage
- Counterstrike blocks his passive autos
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
Sylas- Cheese topbush
- Abuse his weak level 1
- If he walks up for CS, you can take a short E trade. He will most likely take E to space your Counterstrike, kite back to minions to block his E2
- Be careful of his level 2 since he can chunk you
- Use ignite to cut his W healing
- Get too close and give him free W heals
- Try and fight him when he has your R and yours is on CD
- Walking up without being prepared to dodge or trade when his E is ready
- Taking his Q2 damage, it does a lot more damage than first Q but its easy to dodge
- He is much stronger 3-9, but once you get divine the matchup will become free
- his E can interrupt your Q dmg if it lands early in the animation
- when he steals your ult during early game, your ult will come up way before he can steal it again which you can keep track of in your HUD bar, but he can steal your teammates ults so keep this in mind
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork/Wits > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
Tahm kench
- Tribush cheese
- Trade with E > W if he walks up for CS
- Constantly wiggle in lane to dodge his Q's
- Avoid long trades as he will win those
- stand behind minions to avoid his Q
- If he gets 2+ stacks on his passive then use Q to get away from him ASAP
- Cancel his W with your E
- Let him land Q/W when your E is down, he can follow up easily with 3 autos and eat you which chunks you massively. can even force you to have to go base
- Letting him land Q also heals him
- Watch out for out of vision W's
- He has to auto 3x to be able to eat you but this becomes very easy for him when your E is on CD and he lands his Q so play safe during this period
- His E heals him for % of damage you do to him out of combat
- If he has kill pressure if he eats you near his tower, you need to be extremely cautious of this
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC / adapt
Summoners: Always
- Farm first 3 minions with E
- Just play safe and avoid early poke
- You will win short trades ( Q > E > Wait to auto until the blind is gone > AA > W > Walk away ). It's important to use bushes to drop his vision after these trades
- Use E to farm cannons/minions when he blinds you
- Abuse him when he doesn't have Q
- Post 6 you can look to all in when he is 60% HP
- Avoid walking in the obvious shroom spots
- Getting chunked early for no reason
- Using W/Autos while blinded
- Trading without Q/E
- Play aggressive with Q/E early game to free up space in the lane
- add more
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Mercs > sheen
Core: Divine > Wits > Hourglass
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Tribush cheese
- Only trade with E early
- Take fights before he can stack fury or right after he uses Q
- Short trade with W when he goes for CS
- Use Q to kite out his ult
- Use tower to fuck up his pathing when he tries to dive you
- Don't let him Auto > E you for free
- Getting hit by W
- Trading without E/Q
- Using E Aggressively post-6
- Trying to fight him when has R
- Once you hit sheen/divine the matchup will become very easy
- When E's towards you, quickly click towards him to dodge the W
- Most of his early game strength is based on fury
- You will win level 1 if he doesn't have fury
- Buy a stopwatch since the item basically counters tryn
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > FH/omen > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- You will win level 1 if you can stay on top of him
- Block his empowered E auto
- Abuse him when he doesn't have his red bar
- His pops empowered W shield, just run the fuck away
- Space his AOE death tornado ( R )
- Getting chunked by his empowered R
- Forcing a fight into his W shield
- Being impatient rather than chilling and scaling
- Rush mercs/sheen
- Once you hit divine the matchup will be easy af
- add more - idk how udyr works lol
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Adapt
Summoners: Always
- Farm first 3 melees with E
- Play safe and wait until level 3
- Sidestep his Q's
- Hold counterstrike until he E's you
- add more
- Tanking his empowered passive autos
- Forcing a fight into his W shield
- Being impatient rather than chilling and scaling
- add more
- His W attacks the nearest target nearby, so you can tank the damage with minions
- His abilities mark you for 5 seconds, which allows his W to track you through minions
- Flash his initial E to force an all in or when the fight is really close
- add more
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Steelcaps/sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Farm first 3 melees with E
- Play safe and wait until level 3
- Sidestep his Q's
- Hold counterstrike until he E's you
- add more
- Tanking his empowered passive autos
- Forcing a fight into his W shield
- Being impatient rather than chilling and scaling
- add more
- His W attacks the nearest target nearby, so you can tank the damage with minions
- Post 3 items just never fight her 1v1
- Flash his initial E to force an all in or when the fight is really close
- add more
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Level 1 trade with ( Q > AA > AA > AA > walk into bush )
- If you can gain level 2 first, look to zone him from CS/exp. You can kill him with ignite if he greeds for exp
- Let him push to you but freeze near tower
- Dont let him get empowered Q's ( keep in mind of his Q burst MS and his E extends his red bar )
- Look to all in him when his W is on cooldown, especially if you have ignite
- Take even trades, his healing lets him win in the long run
- Tanking empowered Q's
- Don't play passive in the early levels, or he will completely control the lane
- When you jump on to him in a long lane, hold your E for a second to extend the trade.
- If he spaces your E you can fake walk away then step back into him
- His Q heals him extra when he is lower
- His R Mark makes everything do bonus damage so keep this in mind
- Vladimir pool has a 28 second cooldown
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: Always
- Take short E trades ( if he hits E you will lose )
- Short trades only
- Use your full kit before his E shield drops, then Q away for max value. Just be careful for the next 14 seconds, since you have no CDs
- Use E to block his stun
- Trade more aggressively when you purchase sheen
- Post 6 - look to all in with ignite when he is around 55% HP
- Let him land E
- Let him W twice
- Extended trades without E
- Getting baited by him being low, his R/W makes him pretty tanky if you dont kill him fast enough
- Not counterstriking his Q stun
- Don't trade if the wave is crashing, since he the best dive in the game
- You outscale at 1-3 items
- His passive hits you constantly but does low damage which refreshes doran's shield healing and makes it
Very good against him
- His W has low cooldown and if he hits you with it twice then he heals and does bonus damage on second proc
- His E does a lot of damage early and slows you while giving him a shield, he has a little animation which lets you know when its about to land, look out for this.
- If he first Q's he won't cast an E animation. A lot of volibears will cheese kills by doing this
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Take short E trades level 1
- Let him push you in and continue to poke him down
- Either use stun to kite his E or Q away
- Avoid his R at all costs since it does about 250-300 damage and heals up the same amount
- At level 6, look for an all in when he is 60% hp
- Use ignite when he's below 40% HP to cut his increased healing
- Rush sheen
- Trading without counterstrike
- Letting him Q you for free
- Avoid using your burst his E since it gives him 35-55% damage reduction
- Fighting him when you don't have ignite
- The only way you lose this matchup is by getting barrier cheesed. So just take short trades, and then all in him at 60% HP
- If you don't let him snowball you will mega outscale him
- His healing is trippled while he is low
- Attack speed is 2X - 3X when you are below 50% / 33% HP
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Tribush cheese
- Punish if he ever walks up for early CS
- Ignite him as he E's towards you to reveal his clone
- You win most extended trades before level 6
- Look for an all in when he is 70% hp and you have ignite
- Your empowered auto will stop if he goes into W, walk with him and wait for him to reappear autoing him
- Letting him Q you for free
- Using your E when he has W and R
- Attacking/igniting his clone
- His R can cancel your Q jump
- Wukong has serious kill pressure on you when he hits level 6. You will need to be careful with your E usage after this point
- add more
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > FH/Shojin
Summoners: Always
- Avoid his Q's
- W him when he goes to CS
- E when he E's onto you, then Q when he E's away
- Short trades with E early
- At 6 you can start looking for solo kills
- Getting hit by Q3
- Letting him kite your E out
- Walking up without Q/E
- You will only use this matchup by letting him poke you down for free
- It's important to play around his nado timing. If he uses Q3 on wave or it times out, you then have a window for a trade
- His Q stacks through your Counterstrike

-His Q will deal damage through counterstrike if it goes through a minion first, if it doesn't then counterstrike will block it
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: Always
- Take short E trades early
- bait his Q by getting into his Q range then sidestepping.
- If you dodge his Q, hold E for a second to extend the trade for more damage
- Don't stand by dying minions because he will CS them with his W
- look out for his E - Q3 ( nado ) combo, it has a lot of range and easily set up a gank for his jungler
- If he has Q3 while running away, kite back for a second, so you don't get hit by the hitbox behind the nado
- Fight him without E
- Getting hit by his W
- Letting him kite out counterstrike with his E
- Having your Q interrupted by his knock
- he can one shot you from 60/70% hp with nado + R + ignite if your not careful
- His Q stacks through your Counterstrike
- add more

-His Q will deal damage through counterstrike if it goes through a minion first, if it doesn't then counterstrike will block it
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Bork > Shojin
Summoners: D1+ go TP

- Tribush cheese
- Trade with E early game
- Abuse his weak early game
- If you are confident in your ability to wiggle well in lane and bait out + dodge his E then do it a lot, if you do it well which you should
be able to after some practice then the lane becomes a lot easier as you can start to win trades and look to snowball
- Hold Q until he uses cage
- Getting caged for nothing
- Fight him with his ult around unless you can kill him easily
- Letting him chunk you with E for free
- The only way you will struggle in this matchup is if you Q onto him when he has cage and full ghouls
- Be careful when he has fully graves stacked
- add more
Start: Doran's blade
Rush: Warhammer/Sheen
Core: Divine > Bork > Hullbreaker
Summoners: D1+ go TP
- Take short E trades
- Step on his blobs
- Stand behind minions to block his Q1, and block his Q2 with E
- If you can dodge his E/Q, you will win any fight
- If you are confident in your ability to wiggle in lane to bait his W, the lane will become much easier
- You win early game with stacked passive
- Fight him with his ult, unless you can kill him easily
- Getting full combo'd under his tower
- Letting him cancel your jump with either Q2 or E
- Zac's infocard shows if he has passive
- add more
Start: Doran's shield
Rush: Sheen > Divine
Core: Divine > Wits > BC
Summoners: D1+ go TP