Point Cost
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Cursed1RKrulth1952L2S-3L-3L-3L-2SSea Monster. This sea monster gets +1 to its boarding rolls. If it succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates a mast.Recent volcanic activity has driven this blind sea demon from his ancient, subterranean home. Rising angrily to the sunlit surface, Krulth unleashes his rage against ships unlucky enough to offend his remaining senses.
Pirate2RLasses' Lament1451L2S-2S-3S-3S-3SSea Monster. As part of a move action, this sea creature can initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship can’t use any boarding bonuses.Known to sweep the decks of unsuspecting ships when the moon is gone from the sky, Lasses’ Lament earns its name on a weekly basis.
Cursed3RNamazu1542S3S-3S-3S-3SSea Monster. Give this sea monster a shoot action. A wave S wide and 2L long leaves the sea monster in one direction. Up to 2 masts of every ship in the path of the wave are eliminated. Eliminate one of this sea monster's masts.Old sailors shiver at the mention of Namazu. Few who have survived its tidal attacks can return to the sea, so paralyzing are the nightmares of the memory.
American4RSlippery Devil1642S+S3L-3S-4S-3LSea Monster. If this sea monster succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates a mast.Not one to run from purported beasties of the sea, the Americans often try to herd the Slippery Devil toward enemy shipping lanes, where they hope it will wreak havoc.
Spanish5RRocinante1837S+S4S-4S-4SHoist. Secret Hold. This ship can't be pinned.The heroic vessel Rocinante launched from Spain amid a roar of applause. The hopes and dreams of a new age of Spanish glory go with her.
American6RUSS Strongarm1736L3S-3L-3SHoist. Broadsides Attack.The USS Strongarm is hard at work in the South Pacific identifying useful islands and bringing back samples of potential trade goods.
French7RÉbat813L+S2SGalley. When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.The “Frolic” earned her name due in no small part to her maneuverability. The crew often taunts larger ships into wasting precious ammunition on her—which they know will rarely find its mark.
Pirate8RPlague of the South1015S+S+S3SGalley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship.Though smaller than the other pirate plagues, the speed and mighty cannoneers of the Plague of the South ensure that she is the most aptly named of them all.
English9RElthelfleda1644S+L3S-4L-3S-4LGalley. This ship can move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.In another life this ship was a simple freighter. After surviving an attack by pirates, her crew gained a thirst for combat and outfitted her with an array of superior weaponry.
French10RSirène1543S+L3L-4S-4S-3LGalley. This ship can't be shot at by ships within S of her.Originally designed to cater to aristocracy, the Sirène’s appearance fools many into thinking that she is still just that: a ferry for the rich and ripe for the picking.
Commandante Antonio de Silva
6Captain. Musketeer.Still devoted to protecting the interests of the Crown, De Silva fights to forge a new era of prosperity for Spain.
George Washington LeBeaux
6Instead of giving this ship an action this turn, you can give another ship in your fleet two actions.For many months, strange visions and the sound of unfamiliar drums resonated in LeBeaux’s dreams. Spirits in distant lands were crying out for help and he has traveled far from his native Louisiana to answer them.
Pirate13RThe Headhunter6If this ship wins a boarding party, she can either take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space or can eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.The bones of his enemies are no longer enough for the Headhunter. Inspired by erroneous tales of native rituals, he has doubled his “head count” searching for knowledge of dark power.
English14RTobias Huntington5
HMS Goodfellow
Choose a ship within S of this ship. If there are any unique treasures on that ship, that ship’s controller shows them to you. This ship can load one unique treasure from that ship, if able.With the Crown weary of France’s endless attacks, it has sent forth young Tobias Huntington to seek trinkets that might be useful in the battle with the French.
English15UHMS Halcyon1144S+S2S-2L-2L-2SWhen this ship sinks another ship, you can repair one of this ship's masts.The HMS Halcyon always sees sunny days thanks in no small part to the ingenuity and abilities of her stalwart crew.
Cursed16UBlack Coral1544S+S4S-3S-3S-4SSecret Hold. This ship gains the Eternal keyword as long as she has a crew with the Captain keyword or “Captain” in its name.The haunting voice of a centuries-dead mariner echoes from within a heavy conch fossil kept on the deck, any captain on her powerless to do anything but follow its mysterious commands.
English17UNative Canoes12X1L+S3SNative Canoe. Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, you may repair one mast on ships within S of any native canoes.
French18UNative Canoes9X1S+S3SNative Canoe. When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
Pirate19UNative Canoes11X1S+S4SNative Canoe. This ship can dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Spanish20CColector Del Día1136S+S3L-3L-3LJunk. Once per turn, this ship can move S after loading cargo.This ship’s crew despise their unavoidable time ashore. In fact, the “Daycatcher” is always the first to slip her lines before the early morning light breaks the horizon, and no one ever sees her leave.
American21CMongrel1334S+S2S-3L-2SJunk. If this ship is within S of a friendly ship when this ship is given a move action, she gets +S to her base move.She’s no beauty, but the Mongrel has a lot more to offer than the pretty faces of her crew. She is frequently set upon enemy vessels to ensure safe passage.
French22CRenard à Ailes1123S+S+S2S-2SJunk. Once per turn as part of a move action, this ship can randomly take one treasure from any ship up to S away from her.As her name implies, the “Winged Fox” specializes in swift raids, stealing from England’s fleets. The British Navy has yet to so much scratch her hull.
Pirate23CCuerno de la Cabra1123L2L-2LJunk. Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.Arrogant sailors of every nation have mistaken the small size of the “Goat’s Horn” for weakness—and their pockets have paid dearly for it.
Cursed24CFaerie Fire1533L2S-3L-2SGhost Ship.Sailors claim the Faerie Fire glows not from any ethereal light, but from the burning hatred gathered in life and now harbored by the men who crew her.
English25CHMS Goodfellow1225S+S4L-4L
Tobias Huntington
Schooner. Secret Hold.Shipwrights constructed many hidden holds within the cargo bay of the HMS Goodfellow. Her singing crew is always greeted with beaming smiles when she returns to port.
American26CHermosa1323L2L-2LSchooner. Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons can shoot again if it misses.An older vessel, the “Beautiful” has seen many adventures across many seas but has never lost the glow that surrounded her since her maiden voyage.
Mademoiselle Josephine Godiva
2Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.Unable to bring himself to see Lady Godiva’s fate, the Duc de Valois warned her of Papa Doc’s plans for her. Shocked but now armed with the knowledge, Lady Godiva realizes the path to her beloved is fraught with peril, which she will need to overcome to see him again.
Spanish027BCSebastián Rojo9Marine. Once per turn, you can eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action.Rojo’s past is steeped in blood. An expert at dealing with natives and policing those disloyal to Spain, Rojo has dedicated himself to ensure that the conquest of the South Pacific is successful.
American028ACPierce Hollow6Musketeer. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.Pierce often recalls her father’s tales of travel from the South China Seas to the Pacific Triangle. If a man could make his fortune there, perhaps a woman could, too.
Cursed028BCPapa Doc8This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship can’t use its ability that turn.When Duc de Valois failed to deliver Josephine Godiva, Papa Doc turned all his wrath on France. With news of Godiva in the Polynesian triangle, he has begun stopping ships to find her. His luck is doubled by having her so close to the very altar where he plans to sacrifice her.
English029ACCountess Diana Doone8Once each time this ship is given an action, you can roll 2d6 any time you would roll a d6. Choose the result you want to use.All was well for Countess Doone until the Doone family showed up in the Caribbean looking for their daughter. Fleeing before disgrace and English authorities could catch up with her, she's on the run trying to cling to the life she's stolen. Or perhaps acquire another one.
Pirate029BCWall-Eyed Worthington2Once per turn, this ship can look at one face-down cargo on any ship.Worthington's odd looks are easily gotten past once one realizes he's one of the best set of eyes available on the high seas. They say he can spy the color of a captain's eyes from leagues away.
UT30RTiki of the Volcano0Eliminate all but one crew from this ship. If there is a Tribal Chieftain on this ship, you must eliminate only one crew from this ship.
UT31RNative Lore0Place three trade currents, and then remove Native Lore from the game.
UT32RSeastar0Load this treasure face down. When revealed, once per turn as a free action roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, repair one mast on this ship.
UT33RAbandoned Charts0When this treasure is revealed, mark all wild islands as explored and choose any wild island and look at all the face down treasure on that island. Then remove Abandoned Charts from the game.
Spanish40CCargo Master5Cargo Master.
French41SRFetu1636L3S-4L-3SLady RoimataHoist. If this ship has a crew with the Captain keyword, she gets +L to her base move.To help make an ally of France, Lady Roimata presented a captured hoist ship. In a return gesture France bid her to keep it in order to help her and her people through the explorations of the newcomers.
French42SRPararaihe614S+S2SThis ship eliminates two masts with one hit.France presented the natives with "Paradise" in return for shipwreck treasure. She was quickly renamed in a native tongue and put to work fending off would-be explorers of their shores.
French43SRLady Roimata6FetuCaptain. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship can be given the same action twice.Suspicious and not very welcoming of the newcomers to her ocean-bound land, Lady Roimata has made overtures towards France for the benefit of her people. French cannons may be put to even better use against neighboring islands.
UT44SREye of Maru0When this ship is given a shoot action you may double the range of one of her cannons.
English45SEBrazen1424L3L-3LCatamaran. This ship can dock at an enemy home island and take as much treasure as she can carry. If able, she must leave on your next turn.Though working for England, the crew of the Brazen use techniques that are decidedly un-British. Even so, England has yet to complain about the cargo they continually bring in.
Pirate46SEOrphan1635S+S3S-4S-4SDouble Catamaran. If this ship is the target of a shoot action, the attacking player must first roll a d6. On a result of 1-3, this target can't be shot at and the attacking player can give their ship another action.The scattered survivors of pirate ships sunk by various nations have banded together to set sail once again aboard the Orphan.
Cursed47SESskwa'aluk1335L+S5L-5L-5LWindcatcher. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew and one mast from the rammed ship.Crewed entirely by Trogs, this foul vessel actually carries a coral nest beneath her hull. What lives within the nest is known only to the Trogs—and the captives who are lowered into the hull as food.
French48SEDemoiselle1234L4L-3S-4LTurbine. This ship can load cargo from a wild island if she's within S of it.The French built the “Damselfly” to hunt treasure in distant lands and to always stay one step ahead of the English.
American49SEUSS Conscript1334S+S3S-3S-3STurbine. When this ship hits an enemy ship, you can also eliminate one cargo from that ship.The ship formerly known as Kingfisher was “persuaded” to join America’s fleet. Taking the name USS Conscript in protest, they tend to destroy cargo rather than return it to their new “compatriots".
Spanish50SEBabieca1335L3L-2S-3LWindcatcher. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.Named in honor of the warhorse of the legendary Spanish hero, El Cid, the Babieca displays strength and stamina in combat fitting of her namesake.
051ASEZhànfǔ25106S+S4L-3L-3S-3S-2S-2S-3S-3S-3L-4LHuang BaiJunk. Mercenary. Dories. American crew can use their abilities on this ship.Unwilling to cede the end of the Jade Empire, Huang Bai nonetheless realizes the need to pause and rebuild—as a mercenary. His first customer, America, is eager to pit him and “Golden Axe” against the expanding Spanish empire.
051BSEHuang Bai5ZhànfǔEx-Patriot. Hostile: Spain. Once per turn, you can eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you can trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
052ASEFortaleza25106L2L-3L-4S-3S-3S-3S-3S-4S-3L-2LVinicio CastilloJunk. Mercenary. Dories. Spanish crew can use their abilities on this ship.Left behind to clean up after Spain’s conflicts with the Jade Rebellion, Castillo decided the life of a mercenary was both more lucrative and somehow more honorable. Despite his past, he and “Fortress” were still hired to assist in Spain’s clashes with America.
052BSEVinicio Castillo5FortalezaCaptain. Ex-Patriot. Hostile: America. Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.