Castle High School $cholarship List
Date AddedName of ScholarshipDeadlineAmountQualificationsHow to ApplyNotes
List is sorted by Date Added. Shaded Gray: deadline has passed
8/15/24Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship8/22/2024Full tuition/feesResident of IN, graduate of Warrick HS, 3.7 GPA, essay and interview required for finalists
8/15/24Indiana University Wells Scholar9/6/2024, CHS deadline to be considered as a nomineeFull cost of attendance at IU BloomingtonSrs interested in attending IU Bloomington can apply to be one of Castle's 2 nominees. Please note that students applying for this nomination should also apply to IU Bloomington as soon as possible and no later than November 1. The Wells Scholars nomination is a separate application process than university admission. If you would like to be considered for IU Wells Scholars nomination, please send your resume to Mrs. Fulkerson in the Guidance Office at no later than 3 pm on Friday, September 6, 2024. The two students selected to be Castle's nominees will be voted upon by the Castle High School staff. If not selected to be one of the two nominees, students may consider self-nomination through the IU Wells Scholars website.Each year, between 18 and 22 incoming IU freshmen are offered this highly competitive scholarship. Past nominees generally place in the top 5% by class rank, have a GPA of at least 3.9 out of 4.0, and (optionally) a 1430+ SAT score and/or 32+ ACT score. To learn more about this prestigious opportunity, visit the Wells Scholars website at
8/15/24Coca-cola Scholars9/30/2024Up to $20,000Students need a 3.0 GPA and to fill out an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to HS seniors. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. 150 college scholarships awarded
9/11/24Elks Most Valuable Student11/12/2024$1000-$7500 per yearApplicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, community involvement, and financial need. high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply. Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks.
9/11/24U. of Southern Indiana B/MD Program11/22/2024Full tuition for undergradresident of IN, 3.5GPA, 27 ACT, 1280 SAT, no superscores, 3 reference letters USI B/MD scholarship offers an opportunity for focused Pre-Medical students to earn a scholarship for their undergraduate studies while they receive the best access to pre-medical advising.
9/11/24USI Multicultural Leadership Scholarship12/6/2024$5000/yearAwarded to students who demonstrate academic achievement and leadership in diverse organizations, environments and leadership capacity for civic engagement and within the workplace. 3.0GPA - Interview Day
9/23/24Knights of Pythias of Indiana Scholarship Program1/31/25$1000/30 awarded3.0 GPA, 2 essays required the Public Only application unless you have a family member who is a Pythian. For questions, call or email, 765-686-1735
10/22/24Bally's Evansville Project 21 Scholarship4/4/2025Three $2000 awardsProject should address the subject of deterring young people from engaging in underage gambling or on the social/legal ramifications of underage gambling (e.g., fines, penalties, criminal records, deterrence).Application available in the Guidance Office. Submit essays, posters, and videos to Bally's Evansville, Attn: Ashley Justice. Phone 812.433.4059 or email ajustice@ballysevansville.comProject 21 is in educational program designed to communicate the consequences associated with under aged hambling. High school and college students age 17-21 may submit psoters, essays, and/or videos.
11/14/24Johnson Foundation Scholarship1/17/2025varies - 2 per WCSC High School, up to $5000Scholarship for students in Communications/Media/Journalism/Music fields. At least 2.7 GPA, must attend college on a full-time basis, require financial assistance, SAT/ACT scoresApplication Link2 awards per WCSC HS: one will go to a student wishing to minor/major in Journalism and one for Music, if there are no applicant for this field of study, any field of study is eligible. Must submit completed application form, transcript, letter of rec from teacher or counselor and one from a non-family member, short essay
11/14/24Yankeetown Alumni Scholarship4/3/2025$150Yankeetown graduate, Senior in HS with a 2.0 GPA or higher and write a short essay explaining your continuing education plans.Application LinkSubmit application to the Guidance Office.
11/14/24Newburgh Girls Softball4/3/2025$500Female graduating senior involved with Newburgh Girls Softball for at least 4 years. Involvement may include players, umpires, coaches and volunteers. Must submit essay and letter of recommendation.Link to Application HEREApplicants must submit requirements by US mail on or before April 3, 2025 to: Scholarship, Newburgh Girls Softball, PO Box 254, Newburgh, IN 47629
11/14/24Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship1/31/2025Up to $10,000/yearEducation Majors, Rank in the top 20% of HS class, or have a top 20% ACT or SAT score, or 3.0 cum GPA. Must plan to attend Indiana institution high school and college students who are planning to teach in the State of Indiana for at least five years can apply
11/26/24Chandler Youth Basketball Association4/11/2025Two $500Be a US citizen, Be a graduating high school senior, 2.5GPA, Played a minimal of one season with Chandler Youth Basketball, Attend an accredited 2yr, 4yr, or vocational institution within one year of HS graduation, 2 page essay requiredLink to application HEREPurpose of Scholarship To provide financial assistance to a CYBA participant with an interest in pursuing a continuing education post high school in any field of study
11/26/24Newburgh Junior Baseball5/1/2025$1,000Applicant must have been involved with Newburgh Jr Baseball for at least 2 years, includes player, umpire, or coach. Essay, transcript, letter of recommendationLINK to apply. Scholarship entries can be sent to with the subject line "NJB Scholarship"The scholarship winner will be determined by the Booster Club Scholarship Committee. The criteria used will be: 1. Number of years involved with NJB 2. High school GPA and class rank 3. Other extra-curricular activities and honors 4. Letter of Recommendation 5. Essay
11/26/24Gray Farms Presidents Scholarship1/20/2025Two $10003.5 GPA required. Annual scholarship established to honor the past presidents of the Gray Family business interests. This scholarship was created to encourage and provide financial assistance to high school graduates of schools located in counties where the Gray Family has historically had business, includes Warrick Co. Criteria will be based on the following:Academics (10 points)
Work Experience (10 points) School Activities (10 points) Community Service/Activities (10 points) Extracurricular Activities: Fine Arts (10 points) Extracurricular Activities: Sports (10 points) Personal Statement (10 points) Unusual Circumstances (10 points) Financial Need (10 points) Essay: Statement of Aspirations and Educations Goals (10 points) Letters of Recommendations (10 points)
11/26/24Allison Tenbarge Criminal Justice Scholarship1/20/2025$500Female student planning to pursue a post-secondary degree (2- or 4-year) in criminal justice or law enforcement and graduating from any high school in Daviess, Gibson, Knox, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh or Warrick County. scholarship created by the family of Allison Tenbarge in memory of Allie and her son, Parker, who were victims of domestic violence. It was Allie’s dream to follow in her father’s footsteps to pursue a career in criminal justice. This scholarship honors Allie’s memory by providing financial assistance to females studying criminal justice or law enforcement with the hope that once they enter the field, they will help make a positive impact in the fight against domestic violence.
11/26/24Clarence & Dorothy Gerard Scholarship for Nursing1/20/2025$11,160Graduating senior of any high school located in Posey, Vanderburgh, or Warrick County, planning to pursue a nursing degree, Renewable for 4 years Criteria - Graduating seniors of any high school located in Posey, Vanderburgh, or Warrick counties with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (4.0 scale) and who are planning to pursue a nursing degree at an accredited college, university, or technical/vocational school within the counties served by the Community Foundation Alliance (Daviess, Gibson, Knox, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer Vanderburgh, and Warrick). Recipients of the scholarship must attend a college, university, or technical/vocational school located in one of these counties.
11/26/24Dahni Jo Memorial Scholarship1/20/2025Two $1000Graduating senior who resides or attends school in Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh, or Warrick and will major in
veterinary science, animal science, animal behavior, veterinary technology, zoology, or a related field. scholarship in loving memory of Dahni Jo Shanafelt created by her family and friends to enable her spirit to live on through community and educational activities that help animals and others.
11/26/24Elizabeth Rudolph Warrick County 4-H Scholarship1/20/2025$2,510Graduating senior from any Warrick County high school who has completeda minimum of 2 years of 4-H, 2.5GPA will be based on level of 4-H involvement as indicated by length of participation in 4-H, number/variety of participation in activities, leadership roles, embracing 4-H values and pledge (50%), the written essay (25%), letter of recommendation (20%), and financial need (5%). Scoring will reflect all aspects of 4-H participation and will not be influenced by awards/recognition.
11/26/24Friends of Pioneer Scholarship1/20/2025$2,000HS grads or graduating seniors who are residents of counties served by LPH Territory(Dubois, Perry, Pike, Spencer, Warrick) Sales Representatives. Applicants must have a min. 2.5 GPA (4.0 scale) and have at least one parent employed in the agriculture industry (e.g. farming, veterinary, agri-business, livestock production, 4-H staff, crop and soil science, etc.). scholarship established by Pioneer sales representatives in the LPH Territory to support the educational endeavors of high school graduates and graduating seniors who have a parent employed in the agriculture industry.
11/26/24Friends of Warrick County 4-H Scholarship1/20/2025$850Student graduating from any Warrick County High School who has participated in 4-H. will be based on all sections of the application form and the required essay, with special consideration given to applicant’s 4-H involvement.
11/26/24Greater Evansville USBCA Scholarship1/20/2025$1,390Eligible students (or their parents) must have been members of the Greater Evansville USBCA for two of the past four years and be attending high school in Posey, Vanderburgh or Warrick County. will be based on the applicant’s grade point average, involvement in bowling, level of community involvement and service, the required essay, and letters of recommendation.
11/26/24Harry A. Logan Fire Service Scholarship1/20/2025$1,600Graduating senior in the District 15 area (Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh or Warrick County) planning to pursue post-secondary education at any accredited college, university or technical/vocational school majoring in Fire Services or related majors. 2.75GPA will be based on all sections of the application form and financial need, with particular consideration of applicant’s history of involvement in community service. Preference will be given to applicants who have been cadets or who belong to a family of multi-generational firefighters.
11/26/24Hunter Thomas McDaniel “Hunter Strong” Scholarship1/20/2025$850 for each WCSC HSGraduating seniors from each of the three Warrick County School Corporation high schools, who are planning to attend an accredited vocational/ technical school, college, or university as a full-time student. will be based on the student’s academic abilities, school and community involvement, honors and awards, employment and/or family care responsibilities and unusual circumstances identified on the student’s application, the quality of the student’s essay, and references.
11/26/24Jay Lampton Memorial Scholarship1/20/2025$680Student enrolled in technology classes and planning to attend a postsecondary technical college with demonstrated financial need. will be based on financial need, academic performance, letter of recommendation, and the required essay. 2.0GPA
11/26/24Krista Lutterman Hurt Scholarship1/20/2025$1,970Graduating seniors of CHS with a 3.0 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) who are members of a CHS varsity athletic team in at least one IHSAA sanctioned sport, involved in school and community activities, and planning to attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university. scholarship created by Virginia and Randall Lutterman in memory of their daughter, Krista Lutterman Hurt, to provide scholarships to Castle High School graduating seniors who demonstrate the qualities of athletic achievement, academic excellence, leadership, service, and commitment to school and community.
11/26/24Manny Heaton Memorial Scholarship1/20/2025$2,000.00Graduating seniors who are children/legal dependants of current Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana (TMMI) employees. 2.0 cumulative grade point average (4.0 unweighted scale) and be planning to attend a two or four-year college or technical school. scholarship established in loving memory of Manny Heaton by his father, Tom Heaton. Manny was an exceptional individual whose life was tragically cut short in April 2023 due to an act of violence. The annual award will provide a scholarship to benefit the children of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana (TMMI) employees.
11/26/24Melba Jean Racener Scholarship1/20/2025$630Graduating seniors of any accredited HS in Daviess, Gibson, Knox, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, or Warrick. 3.0 cumulative GPA (4.0 scale), planning to pursue post-secondary education in advertising, marketing, communications or a related field. will be based on academic performance and financial need, with preference given to applicants who demonstrate active participation in extracurricular activities, especially as they relate to the applicants’ major.
11/26/24Project Associates Engineering1/20/2025$2,750Engineering majors at USI or U of Evansville of merit shall be based upon academic achievement as proven by grade point average, academic awards, and any other factors that the evaluation committee considers relevant.
11/26/24Raymond Fletcher McIntyre Scholarship1/20/2025$1,060Student graduating from any Warrick County High School planning to study automotive technology. 2.5 GPA scholarship created by the family and friends of Raymond Fletcher McIntyre to honor his memory and generous spirit as a well-known community leader and businessman. Ray owned and operated Chandler Auto Parts where his passion for cars and his knowledge of automotive technology was a resource for car enthusiasts in Warrick County and throughout Indiana. Serving as a Warrick County councilman and on numerous local service organization boards, Ray was known for his fairness. He was a true statesman and servant of the people.
11/26/24Sarah Frizzell Memorial Scholarship1/20/2025$1,270Student who is a current member of 4-H in good standing and graduating from any high school in Warrick County. scholarship created by Sharon L. Lynch in memory of her daughter.
11/26/24Southwest Indiana Master Gardeners Association1/20/2025$2,650Student planning to major in a course of study that has a primary focus on horticulture, botany, or landscape architecture. 2.65 GPA will be based on financial need and academic performance; however, financial need will be given priority in the selection process.
11/26/24Thomas F. Walls Youth Hockey Scholarship1/20/2025$620Graduating seniors of any accredited HS in Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh, or Warrick Co, GPA of 3.0, who have participated in the Evansville Youth Hockey Association or have participated in an IHSAA-sanctioned sport. Preference will be given to students who have participated in the EYHA. scholarship created in loving memory of Thomas F. Walls by his parents, Lee Ann Shafer and Dennis Walls, as well as other family and friends, to support the efforts of the Evansville Youth Hockey Association (EYHA) to develop a competitive and respected hockey program for young men and women and to encourage the highest levels of academic excellence, sportsmanship, and leadership.
1/14/25Right to Life Art, Essay, and Oratory ScholarshipsFeb Due Dates$75-$1000Right to Life of Southwest Indiana cordially invites 9-12 students to participate in the 18th annual Right to Life Art, Essay, & Oratory Scholarship Contests! This year, we have added an essay contest and changed the oratory contest. It has now been named the “Mary Ellen Van Dyke, Voices for Life Scholarship” in honor of the previous Executive Director of RTLSWIN, Mary Ellen Van Dyke. Mary Ellen was and is a pro-life advocate and still continues to advocate for the unborn., (812) 474-3195Theme for the scholarship this year is "The Pro-Life Generation" Oratory: Grades 9-12 Eligible students will write a 5-7 minute pro-life speech guided by the theme, “The Pro-Life Generation”. The top 3 finalists will present it on March 6, 2025, to a panel of judges. Art: Grades 7-12 This contest/scholarship strives to promote the ability of middle school & high school students to share their pro-life views with others. Eligible students will create an original piece of pro-life art guided by the theme, “The Pro-Life Generation”. Essay: Grades 7-12 This contest/scholarship seeks to help participants organize and express their views via an essay. Eligible students will write a 300-500 word essay around a pro-life theme. This year’s theme is “The Pro-Life Generation”. The following issues can also be addressed in the essay: Abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, or stem cell research.
1/14/25Kyle Parker Memorial Scholarship4/7/2025$4,000At least one parent or legal guardian must be deceasedLINK to Application Reside in Vanderburgh, Posey, Warrick, Gibson, or Henderson County, Be a graduating high school senior planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2022, Demonstrate a commitment to community service and provide documentation of the service
1/14/25Heritage Scholarship Designed for You2/28/2025Ten $2000Between the student and the parent/guardian, you must utilize at least 3 products/services at Heritage. Minimum GPA of 3.30. The student must be at senior at a HS within a county that has an operating Heritage branch. Please submit all required materials as PDF files in one email to by 11:59
pm on February 28, 2025.
Heritage will award 10 students with a $2,000 scholarship. The total scholarship will be distributed in increments of $1,000 over the student’s first and second year of school (at the beginning of each fall semester). Scholarship money will be deposited directly into the student’s Heritage account and can be used for tuition, books, fees, room and board, gas, or other related expenses.
1/22/25Evansville Iron Streetrods4/15/2025$3,000Seniors enrolled in Auto Body or Auto/Diesel Service who plan to continue their education in the automotive field.Application available in the Guidance Office or HERE
1/22/25Nancy Jaynes Memorial Scholarship, IN Breast Cancer Awareness Trust1/27/2025up to $2500Awarded to an Indiana HS senior whose parent is battling breast cancer or who has lost a parent to breast cancer. Minimum 2.8 - How We Help on bottom left and then Scholarships
1/22/25Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union3/7/2025Ten $1000 awardsA graduating senior enrolled in a Vanderburgh or Warrick HS and/or a current member and has been a member in good standing at Diamond Valley FCU at least 1 year; And/or a senior whose parent/guardian/grandparent is a current member and has been a member in good standing at Diamond Valley FCU for 1 year.Applications available in the Guidance Office, in person at any Diamond Valley location, or online at diamondvalleyfcu.orgApplication includes typed essay, 2 letters of recommendation, and a copy of your FAFSA Student Aid Report
1/22/25Liberty Federal Credit Union Ted Hitch Scholarship3/7/2025$5000 each/10 givenapplicant or parents must be LFCU members for 18 months, use at least 3 LFCU services, minimum 3.75 or pick up paper app at any Liberty FCU branch officeessay, FAFSA results, letter of reference, transcript
1/22/25(ASQ) Evansville-Owensboro 3/15/2025$500The scholarship will be awarded independent of any connection with ASQ membership (you or your family member(s) do not have to be a member of ASQ to be awarded). Scholarship GuidelinesLINK to ApplicationWith more than 70,000 individual and organizational members, the American Society for Quality is the world's leading authority on quality. ASQ helps people -- from everyday consumers to seasoned professionals -- learn more about quality and use what they learn to create better workplaces and communities worldwide. ASQ offers technologies, concepts, tools, training, and an active network of quality practitioners second to none. You can learn more about ASQ by visiting the national website at
1/22/25Warrick Rotary Service Above Self4/5/2025$750Must attend BHS, THS, or CHS, be planning to attend a college or trade school. Selection criteria: service above self qualities, leadership qualities, school and/or community service, letters of referenceApplications available on Google Classroom and in the Guidance Office. Link to Application One award at each of the 3 WCSC High Schools. Must mail application and postmark by 4/5/25. For questions,
1/22/25Warrick Co Teachers Assoc Partners4/3/2025$1,000For WCSC students going into a helping professionLINK to Application HEREOne from each WCSC high school will be awarded.
1/22/25IN Army National Guard Minuteman ScholarshipPackage valued at over $110,000High quality candidates identified and nominated by recruiting personnel. SAT 1000/ACT 19Those interested should contact Nathan Patterson at 812-447-8896 or by email at scholarship covers tuition, room & board, and books. Recipients also received a $420.00 a month tax free stipend that is paid directly to them while in school. USI has a 4-year award winner, and his package is valued at over $110,000.
2/7/25Gill/Wedding Orthodontics Scholarship3/21/2025Two $1500Applicants must currently be in orthodontic treatment or have completed orthodontic treatment by Gill/Wedding. Minimum 2.5 GPA. recipients will be determined based on essays, academic achievement, and participation in school and community activities.
2/7/25Indiana Sheriff's Association Scholarship Fund4/1/2025Forty $750 awardsOpen to Indiana residents, Must be pursuing an education and career in the criminal justice field, must be a member or become a member of the or hard copy available in the Guidance Office. Call 1-800-622-4779 for more information
2/7/25Louise Kester Nursing Scholarship Trust4/1/2025variesFor students pursuing a degree in nursing (RN), considerations: financial need, essay, SAT/ACT scores, GPAApplications available in the Guidance Office or HEREFor questions, contact Peoples Bank: Megan Patton 812-897-0230
2/7/25Warrick County Farm Bureau4/1/2025Six $1000 in Warrick Co.Applicant or parent or guardian should be a member of the Warrick Co. Farm Bureau for at least one year.Link To ApplicationAdditional Scholarship Opportunities with Farm Bureau at
2/7/25Evansville Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma3/14/2025$1,000Male or female education winner will be notified by early April, and he or she will be honored and presented with a check at the school’s scholarship night or class day.
2/7/25MOR-DST Scholarship, Evansville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.3/13/2025$1,000Awards are based on merit and need. Merit is the relative degree of motivation displayed in such matters as overall academic performance, involvement with and contributions to school and community organizations, and earning and saving money for his/her/their education. Need is the relative inability of the student to meet the cost of his/her post-secondary education. Workshop for Delta Sigma Theta
2/14/25Castle Senior Scholarship Fund3/14/25VariesThere are 2 steps to the application process: 1. Submit the google form application. 2. Turn in the appraisal form to the guidance office Castle Senior Scholarship Fund application is now live! Students in the Class of 2025 can now apply via the Google form posted in their Google classroom. Over 100 scholarships were awarded last year, so don't miss out on this opportunity to earn money for college/post-secondary education!
2/14/25Chandler Kiwanis4/7/2025$1,000Applicant must have a Chandler address to apply.The applications must be returned to the Kiwanis Club of Chandler. Link to ApplicationChandler Kiwanis, 422 Pony Lane, Chandler IN 47610