B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | |
1 | Date to run | Time Running (EDT) | Game Number | GM Name | Game Name | Game Genre/IP e.g. Science fantasy / Numenera | Game Description CHARACTER LIMIT: 255 (including spaces) | No of players (2-6) | VTT (No / Roll20/Foundry/Owlbear Rodeo etc) | Video required? (Y/N/preferred) | Discord Handle | Email address (can be given privately) | Are you Asset Team? | Notes | Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 | Player 4 | Player 5 | Player 6 | Game Name | Time Running (CDT) | |||||||||
2 | EXAMPLE | SAT 76th Sept | 4 | Kate Evans | An Open Book | The Magnus Archives | 5 | Roll20 | yes | kateevanssparks | kate@montecookgames.com | Yes | Mild horror: insects / no cannabalism/ over 13yrs to be accompanied by an adult / not child friendly | ||||||||||||||||||
3 | 6th SEPT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | FRIDAY 6th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 1 | Adam Currie | The Price of Resurrection | Modern Sci-fi | A group of budding archeologists awaken in the afterlife and are offered a chance to get their lives back from a mysterious celestial being. They are tasked with uncovering what caused their deaths and must deal with the consequences of their actions. Can you set things right? Will the world ever be the same? Will the price you pay be worth it? | 4 | No | No | Falamar7 | adamcurrie@hotmail.com | Yes | Pre-gens will be provided. Very little combat more so investigation and adventure focused. | |||||||||||||||||
5 | FRIDAY | Noon - 4pm | 2 | Anthony Fernandez | Dino Day Care | Predation | 4 | Roll20 | No | Spiggs 18 | Yes | Pre-gens will be provided. | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | FRIDAY | Noon - 4pm | 3 | AlphaDean | Blood Omens | Diamond Throne | The small Hamlet of Innda is being Plagued by dark forces and horrible dreams | 4 | Roll20 or RPG Stories | Preferred | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | FRIDAY | Noon - 4pm | 4 | Malek Annabi | Tram of the Dead | Modern Horror | In the midst of the recent zombie outbreak in Albuquerque, you heard there was an evacuation happening at Sandia Peak. Can you make it there in time or are you already too late? | 5 | Foundry and Discord or Alchemy | Preferred | King Burgundy | Yes | Pre-gens will be provided. | ||||||||||||||||||
8 | FRIDAY | Noon - 4pm | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | FRIDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 1 | Jason Campbell | Where the Dust Lies | WeirdWest/Post-Apoc/Gothic Horror (Setting name: "Doomsday at Six Gun City") | Your group of survivors have come to the village of Dustley, an “lasting town” - a ghost town where the residents were killed suddenly at Doomsday, leaving the town’s buildings and stores intact, until found and raided. You are here to rest and resupply if possible. As you approach from the south you see a rough looking cowboy and a native hunter facing off against a large creature with spindly legs and limbs. The hunter lunges at the creature with a long spear but the creature reaches a long thin limb towards his face, gripping his head in its claw and the native dissolves into a small pile of dust. The cowboy pulls a six shooter in each hand and fires shot after shot into the creature, seemingly with little effect. You realize that you heard nothing. You saw the guns fire with a tiny burst of smoke, but there was no sound. The creature reaches out for the cowboy’s throat, and you see him open his mouth to scream, but you hear nothing as his body crumbles to dust. Doomsday at Six Gun City is a ttrpg setting and adventure about a gothic horror apocalypse set in the weird west of an alternate world. After the war as the Union expanded west through the lands the indigenous peoples called home, a horrifying torrent of malevolence was released on the world, its cause still unknown. The macabre creatures and forces unleashed destruction on all, leaving the few survivors nearly hopeless. The few scattered heroes were left with only their skills, the arcane secrets of past mystics, and the bizarre creations of deviant inventors to fight the oncoming forces of darkness. | 6 | Owlber rodeo | no | shadomain | info@shadomain.com | Y | Gothic horror - theme but not gore or shock. Pre-gens provided | |||||||||||||||||
11 | FRIDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 2 | Molly Sumridge | Lost in Acadia National Park | Modern Day | A pet adventure! After a terrible storm causes campers in Acadia National Park to become seperated from their pets, owners and their pets must navigate the wilderness to become reunited. | 5 | No | No | Feral_Chyld | nikkoth@gmail.com | Y | Light hearted, pet loving, fun. Think Homeward Bound using Predation rules to play both an owner and someone else's pet. Family friendly. Characters are pre-gen. | |||||||||||||||||
12 | FRIDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | FRIDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 4 | william j hummel | darkest hour super sentia to the rescue | power rangers kamen rider | a darkest hour event. ur world is being invaded by dark spector , durring the invasion a primal force flows throw u and u transform tim to be a hero and save your worldd or be the villan and lay waste to it | 2 to 6 | theater of the mind | preferred | starheart_dragon | typhoniusstarheat@gmail.com | yes | inspired by boom studios darkes t hour power rangers even slight horro but nuthing more thenpg113 | |||||||||||||||||
14 | FRIDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 5 | Scott Coventry | Old Gods of Appalachia | 1920s horror | The Problem with Prolonged Possession | Up to 5 | Alchemy (just for image sharing) | Yes | ZealZaddy | scott@zealzaddy.com | Dark horror involving supernatural possession, and all that that entails. Requires filling out a MCG Consent in Gaming form in advance. Pregens provided. Not child friendly. | ||||||||||||||||||
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16 | FRIDAY | 8pm - midnight | 1 | Qedhup | Son of a Lich! | Fantasy | You did it! You completed the dungeon and got all the treasure. Oh but something is about to go horribly wrong. | 5 | Foundry | No | Qedhup | qedhup@gmail.com | Yes | Light hearted, and slightly silly. | |||||||||||||||||
17 | FRIDAY | 8pm - midnight | 2 | Kayla Bayens | Secret Wyld Space short! | SciFi, space adventures | Fight the corrupt corporations in space as you try to get in and out in a heist to grab the evidence. | 5 | No | No | justkay | kayla.bayens@gmail.com | Yes | Never before seen Wyld Space short by UO Publishing! | chiatrollll@hotmail.com Chiatroll | ||||||||||||||||
18 | FRIDAY | 8pm - midnight | 3 | Ken Sexe | Escape from Vault 13 – A Post-Apocalyptic “Race Against the Clock” Adventure | Post-Apocalyptic | Join me for a one-shot adventure using the Cypher rules system. Pre-generated characters and all rules required to play will be provided. The Cypher rules system is renowned for its elegance and narrative focus empowering both beginners and seasoned players with its intuitive character creation and fast-paced gameplay. Often hailed as a "rules-light" system it offers the depth of heavier mechanics while granting Game Masters the freedom to focus on imaginative storytelling rather than crunching numbers. | 5 | No | No | dinarchicken | kensexe@gmail.com | Yes | "Gamma World" style game adventure set inside a vault with a threat racing to destroy the party. It is designed to showcase Cypher game mechanics. | |||||||||||||||||
19 | FRIDAY | 8pm - midnight | 4 | James Fellows | Dread Expectations | Supers | 45385 | no | no | jamesfellows | james.fellows@gmail.com | Yes | Classic Cypher module | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | FRIDAY | 8pm - midnight | 5 | Mike Stanley | Castaways | SCIFI/Horror | 6 | Roll20 | no | pdxstormbringer | michael@stormbringergames.com | yes | Pre gens will be used | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | 7th SEPT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | SATURDAY 7th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 1 | Tiago | Starfall in the Glimmering Valley | Numenera | In the agrarian village of Neandran, deep into the Glimmering Valley, a peaceful night is suddently interrupted by stars falling from the sky, into the nearby Lake Memory. Your party is dispached to investigate and protect your people. | 3-5 | Foundry VTT | Preferred | texpine | tex@texpine.com | Yes | Pre-gens provided. | |||||||||||||||||
23 | SATURDAY 7th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 2 | Molly Sumridge | The Equus Curse | Wild West Horror | Something strange is happening in the town of Twisted Oak. Recently the horses have started suffering from a strange ailment that seems to be making even the tamest pony, a rabid nightmare. Can you find the source? | 5 | No | No | Feral_Chyld | nikkoth@gmail.com | Yes | Horror elements: gore, violence, and body horror. Harm and horror involving animals. Characters are pre-gen. | |||||||||||||||||
24 | SATURDAY 7th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 3 | Mike Stanley | Tyrants Key | Path of the planebreaker | 6 | No | Np | pdxstormbringer | michael@stormbringergames.com | Yes | Pregens provided, | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | SATURDAY 7th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 4 | Devon Kalo | Secret of the Soulsmith | Fantasy, Godforsaken | The PCs gather in Bontherre and prepare for an expedition into Flevame. One or more of them has heard rumors of the Soulsmith and the powerfuil treasures he creates. | 4-6 | No | Preferred | crazy_weasel994 | crazy.weasel.gaming@gmail.com | Yes | Pregens Provided, Trigger Warning: Corpses, Undead | |||||||||||||||||
26 | SATURDAY 7th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 5 | Christian Haas | Sarvada's lost power | Numenera | You are living in the Ninth World. But that doesn't matter, because your world, your island, is dying. A disaster destroyed the island's only source of power, and without that, you have only one year left. | 3-6 | No | Preferred | dertseha | christian.haas@sevensuns.at | Yes | Pregens Provided (or come with own Tier 1) Maybe a bit suspense horror | |||||||||||||||||
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28 | SATURDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 1 | Jason Campbell | The Well Traveled Path | WeirdWest/Post-Apoc/Gothic Horror (Setting name: "Doomsday at Six Gun City")/Post-Apoc/Gothic Horror | as survivors of Doomsday you travel to the ghost town of Altford where you hope to scavenge supplies. Abandoned railroad tracks crossing the town look to be laid over a wagon road, which was set on an ancient footpath from eons past. You hear a team engine approaching, but that can’t be right, the trains haven’t run since doomsday. Or was that the clip clop of a horse team? Or maybe the moaning of a weary traveler? Whatever it was is getting closer… Doomsday at Six Gun City is a ttrpg setting and adventure about a gothic horror apocalypse set in the weird west of an alternate world. After the war as the Union expanded west through the lands the indigenous peoples called home, a horrifying torrent of malevolence was released on the world, its cause still unknown. The macabre creatures and forces unleashed destruction on all, leaving the few survivors nearly hopeless. The few scattered heroes were left with only their skills, the arcane secrets of past mystics, and the bizarre creations of deviant inventors to fight the oncoming forces of darkness. | 6 | Owlber rodeo | no | shadomain | info@shadomain.com | Y | Gothic horror - theme but not gore or shock. Pre-gens provided | |||||||||||||||||
29 | SATURDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 2 | Qedhup | Doors & Corners | Voidhome - Sci-Fi Horror | The Nav-Beacon for World Plate 11-38-83 has plummeted to the surface. Simple task. Find it and fix it. No problem? | 5 | Foundry | No | Qedhup | qedhup@gmail.com | Yes | Horror elements. Gore, Violence, and body horror. | |||||||||||||||||
30 | SATURDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 3 | Kayla Bayens | Doom is the Cost of Power | Harrow the Blighted Plane | Years ago, you made a deal that made you the most powerful heroes on Earth. All that was required in exchange for power was a favour, to be asked at some time in the future. Now its time to pay that tab, and it could spell the end of the world you traded your soulds to protect! | 5 | Owlber rodeo | No | justkay | kayla.bayens@gmail.com | Yes | crystalpunk post apocalyptic, gangs, crime | |||||||||||||||||
31 | SATURDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 4 | Chris Negelein | Mystery Flesh Pit National Park | Cosmic Horror and bureaucratic satire | Park Employees on a Search and Rescue. | 6 | Discord and TotM. | prefered | Ganza Gaming | christopherRobinNeg@gmail.com | no | https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
32 | SATURDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 5 | william j hummel | vampire earth rescue mission | ee knights vampire earth | u are hunters the hero archtype you neewly awoken ur first mission is a pup ur being sent to rescue a squad of vet hunters that got cought | 2 to 6 | theater of the mind | prefered | starheart_dragon | typonuisstarheart@gmail.com | yes | based on ee knights vampire earth some horro nuthing more then pg 13 | |||||||||||||||||
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34 | SATURDAY | 8pm - midnight | 1 | Andrew Pontious | Seldon Crisis | Sci-Fi | The Foundation conquered its neighbors, the Four Kingdoms, via its technocratic religion. But now, the nearby Kingdom of Korell somehow has its own nuclear-powered warships. You are the crew of a small Foundation trading ship, all with your own motives to find out what's happening, and stop it, if the Foundation is to survive! | 5 | Roll20 | Preferred | apontious | apontious@gmail.com | No | Based on the 1950s Asimov books. politics and clever conversation, not combat / pre-gens provided | |||||||||||||||||
35 | SATURDAY | 8pm - midnight | 2 | Ken Sexe | The Infinity Shift | Modern Sci-Fi | Welcome to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program! They call it HAARP. You call it the rear end of a two-year stint at the United States Air Force base in Gakona, Alaska. Nothing ever happens at HAARP—or at least nothing used to happen until they really turned on the machine for the first time. Now, everything happens there, all at once. Can you and your buddies survive one eternal shift at the center of all space-time? | 5 | No | No | dinarchicken | kensexe@gmail.com | Yes | Pre-printed Cypher module. Based loosely in the same vein as The Thing. | |||||||||||||||||
36 | SATURDAY | 8pm - midnight | 3 | James Fellows | Dread Expectations | Supers | 3-4 | no | no | jamesfellows | james.fellows@gmail.com | Yes | Classic Cypher module | ||||||||||||||||||
37 | SATURDAY | 8pm - midnight | 4 | Warren Hammond | Feller's Fowl Forest | Old Gods of Appalachia | A group of strangers randomly find themselves in the woods in the middle of the night on the same night when danger strikes. Without a clear path out, where will they go and what will they do to stay alive? | 5 | No | preferred | JuggleGod | warrenhammond@gmail.com | No | A mix of mild horror and comedy | |||||||||||||||||
38 | SATURDAY | 8pm - midnight | 5 | Scott Coventry | Old Gods of Appalachia | 1920s horror | What caused the B&O to derail. The evidence suggests it was done on purpose. But why, it was just a coal and timber train. | Up to 4 | Alchemy (only for image showing) | Yes | ZealZaddy | scott@zealzaddy.com | Dark modern horror. Requires filling out a MCG Consent in Gaming form in advance. Pregens provided. Not child friendly. | ||||||||||||||||||
39 | 8th SEPT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | SUNDAY 8th SEPT | Noon - 4pm | 1 | Qedhup | Mall Rats | Cyberpunk | You're fleeing after a (semi) successful heist, and it appears your only route for escape is via speederbikes through a mall! | 5 | Foundry | No | Qedhup | qedhup@gmail.com | Yes | A Cypher Short by Underground Oracle. | |||||||||||||||||
41 | SUNDAY | Noon - 4pm | 2 | Jason Campbell | *All New* Hint | Cypher System - inspired by murder mystery board games | 6 | Owlbear.rodeo | No | Shadomain | info@shadomain.com | Yes | Casual fun. This uses modifications to the Cypher System Rules to enable the mystery | ||||||||||||||||||
42 | SUNDAY | Noon - 4pm | 3 | Kayla Bayens | In the Time of Brimstone | Harrow the Blighted Plane | In a world destroyed by Dragons, you are part of a meager resistance trying to reclaim the earth from the claws of the draconic threat. But a new utopia promising safety for humanity could derail civilization's comeback if you don't intervene. | 5 | No | No | justkay | kayla.bayens@gmail.com | Yes | Sneak peak at a new Harrow short by UO Publishing! | |||||||||||||||||
43 | SUNDAY | Noon - 4pm | 4 | Molly Sumridge | They Don't Pay Me Enough For This | Modern, Investigative, Horror, | You are part of a crime scene cleaner team, hired by the owner of a children's party restaurant to cleanup after the death of one of their employees. But the new question is, will you and your team make it out alive? | 5 | No | No | Feral_Chyld | nikkoth@gmail.com | Yes | Horror: Animatronics, Gore, Violence, and Body Horror. Characters are pre-gen. | |||||||||||||||||
44 | SUNDAY | Noon - 4pm | 5 | AlphaDean | OGoA | Leave Them Ghost Alone | A group of friends reunited after many years | 4 | Maybe | Preferred | chiatrollll@hotmail.com Chiatroll | ||||||||||||||||||||
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46 | SUNDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 1 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | SUNDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | SUNDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 3 | william j hummel | tranformers reactivate operation windbalde | transformers reactivate | ur a recently reactivatted team of autobots sent to rescue a recently rediscovered still active windblade and arcee | 2 to 6 | no | preferred | starheart_dragon | typhoniusstarheart@gmail.com | yes | inspired and based on splash damage transformers reactivate vid game. | |||||||||||||||||
49 | SUNDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 4 | Devon Kalo | The Infinity Shift | Modern Scifi | Welcome to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program! They call it HAARP. You call it the rear end of a two-year stint at the United States Air Force base in Gakona, Alaska. Nothing ever happens at HAARP—or at least nothing used to happen until they really turned on the machine for the first time. Now, everything happens there, all at once. Can you and your buddies survive one eternal shift at the center of all space-time? | 4-6 | No | Preferred | crazy_weasel994 | crazy.weasel.gaming@gmail.com | Yes | Pregens Provided, | |||||||||||||||||
50 | SUNDAY | 4pm - 8pm | 5 | Scott Coventry | It’s Only Magic | Modern fantasy (bordering on a cozy adventure) | School is out for winter break, but you and your friends can’t go home and are stuck at school. And something else is, also. | Up to 5 | Alchemy (but only for showing images) | Yes | ZealZaddy | scott@zealzaddy.com | Pregens provided. | ||||||||||||||||||
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52 | SUNDAY | 8pm - midnight | 1 | Anthony | Come out to play | The Warriors | Based on the 70's cult classic gang movie the Warriors. Pre-gens will be provided. The game will have some adult themes like violence, and blood. Nothing worse then that though. Let's find out if you gang can make it back to Coney Island from Manhattan with the whole worlds gangland trying to stop you. | 6 | Roll20 | spiggs18 | spiggs18@gmail.com | yes | Strong adult themes | ||||||||||||||||||
53 | SUNDAY | 8pm - midnight | 2 | Ryan L | Strangers in a Small Town | The Strange | PCs find themselves in a strange town. What is going on and how do they get out? | 4-6 | Possibly Foundry | N | ryno x | ryno84@gmail.com | Yes | Adult themes possible. Depending on where plyaers take it. | chiatrollll@hotmail.com Chiatroll | ||||||||||||||||
54 | SUNDAY | 8pm - midnight | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | SUNDAY | 8pm - midnight | 4 | Chris Negelein | Mystery Flesh Pit National Park | Cosmic Horror and bureaucratic satire | Park Employees on a Search and Rescue. | 6 | Discord and TotM. | prefered | Ganza Gaming | christopherRobinNeg@gmail.com | no | https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
56 | SUNDAY | 8pm - midnight | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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