ContestantSong + LinkJudge 1Judge 2Judge 3Average Score
flubbernuggetWrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus think this was a song choice that was incorrect for you. Going higher in the verse and lower in the chorus is usually a pretty good indication that its an incorrect choice. Especially in a song like this where you want to build the power in your voice as the song goes on. By the second chorus you sounded like you were straining your voice. I want you to do well, but I don't want you to hurt your voice please. I thought you had some upper falsetto notes that were actually quite pleasant and I don't know if I've heard you do falsetto ever. You have incredible range and honestly with one or two minor exceptions your pitch was pretty much there. I think honestly this week mostly comes down to song choice for me, and while this wasn't my favorite, it wasn't my least favorite, it just falls somewhere in the middle. I know you had extenuating circumstances, so I'm hoping to see improvement in the coming weeks.Earlier in the song, in the higher notes, you sound a bit breathless, and given how you sound later in the song I think it's just because you're hitting a difficult range but trying to keep it quiet without going into falsetto. You're also enunciating super clearly, which can be a detriment sometimes because it can make you spend extra effort and time on hitting every part of a word sharply. At least it didn't sound like falsetto to me, because later on in the song I hear a pretty clear falsetto on lines like "I just closed my eyes and swung" and that sounded divine. It's seriously so good. You've kind of developed a signature sound in this contest, at least in my mind, with your powerful high-range, high-volume choruses, but I love love loved your falsettos here, especially during the bridge ("I never meant to start a war..."). Your entry back into the final chorus after the bridge is also great, you really played with the volume dynamics there to make it, well, come in like a wrecking ball. Also I have no idea what's going on at the very end of the clip but I lol'd.Wow, this was an ambitious choice, to make a huge understatement. You definitely took an enormous risk, but in the end it all came together really well. Although some of those crazy high notes I could tell were a bit of a reach, you sold the hell out of this with your energy and attitude. I love how the first chorus went for the lower octave but then you built it on later until you belted those gritty rock vocals on the final chorus. This was a really creative cover, and overall just a lot of fun to listen to.8.367
Haschel CedricsonHey Brother by Avicii love Avicii! Great song choice this week. As always you are almost completely pitch perfect. You have such a good grasp on who you are as an artist. It makes it fun to see what you come up with week to week, this was true last season as well. In the main chorus you went flat once or twice in the pitch, which is uncharacteristic of you, but also you still sounded good overall. Like that's very nitpicky. I just had to get nitpicky with some critiques to determine my top picks this week. I think my biggest other gripe about this, is that the song has basically the same rhythmic structure throughout, so it felt very repetitive after awhile. I would challenge you to keep pushing yourself a bit this coming week and find something that's different than the typical "Haschel" song. As much as I love you doing what you are doing and you clearly showed amazing range and rhythm this week, I just don't want to not lose the enthusiasm because you keep picking things that "sound similar". Great as always, just something to keep in mind with future song choice.I haven't heard this song before but I can tell it relies on hitting the vocal rhythm right to achieve that folksy sound. You are doing that excellently. Those lowest notes (on "discovered") are also impressive and grand-sounding. I always appreciate your pitch, vocal control and breathy sound. This one was good, I don't really have anything to say about the technical aspects. I do feel that perhaps there could have been more emotion in it given the subject matter of the song, but I know that's a very vague and subjective thing. Anyway, good job Haschel.I loved this song choice for you--your version just feels so epic and dramatic and dark. It's almost hard for me to be objective on your actual singing just because I love the experience of listening to this so much. This is back in your higher range again--something I wouldn't have commented on before I heard your stunning audition and found out what you're capable of vocally is that your higher notes can get a bit breathy/airy, at least compared to your powerful baritone. I *think* this might be an issue of not enough cord closure, but I'm very ignorant of vocal technique so I'm sorry I can't be more constructive with help (the other judges can correct me if I'm talking out of my ass--not being discreet with my ID here <_<). But I still love listening to you even when you sing high. The harmonies were subtle but added depth and darkness to this. As always, this was just so much fun and a delight to listen to.9
InflatablePieSing by Ed Sheeran I'll be the first to admit, I'm not that familiar with Ed Sheeran. That being said, I did go back to the original to listen and make sure I could give appropriate critiques to this. the largest problem of the song is that your vocal range doesn't extend low enough to hit some of those low notes that Ed starts off with at the beginning. Because you didn't start off on the right pitch (you were somewhat higher than him), it affected the rest of the song. But there were times where you were flat because he hits some falsetto notes that just went higher than I think you were comfortable going. I think working on checking out vocal warm up exercises on youtube is going to help you a lot. In addition, if you are going to do voice layering going forward, you have to make sure the layers don't clash, because it actually made the song sound out of key. Pitch is a big deal in this contest and I think there were times you didn't hit it right and it affected parts throughout. You kept up rhythm well, so that's one good thing to take away. I think this song is so complex that I would have never chosen to do it. If you are going to do a song like this you have to be completely spot on pitchwise and unfortunately that didn't happen this time. I know you have a good voice, but this was not a good way to showcase with it. Just work on vocal exercises and pitch during the next round.Never heard this one before, but it's quite fun, and you're doing a good job selling that. Especially during that rapping part, damn! You really did a good job on that, hitting the pitch and rhythm. I enjoyed the way you did the first half of the chorus (with the lyrics, before the vocalizations), somehow it reminds me of the 80s, with a delivery that's somehow both frail and flamboyant, like a shy kid who's secretly great at dancing shocking people on the dance floor. OK I'm getting weird now. Anyway, my main complaint with this song is the vocalizations in the second half of the chorus, something went wrong there and I'm not sure if it was the melody or the harmony, but I suspect the harmony. However it was the harmony in the overlapping vocal tracks then I can't really judge the melody part behind it. Either way, it didn't hit the way it was meant to. Outside of that, I feel like this was a song that called for decisive, tight rhythmic vocal delivery with flair and you definitely delivered that.First of all, wow, I don't know how many takes it took you to nail that super fast rap part, but I'm so impressed. This was another very ambitious song choice. In this case, I'm not sure it fully works just because some of the high notes were a bit out of your range (the "need you darling"s felt like you were singing at least a semitone under the pitch). Although you nail the super fast lower rap, the higher, more melodic parts have the same problem as you audition where your voice gets a bit shaky when you try to sing very fast, since you need more breath support to sing those parts quick. But I love the effect that the layered voices creates. I'm curious to hear how you do with a slower song.7.433
lilith2013All of Me by John Legend this is probably my favorite thing you've ever done. You were so thoughtful about the emotions and pitches of this song. You really captured the magic of the original in your own lilith way. Just incredible. In the second verse you had ever so slight missed pitch opportunities, but it was just once or twice. In addition there was one time you went sharp in the final chorus. This is me being really nitpicky because I thought this was incredible overall. You just have this etherial way of singing that has always captivated me. Keep this up and you could be a frontrunner to win this season.I literally said "oof" when listening to you hit those super high notes around 1:20 because they were so, so high and you just hit them so, so perfectly. Yeah, your voice is wrapping around the contours of this song in a very lovely way, it sounds great. You're doing really well on the few vocal flourishes that are in this song, too, you just knock 'em down like they're nothing. Sheesh, this was really good. If there's one suggestion I could give for it it's that it might have benefited from a bit more dynamic volume, I hate to tell you you should sing it like the original but I just thought in that version it worked really well when he just filled out his voice and got loud at some parts and then got quieter for others. But then, you actually do that pretty well the last time you do the chorus. But yeah, I don't have much to say, this was a very strong performance.This was just very nice and relaxing to listen to. As always, your high notes have more power than your low notes (which can get a bit breathy at points), but I really enjoyed the lower parts this time because they were so pretty and soft. Your pitch is dead on, and once again, your range and control of those high notes blow me away. A challenge for future rounds is to sing something in your chest voice or mixed voice. Feel free to ignore this challenge, because you know your strengths (and I also know that sopranos generally try to sing as much in their head voice as possible), but I think developing your lower register would give you more versatility, especially since many of these song categories are heavy on pop.9.167
ManateeGalAll About That Bass by Meghan Trainor I loved this a lot more than what you did in the audition. Was it technically the most amazing performance of all time? No. However, there were things I really enjoyed about this. It made me smile and I laughed a lot. In a good way, of course. I think you are finally finding your niche and this was just lovely. The biggest critique is that there were a couple times you lost the rhythm and I think you knew it based on the little chuckle you had once. So if you do another song like this, make sure you nail the rhythms. However, you wildly entertained me in this song which I was not expecting, so bravo. I love being surprised and this was surprisingly fun and I enjoyed it. Keep up that energy.I can hear you having fun singing this song and I love that. It's in the way you hit the "s" at the end of "bass," the way you attack the beginnings of certain words, there's even a little laugh at some point. And it's perfect for this song because it was written for playfulness, IMO. Pitch-wise you're doing best in the lowest registers, but at some points you're drifting, most noticeably during the "bringing booty back" section. It's understandable because that part of the song is a pretty dramatic jump from low to high, and I would say practicing a tough section like that to work on hitting it just right could help, as could adding some volume/breath support or trying falsetto. In some cases, too, I honestly just change the way it's sung, like if there's a part that's in a hard range and there's a bunch of vocal flourish I'll just cut some of the flourish and sing it straight, or create a simpler flourish that's easier for me to handle. Something like that.I think this song was a lot more suited for your voice than your audition, although I'll admit I've never been a fan of the original! I could definitely tell you were having a lot of fun with this--you captured Meghan Trainor's sass, and I loved your little giggle at one point. I think the pitch got away from you a couple of times, but much less so than the audition. This is a big step up, and I'm excited to see you grow in this competition.7.933
PrivateILet It Go by Idina Menzel think your microphone was slightly disappointing this week. It sounded kind of echo-y, not sure if that's a setting you had or not. But especially in the beginning it almost sounded like you were singing in like a locker room or bathroom. You had some very minor pitch issues throughout, a flat note here and there. Make sure to keep on top of the note to make sure we don't fall behind. Keeping a looser jaw and tongue I find sometimes helps when I'm told I'm having pitch issues. That helps open up the chamber of your mouth to get much full sound. You sounded like you were having an absolute blast singing this! I love that you just had fun and I think that really came through. Overall, nice work PrivateI, I really enjoyed it and I think aside from the one or two minor issues that this was good choice for you. Well done.#Dubstep lol. There's kind of an odd little climb heading into that first chorus that I think the songwriters stuck in there to keep building the tension, and you really nailed it, which can be hard to do, so bravo. I hear you running into a little trouble on the second "let it go" and "slam the door" when you're holding out the long vowel sounds and doing a little flourish. I think you might be hitting that flourish a little flat or sharp (I can never tell), which could be because you aren't going far enough -- only going down a half step instead of full step. Ooh I like how you hit the word "fractals," it had some attitude on it. Like a little spattering of Max Bemis from Say Anything. You did a good job capturing the emotion of this song with your delivery, and this is a song that packs in the emotion. Your volume choices really contribute a lot to that. I will also say you're very good at the straight-shot sustains, like that last "the cold never bothered me anyway."Ah, this song is a voice killer. I'm impressed that you managed to pull it off (although also that you had the good sense to change the key). Your pitch was pretty on, and although there were a couple of shaky points since obviously none of us have Idina Menzel's power and breath support, I think you did a great job with selling the more ambitious notes. I seriously respect that you belted the hell out of the higher note at the very end. (Adding MORE high notes? This song didn't need to be any higher!) One suggestion that you're free to ignore: at times, it sounds like you're closing your mouth a bit when you're singing certain vowels (e.g., "let it geuuuu" or "get to me at eulll"). I think that if you open the vowel sound a bit, not only will it sound more natural, but with more of an open throat it'll be easier to belt higher notes that have more of an aaaaaa sound (belting "let it gaow" might sound silly, but try it and see the difference!). All in all, this was just enjoyable to listen to, which is something 90% of amateur "Let It Go" performances don't attain. Well done!8.467
Save The DragonsSay Something by A Great Big World ft Christina Aguilara so this song is clearly one that means a lot to you and I felt a lot of emotion coming from you voice while you sang this. I think you were in the right ballpark of a song that would be good for you. There were a few cracks in your voice and at times your voice didn't go as high as I could tell you wanted it to go. I would highly recommend trying to do vocal exercises before doing singing. I just would hate for your lovely voice to go hoarse before we get farther in this comp. I recommend looking up vocal exercises on youtube to make sure you are warmed up and that your voice doesn't strain too much early on. Overall, I wouldn't call this a complete success, but I do appreciate your emotional depth to the song. I think the exercises will help you in the future. Thank you for sharing and be sure to take care of your lovely voice.Ohhhhh it's this song. I couldn't recognize it by the title. I can hear you straining in these upper ranges (later on, around the 3 minute mark is a good example). This is one of the eternal battles of singing, finding the edge of your range and learning how to work with it. If you aren't already doing vocal warm ups before singing I would definitely recommend that, there are tons of good videos on YouTube for that. Better breath support can help. You can also try messing around with volume (sometimes going quieter helps, sometimes louder helps) or consider going into falsetto, or maybe changing the octave for that part (this can be hard to make sound good, but by no means impossible). But that was really my only complaint because there is a lot I like in this recording. Probably the main thing is your vocal presence. You're not being especially loud, but for the most part you're doing good breathing and supporting those quiet notes, which creates a feeling can I put this...confidence, I guess I could say, in the emotion you're getting through. Outside of the upper ranges you're hitting the pitches well. You're showing some good sustain. And there's a great emotional cohesion to this, it sounds the way the piano and lyrics suggest it should. Especially at the end, it just sounded fantastic.I'm happy to hear your voice with a backing track! To be honest, this is a tricky one for me to rate. Because on the one hand, some parts aren't really how you're "supposed" to sing (there were some sections that weren't quite on pitch, and there are a couple of times you cracked at the end.) But on the other, the actual performance was so unique and moving. The parts that were flawed or slightly "off" just created an effect that's really raw, almost like crying in song form. You made me feel the emotion and devastation of the singer in this. I don't know how much of this was a deliberate artistic choice, but given that it's different from your audition, I'm assuming some of it is. So there was something special about this performance for me even though it wasn't absolutely perfect technically.7.6
SkeldaLet Her Go by Passenger think you were technically pitch perfect for the majority of this song. You had a rough run or two, but overall you had clear diction and direction with what you were doing. This song was interesting, because I'm so used to the original, that this almost sounded a bit like bardcore music, which is current music being sang by a bard. I don't mean that as an insult, I think it just was different than I was anticipating. Like you are a technically great singer, but I think this was a song that wasn't in your wheelhouse. I applaud you for taking on something different. This probably needed a softer edge to some of the consonants in the beginning, so rather than hard "t"s, probably just let them trail off in a smokey way. The ending of this was much better than the beginning and you really brought it home. Interesting take on the song overall, I think just being really picky about song choice going forward is going to be key for you and think about the emotional placement of consonants and when it's impactful.You're infusing so much strength into each word, I love it. You have a knack for that. Around 2:30 there's a super tricky vocal flourish where you like chop the word "low" in half and plummet from a higher note to a lower one and you absolutely nailed it. This is not an easy thing to do, but you made it sound great. I have two relatively small criticisms. First, you're rushing ahead of the track for much of this song, which gives a slightly frenetic quality to a song that's otherwise sad and sweet. Second, you're enunciating words to the point of detriment at times, in the sense that it can start to sound a bit stiff. "Let her go" is probably better sung as "led er go," etc. But yeah overall this was just a solid entry.I'm glad that the sound quality is better here, because we get to hear more of your lovely voice. Your tone is so soft and gorgeous, and it sounds less nasal than your audition, so it seems like you took some of the judges' critiques to heart. I can tell that pop isn't your comfort zone because the diction at points gets a bit musical theatre, but it creates sort of an interesting effect for the song--I'm not a huge fan of the original, but your version is very delicate and beautiful. My one technical critique is that it seems like you were losing control a bit of the pitch in some of the "let her go-o-o" riffs. Anyway, I love your voice, and I'm so happy you entered this competition8.7
T-BonePompeii by Bastille so first off, this was a pretty cool take on Pompeii. Your voice layering was pretty well placed this time. Obviously I'm not judging on how well you voice layer, but there was nothing jarring about it. It fit the original pretty well. The one thing about this song is that it doesn't really give you a lot of variety or vocal range in order to really showcase what you can do. The one or two times it went high I think you went off pitch, so just be sure to keep on top of that and check out techniques online on how to be sure to keep the pitch open especially in your upper range. Overall, I was entertained, you did some cool stuff with this and you had the right sort of rhythm to keep up with those faster choruses, but I couldn't help but feel it was just a bit simple. In the future, think about adding one or two little embellishments here or there (or ornamentations) to sort of give a song a T-Bone spin. Nicely done, see you next round.A bold choice for the purpose of those "ay-oh"s alone. Vocalizations are hard to make sound good, but you made these sound pretty good. I can hear you losing breath in some parts of this song, that's something you could work on here just to add more support to those parts where you can't take a breath for a bit. I like your sound on this, it's a bit lower in your register but your voice sounds smooth down there. There are also a lot of little qualities to your singing that make it sound dynamic and interesting -- the short vibrato in "almost" during the chorus, the way you slide slowly and then rapidly between pitches...and actually one small thing I appreciate here is the way you're kind of mimicking the singer's odd pronunciation. Back when this song first came out I had a half-hour commute in the morning and then again in the evening and this song came on the radio all the time, so I developed this relationship with it where I liked the song but got so familiar with it that I started making fun of little things about it like the way the singer pronounces "optimist."I enjoyed this one a lot! Your voice is soothing and has a very nice and pleasant tone to it, although sometimes it's hard to hear since the sound quality isn't the best. I noticed a couple of times where the pitch wavered just a bit, but mostly you were on target. A challenge for future rounds is to sing something without any voice layering. Obviously it's well suited to Pompeii, but I think at times the layers almost feel like it's disguising your voice rather than adding to it. (Haschel made the gimmick work in S1 in part because he was also doing harmonies at the same time.)7.767