Programme Information & PLOs
Title of the new programme – including any year abroad/ in industry variants
BA Social Policy, Crime and Criminal Justice
Level of qualification
Please select:Level 6
Please indicate if the programme is offered with any year abroad / in industry variants Year in Industry
Please select Y/N
Year Abroad
Please select Y/N
Department(s): SPSW
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Lead Department SBS
Other contributing Departments: None
Programme leadership and programme team
Dr Zoë Irving and Dr Rachel Vipond
Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
Statement of purpose for applicants to the programme
In studying for this degree, students will gain an understanding of crime as a social problem within a wider framework of poverty, addiction, homelessness and educational and family experience. By critically examining the decisions society makes about crime they will learn how social divisions play a part in labelling certain behaviours as crimes and certain people as criminals or victims; the impact of power, politics and social inequalities in the management of crimes and criminal behaviour; and the role of global, national and local social and political changes in influencing our understanding of and our responses to crime, criminals and victims. They will be able to critically assess the effectiveness of both criminal justice and social policy and practice in delivering justice to every member of society regardless of their gender, race, sexuality or class. They will be independent critical thinkers equipped to tackle complex problems and produce creative solutions through collaborative and participatory approaches in their working lives.By examining crime within this social policy framework, York students graduate with the knowledge and skills to work in a broad range of careers aimed at improving policy and practice in criminal justice - from policing to prisons - but also aimed at managing crime and social harm through wider changes in housing, health, education and welfare provision. The degree will equip graduates with the necessary critical thinking, communication and research skills to make them effective graduate employees within such arenas as local and central government; the law; research; and the voluntary or charitable sectors.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the programme can be expected to do.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1Analyse and evaluate social and criminal justice policy to develop informed judgements through a critical understanding of the ways in which social, political, economic and institutional interests shape social problems and societal responses.
2Identify and investigate real world social and crime-related problems and apply problem-solving skills and critical thinking to those issues in order to contribute to imaginative, flexible and effective policy and practice solutions.
3Retrieve, generate, interpret and critically assess qualitative and quantitative data using innovative research methods, digital resources and policy-relevant analytical techniques to investigate social and crime-related questions, assess evidence and produce reasoned written accounts of social and criminal justice policy enquiry.
4Engage in social and criminal justice policy debate at local, national and global level, synthesising complex material and communicating ideas effectively to peers, policy actors, practitioners and client groups across a range of professional settings, both in writing and verbally, using up-to-date visual presentation techniques.
5Work effectively in multidisciplinary teams by acknowledging competing interpretations of social and crime-related issues, and by recognising the value of collaborative and participatory approaches to problem-solving and the shaping of policy solutions whilst being sensitive to the values and perspectives of others.
6Appreciate the drivers of social inequalities taking into account factors such as class, race, gender, sexuality and the impact of social and criminal justice policy and practice on disadvantaged groups and thus directly contribute to social progress and justice for all members of society.
7Critically reflect upon what constitutes best practice in the work of criminal justice institutions drawing upon both their academic knowledge and their work placement experience
Programme Learning Outcome for year in industry (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year in Industry’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year in industry b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year in industry by alteration of the standard PLOs.
Programme Learning Outcome for year abroad programmes (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year Abroad’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year abroad or b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year abroad by alteration of the standard PLOs.
Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) Why the PLOs are considered ambitious or stretching?
By studying within a wider social policy framework students not only have to embrace criminological theories and concepts but also be able to set these within a wider social policy framework. They will be expected to apply these key academic ideas to both criminal justice and social policy and practice and develop their own strategies and solutions to crime and social problems using real world scenarios. The programme requires students to demonstrate that they meet the PLOs through a variety of assessment formats, necessitating high levels of articulacy and adaptability.

ii) The ways in which these outcomes are distinctive or particularly advantageous to the student:
Students will benefit from studying in a research-active Department and from a clear emphasis on the application of theories and concepts from both social policy and criminology to real world issues. This distinctive approach give students a strong sense of the political and economic context to crime policy and the institutional context within which policy is made. As such the programme is focussed on 'real world' problems and decision making processes. Through a combination of classroom experience and placement work they will develop the range of sound academic and transferable skills reflected in the PLOS which will prepare them effectively for the world of employment.
iii) How the programme learning outcomes develop students’ digital literacy and will make appropriate use of technology-enhanced learning (such as lecture recordings, online resources, simulations, online assessment, ‘flipped classrooms’ etc)?
The PLOs develop digital literacy both vertically through the stages of progression to final attainment and horizontally as part of the learning and assessment strategy for each of the modules. Different elements of digital literacy are addressed at foundational, intermediate and more advanced levels through the stages. While level 1 enables foundational literacy, modules at levels 2 and 3 aim for depth of skill development rather than breadth. Digital literacy development is directly linked to the practices relevant to the discipline, for example, engagement in policy debate which inlcudes both academic knowledge and understanding and the ability to undertake engagement activities across social media fora and to contribute to as well as utilise online information sources. This element of digital literacy will feature throughout the 3 levels. Working effectively in groups will require that students manage digital presence and identity sensitively, both as individuals and within their groups. In working towards the PLOs students will undertake reflective and critical use of digital resources and digital practices; use technology for effective communication and to increase the efficiency with which they engage with learning; contribute to and share digital resources. The PLOs enable students to learn to retrieve and evaluate a substantial range of information sources and they will gain familarity with qualitative and quantitative software and online data sources relevant to crime, criminal justice and social policy. The PLOs allow substantial use of material provided on the VLE to support learning as well as social media; digital tools for research, production and presentation of communications (both written and visual); management of data and documents (including e.g. the management of references using digital tools); learning support tools such as lecture capture and online library tutorials. The PLOs will equip students with the ability to effectively combine digital and physical forms of learning and working individually and together.
iv) How the PLOs support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employablity objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
The PLOs include a range of transferable skills that can be applied in a wide range of problem-solving contexts such as being able to interpret and critically evaluate complex material and communicate such material in a variety of formats to a variety of audiences. The PLOs support employability through a work-based placement in the final year undertaken in an organisation where criminal justice and social policy learning can be translated into practice. Students will develop a rounded awareness of and sensitivity to a range of perspectives and interests that will be essential for employability in the criminal justice and social policy fields and more widely. Students will develop independent and team-based working skills, including planning and time-management culminating in their dissertation work in the third year.
vi) How will students who need additional support for academic and transferable skills be identified and supported by the Department?
At stage 1 students will be introduced to key academic skills and have the opportunity to practise these and identify any particular areas for improvement. Sessions to reinforce and update these skills are embedded in core modules in stage 2 and 3. Module convenors offer open-door hours where students can seek help and it is expected that personal supervisors will discuss these issues with individuals and provide advice and support for additional training and learning in these areas.
vii) How is teaching informed and led by research in the department/ centre/ University?
All teaching staff are active researchers and these skills are used to inform specific research-based teaching in social research methods and dissertation supervision. The programme content is also driven by research-led interests and strengths, so for example the emphasis on teaching around criminal justice issues from a distinctly applied perspective is based primarily around departmental research interests.
Stage-level progression
Please complete the table below, to summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of each year. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each PLO, but this can be done if preferred (please add information in the 'individual statement' boxes). For a statement that applies across all PLOs in the stage fill in the 'Global statement' box.
Stage 0 (if your programme has a Foundation year, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
Stage 1
On progression from the first year (Stage 1), students will be able to:
Use key social and criminal justice policies to identify the ways in which social,political, economic and insitutional interests shape social and crime problems and societal responses.Access and evaluate real world social and crime-related problems and apply core theories and concepts from the criminology and the wider social sciences to those problems.Retrieve, qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate digital resources to develop knowledge about the sources of evidence used to investigate social and crime-related questions Identify core policy debates and communicate these to peers both in writing and verbally, using up-to-date visual presentation techniques.Work in teams to learn the value of collaborative and participatory approaches to problem-solving Appreciate the drivers of social inequalities, and recognise the differential impact of social and criminal justice policies on social groups and individualsIdentify the key criminal justice institutions, their history and relationship to one another.
Stage 2
On progression from the second year (Stage 2), students will be able to:n/a
Analyse social and criminal justice policy to develop a critical understanding of the ways in which social, political, economic and institutional interests shape social problems and societal responses. Investigate real world social and crime-related problems and systematically apply theories and concepts from criminology and the wider social sciences to those problems using problem-solving skills to produce policy and practice solutions.Retrieve, generate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate research methods, and policy-relevant analytical techniques to investigate social questions, assess evidence and produce reasoned ethically responsible written accounts of social and criminal justice policy enquiry.Appreciate the complexity of social and criminal justice policy debate at local, national and global level, communicating these complex debates effectively to peers, policy actors and practitioners both in writing and verbally, using up-to-date visual presentation techniques.Work in multidisciplinary teams to synthesise competing interpretations of social and crime-related issues, and recognise the value of collaborative and participatory approaches to problem-solving and the shaping of policy solutions.Consolidate their understanding of the drivers of social inequalities and identify and evaluate the differential impact of social and criminal justice policies on disadvantaged groups and individuals Critically reflect upon what constitutes best practice in the work of criminal justice institutions drawing upon their academic knowledge.
Stage 3
(For Integrated Masters) On progression from the third year (Stage 3), students will be able to:n/a
Programme Structure
Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

‘Option module’ can be used in place of a specific named option. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided in the next section.

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA') . It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

If summative assessment by exams will be scheduled in the summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7) a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place.
Stage 0 (if you have modules for Stage 0, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
Stage 1
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
30SPY00021CIntroducing Criminal JusticeSAEA
30SPY00002CIntroducing Social PolicySAEA
30SPY00023CCrime and SocietySAAAEEA
30SPY00003CPolitics and Economics for Social PolicySAEA
Stage 2
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
30SPY00012ISocial Research MethodsSEA
30SPY00025IDebates in Criminal JusticeSAEA
30SPY00016IVictimisation and Social harmSEA
Stage 3
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
Optional module lists

If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided below. If you need more space, use the toggles on the left to reveal ten further hidden rows.
Option List A Level 2 (Current - subject to change)Option List B Level 3 (Current - subject to change)Option List CLevel 2 (Current - subject to change)Option list DOption List EOption List FOption List GOption List H
SPY00002I The Policy Process
SPY00030I Communities, Advocacy & Social Change
SPY00008I Social Inequalities
SPS00006I Capitalism and the Public Good
SPY00001H Housing Policy
SPY00020H Wellbeing of Children & Young People
SPY00046H Prisons & Penal Policy
SPY00011H Policing and the police
SPY00012H Drugs: Prevalence, Policy and Practice
SPY00050H Social Policy Crime and Criminal Justice
SPY00058H Environmental justice, harm, and policy
SPY00051H Education Policy: Divisions & Inequalities
SPY00053H Migration, Immigration & Social Policy
SPY00060H Gender, Violence and Justice
SPY00039H Vulnerability, Deviance and Social Control
LAW00045H Crime & Punishment
LAW00046H Mental Health & Mental Capacity Law