A | B | C | D | E | F | ||
2 | QEA | May I cross the runway ahead of me? | You may cross the runway ahead of you. | aeronautical | |||
3 | Code | Question | Answer | Notice | Advice | Domain | |
4 | QAB | May I have clearance (for ____) from ____ (*place*) to ____ (*place*) at flight level/altitude ____ ? | You are cleared (*or* ____ is cleared) by ____ from ____ (*place*) to ____ ( *place*) at flight level/altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
5 | QAF | Will you advise me when you are (were) at (over) ____ (*place*)? | I am (was) at (over) ____ (*place*) (at ____ hours) at flight level / altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
6 | QAG | Arrange your flight in order to arrive over ____ (*place*) at ____ hours. *or* I am arranging my flight in order to arrive over ____ (*place*) at ____ hours. | aeronautical | ||||
7 | QAH | What is your height above ____ (*datum*)? | I am at ____ flight level / altitude ____. *or* Arrange your flight so as to reach flight level / altitude ____ at ____ (*hours or place*). | aeronautical | |||
8 | QAI | What is the essential traffic respecting my aircraft? | The essential traffic respecting your aircraft is ____. | aeronautical | |||
9 | QAK | Is there any risk of collision? | There is risk of collision. | aeronautical | |||
10 | QAL | Are you going to land at ____ (*place*)? *or* Has aircraft ____ landed at ____ (*place*)? | I am going to land at ____ (*place*). *or* (You may) land at ____ (*place*). *or* Aircraft ____ landed at ____ (*place*). | aeronautical | |||
11 | QAM | What is the latest available meteorological observation for ____ (*place*)? | Meteorological observation made at ____ (*place*) at ____ hours was as follows ____.[a] | aeronautical | |||
12 | QAN | What is the surface wind direction and speed at ____ (*place*)? | The surface wind direction and speed at ____ (*place*) at ____ hours is ____ (*direction*) ____ (*speed*). | aeronautical | |||
13 | QAO | What is the wind direction in degrees TRUE and speed at ____ (*position or zone/s*) at each of the ____ (*figures*) ____ (*units*) levels above ____ ( *datum*)? | The wind direction and speed at (*position or zone/s*) at flight level/altitude ____ is: ____ (vertical distance) ____ degrees TRUE ____ (*speed*). | aeronautical | |||
14 | QAP | Shall I listen for you (*or* for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz)? | Listen for me (*or* for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz). | aeronautical | |||
15 | QAQ | Am I near a prohibited, restricted, or danger area? *or* Am I near area ____ (*identification of area*)? | You are ____ (*number*) area ____ (*identification of area*). 1. near 2. flying within | aeronautical | |||
16 | QAR | May I stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes? | You may stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes. | aeronautical | |||
17 | QAU | Where may I jettison fuel? | I am about to jettison fuel. *or* Jettison fuel in ____ (*area*). | aeronautical | |||
18 | QAW | I am about to carry out overshoot procedure. | aeronautical | ||||
19 | QAY | Will you advise me when you pass (passed) ____ (*place*) bearing 090 (270) degrees relative to your heading? | I passed ____ (*place*) bearing ____ degrees relative to my heading at ____ hours. | aeronautical | |||
20 | QAZ | Are you experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm? | I am experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm. | aeronautical | |||
21 | QBA | What is the horizontal visibility at ____ (*place*)? | The horizontal visibility at ____ (*place*) at ____ hours is ____ (*distance figures and units*). | aeronautical | |||
22 | QBB | What is the amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud [at ____ (*place*)]? | The amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud at ____ (*place*) at ____ hours is: ____ eights (____ type) at ____ (*figures and units*) height above official aerodrome elevation. | aeronautical | |||
23 | QBC | Report meteorological conditions as observed from your aircraft [at ____ (*position or zone*)] [(at ____ hours)]. | The meteorological conditions as observed from my aircraft at ____ (*position or zone*) at ____ hours at ____ (*figures and units*) height above ____ ( *datum*) are ____.[b] | aeronautical | |||
24 | QBD | How much fuel have you remaining (*expressed as hours and/or minutes of consumption*)? | My fuel will endure for ____ (*hours and/or minutes*). | aeronautical | |||
25 | QBE | I am about to wind in my aerial. | aeronautical | ||||
26 | QBF | Are you flying in cloud? | I am flying in cloud at ____ flight level/altitude ____ [and I am ascending (descending) to flight level/altitude ____]. | aeronautical | |||
27 | QBG | Are you flying above cloud? | I am flying above cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. *or* Maintain a vertical distance of ____ (*figures and units*) above clouds, smoke, haze or fog levels. | aeronautical | |||
28 | QBH | Are you flying below cloud? | I am flying below cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. *or* Maintain a vertical distance of ____ (*figures and units*) below cloud. | aeronautical | |||
29 | QBI | Is flight under IFR compulsory at ____ (*place*) [*or* from ____ to ____ ( *place*)]? | Flight under IFR is compulsory at ____ (*place*) [*or* from ____ to ____ ( *place*)]. | aeronautical | |||
30 | QBJ | What is the amount, type and height above ____ (*datum*) of the top of the cloud [at ____ (*position or zone*)]? | At ____ hours at ____ (*position or zone*) the top of the cloud is: amount ____ eights (____ type) at ____ (*figures and units*) height above ____ (*datum*). | aeronautical | |||
31 | QBK | Are you flying with no cloud in your vicinity? | I am flying with no cloud in my vicinity and at flight level/altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
32 | QBM | Has ____ sent any messages for me? | Here is the message sent by ____ at ____ hours. | aeronautical | |||
33 | QBN | Are you flying between two layers of cloud? | I am flying between two layers of cloud and at flight level / altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
34 | QBO | What is the nearest aerodrome at which flight under VFR is permissible and which would be suitable for my landing? | Flying under VFR is permissible at ____ (*place*) which would be suitable for your landing. | aeronautical | |||
35 | QBP | Are you flying in and out of cloud? | I am flying in and out of cloud and at flight level/altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
36 | QBS | Ascend (*or* descend) to ____ (*figures and units*) height above ____ ( *datum*) before encountering instrument meteorological conditions or if visibility falls below ____ (*distance figures and units*) and advise. | aeronautical | ||||
37 | QBT | What is the runway visual range at ____ (*place*)? | The runway visual range at ____ (*place*) at ____ hours is ____ (*distance figures and units*). | aeronautical | |||
38 | QBV | Have you reached flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place*)]? | I have reached ____ flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place* )]. *or* Report reaching flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place*)]. | aeronautical | |||
39 | QBX | Have you left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place*)]? | I have left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place*)]. *or* Report leaving flight level/altitude ____ [*or* ____ (*area or place*)]. | aeronautical | |||
40 | QBZ | Report your flying conditions in relation to clouds. | *The reply to* QBZ ? *is given by the appropriate answer form of signals* QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN *and* QBP. | aeronautical | |||
41 | QCA | May I change my flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ ? | You may change your flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ *or* I am changing my flight level/altitude from ____ to ____. | aeronautical | |||
42 | QCB | Delay is being caused by ____. 1. you're transmitting out of turn. 2. your slowness in answering. 3. lack of your reply to my ____. | aeronautical | ||||
43 | QCE | When may I expect approach clearance? | Expect approach clearance at ____ hours. *or* No delay expected. | aeronautical | |||
44 | QCF | Delay indefinite. Expect approach clearance not later than ____ hours. | aeronautical | ||||
45 | QCH | May I taxi to ____ (*place*)? | Cleared to taxi to ____ (*place*). | aeronautical | |||
46 | QCI | Make a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the ____). *or* I am making a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the ____). | aeronautical | ||||
47 | QCS | My reception on ____ frequency has broken down. | aeronautical | ||||
48 | QCX | What is your full call sign? | My full call sign is ____ . *or* Use your full call sign until further notice. | aeronautical | |||
49 | QCY | I am working on a trailing aerial. *or* Work on a trailing aerial. | aeronautical | ||||
50 | QDB | Have you sent message ____ to ____ ? | I have sent message ____ to ____. | aeronautical | |||
51 | QDF | What is your D-Value at ____ (*position*)? *or* What is the D-Value at ____ (*place or position*) (at ____ hours) for the ____ millibar level? | My D-Value at ____ (*position*) at ____ (*figures and units*) height above the 1013.2 millibars datum is ____ (*D-Value figures and units*) ____ (*specify plus or minus*). *or* The D-Value at ____ (*place or position*) at ____ hours for the ____ millibar level is (*D-Value figures and units*) ____ (*specify plus or minus*).[c] | aeronautical | |||
52 | QDL | Do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? | I intend to ask you for a series of bearings. | aeronautical | |||
53 | QDM | Will you indicate the *magnetic* heading for me to steer towards you (*or* ____) with no wind? | The *magnetic* heading for you to steer to reach me (*or* ____) with no wind was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). | aeronautical | |||
54 | QDP | Will you accept control (*or* responsibility) of (for) ____ now (*or* at ____ hours)? | I will accept control (*or* responsibility) of (for) ____ now (*or* at ____ hours). | aeronautical | |||
55 | QDR | What is my *magnetic* bearing from you (*or* from ____)? | Your *magnetic* bearing from me (*or* from ____) was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). | aeronautical | |||
56 | QDT | Are you flying in visual meteorological condition? | I am flying in visual meteorological condition. *or* You are cleared subject to maintaining own separation and visual meteorological conditions. | aeronautical | |||
57 | QDU | Cancelling my IFR flight. *or* IFR flight cancelled at ____ (*time*). | aeronautical | ||||
58 | QDV | Are you flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (*figures and units*)? | I am flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (*figures and units*) at flight level/altitude ____ | aeronautical | |||
59 | QEA | May I cross the runway ahead of me? | You may cross the runway ahead of you. | aeronautical | |||
60 | QEB | May I turn at the intersection? | Taxi as follows at the intersection ____. (straight ahead DRT turn left LEFT turn right RIGHT). | aeronautical | |||
61 | QEC | May I make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway? | You may make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway. | aeronautical | |||
62 | QED | Shall I follow the pilot vehicle? | Follow the pilot vehicle. | aeronautical | |||
63 | QEF | Have I reached my parking area? *or* Have you reached your parking area? | You have reached your parking area. *or* I have reached my parking area. | aeronautical | |||
64 | QEG | May I leave the parking area? *or* Have you left the parking area? | You may leave the parking area. *or* I have left the parking area. | aeronautical | |||
65 | QEH | May I move to the holding position for runway number ____ ? *or* Have you moved to the holding position for runway number ____ ? | Cleared to the holding position for runway number ____ *or* I have moved to the holding position for runway number ____. | aeronautical | |||
66 | QEJ | May I assume position for take-off? *or* Have you assumed position for take-off? | Cleared to hold at take-off position for runway number ____. *or* I am assuming take-off position for runway number ____ and am holding. | aeronautical | |||
67 | QEK | Are you ready for immediate take-off? | I am ready for immediate take-off. | aeronautical | |||
68 | QEL | May I take-off (and make a ____ hand turn after take-off)? | You are cleared to take-off (turn as follows after take-off ____). | aeronautical | |||
69 | QEM | What is the condition of the landing surface at ____ (*place*)? | The condition of the landing surface at ____ (*place*) is ____.[d] | aeronautical | |||
70 | QEN | Shall I hold my position? | Hold your position | aeronautical | |||
71 | QEO | Shall I clear the runway (*or* landing area)? *or* Have you cleared the runway (*or* landing area)? | Clear the runway (*or* landing area). *or* I have cleared the runway (*or* landing area). | aeronautical | |||
72 | QES | Is a right-hand circuit in force at ____ (*place*)? | A right-hand circuit is in force at ____ (*place*). | aeronautical | |||
73 | QFA | What is the meteorological forecast for ____ (*flight, route, section of route or zone*) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? | The meteorological forecast for ____ (*flight, route, section of route or zone*) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____. | aeronautical | |||
74 | QFB | The ____ 1) approach 2) runway 3) approach and runway lights are out of order. | aeronautical | ||||
75 | QFC | What is the amount, the type and the height above ____ (*datum*) of the base of the cloud at ____ (*place, position or zone*)? | At ____ (*place, position or zone*) the base of the cloud is ____ eighths ____ type at ____ (*figures and units*) height above ____ (*datum*). | aeronautical | |||
76 | QFD | 1. Is the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (*place*)] in operation? 2. Will you switch on the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (*place*)]? 3. Will you extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (*place*)] until I have landed? | 1. The ____ visual beacon [at ____ (*place*)] is in operation 2. I will extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (*place*)] until your landing is completed. | aeronautical | |||
77 | QFE | What should I set on the subscale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate its height above the reference elevation being used? | If you set the subscale of your altimeter to read ____ millibars, the instrument would indicate its height above aerodrome elevation (above threshold, runway number ____). | aeronautical | |||
78 | QFF | [At ____ (*place*)] what is the present atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice? | At ____ (*place*) the atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice is (*or* was determined at ____ hours to be) ____ millibars. | aeronautical | |||
79 | QFG | Am I overhead? | You are overhead. | aeronautical | |||
80 | QFH | May I descend below the clouds? | You may descend below the clouds. | aeronautical | |||
81 | QFI | Are the aerodrome lights lit? | The aerodrome lights are lit. *or* Please light the aerodrome lights. | aeronautical | |||
82 | QFL | Will you send up pyrotechnical lights? | I will send up pyrotechnical lights. | aeronautical | |||
83 | QFM | What flight level/altitude ____. 1. should I maintain? 2. are you maintaining? 3. do you intend cruising at? | ____ ____. 1. Maintain (*or* fly at) flight level / altitude ____. 2. I am maintaining flight level / altitude ____ 3. I intend cruising at flight level/altitude ____. | aeronautical | |||
84 | QFO | May I land immediately? | You may land immediately. | aeronautical | |||
85 | QFP | Will you give me the latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ ( *place*)]? | The latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ (*place*)] is as follows ____.[e] | aeronautical | |||
86 | QFQ | Are the approach and runway lights lit? | The approach and runway lights are lit. *or* Please light the approach and runway lights. | aeronautical | |||
87 | QFR | Does my landing gear appear damaged? | Your landing gear appears damaged. | aeronautical | |||
88 | QFS | Is the radio facility at ____ (*place*) in operation? | The radio facility at ____ (*place*) is in operation (*or* will be in operation in ____ hours). *or* Please have the ____ radio facility at ____ (*place*) put in operation. | aeronautical | |||
89 | QFT | Between what heights above ____ (*datum*) has ice formation been observed [at ____ (*position or zone*)]? | Ice formation has been observed at ____ (*position or zone*) in the type of ____ and with an accretion rate of ____ between ____ (*figures and units*) and ____ (*figures and units*) heights above ____ (*datum*). | aeronautical | |||
90 | QFU | What is the *magnetic* direction (*or* runway number) of the runway to be used? | The *magnetic* direction (*or* runway number) of the runway to be used is ____.[f] | aeronautical | |||
91 | QFV | Are the floodlights switched on? | The floodlights are switched on. *or* Please switch on the floodlights. | aeronautical | |||
92 | QFW | What is the length of the runway in use in ____ (*units*)? | The length of runway ____ now in use is ____ (*figures and units*). | aeronautical | |||
93 | QFX | I am working (*or* am going to work) on a fixed aerial. *or* Work on a fixed aerial. | aeronautical | ||||
94 | QFY | Please report the present meteorological landing conditions [at ____ ( *place*)]. | The present meteorological landing conditions at ____ (*place*) are ____.[g] | aeronautical | |||
95 | QFZ | What is the aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (*place*) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? | The aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (*place*) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____.[h] | aeronautical | |||
96 | QGC | There are obstructions to the ____ of ____ runway ____. | aeronautical | ||||
97 | QGD | Are there on my track any obstructions whose elevation equals or exceeds my altitude? | There are obstructions on your track ____ (*figures and units*) height above ____ (*datum*). | aeronautical | |||
98 | QGE | What is my distance to your station (*or* to ____)? | Your distance to my station (*or* to ____) is ____ (*distance figures and units*). | aeronautical | |||
99 | QGH | May I land using ____ (*procedure or facility*)? | You may land using ____ (*procedure or facility*). | aeronautical | |||
100 | QGK | What track should I make good? *or* What track are you making good? | Make good a track from ____ (*place*) on ____ degrees ____ (*true or magnetic*). *or* I am making good a track from ____ (*place*) on ____ degrees ____ (*true or magnetic*). | aeronautical | |||
101 | QGL | May I enter the ____ (*control area or zone*) at ____ (*place*)? | You may enter the ____ (*control area or zone*) at ____ (*place*). | aeronautical |