milMajor IssueYellow means UX tasks to be prioritised
PrioritySizeOwnerActionDevicePageURLIssueRecommendationScreenshotKL Review 2018Follow up
(M)SUXDesign - slideshareAllMain NavigationWhen cart is empty, the display of empty cart in dropdown could be improved as current display is confusingDon't show buttons x 2. Disable or remove checkout buttons. Improve CTA messaging - encourage the user to add items / go shopping. required - in slideshareSlideshare
MSUXSlideshareMobile/TabletstagingUser email message should be placed with field generating the error.Some nicer language would be good too :)
minor - I actually think the error messages are fine and self-explanatory. Bigger issue is the lack of margins / spacing at sides of screen. Where the error messages are placed is a system-wide design decision, not just mobile?
MSUXSlideshareMobile/TabletstagingUser doesn't match error message should be placed with the fields generating the error.Some nicer language would be good too :)
minor - I actually think the error messages are fine and self-explanatory. Bigger issue is the lack of margins / spacing at sides of screen
MMYOMobile/ a shop is expanded, and a user clicks '+36 show more', the shop is collapsed and user is left at bottom of screen showing 'show closed shops' and 'show all on the map'Ideally the page should return the user to the show/hide control for the shop just viewed.
minor - I just checked a couple of instances and no one is exceeding no. of shops on this screen at the moment anyway
Shop sections are showing up empty in Mobile/Tablet - but render content in Desktop. Tested in uk. au and staging. staging .au shows the red border but no content. Some shops have the content show ( a shop section / tab is empty - do not show tab. Test this on an actual phone, don't emulate.'t replicate this today - can't see the problem (5.7.18)
M^YOSlideshareMobile/ 'shop' section of the shopfront is not clearly presented. In some cases a User needs to scroll past 3 mobile screen heights to view shop items.Shop' should be a section/tab in mobile view, and the default tab unless user is viewing shop through an 'about shop' funnel from elsewhere in the platform. This would also allow this shop 'message' to be highlighted onscreen in an appropriate fashion.
70 single items - the item Name and Description is often repeated. In mobile this means the User is being made to read the same thing twice over and over.? Needs further investivation to see if shop inventory can be displayed in a better way. Acknowledge item 'groups' is what the current solution works best for.
M^ shops with extensive inventory, the grey bars are difficult to scan (very heavy visually).Sub-total row should be visually lighter. Unless there are multiples of the one item, the sub-total row isn't necessary.
MMSlideshareMobile/TabletstagingCheckoutSteps' to complete checkout completion are not easily scanned/understood checkout process starts at the bottom of initial view (those pesky tab like items) and they are expand/collapse modulesFor mobile view, have all steps expanded (unless sections are prepopulated) or improve presentation as it is confusing to have expand/collapse sections for a first time checkout process:
MSUXMobile/TabletstagingCheckout (not logged in / guest)Options provided are 'login' and 'guest', there's no 'join' option (although this action can subsequently be done via the login tabbed modalIs this for a specific reason?
i'm not familiar with join, but this seems lower priority than other issues
MMUXAllstagingCheckoutHide' control redundant in this view (first time checkout flow).Remove to reduce vertical height / scrolling required (fix all the hide-shows on this form) a big deal
M^Mobile/TabletstagingCheckoutData inputs are shown twice to the user.Show the collapsed view when the section is collapsed. Show only the editable fields in edit mode. Less visual load for the user. a big deal
M^SlideshareAllstagingCheckoutThe red X next to the section heading tells the user something is wrong - but not what (which in this case I think was that all fileds hadn't been filled).Consider alternate presentations for required fields
this should be considered within a more general / system wide handling of incorrectly filled or default fields
MSAllstagingCheckoutFor 'pickup points', it would be nice to include the specific location of the pickup point for the UserNeed to check this information is also being included in the confirmation email user can sort this out - not a ux issue
MUXSlideshareAllstagingCheckoutUsing 'green' to indicate successful completion with a red button to proceed to next step = confusingFix all the colours., bigger issue system wide
MUXSlideshareAllstagingCheckoutRed error messages with red buttons as primary actions = confusing^
MMUXAllstagingCheckoutUser data is being stored from previous checkouts/orders (ie. billing address) and being used to pre-populate subsequent checkouts.Provide access / edit ability to users - consider using 'my account' areafeature, not ux issue