StrandBy the end of KS2, in their primary schools, students will have learnt about: By the end of KS3, our students at BCCS will have knowledge of: By the end of KS4, our students at BCCS will have knowledge of: By the end of KS5, our students at BCCS will have knowledge of:
Substantive knowledge: BiologyCellsTypes of cell (animal and plant) & using a microscopeAdaptations of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, stem cells. Cell divisionRole of water. Structure and role of cell membranes. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ultrastructure & EM images, roles of mitosis and meosis, stem cells, the process of cell specialisation, hiearacy of organisation. Plant cell ultrastructure.
RespirationAerobic & anaerobic respirationImportance of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Biochemistry of respiration, glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, anaerobic repiration in animals, plants and yeast.
PlantsPlant organs, plant growth and movement of waterPhotosynthesis and mineral ions from the soil. Role of stomata. Adaptations of the leaves. Flowers, pollination and plant reproduction. Plant transport systems, importance of photosynthesis, process of photosynthesis, factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis.Structure & function of starch & cellulose, structure & function of xylem, phloem. Role of mineral ions & water, uses & strength of plant fibres. Light dependent & light independent reactions of photosynthesis, role of ATP and NADP, photolysis, Calvin cycle, fate of glucose, structure & function of chloroplasts
Coordination & controlNervous coordination, structure & function of the human nervous system, structure & function of a reflex arc, the eye, the brainStructure & function of the 3 types of neurones, pupil dilation, action potentials, structure & function of synapses, neurotransmitters, how the rods in the retina work, parts of the brain
Hormonal coordination in humans and plantsIAA in plants
Homeostasis, liver, kidneyNegative & positive feedback, thermoregulation, regulation of blood sugar levels and water content.
MovementRole of skeletons and musclesStructure & function of skeleton, biomechanics and antagonistic musclesRole of muscles, tendons, ligaments & skeleton, process of muscle contraction (sliding filament theory), structure of muscles, types of muscle.
Animal nutritionWhich nutrients make up healthy dietNutrients, energy requirements, condequences of imbalancesCarbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids as biological molecules.Molecular structure of carbohydrates, fats, cholesterol, nucleotides, DNA, RNA.
Parts of the digestive systemAdaptations of the digestive system and role of enzymes and bacteriaEnzymes, factors affecting rates of enzyme reactions, Role of enzymes, enzyme concentration investigations. Effect of temperature, pH, competition on enzyme activity. Importance of bonding in enzyme structure.
Types of teethRole of enzymes in digestion of biological molecules. Co-transport of glucose and amino acids in the ileum. Enzymes involved in digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Gas exchangeStructure and role of the lungs, breathing, lung volume, Breathing and gas exchangeFick's law, adaptations of the lungs. Effect of exercise on blood pH and breathing. Adaptations of animal and plant exchange surfaces for diffusion.
Circulatory systemHeart, blood and transportStructure & function of the human circulatory systemHeart, circulatory system, cardiac cycle, blood vessels, Control of the heart beat, ECGs, cardiac output, effect of exercise on the heart,
HealthDiet, exercise and drugsImpact of exercise, asthma and smoking on the lungs. Impact of recreational drugs. The relationship between health & disease, communicale diseases, non communicable diseases, bacteria, viruses, fungi, body defences, reducing & preventing the spread of infections, the discovery & development of new medicines and lifestyle factors and non communicable disease, growing bacteria, plant diseases, monoclonal antibodies.Conditions needing for bacterial growth, aseptic techniques. Structure and reproduction of bacteria & viruses. Specific and non specific immune response, antigens, antibodies, B cells, T cells, body defences, types of immunity, types of antibiotics
Reproduction Lifecycles. Reproduction in plants and animals.Structure and function of reproductive systems. Menstrual cycle and preganancy. Pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal in plants. Hormones in reproduction, hormonal and non hormonal methods of contraceptionReproduction of bacteria and viruses. Mitosis and meiosis. IPMAT. Introducing genetic diversity throug meiosis. Crossing over, independent segregation.
EcosystemsHabitats and food chainsFood webs and interdependeceLevels of organisation within an ecosystem, abiotic and biotic factors, interactions between organisms, cycling of materials, the role of microorganisms, adaptations, interdependence, biodiversity, sampling, decomposition, food security and production.Biodiversity, species richness, Diversity index, niche, conservation methods. Ecosystems, abiotic & biotic factors, niche, sampling, succession, productivity, efficiency between trophic levels, carbon cycle Decomposition & succession role of microorganisms in decomposition and nutrient cycles.
Changes in the environmentPollution & climate changeEffect of environmental factors on gene expression via methylation and acetylation.
ClassificationClassification into plants, animals and microbes. Classification keys.Differences between speciesClassification - 5 kingsoms and 3 domains.Classification - chracteristics of 5 kingdoms and 3 domains
InheritanceOffspring show variationGenes, chromosomes & DNA. Punnet squares and genetic modification.The genome, genotype & phenotype, genomics & medicine, phenotype of multiple genes, single gene inheritance, dominant & recessive alleles, sex determination, genetic variation in a population, selective breeding, genetic engineering, cloning, DNA structure, mutations.Structure and function of DNA, protein synthesis, structure of amino acids, formation of polypeptides and protein folding, role of enzymes, enzyme concentration investigations, DNA replication, mutations, cystic fibrosis, Punnet sqaures, genetic pedigrees, genetic screening.Gene linkage & sex linkage on chromosomes, epigenetics, polygenic inheritance. DNA profiling, PCR, gel electrophoresis, post transcripitional changes to mRNA Transcription factors. Human genome project, genetic engineering.
EvolutionFossils show that organisms have changed over time. Adaptation may lead to evolution.Causes of extinction, Natural selection, the work of Darwin.Natural selection, evidence for evolutuon (fossils), history of evolution, speciation.Natural selection, Hardy - Weinberg equation, reproductive isolation. Gene mutation, natural selection, evidence for the theory of evolution, allopatric & sympatric speciation
Development of antibiotic resistance
Substantive knowledge: ChemistryMaterialsProperties of materialsDalton atomic model. Atoms, elements & compounds. Chemical symbols and formulae.Atoms & elements. Model of the atom, relative atomic mass, isotopes, ions.Atomic Structure and Isotopes
Relative Mass
Formulae and equations
Amount of substance and the mole
Determination of formulae
Moles and volumes
Reacting quantities
The periodic table, physical and chemical properties of elements, periods, groups, metals and non metals, patterns in the periodic table and chemical properties of metals.Patterns in the groups of periodic table. Periodic table and atomic structure & electron arrangement. Characteristics of metals and non metals. Reactivity and the periodic table.Periodicity
Reactivity trends
Transition elements
The reactivity series, use of carbon in metal extraction. Ceramics, polymers and composites.Extraction and purification of metals related to the position of carbon in a reactivity series. Ceramics, polymers and composites.
States of matter (properties) & changes of stateProperties of solids, liquids and gases. Changes of state using the particle model. Energy and changes of state.Changes of state in terms of particle kinetics, energy transfers, chemical bonds and intermolecular forces.Shapes of molecules and ions
Electronegativity and polarity
Intermolecular forces
Hydrogen bonding
Solutions (dissolving, soluble and onsoluble) and separation techniques (sieving, filtering and evaporating).Pure and impure substances, mixtures, dissolving, distillation, evaporation, chromatography & filtrationDistinguishing between pure and impure substances. Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation. Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent. Fractional distillation of crude oil and cracking to make more useful materialsOrganic Chemistry
Aromatic chemistry
Carbonyls and Carboxylic acids
Amines, amino acids and proteins
Chromatography and spectroscopy
Water cycleIdentification of common gases.
Electrolysis of molten ionic liquids and aqueous ionic solutions
The Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water.
ReactionsReversible and irreversible changesConservation of mass, chemical reactions as rearrangment of atoms, symbol and word equations, combustion, thermal decomposition, oxidation and displacement reactions, Ionic, covalent & metallic bonding. Linking properties to bonding.Bonding of carbon and carbon compounds. Structures, bonding and properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes and graphene. Not at GCSE Empirical formulae. Balanced chemical equations, ionic equations and state symbols. Reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen.
Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations
Electrons and bonding
Redox and electrode potentials
Acids and alkalis, neutralisation reactions, pH scale, indicators, reactions of acids with metals.Reactions of acids with metals and carbonates. pH as a measure of hydrogen ion concentration.Acids and Redox
Acids, Bases & pH
Buffers and neutralisation
Role of catalysts (delivered in the context of enzymes)Factors that influence the rate of reaction: varying temperature or concentration, changing the surface area of a solid reactant or by adding a catalyst. factors affecting reversible reactions.Reaction Rates & Equilibrium
Rates of reaction
Endothermic and exothermic reactions (qualitative)Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative). Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative)Enthalpy
Enthalpy & Entropy
RocksProperties of types of rockStructure and composition of the Earth. Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
How fossils form
Soil formation
The Earth's resources and recycling, the atmosphere, carbon dioxide and global warming.Life cycle assessment and recycling to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life, and the viability of recycling of certain materials. Carbon compounds, both as fuels and feedstock, and the competing demands for limited resources. Evidence for composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation. Carbon dioxide, methane, global warming and climate change. Common atmospheric pollutants: sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and their sources.
Substantive knowledge: PhysicsSpaceThe solar system, movement of the moon & day and nightThe Sun as a star, other stars, galaxies, seasons, day length, the light year.The main features of the solar system. Star life cycle. The beginning and future of the universe.Illustrate the life cycle of stars ● Define astronomical distances ● Define Hubble’s law ● Describe the evolution of the universe. Calculate the age of stars
● Calculate the distances of
stars from Earth
Forces and motionForces as pushes and pulls, measuring forces, Newton's laws (interaction pairs), balanced and unbalanced forces, force diagrams, forces in 1 dimension, deforming objects, measuring stretch & compression, work done, Calculating work done, elastic & inelastic stretch. Newtons 1st law.Understand that energy is
● Link elasticity to Young
modulus .Calculate collisions in two
Speed, distance - time graphs, relative motionSpeed of sound, estimating speeds & accleration. Distance, time & speed graphs.Decleration and braking distances.Compare speed and velocity ● Describe free-fall and projectile motion ● Calculate using suvat ● Draw free-body diagrams.
Describe objects in circular
and SH motion
● Explain centripetal force by
linking to Newton’s 2nd law
● Describe the conditions
needed for resonance
Gravity, air resistance, water resistance & friction. Magnets.Friction, air resistance and water resistance.
Non contact forces: gravity, electrostatic and magnetism.Forces and fields: electrostatic, gravity & magnetismField theory
Weight equation, gravity, Weight & gravitational field strength
Levers, pulleys & gearsMoments● Define moments, couples and torques
Pressure in fluidsLinks between pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume, related to the
motion of its particles (qualitative).Pressure in fluids act in all directions, variation with height in atmosphere, upthrust.
Define internal energy ● Calculate SHC and SLH ● Recall the kinetic theory ● Apply kinetic theory to gases ● Determine absolute zero ● Calculating velocities from rms speed.
Water waves (transverse)Illustrate interference in a range of scenarios ● Justify the photon model of EM radation
WavesLight: Reflection, seeing, shadows, dangers and how light travelsHow light travels (speed of light and through vacuumns), transmission of light through materials, ray model in reflection, refraction of light, convex lens, the human eye, cameras, colours and frequencies of light, white light, prisms, colour and absorption and diffuse reflection.Velocities differing between media (absorption, reflection and refraction). Uses in the radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray and gamma-ray regions, hazardous effects on bodily tissues.
Sound: what causes sounds, how sound travels, pitch & volumeFrequencies, echos, reflection and absorption, how sound travels using particle model, sound as a longitudinal wave, ear drum, auditory range of humans and waves on oscilloscope and ultrasounds.Amplitude, wavelength & frequency. Transverse & longitudinal.Oscilloscope traces
Production & detection by electrical circuits / changes in atoms and nuclei.
ElectricityConstruct series circuits, recognise components, explain variation in components and use circuit symbols.Current in series & parallel circuits,Measuring resistance using p.d. and current measurements. Quantity of charge flowing as the product of current and time. Drawing circuit diagrams. Understand Kirchhoff’s laws ● Define resistance and resistivity ● Describe the uses of thermistors and LDR’s ● Determine the resistivity of a metal
Identify conductiors and insulatorsBulb & battery ratings, resistance, conductors and insulatorsExploring current, resistance and voltage relationships for different circuit elements. Exploring equivalent resistance for resistors in series including their graphical representations
Voltage Potential differencePower transfer related to p.d. and current, or current and resistanceDefine a capacitor and its uses ● Define Coulomb’s law ● Explain how charged particles behave in an electric field
Static electricity from the transfer of electrons and electric fields
Domestic a.c. supply; live, neutral and earth mains wires; safety measures
EnergyEnergy in food, appliance power ratings, comparing energy transfer, fuel bills, fuel use, fuel costs, energy resources, simple machines, energy changes in systems, transfer of heat (conduction and radiation), insulators, enery transfers, conservation of energy.Energy changes in a system involving heating, doing work using forces, or doing work using an electric current; calculating the stored energies and energy changes involved. Power as the rate of transfer of energy. Conservation of energy in a closed system; dissipation. Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers. Renewable and non-renewable energy sources used on Earth; changes in how these are used. Calculating energy changes involved on heating, using specific heat capacity; and those involved in changes of state, using specific latent heatConservation of energy calculations
ElectromagnetsMagnets: interaction between magnets, non contact force, magnetic materialsMagnetic poles, attraction & repulsion, magnetic fields, the Earth's magnetism, electromagnetics, DC motors.Exploring the magnetic fields of permanent and induced magnets, and the Earth’s magnetic field, using a compass. Magnetic effects of currents; how solenoids enhance the effect. How transformers are used in the national grid and the reasons for their use. Faraday's law, Lens' law, magnetic fields
Nuclear physics Atomic structureRelating models of arrangements and motions of the molecules in solid, liquid and gas phases to their densities.Recall the types of radiation and their properties ● Identify particles and antiparticles and their laws ● Illustrate decay using equations
Atomic structure, conservation of material & mass, physical changes, density, Brownian motion, diffusionThe nuclear model and its development in the light of changing evidence. Masses and sizes of nuclei, atoms and small molecules. Differences in numbers of protons and neutrons related to masses and identities of nuclei; isotope characteristics and equations to represent changes. Ionisation; absorption or emission of radiation related to changes in electron orbits. radioactive nuclei; emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or gamma-rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge. Radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their associatedhazardous effects; waste disposal. Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and our Sun’s energy● Describe fusion and fission in terms of binding energy
Particle model, ice-water transition, internal energy, changes of stateMelting, evaporation, and sublimation as reversible changes
Disciplinary knowledge: The Scientific methodScientific thinking and attitudesIdentifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas. Considering the degree of trust in results.Understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer reviewHow scientific models & theories develop over time. Using a variety of models.Use theories, models and ideas to develop scientific explanations. Know that scientific knowledge and
understanding develops over time
Appreciating the power and limitations of science and considering ethical issues which may ariseConsider ethical issues in the treatment of humans, other organisms and the environment
Explaining everyday and technological applications of science; evaluating associated personal, social, economic and environmental implications; and making decisions based on the evaluation of evidence and argumentsConsider applications and implications of science and evaluate their associated benefits and risks. Evaluate the ways in which society uses
science to inform decision making.
Pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibilityEvaluate the role of the scientific community in validating new knowledge and ensuring integrity
Evaluate risks
Experimental skills & investigationsPlanning enquires with control variablesAsk questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experiencePanning experiments to make observations, test hypotheses or explore phenomenaUse knowledge and understanding to pose scientific questions, define scientific problems, present scientific arguments and scientific ideas. Solve problems set in practical contexts. Apply scientific knowledge to practical contexts
Make predictions using scientific knowledge and understandingUsing scientific theories and explanations to develop hypotheses
Select, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of scientific enquiries to test predictions, including identifying independent, dependent and control variablesUse appropriate methodology, including information and communication technology (ICT), to answer scientific questions and solve scientific problems. Identify variables including those that must be controlled
Taking accurate and precise measurements. Taking accurate and precise measurements. Taking repeat readings.Use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safetyApplying a knowledge of a range of techniques, apparatus, and materials to select those appropriate both for fieldwork and for experiments. carrying out experiments appropriately, having due regard to the correct manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of measurements and health and safety considerationsCarry out experimental and investigative activities, including appropriate risk management, in a range of contexts. Know and understand how to use a wide range of experimental and practical
instruments, equipment and techniques
Make and record observations and measurements using a range of methods for different investigations; and evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvementsMaking and recording observations and measurements using a range of apparatus and methods
Apply sampling techniquesRecognising when to apply a knowledge of sampling techniques to ensure any samples collected are representativeUnderstand the principles of sampling
Analysis & evaluationUse scientific diagrams and labels.Scattergraphs, bar charts and line graphs.Apply mathematical concepts and calculate results
Present observations and data using appropriate methods, including tables and graphsPresenting observations and other data using appropriate methods. Translating data from one form to another. Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar charts and histograms. Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation between two variables. Understand that y=mx+c represents a linear relationship. Plot two variables from experimental or other data. Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph. Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic forms. Plot two variables from experimental or other data. Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph . Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship. Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change. Understand that y = mx + c represents a linear relationship. Distinguish between instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change. Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar charts and histograms. Use a scatter diagram to identify .a correlation between two variables
Conclusions and causal relationshipsInterpret observations and data, including identifying patterns and using observations, measurements and data to draw conclusionsInterpreting observations and other data, including identifying patterns and trends, making inferences and drawing conclusionsAnalyse and interpret data to provide evidence, recognising correlations and causal relationships. evaluate results and draw conclusions with reference to measurement
uncertainties and errors
Present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypothesesPresenting reasoned explanations, including relating data to hypotheses
Evaluate data, showing awareness of potential sources of random and systematic errorEvaluating methods and suggesting possible improvements and further investigations. Being objective, evaluating data in terms of accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility and identifying potential sources of random and systematic errorEvaluate methodology, evidence and data, and resolve conflicting evidence. Consider margins of error, accuracy and precision of data
Using results to make predictions and design future testsIdentify further questions arising from their results
Using classification keys
Communicating the scientific rationale for investigations, including the methods used, the findings and reasoned conclusions, using paper-based and electronic reports and presentations
Vocabulary, units, symbols and nomenclatureUnderstand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclatureUsing SI units and IUPAC chemical nomenclature unless inappropriateRecognise and make use of appropriate units in calculations
Solve algebraic equations
Undertake basic data analysis including simple statistical techniquesCarrying out and representing mathematical and statistical analysis. Representing distributions of results and making estimations of uncertainty. Find arithmetic means. Understand the terms mean, mode and median Find arithmetic means. Identify uncertainties in measurements and use simple techniques to determine uncertainty when data are combined by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and
raising to powers. Understand the terms mean, median and mode. Select and use a statistical test. Understand measures of dispersion, including standard deviation and range
Developing their use of scientific vocabulary and nomenclatureCommunicate information and ideas in appropriate ways using appropriate terminology
Recognising the importance of scientific quantities and understanding how they are determined
Using prefixes and powers of ten for orders of magnitude (e.g. tera, giga, mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro and nano). Make order of magnitude calculations. Make order of magnitude calculations
Interconverting units
Using an appropriate number of decimal places and significant figures in calculationsRecognise and use expressions in decimal and ordinary form. Use an appropriate number
of significant figures
Ratios and proportion (CASE)Use ratios, fractions and percentagesUse ratios, fractions and percentages
Throughout KS3Make estimates of the results of simple calculationsEstimate results
Use calculators to find and use power, exponential and logarithmic functions, Use logarithms in relation to quantities that range over several orders of magnitude. Interpret logarithmic plots. Use logarithmic plots to test exponential and power law variations
Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, ∝, ~
Using a protractor to measure angles in reflection and refractionUse angular measures in degreesUse angles and shapes in regular 2-D and 3-D structures
Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms including two dimensional representations of 3D objectsVisualise and represent 2-D and 3-D forms including 2-D representations of 3-D objects
Use of 2D modelsUnderstand the symmetry of 2-D and 3-D shape
Motion (speed = distance / time) and pressure calculations. Density working out volumes of shapes.Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles, surface areas and volumes of cubes.Calculate areas of triangles, circumferences and areas of circles, surface areas and volumes of rectangular blocks, cylinders and spheres
Use Pythagoras’ theorem, and the angle sum of a triangle
Use calculators to handle sin x, cos x and tan x when x is expressed in degrees or radians. Use sin, cos and tan in physical problems. Use of small angle approximations including sin i i . , tan i i . , cos 1 i . for small i where appropriate. Understand the relationship between degrees and radians and translate from one to the other
Understand simple probabilityUnderstand simple probability
Use and derive simple equations and carry out appropriate calculationsSubstitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical quantitiesSubstitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for physical quantities
Change the subject of an equationChange the subject of an equation
Solve simple algebraic equationsSolve algebraic equations, including quadratic equations
Motion speed = distance / time graphsUnderstand the physical significance of area between a curve and the x-axis and measure it by counting squares as appropriateUnderstand the possible physical significance of the area between a curve and the x axis and be able to calculate it or estimate it by graphical methods as appropriate