Name / Artist NameProduction Tips / Workflows In Live
Dan GiffinIn Clip View, press W to zoom out and see entire clip
Dan GiffinCreate new Audio Track; set input to Resampling. Right-click track name and choose "save as default". Makes resampling faster in new projects
Dan GiffinRight click an automation line; choose Edit Value / helps type values more quickly for automation curves
Dan GiffinHold CMD + click-drag a Warp Marker in audio clip, it automatically creates warp markers to the left & right: Timing for the rest of the clip is unaffected
Dan GiffinWhen using the Echo audio effect, turn on "D" (bottom-left) and drive the Input for a rich saturated/ distorted sound
Dan GiffinUse the Width knob on the Utility audio effect and automate it down before the drop to sound thinner. Can create a perceived "Wider or bigger" feeling when the drop hits.
Dan GiffinFreeze function in Reverb audio effect to create pads and Resample. Also can automate the pitch in the Clip Envelope to create a riser
Dan GiffinTo create randomized chord progressions; create multiple clips in Session View playing 1 chord each. Then use follow actions to generate random chord progressions
Dan GiffinAdjust the Zoom Display percentage in Preferences to see if you're half blind
Dan GiffinRight-Click the top of the Browser content pane, you can sort everything in the selected folder by Size, Type, Rank, Place
Dan GiffinPress C to arm a selected track
Dan GiffinSave favorite Racks you regularly use in a Collections Folder in browser
Dan GiffinIn the MIDI Clip, turn on Scale Mode and use the Draw Tool to quickly draw notes in key
Dan GiffinHold Shift to select multiple MIDI clips in Arrangement View; can see inside multiple MIDI clip notes to edit together/ individually
Dan GiffinGo to MIDI preferences --> File/Folder to Save Current Set as Default. Now you can load Live's default set everytime you open with favorite effects, instruments, tracks, etc.
Dan GiffinQuickly insert automation shapes - In the automation view, highlight a section of the background grid, right-click to see a menu with automation curves at the bottom.
Dan GiffinIf you shorten a clip down to a specific point and want to commit to that length, right-click on it and select ‘Crop Clip(s)
Dan GiffinUse the Z shortcut, which zooms into the current selection, and X, which zooms back out to the full arrangement.
Dan GiffinAutomate the track's volume with a Utility audio effect's Gain knob. This frees up the Track's Volume fader for overall mix changes
Dan GiffinIn Preferences under the ‘Plug-Ins’ tab, enable the ‘Multiple Plug-In Windows’ option so you can work inside multiple plugins at the same time
Dan GiffinUsing the Simpler Instrument in Slice Mode, you can get instant inspiration by dragging in looped audio samples
Dan Giffinuse Locators as a way to organize / compose sections of your song (i.e. - buildup, drop, chorus, etc)
Dan GiffinTighten up the decay times and shape the transients of sounds with the Gate audio effect
Dan GiffinSimply load your sounds/ instruments up the way you want them, then right-click the top of the device (the name) and choose ‘Save as Default Preset’.
Dan GiffinImport your own audio files into Ableton's Wavetable Instrument. Drag it onto the display; Moving the wavetable selector can yield some really interesting results.
Dan GiffinImport individual tracks from other projects; In the browser, add your projects folder. Navigate to the desired project and find the right .als file. Clicking the dropdown will reveal all tracks in that project.
Dan GiffinRandomize Macro Control Values; Click the Rand button at the top of the device to randomize the macro control knobs for new interesting sounds. To go deeper, check out Smooth Automator Max for Live device to create smooth changes between Macro Variations.
Dan GiffinWith the Auto Pan audio effect, change the phase to 0 to create awesome tremolo effects (or sidechaining effect)
Dan GiffinUse the LFO audio effect and assign it to move parameters on audio or MIDI devices for interesting movement, such as Auto Pan, or Auto Filter's 'Rate'.
Dan GiffinPlace a Utility on the Master Track and turn on Mono to check the mix for any out-of-phase sounds, artifacts of stereo imaging, etc.
Dan GiffinWhether it’s a clip, track, or device, if you look at the Info Box in the bottom left corner of the screen, you can edit the text shown. Simply right-click and select ‘Edit Info Text, writing it whatever you want. This can help with reminders, explanations, etc.
Dan GiffinSave screen real-estate in the MIDI Clip Editor using Fold button; only showing keys that currently have notes on them. Works great for Drum Racks, where typically only a certain range of notes are used.
Dan Giffin
Add a Groove into the Groove pool and assign it to make audio and MIDI clip's rythm play together. (I find it works best with certain rhythmic sounds, I don't always use it on every clip). Grooves now have their own folder in the Browser, and you can extract your own from existing audio/ MIDI clips!
Dan GiffinImport a video file into an audio track's new Take Lane. Use your Draw Tool to chop up the video(s) to the beat of your song.
Dan GiffinKey Map your most common shortcuts in Live and save as a Template, such as Capture, Soloing your reference track, etc.
Dan GiffinInsert multiple Drum Buss audio effects with extreme settings (or try Drum Buss presets) and turn down the Dry/ Wet mix to use them in parallel
Dan GiffinChange the Circuit Type (MS2, OSR, SMP) on devices like Auto Filter, Wavetable, and others, and turn up the Drive for a thick, analog distortion sound .
Dan GiffinUse the Velocity MIDI Effect to control velocity of notes played louder/ quieter across multiple MIDI clips on a track. Great for either controlling drums, or adding variation with how loud they're hitting between notes
Dan GiffinHold CMD + 1 or 2 to change the background grid length
Dan GiffinPress Q to enable Hotswap mode. Allows you to quickly swap existing samples, instruments, devices in the browser.
Dan GiffinSing your drums into a mic, then right-click the new audio clip to Convert Drums To New MIDI. Replace the drum hits in the drum rack and Quantize
Dan GiffinUse Convert harmony to MIDI on audio loops, then swap the new instrument with one you like.
Dan GiffinPrevent yourself from hearing latecy/ delay when recording new audio by turning off Ableton's track monitor, and listen instead using your audio interface.
Dan GiffinUse track delays to push grooves back behind/ ahead of the beat.
Dan GiffinLayer multiple sounds in a drum rack by holding CMD/ctrl while dragging onto a drum rack pad
Dan GiffinIn Live 11, remove the subfolders in Audio Effects by right-clicking a folder and choose 'Group In Folder'. Can always change it back if you want.
Dan GiffinFind new inspiration with Max For Live devices at ; On the Device Library page, see the right-hand side of page for the highest rated and most downloaded devices.
Dan GiffinPlay with DS Kick, DS Clap, and other DS series drum sounds. You can easily create your own kicks and tune them with DS Kick. Can also play them in a Drum Rack, and create multiple DS kicks as 808 basses in key.
Dan GiffinCreate unique drum effects on snare hits or percussion loops with Pitch Hack audio effect. Tune your drums, add a "flam" to drum one-shots with 1/8 rate and Dry/ Wet mix. Also, use Pitch hack to create risers/ effected buildups.
Dan GiffinSplit Stereo Mode; On a track's Pan knob, right-click and choose Select Split Stereo Pan Mode. This can be helpful playing back certain stereo audio clips, and not completely removing audio information from the L / R side when in default pan mode.
Dan GiffinQuickly widen / slightly tune sounds using Phaser-Flanger audio effect.
Dan GiffinUse a max for live tool like Swiss Army Meter or Loudness Meter (free) to measure loudness LUFS (LKFS) when comparing your track with another mastered track in your project (referencing is everything!) Place on your master track and compare.
Santiago Domingo Devia
CMD+G for to create channel groups or mutiple selected Instruments and Effects Racks
Santiago Domingo Devia
If you hover your cursor over the device´s name you can see the device´s latency in the status bar at the bottom of screen
Santiago Domingo Devia
When you select a MIDI note in the clip, you can quickly change the velocity's value by typing a number
Federico PepeRight click on a Simpler Instrument at the top and select Simpler → Sampler (or viceversa) to convert the instrument and its sound
Federico PepeCMD + Shift + U for quantizing settings/ options
Federico PepeIn the MIDI clip, you can select multiple notes and press Shift + Arrow up / down to move the notes an octave up/ down
Brian JacksonRight click on title bar of EQ Eight or Glue Compressor to enable Oversampling
Brian JacksonPress 0 to activate/ deactivate selected clips or devices
Brian FunkName your presets with your initials so they are easy to find when searching the browser (CMD-F)
Claire Marie LimIn Session View: right-click/Ctrl-click on an empty clip slot to remove the Stop Button (great for live performance!)
Claire Marie LimUsing Capture to capture the MIDI info for when you're noodling around~
Richard BalgobinClick on a device's title, press - or + to fold and unfold the device respectively
Richard BalgobinFreeze and Flatten a MIDI track that has an instrument and MIDI clip in it, hold Option/Alt and drag the MIDI clip to an audio track to print audio and keep original frozen MIDI track and clip
Richard BalgobinImport a Groove clip to an empty MIDI track, then place a melodic or percussive instrument on it for instant rhythmic vibes
Richard BalgobinCMD + Shift + I in the Session View to copy all playing clips into one scene
Rasmus KjærboOpen Groove Pool, the Global Groove Amount affects the arpeggiator swing!
Rasmus KjærboSet Arpeggiattor Retrigger to Beat and set the Rate to an uneven beat division (9/8, 7/8) and repeat function to less than INF - it makes the Arp shine bright like a diamond!
Hozaifa SayedAdjust clip gain / level to increase or decrease the volume of a clip. This helps in the case of a sample that is too loud or too quiet. Keep in mind the possibility of an increase of the noise floor, but this gain adjustment can improve the efficiency signal flow and gain staging.
Hozaifa SayedUse the Spectrum audio effect to visually assess a similar Fletcher / Munson curve while finishing a mix. This gurantees a well placed midrange and a balanced sound. Of course, trust your ears and only use visual cues as feedback.
Hozaifa SayedIn the Beats warp mode, set the "Preserve" setting at 1/8th or 1/16th notes, the foward arrow (or "Off" control) to gate the length between each transient, and adjust the 0-100 slider to get a glitching effect. I love using this, add some reverb and delay and it sounds great.
Wiggz CaroWhen having reference songs in your session, you can set that channel's Output in the I/O to "Ext. Out" instead of "Master" to bypass your plugins on the Master channel.
Wiggz CaroNaming certain types of presets with symbols like +++, ---, &, %, $, etc... at the beginning of your preset name, can make it easier to find when searching "All Results" on your browser (CMD + F)
Mélanie FrisoliClick on the word "Length" in the clip view. Live will display the exact length of the clip (helpful when you zoom in too far!)
Mélanie FrisoliPress "Z" twice in the Arrangement view to focus on the selected clip
Mélanie FrisoliIn the audio clip envelope, draw quick automation changes using the "Sample Offset" when the warp mode is set to Beats. (Set each step to 1/16 before or after) - Unlink the loop and have fun
Mélanie FrisoliIn Arrangement view, select a clip and press Cmd + i (Mac) it will add silence (insert time) which will be the exact length of this clip
Mélanie FrisoliCmd + shift + X and Cmd + shift + D are helpful shortcuts to create an Arrangement/ song structure fast! See more in the "Edit" tab in Ableton Live
David SharmaLive 11: When mapping macros in an Instrument Rack with multiple instances of the same device, right-click on the parameter you've mapped and choose "map to siblings," to be able to control that parameter in each individual device. For Live 10 and earlier versions: Same, but use options.txt
Ricardo BalderasTemplates can be used to save and reuse complex track configurations. Create the configuration and routing, save as a Template, then you can drag the Template or just certain tracks into any other project.
Ricardo Balderas
Create/ add an "Ideas" folder to your browser. Whenever you come up with a musical idea that doesn't quite fit in the current project or don't know what to do with it, drag it out into this folder and give it a descriptive name (key, tempo, mood, etc). These ideas can be dragged back into other projects for experimentation.
Ricardo BalderasExtract grooves as MIDI clips: Drag an audio file into the Groove Pool, then drag the created Groove file back onto a new MIDI track. You get a rhythmic sequence of C3 notes that can be easily edited into something musical.
Ricardo BalderasFinding a sample tuning can be easier by creating a Rack with a Band-Pass Auto Filter followed by a Spectrum set in ST mode. Use the Auto Filter to locate the root harmonic, then identify the note in Spectrum.
Michael McReynolds / Sweater DiscoWhen using a reference track in any kind of project, I turn off the audio track that the reference is in, and Key Map "r" to the Solo Track control for the reference. I can really quickly jump in and out of the reference track from anywhere in the project.
Michael McReynolds / Sweater DiscoThe Vocoder audio effect can be used to create buildups/ tension on any instrument - automating the decay/formant controls is great for buildups.
Michael McReynolds / Sweater DiscoEnvelope Follower for Mixing - can be used to sidechain individual bands of an EQ, which is a bit more flexible than a sidechain compressor. Example: Ducking the high band of a synth based on the level of a vocal track.
Merlyn SilvaPlace the Random device before a drum rack, and automate the Chance parameter for instant drum fills
Merlyn SilvaSearch for the word 'freeze' in your browser, and playfully drag the results into a simpler to rediscover ideas from old projects
Merlyn SilvaUse Device Randomizer with a synth or effect to generate some unexpected sounds from a track - Resample the results
Merlyn SilvaBreath life into Wavetable using the Random column in the MIDI tab: Each time you play a note, the parameters you've assigned will change. Small doses!
Merlyn SilvaIn Drum Buss, automate the Frequency and turn up the Boom knob for quick sub drops and wobbles
Merlyn Silva(Boring but important) learn what 'Collect All and Save' does!!!
Misty JonesFor drums in Beats warp mode, change the transient loop mode to "off," then pull down transient envelope for a gated feel. Play with different granular resolutions for different rhythmic gated feels.
Misty JonesTake several short drum loop clips in the same track, use short follow actions (3 16ths) set to random/other and legato mode for an ever-evolving new "loop." Use FX for cohesion.
Amit SegallUse the Compressor sidechain (in monitor mode) as a way to route audio into a channel - in an Audio Effects Rack you can have multiple inputs as well as a mixer, so a simple audio track could become an entire mixer on it's own.
Kaite WatsonSave Live Sets in the appropriate project!
Liam O'Mullane
When using a synth (in my case always Operator) to synthesize drums in a drum rack, keep it in FM ratio mode (not freq) per Operator and use the MIDI Out note to in the Input Output section of the Rack to tune each drum per pad. Then you can easily also add and Macro a MIDI Pitch device before each Operator for easy chromatic tuning when needed.
Liam O'MullaneEQ Three is a great phase tool. Maybe this too? (It's mine) Place a bunch of EQ Three devices in an audio effects rack. Map the FreqLow and FreqHigh crossover knobs to one macro, then turn up / down for a cool phasing effect. (Especially on bass synths)