MajorStatusBrief Description of ChangesAdvice for First Year & Sophomore Students (Undeclared) Advice for Declared StudentsWebsiteAdditional Notes
AccountingChangingAll majors in Business & Economics will now take a common core of B/E107 Principles of Economics (new one-semester econ course replacing micro/macro sequence), B/E110 Financial Accounting, and B/E160 Intro to Management. B/E240 Cost Accounting is being removed and the current taxation course is being replaced by a two-course sequence on federal taxation: individual and corporate. B/E265 Business Law will also be required and carry a WRITD designation. The regular accounting major will reduce electives to meet the 12 course requirement, but note the more common Public Accounting major is not subject to the course limitation due to licensing requirements.The three core courses and MCS142 Intro to Stats are the priorities in the first three semesters, followed by B/E150 Applied Business Analytics for Business Management or Accounting majors.Meet with your adviser. Accounting Major
Accounting with Finance ConcentrationChangingSame as the Accounting major, except the three course finance sequence is required instead of electives.The three core courses and MCS142 Intro to Stats are the priorities in the first three semesters, followed by B/E150 Applied Business Analytics for Business Management or Accounting majors.Meet with your adviser. Accounting with Finance Major
Ancient Greek LanguageNewThe Ancient Greek Language major replaces the Classical Languages-Greek major. It is a 9 course major, rather than the old 10 course Classical Languages-Greek and requires 5 semesters of Greek (starting at the 101 level), one of which must be a 300 level, rather than the 6 total required in the old major.Ancient Greek is a great option for first and second year students either to fulfill their language requirement or as a major because it is heavily focused on reflective study habits, metacognition, and how language and learning works, which can provide students with a strong foundation of academic and professional skills. This major uses Greek language to explore ancient Greek history and culture in ways that shed light on modern American culture and society. It is advising and student-support heavy and most students are able to fulfill requirements without too much difficulty. It pairs well with other majors from many other fields, including sciences and social sciences. Check your progress and speak with your advisor to make sure you are in the major that best fits for you. Check in with your advisor about the capstone in particular. It is the only requirement that is offered every other year. The next one is offered is spring, 2025. Ancient Greek Language Major
Ancient Greek StudiesNo ChangeThis remains the same. Ancient Greek *Studies* requires only 3 Greek courses (starting from 101), in contrast to the 5 required by the new Ancient Greek *Language* major. Ancient Greek is a great option for first and second year students either to fulfill their language requirement or as a major because it is heavily focused on reflective study habits, metacognition, and how language and learning works, which can provide students with a strong foundation of academic and professional skills. This major only requires three semesters of language and provides students with the chance to explore ancient Greek history and culture in ways that shed light on modern American culture and society. This major is advising and student-support heavy and most students are able to fulfill requirements without too much difficulty. It pairs well with other majors from many other fields, including sciences and social sciences.Check your progress and speak with your advisor to make sure you are in the major -- compared with Ancient Greek Language major, etc. -- that is the best fit for you.Ancient Greek Studies Major
Art EducationNo ChangeN/ATake EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Art Education Major
Art HistoryChangingReduction from 9 courses to 8, transition to Art 399 as capstone courseDiscuss plans with Art and Art History Faculty early, Recomend First year and undeclared students begin with 101 or 102. Meet with your advisor. We will make a transition plan with you.Art History Major
Art StudioChangingReduction from 10 to 9 coures. Increase in 100-level course options and requirements across media. Reduction of 300-level studio requirement to 200-level requirement. Discuss plans with Art and Art History Faculty early, Take a 100 level course that interests you.Meet with your advisor. We will make a transition plan with you.Art Studio Major
Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyChangingLab courses added; courses renumbered.First year - start CHE sequence (with CHE 110/111 or CHE 105/106) and possibly BIO sequence (BIO 110/111), pending strength of background in STEM; highly recommend that interested students speak to a BMB faculty member.
Second year - declare major and talk with your advisor.
Talk with your advisor.Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MajorChem Master Advising Document
BiologyChangingMajor requirements will appear as if changed because we had to apply for new course numbers for virtually all of our courses (to allow Lab courses to be separately listed from lecture); however, we still require the same set of courses for the major as before. So, effectively, our major has NOT been changed.Discuss your plan with a Biology faculty early. This can happen either formally (by declaring your major) or informally (by visitng faculty offce hours). There are multiple pathways to complete the major in Biology. Generally, you will want to take at least one course in either Biology or Chemistry each semester to make a progress (if you can take both Biology and Chemistry in a given semester, that will give you more flexibility down the line).Please be assured that our major requriements remain essentially unchanged. If you have any quesitons or concerns, please reach out to your advisor.Biology Major
Biology with HonorsChangingMajor requirements will appear as if changed because we had to apply for new course numbers for virtually all of our courses (to allow Lab courses to be separately listed from lecture); however, we still require the same set of courses for the major as before. So, effectively, our major has NOT been changed.Discuss your plan with a Biology faculty early. This can happen either formally (by declaring your major) or informally (by visitng faculty offce hours). There are multiple pathways to complete the major in Biology. Generally, you will want to take at least one course in either Biology or Chemistry each semester to make a progress (if you can take both Biology and Chemistry in a given semester, that will give you more flexibility down the line).Please be assured that our major requriements remain essentially unchanged. If you have any quesitons or concerns, please reach out to your advisor.Biology with Honors Major
Business ManagementChangingAll majors in Business & Economics will now take a common core of B/E107 Principles of Economics (new one-semester econ course replacing micro/macro sequence), B/E110 Financial Accounting, and B/E160 Intro to Management. B/E230 Managerial Accounting has moved from required to elective, and the number of elective has been reduced to meet the 12 course requirement.The three core courses and MCS142 Intro to Stats are the priorities in the first three semesters, followed by B/E150 Applied Business Analytics for Business Management or Accounting majors.None of the changes will change requirements or make completing the major more difficult.Business Management Major
ACS ChemistryChangingLab courses added; courses renumbered; dropped CHEM GRE requirement; Need 3 semesters of CHE 399 (not 4). 300 level electives will be rotating with only 1 offered each semester (with exception of "Proteins" which is offered every spring)Start CHE sequence with CHE 110/111 or CHE 105/106Talk with your advisor; printed/digital materials summarizing changes are comingACS (Professional) Chemistry MajorChem Master Advising Document
ChemistryChangingLab courses added; courses renumbered; Need 3 semesters of CHE 399 (not 4). 300 level electives will be rotating with only 1 offered each semester (with exception of "Proteins" which is offered every spring)Start CHE sequence with CHE 110/111 or CHE 105/106Talk with your advisor; printed/digital materials summarizing changes are comingChemistry MajorChem Master Advising Document
Chemistry TeachingChangingLab courses added; courses renumbered; Need 3 semesters of CHE 399 (not 4). 300 level CHE electives will be rotating with only 1 offered each semester (with exception of "Proteins" which is offered every spring)Start CHE sequence with CHE 110/111 or CHE 105/106; talk with Julie Gronewold in EDU department. Take EDU 268 in May Term and EDU 230 and PSY 100 before applying to the program.Talk with your advisor; printed/digital materials summarizing changes are comingChemistry Teaching MajorChem Master Advising Document
Classical LanguagesChangingThe Classical Languages major is a 9 course major (the old version of the major was 10) and it requires 4 semesters of one of the two department languages (Latin or Greek) and 1 semester of the other. This contrasts with either the Latin or the Greek major each of which requires 5 semesters of their language of focus.
The Classical Languages major is great option for first and second year students to combine fulfilling a language requirement with a moderately sized 9 course major (with no hidden requirements) which exposes the student to two languages (as little of one semester of one and four of the other). The major is heavily focused on reflective study habits, metacognition, and how language and learning works, which can provide students with a strong foundation of academic and professional skills. This major uses Greek and Latin languages to explore ancient Greek and Roman history and culture in ways that shed light on modern American culture and society. It is advising and student-support heavy and most students are able to fulfill requirements without too much difficulty. It pairs well with other majors from many other fields, including sciences and social sciences.
Check your progress with your major advisor to make sure you are in the major that best fits for you (CLL vs. Greek Language or Latin Language, etc.). Check in with your advisor about the capstone in particular. It is the only major requirement that is offered every other year. It is next offered spring, 2025. Classical Languages Major
Classical Languages with HonorsNo ChangeN/ATake language courses in GRE or LAT and/or CLA 100 and 200 level coursesCheck with your major advisor about the qualifications for the Honors major. A candidate for honors normally applies to the department in spring semester of their junior (or next to last) year.Classical Languages with Honors Major
Communication Arts/Literature TeachingChangingModified/expanded some of the course options Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Communication Arts/Literature Teaching Major
Communication StudiesChangingAdded course option: majors can now take 2 semesters (4 credit hours) of COM 220 (Public Deliberation & Dialogue) to count toward their Application requirementCommunication Studies Major
Communication Studies with HonorsNo ChangeN/ATake COM 120 and COM 115 or COM 117Communication Studies with Honors Major
Computer ScienceNo ChangeN/ASee Computer Science Advising GuideComputer Science Major
Computer Science with HonorsDiscontinuedDiscontinuedN/A
DanceChangingLess courses offered, reduced credits, changes in requirements.First-year students should take beginning technique unless experienced. Will need to audition for placement.Continue with technical training, take T/D-245 sophomore year. Consider taking T/D-305 in the fall.Dance Major
Dance with HonorsDiscontinuedThis major has been discontinued.N/A
EconomicsChangingAll majors in Business & Economics will now take a common core of B/E107 Principles of Economics (new one-semester econ course replacing micro/macro sequence), B/E110 Financial Accounting, and B/E160 Intro to Management. All courses carrying a WRITD designation have been listed together to meet the writing requirement. The number of electives has been reduced to meet the 12 course requirement.The three core courses and MCS142 Intro to Stats are the priorities in the first three semesters, followed by MCS121 or equivalent for the Calculus requirement.Meet with your adviser. Economics Major
Educational StudiesNo ChangeNOTE: This major is intended for EDU majors to get to methods or student teaching and are uninterested or unable to finish the program.Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Educational Studies Major
Elementary EducationChangingTake EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Education Major
EnglishChangingTotal courses for major reduced with requirements that are easier to understand.Take ENG 201 or a 100-level ENG course.Take ENG 201 as soon as possible.English Major
Environmental StudiesChangingThe core has changed slightly, but current students will be unaffected. The four previous tracks have been changed to more streamlined concentrations (Living Systems; Earth Systems; Environmental Justice; and Distributed Environmental Studies). There are fewer courses that "count" in each concentration, but there should still be ample choice to give students flexibility according to interests.Begin (or continue taking) core courses: ENV-120; ENV-104 or ENV-131; ENV-220; ENV-230; GEG-240 or COM-120We will continue to work with declared students on existing tracks and all previously-approved core courses will satisfy new requirements if your major was declared prior to May 2024. Some declared majors may wish to switch to new concentrations. See your advisor to discuss the best strategies.Environmental Studies Major
Exercise PhysiologyChangingExercise Physiology majors will no longer be required to take one of HES 226, PBH 227, PBH 330, or PBH 338. Continue as usual. Complete at least 8 credits (2 classes) of exercise physiology course work before applying for the major in November of sophomore year. Meet with your advisorExercise Physiology Major
Financial EconomicsChangingFinancial Economics Major
FrenchChangingChanging number of courses to include pre-requisites- All French courses at Gustavus can count towards the French major. /Decreasing major by a course/ More flexibility in course sequence/Adding WRIT requirement/ major allows some courses in English.Follow placement recommendations on MLLC website: Please contact Prof. Paschal Kyoore or Prof. Severine Bates with any questions about placement or the new major. Students interested in the major or minor please request a meeting with a French advisor.Please meet with a French advisor. Contact Prof. Paschal Kyoore or Prof. Severine Bates.French Major
French with HonorsChangingAdding WRIT requirement/ More flexibility in course sequence/ major allows some courses in English.Follow placement recommendations on MLLC website: Please contact Prof. Paschal Kyoore or Prof. Severine Bates with any questions about placement or the new major. Students interested in the major or minor please request a meeting with a French advisor. Please meet with a French advisor. Contact Prof. Paschal Kyoore or Prof. Severine Bates.French with Honors Major
Gender, Women, and Sexuality StudiesNo ChangeNo changes this year. We have a program review in April 2024 and anticipate changes during the 2024-2025 academic year. Take any of the 100-level GWSS courses (African Feminisms, Feminist Controversies, US Women Writers, and/or Race, Gender, and Science. Sophomores may also consider one of the many 200-level courses such as Black Women in Europe; Gender, Sexuality, and the Holocaust; Women Writing Africa; Gender and Immigration; Sex, Power, and Politics. The only 200-level class requiring a prerequisite or permission is the Research Lab. Please meet with a GWSS professor or the director. For 2023-2024, the director will be Prof. Sharon Marquart. Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Major
GeographyChangingThe main change is a shift from topical capstone courses to a single capstone course; some courses have been renumberedTake any of the 100-level core geography courses (Human Geography, World Geography, Environmental Geography). If you've taken these, take 200-level courses of interestMake sure you're taking research methods by your junior year and plan for the capstone in your senior yearGeography Major
Geography with GIS ConcentrationChangingTBDGeography with GIS Major
Geography with HonorsChangingThe main change is a shift from topical capstone courses to a single capstone course; some courses have been renumberedGeography Major with Honors
GeologyChangingJunior and senior seminar is moving to the spring semester. The timing of some courses is changing (fall-spring spring-fall). Calculus is no longer required, though stats or calculus are strongly recommended. Most courses have been renumberedIf you've already had an introductory geology course, take Earth Surface Processes, Evolution of the Earth, or Earth Materials nextSee your advisor and check the course rotation schedule to make sure your planning is still goodGeology Major
Geology with HonorsChangingThe honors thesis course will now be offered as a regular-semester course in place of senior seminar, taken in the spring semester of senior yearGeology Major with Honors
Health and Physical EducationNo ChangeN/AYou do not need a NTSCI or HUMN course as these are covered within the requirements for the HPE major. Recommended courses: HES 207, HES 209.Health and Physical Education Major
Health and Physical Education TeachingNo ChangeN/ATake EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Health and Physical Education Teaching Major
HistoryChangingReduction and renumbering of the two core courses (HIS 299 and HIS 399)Take HIS 299 in your second year.Meet with your advisor to map out your course plan.History Major
History with HonorsDiscontinuedThis major has been discontinued N/A
Japanese StudiesChangingThe total number of Japanese culture courses ("courses in English") required for the major has been clarified.Take JPN 101 as soon as possible.Meet with your Japanese Studies advisor.Japanese Studies Major
Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean StudiesChanging1) we eliminated the language requirement; and 2) must select one required course among 6 options (LAS-101, FRE-364, MLC-255, SPA-220, POL-230, POL-250). Take MUS-102, LAS-101, S/A-242, MLC-277, EDU-250, SPA-200/250 Meet with your Lalacs advisor. Take GEG-298, S/A-284, MLC-255, POL-250LALACS Major
Latin LanguageNewThis major has a 9 course requirement and replaces the 10 course Classical Languages-Latin major. It requires 5 Latin courses (starting from 101), one of which must be a 300 level, rather than the previous 6. Take LAT courses at the appropriate level. Latin is a great option for first and second year students either to fulfill their language requirement or as a major because it is heavily focused on reflective study habits, metacognition, and how language and learning works, which can provide students with a strong foundation of academic and professional skills. This major uses Latin language to explore ancient Roman history and culture in ways that shed light on modern American culture and society. It is advising and student-support heavy and most students are able to fulfill requirements without too much difficulty. It pairs well with other majors from many other fields, including sciences and social sciences, and especially pre-Law.Check your progress and speak with your major advisor to make sure you are in the GLCS major (i.e. Latin, Latin Teaching, etc.) that best fits you. Check in with your advisor about the capstone in particular. It is the only requirement that is offered every other year. The next one is offered is spring, 2025. Latin Language Major
Latin TeachingChangingThis major equips the student with the requirements for licensure. The requirements on the Latin side are the same for a regular Latin major. On the Education side, take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Latin Teaching Major
Life Science Teaching MajorNo ChangeN/ATake EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Life Science Teaching Major
MathematicsNo ChangeRotation of 200 & 300 level courses is changing.See Mathematics Advising Guide.Consult with advisor on course plan.Mathematics Major
Mathematics EducationNo ChangeRotation of 200 & 300 level courses is changing.Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Mathematics Major
Mathematics with HonorsNo ChangeRotation of 200 & 300 level courses is changing.See Mathematics Advising Guide.Consult with advisor on course plan.Mathematics with Honors Major
MusicChangingReduction and renumbering of courses.Take MUS 101, 201, 203, or 204; register for lessonsMeet with your MUS and Content advisorsMusic Major
Music EducationChangingReduction and renumbering of courses.Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Music Education Major
Music with HonorsChangingMinor changes in the requirements for the honors majorFocus on requirments for the basic Music majorMeet with your MUS advisorMusic Major
NursingChangingLab and clinical courses added; one course renumberedRefer to the program planning sheet available on the nursing department webpage. Or visit the nursing department to discuss your plan and/or progress with the program coordinator, department chair, or faculty member.Meet with your advisor.Nursing Major
Peace, Justice, and Conflict StudiesChangingChange for students is very minimal. The requirements/structure are same. Some new courses and some discontinued.We recommend taking PCS 211 and other introductory level courses firstthere will be a new capstone option. We made adjustments in some of the 3 tracks based on what departments are offering. Peace Justice and Conflict Studies Major
PhilosophyChangingPHI-290 will no longer be required; instead, students will be required to take a second 300-level course.Take any 200-level Philosophy course, with some preference for PHI-201 (Ancient Philosophy) in the Fall and PHI-202 (Modern Philosophy) in the Spring.Consult with your major advisor.Philosophy Major
Philosophy with HonorsDiscontinuedThe Philosophy with Honors major will be discontinued, eventually to be replaced with another form of honors recognition.N/A
PhysicsChangingReduction and renumbering of courses.Take PHY-200/201 (Physics for Scientists and Engineers I with Lab), PHY-210/211 (Physics for Scientists and Engineers II with Lab)A teach out of second year PHY major courses will be available. Please consult with your advisor.Physics Major
Physics TeachingChangingReduction and renumbering of PHY courses. Also consult with EDU.Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Physics Teaching Major
Physics with HonorsDiscontinuedDiscontinuedN/A
Political ScienceNo ChangeN/ATake any 100 or 200-level POL courseTalk with your advisorPolitical Science Major
Political Science with HonorsChangingHonors will be awarded based on a recommendation from the department instead of through an application process and independent research project.Take any 100 or 200-level POL courseTalk with your advisorPolitical Science Major with Honors
Psychological ScienceNo ChangeN/ATake PSY 100 or any 200-level elective (students can only take 225 if they have already completed 224)Psychological Science Major
Psychological Science with HonorsDiscontinuedDiscontinuedN/A
Public AccountingChangingAll majors in Business & Economics will now take a common core of B/E107 Principles of Economics (new one-semester econ course replacing micro/macro sequence), B/E110 Financial Accounting, and B/E160 Intro to Management. B/E240 Cost Accounting is being removed and the current taxation course is being replaced by a two-course sequence on federal taxation: individual and corporate. B/E265 Business Law will also be required and carry a WRITD designation. The Public Accounting major is not subject to the 12 course limitation due to licensing requirements.The three core courses and MCS142 Intro to Stats are the priorities in the first three semesters, followed by B/E150 Applied Business Analytics for Business Management or Accounting majors. Public Accounting majors should declare as soon as possible.Meet with your adviser. Public Accounting Major
ReligionNo ChangeN/ATake any 100 or 200-level REL courseTalk with your adviser.Religion Major
Russian and Eastern European StudiesChangingBroader geographic focus including Eurasia; new courses; reduction of prerequisites. Changing name to Eastern European and Eurasian Studies.Take any 100 or 200-level East European Studies courseTake 5 East European Studies courses, whatever is offered each semesterEastern European and Eurasian Studies Major
Scandinavian StudiesChangingFirst year Swedish language included in course total, elimination of capstoneEnroll in SwedishTalk with your adviser.Scandinavian Studies Major
Social Studies TeachingChangingReduction of required courses.Take EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan.Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Social Studies Teaching Major
Sociology and AnthropologyChangingIncrease options to fullfill requirements.Take S/A 111 and S/A 112 or S/A 113Meet with your S/A advisorSociology and Anthropology Major
Sociology and Anthropology with HonorsDiscontinuedDiscontinuedN/A
SpanishChangingChanging number of courses to include pre-requisites/Decreasing major by a course/ More flexibility in course sequence/Adding WRIT requirement/ major allows some courses in English/ Adding transparency about study abroad transfer creditsFollow placement recommendations on MLLC website: Students who place beyond Spa 202 (4th semester Spanish), they will be able to register in any offerings at the 2xx-level. Please contact Ana Adams with any questions about placement or the new major. Students interested in the major or minor can meet with any Spanish advisor. Meet with a Spanish advisor.Spanish Major
Spanish TeachingChangingChanging number of courses to include pre-requisites/Decreasing major by a course/ More flexibility in course sequence/Adding WRIT requirement/ major allows some courses in English/ Adding transparency about study abroad transfer credits/ Strong recommendation for Spanish teaching majors to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking locationTake EDU 268 in May Term. Take EDU 230 and PSY 100 prior to application to the program. Meet with Julie Gronewold to make a 4-year plan. Students interested in the Spanish teaching major, should also meet with a Spanish advisor. Please contact Ana Adams with any questions. Meet with your EDU and Content advisors.Spanish Teaching Major
Sport ManagementNewNew majorTake SPM 200, SPM 202, HES 209, PHI 122, PHI 123, or PHI 147. Schedule a meeting with Hayley Russell or Jeff OwenSport Management
StatisticsChangingSee Statistics Advising Guide. Complete the math & CS requirements early.Meet with your statistics advisor.Statistics Major
Statistics Advising Guide
Theater PerformanceChangingChanging the focus to emphasize practice-based research. The new major requires participation in the mainstage season (T/D 100 and T/D 200)Take T/D 106 and T/D 103 fall first year. And T/D 125 and T/D 2** World Performance in spring first year. Second Year: For Acting/Directing focus take T/D 206 For Tech/Design focus take T/D 229. Students are encouraged to audition and/or participate backstage in mainstage seasonMAJORS: Meet with Thatre Advisor. Theater Performance Major
Theater Design/TechnologyNewTheater Design/Technology Major
Theater with HonorsChangingReducing the number of courss required to fit the new limit for majorsTake T/D 106 and T/D 103 fall first year. And T/D 125 and T/D 2** World Performance in spring first year. Second Year: For Acting/Directing focus take T/D 206 For Tech/Design focus take T/D 229. In order apply for honors students must register for Stage Management during their second or thiurd year. Students are encouraged to audition and/or participate backstage in mainstage season. Meet with Theatre AdvisorTheater with Honors Major
Eastern European and Eurasian Studies with HonorsNewNew option for honors majorEastern European and Eurasian Studies with Honors Major
No Change16