Killing Floor 2 - Stats and Mechanics
Various in-game statistics, data and information. Table based on PC v1.150.
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External links
Spreadsheet: Effectiveness of reload canceling.Link
Guide: How to preview weapon skins.Link
"Dollar for a dance? Dollar for a dance!". If you like what i'm doing and want to support me, i accept dosh: 4274320065656483 (Visa)
Gameplay mechanics
Gameplay - Afflictions.ZEDs can be immobilized by different types of afflictions.
Afflictions (aka Incaps) are all possible ways to immobilize a ZED. All afflictions stack - with each single hit from the weapon featuring certain amount of the Power, ZED's stacking meter goes up. At the same time ZED resists to this meter by dissipating it at rate of Dissipation Rate which is a timer that constantly goes down. Upon reaching the Incap Threshold ZED become afflicted by listed type of affliction for the duration of Incap Duration. Different body parts of ZEDs may be resistant or vulnerable to certain types of the weapon powers, in such case incoming power will be multiplied by Vulnerability multiplier. Note: exposive weapons apply the weapon power proportionally to ZED-Explosive proximity - the closer to ZED explosion happens the more power it will give.
Knockdown is a special move where ZED goes into "ragdoll" state. Knockdown followed by getup animations. By any means only 5 ZEDs are allowed to be knocked down at time (this rule, however, implies 5 separate instances of knockdown - each ZED can be knocked down individually only if in the world there are less than 5 already knocked ZEDs, otherwise it is possible to knockdown much bigger groups of ZEDs, for example with the single explosion). Once knocked to the ground, the ZED will be evaluating its getup possibilities within 0.2 second intervals, ZEDs with velocity greater than 100 uu/s or whose rigid body is still awake and simulated should skip getup animation untill their next evaluation check. Up to 25 checks (due to code specifics - actually 32) with 0.2s intervals between each two allowed before ZED will be forced to get up back on feet, this results in overall maximum knockdown time of 6.4 seconds. Knocked down ZED will die instantly if it will fall from the height greater than 7.5 meters. ZEDs with dismembered limbs cannot play knockdown / getup animations. Every ZED can be knocked down when player lands on top of its head, in such case following powers and their normal cooldown values will be applied on this ZED: Knockdown Power = 500, Stumble Power = 200, Gun Hit Power = 100.
Stun is a special move where ZED goes into "sleeping" state. Stun animation has different duration depending on the ZED type. Stun followed by wakeup animations.
Stumble is a special move that makes ZED play specific animations where ZED loses its balance and / or trips and almost falls on the ground. Hits from different angles cause different stumble animations, each stumble animation has its own duration. After playing stumble animation for random (0.5-0.75) seconds ZED will be able to interrupt it by taking hit from the weapon which Melee hit power / Gun hit power will be greater than ZED's Melee hit / Gun hit resistance. Additionally ZED should not be in cooldown to applied type of the power, otherwise stumble animation will not be interrupted.
Melee hit / Gun hit (aka Hard hits / Medium hits) are ZED's reactions. When "hit" ZED's AI paused for listed amount of time ("AI pause, on melee hit" for Melee hits and "AI pause, on gun hit" for Gun hits). Gun hit / Melee hit can interrupt ZED's special moves (if listed power > ZED's resistance, ZED is not in cooldown and such move can be interrupted by design). Both terms are abstract - firearm can have Melee hit power and Melee weapons can have Gun hit power assigned to them, the only significant difference between them is the duration of the reaction. NOTE: as for the current version ZEDs use "AI pause, on melee hit" timers to pause their AI for the duration of either reaction.
Snare slows ZED's movement by 30% (x0.7 multiplier). Snare and Bleeding speed debuffs are multiplicative, total speed mod is 0.7 x 0.7 = x0.49.
Poison / Microwave / Fire / EMP affliction cause ZED panic, EMP Disrupt cancels ZED's certain abilities (special attacks, sprinting).
Freeze temporary stops ZED's movement.
Bleed - bleeding is a ZED's state, when bleeding ZEDs takes more incap power towards its incap meter, moves 30% slower (stack with Snare for a total of x0.49 speed multiplier), does 30% less damage (x0.7 multiplier) and plays melee attack animations 25% slower (incap divides the duration of melee animation by 0.8). Bleed increases amount of the incap power taken by ZED: by default amount of the power given by damage type is "1 + perk incap bonuses", instead bleeding ZED takes "1.5 + perk bonuses" amount the weapon powers towards its affliction meter. For the duration of bleed affliction ZEDs shrink in size, however their hitboxes remain the same. ZED affected by bleeding as long as its stacking meter above the Incap Threshold. Cooldown on this affliction meaning that upon hitting 100 points of bleeding power on ZED's incap meter (not 65 where bleeding start its effects) ZED stops taking any further bleeding power applications until cooldown expires which makes it impossible to maintain constant bleeding. In theory it is possible to avoid cooldown while keep bleeding effect active by keeping ZED's incap meter in range of (65-99), however it is next to impossible on practice.
Big head is an affliction exclusive for HRG Head Hunter (see this weapon's section for information on how it works).
Shrink power reduces ZED's size, up to x0.5 scale. ZEDs shrank to critical size (below incap limit) will die regardless of their current health. For every 100 of Shrink power applied (all ZEDs except Matriarch are neutral to this incap, Matriarch does not accept Shrink power at all), game adds +1 x ZED's Shrink Modifier to this ZED's counter called "Current Effect" (for example, for every 100 Shrink power for Clot it will add 1 x 2 = 2 to "Current Effect", for Scrake 1 x 0.1 = 0.1). Once value of ZED's "Current Effect" is increased past 10, this ZED will die instantly (except bosses, which do not die by getting shrunk). The further ZED shrinks, the more damage it takes from all sources, up to 100% more damage (x2) when it is reduced to its minimal size (10 on the "Current Effect") but again by that time ZED (except bosses) will die anyway. Shrink power dissipates at rate of -200 per second (takes 0.5s to completely wear off), once all power is gone, ZED's "Current Effect" counter resets back to 0 and this ZED is slowly returns back to normal size. Note, that ZEDs return back to normal size much slower than actual effect lasts, after not attacking ZED for ~0.5s the internal meter resets back to 0 but ZEDs stay small for a while. Player would need to start applying Shrink Power from the scratch in order to kill this ZED via shrinking. ZED's Shrink Modifiers: all Clots, Crawler, Stalker - x2 / Rioter, Gorefiend - x0.4 / Bloat - x0.25 / Gorefast - x0.6 / Husk, E.D.A.R, Siren - x0.7 / Scrake, Fleshpound - x0.1 / Quarter Pound - x0.2 / Bosses - x0.15 (bosses cannot be killed by shrinking).
Radial damage sources (e.g. explosives) have their incap powers adjusted according to ZED-to-Explosion proximity. Explosion provides maximum amount of the powers at its epicenter and the minimum at its edge. The intensity at which incap powers scale down over the distance from the explosion epicenter depends on the explosion falloff - the greater its the faster explosion will be losing its incap powers, as such explosions with no falloff will always apply full weapon powers regardless of proximity.
Affliction priority (highest first): Knockdown - Stun - Stumble - Freeze - Snare - Melee hit - Gun hit - EMP - Burn - Poison - Microwave - Bleed.
Various incap powers can be applied on ZED at the same time, however, when either Knockdown, Stun, Stumble or Freeze incap is IN-PROGRESS (threshold is reached and ZED playing specific animation), the other 3 of these incaps CANNOT appear and for the duration of given incap and ZED DOES NOT accept any incap powers towards these 3. For example, stunned ZED does not take any knockdown, stumble or freeze powers at all.
Effect-based incaps (EMP - Burn - Poison - Microwave - Bleed) can co-exist with each other and all other incaps. They can appear along any other incap at the same time, however they do not override ZED animations - instead (for their remaining duration) they start playing right after ZED animation ends. However, these incaps themselves can be overridden by either Knockdown, Stun, Stumble or Freeze. NOTE: ZED that is currently suffering from any effect-based incaps but Bleed DOES NOT accept any Stumble powers.
Note: blocking ZED become completely immune to the effects of Knockdown, Stun and Stumble (does not accept incap powers at all). All other incaps during the block getting their powers reduced by 80% (ZED accepts only 20% of the incap powers), power mitigation effect begins after 0.25 seconds since the block move started.
Gameplay - Armor.Armor has three levels on integrity.
Armor has 3 levels of integrity - High (when it has more than 75 points), Medium (when it has 50-75 points) and Low (when it has less than 50 points). Each integrity level allows to absorb different amount of the damage: High = absorbs 75% of all incoming damage, Medium = absorbs 65% and Low = absorbs 55% of all incoming damage. Amount of the damage to absorb depends on the current armor state (if player takes hit while having 76 points of armor, absorbed percentage will be at High level). If damage given to player will be greater than amount of the armor they have, player will lose all their armor and the rest of the damage will be dealt to the actual health. Remaining health and armor values are integers, therefore ROUNDED DOWN.
Heavy Armor Training skill of the SWAT and Survivalist's passive armor ability ignore the armor absorption rate - armor always take full damage acting like a second health pool. Additionally armor of the SWAT perk (but NOT of Survivalist) drained at the decreased rate - as long as player will be wearing armor all incoming damage towards it will be multiplied by x0.65. However 100% absorption rate only guaranteed if incoming damage (per single attack or damage tick) will be lesser than current amount of the armor - otherwise incoming damage to health will be decreased by amount of the remaining armor (Damage To Health = Base Damage - Amount of the Armor) and amount of the armor itself will be decreased by 65% (New Armor = Old Armor - Old Armor x 0.65).
Example 1: SWAT player with 100 HP and 100 AP takes 60 points of damage in single hit. This amount of the damage is lesser than amount of the armor player has so on top of 100% absorption rate player will take only 60x0.65 = 39 points of damage to armor.
Example 2: SWAT player with 100 HP and 20 AP takes 40 points of damage in single hit. This amount of the damage is greater than amount of the armor player has so firstly damage to health will be decreased by amount of the armor i.e. 40-20 = 20 and secondly amount of the armor player has will be decreased by 35%: 20 - 20x0.65 = 7. The player will end up having 80 HP and 7 AP.
Gameplay - Crushing / falling damage.Landing on pawn may cause damage to it. Landed pawn will be pushed off.
Falling pawns (ZEDs or humans) may cause damage to other ZEDs or humans by jumping and landing on top of them (players cannot damage friendly players). Amount of the damage depends from the falling velocity and mass of both pawns. Damage to take is an integer value of ((1 - Falling Velocity / 400) x Mass of Falling Pawn) / Mass of Pawn That Getting Crushed). Note that Falling Velocity is a negative value, maximum falling velocity = 40 m/s (-4000 units / second). After landing on top of the pawn's collision cylinder landed pawn will be pushed away by getting extra Z-axis velocity into random direction.
ZEDs do not take damage from falling. Information on falling damage for players can be found in Player Tab, "Falling damage" section.
Gameplay - Damage over time (DOT).Some weapons or ZED attacks can apply damage over time (DOT).
As a rule of thumb, in order to take DOT ZEDs (and players too) have to lose some of their health in the first place. Damaging armored zones such as E.D.A.R's torso or head should not apply DOT status at all, same goes for players - taking armor-only damage results in no DOT applications. Should the player hit any of the armored ZED's exposed body parts and trigger DOT sequence, the armor is always to take damage over time FIRST, protecting actual health for while it lasts. As with all the other forms of indirect damage, DOT damage is getting split between all existing armor pieces for equal parts.
Damage over time uses "DOT scale" which is multiplier for initial amount of the damage given by weapon / ZED, this amount of the damage will be repeated for the duration of "DOT duration" within intervals of "DOT interval".
More than one type of DOT can be applied at time, in such case each DOT type will be having its own damage, duration and interval. If DOT of the same type is applied on target (for example "new" Fire vs. "old" Fire) game will check the effectiveness of "new" DOT in terms of total damage (total damage = DOT damage x (DOT duration / DOT interval), calculation does not imply ZED's resistances and perk damage bonuses except ones that modify DOT duration) comparing to the "old" DOT. If "new" DOT will be more "effective" then it will be applied (including new and updated damage, duration and interval values) otherwise "old" DOT will stay for its remaining duration. For examplel, DOT from Flamethrower direct hit in most cases will be more "effective" than DOT from splash damage so it will overwrite splash DOT and vice-versa - DOT from splash damage will be "less" effective than DOT from direct hit so it will not overwrite remaining direct hit DOT.