I have read the study description above, declare that I am over the age of 18, and I consent to take part in the study.
What is your age?
How long have you been teaching at the college level?
What is your highest educational qualification?
At what type of institution do you regularly teach introductory political science courses?
What is the approximate size of the undergraduate student body at the institution where you regularly teach introductory political science courses?
In what US state do you regularly teach introductory political science courses? (If you teach outside of the US, please provide the country in which you regularly teach introductory political science courses.)
What is your employment status:
In a typical year, what percentage of your teaching is for introductory-level courses (such as Introduction to American Government, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Political Theory, Introduction to Public Policy, or any equivalent first-level political science course)?
Subfield of introductory-level political science course(s) you teach (click all that apply)
What is the average class size of the introductory-level Political Science Course(s) you teach?
How do you teach your introductory-level Political Science Course(s)?
How much input do you have in selecting the textbook and/or materials for your introductory-level political science course(s)?
How familiar with Open Data and Open Research are you?
How familiar with OER (Open Educational Resources) are you?
What OER do you use in your introductory political science course?
When did you start using OER in your introductory political science course?
Do you still use the same OER as what you started when you started using OER or have you changed your OER usage over time?
How did you find out about the OER you use?
Why do you use OER in your teaching?
How much does the cost for the students influence your process for selecting teaching materials?
What have you heard about OER and how did you come to know about it?
What specific OERs have you heard about?
If you have considered OER for teaching materials, but did not adopt them for the course, why not? (if you’ve never considered OER for teaching, please say “never considered OER for teaching”)
How much does the cost for the students influence your process for selecting teaching materials?
How often do you change the materials you teach with in your introductory level political science class?
What makes you change the materials for your your introductory level political science class?
What materials (textbooks, articles, videos, web resources, etc) do you teach with for your intro-level course, and why do you use them? If you use a textbook, please include the name of the textbook.
How much does your required assigned reading typically cost?
How much does the cost for the students influence your process for selecting teaching materials?
How often do you change the materials you teach with in your introductory level political science class?
What makes you change the materials for your your introductory level political science class?
Yes35 - 44 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year4400MATenure-track Faculty75%
International Relations, Public Policy
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OpenStax, Boundless2017-2018same
from a wonderful, trusted, brilliant friend
as the "textbook"A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year3800Rhode IslandTenured Faculty<25%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OER texts2015-2016YesConference CostA great deal
Yes35 - 44 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year9000TexasTenured Faculty25%International Relations26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I have seen references on twitter, and basically know it is an effort to provide much lower cost alternatives to students.
N/A - I know the concept, but not specific OERs
never considered OER for teaching
SomewhatEvery 2-3 years.
If I come across material that is better and not ridiculously more expensive, or if I find a comparable product that is significantly less expensive. I am considering changing materials now based on the increased price of my primary text.
Yes45 - 54 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year6000CATenured Faculty25%Intro to Political Science46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Articles from academic journals and newspapers. We want to expose students to actual research in political science plus coverage of recent events to which the concepts are relevant.
10-20 percent of readings change from year to year
Feedback that the reading wasn't very good and/or identifying something better to replace it with. Changes in course topics.
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year20,000California
Full-time Contingent Faculty
International Relations, Intro Methods
46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Swirlify to teach R programming, various Open Data sources, Trochim's Research Design Knowledge Base
I've increased the amount over time.
Recs from colleagues, librarians at my uni, Social Media
Cost and accessibility mostly. Also that these types of resources tend to be more up-to-date than traditional textbooks.
A great deal
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year6000New YorkTenure-track Faculty50%
American Politics, Political Theory
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Yes35 - 44 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year35New Yoek
Part-time Contingent Faculty
50%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
The governor established a grant to get faculty to convert to OER; The chair brought it to my attention
I got paid to do it; it helps the students
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year17000New yorkTenured Faculty50%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Free articles and other resources
2005 or earlierChangedSearched online
Useful and saves money for students
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 YearsMaster’s DegreePrivate, four-year2000Ukraine
Full-time Contingent Faculty
General political science for sociologists
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Project Gutenberg, Prometheus, some of the MIT classes
I'm just googling it. sometimes my ex-classmates or colleagues give me some advice.
Well, it's somehow connected to the next question. I'd usually choose materials, that are accessible to my students and it's legal for them to use those for free.
A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year4000NyTenured Faculty25%
American Politics, Public Policy
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Same book, updated editions mostly.
Changes in discipline & something new to keep form becoming boring
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year4000North CarolinaTenure-track Faculty75%
American Politics, Comparative Politics
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Open access survey data, free online articles or lessons
Google, social media, faculty center on campus
To reduce costs for students while also using up to date and relevant material
A great deal
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year23000Maryland
Full-time Contingent Faculty
Comparative Politics, International Relations
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Mingst text and reader (IR) / O’neil Text and cases (comparative)
Not often. Maybe 5 years.
Desiring to try something new.
Yes35 - 44 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year28000Tennessee Graduate Instructor75%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
26-45 students
I teach a mix of face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online introductory-level political science courses each year
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I heard about OER through Librarian on campus and learned about it at a workshop through the Office of Research.
Ted, Council on Foreign Relations
I did adopt SomewhatEvery year
The reaction and interaction from students to the material; if I hated teaching it
Yes25 - 34 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year8500NJTenure-track Faculty50%
American Politics, Public Policy
26-45 students
I teach a mix of face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online introductory-level political science courses each year
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
We the people (oup) and YouTube videos
Not often because of cost new editions
New areas being covered
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year4,500New YorkTenure-track Faculty75%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I am part of a group of instructors who teach the same introductory course and who decide together on a common book(s)/materials.
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
That they are a viable alternative
Don't recall
Familiarity with other sources
A great deal
Every few semesters, or as I think changes are needed
Changes in US politics that I want to discuss and gaps I see in student learning that I want to address
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year?New York
Part-time Contingent Faculty
American Politics, Political Theory
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Primary source texts (original works in the public domain), also make available an OER American politics textbook for students who want one for reference (I do not assign readings from a textbook in my courses)
Same, this is my first year intentionally using OER (I was using almost all of the same resources before taking an OER training last academic year, but didn’t know what OER was)
Training at center for teaching and learning at institution where I teach one of my courses
I was (unknowingly) already using it - because I don’t want to make students pay for textbooks in addition to tuition - and there was money available for the training and I heard from colleagues on the job market that it’s a plus to have on your CV
A great deal
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year1300NY
Part-time Contingent Faculty
Comparative Politics, International Relations
0-15 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I've heard about OER mostly from a colleague who is very active in this area. I feel this area is still new to me though and since the courses I've taught in recent years have not been intro courses, I have not explored it as much as I should.
I'm familiar with the OER Commons and Washington State's Open Course Library.
I haven't found exactly what I need for my particular courses.
A great deal
I tend to use the same core textbooks but change supplementary readings/films/etc each semester.
Changing politics. I want to offer resources that reflect current events and debates.
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year30,000Georgia
Full-time Contingent Faculty
50%International Relations26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Goldstein & Pevehouse's IR text (brief 7th ed)
90A great dealyearly
I am very concerned with price, however the other texts I've looked at fall short of the one I use (which I think is way too expensive). In looking online for texts I've not come across OER but if there were a repository or information shared about these sources it would be hopefully have an option I could adopt.
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year30000GeorgiaTenured Faculty25%International Relations46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Just that it existsNone
Never considered OER for teaching
SomewhatOnce every few years
Better match up with my take on the material
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year30000TexasTenured Faculty50%American Politics100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OpenStax American Government
I was searching Google for OER textbooks.
To cut costs for students.
A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year25NYTenured Faculty25%American Politics16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Not much.A great dealEvery 2-3 years.Material is out of date.
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year2000OhioTenure-track Faculty25%Political Theory16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I have heard a bit about textbooks that are accessible online and the move to make research data more transparent. However, what is not often covered or included in OER are choices to use texts in the public domain (past copyright protection) esp for classic political theory texts (instead of requiring students to buy a particular, more recent edition). I do this in my Intro to Political Theory course for authors such as Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Marx etc
Once every few years, probably
The details of how they were actually used in class or the purpose for which I need them. For ex: a Plato text without line numbers is not suitable. A Rousseau reader with a good historical intro is best.
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year35000IllinoisTenured Faculty25%Comparative Politics46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I have never heard of OER.
Articles because they are accessible for students (through the library website); a few videos to create variation.
I make small changes every semester.
That something didn't work well the previous semester; that's it's out-of-date; that the library has yelled at me because the costs of copyright clearance are too high.
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 YearsMaster’s DegreePublic, four-year22000IL
Full-time Contingent Faculty
American Politics, Public Policy
100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
A great deal
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 YearsBachelor’s DegreePublic, four-year18000New YorkGraduate Instructor100%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Open Source (OpenStax) textbook
2017-2018YesFrom a former professor
The textbook is both comprehensive and free to students
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year15000New York
Part-time Contingent Faculty
American Politics, Political Theory
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
No cost, I provide the PDFS
SomewhatEach semester
Student feedback and the need to experiment
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year13000New York
I am a graduate instructor—but I also teach additional courses as part-time contingent faculty
100%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
2017-2018YesA colleague
I like supplementing the textbook that I assign; it is a good (and free to students) way to do that.
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 YearsBachelor’s DegreePublic, four-year13,000NYGraduate Instructor100%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Deborah Stone's Policy Paradox is my primary text. I use this to introduce key concepts in a theoretical way so that we can discuss current events in relation to the concepts (equality, liberty, etc.). I supplement this book with academic and popular articles.
$30A great dealrarelyfinding better materials
Yes55 - 64 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year14000NYTenured Faculty<25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I've reviewed and found the OER textbooks a poor substitute.
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Community College7,800New York100%
American Politics, Political Theory
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Students don't buy textbooks
A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year6000njTenured Faculty<25%International Relations26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
text and articlesaround 100Somewhatnever
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year3800New YorkTenured Faculty50%International Relations16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Key articles in the field of IR
0– the articles are available through the library
SomewhatEAch semester
Changes in the field and in student interests
Yes25 - 34 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year17000United KingdomTenured Faculty50%Comparative Politics100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Somewhatevery 2-3 years
stay current. availability of new resources
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year5000MissouriTenure-track Faculty25%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I learned about OER at a couple of Pedagogy workshops and conferences such as the Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference and the POD Conference
Mainly the OER commons and UNESCO's work on promoting OERs
When I did a search of OERs in my area, I found the resources for Intro to IR and Comparative to not be inclusive enough of areas outside the West to build my class around. I have used some materials and point to include in lecture, but have not adopted anything as a main course feature.
A great deal
Every semester I make minor changes to the course content or the topical areas, but rarely make changes to the textbook
Feedback from students and peer evaluations, political developments, interesting findings in research
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year9000TXTenure-track Faculty<25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Shawna’s tweets 😀 but seriously, I think people mentioning things on twitter
Considered but haven’t taught intro in a while. First time teaching in a few years. Plus my colleague writes a textbook and to get on her good side, I used it for a few years.
SomewhatEvery two years or so
Boredom for me. Also looking for books that are less high school government and more political science.
Yes55 - 64 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year1800New YorkTenured Faculty50%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Morons and Kersh$80SomewhatNot oftenTimeliness
Yes35 - 44 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year20,000 studentsOklahomaGraduate Instructor100%American Politics100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OpenStax American Government
Senior instructor was using it.
Low cost, good coverage of key concepts, diverse representation of American experience
A great deal
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year1500PATenure-track Faculty50%International Relations16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OpenIntro Statistics2015-2016sametwitteraffordabilityA great deal
Yes65 - 74 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year1200Indiana Tenured Faculty25%
American Politics, Political Theory
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
The Struggle for Democracy supplemented by web resources
I change supplements annually
Incremental improvements
Yes45 - 54 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year2000PATenured Faculty25%
American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Textbook except in theory where excerpts from many original sources are used.
Textbooks $85-$125SomewhatRarely
Cost, perceived effectiveness or difficulty for students, different approach
Yes45 - 54 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year140-220nyTenured Faculty50%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
a colleague told me about it at a conference and I looked it up. I then went to a workshop on it
resources that are publicly available and can be shared by anyone
because i looked for material that I could use and did not find material that really fit with what i was teaching. it was easier to go with material I could assign to my students (a combination of cheap text books and free reading put on the university blackboard site) that fit better with what I am teaching.
A great deal
regularly depending on the situation
somewhat regularly depending on the material available and feedback from students
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year3200Massachusetts
Full-time Contingent Faculty
American Politics, Public Policy
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Kollman, American Political System (for AP); Stone, Policy Paradox & Kingdon, Agendas for PP, switching textbooks for State & Local
$50-60A great deal
Every 2-3 years as necessary
Opportunity, cost of resources, need.
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year7,000AlabamaTenured Faculty<25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Some suggestions by admin and colleagues, not yet had time to review
Don’t remember- in old emails
Just now considering A great deal
As rarely as possible, 3~ yrs
Outdated, publisher not selling anymore
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year2000NCTenure-track Faculty25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Journal articles and book chapters mostly
minor updates every semester, major changes rarely
new research, if the existing readings aren't effective
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Private, four-year16000New YorkGraduate Instructor50%
American Politics, Comparative Politics
46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Through casual conversations on academic Twitter.
Not many - I'm just getting started.
A great deal
I am early in my teaching career so I will make changes frequently, until I find what works for me!
Experiences with past iterations of the class.
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year1500MissouriTenure-track Faculty50%
Comparative Politics, International Relations, Public Policy
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Modern Dive statistics book
2017-2018YesDumb luck
Textbooks are VERY expensive and the kids don't read them anyway
A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year~4,000 studentsNew York
Part-time Contingent Faculty
100%International Relations0-15 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Journal articles, IGO & government documents & data
Internet searches and Twitter
High quality of content and cost considerations
A great deal
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year4000IllinoisTenured Faculty25%
Political Theory, Social Justice
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Introduction to Political Philosophy
$28A great deal
I change the supplemental material, not the textbook
Student response; advances in field; change in structure/ focus of the course
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year23,000MississippiTenure-track Faculty50%Comparative Politics100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Samuels “Comparative Politics”
New: $90, used bookstore copies: $45, used copies online: $10-30
I change supplemental reading often, but use the same core textbook.
Relevance, ease of access, if readings were ineffective tools they are swapped out, etc,
Yes35 - 44 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year36,000GeorgiaTenured Faculty25%American Politics46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
A great dealRately
Change in political circumstances
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year4000ConnecticutTenure-track Faculty25%
American Politics, Political Theory
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
OpenStax Americans government
2017-2018SameGoogle searchStudent costA great deal
Yes35 - 44 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year13500New YorkGraduate Instructor100%
American Politics, International Relations
100+ students or more
I teach a mix of face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online introductory-level political science courses each year
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Just what I have read online and through a different survey I participated in a few months ago.
No, I am not familiar enough with them.
SomewhatVaries.Book no longer updated.
Yes45 - 54 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year7,000PennsylvaniaTenured Faculty25%Comparative Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Book chapters, articles (when available), web sources
More use over time (it's easier to find high quality material in my subfield now)
web searches; following people on social media who use OER
I want to make sure students bear no, or very limited, costs for educational materials. I also believe that that more people embrace OER in teaching, the greater the pressure will be on publishers to facilitate this.
A great deal
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year29,000CaliforniaTenure-track Faculty25%International Relations100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Essentials of International Relations, 8th edition
$40 (ebook + registration code)
I haven't yet, likely will eventually
gender balance of authors, coverage of topics I think are important/engaging, non-Western perspectives
Yes35 - 44 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year25000WVTenured Faculty25%International Relations46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Via TwitterNoneNever consideredA great dealRarelyPrice
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year7000Tenured Faculty<25%
American Politics, Methods
46-100 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Combo of articles and free websites (like icpsr) for methods. Am gov: Holman and Lenz
2011-2014ChangedTwitterCostA great deal
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year5000MATenured Faculty50%
Comparative Politics, International Relations
46-100 students
I teach a mix of face-to-face, hybrid, and/or online introductory-level political science courses each year
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Academic friends N/a
Never considered OER for teaching
A great dealEvery few years Cost and new material
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year8000PATenure-track Faculty25%Comparative Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I have literally just heard the name
None?A great dealEvery time
Student feedback, current events, textbook costs
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year16000IllinoisTenured Faculty25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
A subset of professors rave about it and those who don’t talk about it usually don’t know about it. It is clearly a cheaper and might be a better way to provide academic resources to students.
Never considered OER for teaching
A great dealNot oftenUpdates and cost
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year3000CanadaTenure-track Faculty<25%Political Theory26-45 students
Primarily hybrid (partly online, partly face-to-face)
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
Working with OER enthusiasts
Open textbooks and open access journals
Easier to stick with previous versions of the course in terms of course prep and time.
Somewhat~5 years or so
Keeping things up to date, however I tend to stick to the most updated version of the textbook or add materials rather than switching texts entirely
Yes65 - 74 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year9,500Texas Tenured Faculty50%
International Relations, Intro to Political Science
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Political Ideologies & The Democratic Ideal, Why Nations Go to War, IR
$175SomewhatUpdated editionsUpdated editions
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
I regularly teach at several different types of institutions
Part-time Contingent Faculty
Comparative Politics, International Relations
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
Essential Readings in IR, selected articles
50A great dealRarely
Excessive cost, materials getting outdated
Yes35 - 44 years7 - 10 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year2000WisconsinTenure-track Faculty75%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I have heard in multiple pedagogical settings but less so in political science.
I used one created by UT-Austin but then it was sold.
When necessary or when better alternatives become available.
A better textbook, changes in the world.
Yes55 - 64 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year6000New YorkTenured Faculty25%American Politics26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Web searches. Social media.
Cost for students. Appropriateness.
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate in progress
Public, four-year30000Canada
Part-time Contingent Faculty
100%Political Theory16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have no input into the selection of the textbook and/or materials for the introductory-level political science courses I teach.
I am not familiar with Open Data or Open Research.
I have never heard of OER.
Classic theory books - Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Mill.
$150Not at allNot my callNot my call
Yes45 - 54 years11 - 15 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year25,000ArizonaTenured Faculty<25%American Politics46-100 students
Primarily hybrid (partly online, partly face-to-face)
I am part of a group of instructors who teach the same introductory course and who decide together on a common book(s)/materials.
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have never heard of OER.
moving to a blended learning environment using InQuizitive adaptive technology
$50A great dealNA
We have an undergraduate committee that reviews material for our intro course. Admin has asked the department to maintain some uniformity of the intro courses
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year40000North Carolina Tenure-track Faculty25%American Politics100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
2015-2016Change frequently
More engaging for students, can update easily, more affordable
A great deal
Yes45 - 54 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
I regularly teach at several different types of institutions
Part-time Contingent Faculty
American Politics, International Relations, state and local government
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Textbooks and archive articles
2017-2018Changed over time
Searched for them online or referred by colleagues
Keep course costs down, use primary sources as much as possible
A great deal
Yes25 - 34 years3 - 6 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year20,000TennesseeTenure-track Faculty50%
American Politics, Pre-law / Public Law
16-25 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
American Government - Open Stax
Just started this fall. Previously used a traditional textbook
Twitter :)
Low-cost / free for students.
A great deal
Yes35 - 44 years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year4000IndianaTenured Faculty50%
International Relations, Intro Poli Sci
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
E-IR (McGlinchey)2017-2018Same
I do OA research on journal pubs
Save students $A great deal
Yes25 - 34 yearsLess than 3 YearsMaster’s DegreePublic, four-year18000DelawareGraduate Instructor50%
American Politics, Public Policy
26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
Creative Commons Licensed Textbooks from online repositories like OpenStax. I also use YouTube videos, websites and blogs from other experts, and use alternative forms of "readings" like music videos and the accompanying Rap Genius lyrics.
I have started to embrace the gaps in resources (maybe I'm using an essay and a piece of an online textbook on OpenStax) as places for students to fill gaps and conduct their own research/exploration.
I attended an information session at my university hosted by our Center for Teaching and Learning
It's accessible. Accessibility is the future!
A great deal
Yes35 - 44 years16 - 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Private, four-year9600TexasTenured Faculty50%International Relations26-45 studentsPrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Somewhat familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I understand the concepts, and have downloaded, read, or used openly published and/or pre-print versions of scholarly articles and data.
I have heard about OER, but have not adopted them in my teaching of political science.
I initially learned about it by following certain scholars on Twitter. I basically know it is an attempt to assemble resources as a low cost (free) alternative to textbooks which are increasingly expensive.
I've looked at OpenStax.
OpenStax didn't have the resources I needed (no IR textbook)
SomewhatEvery 4-5 years
The quality of materials and cost. If I see a new textbook I prefer to what I am using, I switch if it is not cost prohibitive.
Yes45 - 54 yearsMore than 20 Years
PhD or Professional Doctorate completed
Public, four-year21k Canada Tenured Faculty<25%
International Relations, Political Theory, Gender and Politics
100+ students or morePrimarily face-to-face
I have complete control over what materials I teach (e.g., I have the sole authority to select the required texts for the course)
Very familiar with Open Data and Open Research; I publish my data sets and papers openly.
I regularly use at least some OER in my teaching of political science.
2005 or earlier
I change. I adapt and adopt. ;)
Research and trying to be innovative.
Effective and save students money.
A great deal