If you want to search for specific Category of Resource/ Sources of Information/ Types of Resource, please select the categories in the following filters. For example, if you want search for online training for leadership, please select "Leadership and Employee Resources" in the "Category of Resources" filter and select "Virtual Training" in the "Type of Resource" filter.
Category of ResourceSources of InformationType of ResourceDetails
Advocacy & Public PolicyCHNA 17Workshops for Specific Groups:
1. Cultural Humility (3 HOURS)
2. Racial Justice 101 (THREE 2-HOUR SESSIONS)
3. Racism and Mental Health: Exploring Local Findings (3 HOURS)
4. Equity Conversation (1 HOUR/WEEK FOR 6 WEEKS)
Advocacy & Public PolicyInteraction InstituteVirtual TrainingRacial Justice:
Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work – Online
Advancing Racial Justice in Organizations: An Online Learning Series
Advocacy & Public PolicyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Getting started:
1. Bolder Advocacy: Philanthropy Advocacy Playbook
2. NCN: Everyday Advocacy – Basics, Tools, and Evidence That It Works
Advocacy & Public PolicyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Advocacy Tips:
1. Independent Sector: Beyond the Cause – The Art and Science of Advocacy
Advocacy & Public PolicyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Lobbying:
1. Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth: New Lobbyist Registration and Reporting System
2. NonProfitPro: Lobbying 101: 6 Tips on Advocating Without Trouble
Advocacy & Public PolicyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Meeting with Elected Officials:
1. Find a Legislator in Massachusetts
2. Library of Congress: Find a US Congress Member
Board ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Getting started:
1. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Diversity on Nonprofit Boards
2. NCN: Finding the Right Board Members for Your Nonprofit
Board ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Board Member resources:
1. BoardSource: Certificate of Nonprofit Board Education
2. MNN 411 Article: How the Voice of Your Board Can Advance Your Mission
3. NCN: Board Roles and Responsibilities
4. NCN: Self-Assessments for Nonprofit Boards
5. Raise Funds: How Board Members Can Become Effective Fund-Raisers
6. TSNE MissionWorks: Governance Best Practices- Resources from Nonprofit Experts
Board ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Financial Literacy:
1. Nonprofit Law Blog: Duties of the Treasurer of a Nonprofit Corporation
2. MNN 411 Article: 6 Reasons Finance Belongs in Your Nonprofit Board Room
3. NCN: Financial Literacy for Nonprofit Boards
4. The Wallace Foundation: Governance Resources for Nonprofit Financial Management
Board ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Governance Policy Tips:
1. Charities Review Council: Document Checklist for the Accountability Wizard
2. Nonprofit Law Blog: Board Meeting Minutes
Board ManagementThird Sector New EnglandVirtual & In Person TrainingBetter Nonprofit Management Training Series:
- Financial Management 101 (Dec 5, 2023)
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Getting started:
1. Eight Basic Steps to Marketing Your Nonprofit Organization
2. Fenton: Social Change Communications
3. Forbes: Content Marketing and Nonprofits
4. Foundation Center: A Guide to Public Relations for Nonprofit Organizations
5. Getting Attention: Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template
6. Hubspot: How to Create a Holiday Marketing Campaign
7. MNN 411 Article: Hire Out or Invest Within?
8. MNN 411 Article: Who’s Your Brand Champion?
9. Network for Good: Organizing Your Nonprofit Marketing Plan
10. Nonprofit Hub: How to Create Your Initial Nonprofit Marketing Plan
11. Nonprofit Marketing Guide: 5 Goals for a Nonprofit Content Marketing Strategy
12. Selfish Giving: Consultation, Blog and Publications
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Annual Reports:
1. Yearly: A Tool for Building Online Reports Online
2. Chronicle of Philanthropy: Online Annual Reports- A Sampling
3. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Nonprofit Annual Reports
4. Network for Good: Top Five Questions about Nonprofit Annual Reports
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Communicating to the Media:
1. Cause Vox: 8 Principles for Writing a Nonprofit Press Release
2. Hubspot: How to Write a Press Release
3. Inc.: How to Write a Press Release
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Crisis Communication:
1. Nonprofit Marketing Guide: Nonprofit Crisis Communications 101: Shorten the News Cycle
2. Nonprofit Risk Management Center: Crisis Communications
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Design:
1. Hubspot: 29 Free Online Design Tools for Creating Stunning Visual Content

2. MNN 411 Article: How to Get the Photos You Need

3. Nonprofit Tech for Good: 111 Low-Cost or Free Online Tools for Nonprofits

4. Techsoup: A Few Good Online Survey Tools for Your Nonprofit

5. Canva for Nonprofits
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Mass Communications:
1. Communications Best Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Network for Good: Bring Your e-Newsletter from Snoring to Soaring
3. Nonprofit Expert: Nonprofit Newsletter Basics
4. USPS: Business Mail 101 Permits and Postage
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Online Branding & Social Media:
1. Expertise: 5 Steps to Master Small Business Social Media
2. Network for Good: 10 Tips to Improve Your Nonprofit Website
3. Wired Impact: 10 Well Designed Responsive Nonprofit Websites
4. Socialbrite: Should You Start a Blog for Your Nonprofit
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Presenting & Public Speaking:
1. Hubspot: 7 Little Known PowerPoint Tricks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
2. Fortune: Public Speaking
3. Toastmasters International
Communications & MarketingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Storytelling:
1. GiveGab’s Storytelling template
2. Nonprofit Hub: 7 Tips for Sharing Stories About Your Work
3. Nonprofit Hub: Free Guides
Conflict and Partnership DevelopmentCommunity Dispute Settlement CenterIn Person TrainingMediation Training:
1. Basic Mediation Training
2. Mediation Practicum
3. Divorce Mediation Training
4. Specialized Training
5. Teleseminars
6. Conflict Management
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Fundraising Plans & Practices:
1. Harbor Compliance: Register for your Massachusetts Charitable Solicitation License
2. The Balance: How to Create a Fundraising Plan for a New Charity
3. CapitalQuest: Materials, Training Guides, and Articles for Managing a Capital Campaign
4. The COVID-19 Fundraising Template Kit for Nonprofits
5. Creative Ways to Integrate Current and Future Gift Marketing
6. Develop Your Fund-Raising Plan with Consensus
7. Fundraiser Help: Sample Fundraising Letters
8. Guidestar: Top 10 Fundraising Tips
9. IRS Charitable Contributions: Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements (.pdf)
10. MNN 411 Article: Capital Campaign Planning Studies
11. MNN 411 Article: How Nonprofits Can Use ‘Shiny Objects’ to Raise More Money
12. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Ethical Fundraising
13. National Council of Nonprofits: Saying ‘Thank You’ to Donors
14. Raise Funds: Building Donor Loyalty
15. Raise Funds: In-Kind Gifts: How to Acknowledge and Recognize Them
16. Step By Step Fundraising: Fundraising Donation Letter Template – 12 Items to Include in Donation Letters
17. Society for Nonprofits: Fundraising Guide
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Grants:
1. View current grant and award opportunities.
2. AGM’s Common Proposal and Report forms
3. The Balance: How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal
4. Candid Learning: Introduction to Proposal Writing Short Course
5. Free Management Library: Corporate Giving: Foundation Grants vs. Sponsorships
6. Non-Profit Guides: Grant-Writing Tools for Non-Profit Organizations
7. Nonprofit Hub: Don’t Start Writing Your Nonprofit Grant Until You Read This
8. Strengthening Nonprofits: Acquiring Public Grants (PDF)

For more on grants from the Free Management Library, click here.
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Individual Donors and Annual Appeal:
1. Fundraiser Help: Fundraising Letter Templates
2. How to Create a Gift Range Chart for Your Fundraising Campaign
3. How to Write a Better Fundraising Letter
4. MobileCause: 5 Incredible Annual Fund Appeal Strategies You Should Try
5. Nonprofit Expert: Developing an Annual Giving Program
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Major Gifts
1. The Art of Recognizing Your Next Major Donor
2. Beginner’s Guide to Donor Cultivation
3. 6 Major Donor Cultivation Tips To Catapult Your Nonprofit Toward Sustainability
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Raffles and Legal Issues:
1. Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office: Frequently Asked Questions About Nonprofit Gaming Events
2. Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office: Guidance on Raffles
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Special Events:
1. Make the Most of the Special Events for Your Nonprofit
2. Nonprofit Information: Virtual Fundraising: Tips for Moving In-Person Auctions Online
3. Wild Apricot: How to Run an Online Auction for Your Nonprofit
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Sponsorships:
2. Eventbrite: Perfecting Your Sponsorship Pitch Deck
3. MNN 411 Article: Up Your Game & Improve Your Performance to Succeed with Sponsorship
5. National Council of Nonprofits: Corporate Sponsorship
Development & FundraisingMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Resources:
1. Associated Grant Makers
2. Foundation Center
3. Management Help Grant Information
4. National Council of Nonprofits
5. Philanthropy Massachusetts
6. TSNE Missionworks
Development & FundraisingPhilanthropy MAVirtual TrainingSkills & Workshops:
1. Meet-the-Donors Program
2. Skillbuilding Workshops:
- Introduction to Grant Research
3. Core Workshops:
- Introduction to Grant Writing
- Introduction to Individual Donor Cultivation
4. Breakthrough Workshops
- Advanced Grant Seeking
- Advanced Donor Cultivation
EvaluationMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Organizational Evaluation:
1. American Evaluation Association
2. Free Management Library: Basic Guide to Outcomes-Based Evaluation for Nonprofit Organizations with Very Limited Resources
3. Free Management Library: Basics of Identifying Strategic Issues and Goals
4. Foundation Center: Where Can I Learn About Nonprofit Program Evaluation?
5. Guidestar: Charting Impact Resources
6. MNN 411 Article: Making the Most of Charity Evaluators
7. MNN 411 Article: Unlocking the Potential of Performance Measurement
8. NCN: Organizational Self-Assessments
9. Nonprofit Business Plan Template
EvaluationPhilanthropy MAVirtual TrainingWorkshops:
1. Introduction to Outcomes Measurement
2. Introduction to Logic Models
3. Advanced Outcomes Measurement
General Development TrainingDemocracy CenterIn Person TrainingMeetinghouse Program
General Development TrainingDemocracy CenterIn Person TrainingActivist Supply Closet
General Development TrainingDemocracy CenterVirtual TrainingSkills Training Series
General Development TrainingInstitute for Nonprofit PracticeIn Person TrainingCore Certificate Program
General Development TrainingInstitute for Nonprofit PracticeIn Person TrainingCommunity Fellows Program
General Development TrainingInstitute for Nonprofit PracticeIn Person TrainingRise Fellowship Program
General Development TrainingInstitute for Nonprofit PracticeIn Person TrainingSummer Fellowship Program
General Development TrainingMel King InstituteIn Person TrainingProfessional Education
General Development TrainingThird Sector New EnglandVirtual & In Person TrainingCustomized Trianing
1. Board Development
2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
3. Successful Planning and Sustainability
4. Supervision and Human Resouces
General Development TrainingThird Sector New EnglandVirtual TrainingBetter Nonprofit Management Series (Sign up for news)
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Getting StartedHuman:
1. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN) via 501 Commons: Sample Employee Handbook (.pdf)
2. Nonprofit HR: The Essential Nonprofit Employee Handbook Template
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Best Practices:
2. NCN: Principles and Practices
3. TSNE 2017 Report: Valuing Our Nonprofit Workforce (Compensation Report)
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Working with Diverse Cultures:
1. AMA: Managing Cultural Diversity
2. Catalyst: Diversity Matters Infographic
3. Community Wealth Partners: The State of Diversity in the Nonprofit Sector
4. Human Resources Best Practices During COVID-19
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Employee Management:
1. Self Esteem Boston: Online Learning Center and Curriculum Store
2. Free Management Library: Employee Benefits and Compensation (Employee Pay)
3. Inc.: Nonprofit Organizations and Human Resources Management
4. NCN: Compensation for Nonprofit Employees
5. NCN: Managing Nonprofit Employees (PDF)
6. Nonprofit Hub: The Secret to Motivating Your Nonprofit Employees
7. Nonprofit Risk: Transitions: Make the Most of Organizational Change
8. Understanding Boston: For the Benefit of Our Workers – The Massachusetts Nonprofit Employee Benefit Study (.pdf)
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Hiring:
1. USEEOC: Background Checks – U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Termination:
1. Chronicle of Philanthropy: How Exit Interviews Can Help Charities Improve Conditions for Their Remaining Employees
Human ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Orientation:
1. Chronicle of Philanthropy: Practical Tips for New-Employee Orientation
2. Guidestar: Ensuring New Employees’ Success: Best Practices for Employee Onboarding
3. Joan Garry Consulting: A Slam Dunk New Employee Orientation Process
Leadership and Employee ResourcesInstitute for Nonprofit PracticeVirtual TrainingLeadership learning series
Leadership and Employee ResourcesInteraction InstituteVirtual TrainingLeadership:
1. Facilitative Leadership for Social Change – Online
2. Bringing Facilitative Leadership for Social Change to Virtual Work Webinar Recordings
Leadership and Employee ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Employee College Repayment Assistance:
1. College Cost Reduction and Access Act (PDF)
2. Equal Justice Works: Student Debt Relief
3. Financial Aid Calculator
4. Income-Based Repayment Info
5. MNN: Student Loan Forgiveness for Nonprofit Workerss
Leadership and Employee ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Leadership Succession:
1. Annie E. Casey Foundation: Nonprofit Executive Leadership and Transitions Survey
2. Free Management Librart: How to Do Succession Planning
3. MNN: But what if you get hit by that bus?
4. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Facing the Future
5. Raffa: Transition Guides
6. TSNE MissionWorks: Leadership New England Report
Leadership and Employee ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Leader Resources:
1. Free Management Library: Free Basic Guide to Leadership and Supervision
2. MNN 411 Article: Creating a Great Place to Work – It’s All About Leaders
3. MNN 411 Article: Nonprofit Leaders Should Not Try to do Everything
4. MNN 411 Article: Sink, Swim or Soar – The Choice is Yours
5. MNN 411 Article: Zoning Basics for Nonprofit ED’s
Leadership and Employee ResourcesMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Mission Statement:
1. Free Management Library: Basics of Developing Mission, Vision and Values Statements
2. Grant Space: Nonprofit Mission Statements Online Resources
3. Raise Funds: Don’t Make Your Organization’s Statement of Purpose A “Mission Impossible”
Leadership and Employee ResourcesMel King InstituteVirtual & In Person TrainingTraining:
1. Approaches to Supervision
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Accountability, Transparency and Disclosures:
1. Guidestar: Paper-Thin Transparency
2. IRS Charitable Contributions: Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements (.pdf)
3. IRS: Exempt Organization Public Disclosure and Availability Requirements
4. NCN: Public Disclosure Requirements for Nonprofitss
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation:
1. Grant Space: What are Nonprofit Bylaws?
2. Harbor Compliance: Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation
3. Harbor Compliance: Nonprofit Bylaws Template
4. Lawyers Clearing House: Legal Referral Program
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Code of Ethics:
1. Guidestar: How Ethical is Your Nonprofit Organization?
2. NCN: Document Retention Policies
3. NCN: Ethics and Accountability for Nonprofits
4. NCN: Whistleblower Protections for Nonprofits
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Fiscal Sponsorship:
1. Fiscal Sponsorship Directory
2. MNN: The What, Why and How of Fiscal Sponsorship
3. TSNE MissionWorks: Fiscal Sponsorship
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Insurance and Risk Management:
1. Free Management Library: Risk Management, Disaster Planning and Protecting Against Crime
2. NCN: Investment Policies for Nonprofits
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Pro Bono and Reduced Fee Legal Assistance for Nonprofits:
1. International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
2. Lawyers Clearinghouse: Pro Bono with Impact
3. NCN: Pro Bono and Skilled Volunteers
LegalMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Taxes:
1. Form 990 Online
2. Guidestar: Form 990 FAQs
3. IRS Tax Information for Charities & Other Non-Profits
Strategic PlanningMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Getting Started:
1. Curtis Strategy: Designing Strategy for Nonprofit Organizations
2. FML: All About Strategic Planning
3. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Strategic Planning for Nonprofits
4. Synthesis Partnership: Strategic Planning for Nonprofits… and the Value of Integrated Planning (PDF)
5. TCC Group: Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders (.pdf)
Strategic PlanningMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Business Plan:
1. Free Management Library: Business Planning (For nonprofits, for-profits and hybrid organizations)
2. NCN: Business Planning for Nonprofits
SupervisionNonprofit Leadership AllianceVirtual TrainingOn-demand classes: Leaderosity, See the full course catalog
TechnologyCCTVVirtual TrainingOn-demand classes:
1. CCTV online classes
2. CCTV Media Production Tutorials
3. Foundational Technology Lessons
TechnologyCCTVVirtual TrainingMedia Production Classes
TechnologyCCTVIn Person TrainingIn-Person Classes:
Media Production Class
TechnologyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Affordable Technology and SoftwareTechnology:
1. Consistent Computer Bargains
2. Top 10 Best Website Builders
4. How to make a website in 3 stepss
TechnologyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Technology Funding:
1. Human Service Solutions: Nonprofit Tech Funding
2. Technology Grant News: Non-Profit Technology Grants
TechnologyMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Maintenance:
1. Free Management Library: Basic Technical Support and Maintenance of Small Computer Systems
2. Techsoup: An Overview of the RFP Process for Nonprofits, Charities, and Libraries
3. Techsoup: Manuals for Refurbishing Computers
TechnologyLinked in learningVirtual TrainingOn demand courses: make sure to explore the 75% nonprofit discounts here first.
Volunteer ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Recruiting:
1. eHow: How to Attract Volunteers to a Nonprofit Organization
2. Free Management Library: Developing and Managing Volunteer Programs
3. Readiness Roadmap: Is Your Organization Ready for Skills-Based Volunteers

Recruiting Sites:
Boston Cares
Massachusetts Volunteer Match
Points of Light
Connect for Good

AmeriCorps and Other Service Learning Programs:
Corporation for National & Community Service
Volunteer ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Managing/Retaining:
1. KnowHowNonProfit: Managing and Retaining Volunteers
2. National Council of Nonprofits (NCN): Volunteers
3. NOLO Law for All: Nonprofit Volunteers- Top Five Tips to Keep Them Coming
4. Nonprofit Hub: When the F1 Key Doesn’t Work – Attracting and Retaining Volunteers
Volunteer ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Training:
Energize Inc.: Training Design and Content
Volunteer ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Volunteer Liability:
1. Nonprofit Times: Risky Business: There’s liability for the acts of your volunteers
Media ProductionCCTVVirtual TrainingOnline Classes:
Media Production Class
Volunteer ManagementMass Nonprofit NetworkReading Materials Volunteer Recognition:
1. Volunteer Match: Ways to Show Appreciation