1 2024-25 now available at:
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TimestampInstitutionLocationSubject AreaReview DateURLRankPosition TypeLast UpdateNotesNumber AppliedMod Flag
12/23/2024 8:32:13Eckerd CollegeFloridaMarine Science (Botany or Phycology)2/1/2025[]Asst ProfTenure Stream1/22/25 18:20We seek broadly-trained scientist-educators who are strongly committed to teaching and student/faculty research at the undergraduate level. Fields of particular interest include: macroalgal or seagrass biology, microalgal dynamics including harmful algal blooms, or invasive species. Candidates that employ molecular approaches including -omics are encouraged to apply.
7/1/2024 14:52:12New College of FloridaFloridaMarine Mammal Science7/4/2024 Academic9/17/24 4:571) Any applicants, please please please do your research on what is happening at the Uni in the last 2-5 years, and how the state government is heavily involved. 2) Yeah, they're only gonna want people who have personally driven at least one marine mammal species extinct 3) @2, this is easily the best snark I've seen on this page. 2) Seems they could also use a terrestrial biologist, given Rufo's inability to distinguish cats from chickens.
6/25/2024 11:20:12SPUNSouth America (Other)Mycorrhizal Field Ecologist - South America6/28/2024 12:213 year fixed term (full time employee for 3 years) 1) think these two belong on the fixed term page
6/25/2024 10:59:16SPUNCaliforniaMycorrhizal Field Ecologist - North America6/28/2024 11:13From the ad: "full-time, 3-year fixed-term contract"
6/18/2024 14:38:57The Natural History Museum KarlsruheGermanyEntomology7/15/2024 of EntomologyMuseum8/8/24 16:26Emphasis of the research work should be the groups of Hymenoptera and/or Hemimetabolous insects. 2) "Unfortunately, interview costs cannot be covered or reimbursed." 3) Ah yes I've heard about German institutes not paying for interviews, very weird/annoying...4.) I interviewed for a very similar position in that Institution and it was via Zoom - no need to travel1
6/18/2024 13:49:36USGSColoradoAvian Ecology7/3/2024 13Government10/10/24 9:52Applicants must be U.S. Citizens [sic]. 1) was offered 2 weeks ago. 1
6/13/2024 11:24:24Alberta Ministry of Arts, Culture & Status of WomenCanadaFossil Marine Reptiles6/26/2024
6/7/2024 14:56:38Louisiana Department of Wildlife and FisheriesLouisianaWildlife Biologist (Waterfowl focus)6/13/2024 TimeGovernment10/11/24 7:35There are lots of financial resources and equipment (i.e., airboats, boats, etc.) to conduct wildlife/fisheries research at this refuge. However, it is a very remote field office in Grand Chenier, Louisiana (~1 hr from a Walmart), so this is not a position for everyone. However, they provide housing and utilities for refuge biologists, and the region is one of the most biodiverse areas for avifauna in the United States.
6/5/2024 16:25:42Idaho Department of Fish and GameIdahoQuantitative Ecology6/24/2024 19:551
6/5/2024 9:05:47SylveraUnited KingdomML, Carbon Biogeochemistry, Software6/7/2024 14:12Build global soil carbon models using cutting-edge ML, remote sensing, and field-sensor data. Create and refine pipelines to serve those models to customers through cloud architecture. Remote possible for the right candidate. Also, offices available in NY, London, Serbia, and soon, Singapore.
6/4/2024 9:55:49NIOO-KNAWNetherlandsSoil Ecology & Biodiversity7/1/2024 ResearcherGovernment6/12/24 4:22Fantastic org next to Wageningen Univ. This is a dream job if you like NL. Pay is great, plus internationals qualify for 30% ruling. Work/life balance, good healthcare, and you get to live in the "mountains" of the Netherlands.
6/4/2024 4:02:32Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterMarylandCoastal Landscape Ecology6/27/2024 12:241) This seems to be the same job as the one below with a new deadline and slightly different ad language. Anyone have insight? 2) SC here: it IS updated from below, and broadened to include the following areas of potential expertise: including but not limited to: carbon and nutrient cycling at landscape scales, coastal watershed science and hydrology, integration of coastal data across multiple spatial, temporal, and/or ecological scales, quantitative modeling, and landscape-scale restoration, conservation, and/or ecosystem management 3) Hi SC! Could you give some insight into what happened to the 1st search? If you applied round 1 and got nowhere, is it worth applying again? If so, would a reframe in focus be appropriate? SC: Everyone is encouraged to apply, including applicants from the first round, with an emphasis on landscape level processes in coastal ecosystems as defined in the fairly broad job ad. good luck! 4) Hi SC ! I'm surprised to see no requirement for a resarch statement or even a cover letter. Am I reading the USAJobs portal correctly? 5) SC here: correct, USAJOBS requires relatively few documents like your resume and transcripts, as outlined here:>BIG HOWEVER: if you want to upload other documents you think might be relevant, which could include a cover letter, research statement, etc., these could be uploaded either as the latter part of your resume, or as separate documents in the 'other documents' section of the USAJOBS portal. hope this helps! 6) Has anyone heard anything yet ? 😬7) Federal jobs are slow and it's probably hasn't made it through the initial HR screening and to the search committee yet. 9) @6,7, I did get an email from the "recruitment representative" that said they'd recieved they application and would update when information is available. x2 6) Has anyone recieved any update? 7) Not sure if anyone is still watching this, but I did get a Zoom request for this position (first week of October).1
6/3/2024 10:14:51Washington Department of Fish & WildlifeWashingtonFish & Wildlife Research Scientist6/30/2024 ScientistGovernment
5/31/2024 14:25:56Washington Department of Fish & WildlifeWashingtonFish & Wildlife Biology6/12/2024
5/30/2024 12:18:31South Dakota State UniversitySouth DakotaApplied Avian Ecology7/31/2024 ProfTenure Stream6/13/24 8:00(1) SC here - young, active department; growing grad population, broadly looking at avian ecology but especially interested in those studying conservation/manangement of upland game birds, grassland-obligate species, or waterbirds. (2) could someone speak to starting salary? (3) SC here - all South Dakota salaries are public reported (, you can look up other recent hires in the Natural Resource Management department, also keep in mind cost of living here is low (no state income tax, low housing cost compared to most college towns). (4) Looks like the assistant profs in the department are making around $80k, plus or minus ~$5k 5) how serious is the 'must be authorized to work in the US' statement? I kind of assumed most/all universities would sponser a foreign-born candidate if they were selected by the committee. (6) SC here - I would encourage any foreign-born scientists to contact the committee.2
5/30/2024 5:52:36USGSAlaskaEcology7/23/2024 12-13Government7/18/24 16:58Assistant Unit Leader based at University of Alaska Fairbanks 2) deadline extended to 7/23/24, not sure how to update5
5/29/2024 21:10:02SPUNDelawareMycorrhizal Carbon6/10/2024 22:20Remote from anywhere in North America, South America or Europe
5/28/2024 13:26:38University of New MexicoNew MexicoNeuroscience & Data Science in Neuroscience7/22/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/29/24 18:37[review date updated -AP]
5/27/2024 13:00:09Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI)AustriaPhilosophy of Biology or Theoretical Biology6/1/2024 leaderNon-TS Academic5/29/24 13:42no clear review date...1) It's a theoretical/philosophical position, the lack of a review date is part of the screening process. 2) Am I qualified for this position with a theoretical degree in biology? 3) @2, you are theoretically qualified1
5/23/2024 15:51:49University of MontanaMontanaBioinformatics / Data Science6/17/2024 ScientistNon-TS Academic1
5/23/2024 13:50:23Bucknell UniversityPennsylvaniaBiology6/7/2024 Academic5/24/24 10:19(1) Faculty member here - Dept is great! Looking to hire ASAP - review of applications is rolling, but expecting to do round 1 Zoom interviews last two weeks of June, so earlier is better. I put June 7th as an estimate. 2) Expected to teach 4 or 5 lab sections per semester, and supervise both undergraduate and graduate students. Is it a typo or does this university expect non-tenured faculty to supervise graduate students? (3) They mean supervise them as TAs I believe.
5/21/2024 8:07:57Universiteit LeidenNetherlandsQuantitative Ecology6/1/2024 / Assoc ProfTenure Stream6/29/24 13:481) Any insights on this university/dept? 2) AFAIK it's the Netherland's premier uni 3) they recently poached some great microbial ecologists: Ákos T. Kovács and Paco Barona-Gómez3
5/20/2024 16:14:46USDA Tropical Pest Genetics & Molecular Biology Research Unit, Hilo, HIHawaiiFunctional Genomics 6/18/2024 / Research BiologistGovernment5/24/24 1:241) are US Nationals same as permanant residents? 2) no 3) permanent residents can be Green Card hodlers. 4) Not in the SC but I lived in Hilo most of my life and have been to the USDA facility. The people are great there. 5) @2 )and @3) so green card holders cannot apply? 6) @5 no. you need to be a national or citizen (ie: passport holder)
5/15/2024 14:39:29Johns Hopkins UniversityMarylandInfectious Disease Dynamics6/30/2024 ProfTenure Stream8/16/24 20:23Bloomberg Distinguished Professor cluster hire. "Using theoretical and computational approaches to understand the epidemiology and ecology of infectious diseases." 1) Anyone knows the culture/work-life in John Hopkins? X2 2) I can't necessarily speak to BSPH at large, but the IDD group specifically is wonderful. Very collaborative and a friendly group of current faculty members. 3) Any news?1
5/15/2024 11:05:23USDA Pollinator Health Research Unit, Davis, CACaliforniaHoneybee Conservation6/13/2024 OpenNon-TS Academic6/12/24 11:13$96,148 - $191,900 per year 2) Good luck buying a house for under $600k 3) Yeah, that really stings. 4) totally doable on that salary if you don't have kids 5) I'm all for salary shaming but this actually looks like a pretty good salary. Plenty of people live in Sacramento or surrounding towns. x6 6) It's also worth noting that the greater Sacramento area is actually working to end the housing crisis. They build tons of new housing and rents are actually falling because of it. This salary would be very livable in that area. 7) Next up - chicken conservation research! x3 8) does the position have possibilities for working with local Tribal governments? 9) not at Davis, but another USDA bee person here - and 8 yes, working with tribal groups is generally encouraged. 2
5/14/2024 6:22:08Trinity College DublinIrelandWildlife Distribution Modelling5/16/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/31/24 12:29Link doesnt work 2) The job ad closed on May 16 at 12pm Dublin time (about 7am eastern time USA) 3) rejection email on May 30. I was really hoping for this one3
5/14/2024 6:07:02University of GrazAustriaBotany / Scientific Lead for Botanical Garden6/6/2024 ScientistTenure Stream
5/10/2024 14:21:15University of California-BerkeleyCaliforniaConservation Science5/17/2024 DirectorNon-TS Academic6/24/24 11:02Executive Directory of the new James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center for Large Landscape Conservation at UC Berkeley 1
5/10/2024 11:48:39University of MaineMaineOrnamental Horticulture6/17/2024 / Assoc ProfTenure Stream7/25/24 10:24NOTE: Applications are still being considered, as they received very few (as of 7/25/24).
5/8/2024 16:54:54University of BridgeportConnecticutBiology5/28/2024 ProfNon-TS Academic7/7/24 16:02Quick search looks like UB no longer offers TT as of ~2021. "... full-time faculty with broad expertise in organismal biology, environmental science, freshwater or marine biology, and/or ecology" 1) app only asks for a CV and cover letter, which makes the short turn-around easier, but does anyone know much about this school? Their website doesn't have a lot of detail on the department. 2) University used to be owned and governed by the Unification Church, aka the Moonies; still offer degree-granting programs in acupuncture, chiropractic, and traditional Chinese medicine and used to offer doctorates in Naturopathy. 3) Anyone hear from this job yet? @3 Phone and Zoom interview happened already. Final (Zoom-based) interview is scheduled.
5/8/2024 10:55:47Towson UniversityMarylandSustainability & Environmental Change ProfTenure Stream9/20/24 13:12Rolling review, just posted but review begins immediately. Start date January 2025. 2) Please update if you hear anything from the search committee. x2 @2) The SC chair said they will be reviewing submissions starting in early June 3) anyone have any updates? 4) nothing yet x2 5) nothing either 6) Any updates? 7) none here 7/23 8) invited for zoom interview 8/5 9) had virtual interview late August. 10) on campus interview early October.6
5/8/2024 10:10:14University of MarylandMarylandInvasive Species Plant Biologist6/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/10/24 10:4760% Research, 40% Extension1
5/8/2024 10:10:14University of MarylandMarylandInvasive Species Plant Biologist6/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/10/24 10:4760% Research, 40% Extension1
5/8/2024 9:29:02University of MarylandMarylandAbiotic Stress Plant Biologist6/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream7/17/24 19:221) Anyone get any updates yet? 2) Nothing yet 3) Another check... anyone? 4) nothing here 5) Received Zoom invitation (7/17)6
5/8/2024 3:18:59Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)FinlandLarge Carnivore Ecology5/13/2024 ProfGovernment5/9/24 4:01This is a readvertisement. Guess the call in the Fall was unsuccessful.
5/7/2024 12:40:12U.S. Military Academy, West PointNew YorkChemistry, Biology, and/or Physics5/20/2024 10:041) If anyone has questions about this position, I formerly had this position and left to pursue my Ph.D., so happy to provide insights and/or details 2) Is the position permanent? And is the instructor expected to teach all subjects, or would just biology suffice?; @2) the position is permanent and the current department teaches chemistry, biology, and physics--the program uses a system similar to quarters, and one quarter is biology, two are chemistry, and one is physics, where all faculty teach all three subject areas @1) If the courses being taught are across science subjects, is it largely introductory courses/ courses for non majors? 1) Courses are largely introductory or non-majors courses. This position is at USMAPS, which is a one-year college preparatory program for cadet candidates who are hoping for admission into USMA (West Point). Some of the cadet candidates need to improve academic skills, so the courses at USMAPS are organized to help bridge gaps in content knowledge. @1 thank you for the information! Out of curiousity, if the applicant wants it is there any possibility of doing research/research support with the role? I know it wouldn't be required, but curious if it could be an option. Thanks! 1) Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to this question. The department chair is an active research scientist, but does research through a separate university. There are no research facilities within USMAPS. There may be opportunities to conduct STEM education research, but you would want to inquire about this at the interview.
5/6/2024 7:41:27Wolf Conservation CenterNew YorkConservation Biology / Wolf Recovery DirectorNGO5/13/24 9:25Notice was recently posted with 3-4 month time frame. AP) Review date removed.
5/3/2024 19:04:31USGS / Cornell UniversityNew YorkFish Biologist 6/10/2024 Unit LeaderGovernment12/30/24 10:44Received referral email 8/26. USAJobs says there were 76 applicants 1) Rejected 12/30 (never heard anything else)2
5/3/2024 6:24:31University of CambridgeUnited KingdomPlant Ecology & Evolution6/2/2024 / Assoc ProfTenure Stream8/28/24 2:57Focus broadly on ecology with applicants that use molecular/microbial methods especially encouraged to apply. 2) was this not advertised last year? Also in the UK don't you have to be a Reader to be eligable for this type of position 3) @2 for a "professor" role, yeah. Some departments use US-like titles, so this would be equivalent to lecturer/senior lecturer and suitable for postdocs 4) Looks like the closing date was extended to June 10th 5) on campus interview (x2)2
5/2/2024 9:58:42University of MaineMaineGenetics Facility Manager5/22/2024 (MS required, PhD preferred)Non-TS Academic7/29/24 11:40Professional experience working with eDNA and next-generation sequencing required. Starting salary $65,000-$70,000. 1) I'm not right for this job, but I love that a permanent position as a researcher at a university like this is available, and the starting salary seems pretty good if it will scale with time. Need more positions like these. x2 2) Faculty member who will work closely with this person, but not on the search committee here: happy to answer questions candidly. Can confirm that staff are unionized and so get regular cost of living increases, as well as merit reviews. 3) Sounds like a cool position! @2, do you know if any TT AP or Research AP hiring in the same area of emphasis (eDNA) is planned? 4) @3 Not likely. We just did a big cluster hire around eDNA, and brought on several new faculty in this area as part of an EPSCoR-funded Maine eDNA initiative and the formation of the Maine Center for Genetics in the Environment. Basically, lots of recent growth in that area means we're not likely to hire new TT folks any time soon. 5) zoom interview request 30 May 6) I Zoom-interviewed. Not sure they really know what they want. 7) completed second interview 14 June, and reached out about references 17 June. 8) Update: search failed. 1
4/29/2024 16:20:54Arizona State UniversityArizonaComparative Genomics (esp. Evolutionary Medicine)5/17/2024 ProfTenure Stream10/18/24 6:03"Degree should be in hand or expected by time of appointment, not to exceed 4 years post-date of conferral" 2) It's also posted under postdoc. 3) Would conservation genomics be welcome? e.g., a focus on whole-genome comparative genomics of endangered species. 4) @3 my guess is yes, so long as you can work with local desert species 5) It doesn't have to be on desert species, definitely apply if you do whole genome stuff. 6) Any updates? 7) Got an invitation for a Zoom interview (6-13) x3 8) anyone know how many hires this search will result in? It seems unclear if it'll only be one or if there's money for a couple. 8) They are only hiring one person 9) any word post-Zoom? 10) nothing as of 7/26 x2 11) Any update here? 12) In person interview invite received 8/16 x2 13) in-person interviews have all been completed. decisions should go out later this week. 14) no word after in-person yet [9/17] x2 15) rejection letter saying top candidate accepted position [10/15] x27
4/28/2024 5:08:17Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and TechnologySwitzerlandAquatic Systems & Climate Change Adaptation5/31/2024 LeaderTenure Stream10/7/24 2:054-position cluster hire. At least one involves biodiversity in aquatic systems. Group Leaders in Switzerland are often intermediary steps between an early postdoc and getting a tenured professorship.They can last for may years depending on funding and provide lots of time for research. This institute is similar in role and stature to the major federal natural resources agencies in USA (USGS, FWS, USDA, etc.) and is the major federal research unit dedicted to aquatic systems in the country. 1) this is tenure track, so presumably in 3+ years you'll be made permanent x3. 2) Does anybody know if they'd consider candidates at the permanent level (e.g. tenured already in a U.S. institution)? 3) @2, send 'em an email! 1) yea I am sure they will but send them an email 4) invited for zoom interview 11-Jul-2024. 5) They were down to 24 candidates across the 4 position cluster as of 2-Sept-2024, 1st round of on-site interviews happened in mid September, then down to 9 candidates as of 4-Oct-2024 with another round of on-site interviews to be scheduled soon.3
4/28/2024 5:00:13Loyola University of New OrleansLouisianaInvestigating Nature of PracticeNon-TS Academic5/13/24 3:43"As the first natural science course in the Loyola Core, Investigating Nature plays a critical role in introducing non-science majors to the process of science, increasing science literacy, and strengthening quantitative skills. (1) Just curious - does Loyola have faculty that are traditional tenure track or is everyone (or all new hires) a professor of practice? (2) they have tenure system as well, and there is a history of movement between the tracks in the department (visited campus for this position on May first. they plan on making a decision by May 15 (1 again) thanks 2. Good to know. I have family members who went there for university and loved it. I'm soon be an asst prof at a university nearby - just curious how this department works!
4/28/2024 4:58:13Loyola University of New OrleansLouisianaAnatomy & Physiology of PracticeNon-TS Academic
4/28/2024 4:55:30Louisiana State UniversityLouisianaMicrobial Ecology / Assoc ProfTenure Stream7/8/24 14:16"Candidates using a diversity of quantitative techniques with empirically generated data are preferred, but research can include empirical, computational, model-based and/or molecular approaches." 1) I'm in this dept and will try to monitor in case there are any Q's. It's a remarkably congenial dept. 2) Is it still worth applying even though the initial deadline has passed? 1) @2, definitely. I don't know where the SC is at, but we've had no campus interviews yet. I've served on SCs, and we often entertain apps after the deadline. 2 again) Great, thanks! 3) Any updates on this one? 4) @ departmental member, any news on this?1
4/28/2024 4:52:16Purdue UniversityIndianaForestry and Natural Resources 4/29/2024 Assistant Professor of TeachingNon-TS Academic
4/28/2024 4:49:36Southeastern Oklahoma State UniversityOklahomaIchthyology, Fish Ecology / Assoc ProfTenure Stream6/9/24 18:43Any news? 2) postion was re-opened after earlier failed search. 3) news1
4/28/2024 4:41:01Oklahoma State UniversityOklahomaWildlife Extension Specialist5/15/2024 ProfTenure Stream6/19/24 9:40"The faculty member will provide leadership in planning, implementing and continually evaluating a state-wide wildlife extension education and outreach program. Program emphasis will include intrinsic values of game and non-game wildlife resources." 2) did anyone else apply? Any news? 3) news? did anyone else apply? i thought this would have progressed by now.1
4/28/2024 4:36:23Louisiana Tech UniversityLouisianaBiological Sciences5/3/2024 Academic5/2/24 6:43
4/28/2024 4:34:24Louisiana Tech UniversityLouisianaCell Biology, Molecular Biology, or Physiology 5/3/2024 ProfTenure Stream
4/28/2024 4:32:17Louisiana Tech UniversityLouisianaBiology/Environmental Science5/3/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/28/24 9:38(1) I was invited for a zoom interview 5/162
4/28/2024 4:20:18Tracy AviaryUtahBird Conservation of ConservationNGO4/29/24 12:31Applications are reviewed as received. 1) man i wish i worked on vertebrates.. this aviary is SO COOL.
4/22/2024 8:00:15University of WindsorCanadaCRC Tier II - Environmental and Public Health Genomics 5/10/2024\Asst / Assoc ProfTenure Stream7/30/24 8:44(1) The University is prioritizing applications from candidates who self-identify as women or minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity. [This is directly taken from the job ad. Discussion of CRC priorities moved to General Discussion -AP] 2) Is there any update on this? 3) Nothing so far from my end, but that's probably not super helpful because I might not have gotten an interview, haha. Just wanted to share that I haven't heard anything either! 4) Update: short-list invitations have gone out. 2) Sadly I did not get one, best of luck to everyone who recieved an interview invite.
4/22/2024 3:54:18DICE KentUnited KingdomMarine Conservation 5/6/2024 Fixed Term4/22/24 10:00
4/22/2024 3:52:19DICE Kent United KingdomConservation Science 5/6/2024 Tenure Stream4/22/24 6:26two positions, one for three years and one for four with the option to be made permanent. 1) should probbaly be moved to fixed-term
4/21/2024 14:54:30Queens University of CharlotteNorth CarolinaConservation Biology5/1/2024 OpenNon-TS Academic5/22/24 15:48One goal of this position is to give teaching mentorship at a small university to aspiring faculty, has the potential to become permanent 1) should probbaly be moved to fixed-term 2) Line 500 failed? this was posted as a TT earlier this season. 3) Re 2, it appears so. I was 1 of 3 on-campus interviewees. I had to turn the offer down, and 1 other candidate confirms doing so in the notes section of the previous TT position post. The department seemed very supportive, those you'd work closely with were a major plus - genuinely good people, and everyone seemed happy and to have reasonable work-life balance. Salary seems to have been a major obstacle for some finalists ($62k) given the local housing market. But, for someone that can make the salary work (or if they allocate more $ now that the TT search seems to have failed), it is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of a new program in a supportive environment. 4) Confirming what #3 is saying, I also turned down the offer in the TT search. Salary wasn't acceptable for a TT position given the rising cost of living in the area. A major sticking point for me was that there are no annual cost-of-living adjustments - at 2% annual inflation you will make less after 9 years as full professor than you did starting (59k equivalent vs 62k starting), even after accounting for the pay bump at associate and full prof over this time. Can confirm that the department is filled with fantastic, supportive people. Shifting this position to non-TT and one that doesn't require a PhD was the right move given the pay and high teaching load (3:3 / 2:3). 5) Well presumably they will also drop the pay for NTT. 6) I also received this job offer for the TT position 03/11/24, but ended up turning it down as well. I can also confirm the Biology and Chemistry departments were a pleasure to meet. They offered 64k, but the Dean wanted a decision in 72 hours (like seriously offered on a Tuesday, deadline by Friday). I never laughed so hard in my life. 1
4/19/2024 16:11:27FungaTexasClimate, Forest Restoration & Regenerative Forestry7/1/2024 of ProductIndustry
4/19/2024 15:10:03University of CalgaryCanadaMicrobiomes of Large Animal / Livestock 5/31/2024 ProfTenure Stream6/29/24 8:481) Is there any update on this?
4/18/2024 4:56:27University of Prince Edward IslandCanadaEnvironmental Microbiology (broadly defined) using Metagenomics6/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream7/12/24 9:271) Just want to flag that the actual review date for this posting seems to be April 22nd 2024, based upon the posting on the UPEI website (although it appears applications submitted after the 22nd will still be considered). 2) UPEI still hasn't budged on two TT positions advertized here one year ago. 3) @2 can you clarify what you mean by 'budged'? Just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly! 2) @ 3 coming up on a full year after the interviews for two positions, no hires announced yet. Entirely possible that they don't have funding for any new hires but are trying anyways. The university is currently spending a lot on launching a med school. Great province but tiny population and tax base. 3) Thanks! 4) The above comments about lack of funding for advertised positions are outsider speculation, and are not true. 3) @ 4 thanks for providing taking the time to comment and offer that insight. I appreciate the perspective. 5) Online virtual interview request received on May 24. x 3, 6) Had a really nice virtual chat with the UPEI Biology department, seems like a really great group of folks. I neglected to ask about timeline for the shortlist interviews, so would be curious if anyone hears back! 7) Email received on 18-Jun-2024 for in-person interview on campus. 8) @ 6 I asked about timeline and they told me that they would be moving quickly as they are still aiming for someone to start teaching in Sept 2024.9) Rejection letter received. 10) Best of luck to everyone who recieved an interview invite!
4/18/2024 4:54:23Lakehead University - Thunder Bay CampusCanadaMolecular Evolution of Plants5/30/2024 ProfTenure Stream4/18/24 8:231) Whoa short turnaround from due date to job start! May 30 app due, August 1 expected start!
4/17/2024 11:17:50USDA Agricultural Researh ServiceMississippiDisease Ecology & Epidemiology5/17/2024 Leader, GS-14 or GS-15Government4/17/24 11:20This is a re-listed position from a failed search. Build a new research unit with 4 PI scientists plus their students and postdocs. The unit also has significant funded collaborations with Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine and the Geospatial Research Institute. Both the research unit and the collaboration have long-term internal financial support. The Unit is also in a unique position to access and publish derived data from other USDA agencies. It's a great opportunity to make a real impact on the mitigation of animal and zoonotic diseases. Open to PhD or DVM. Salary $122,198 - $186,854. For questions about the position, you can email Apply from 04/18/2024 to 05/17/2024. Open to US Citizens and in some cases permanent residents seeking citizenship.
4/17/2024 10:20:34University of VermontVermontAgriculture / Environment Assessment and Management4/30/2024 Academic
4/17/2024 8:46:31Pennsylvania State University at SchuylkillPennsylvaniaBiology6/1/2024 Teaching ProfNon-TS Academic4/25/24 14:24Update from SC committee member: we start review of applications ~15 May
4/16/2024 14:05:18Victoria University of WellingtonNew ZealandEcology, Conservation Biology5/19/2024 ProfTenure Stream7/19/24 17:44Noting that closing date (19 May) is NZ local time, which is 18 May in many other parts of the world. 2) So if you select the "No, I am not currently eligible to work (work permit/visa/citizenship) in the country to which I am applying." does it automatically disqualify you? 3) I'm staff here, but not on the SC, no special knowledge. I don't think visas/citizenship are a barrier themselves, but I would assume a very strong preference for work in species/places/systems in or relevant to NZ. 4) Anyone has an idea of the teaching load? 4)@2: At least in US searches clicking that box doesn't disqualify you. 5) keep in mind NZ funding is very sparse compared to USA funding.6) and US funding is sparse relative to EU funding... but presumably this position would have access to DOC funds. 7) @4 typical NZ university faculty split is 70% teaching, 25% research, and 5% service (without external grants). Many NZ grants (Royal Society NZ, MBIE, etc) cover 80% of your time which typically exempts you from all teaching. 3again) VUW standard split is 40/40/20 teaching/research/service. Under the university's current financial situation, you can't buy out your teaching time with external grants. They're not even topping up salary of soft money researchers. 7again) Thanks for the VUW insider info @4. 8) Received an invitation for zoom interview. 9) Received an invitation for in person interview post zoom interview (20/7/24)6
4/16/2024 7:38:36Caney Fork FarmsTennesseeRegenerative Agriculture / AgroEcology4/22/2024 of ResearchNGO1
4/16/2024 5:48:37Clemson UniversitySouth CarolinaEnvironmental Social Science6/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream4/20/24 2:25Yes, I know it says "social science", but there are people doing interdisciplinary research in natural resources, wildlife, etc. that this could apply to. Position is in an interdisciplinary wildlife-type department.
4/16/2024 5:35:36Eastern New Mexico UniversityNew MexicoWildlife Biology / Assoc ProfTenure Stream4/21/24 19:461) Does anyone know the teaching workload per semester for this position, and if that changes depending on rank? 2) What is a blind reference call? "Contact information for three references (Blind reference call will be made on applicants who become finalist for the position)"? It's not blind if you give the information, no?! 3) I would assume this means you do not get to see the letters written for you, as is typical for all references in my experience. 4) What is the salary at Associate and entry (Assistant) level??? The 'depend on quals' nonsense is so tiring
4/15/2024 19:28:36Trinity College DublinIrelandAnimal Behavior5/9/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/27/24 9:57Copy-pasting the URL of the actual job announcement doesnt work. I posted the link of the College's job search form. Select "Academic" and "School of Natural Sciences" and the position will show up 1) I previously interviewed here and got the impression that the staff are lovely. I was very sad to miss out. I would encourage people to apply. 2) Any idea of the salary? Dublin is very expensive. 1) says in the ad: 40-100k depending on experience 3) Anyone know if this position would come with start-up funding? Also, what's the typical teaching load? 1) I would reach out and ask, they are really nice 1) Has anyone who has applied heard back re. interviews etc? 4) Got a rejection email 5/24 x46
4/12/2024 12:57:38North Carolina State UniversityNorth CarolinaSoil Microbial Ecology6/28/2024 ProfTenure Stream11/5/24 14:41The position would have a primary focus on understanding the mechanisms of microbially-mediated transformations and fluxes of soil carbon in the context of climate change. (1) I have a question about the application materials but there is no departmental contact, only what looks like university level HR? (2) What's your question? Search chair contact (1 again) Thanks so much @2 perfect! Mainly some silly clarifications about statement lengths and if there are specific things to highlight in the "Research Statement" vs. the research interests portion of the "Statement of Teaching Philosophy and Research Interests." I have my assumptions but wanted to double check since I'm not sure I've seen this particular combination of statement topics before. (3) Does this seem very specific on what they want? (4) per search chair: "a research statement and a teaching statement will be fine". (5) Posting is no longer available (06/27/2024) (6) Any idea why position closed early? (7) Ah rats, I messed up the review deadline and thought it was 7/1. Maybe next time. 8) Zoom interview/letter request 7/9 x2 9) Any news post zoom x2 08/06/24 10) Nothing here 8/6 PM 11) on-campus interview request 08/08/24 X2 12) @11 did you receive any scheduling info yet? I have not. 13) @12 same 08/16/24. 14) Thanks, just making sure I didn't miss an email! 15) Still haven't heard about scheduling as of 8/21 16) @15 same 8/21 17) I still haven't heard anything about scheduling, seems strange but maybe its just busy with the start of the semester 18) During the Zoom interview, they did say the committee could decide cadidates within two weeks, but scheduling the in-person might take longer due to senior management approval. 19) Oh that makes sense, thanks for letting me know! 20) Any news following on campus interviews? 21) No news yet for me 11/02/24 22) Offer recieved 10/30/24 23) congrats! 11/04/24 24) Thank you! Will update after any negotiation5
4/12/2024 8:42:14University of CalgaryCanadaMolecular Genetics for Microbiome Editing5/17/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/21/24 10:55Position is a Canada Research Chair Tier II so well supported. (1) Canada's CRC's are often only available to people with one minority identity (no straight cis white men). Not sure if it's the case for this one. (2) SC member - we're open to all applicants 3) Not ecoevo! 4) 2 is wrong about CRCs in general - an online search for stats is easy to do - they have been heavily skewed towards white men, so some more recently ones are potentially more targeted positions to even things out. However, open speculation about demographics for a position "not sure it's the case for this one" is not helpful to anyone. 5) The government has literally said they will no longer approve CRCs that don't fulfill their demographic objectives, so let's not pretend otherwise in this case x4 6) AP - The comments here likely are going off the topic of this particular position. 7) Memorial lost a CRC for that very reason, @5 8) This is absolutely nonesense! At University of Calgary 4 out of the 8 Cummings School of medicine CRCs were WM. Get over your whoa is me attitute. 8) Hold your horses 7!
4/12/2024 6:14:29University of LeedsUnited KingdomEcology4/22/2024 Stream5/23/24 11:56Any insights from internal folks? Specified salary is up to 54k GPB (1) I don't know anything about Leeds, but >1/3 of UK universities are reducing faculty. I don't think Leeds is one of them, but it seems to be a systemic problem. 2) I have no specific info, but Leeds is supposed to be a good school. They're in the Russell group, so they have a bit more research funding to go around than most UK schools. 3) Any News? 4) Rejection 5/15 x42
4/12/2024 6:13:39University of LeedsUnited KingdomTranslational or Fundamental Plant Sciences/Sustainable Agriculture/Plant-Insect Interactions4/22/2024 Stream5/15/24 13:31Any updates? 1) Rejection 5/15 x33
4/10/2024 10:53:34Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityCanadaEcology4/19/2024 Academic5/21/24 10:59We encourage applications from scholars with teaching and research expertise in a range of ecology subdisciplines, but preference will be given to candidates with expertise in community ecology, sustainability, biodiversity or conservation biology. Additionally, the successful candidate will collaborate with faculty and laboratory colleagues to develop new upper-level ecology courses and participate in the review and revision of the first-year biology curriculum. PUI in Surrey, BC, which is a diverse suburb of Vancouver with a large South Asian population. 2) All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. (3) 9/10 interviews at UBC (one cancelled) were non-Cdn. This position might favor Canadians but it varies by institution and all must say this. 4) I applied! x2 5) do we know the salary range? 6) @5 the link to salary on the page didn't work but I found it in the collective agreement doc (page 40 - depends on degrees + experience) (7) My guess would be about 90K CAD. It will be tight living in the lower mainland on the salary at first. (8) Can somebody internal confirm the salary -- what's this new trend of hiding the salary? 9) it's not hidden, they just accidentally posted an internal link to the salary page. If you look at the linked collective agreement, it is clearly laid out, depending on experience -- probably off by a couple thousand since it is through 2022 though. PhD only starts at ~69k; MS + PhD starts at ~72K. Additional experience increases these numbers. (9 again) ETA here is the updated schedule which changes those numbers I just posted to ~76.5K and ~80K: (10) With rent and childcare, that's 100% of the salary. rough. 9) And that is Canadian $...converted to USD that is really rough... 11) This salary is a joke. 12) Converting the salary to USD isn't really relevant; if you want to make USD, you should work in the States. Stipends 8-11 would be enough for a single person or a family to live in the city if a partner made a similar income. 13) As an American who lived in BC for awhile, converting to USD is absolutely relevant. Also, "if a partner made a similar income"? Congrats for normalizing runaway capitalism, exploiting labor, academia not paying people their worth, and financial burden being passed on to partners when every individual is entitled to a liveable wage. 13 again, I should mention that even with the highest salary listed (which let's be real, admins will do everything they can to pay step/stipend 1 and not 8-11), it would never support home ownership. I know from experience living in the Vancouver area. 14) re-13 discussions of the American-Canadain exchange rate, acidemia's contribution to the destruction of the single-family model, the inclusion of home ownership within a calculation of a liveable wage, and how teachers at small non-TT colleges are 'owed' over $110,000 seems more fitting for the venting tab on this message board. x3 14) in-person interview request 4/23 (all interviews on one day in less than 2 weeks?) (15) An offer has gone out2
4/10/2024 7:57:03North Dakota State UniversityNorth DakotaNatural Resources (incl. restoration, ecology)5/6/2024 ProfTenure Stream6/10/24 7:15Hiring 2 12-month positions. See also following PDF for full details: 1) Build a nationally recognized research program with a 35% research load (65% teaching load)? Uh huh. Go on. 2) 0% service load. Normally it's 1/3 each. Ask if they count service and teaching as equivalent or if you teach an extra class or outreach program in lieu of service. 3) 0% service load doesn't mean 0% service. 4) nationally recognized that is appropriate for the % is in the job ad. Could simply mean federal funding, national conferences, and journals that are not just regional. would encourage to email chair if wanting clarification of things. 5) SC chair here, please reach out for any questions about appointment. We have very realistic expectations for job duties and how it relates to PTE. We want our people to succeed. 6) TS from the department (but not on committee) - as an asst prof in the department I'm also happy to receive emails, answer questions, or chat. 7) Is this hire related to an EPSCoR program? I know ND is eligible. 8) Salary is "Commensurate with experience", but anyone knows the expected range? 9) @7 not an EPSCoR hire, but EPSCoR opportunities (such as SEED funding) are available. 10) @8 Recent hires were in the mid $80k's with excellent benefits (e.g., fully paid health insurance) and a relatively low cost of living in the area. 11) will DEI efforts be assesed in the application materials? 12) @11 SC chair again, DEI related efforts are part of two preferred qualifications so will be evaluated at every step of the process. 12) Does anybody know if good candidates at the Associate level would be considered? 13) @ 12 SC chair again, all applications will be considered. Decisions on rank or time towards tenure will be negotiated between chosen candidates and director. 14) Zoom interview requested 5/9 x4 15) rejection email post zoom interview 5/30 16) on-campus interview requested 6/3 x24
4/9/2024 20:55:58Oregon State UniversityOregonSoil Microbiology and Ecology4/21/2024 ProfTenure Stream8/22/24 10:181) What is the salary? Ad says 'Pay Method: Salary' And then 'Salary - commensurate with skills' What's the salary?? x2. 2) Can anybody internal clarify the salary range? The ad is very opaque, do better OSU. 3) Confused by this ad/app too - only requires CV, cover letter, DEI statement, and references? No research or teaching statements?! x3 4) Does the strange nature of this application make it seem like they have an internal candidate in mind? 5) Any updates? 6) Nothing here (5/6) x2 7) zoom interviews have been completed. 8) Any updates post-zoom interviews here?6
4/9/2024 12:04:43Salisbury UniversityMarylandMolecular and Cellular Biology4/19/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/6/24 6:591) Looks like an offer was made for this same position on 12/13, anyone know if this is a different listing or if that offer ended up not working out? 2) It is a different position. The other position was filled. 3) The search is over 4) @3 Do you know if this was an internal hire? No judgement, just asking since 2 weeks is so short 5) @4 The search failed. I believe they plan to advertise again this fall. 1
4/9/2024 11:36:48University of FloridaFloridaUrban Entomology5/8/2024 OpenTenure Stream7/16/24 10:141) integrated pest management of insects 2) This is an 80% Research position , "Research areas could include, but are not limited to behavior, ecology, genetics, physiology and toxicology of urban/structural pests" 3) anyone heard anything on this search?2
4/9/2024 10:11:24University of GeorgiaGeorgiaCommunity Forestry and Arboriculture5/1/2024 / Assoc ProfTenure Stream
4/9/2024 4:54:17University of FloridaFloridaMolecular Systematics4/26/2024 Scientist IIIMuseum5/21/24 7:571) reopened until May 29th
4/5/2024 8:57:56SUNY ESFNew YorkEnvironmental Data Science4/28/2024 / Full ProfTenure Stream11/16/24 4:411) Does anyone know what kind of courses they're hoping to have developed? They said 1 introductory and 1 advanced, but data science is a kind of broad field. @1) Something like "Intro to Environmental Data Science" and grad-level course entirely of choice. 2) Looks like they want someone who will design a new major and certificate program - sounds like a lot of admin 3) @2 definitely - clearly are looking for someone to lead that program. 4) In application questionnaire, first question asks "Do you have a PhD in Economics, Finance, Energy Regulation, or related field?" Is this a typo? Should this have asked about whether I have a PhD in "data science, or in fields such as engineering, biology, ecology, social science, geography, and information science with commensurate experience in data science" as per the job description? 5) Zoom interview requested 5/7 6) any news after Zooms? 6) Was someone hired?
4/4/2024 6:25:36Smithsonian InstitutionDistrict of ColumbiaMigratory birds5/15/2024 12Government5/2/24 12:15"We seek applicants with demonstrated experience: (a) implementing and leading field research designed to address questions on the ecology of migratory birds (b) publishing lead-authored papers that use or develop pubquantitative and spatial methods to answer questions about wildlife population ecology; (c) applying statistical models to understand wildlife population ecology, as demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications; (d) obtaining extramural funding for research on wildlife ecology; (e) training students in wildlife ecology; and (f) presenting talks about avian ecology at a national or international conferences. "[1] Curse them for co-opting the convention we use here to delineate different peopleions on the ecology of migratory birds; 2) Looking through the required documents and questions for this. Does anyone know if it is really only a resume with no other questions or statements? I thought the USA jobs I've applied for in the past at least had some room for a little more or a cover letter etc. I guess there isn't any particular limit on resume length? 3) Federal job resumes should be very long with narrative describing duties, accomplishments, etc for every position and directly connecting to what's requested here. Cover letter is almost always optional; probably good to have one, but no knowing if it has any impact. I've been told from people in other agencies cover letters are meaningless. You should always upload all transcripts. There might be questions to answer in the application but you have to just start working through it. 4) This one doesn't seem to have any substantial extra questions (you can preview them). I can't tell if there is even a place where you could upload a cover letter if you wanted to. Would you just attach it in the same file as the resume? 5) if you make it all the way to the end where the upload documents option usually is and there is no space for cover letter or other documents, you can just combine it and your PDF resume and upload it in the resume area 6) I have applied to similar federal jobs, they are very restrictive on what they can ask for. The advice I was given was to follow #3 above with much more detailed resume that very specifically ties experience to language in advertisement and also include a cover letter just like you would for any academic job.2
4/1/2024 17:27:50West Texas A&M UniversityTexasPlant Ecology4/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream9/20/24 11:16Dr. Ray Matlack is the committee chair. Will review candidates until position is filled. The earlier position on invertebrate biology is also still accepting applications (posted on 2/25). Update 9/20. This position is still open and accepting candidates.
3/31/2024 10:21:04University of RoehamptonUnited KingdomZoology4/28/2024 / Sr LecturerTenure Stream6/25/24 0:35interview invitation 5/24 2) heard anything after interviews?2
3/31/2024 10:20:26University of RoehamptonUnited KingdomBiological Sciences4/28/2024 / Sr LecturerTenure Stream6/25/24 0:35Interview request 5/24 2) heard anything after interviews?1
3/29/2024 10:30:43The Land InstituteKansasPerennial Grains5/3/2024 Science Research DirectorNon-Profit Research Organization4/17/24 3:401) had to look up what "Kernza" grain was, and when googling it has a trademark next to it everywhere. Apparently its a proprietary grain made by The Land Institute. Idk if this helps any job seekers but that was interesting at least. (2) It's a non-profit, don't know much about it but it seems like they have good motives. (3) I know some folks that work there. Seems like a great place, very supportive of research, travel, mentoring. (4) Sounds like a great place to support my passion of perineal research (5) @4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (7) @4 what a tainted mind to make that slip (7) I am living for this late-cycle job board discussion x3 (8) @3 I agree. I work with the TLI scientists and they're a great group. They're developing many different perennial crops, Kernza is just the first one to be commercialized.
3/27/2024 1:01:01Queen Mary University of LondonUnited KingdomAI in the Biosciences4/9/2024 ProfTenure Stream4/15/24 2:031) FYI for those outside the UK: Queen Mary University was labeled the “worst university employer in the UK” after the way they handled the University and College Union (UCU) strikes in 2022. 2) sounds like my kind of place. I've worked in lots of worst universities! :) 3) I appreciate the honesty when my employer and I hold each other in mutual contempt, it's warm and familiar 4) SC member here: I want to add to the discussion to say that the biology department is very collegial and welcoming, and that there are strong ties to the Alan Turing Institute, Kew Gardens, UCL and many other London institutions 5) @4 would someone who heavily applies AI approaches in their work but doesn't develop new tools be of interest for this position? Or are you looking for folks who will innovate on the computer science side, with applications to biosciences? @4 what about mathematical modeling? 6) @5 We would encourage anyone working with AI in biology to apply, whether it's applying existing AI tools or developing new ones. Re mathematical modeling- yes as long as there are links to AI 7) Current staff - it's a great place to work. UK universities are under substantial governmental pressure and QM has been handling that better than most!
3/25/2024 14:36:25Michigan State UniversityMichiganAginformatics Entomology7/1/2024 ProfTenure Stream9/12/24 6:48The successful applicant will develop and deliver data-driven integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for crop systems. 60% Research/40% Extension. Re-upping this: Closes in a week. Search chair is very responsive. Please apply! 2) Zoom interview request 7/30 3) In person interview request 9/121
3/22/2024 10:43:44University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignIllinoisVertebrate Curator4/19/2024 Research ScientistNon-TS Academic5/16/24 18:37Curator for Ichthyology or Herpetology at the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS). 1) WHAT? They just pulled this search a few weeks back, now a new one that is basically the same? We will have to re-apply, so lame. 1) first post was for a curator of Ichthyology and for a curator of Herpetology, this one is combind into one posetion, kind of a big difference. 2) ooooor one of the people they were going to hire was shopping around for other offers and negotiated this change. This is like the 3rd curatororial-related hire post from them with a short deadline just this Spring. There is definitely something odd afoot. 3) Smells fishy 4) seems like the downside of requiring public advertisements. As much as folks here hate the idea of an internal hire, sometimes if they have worked there for years it makes a lot of sense. Then when they negotiate final title or have a funding change...they have to publicly post some weirdness like this. 5) @2-4: You might be right, and there is a guy there who is a good candidate for this job but that doesn't mean he is applying. I would just apply and not worry about it. Seems like a good place to work. 6) @5 what? academic job searchers shouldn't be suspicious? hahahahahahahah! I agree with you though. 7) any news? 8) Zoom invite 5/3 x3 9) Did the zooms go well? 3
3/22/2024 6:41:19University of FloridaFloridaMolecular Nematology5/19/2024 ProfTenure Stream
3/21/2024 13:41:05Field Museum of Natural HistoryIllinoisHerpetology / Amphibians4/8/2024 CuratorMuseum9/10/24 16:131) note that you should apply using the email address 2) Time to deadline is very short, is this an internal hire? 3) HMMM with all the strangeness happening at the INHS search and the consolidation to herps+icthy from separate positions there, this may be related 3) You do realize the FMNH is a private institution completely unrelated to INHS or the UI system right? 4)This hire is absolutely not internal, has nothing to do with INHS in any way, and there are zero preferred candidates (and the timeline will be extended if a broad pool of applicants is not received)! If you’re a fit apply! 5) would someone who works on tropical amphibians but not in the neotropics be considered a fit? 6) @5 yes, if the person can/wants to incorporate neotropical amphibians into their work encouraged to apply 7) Is there a specific reason why there is an emphasis on the neotropics? 8) @7 lots of initiatives at the Field have to do with the Neotropics so I have gotten the sense they like to synergize on trips and things that way. 9) the ad says this is a joint hire with the museum's action conservation center which works a lot in the Neotropics specifically. 10) did Sara leave or are they expanding to another herp curator? They had mutiple back in the day, but then were down to 0 for a while... 11) Sara works mainly with reptiles, this is an amphibians job. Honesly it is refreshing to see institutions separate amphibians from non-avian reptiles 12) @10 Sara is the search chair for this hire 13) worth noting the Field Museum has been doing a lot of hires in the last several years and has added 6 or 7 new curators so this seems like continuing that trend 14) It was indeed a short timespan, particularly for those in the Neotropics who are not primarily targeting tenure positions in the USA. Starting an application from scratch while managing work commitments and/or applying for other positions in one's home country can be quite challenging; 15) letters of reference requested April 18. 16) Were you contacted by the FMNH, or did you hear from your letter writers? 17) Contacted by the Museum. 16) Cool, looks like I'm out then :-/ 18) Interviews ongoing 19) update, an offer was made and accepted3
3/21/2024 13:23:59University of Puerto Rico MayaguezPuerto RicoMarine Aquaculture or Fisheries4/30/2024 ProfTenure Stream5/20/24 6:141) The main campus is in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico but the position will be based at Isla Magueyes Marine Labs in La Parguera in Southwestern Puerto Rico, equipped with flowing seawater and boat/scuba access to coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass, etc 2) different position than six lines below! 3) Letters up-front (x3). Deadline extended to 5/31/2024!
3/21/2024 12:22:33Sterling CollegeVermontEcology OpenNon-TS Academic4/9/24 7:041) Salary range of $49,000 - $52,000. The position will remain open until an appointment has been made, but application review will begin immediately. 2) Wow that salary is terrible. 3) This position would start 1-2 weeks prior to the Fall 2024 semester, in August 2024, and is contingent on funding. 4) The salary might be terrible, but at least it's a non-academic appointment with no possibility of tenure. 5) Not to mention a fair chance of going bankrupt at any point. 6) Sure, but living in the Northeast Kingdom? This is the dream! (minus... everything already said above) 7) It also says that a masters or PhD is a "desired" qualification, but not a requirment which is a bit unexpected for a college but may explain the salary range a little bit. 8) Just a few years ago. 9) Is the salary range for real? x2 10) yes. It's a low cost of living area and you don't need a PhD for the position. 11) Not that low. 12) There is a tab for non ts academic jobs and it is not this tab. 13) No, this is the right spot. It is not designed for short term. Personally, if its not tenure track, its not permanent.
3/21/2024 11:10:37ASU Bermuda Institute of Ocean SciencesBermudaMarine Biology4/30/2024 Academic4/5/24 11:56
3/19/2024 16:50:04The Jones Center at IchauwayGeorgiaPlant Ecology4/12/2024 ScientistNon-Profit Research Organization
3/18/2024 1:32:22NIVA - Norwegian Institute for Water ResearchNorwayDrone-Based Coastal Mapping & Ecology3/24/2024 Research Organization
3/17/2024 18:46:45University of GuelphCanadaEcological Pest Management4/26/2024 / Full ProfTenure Stream3/17/24 18:47Cameron Chair in Ecological Pest Management, funded through a $3 million endowment
3/15/2024 18:37:29University of Puerto Rico at MayaguezPuerto RicoBiology4/30/2024 ProfTenure Stream6/5/24 8:34Candidates specializing in any branch or field of study within the biological sciences will be considered. 2) Are there any ideas about working at universities and living in Puerto Rico compared to "similar" places in the US? 3) @2, I'm not sure I understand your question. Similar to PR? 4) @3, just asking any ideas about the universities in PR since I've never been there. If there is a pattern, what institutions in the US would be more similar to U of PR? @4 UPR IS an institution in the US...5) @2 UPRM is the second biggest state university in PR, it has about 12K students. Very competitive, specially in the STEM fields. It is considered an R2. Living in Puerto Rico is very similar to living in Orlando. 6) @5, thank you for the comment. 7) @5 other than the weather, not sure I'd agree that living in PR is like living in Orlando.8) @7 You might be right, the Puerto Rico government and people are significantly more progressive than current day Florida. 9) Last I checked PR is part of the US1
3/15/2024 10:09:11North Dakota State UniversityNorth DakotaRangeland Ecology4/12/2024 ProfTenure Stream3/19/24 17:38Candidates specializing in plant community dynamics, grazing strategies, and/or fire ecology are going to be most competitive.4