A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Institution | Library | Address | City | State | Zipcode | Country | Contact Name | Job Title | Phone | ||||||||||||||||
2 | Abilene Christian University | Brown Library | 221 Brown Library | Abilene | TX | 79699 | U.S. | Craig Churchill | Theological Librarian | churchillc@acu.edu | 325-674-2347 | |||||||||||||||
3 | Ambrose Seminary | 150 Ambrose Circle SW | Calgary | AB | T3H 0L5 | Canada | Diane Ayer | Circulation Manager | dayer@ambrose.edu | 403-410-2948 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | American Congregational Association | Congregational Library and Archives | 14 Beacon Street, 2nd Floor | Boston | MA | 02108 | U.S. | Steven Picazio | Associate Librarian for Cataloging and Reference | SPicazio@14beacon.org | 617-523-0470 x 102 | |||||||||||||||
5 | Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary | 3003 Benham Avenue | Elkhart | IN | 46517 | U.S. | Karl Stutzman | Assistant Director, Digital Library Services | kstutzman@ambs.edu | 574-296-6280 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | Anderson University | Nicholson Library | 1100 E. 5th Street | Anderson | IN | 46012 | U.S. | Florence Mugambi | Public Services Librarian | fnmugambi@anderson.edu | 765-641-4288 | |||||||||||||||
7 | Andrews University | James White Library | 4190 Adminstration Drive | Berrien Springs | MI | 49104 | U.S. | Terry Dwaine Robertson | Seminary Librarian | trobtsn@andrews.edu | 269-473-3269 | |||||||||||||||
8 | Antiochian Heritage Library | 140 Church Camp Trail | Bolivar | PA | 15923 | U.S. | Julia Ritter | Curator and Librarian | julia@antiochianvillage.org | 724-238-3677 x 425 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | Asbury Theological Seminary | B.L. Fisher Library | 204 N Lexington Avenue | Wilmore | KY | 40390 | U.S. | Paul Tippey | Library Director | helpdesk@asburyseminary.edu | 859-858-2100 | |||||||||||||||
10 | Athenaeum of Ohio | Eugene H. Maly Memorial Library | 6616 Beechmont Avenue | Cincinnati | OH | 45230 | U.S. | Connie Song | Library Director | csong@athenaeum.edu | 513-233-6135 | |||||||||||||||
11 | Atlantic School of Theology | 660 Francklyn Street | Halifax | NS | B3H 3B5 | Canada | Amy Lorencz | IT and Emerging Technologies Librarian | alorencz@astheology.ns.ca | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary | Stitt Library | 100 E 27th Street | Austin | TX | 78705 | U.S. | Lila Parrish | Public Services Librarian | lparrish@austinseminary.edu | 512-404-4878 | |||||||||||||||
13 | Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary | Kellar Library | 1530 E Pine Street | Jacksonville | TX | 75766 | U.S. | Jacob Gucker | Assistant Library Director | jacob.gucker@bmats.edu | 903-586-2501 | |||||||||||||||
14 | Bethany Theological Seminary | Lilly Library | 801 National Road W | Richmond | IN | 47374 | U.S. | Jane Pinzino | Theological Librarian | pinzija@earlham.edu | 765-983-1290 | |||||||||||||||
15 | Bethel Seminary St. Paul | Carl H. Lundquist Library | 3949 Bethel Drive | St. Paul | MN | 55112 | U.S. | Sandra Oslund | Library Director | stpaulsemlib-circulation@bethel.edu | 651-638-6184 | |||||||||||||||
16 | Bethel Seminary San Diego | Price Memorial Library | 6116 Arosa Street | San Diego | CA | 92115 | U.S. | Mary Lou Bradbury | Librarian | ml-bradbury@bethel.edu | 619-325-5202 | |||||||||||||||
17 | Bethlehem College & Seminary | 1228 S 7th Street | Minneapolis | MN | 55415 | U.S. | Gregory Rosauer | Librarian | gregory.rosauer@bcsmn.edu | 612-455-3420 | ||||||||||||||||
18 | Biblical Theological Seminary | 200 N Main Street | Hatfield | PA | 19440 | U.S. | Lydia Putnam | Technical Services Manager | lputnam@biblical.edu | 215-368-5000 x 123 | ||||||||||||||||
19 | Biola University | 13800 Biola Avenue | La Mirada | CA | 90639 | U.S. | Julie Ellis | Head of Access Services | julie.ellis@biola.edu | 562-944-0351 x 5604 | ||||||||||||||||
20 | Boston University School of Theology | 745 Commonwealth Avenue, 2nd Floor | Boston | MA | 02215 | U.S. | Stacey Battles de Ramos | Access Services Librarian | sbattles@bu.edu | 617-358-0698 | ||||||||||||||||
21 | Byzantine Catholic Seminary | 3605 Perrysville Avenue | Pittsburgh | PA | 15214 | U.S. | Sandra Collins | Library Director, Director of Information Resources | scollins@bcs.edu | 412-321-8383 x 23 | ||||||||||||||||
22 | Catholic Theological Union | Paul Bechtold Library | 5416 South Cornell Avenue | Chicago | IL | 60615 | U.S. | Latoya Thompson | Public Services Assistant | lthompson@ctu.edu | 773-371-5465 | |||||||||||||||
23 | Central Baptist Theological Seminary | 6601 Monticello Road | Shawnee | KS | 66226 | U.S. | Vance M. Thomas | Director of the Library | vmthomas@cbts.edu | 913-667-5729 | ||||||||||||||||
24 | Chicago Theological Seminary | Lapp Learning Commons | 1407 E. 60th Street | Chicago | IL | 60637 | U.S. | Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir | Director | yasmine.abou-el-kheir@ctschicago.edu | 773-896-2452 | |||||||||||||||
25 | Christian Theological Seminary | 1000 W. 42nd Street | Indianapolis | IN | 46208 | U.S. | Anthony J. Elia | Director of Library, Educational Technology | aelia@cts.edu | 317-931-2365 | ||||||||||||||||
26 | Claremont School of Theology | CST Library | 1325 N. College Avenue | Claremont | CA | 91711 | U.S. | Koala Jones | Circulation Librarian | kjones@cst.edu | 909-447-2510 | |||||||||||||||
27 | Clarks Summit University | Murphy Memorial Library | 538 Venard Road | South Abington Twp. | PA | 18411 | U.S. | Sharon Gardoski | Interim Library Director | sgardoski@clarkssummitu.edu | 570-585-9282 | |||||||||||||||
28 | Colorado Christian University | 8787 W Alameda Avenue | Lakewood | CO | 80226 | U.S. | Gayle Gunderson | Library Director | ggunderson@ccu.edu | 303-963-3252 | ||||||||||||||||
29 | Concordia Theological Seminary | Walther Library | 6600 North Clinton Street | Fort Wayne | IN | 46825 | U.S. | Robert Roethemeyer | Director of Library and Information Services | robert.roethemeyer@ctsfw.edu | 260-452-2126 | |||||||||||||||
30 | Covenant Theological Seminary | 12330 Conway Road | St. Louis | MO | 63141 | U.S. | Andrew Stout | Access Services Librarian | andrew.stout@covenantseminary.edu | 314-392-4103 | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Denver Seminary | 6399 S. Sante Fe Drive | Littleton | CO | 80120 | U.S. | J. Nadine Ginkel | Director of Library Operations and Technical Service | nadine.ginkel@denverseminary.edu | 303-762-6955 | ||||||||||||||||
32 | Earlham College | Lilly Library | 801 National Road W | Richmond | IN | 47374 | U.S. | Neal Baker | Library Director | bakerne@earlham.edu | 765-983-1355 | |||||||||||||||
33 | Earlham School of Religion | Lilly Library | 801 National Road W | Richmond | IN | 47374 | U.S. | Neal Baker | Library Director | bakerne@earlham.edu | 765-983-1355 | |||||||||||||||
34 | Eastern Mennonite University | Hartzler Library | 1200 Park Road | Harrisonburg | VA | 22802 | U.S. | Jennifer Ulrich | Technical Services Librarian | ulrichjm@emu.edu | 540-432-4173 | |||||||||||||||
35 | Emmanuel Christian Seminary | Seminary Library at Milligan College | 200 Blowers Boulevard | Milligan College | TN | 37682 | U.S. | John Mark Wade | Theological Librarian and Assistant Director of Library Services | jmwade@milligan.edu | 423-461-1544 | |||||||||||||||
36 | Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | John L. Patten Library | 1900 N.W. Fourth Street | Ankeny | IA | 50023 | U.S. | Amy Kramer | Interlibrary Loans and Technical Services Librarian | kramera@faith.edu | 515-964-0601 x 344 | |||||||||||||||
37 | Faulkner University | 5345 Atlanta Highway | Montgomery | AL | 36109 | U.S. | Lila Broadway | Circulation Technician | lbroadway@faulkner.edu | 334-386-7207 | ||||||||||||||||
38 | Fuller Theological Seminary | David Allan Hubbard Library | 135 N. Oakland Avenue | Pasadena | CA | 91182 | U.S. | Emilio A. Núñez III | Manager of Library Public Services | emilionunez1@fuller.edu | 626-584-5684 | |||||||||||||||
39 | Gardner-Webb University | 110 W. Branch Avenue | Boiling Springs | NC | 28017 | U.S. | Mary Roby | Dean of the Library | mroby@gardner-webb.edu | 704-406-4298 | ||||||||||||||||
40 | Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary | Styberg Library | 2121 Sheridan Road | Evanston | IL | 60201 | U.S. | Mary-Carol Riehs | Circulation & Public Services Librarian | united.library@garrett.edu | 847-866-3909 | |||||||||||||||
41 | Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention | 3210 E. Guasti Road | Ontario | CA | 91761 | U.S. | Alex Yepiz | Assistant Librarian, Circulation | circulation@gs.edu | 909-687-1487 | ||||||||||||||||
42 | Grace Theological Seminary | Morgan Library | 200 Seminary Drive | Winona Lake | IN | 46590 | U.S. | Rhoda Palmer | Association Director / Public and Electronic Services | rfpalmer@grace.edu | 574-372-5100 x 6293 | |||||||||||||||
43 | Graduate Theological Union | Flora Lamson Hewlett Library | 2400 Ridge Road | Berkeley | CA | 94709 | U.S. | Jeffrey Jackson | Head of Access Services | jjackson@gtu.edu | (510) 649-2502 | |||||||||||||||
44 | Harding School of Theology | 1000 Cherry Road | Memphis | TN | 38117 | U.S. | Bob Turner | Circulation Librarian | rjturner@harding.edu | 901-761-1354 | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Hood Theological Seminary | 1810 Lutheran Synod Drive | Salisbury | NC | 28144 | U.S. | Jess Bellemer | Directof of the Library | jbellemer@hoodseminary.edu | 704-636-6840 | ||||||||||||||||
46 | Hope International University | Darling Library | 2500 E. Nutwood Avenue | Fullerton | CA | 92831 | U.S. | Katy Lines | Library Services Manager | kelines@hiu.edu | 714-879-3901 x 1223 | |||||||||||||||
47 | Illiff School of Theology | Ira J. Taylor Library | 2233 S. University Boulevard | Denver | CO | 80210 | U.S. | Micah Saxton | Curricular Curator | msaxton@iliff@edu | 303-765-3137 | |||||||||||||||
48 | Indiana Wesleyan University | Jackson Library | 4201 S. Washington Street | Marion | IN | 46953 | U.S. | Jule L. Kind | Director of Off Campus Library Services | jule.kind@indwes.edu | 765-677-2980 | |||||||||||||||
49 | JKM Library | 1100 E 55th Street | Chicago | IL | 60615 | U.S. | Christine Wenderoth | Director of the Library | cwenderoth@jkmlibrary.org | 773-256-0735 | ||||||||||||||||
50 | Knox College | Caven Library | 59 St. George Street | Toronto | ON | M5S 2E6 | Canada | Joan Pries | Chief Librarian | joan.pries@utoronto.ca | 416-978-6090 | |||||||||||||||
51 | Lancaster Theological Seminary | Schaff Library | 555 West James Street | Lancaster | PA | 17603 | U.S. | Myka Kennedy | Seminary Librarian | library@lancasterseminary.edu | 717-290-8707 | |||||||||||||||
52 | Lexington Theological Seminary | 230 Lexington Green Circle, Suite 300 | Lexington | KY | 40503 | U.S. | Dolores Yilibuw | Director | dyilibuw@lextheo.edu | 859-280-1224 | ||||||||||||||||
53 | Liberty University | Jerry Falwell Library | DeMoss Drive | Lynchburg | VA | 24515 | U.S. | Rusty Tryon | Head, Collection Management | hdtryon@liberty.edu | 434-582-2220 | |||||||||||||||
54 | Life Pacific College | 1100 W. Covina Boulevard | San Dimas | CA | 91773 | U.S. | Gary Merriman | Head Librarian | gmerriman@lifepacific.edu | 909-706-3008 | ||||||||||||||||
55 | Lincoln Christian University | Jessie C. Eury Library | 100 Campus View Drive | Lincoln | IL | 62656 | U.S. | Leslie Starasta | Information Services Librarian | lstarasta@lincolnchristian.edu | 217-732-3168 x 2203 | |||||||||||||||
56 | Lutheran Brethren Seminary | 1036 W. Alcott Avenue | Fergus Falls | MN | 56537 | U.S. | Brent Andrews | Librarian | library@lbs.edu | 218-739-3375 | ||||||||||||||||
57 | Luther Seminary Library | 2481 Como Avenue | St. Paul | MN | 55108 | U.S. | Karen Alexander | Access Services Librarian | kalexander001@luthersem.edu | 651-647-3301 | ||||||||||||||||
58 | Meadville Lombard Theological School | Wiggin Library | 610 S. Michigan Avenue | Chicago | IL | 60605 | U.S. | Rana Hutchinson Salzmann | Director of Library & IT | rsalzmann@meadville.edu | 312-546-6483 | |||||||||||||||
59 | Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary | The Ora Byram Allison Memorial Library | 2095 Appling Road | Cordova | TN | 38016 | U.S. | Terrence Neal Brown | Director of Library Services | Tbrown@mabts.edu | 901-751-3007 | |||||||||||||||
60 | Mid-Atlantic Christian University | Watson-Griffith Library | 715 N. Poindexter Street | Elizabeth City | NC | 27909 | U.S. | Ken D. Gunselman | Library Director | ken.gunselman@macuniversity.edu | 252-334-2046 | |||||||||||||||
61 | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | 5001 N. Oak Street Trafficway | Kansas City | MO | 64118 | U.S. | Kenette Harder | Director of Library Services | kharder@mbts.edu | 816-414-3730 | ||||||||||||||||
62 | Moody Bible Institute | Crowell Library | 820 N. LaSalle Boulevard | Chicago | IL | 60610 | U.S. | Christopher Ullman | Public Services Head Librarian | christopher.ullman@moody.edu | 312-329-4353 | |||||||||||||||
63 | Moravian Theological Seminary | Reeves Library | 1200 Main Street | Bethlehem | PA | 18018 | U.S. | Elizabeth Young Miller | Research Instruction and Seminary Liason Librarian | Millere@moravian.edu | 610-861-1676 | |||||||||||||||
64 | Multnomah University | Mitchell Library | 8435 NE Glisan Street | Portland | OR | 97220 | U.S. | Pam Middleton | Head of Public Access Services | pamm@multnomah.edu | 503-251-5321 | |||||||||||||||
65 | Nashotah House Theological Seminary | Frances Donaldson Library | 2777 Mission Roadh | Nashotah | WI | 53058 | U.S. | Diana Grosso | Library Assistant | loan@nashotah.edu | 262-646-6535 | |||||||||||||||
66 | Nazarene Theological Seminary | William Broadhurst Library | 1700 E. Meyer Boulevard | Kansas City | MO | 64131 | U.S. | Debra Bradshaw | Director of Library Services | debradshaw@nts.edu | 816-268-5472 | |||||||||||||||
67 | New Brunswick Theological Seminary | Gardner A. Sage Library | 21 Seminary Place | New Brunswick | NJ | 08901 | U.S. | Bethany O'Shea | Librarian for References and Access Services | boshea@nbts.edu | 732-247-5243 | |||||||||||||||
68 | North Park University | Brandel Library | 3225 W. Foster Avenue | Chicago | IL | 60625 | U.S. | Joanna Wilkinson | Head of Communication and Circulation | jhwilkinson@northpark.edu | 773-244-5244 | |||||||||||||||
69 | Northern Seminary | Brimson Grow Library | 680 E Butterfield Road | Lombard | IL | 60148 | U.S. | Scott Erdenberg | Library Supervisor | serdenberg@seminary.edu | 630-620-2115 | |||||||||||||||
70 | Oblate School of Theology | D. E. O'Shaughnessy Library | 285 Oblate Drive | San Antonio | TX | 78216 | U.S. | Maria M. Garcia | Director of Libraries | magda@ost.edu | 210-341-1366 | |||||||||||||||
71 | Olivet University | Ralph D. Winter Library | 36401 Tripp Flats Road | Anza | CA | 92539 | U.S. | Grace Suh | Librarian | gsuh@olivetuniversity.edu | 951-763-0500 | |||||||||||||||
72 | Payne Theological Seminary | Bishop Ransom Memorial Library | 1230 Wilberforce-Clifton Road | Wilberforce | OH | 45384 | U.S. | Warren Watson | Director of Library Services and Archivist | wwatson@payne.edu | 937-376-2949 x 204 | |||||||||||||||
73 | Phillips Theological Seminary | 901 N. Mingo Road | Tulsa | OK | 74116 | U.S. | Sandy Shapoval | Director of the Library | sandy.shapoval@ptstulsa.edu | 918-270-6459 | ||||||||||||||||
74 | Piedmont International University | George M. Manuel Library | 420 Broad Street South | Winston-Salem | NC | 27101 | U.S. | Cathie Chatmon | Library Director | chatmonc@piedmontu.edu | 336-714-7953 | |||||||||||||||
75 | Pittsburgh Theological Seminary | Barbour Library | 616 N. Highland Avenue | Pittsburgh | PA | 15206 | U.S. | Alyson Pope | Head of Public Services | apope@pts.edu | 412-924-1356 | |||||||||||||||
76 | Providence University College and Seminary | 10 College Crescent | Otterburne | MB | R0A 1G0 | Canada | Martha Loeppky | Interlibrary Loan Librarian | martha.loeppky@prov.ca | 204-433-7488 | ||||||||||||||||
77 | Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary | William Perkins Library | 2965 Leonard Street NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49505 | U.S. | Laura Ladwig | Library Director | laura.ladwig@prts.edu | 616-432-3415 | |||||||||||||||
78 | Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary | 7418 Penn Avenue | Pittsburgh | PA | 15208 | U.S. | Jordan Feagley | Assistant Librarian | jfeagley@rpts.edu | 412-731-6000 | ||||||||||||||||
79 | Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando | 1231 Reformation Drive | Oviedo | FL | 32765 | U.S. | Lisa Oharek | Library Assistant | loharek@rts.edu | 407-278-44833 | ||||||||||||||||
80 | Regent College | John Richard Allison Library | 5800 University Boulevard | Vancouver | BC | V6T 2E4 | Canada | Cindy Aalders | Acting Library Director | caalders@regent-college.edu | 604-221-3341 | |||||||||||||||
81 | Regent University | 1000 Regent University Drive | Virginia Beach | VA | 23464 | U.S. | Dorothy Hargett | Assistant Librarian | dorohar@regent.edu | 757-352-4150 | ||||||||||||||||
82 | Sacred Heart Major Seminary | Cardinal Szoka Library | 2701 Chicago Boulevard | Detroit | MI | 48206 | U.S. | Christopher Spilker | Director of Libraries | spilker.chris@shms.edu | 313-883-8654 | |||||||||||||||
83 | Saint John Vianney Seminary | Cardinal Stafford Library | 1300 South Steele St | Denver | CO | 80210-2526 | U.S. | Stephen Sweeney | Director | stephen.sweeney@archden.org | 303-715-3192 | |||||||||||||||
84 | Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology | Archabbey Library | 200 Hill Drive | Saint Meinrad | IN | 47577 | U.S. | Daniel Kolb | Library Director | dkolb@saintmeinrad.edu | 812-357-6566 | |||||||||||||||
85 | Seminary of the Southwest | Booher Library | 501 E. 32nd Street | Austin | TX | 78705 | U.S. | Yvonne Beever | Technical Services Librarian | library@ssw.edu | 512-439-0315 | |||||||||||||||
86 | Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary | The Library at Southeastern | 144 N Wingate Street | Wake Forest | NC | 27587 | U.S. | Michelle Shinholser | Circulation Coordinator | mshinholser@sebts.edu | 919-761-2256 | |||||||||||||||
87 | Southeastern Bible College | Gannett-Estes Library | 2545 Valleydale Road | Birmingham | AL | 35244 | U.S. | Paul Roberts | Librarian | library@sebc.edu | 205-970-9233 | |||||||||||||||
88 | Southern California Seminary | 2075 E. Madison Avenue | El Cajon | CA | 92019 | U.S. | Jennifer Ewing | Library Director | jewing@socalsem.edu | 619-201-8967 | ||||||||||||||||
89 | Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | 2001 W. Seminary Drive | Fort Worth | TX | 76115 | U.S. | Tiffany Norris | Public Services Librarian | tnorris@swbts.edu | 817-923-1921 | ||||||||||||||||
90 | Seattle School of Theology & Pyschology | 2501 Elliott Avenue | Seattle | WA | 98121 | U.S. | Cheryl M. Goodwin | Library Director | cgoodwin@theseattleschool.edu | 206-876-6119 | ||||||||||||||||
91 | Trinity International University | James E. Rolfing Memorial Library | 2065 Half Day Road | Deerfield | IL | 60015 | U.S. | Becky Frank | Head of Access Services | rfrank@tiu.edu | 847-317-4020 | |||||||||||||||
92 | Trinity Lutheran Seminary | Hamma Library | 2199 E. Main Street | Columbus | OH | 43209 | U.S. | Elli Cucksey | Head Librarian | ecucksey@capital.edu | 614-384-4644 | |||||||||||||||
93 | Trinity School for Ministry | 311 11th Street | Ambridge | PA | 15003 | U.S. | Susanah Hanson | Library Director | shanson@tsm.edu | 724-266-3838 | ||||||||||||||||
94 | United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities | The Spencer Library | 3000 5th Street NW | New Brighton | MN | 55112 | U.S. | Dale Dobias | Associate Director of the Library | ddobias@unitedseminary.edu | 651-255-6144 | |||||||||||||||
95 | University of Dubuque | Charles C. Myers Library | 2000 University Avenue | Dubuque | IA | 52001 | U.S. | Christopher Doll | Assistant Director | jhelmke@dbq.edu | 563-583-4891 | |||||||||||||||
96 | Wartburg Theological Seminary | Reu Memorial Library | 333 Wartburg Place | Dubuque | IA | 52003 | U.S. | Susan Ebertz | Director of the Library | library@wartburgseminary.edu | 563-589-0267 | |||||||||||||||
97 | Wesley Biblical Seminary | 787 E. Northside Dr., Suite B | Jackson | MS | 39206 | U.S. | Grace Andrews | Library Director | gandrews@wbs.edu | 601-366-8880 ext 114 | ||||||||||||||||
98 | Wesley Theological Seminary | 4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW | Washington | DC | 20016 | U.S. | Dave Travis | Public Services Librarian | library @wesleyseminary.edu | 202-885-8695 | ||||||||||||||||
99 | Western Theological Seminary | Beardslee Library | 101 E 13th Street | Holland | MI | 49424 | U.S. | Allison VanLiere | Circulation Supervisor | allison@westernsem.edu | 616-392-8555 ext 146 | |||||||||||||||
100 | Westminster Theological Seminary | Montgomery Library | 2960 Church Road | Glenside | PA | 19038 | U.S. | Donna Roof | Circulation Manager | library@wts.edu | 215-572-3821 |