Last update: 30 March 2021
If you have information or suggestions to improve the quality of this table, please email
Host governmentSectorRegionProportion of contracts/licenses disclosedOfficial mode of accessContract/license disclosure/access summaryContract/license disclosure legal provisionLegal instrument nameDate enacted (earliest date if multiple laws)Language of provisionEITI implementating country Other notes
AfghanistanPetroleumEurasiaAll/nearly allWebPetroleum contracts are published alongside bid round information on the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum website
RequireAfghan Hydrocarbons Law (2009)
2009Article 7: Public Access to the Hydrocarbons Register Subject to the prevailing laws of Afghanistan that prohibit the disclosure of State records (publicly registered documents), the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, in compliance with the contractual conditions, may, upon request, authorize public access to the Hydrocarbons Register without any charge and may also authorize the provision of copies of information entered in the Hydrocarbons Register upon a request being issued and the payment of a prescribed fee.Yes
AfghanistanMiningEurasiaSomeWebLarge scale mining contracts are published alongside bid round information on the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum website.

Provincial small scale contracts are published on the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Website categorized by 34 provinces, and these contracts are in national languages
Requires publication of termsMineral Law of Afghanistan (2009)

Mining Regulations (2010)
2009Article 23 (6) Within ten (10) days of signing a Minerals Development Contract, agreed to under the provisions of this Law, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum shall publish the terms and conditions of that Contract and any related ancillary contracts. Publishing the personal information and information relevant to the security of personnel and methods of operations without the written agreement of the Parties to the Contract is excluded from this provision.

Article 21 Contract Registration and Publication
(1) The Ministry of Mines shall, no later than 10 (ten) days following the execution of any mining contract, publish an announcement on the government website summarizing the material terms of the mining contract, including a summary of the minimum work obligations, the rate of royalties, and other material revenues and benefits that the Government will derive from the mining contract.
(2) The Ministry of Mines shall register the mining contract, the appropriate Licenses or Authorizations and their related documents within ten (10) days following the execution of any mining contract. Any amendment, extension, renewal or termination of such mining contracts shall be registered within a similar time limit.
AlbaniaMiningEuropeAll/nearly allGazetteAccording to the second EITI validation report (2019), only three contracts have been concluded in the mining sector. All three have been published in the official gazette.
NoneYesFrom 2016 EITI report, p68 - The MIE informed that these terms cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality arrangements. The MIE has not announced any planned regulatory changes in this regard. Considering the developments undertaken with contract disclosure in oil and hydropower sector, the MIE may consider replicating this good practice to the mining sector as well.
AlbaniaPetroleumEuropeAll/nearly allGazetteAccording to the second EITI validation report (2019), all oil and gas PSAs have been published, accessible either on the Resource Contracts portal, the national gazette, or the Open Data Albania portal maintained by
the Albanian Institute of Science.

NoneYesFrom 2016 EITI report, p43 - "The Government of Albania is positive towards contract disclosure, however contract disclosure is not set as an unnegotiable term. There are no planned regulatory changes in the short term on contract disclosures."
AngolaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (L)NoneNoneNoneNo
ArgentinaMiningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneYes
ArgentinaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneYes
ArmeniaMiningEurasiaAll/nearly allWebArmenia has published all exploitation contracts with the mining companies since 2012
RequireThe Subsoil (Mining) Code of the Republic of Armenia
(The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Making Amendments to the Subsoil (Mining) Code of the Republic of Armenia adopted on the 21st of March 2018 )
2018Article 9, clause 2. The Authorized Body shall also publish on their official website the mining contracts entered into with the metallic mineral extractive entities and the changes made thereto, excluding the publication of information (data) not subject to publication provided by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Freedom of Information”.YesContract/licence disclosure had been studied in the Scoping Study of the First EITI Report of Armenia in 2017, MSG decided to disclose Metal mining contract and proposed legal amendnet to the Subsoil Code of Armenia, which was adopted in March, 2018. Armenia published First EITI Report for 2016-2017 in December, 2018
Australia (Western)MiningAsia PacificSomeWebState agreements, which are essentially contracts for major resource projects, must be ratified by an Act of the State Parliament and are available on the State Law Publisher Website as well as the Australasian Legal Information Institute website. A list of State Agreements can be found on the Western Australia Department of Job, Tourism, Science and Innovation website Information about 500,000+ tenements is available on the Mineral Titles Online portal Access is free, but it is neccessary to register a username and password. The portal does not contain full text of original titles, but for many titles it includes details about conditions that apply to the tenement and a history of these conditions.NoneNo
Australia (Western)PetroleumAsia PacificSomeWebState agreements, which are essentially contracts for major resource projects, must be ratified by an Act of the State Parliament and are available on the State Law Publisher Website as well as the Australasian Legal Information Institute website. A list of State Agreements can be found on the Western Australia Department of Job, Tourism, Science and Innovation website Information on petroeluem titles are available on the Petroleum & Geothermal Register Access is free, but it is neccessary to register a username and password. The register contains full text of many but not all documents for each petroleum title.NoneNo
AzerbaijanMiningEurasiaSomeEITI siteOne mining contract was published on the EITI website. After Azerbaijan withdrew from EITI in 2017, the contract was hosted on the Extractive Industries Transparency Commission website. The Commission was abolished in 2020, but the contract remains online.
AzerbaijanPetroleumEurasiaSomeEITI site12 petroleum contracts were published on the EITI website. After Azerbaijan withdrew from EITI in 2017, the contracts were hosted on the Extractive Industries Transparency Commission website. The Commission was abolished in 2020, but the contracts remain online.
BangladeshPetroleumAsia PacificNoneNoneNoneNo
BoliviaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanSomeNoneIn 2006, 44 operations contracts approved by the National Congress were published on the website of YPFB, the state-owned oil company. However, these were taken down after just a few months and no contracts have been released since. NoneNo
BotswanaMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)NoneNoneNoneNo
BrazilPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneNo
Burkina FasoMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeWeb2 mining contracts were published on the Ministry of Mines website. However, these contracts appear to be missing on the new website.
RequireLaw no. 036-2015 Mining Code of Burkina Faso (2015)
2015Article 15: Les titres miniers et autorisations ainsi que les contrats ou conventions minières font l'objet de publication au Journal officiel du Faso.Yes
CambodiaMiningAsia PacificSomeGazettePrior to 2001, mining licenses were issued as a type of ministerial Prakas and therefore published in the Gazette. NoneNoRoyal Government adopted on 05/05/2016 a Sub-Decree on Management of Mining Exploration and Industrial Licenses. Arts. 21, 27, 55 and 92, specifically requires public disclosure of license application, issued licenses and updated status of the license via local authorities and posting on MME website. See Integrity Cambodia for actual text in Cambodian.
CameroonMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireLaw N° 2018/011 of 11 July 2018 to lay down the Cameroon Code of Transparency and Good Governance in public finance management
2018SECTION 6: (1) Contracts signed between the Administration and public or private enterprises, in particular those exploiting natural resources and those operating public service concessions shall be clear and made public. These principles shall be applicable to the award procedures as well as the contents of contracts.
(2) Such contracts shall be duly audited by the competent jurisdiction and the competent parliamentary commissions.
(3) The involvement of the Government in the private sector shall be transparent and based on non-discriminatory rules and procedures.
CameroonPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireLaw N° 2018/011 of 11 July 2018 to lay down the Cameroon Code of Transparency and Good Governance in public finance management
2018SECTION 6: (1) Contracts signed between the Administration and public or private enterprises, in particular those exploiting natural resources and those operating public service concessions shall be clear and made public. These principles shall be applicable to the award procedures as well as the contents of contracts.
(2) Such contracts shall be duly audited by the competent jurisdiction and the competent parliamentary commissions.
(3) The involvement of the Government in the private sector shall be transparent and based on non-discriminatory rules and procedures.
Canada (Alberta)PetroleumNorth AmericaNoneNoneNoneNo
Central African RepublicMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireConstitution (2015)
2015Art. 49 : Outre les dispositions de l’article 48 ci-dessus, le Gouvernement a l’obligation de recueillir l’autorisation de l’Assemblée Nationale avant la signature de tout contrat relatif aux ressources naturelles. Il est tenu de publier ledit contrat dans les huit (8) jours francs suivant sa signature.Yes
Central African RepublicPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireConstitution (2015)
2015Art. 49 : Outre les dispositions de l’article 48 ci-dessus, le Gouvernement a l’obligation de recueillir l’autorisation de l’Assemblée Nationale avant la signature de tout contrat relatif aux ressources naturelles. Il est tenu de publier ledit contrat dans les huit (8) jours francs suivant sa signature.Yes
ChadMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)All/nearly allEITI siteThe EITI website includes links to:
-- Exploration licenses
-- Exploitation licenses
-- Artisenal mining licenses
RequireCode de Transparence et de Bonne Gouvernance (2016)
2016Article 7. Les contrats entre l’administration et les entreprises, publiques ou privées, notamment les entreprises d’exploitation de ressources naturelles et les entreprises exploitant des concessions de service public, sont établis clairement et portés à la connaissance du public. Ces principes valent tant pour la procédure d’attribution du contrat que pour son contenu. Ces contrats sont régulièrement contrôlés par la Cour des Comptes et par les Commissions Parlementaires compétentes. L’implication du Gouvernement dans le secteur privé doit être menée dans la transparence et sur la base des règles et procédures non-discriminatoires.YesOn 25 April 2018, the government of Chad committed to drafting legislation ensuring the publication of all existing contracts and licenses in the oil sector within 90 days of their approval and to make the documents easily accessible online. Oil and gas contracts are currently available for perusal at the EITI Chad Technical and Permanent Secretariat.
ChadPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)All/nearly allEITI siteThe EITI website includes links to: production sharing agreements
RequireCode de Transparence et de Bonne Gouvernance (2016)
2016Article 7. Les contrats entre l’administration et les entreprises, publiques ou privées, notamment les entreprises d’exploitation de ressources naturelles et les entreprises exploitant des concessions de service public, sont établis clairement et portés à la connaissance du public. Ces principes valent tant pour la procédure d’attribution du contrat que pour son contenu. Ces contrats sont régulièrement contrôlés par la Cour des Comptes et par les Commissions Parlementaires compétentes. L’implication du Gouvernement dans le secteur privé doit être menée dans la transparence et sur la base des règles et procédures non-discriminatoires.YesFrom 2016 EITI report p36 - While contracts are being published, it is important to note that the standard contract model of the CPP and CC still imposes the principle confidentiality at the level of the following articles: Article 31 of the CCP which states that "the State shall maintain the confidentiality of this Agreement and all documents, reports, statements, plans, data, samples and other information provided by the Contractor pursuant to or in connection with the execution of this Contract"; and Article 18.5 of the CC states that the Convention, together with all information provided by one parties to each other on the occasion of the Convention if they are marked "Confidential", will be considered confidential until the abandonment of the surface at which the information to be related to.
ChileMiningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneNo
ChinaPetroleumAsia PacificNoneNoneNoneNo
ColombiaMiningLatin America and the CarribeanSomeWebIn 2016, government published 30 contracts which represent 80% object of greater production and payment of royalties. It does not appear that further disclosures have been made since then.
RequireLaw no. 1712 (2014)
2014Article 3... Principio de transparencia. Principia conforme al cual toda Ia informacion en poder de los sujetos obligados definidos en esta ley se presume publica, en consecuencia de lo cual dichos sujetos estan en el deber de proporcionar y facilitar el acceso a Ia misma en los terminos mas amplios posibles y a traves de los medias y procedimientos que al efecto establezca Ia ley, exduyendo solo aquello que este sujeto a las excepciones constitucionales y legales y bajo el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos en esta leyYes
ColombiaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanSomeWebSeveral hundred contracts were published in 2016. These do not cover all contracts in the petroleum sector. Since then a number of contracts have been published 2017, 2018 and 2020.
RequireLaw no. 1712 (2014)
2014Article 3... Principio de transparencia. Principia conforme al cual toda Ia informacion en poder de los sujetos obligados definidos en esta ley se presume publica, en consecuencia de lo cual dichos sujetos estan en el deber de proporcionar y facilitar el acceso a Ia misma en los terminos mas amplios posibles y a traves de los medias y procedimientos que al efecto establezca Ia ley, exduyendo solo aquello que este sujeto a las excepciones constitucionales y legales y bajo el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos en esta leyYes
Côte d’IvoirePetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireOrdinance 2012-369 (2012)
2012L'exploitation et la gestion des ressources pétrolières doivent se faire dans la transparence et prendre en compte la protection de l'environnement, ainsi que la préservation des intérêts des générations présentes et futures. Toute société pétrolière, titulaire d'un contrat pétrolier sur le territoire national, doit participer activement à la mise en œuvre des principes de transparence dans les industries extractives en Côte d'Ivoire. A ce titre, les sociétés pétrolières doivent produire des déclarations et participer à la réconciliation des données relatives à leurs activités en Côte d'Ivoire. Les contrats de prospection et d'exploitation des ressources pétrolières ainsi que les revenus versés par les sociétés pétrolières à l'Etat, sont intégralement publiés au Journal officiel de la République de Côte d'Ivoire.Yes
Côte d’IvoireMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneNoneYes
CubaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneNo
Dominican RepublicMiningLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allWebThe website of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, in its Transparency section, offers access to current contracts.

Some contracts are also published in the Gazette
RequireLey General N° 200-04 de Libre Acceso a la Información Públic de 28 de julio de 2004
Artículo 3.- Todos los actos y actividades de la Administración Pública, centralizada y descentralizada, incluyendo los actos y actividades administrativas de los Poderes Legislativo y Judicial, así como la información referida a su funcionamiento estarán sometidos a publicidad, en consecuencia, será obligatorio para el Estado Dominicano y todos sus poderes y organismos autónomos, autárquicos, centralizados y/o descentralizados, la presentación de un servicio permanente y actualizado de información referida a: ...
i) Marcos regulatorios legales y contractuales para la prestación de los servicios públicos, condiciones, negociaciones, cuadros tarifarios, controles y sanciones;
DRCMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeWebMining contracts in DRC are published on multiple official websites. Often overlapping in terms of the content they present, these portals also present contract documents in different ways making it difficult to determine with clarity which documents have been published and which ones are missing.

Ministère des Mines Resource Contracts Portal:

DRC EITI Website (see "autre contrats miniers" underneath link to Ministère des Mines Resource Contracts Portal:

Gecamines (Mining SOE) Website:

Between August and December 2020, three stakeholder workshops were organized online to evaluate and validate the search for unpublished contracts. The results of this work is contained in this tabel:
RequireDécret du Premier Ministre no. 011/26 (2011)

Code Minier 2018
2011Décret du Premier Ministre no. 011/26 (2011)
Article 1 er :Aux termes du présent Décret, on entend par: a. «Ressources Naturelles» : les ressources minières; les ressources pétrolières ; les ressources forestières.b. «Contrat », l'acte par lequel l'Etat ou un de ses démembrements concède, vend, loue en vue de l'exploration et de l'exploitation, les ressources naturelles définies ci-dessus. Le « Contrat» comprend, non seulement l'instrument juridique principal dûment signé par les représentant habilités de l'Etat ou de ses démembrements, mais aussi les annexes. Article 2: Tout contrat conclu entre l'Etat ou une Entreprise du portefeuille et un ou plusieurs partenaires privés nationaux ou étrangers, de droit privé ou public, et ayant pour objet la recherche, l'exploration ou l'exploitation d'une des ressources naturelles définies à l'article l" ci-dessus, est publié par le Ministre en charge du secteur duquel relève l'administration de la ressource naturelle concernée dans les soixante (60) jours francs qui suivent la date de son entrée en vigueur. Article 3: La publication est faite au Journal Officiel, sur le site Internet du Ministère concerné, dans une ou plusieurs revues spécialisées et dans au moins deux quotidiens locaux parmi ceux qui jouissent d'une large diffusion. Article 4:Les Ministres des Mines, des Hydrocarbures et de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme sont, chacun en ce qui le concerne, chargés de l'exécution du présent Décret qui entre en vigueur à la date de sa signature.

Code Minier 2018
Article 7 quater : De la publication. Les contrats miniers, leurs annexe et avenant sont publiés au Journal officiel et sur le site web du ministère des mines endéans soixante jours de la date de leur signature.
DRCPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeWebPetroleum contracts in DRC are published on multiple official websites. As with mining contracts, these portals often overlap in terms of the content they present. They also present contract documents in different ways making it difficult to determine with clarity which documents have been published and which ones are missing.

Ministère des Mines Resource Contracts Portal:

RequireDécret du Premier Ministre no. 011/26 (2011)

Loi n° 15/012 du 1 er août 2015 portant régime général des hydrocarbures,portant%20r%C3%A9gime%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral%20des%20hydrocarbures&text=La%20R%C3%A9publique%20D%C3%A9mocratique%20du%20Congo,Ouest%20du%20rift%20Est%20Africain
2011Décret du Premier Ministre no. 011/26 (2011)
Article 1 er :Aux termes du présent Décret, on entend par: a. «Ressources Naturelles» : les ressources minières; les ressources pétrolières ; les ressources forestières.b. «Contrat », l'acte par lequel l'Etat ou un de ses démembrements concède, vend, loue en vue de l'exploration et de l'exploitation, les ressources naturelles définies ci-dessus. Le « Contrat» comprend, non seulement l'instrument juridique principal dûment signé par les représentant habilités de l'Etat ou de ses démembrements, mais aussi les annexes. Article 2: Tout contrat conclu entre l'Etat ou une Entreprise du portefeuille et un ou plusieurs partenaires privés nationaux ou étrangers, de droit privé ou public, et ayant pour objet la recherche, l'exploration ou l'exploitation d'une des ressources naturelles définies à l'article l" ci-dessus, est publié par le Ministre en charge du secteur duquel relève l'administration de la ressource naturelle concernée dans les soixante (60) jours francs qui suivent la date de son entrée en vigueur. Article 3: La publication est faite au Journal Officiel, sur le site Internet du Ministère concerné, dans une ou plusieurs revues spécialisées et dans au moins deux quotidiens locaux parmi ceux qui jouissent d'une large diffusion. Article 4:Les Ministres des Mines, des Hydrocarbures et de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme sont, chacun en ce qui le concerne, chargés de l'exécution du présent Décret qui entre en vigueur à la date de sa signature.

Loi n° 15/012 du 1 er août 2015
Article 41. Les contrats d'hydrocarbures et leurs avenants sont signés par les Ministres ayant respectivement les Hydrocarbures et les finances dans leurs attributions, après délibération en Conseil des Ministres.
Ils ne produisent leurs effets qu'après leur approbation par ordonnance du Président de la République. Ils sont modifiés par voie d'avenant. Les contrats d'hydrocarbures sont publiés au Journal Officiel de la République Démocratique du Congo et sur le site web du ministère des hydrocarbures endéans 60 jours à dater de leur approbation.
EcuadorPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allWebThe Secretariat of Hydrocarbons of Ecuador (SHE) publishes all active contracts and modifications signed since 2010 on its website
RequireLey Orgánica de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública, 2004, Art. 7(e);

Reglamento de aplicacion de la ley reformatoria a la ley de hidrocarburos Art. 33
2004Art. 7.- Difusión de la Información Pública.- Por la transparencia en la gestión administrativa que están obligadas a observar todas las instituciones del Estado que conforman el sector público en los términos del artículo 118 de la Constitución Política de la República y demás entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente Ley, difundirán a través de un portal de información o página web, así como de los medios necesarios a disposición del público, implementados en la misma institución, la siguiente información mínima actualizada, que para efectos de esta Ley, se la considera de naturaleza obligatoria:
(e) Texto íntegro de todos los contratos colectivos vigentes en la institución, así como sus anexos y reformas

Art. 33.- Registro de Hidrocarburos.- El Registro de Hidrocarburos tiene la calidad de registro público y permanente, en el que se inscribirán lo siguiente: 1. Las escrituras de constitución, prórroga o disolución de las empresas petroleras de nacionalidad ecuatoriana. 2. Los instrumentos que acrediten la representación legal de las empresas petroleras. 3. Los instrumentos de domiciliación de las empresas petroleras extranjeras en el Ecuador. 4. Las autorizaciones para actividades de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos, que se expida a favor de las empresas públicas. 5. Las escrituras públicas de los contratos de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos con compañías de economía mixta, con empresas estatales de la comunidad internacional, y con empresas privadas. 6. Los contratos para realizar las actividades de refinación, industrialización y transporte de hidrocarburos. 7. Las transferencias de derechos y obligaciones contractuales, celebradas por las compañías o consorcios que mantienen contratos con el Estado Ecuatoriano. 8. Las escrituras de constitución de empresas de economía mixta del sector hidrocarburífero. 9. Las declaraciones de caducidad. 10. Los demás que resuelva el Ministro Sectorial. Para inscribir en este registro a las empresas de nacionalidad ecuatoriana o la domiciliación de las extranjeras, se deberá cumplir previamente con todas las disposiciones legales previstas en la Ley de Compañías. Código de Comercio y demás normativa pertinente.
Equatorial GuineaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (E)SomeNoneSix contracts were published on the country's EITI website. Several more contracts remain unpublished and known amendments appear to be missing.
EritreaMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)NoneNoneNoneNo
EthiopiaMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)NoneNoneNoneYes
EthiopiaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (A)NoneNoneNoneYes
GabonPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneNoneNo
GermanyMiningEuropeSomeWebThe ‘conditions’ within the meaning of EITI requirement 2.4, under which the extraction of natural resources takes place, are defined as part of the approval by the state. This approval procedure in Germany is based on relevant legal requirements, and as such it differs significantly from the private law contracts practised in many other countries. These aspects must be accordingly considered in the future specification of the requirements of the EITI standard under 2.4. Competent authorities are already publishing approvals on their websites today, if the project in question requires an environmental impact assessment. In addition, transparency exists with respect to mining rights where the extraction of free-to-mine natural resources is concernedRequireBundesberggesetz 1980, revised July 2017
2017§ 76 Einsicht (1) Die Einsicht in das Berechtsamsbuch, in die Berechtsamskarte und in Urkunden, auf die in der Eintragung Bezug genommen wird, ist jedem gestattet, der ein berechtigtes Interesse darlegt. Ausgenommen sind Urkunden, die Geschäfts- oder Betriebsgeheimnisse enthalten. (2) Soweit die Einsicht gestattet ist, können Auszüge gefordert werden, die auf Verlangen zu beglaubigen sind. (3) Die zuständige Behörde gestattet auf Antrag ohne Darlegung eines berechtigten Interesses Einsicht in folgende Angaben zu den in § 75 Absatz 2 Nummer 1 genannten Bergbauberechtigungen: 1. Inhaber, 2. Felder, auf die sich die Bergbauberechtigung bezieht, 3. Datum der Beantragung und der Erteilung, 4. Laufzeit sowie 5. Bodenschatz, auf den sich die Bergbauberechtigung bezieht. § 3 Absatz 2 des Umweltinformationsgesetzes ist entsprechend anzuwenden. Die zuständige Behörde kann die in Satz 1 genannten Angaben öffentlich einsehbar machen. Die Einsicht in weitere Angaben nach Absatz 1, die Anforderung von Auszügen nach Absatz 2 und die Gestattung der Einsicht oder die Veröffentlichung von Angaben auf Grund der Zustimmung des betroffenen Unternehmers oder auf Grund anderer Vorschriften bleiben unberührt.Yes
GermanyPetroleumEuropeSomeWebThe ‘conditions’ within the meaning of EITI requirement 2.4, under which the extraction of natural resources takes place, are defined as part of the approval by the state. This approval procedure in Germany is based on relevant legal requirements, and as such it differs significantly from the private law contracts practised in many other countries. These aspects must be accordingly considered in the future specification of the requirements of the EITI standard under 2.4. Competent authorities are already publishing approvals on their websites today, if the project in question requires an environmental impact assessment. In addition, transparency exists with respect to mining rights where the extraction of free-to-mine natural resources is concernedRequireBundesberggesetz 1980, revised July 2017
2017§ 76 Einsicht (1) Die Einsicht in das Berechtsamsbuch, in die Berechtsamskarte und in Urkunden, auf die in der Eintragung Bezug genommen wird, ist jedem gestattet, der ein berechtigtes Interesse darlegt. Ausgenommen sind Urkunden, die Geschäfts- oder Betriebsgeheimnisse enthalten. (2) Soweit die Einsicht gestattet ist, können Auszüge gefordert werden, die auf Verlangen zu beglaubigen sind. (3) Die zuständige Behörde gestattet auf Antrag ohne Darlegung eines berechtigten Interesses Einsicht in folgende Angaben zu den in § 75 Absatz 2 Nummer 1 genannten Bergbauberechtigungen: 1. Inhaber, 2. Felder, auf die sich die Bergbauberechtigung bezieht, 3. Datum der Beantragung und der Erteilung, 4. Laufzeit sowie 5. Bodenschatz, auf den sich die Bergbauberechtigung bezieht. § 3 Absatz 2 des Umweltinformationsgesetzes ist entsprechend anzuwenden. Die zuständige Behörde kann die in Satz 1 genannten Angaben öffentlich einsehbar machen. Die Einsicht in weitere Angaben nach Absatz 1, die Anforderung von Auszügen nach Absatz 2 und die Gestattung der Einsicht oder die Veröffentlichung von Angaben auf Grund der Zustimmung des betroffenen Unternehmers oder auf Grund anderer Vorschriften bleiben unberührt.Yes
GhanaMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)NoneNoneNoneYes
GhanaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (A)All/nearly allWebContracts are availble on the Ghana Petroleum Register (General) Regulations,%202018%20(L.I%202359).pdf
201820(1) The petroleum register established under section 56 of the Act shall include a record of the following: (a) petroleum agreements...
20(4) The petroleum register shall be open to the public
GreecePetroleumEuropeSomeWebLease agreements are available on the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Website:

First international licensing round (3 documents):

Second international licensing round (1 document):

Licensing Round after Individual Express of Interest for 3 Onshore Blocks (3 documents):
Needs further researchNo
GuatemalaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allWebContracts are published for exploitation phase projects

Contracts are published for exploration phase projects
RequireHydrocarbons Law, Decree no. 109-83 (1983)
1983Artículo 16.- ESTIPULACIONES MINIMAS Y APROBACION DE LOS CONTRATOS. Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo 66 de esta ley, las estipulaciones mínimas de los demás contratos de operaciones petroleras, así como los contratos celebrados conforme aquellas, siempre que se ajusten a la ley, serán aprobados por Acuerdo Gubernativo en Consejo de Ministros, publicados, a costa de los interesados, en el Diario Oficial y en dos de los de mayor circulación en el país.Yes
GuatemalaMiningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneYes
GuineaMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)All/nearly allWebOver 80 contract documents are available on an official resource contracts platform
RequireMining Code of the Republic of Guinea (2011)
2011Article 18 : Convention minière
... Dans un délai n’excédant pas sept (7) jours ouvrables à compter de la date de sa signature, la Convention minière signée est soumise à l’avis juridique de la Cour Suprême. Après l’émission d’un avis favorable par la Cour Suprême, la Convention minière est transmise pour ratification à l’Assemblée Nationale. Après signature, la Convention minière sera publiée sur le site Internet officiel du Ministère en charge des Mines, ou tout autre site désigné par le Ministre. Après ratification, la Convention minière sera publiée dans le Journal Officiel et le site Internet officiel du Ministère en charge des Mines, ou tout autre site désigné par le Ministre.
GuineaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)All/nearly allWebTwo production sharing agreements (CPPs), and one amendment for contracts that are no longer active have been published on the national petroleum office website. No new contracts have been signed.
RequirePetroleum Code of the republic of Guinea (2014)
2014Article 21: ... Tout Contrat Pétrolier, y compris ses annexes, doit en outre être publié sur le site internet de l’Administration Pétrolière dans les dix (10) jours suivant sa date de prise d’effetYes
GuyanaMIningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneYes
GuyanaPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allWebPetroleum Contracts are published on the Department for Public Information Website
HondurasPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allGazette/webThe only petroleum contract in the country has been disclosed and is published in the national gazette July 25, 2013
RequireHydrocarbons Law (1984)1984According to Article 40, of the hydrocarbons law, contracts will published in the official newspaper "La Gaceta". "Artículo 40 La duración del periodo de exploración será de cuatro (4) años, a partir de la fecha de publicación del contrato de operación, en el diario oficial "La Gaceta". Si al vencimiento de los cuatro (4) años no se ha determinado producción comercial, no obstante haberse cumplido el programa exploratorio mínimo, el Estado, a solicitud del contratista, podrá prorrogar hasta por dos (2) años el periodo de exploración. Para solicitar la prorroga, el contratista presentará a la consideración de la secretaria de recursos naturales un programa exploratorio mínimo adicional."Yes
HondurasMiningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneNoneYesAccording to EITI Validation process, the Government of Honduras supports and practices contract transparency. Contractual arrangements in the mining sector are uniform per the mining law and available publicly.
IcelandPetroleumEuropeAll/nearly allWebOrkustofnun has granted three licences for exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Dreki Area. One of the licences was relinquished in January 2015, the second licence was relinquished in January 2017 and the third licence was relinquished in January 2018.
Needs further researchNo
IndiaMiningSouth AsiaNoneNoneNoneNo
IndonesiaMiningAsia Pacific NoneNoneNoneYes
IndonesiaPetroleumAsia Pacific NoneNoneNoneYes
Iraq (Kurdistan)PetroleumMENASomeWeb42 contracts as well as amendements have been published on Ministry of Natural Resources website. There have been no disclosures of documents dated after 2011. Agreements made after this date do not appear to have been disclosed.
Requires publication of termsKurdistan Oil and Gas Law (2007)

2007Article 52... The Minister shall make available to any member of the public, within a reasonable period of time of a request having been made by that person, summary details of: (a) the Authorisations (and amendments, whether or not terminated) and unitisation agreements; (b) an approved Development Plan; and (c) all assignments and other dealings consented to in respect of Authorisations, subject to their commercial terms and conditions; and (d) Petroleum OperationsYes
Kyrgyz RepublicMiningEurasiaSomeWeb1 contract disclosed, published on parliamentary website
RequireKYRGYZ REPUBLIC LAW On Subsoil, 19 May 2018, # 49
2018Article 41: (6) All licenses and license agreements the rights for subsoil use, which have been previously granted by means of tenders or auctions shall be posted on the official website of the public authority for subsoil use within 6 months of the effective date of this Law.Yes
Lao PDRMiningAsia PacificNoneNoneNoneNo
LebanonPetroleumMENAAll/nearly allWebPSAs have been published on the Lebanese Petroleum Administration Website No. 84 Issued on the 10th of October 2018
Enhancing Transparency in the Petroleum Sector
2018Article 9 – Awarding Petroleum Rights
1- The Council of Ministers, when awarding Petroleum Rights, pursuant to the stipulations of the applicable legislations, shall adhere to the following procedures:
- Respect the principle of free, fair and unbiased competition between all the petroleum companies participating in the licensing round in order to obtain a Petroleum Right.
- Publish the Model of the Exploration and Production Agreement (EPA) prior to awarding the Petroleum Right.
- Publish the final results of the licensing round.
- Publish the Exploration and Production Agreement (EPA) signed by the Right Holders.
- Disclose all the information related to granting, transferring and waiving Petroleum Licenses to the qualified companies.
LiberiaMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)SomeEITI siteSeveral documents disclosed, published on the national EITI website. EITI validation notes "the list of contracts that have been disclosed does not appear to be comprehensive".
RequireLeiti Act (2009)
20093.2Without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 3.1, the spe- cific objectives of the LEITI shall include, but not be limited, to the following:
(f) To promote the public disclosure of contracts and concessions bearing relationship with the extraction of forest and mineral resources.'

4.1 In pursuing its objectives, as set forth in Section 3.0 herein, the LEITI shall
perform the following functions:
(f) To serve as one of the national depositories of all concessions, contracts, and licenses and similar agreements and rights granted by the Government of Liberia to individuals and companies, grant members of the public access to such concessions and agreements in keeping with their status as public documents.
LiberiaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (A)SomeEITI siteContracts for 9 non-active blocks have been published on the national EITI website. Though there are currently no active contracts in Liberia, some non-active contracts are not included on the EITI website.
RequireLeiti Act (2009)

Petroleum Act (2014)

200964.2 The Authority shall make available to the public on the Authority website and by any other appropriate means, and shall provide to the LEITI Secretariat for publication on the LEITI website in accordance with LEITI policy all announcements of public hearing issued under this Act, as well as full copies of the following documents within twenty days from the date of signature, issue, approval or receipt:
(a) this Act and any regulation issued hereunder;
(b) all petroleum rights granted under this Act, including all annexes and schedules thereto;
(c) all amendments, assignments and termination notices in respect of all petroleum rights;
(d) the then-current model petroleum agreement;
(e) decisions to open up new areas for petroleum operations;
(f) the pre-qualification guidelines and the registry of pre-qualified applicants, the tender protocol, the bid assessment report and the winning bidder announcement, in relation to each licensing round; all ESIAs and ESMPs, and amendments thereto;
(h) all joint operating agreements among entities comprising a contractor in which NOCAL or any other entity of the State is a participant, and all unitization agreements between contractors to the extent necessary to show all matters affecting the allocation of costs, revenues and production; and
(i) all other documents required to be published under the provisions of this Act.
MadagascarMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneNoneYes
MadagascarPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneNoneYes
MalawiPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (A)All/nearly allResourceContracts.org3 PSAs were placed on by the MWEITI Secretariat after official approval by the government
MalawiMiningSub Saharan Africa (A)SomeResourceContracts.org2 contracts disclosed, published by government in machine-readable format on
MalaysiaMiningAsia PacificNoneNoneNoneNo
MaliPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneNoneYesThe 2015 EITI report notes on pp25-26: The CPC model provides for Article 7 (7) that the contracting parties undertake to consider as confidential, and not to communicate to third parties, all or part of the documents and samples relating to oil operations, for a period of (5) years from the date on which the said documents and samples provided, and in the event of surrender of a zone from the date of the said waiver. However, this limitation may be waived when the agreement of the company is obtained.
MaliMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeEITI site12 contracts available on the EITI website
MauritaniaMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeWebThree mining contracts have been published on the EITI website
NoneYesFrom 2015 EITI report p37 - Mining conventions follow a standard form that is public. Only paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 64 of the convention, relative, respectively, to a contribution for the use of all public infrastructures, for the achievement of the millennium goals and for the social development fund, are subject to negotiation
MauritaniaPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeWebTotal and Kosmos contracts have been published on the EITI website
NoneYesFrom 2015 EITI report p.50 - Regarding the Government's position regarding the publication of the terms of the CEP, it It should be noted that PIUs contain sensitive economic terms for some operators and whose publication may potentially impact them. As a result, the State does not publish not this information leaving operators the choice to publish or not their terms (eg KOSMOS Energy publishes this information). At the internal level, a presentation report containing all the contractual terms sent to Parliament after the signature of each new CEP.
MexicoMiningLatin America and the CarribeanNoneNoneRequireLEY MINERA, Última Reforma DOF 11-08-2014
2014Artículo 46.- La Secretaría llevará el Registro Público de Minería en el que deberán inscribirse los
actos y contratos que a continuación se mencionan:
VI. Los actos o contratos relativos a la transmisión de la titularidad de concesiones o de los
derechos que de ellas deriven, los de promesa para celebrarlos, los gravámenes u obligaciones
contractuales que se constituyan en relación con las mismas, así como los convenios que los afecten;
Fracción reformada DOF 28-04-2005
Artículo 48.- Toda persona podrá consultar el Registro Público de Minería y solicitar a su costa
certificaciones de las inscripciones y documentos que dieron lugar a las mismas, así como sobre la
inexistencia de un registro o de inscripciones posteriores en relación con una determinada
MexicoPetroleumLatin America and the CarribeanAll/nearly allWebSince 2013, all final, signed asignaciones issued to Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) are published by the Ministry of Energy (Secretaría de Energía, SENER),

The National Hydrocarbons Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos, CNH) publishes results of all petroleum bid rounds on the RondasMexico website.

LEY DE HIDROCARBUROS, Última reforma publicada DOF 06-11-2020
29.2 Información Pública. Sin perjuicio de lo previsto en la Normatividad Aplicable, salvo por la Información Técnica y la propiedad intelectual, toda la demás información y documentación derivada del presente Contrato, incluyendo sus términos y condiciones, así como toda la información relativa a los volúmenes de Hidrocarburos Producidos, pagos y Contraprestaciones realizadas conforme al mismo, serán considerados información pública. Asimismo, la información que sea registrada por el Contratista en el sistema informático que ponga a disposición el Fondo para la determinación de Contraprestaciones, podrá ser utilizada para cumplir con las obligaciones de transparencia existentes en la Normatividad Aplicable siempre que no vulnere la confidencialidad de la Información Técnica ni la propiedad intelectual.

Artículo 89.- Corresponderá a la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos poner a disposición del público, de forma mensual, al menos la siguiente información:
III. El número de los Contratos para la Exploración y Extracción que se encuentran vigentes, así como sus términos y condiciones;

IV. El número de autorizaciones que haya otorgado y se encuentran vigentes, así como sus términos y condiciones;
MongoliaMiningEurasiaSomeWebInvestment agreements for Oyu Tolgoi are published on the Oyu Tolgoi website. A further group of contracts, mostly local development agreements are published on Mongolia Resource Contracts, a website supported by Open Society Forum (OSF Mongolia) in cooperation with the EITI Secretary of Mongolia and the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry (MMHI) with the aim to enhance transparency for contracts in Mongolia’s extractive sector.
MongoliaPetroleumEurasiaSomeWebInvestment agreements for Oyu Tolgoi are published on the Oyu Tolgoi website. A further group of contracts, mostly local development agreements are published on Mongolia Resource Contracts, a website supported by Open Society Forum (OSF Mongolia) in cooperation with the EITI Secretary of Mongolia and the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry (MMHI) with the aim to enhance transparency for contracts in Mongolia’s extractive sector.
MozambiqueMiningSub Saharan Africa (L)All/nearly allWeb5 contracts disclosed, published on the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy website
RequireMINING LAW NO 20/2014
20148.4 Mining contracts must be published in the Boletim da República, preceded by the Administrative Court’s prior approval, within 30 days.Yes
MozambiquePetroleumSub Saharan Africa (L)All/nearly allWeb8 contracts disclosed, published on the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy website
RequirePETROLEUM LAW NO 21/2014
2014Article 28.2. Without prejudice to the safeguarding of information related to trade, strategy and competition in the realm of petroleum operations, the main concession contract is subject to supervision and approval of the authority legally competent for such purposes, as well as the publication of the main terms of the concession contract.YesMegaprojects Law no. 15/2011 available at, includes an article which implies publication of contract terms

Article 23. Sem prejuizo salvaguarda da confidencialidade da informacao comercial estrategica e concorrencial do empreendimento, o contrato principle de ppp celebrado suijeita-se a emissao do visto de fiscalizacao previa pela entidade legalmente competente para esse efeito, bem como a publicacao: (a) dos termos principais do contracto, nomeadamente no boletin da republica e no portal do governo, (b) dos relatorios e balancos contabilisticos relativos a actividade do empreendimento.
MyanmarMiningAsia Pacific NoneNoneNoneYes
MyanmarPetroleumAsia Pacific NoneNoneNoneYes
NetherlandsPetroleumEuropeSomeGovernment Gazette; Ministerial Letters to House of RepresentativesLicenses published after 1965 are published in the government gazette.

For licenses published prior to 1965 and for the Groningen gas field, government payments due as in relation to these licenses are laid out in agreements. Some of these agreements--or parts of them--have been pubished in letters to the House of Representatives from the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate policy. Nevertheless parts of these agreements have been redacted.
New ZealandMiningASia PacificAll/nearly allWebPermits and additional information are available through a permit maps website
Needs further researchNo
New ZealandPetroleumASia PacificAll/nearly allWebPermits and additional information are available through a permit maps website
Needs further researchNo
NigerPetroleumSub Saharan Africa (F)NoneNoneRequireConstitution of Niger (2010)
2010Article 150.
Les contrats de prospection et d'exploitation des ressources naturelles et du sous-sol ainsi que les revenus versés à l'État, désagrégés, société par société, sont intégralement publiés au Journal Officiel de la République du Niger.
NigerMiningSub Saharan Africa (F)SomeGazette1 uranium contract disclosed (now expired), no confirmed disclosures through national gazetteRequireConstitution of Niger (2010)
2010Article 150.
Les contrats de prospection et d'exploitation des ressources naturelles et du sous-sol ainsi que les revenus versés à l'État, désagrégés, société par société, sont intégralement publiés au Journal Officiel de la République du Niger.