A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | |
1 | Efflux of thoracic duct | Into junction of internal jugular and left subclavian | 0.6646612682 | |||||||||||||||||
2 | Branches of left coronary artery | Anterior interventricular (LAD), circumflex | 0.8030900862 | |||||||||||||||||
3 | Muscles supplied by accessory nerve | sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius muscle | 0.7424892182 | |||||||||||||||||
4 | Azygous system | Alternative drainage from thoracic, abdominal and back regions. Azygous vein runs up right side. Join by hemiazygous vein at T9 and by accessory hemiazygous vein at T8 | 0.7355253364 | |||||||||||||||||
5 | Path of R vagus | Right of trachea. Enters thorax at beginning of R subclavian | 0.62732461 | |||||||||||||||||
6 | Fissures of the lungs | Oblique (both), plus transverse (right only) | 0.02730439174 | |||||||||||||||||
7 | Transverse section | NO. It's an AXIAL section | 0.3031057531 | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Masseter muscle | zygomatic arch and maxilla => coronoid process and ramus of mandible | 0.5089095056 | |||||||||||||||||
9 | Innervation of SCM | motor: accessory nerve; sensory: cervical plexus | 0.04172103695 | |||||||||||||||||
10 | Lingula | Projection of the upper lobe of the left lung that serves as the homologue of the middle lobe | 0.581745908 | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Branches of subclavian artery (5) | VITamin C and D. Vertebral artery, Internal thoracic artery, Thyrocervical trunk, Costocervical trunk, Dorsal scapular artery | 0.87819733 | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Sphenoethmoidal recess | Narrow recess above the superior concha into which the sphenoidal sinus opens | 0.4448910058 | |||||||||||||||||
13 | How to find the coronary sinus | Follow the crista terminalis | 0.1059981193 | |||||||||||||||||
14 | Types of atrial septum defect | Ostium primum ASD, Sinus venosus ASD, Ostium secundum ASD (incl. PFO) | 0.007859546611 | |||||||||||||||||
15 | Aortic sinuses and functions | Posterior (=> left coronary), Anterior (=> right coronary), Non-coronary | 0.8492895098 | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Ansa cervicalis | Loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus. Lies superficial to the internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath. | 0.516757849 | |||||||||||||||||
17 | Path of umbilical arteries | Up median umbilical ligament (covered by median umbilical folds); Up anterior abdominal wall to umbilicus | 0.1601496909 | |||||||||||||||||
18 | Where does the aorta bifurcate? | L4 (umbilicus) | 0.2482599483 | |||||||||||||||||
19 | Fate of thyrocervical trunk | Divides into inferior thyroid artery, suprascapular artery and transverse cervical artery | 0.7054611696 | |||||||||||||||||
20 | Blood supply to the lungs | Descending aorta => Bronchial arteries => Lungs | 0.3020821388 | |||||||||||||||||
21 | Internal thoracic artery | Arises from 1st part of subclavian. Branches into musculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries | 0.295362951 | |||||||||||||||||
22 | Location of AV node | Wall of RA, just anterior to opening for coronary sinus | 0.2443457878 | |||||||||||||||||
23 | CN XI | Accessory | 0.8730023866 | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Things crossing the 1st rib | Subclavian vein => anterior scalene => subclavian artery => brachial plexus => scalenus medius | 0.7083180205 | |||||||||||||||||
25 | Site of chest drain tube | In the mid- or anterior- axillary line, behind pectoralis major (to avoid having to dissect through this thick muscle). On expiration, the diaphragm rises to the 5th rib at the level of the nipple, and thus chest drains should be placed above this level. Practically, the highest rib space that can be easily felt in the axilla (usually the 4th or 5th) is the most appropriate. | 0.2598907093 | |||||||||||||||||
26 | Cervical plexus | Formed from anterior rami of C1-C4. C2-C3 => head and neck. C3-C4 => shoulder and chest. | 0.7730431565 | |||||||||||||||||
27 | Palatine uvula | Conic projection from the posterior edge of the middle of the soft palate, composed of connective tissue containing a number of racemose glands, and some muscular fibers (musculus uvulae) | 0.8240343591 | |||||||||||||||||
28 | Paranasal sinuses | Frontal, Ethmoidal, Sphenoidal, Maxillary | 0.1324901005 | |||||||||||||||||
29 | Muscular triangle | Bounded in front by the median line of the neck from the hyoid bone to the sternum; behind, by the anterior margin of the Sternocleidomastoideus; above, by the superior belly of the Omohyoideus. | 0.2164105684 | |||||||||||||||||
30 | Moderator band | (septomarginal trabecula). Muscular band of heart tissue found in the right ventricle. Carries part of the right bundle branch of the AV bundle to the anterior papillary muscle (short-cut => coordinated contraction) | 0.4968296671 | |||||||||||||||||
31 | Location of cardiac plexus | Behind aortic arch. Above pulmonary trunk bifurcation; anterior to tracheal bifurcation | 0.5781356797 | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Medial umbilical ligament | Obliterated part of the umbilical artery | 0.9827376157 | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Origin of S4 | Turbulent blood flow from atria to ventricles. Occurs before S1 - at the end of diastole | 0.8443101297 | |||||||||||||||||
34 | Facial artery | Branch of the external carotid artery that supplies structures of the face. Cervical and facial branches | 0.2412298211 | |||||||||||||||||
35 | Surfaces of the lungs | Costal, Vertebral, Diaphragmatic, Cardiac | 0.4151207508 | |||||||||||||||||
36 | Oblique pericardial sinus | Bounded by the 4 pulmonary veins. Blind. | 0.9201427152 | |||||||||||||||||
37 | Sinus Venosus | Only found in the embryonic heart, between the two venae cavae. Incorporated into the wall of the right atrium to form a smooth part (the sinus venarum), separated from the rest of the atrium by the crista terminalis | 0.00006336300247 | |||||||||||||||||
38 | Waldeyer's tonsillar ring | Lymphoid tissue ring located in the pharynx and to the back of the oral cavity. Comprises Pharyngeal, Tubal, Palatine and Lingual tonsils | 0.5852615009 | |||||||||||||||||
39 | Between which two vessels does the upper part of the left vagus run? | Between common carotid and subclavian arteries | 0.6024674848 | |||||||||||||||||
40 | Septum secundum | Semilunar in shape. Grows downward from the upper wall of the atrium immediately to the right of the primary septum and ostium secundum. Shortly after birth it fuses with the primary septum, and consequently the foramen ovale is closed. Fusion may be incomplete => upper part of the foramen remains patent. | 0.1411865551 | |||||||||||||||||
41 | Drainage of anterior cardiac veins | Directly into RA | 0.6498399925 | |||||||||||||||||
42 | CXR interpretation | Name, Date, AP/PA, Air, Bones, Cardiac, Diaphragm, Extras (ABCDE) | 0.952852444 | |||||||||||||||||
43 | Heart holes | Foramen ovale => fossa ovalis | 0.2074933323 | |||||||||||||||||
44 | Layers of innermost intercostals | Transversus thoracis (anterior), intercostalis intimi (middle), subcostalis (posterior; often cross more than one intercostal space) | 0.5143397186 | |||||||||||||||||
45 | Trabeculae carnae | Rounded or irregular muscular columns which project from the inner surface of the right and left ventricles of the heart | 0.07071615585 | |||||||||||||||||
46 | Pectinate muscles | In R atrium. => ridged appearance in front of crest. Confined to the inner surface of the auricula in L atrium | 0.5270342664 | |||||||||||||||||
47 | Cause of tachycardia in PE | Right sided heart failure causes less blood to get to the left side of the heart => hypotension and reflex tachycardia. If the RV pressure is very high, the intraventricular septum may impinge on the LV cavity leading to further compromise on LV function | 0.6122299762 | |||||||||||||||||
48 | Anterior intercostal branches | Arrise from the internal thoracic artery to supply the upper five or six intercostal spaces | 0.4087085231 | |||||||||||||||||
49 | Sympathetic trunk | paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx. | 0.3803315926 | |||||||||||||||||
50 | Path of left phrenic | Along L side of L subclavian. Crosses L vagus superficially as it approaches aortic arch. Crosses anterior to root of L lung; descends across pericardium to diaphragm | 0.473761339 | |||||||||||||||||
51 | Nerves of the thoracic wall | Intercostal, Long thoracic, Medial and Lateral pectoral, Dorsal scapular, Thoracodorsal | 0.178048891 | |||||||||||||||||
52 | Fate of costocervical trunk | Split => highest intercostal artery and deep cervical artery | 0.6083220211 | |||||||||||||||||
53 | Innervation of the heart | T1 - T4 | 0.299564832 | |||||||||||||||||
54 | Transverse pericardial sinus | Runs between pulmonary artery/aorta and vena cava. Continuous. Useful in surgery to occulde blood flow | 0.158490259 | |||||||||||||||||
55 | Drainage of great cardiac vein | Area supplied by left coronary artery. Forms main tributary of coronary sinus | 0.6174408783 | |||||||||||||||||
56 | Choice of vein for coronary bypass | Great saphenous. Same diameter, few valves. | 0.7925593804 | |||||||||||||||||
57 | Pericardial layers | Fibrous, serous. Serous => visceral and parietal. Parietal is fused to fibrous. | 0.678774141 | |||||||||||||||||
58 | Coronary sinus | Located in the right atrium. Runs transversely in the groove between the left atrium and ventricle on the posterior surface of the heart. Opens into the right atrium, between the inferior vena cava and the atrio-ventricular orifice, just superior to the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve. Protected by a semicircular fold of the lining membrane of the auricle, the coronary valve (the valve of Thebesius) | 0.2661950059 | |||||||||||||||||
59 | Submental triangle | Bounded behind by the anterior belly of the Digastricus; in front by the midline of the neck between the mandible and the hyoid bone; below, by the body of the hyoid bone; floor is formed by the Mylohyoideus | 0.02195530089 | |||||||||||||||||
60 | Origin of umbilical artery | One of the first branches of the internal iliac | 0.6813806638 | |||||||||||||||||
61 | Nerves of the thorax | Sympathetic trunk, Phrenic nerve (L + R), Vagus nerve (L + R) | 0.7253793582 | |||||||||||||||||
62 | Longus colli muscle | Transverse processes of C5 to T3 => anterior arch of atlas | 0.9942819161 | |||||||||||||||||
63 | Umbilical artery in the adult | Branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. Gives rise to the superior vesical arteries. In males, it also gives rise to the artery to the ductus deferens. | 0.1681552674 | |||||||||||||||||
64 | Branches of descending thoracic aorta (7) | Bronchial, Oesophageal, Pericardial, Mediastinal, Posterior intercostals (9 pairs), Subcostal, Superior phrenic | 0.09343854558 | |||||||||||||||||
65 | Interventricular grooves | Anterior longitudinal sulcus is situated on the sternocostal surface of the heart, close to its left margin. Posterior longitudinal sulcus is on the diaphragmatic surface near the right margin. | 0.05903552801 | |||||||||||||||||
66 | Commonest site for lung abscess formation in supine position | Right lower lobe | 0.7779076607 | |||||||||||||||||
67 | Grooves of the 1st rib | anterior groove transmits the subclavian vein, the posterior the subclavian artery and the lowest trunk of the brachial plexus | 0.6775471275 | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Paraumbilical veins | Within round ligament and median umbilical ligament. Establish anastomoses between the veins of the anterior abdominal wall and the hepatic portal, hypogastric, and iliac veins. Contribute to caput medusae | 0.8458122941 | |||||||||||||||||
69 | CN X | Vagus | 0.6903763663 | |||||||||||||||||
70 | Parotid papilla | small elevation of tissue that marks the opening of the parotid duct on the inner surface of the oral cavity just lateral to the 2nd maxillary molar | 0.3284925528 | |||||||||||||||||
71 | Buccinator muscle | alveolar processes of the maxillary bone and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe => fibres of orbicularis oris | 0.8417942312 | |||||||||||||||||
72 | Plexuses of the thorax (3) | Oesophageal, Pulmonary, Cardiac | 0.6360197645 | |||||||||||||||||
73 | Layers of the heart + their blood supply | Epicardium and myocardium: perfused by coronary arteries. Endocardium: no blood supply; act as barrier layer vs deoxygenated blood. cf hard to treat endocarditis | 0.7702814109 | |||||||||||||||||
74 | CN VIII | Vestibulocochlear | 0.1187601575 | |||||||||||||||||
75 | Drainage of accessory hemiazygous vein | Fifth through eighth intercostal spaces. Receives posterior intercostal veins from the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th intercostal spaces between the left superior intercostal vein and highest tributary of the hemiazygos vein | 0.4411261072 | |||||||||||||||||
76 | Divisions of coronary artery | Right coronary => marginal artery, posterior interventricular artery. Left coronary => anterior interventricular artery (LAD), circumflex artery | 0.7901267363 | |||||||||||||||||
77 | Parotid duct | AKA Stensen's duct. Route that saliva takes from the parotid gland into the mouth. Opens into the vestibule of the mouth next to the maxillary second molar tooth | 0.4888485324 | |||||||||||||||||
78 | Submandibular triangle | Bounded above, by the lower border of the body of the mandible, and a line drawn from its angle to the mastoid process; below, by the posterior belly of the Digastricus; in front, by the anterior belly of the Digastricus | 0.8314240337 | |||||||||||||||||
79 | Course of hemiazygous vein | Left ascending lumbar vein/renal vein => left crus of diaphragm => ninth thoracic vertebra => across vertebral column, behind aorta/oesophagus/thoracic duct => azygos vein | 0.6817061903 | |||||||||||||||||
80 | Papillary muscles | Attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves (a.k.a. the mitral and tricuspid valves) via the chordae tendinae and contract to prevent inversion or prolapse of these valves | 0.03518737441 | |||||||||||||||||
81 | Sinus venosus | Incorporated into the wall of the right atrium => sinus venarum. Separated from the rest of the atrium by the crista terminalis. Also forms the SA node and the coronary sinus. | 0.8167285204 | |||||||||||||||||
82 | Ostium primum atrial septal defect | Defect in the atrial septum at the level of the tricuspid and mitral valves | 0.7036805869 | |||||||||||||||||
83 | CN III | Oculomotor | 0.4568225633 | |||||||||||||||||
84 | Sequence of chest Xray interpretation | AP/PA, Rotation, Penetration, Kyphotic/lordotic, Exposure | 0.2599135227 | |||||||||||||||||
85 | Pain felt with aneurysm of ascending aorta | Chest pain radiating to back | 0.876206282 | |||||||||||||||||
86 | Branches of right coronary artery | Marginal, posterior interventricular | 0.1459568664 | |||||||||||||||||
87 | Parasympathetic innervation of the thyroid | superior laryngeal nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve. | 0.4971175653 | |||||||||||||||||
88 | Passage of thoracic duct | Between oesophagus and descending thoracic aorta | 0.564384504 | |||||||||||||||||
89 | Pericardial sinuses | Transverse and oblique | 0.6053889821 | |||||||||||||||||
90 | Innervation of the pleura | Visceral: poor. Parietal: better | 0.490900615 | |||||||||||||||||
91 | Ligamentum venosum | Remnant of ductus venosus | 0.6166742919 | |||||||||||||||||
92 | Constrictions of the oesophagus | Pharyngeal, Aortic, Diaphragmatic | 0.7677732949 | |||||||||||||||||
93 | CN II | Optic | 0.03608841893 | |||||||||||||||||
94 | Groups of intercostal arteries | Highest intercostal artery (first and second intercostal spaces); Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery (upper five or six intercostal spaces); Posterior intercostal arteries (posterior wall) | 0.2373893736 | |||||||||||||||||
95 | Carotid triangle | Bounded posteriorly by the Sternocleidomastoideus; inferiorly, by the superior belly of the Omohyoideus; superiorly, by the Stylohyoideus and the posterior belly of the Digastricus | 0.184628764 | |||||||||||||||||
96 | Hiatuses of the diaphragm | IVC (T8), Oesophagus (T10), Aorta (T12) | 0.9424791598 | |||||||||||||||||
97 | Bones of the zygomatic arch | zygomatic process of temporal bone and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone | 0.9444613309 | |||||||||||||||||
98 | Path of right phrenic nerve | Down R brachiocephalic vein and SVC. Runs anterior to root of R lung, across pericardium to diaphragm | 0.6943741232 | |||||||||||||||||
99 | Supplied by infraorbital nerve (3) | Inferior eyelid, nose, upper lip | 0.1560787938 | |||||||||||||||||
100 | Orbicularis oris muscle | Maxilla and mandible => skin around lips | 0.4737202617 |